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Gin's Fate

Character Introductions:

Matsumoto Rangiku: Lieutenant of the 10th Division, this willful beauty’s figure is second to
none throughout the entire Gotei 13. After losing her childhood friend Gin, she now feels an
emptiness that she cannot fill.

Kira Izuru: Ichimaru Gin’s direct subordinate, Lieutenant of the 3rd Division. Even though he
possesses strength and knowledge befitting his position, his air seems to give people the
impression that he tends to rely on others.

[Two Lonely Souls’ Wild Drunken Night]

M: Hey hey Izuru! You haven’t drunk enough yet, right?

K: Nope, I’m still drinking, see! (Hiccup)

M: If you drink it all in one gulp, I’ll pour the next one for you myself~ ☆

K: Thank you… I’m always receiving Matsumoto-san’s encouragement…

M: What – the, speaking in such a sad tone of voice! Clearly, you haven’t had enough yet!
Come on…

K: No, Matsumoto-san, if I have more then I’m afraid…

M: I will take care of you until the very end, so today drink your fill!!

K: Okay, okay. Well then, following through is better than being deferential…

M: Oh~~ Izuru, I didn’t expect you to be able to drink this much! Keep drinking, just like that!
Mana~ger~ heat more sake! I want the big jugs! And plates of capelin too!

K: But Matsumoto-san… why have you always been so good to me? After I did such a horrible
thing to you before-

M: That’s all in the past. Besides, this isn’t just for you… it’s because I myself want to drink!!

[Izuru, Blind Admiration]

M: Say, after you had been betrayed, you were still so obedient towards Gin. Why did you
still have so much faith in that guy? What exactly was so good about him?

K: Even though Ichimaru-taichou always looked like that, he was really a very kind and warm
person. He just wasn’t very good at displaying it and his outer persona was very easily
misunderstood, but he was really very kind and warm.

M: Ah! He was very kind to you too?

K: Of course! Did you know that behind the Third Division’s barracks, there are some
persimmon trees? Every year when they bore fruit, Captain would always make tons of dried
persimmons himself.

M: On this topic, Izuru you often brought some to share with us.

K: Also, he was always telling me to eat more, and even if I said that I had enough, Captain
would still tell me not to be polite and eat more… Even though in the end my stomach felt
like it would burst – Captain, he was so kind.

M: Eating like that gave you diarrhea though.

K: Eh…that’s very true. He also completely trusted me as his lieutenant, and let me take care
of all business within the division… Even though he never complimented me, he also never
interfered at all with my work… Isn’t that enough to see that as a boss, how kind and
accepting he was?

M: Enough to befuddle you.

K: Anyway, he was an ideal boss to me. And I still feel exactly the same about him – even
though there’s a little bit of disappointment, I hope I will be able to trust Captain until the
very end.

M: Kira… You…

K: Come on! I’m going to drink my fill today! And I have Rangiku-san here with me!!!

M: Of course! Today we’re going to try our hardest to drink our fill ☆

K: I do want to hear Rangiku-san’s story. Weren’t you childhood friends with Captain?

M: That’s right. Gin saved me when I was starving and couldn’t get up.

[Things Lost and Things Gained]

M: Back then he was one completely incomprehensible guy. He was the one who saved my
life, and of course I was grateful. But, there was just one thing, I wish he wouldn’t play games
and just say what he really thought.

K: Hiccup… that is to say. Captain, he, was a bit… Hiccup, like that.

M: My apologies~! Bring another jug of sake! Cold sake is fine, as long as it’s here fast~!

K: Huhuhu… Ichimaru-taichou… Why…

M: In the end, he still saved my life. And this time, that guy still sacrificed himself to save the
whole world – what a fool.

K: Huhuhu… I wish I could see Captain again…

M: He was always leaving all of a sudden, always vanishing without warning…but now that I
think about it, that was just his style. So he didn’t leave you anything either? What a willful
fellow. Why couldn’t he leave just some tiny thing by our side! Just thinking about it makes
me even more mad… Come, Kira!! Drink up! I haven’t poured the next cup yet!

K: Okay, okay… (Hiccup)

M: Come on… ah oops, it leaked out… Hahahaha. At least it’ll dry after a while.

K: Huhuhu… it’s completely wet…

M: Izuru, did you know? We are both here because of Gin. Both you and me. As long as
you’re alive, then so is Gin. And if you want to be with Gin longer, even for just a little bit,
then live just a little bit longer.

K: But Captain is no longer here…?

M: That’s why I said that he’s with us! Perhaps…this is what he left to us.

K: …Ah.

M: Hm?

K: I remembered a haiku. “Ah – wet the sleeve, tears become sake.”

M: Hey, Izuru you!

K: Ha, ha. What…?

M: Like I said, you can’t go on like this, being all melancholy and indecisive! All we can do for
Gin is to be happy from the bottom of our hearts, every single day!

K: ….

M: He would never leave me anything, the things I still wanted to do for Gin -


M: Ah… had too much? …Sorry. Manager – bill please - !!!

Which Bleach character are you? Personality quiz:
Birthday is 12th of April 1980 → 1+9+8+0+4+12=25 → 2+5=7
7 and if your blood type is B, you are like Rukia

Character profiles:
Group number 1
Izuru (AB)
知的好奇心が強い - Has strong intellectual curiosity
大器晩成 - Late bloomer, "Grate talents mature late"
組織で活躍 - Active in organization
努力家 - Hardworking person

Nanao (O)
一生懸命 - Tries as hard as one can
情が深い - Has deep emotions
おおらか - Composed, calm
現実的 - Realistic

Shinji (B)
楽天家 - Optimist, easy-going person
新しい物が好き - Likes new things
ユーモアがある - Has humour
好き嫌いが明確 - Has clear likes and dislikes

Ichigo (A)
真面目 - Serious, earnest
極端 - Extreme
遅咲き - Late bloomer
押しに弱い - Pushover

Group number 2
Tousen (AB)
頭の回転が速い - Quick thinker
合理主義 - Rationalism
観察力 - Observation ability
無駄が嫌い - Hates uselessness

Yachiru (O)
不正が嫌い - Hates injustice
行動的 - Is active
お喋り - Talkative
面倒見が良い - Very helpful

Kon (B)
おだてに弱い - Weak for flattery
お喋り - Talkative
自然体 - Relaxed
自信家 - Has a great faith in himself

Isshin (A)
おだてに弱い - Weak for flattery
お喋り - Talkative
素直 - Honest, obedient
誠実 - sincare, honest faithful

Group number 3
Nnoitra (AB)
ストレート - Straightforward
自分流 - Doing everything your own way
分析能力がある - Has an ability to analyse
二面性 - Two-faced nature

Harribel (O)
正義感 - Sense of justice
裏表がない - Isn't two-faced
リーダー - Leader
ロマンチスト - Romantic

Starrk (B)
独断 - Dogmatic
自由 - Free
面倒見が良い - Very helpful
社交的 - Sociable

Hitsugaya (A)
正義感 - Sense of justice
ストレート - Straightforward
芯が強い - Strong core
純粋 - Pure, genuine

Group number 4
Urahara (AB)
駆け引き上手 - Skillful tactics
問題意識が強い - Has strong awarness of the issues
独自の発想 - Original ideas
協調性がある - Co-operative

Gin (O)
仲間意識が強い - Strong fellow feeling
負けず嫌い - Hates to lose
サポート役 - Supporting role
努力家 - Hardworking

Tensa Zangetsu (B)

切り替えが早い - Replaces fast
自然体 - Relaxed
サポート - Supports
隙間産業 - Good at catching opprtunities

Renji (A)
協調性がある - Co-operative
優柔不断 - Indecisive
ノーと言えない - Can't say no

Group number 5
Byakuya (AB)
目立つポジション - Standing out position
頭脳明晰 - being clearheaded; having a keen (sharp, brilliant) mind
客観的 - Objective
なんでもできる - Is able to do anything

Hollow Ichigo (O)

自己中心 - selfishness, egoism
いつも明るく - always cheerful/bright
目立つ存在 - Standing out existance
主役 - Leading role

Aizen (B)
自己中心 - Selfishness, egoism
目立つ人 - Standing out person
行動力 - Ability to take action, energy
発想力 - Power of idea

Hisagi (A)
器用 - Skillful, handy
真面目 - Serious, earnest
円満な人間関係 - Peaceful human relations
恋に燃え過ぎる - Gets too fired up in love

Group number 6
Hinamori (AB)
マイペース - Does things at her own pace
知的好奇心が旺盛 - Full of inquisitiviness
冷静な判断をする - Makes calm decisions
器用 - Skillful, handy

Nell (O)
正義の味方 - Supporter of justice
困難に立ち向かう - Fights against difficulties
仲間意識が高い - Fellow feeling is valuable
マイペース - Does things at her own pace

Yoruichi (B)
自由奔放 - Free and uncontrolled
フットワーク - Footwork
素早い - Quick
自信家 - Has a great confidence in herself

Grimmjow (A)
飽きっぽい - Gets bored easily
フットワーク - Footwork
逆境に燃える - Gets fired up in adversities
責任感がある - Has a sense of responsibility

Group number 7
Orihime (AB)
忍耐強い - Persevering, very patient
存在感がある - Has a strong presence
頭脳明晰 - Being clearheaded; having a keen (sharp, brilliant) mind
芸術の才能がある - Has talent for art

Omaeda (O)
実は負けず嫌い - Hates losing
仲間意 - Fellow feeling
努力家 - Hardworking
自分勝手 - Selfish

Rukia (B)
存在感がある - Has a stong presence
忍耐力がある - Has fortitude
暜投は温和 - Usually gentle
堅苦しい事が嫌い - Hates formal things

Ikkaku (A)
本質を見せない - Doesn't show his true nature
忍耐強い - Persevering, very patient
信頼がある - Has confidance
陰の努力家 - Hardworker in the background

Group number 8
Mayuri (AB)
好き嫌いが激しい - Passioned about likes and dislikes
余計な一言 - Does not say more than necessary
自信家 - Has a great confidence in himself
感性が異常 - Abnormal sense

Soifon (O)
真っすぐな性格 - Straightforward personality
自分勝手 - Selfish
左右される - Temperament
気分屋 - Moody

Rangiku (B)
お調子者 - Gets carried away easily
ワガママ - Selfishness, egoism
好き嫌いが激しい - Passioned about likes and dislikes
プラス思考 - Positive thinker

Kenpachi (A)
同じ事を繰り返す - Repeats same things
好き嫌いが激しい - Passioned about likes and dislikes
自分勝手 - Selfish
マイペース - Does things at his own pace

Group number 9
知識欲がある = Having desire/thrist for knownledge
完璧主義 = Perfectionism
駆け引き上手 = Skillful at tactics/strategy
頭の回転が速い = Intuitive/Sharp Instinct/Quick thinker

Hanataro (O)
Hanatarou: PPl around depend on him.her, doesn't mope around, diligent, hate cheating

Ishida (B)
人任せにできない - Can't leave it to others
クール - Cool
完璧主義 - Perceftionism
反感を買う - Provokes antipathy

Chad (A)
クール - Cool
真任感が強い - Strong feeling of responsibility
働き者 - Hard working person
悲観主義 - Pessimist
Translated by Lumi

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