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Activity 4


Part 1
1. According to your experience, describe the way in which a researcher must
interpret the obtained data of a specific population.

When it comes to data, it can be useful to analyze it in three steps:

1. Analyze
Examine each component of the data to draw conclusions. Do you notice any
pattern or trend? Can you see any errors or inconsistencies?
2. Interpret
Explain what these findings mean in the given context. What does this mean to
your reader? What story does the data tell?
3. Present
Select, organize, and group ideas and evidence logically. Which findings are
most relevant or important? Will the text or graphics make the meaning clear to
the reader?

2. Widely justify your answer to each of the following questions:

o Do you think the researcher should just stick to the reality? Yes, maybe not
always but yes

o Do you consider convenient to know the points of view of the population

regarding the obtained information? Yes, I do, it is important to know their

o Would you consider the opinion of the population being studied even if you
consider it incoherent? Of course, like I said it is important to have their
opinion even if its incoherent, at least you’ll know how they feel about it.

o What aspects of the opinion of the investigated people would you validate
to provide information and what aspects would you not validate?
Well, if they saw it in person then I could have a more detailed opinion of
the facts, therefore I could take their opinion into account, what I would not
take into account would be when the people who were there start making
their crazy theories and the information begins to be a bit incoherent and
not very credible, like manipulating the facts
Part 2
3. To continue with the activity, find information about a social phenomenon
specific to your state.
4. Determine the methodology you will follow to extract the gathered information
about the social phenomenon.
5. Apply the methodology to explain that social phenomenon according to the
population being studied, considering:
o Government perspective (Etic)
o Social perspective (Emic)
6. Write the different perspectives that include causes, effects and treatments of
each one.
7. Write your conclusions about how these perspectives impact the gathered

Well, I choose the black Thursday in Culiacan, On October 19, 2019, during the
rescue of the son of Joaquín 'El Chapo' Guzmán, shootings in different parts of the
city left thousands of defenseless citizens, dozens of soldiers detained and
criminals who escaped from prison. That Thursday of 2019, images and audios
began to circulate of burning cars and men with high-caliber weapons circulating
without discretion through the streets of Culiacan, this was a cause for alarm, even
for the inhabitants of Culiacan, accustomed to the violence that leaves the drug
trafficking The Sinaloa cartel had taken the city in order to rescue Ovidio Guzmán
López, after he was captured by a Navy operation, the bullets and terror did not
stop until the Government ordered his release. Personally, I was very scared
because my dad was not at home, that feeling of unsafety that I couldn’t protect my
own family or myself was so horrible, and I think that’s how the families here in
Culiacan lived it too, and the worst part is that nowadays, 2 years later, it is still
remembered by the population with fear, “That day we learned that the one who
rules in Sinaloa is the narco and today we know that what happened on October 17
can happen again at any time if organized crime wants to,” says Kevin, a local red
note reporter.

That day, Kevin was at ground zero of the conflict, as far as a large part of the
more than 300 hitmen that the Sinaloa Cartel mobilized to free Ovidio Guzmán. A
year later he remembers how in search of the news he sought refuge in the
Sinaloa Prosecutor's Office and had to walk over dozens of shell casings.

Miriam Ramírez, coordinator of the #JuevesNegro NuncaMás campaign, is

convinced that if the same conditions of insecurity continue to prevail in Sinaloa,
this could happen again.

"We have no doubt that a situation of this magnitude could be repeated at any
time, since the power of organized crime was demonstrated and the inability of
local authorities was also demonstrated," she said.

According to a detailed report from the federal government, 'Black Thursday' left 8
dead, in addition to 19 wounded. However, the Government of Sinaloa maintains
that there were 13 deaths, 3 of them civilians unrelated to the clashes.

This dance of figures reflects the lack of control experienced in those hours, in
which the Government first remained silent and then presented various versions of
the events.

First they pointed out that soldiers had found Guzmán by chance at a home, but
the next day they corrected themselves by assuring that it was a capture operation
to comply with an extradition order from the United States.

In addition, the head of the Army, Luis Cresencio Sandoval, admitted that the
operation was "hasty and poorly planned" and that Guzmán had to be released
due to the violent response of the assassins.

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said that the release was agreed by the
security cabinet, but last June he rectified by assuring that he himself gave the


In conclusion I think that these perspectives can distort the reality, and misinform
people who want to be truly informed on some occasions, of course there are
exceptions and there are always people who only share true information.

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