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We all know that all living things has dna whether it is animals. DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic
acid. It also called “ molecule of life”. DNA contains the information of heritable in all cells. Each
DNA strand consists of two strands of nucleotide twisted together. DNA is replicated before a cell
divide. Each nucleotide consist of phosphate group, pentose sugar and nitrogen base. RNA stands
for (Ribonucleic Acid). It is single stranded. If the strand of dna consists of nucleotides, in RNA the
strand has a backbone made of alternating sugar (ribose) and phosphate groups. Each sugar has
four base adenine (A), Uracil (U), cytosine (C) and guanine (G).

DNA and RNA has different structure and functions. DNA shows how the humans or animals
reproduce even when dies. Because of this complementary base pairing, the order of the bases
in one stand determines the order of the bases in other strand. RNA converts al the information
of DNA into protein. Also the role of RNA is “ DNA photocopy” and DNA carries the viral genetic
information. RNA also plays a role in regulating cellular processes from cell division,
differentiations, and growth to cell aging and death.

They also have differences and similarities. The differences is DNA is doubled- stranded and
stable under alkaline conditions while RNA is not stable. DNA uses bases Adenine (A), Thymine
(T), Guanine (G) and Cytosine (C) while RNA uses Adenine (A), Uracil (U), Guanine (G) and
Cytosine (C). One of the most significant similarities between DNA and RNA they both have
phosphate backbone to which the base attach.

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