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Pres. Quirino Treasured Child School, Inc.

Purok Capilar, Polacion, President Quirino, Sultan Kudarat, Philippines

Government Recognition No: Kindergarten SK469030 – 113 S. 2021 | Elementary SK469030 – 086 S. 2021 | Junior High School: SK469030 – 041 S. 2021
SHS Permit to Operate ABM & GAS: SHS-R12-132 S 2016 | SHS Permit to Operate STEM & HUMSS: SHS-R12-015 S 2021
Tel. No. (064) 562-5989 | Mobile No: +63967-958-4548 | e-mail: |

1st Quarter Examination Donna Flor S. Nabua

English Subject Teacher
Grade 5 – St. John
September 29-30, 2022

Name:____________________________________________________ Score:_____________

Test I
Direction: Complete the sentences by encircling the correct modal in the parentheses.

1. He (could, can) be exhausted after the long trip to Bicol.

2. She (might, may) prefer to rest in the resort house.

3. You (should, might) walk along the shore and enjoy the sunset.

4. Some burglars (might, could) enter your house and steal your belongings.

5. You (should, could) research the weather up there to be prepared.

6. You (must, can) take your cellphone with you.

7. Hiking Mt. Pulag (could, can) be risky if you are not used to mountain climbing.

8. When your parents leave, you (must, might) stay in your house.

9. Your mom (might, should) call you anytime.

10. (Could, Can) we pull over at the next gasoline station?

Test II.
Direction: Read the following sentences and choose the correct conjunctions on the box. Write
your answer in the space provided.
or and for so but although whether if while before nor
yet after

1. Rona does not want to go to school, ___________ she is not feeling well.

2. __________ you leave, please sign in the logbook.

3. I like milk, _________ I do not like coffee.

4. Sarah is sleeping ___________ Candy is watching movies.

5. Mark is early for school, ________ he eats his snacks.

6. Either we will go to the market ___________ we will see a movie.

7. Casey washes the dishes ___________ she does not want her mother to be mad.

8. _____________ they like it or not, they have to attend the birthday party.

9. ___________ my mother allows me; I will join in my friends’ dinner later.

10. You should not be late for class, _________ you will be punished by your adviser.

Test III.
Directions: Read and analyze each sentence. Write P if the figure of speech used is
personification, M if metaphor, or S if simile.
________1. His love for his mother is like a red rose.

________2. You are my sunshine.

________3. Malla’s hair is as black as coal.

________4. The trees danced as the wind sang.

________5. Her voice is a lullaby.

________6. Stars wink at the moon every night.

________7. Mrs. Antonio’s stare is as cold as ice.

________8. Tori is drowning in a sea of grief because she lost her beloved dog.

________9. The leaves formed a circle as the wind passes by.

________10. Rabbits played hop scotch.

Test IV.
Directions: Identify each sentence and group of words. Write onomatopoeia, alliteration or
assonance in the space provided.

___________________1. I bought a bag of big bell peppers.

___________________2. Squeak Squeak the mouse ran under the bed skirt.

___________________3. The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew.

___________________4. Little Red Riding Hood, slept soundly in the bed.

___________________5. He slammed the door so hard, the bang echoed through the building.

___________________6. The sly snake slithers slowly in the sand.

___________________7. The girls voice cracked as she tried to use it for speech.

___________________8. Jack took his duck by the neck and stood it on a rock.

___________________9. Mike likes his new bike.

___________________10. Sheep should shower in a shed.


“Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.” – Winston Churchill

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