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Key Book 3

M. Arshad Usman
© Gohar Publishers
Associated companies, branches and representatives throughout the
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system or by any means, electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording, translating, or otherwise, without the prior
written permission of the publishers.

No. Subject Page.
1 How to Take care of your Computer 3
2 Learning Mouse skills Through the 7
Zuma Game
3 Personalization your Computer 9
4 Working with Windows 14
5 Management of Files and Folders 19
6 Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing 24
7 Model Papers 28

Project Directors: Abu Zar Ghaffari Gohar

Altaf Hussain Gohar
Project Manager: Tariq Mehmood Syan
Author: M. Arshad Usman
Graphic Designer: Saifullah Khan
Printing Manager: Zaheer Ahmad

Prepared at:
7/C-Marther Street, Lower Mall, Lahore. Tel:+924237358207

Printed in Lahore, Pakistan at Aizaz-ud-Din Press

ISBN 969-526-152-5
How to Take Care of
Your Computer?
A. Answer the following questions.
1. How can you keep your computer clean.
A. You can do the following to keep your computer
●● Dust your computer often.
●● Keep it covered when not in use.
●● Clean it once a day before starting your
●● Keep the work area clean.
2. What care should you take while eating or
drinking near your computer?
A. Follow these steps to take care while eating or
●● Eat or drink away from your computer.
●● Don't spill anytime on the computer.
3. How to shut down your computer properly?
A. Save your work and close all the open applications
before you shut down your computer.
4. Why should you not touch the LCD screen?
A. It may leave fingerprints there, therefore avoid
touching the monitor's screen.
5. Make three suggestions to use devices properly.

Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3 3

●● Don't use damaged cables.
●● Don't put anything other than a disc in the
disc drive.
●● Keep the magnets away from your computer
or hard disk.
B. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.
1. Keep your computer in a well-ventilated area.
2. Do not spill anything on the computer.
3. Do not press the mouse buttons hard.
4. Hold discs by the edges.
5. Magnets can erase data on your computer.
C. Tick () the true and cross () the false
1. Keep the work area clean.
2. Eat and drink near your computer.
3. Strike hard on the keyboard.
4. Do nor try needles, etc, in the holes in the
5. Keep all programs open before you shut
down your computer.

4 Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3

D. How would you save your computer and other
devices? Tick () the right one.

Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3 5

E. Match the Column A with the Column B.

Column A Column B

ventilated area cool PC

away from the

food or drink

do not press mouse buttons hard

close all programs before shutdown

Lab Activities
1. Go to your computer lab. Manage the uncovered
A. Cover all computers with the piece of cloth.
Computer dust covers are also available in the
market. Ask your teacher to purchase these
covers from the market it they are not available in
the lab, then cover the computers with the piece
of cloth.
2. Clean the computers in the lab with the help of
your friends.
A. Clean your computers with a soft piece of cloth.
Don't spray water on your computer. Remember
to switch the computer off before cleaning it.

6 Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3

Learning Mouse Skills
Through the Zuma Game
A. Answer the following questions.
1. What is Zuma?
A. Zuma is a game played on the computer using
the mouse.
2. How is the Zuma game launched form the Start
A. Follow these steps to launch the Zuma game
from the Start button:
1. Click the Start button. 2. Point to All Programs.
3. Point to Zuma Deluxe. 4. Click Play Zuma
Deluxe. The game window opens.
3. What is the purpose of the INSTRUCTIONS
A. The INSTRUCTIONS screen tells the users how to
play the game.
4. Write the names of different power balls in the
Zuma game.
A. Slowdown, Explosion, Reverse, and Accuracy are
power balls in the Zuma game.
5. Write the names of different bonuses in the
Zuma game.
A. Coin bonus, Combo bonus, Chains, Gaps, Ace
Time are different bonuses in the Zuma game.
B. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.
1. Each stage consists of different levels.
Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3 7
2. The frog in the center has a ball in its mouth.
3. A combo occurs when you cause two or more
explosions by firing a single ball.
4. If you can finish a level really quickly, you may
qualify for an Ace Time bonus.
5. Shoot coins to gain extra points.
C. Tick () the true and cross () the false statements.
1. Do not let the balls reach the skull.
2. The explosion does not destroy all the balls
in its radius.
3. The power balls will not turn back into
normal balls after a while if you don't use
4. All stages in the Gauntlet mode are locked.
5. Press the 'Z' key to see how much time
remains to get the Ace Time bonus.

Lab Activities
1. You have learned how to start the Zuma game.
Similarly, start some other game in your computer,
for example, the Minesweeper.
A. You can open a game by clicking the Start button. A
menu opens, click All Programs, and click Games. Here
are many games including Minesweeper.
2. Play the Zuma game in the presence of your teacher.
Try to get more Ace Time bonuses.
A. Go to your tab and play the zuma game again and
again. It will also improve your clicking speed.

8 Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3

Personalising your Computer
A. Answer the following questions.
1. What is a desktop theme?
A. The desktop theme is the overall view of the
desktop. A theme determines the look of
various graphic elements of your desktop. These
elements include the icons, fonts, colors, and the
background and screen saver pictures.
2. How does the Personalization window open?
A. Follow these steps to open the Display Properties
dialog box:
1. Right-click an empty area on the desktop. A
menu appears.
2. Click Properties in this menu. The Display
Properties dialog box opens.
3. Which button on the Personalization window is
used to change the wallpaper?
A. The Appearance tab is used for this purpose.
4. Define a screen saver.
A. When you do not use the computer for a specified
time, a moving picture or pattern appears on the
screen, it is called the screen saver.
5. How you can change the desktop icons? Write
the method.
A. Follow these steps to view more or less icons on
the desktop:
1. Click an empty area on the desktop. A menu
Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3 9
2. Click Properties in this menu. The Display
Properties dialog box opens.
3. Click the Desktop tab.
4. Click Customize Desktop button. Another
dialog box opens. This dialog box has a Desktop
Icons area. The icons' names visible on the
desktop have a check mark in front of them.
The icons which are not visible on the desktop
do not have this check mark. The check mark
appears or disappears by clicking it.
5. Clear the check mark on the icon name you do
not want to view on the desktop.
6. Make appear the check mark if you want to
make the icon visible on the desktop.
7. Click OK after making the settings.
8. Click Apply. The changes get applied.
9. Click OK. The Display Properties dialog box
B. Fill in the blanks with proper words.
1. Center position adjusts the background image
in the center of the desktop.
2. Higher resolution makes items on the screen
appear smaller.
3. A theme is an overall view of the computer.
4. Click OK to apply settings or Cancel to cancel
the settings.
5. Screen resolution determines the amount of
information that appears on your screen.
10 Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3
C. Tick () the true and cross () the false
1. Change background color comes only
after selecting Fit or Center position.
2. Click the theme you want to apply. You
can preview the result in the Preview area
in the dialog box.
3. Stretch position spreads the background
image on the whole desktop area.
4. Click the Screen Saver drop-down arrow.
A list of wallpapers appears.
5. Click Cancel. The changes get applied.

Lab Activities
1. Change the theme of the desktop.
A. Follow these steps in order to changes the theme
of the computer:
i. Right-click at an empty area of the desktop, a
menu opens.
ii. Click Personalize, a windows opens.
iii. There are 3 types of themes. Just left-click the
theme you like and the themes is changed

2. Change the desktop background. Apply it in

Center, Tile and Stretch position resolution.
A. To change the desktop background:
1. Right-click at an empty area on the desktop. A
menu appears.
Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3 11
2. Click Personalization in this menu. The 'change
the visuals and sounds on your computer'
window opens.
3. Click the desktop background Choose your
desktop background window opens. Now
you can select any picture from the box below
Picture location.
4. Click a picture to make it your desktop
background, or select more than one picture
to create a slide show.
5. Click ̔ Save changes ̕ button to apply the
changes you have made.
There is a small box on upper left corner of each
picture, when you click in this box, it gets checked and
a small tick appears there.
There’s a drop-down menu named Picture
location that shows you the standard Windows
locations for appropriate images.
You can select any option from this menu.
Clicking more than one picture creates a slide
show and that pictures are replaced one by one
automatically on your desktop.
To apply it is Center, Tile and Stretch positions,
click the button below the Picture position. A
menu opens, apply all three positions one by one.
3. Set a picture in your computer as the desktop
A. To set a picture as the desktop background, follow
12 Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3
these steps:
1. Go to the location where picture is stored.
2. Double-click the picture to view it.
3. Right-click on the picture view. A menu
4. Click Set as desktop background. The picture
gets applied as the desktop background.
4. Change the screen resolution.
A. To change the screen resolution:
1. Right click at an empty area on the desktop. A
menu appears.
2. Click Personalize in this menu. Personalization
window opens.
3. Click the Display button at the lower left
4. Click Adjust resolution, and click dropdown
menu of Resolution.
5. Now select the desired resolution.
5. Turn off the screen saver and then turn it on
A. 1. Open screen saver settings.
2. Do one of the following:
a. To turn off a screen saver, in the Screen saver
list, click (None), and then click Apply.
b. To turn on a screen saver, in the Screen
saver list, click any screen saver, and then
click Apply.

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Working with Windows
A. Answer the following questions.
1. From which locations can you open a program?
A. We can open a program from following difference
i. from the desktop
ii. from the Start menu.
iii. from the Search box.

2. How do you open the Search box?

A. Click the Start button to open the search box.
Start menu opens, There is the search box in this
3. Define the following: drive, file, folder.
A. Drive: A drive is a partition of the Hard disk.
Data is stored on it. We may have different drives
on our computer.
File: A file is the collection of actual data
stored. Each file has its particular name.
Folder: Folder are named locations on computer
to store data. The folder is also called directory.
4. How is a Local Disk drive different from a CD/
DVD Drive?
A. Local Disk drive is used to store data on the
computer where as the CD/DVD drive is used to
read data stored in CD/DVD Rom.
5. What should you do if the desired file or folder
14 Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3
appears before the search completes?
A. We can stop typing if the desired file or folder
appears before the search completes.
B. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.
1. Double-click a program icon. The program
2. Click the Start button. The Start menu opens.
3. In the Computer folder, the left side called
Navigation pane.
4. The extension is an information about the
program that can open the file.
5. Click the Stop button on the left pane. Further
search stops.

C. Tick () the true and cross () the false

1. No program can be opened from the
2. Clicking the Start button opens the
Start menu.
3. Each drive is not represented by its
name and icon.
4. CD-DVD drive reads data from the CD-
DVD-ROM inserted in it.
5. 'Location' is another word for a 'folder'.

Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3 15

D. Label the different parts of the Explorer
Title bar Menu bar Tool bar Address bar Search box




Details Pane

Preview pane
Navigation pane Contents of a resource

Computer folder

Lab Activities
1. Open the Paint program from the following
location: Start menu, Search box.
A. Follow these steps to open the Paint from the
Start menu:
i. Click the Start button, the Start menu opens.
ii. Click Accessories, another menu open
iii. Click the Paint program icon, the program
16 Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3
Follow these steps to open the Paint from the
search box:
i. Click the Start button, the Start menu opens.
ii. There is a search box below the All Programs
iii. Write Paint in the search box, and the icon of
the Paint appears on the top of the list. Click
it, and the Paint opens.
2. Create a desktop shortcut for the Paint program.
A. Follow these steps to create a desktop shortcut:
i. Click the Start button, the start menu opens.
ii. Click All Programs and then click Accessories,
another menu opens.
iii. Right-click the Paint program icon. A menu
iv. Move your pointer to Send to, another menu
v. Click Desktop create shortcut, and a shortcut
is generated on the desktop.
Now you can open Paint program by double-clicking
the shortcut on the desktop.
3. Search for a file or folder told by your teacher or
instructor using the Computer folder
A. i. Open the Computer folder by double-clicking
Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3 17
the icon of the Computer on the desktop.
ii. There is a search box on the top-right corner
of the folder. Type the name of the file or
folder told by your teacher and the search
results appear below.

18 Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3

Management of File and Folders
A. Answer the following questions.
1. Write a method for deleting file or a folder.
A. Follow these steps to delete a file or folder:
i. Click a file or folder.
ii. Press the Delete key, a confirmation box
iii. Click Yes, the file or folder gets deleted.

2. How do you restore a deleted item from the

Recycle Bin?
A. Follow these steps to restore a deleted item from
the Recycle Bin:
i. Open the Recycle Bin.
ii. Double-click an item to restore, a dialog box
iii. Click the Restore button.
iv. Click OK, the dialog box closes and the item
gets restored.

3. How can you tackle the following error dialog:

"The destination already contains a folder
A. You can handle this problem in any of the
following ways:
• Change the name of the new item or already
Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3 19
stored file or folder.
• Change the location for storage.

4. What is the difference between copying and

cutting a file/folder?
Copying the files Cutting the files
Copying is getting an Cutting is getting the
exact image of the item. item.
Copying keeps the item Cutting removes the
on its original location item from its original
and places another location and moves
image of the data on the item to another
another location. location.
5. What is the default folder name for a newly
created folder?
A. The default name for a new folder is New Folder.

B. Tick () the true and cross () the false

1. When you click the Delete button, no
confirmation box appears.
2. The deleted items move to the my
Documents folder.
3. Deleted items can sometimes be
restored from the Recycle Bin.
4. Shift+Delete command moves the
selected item to the Recycle Bin.
5. The default name for a new folder is
'New Folder'.
6. F2 key is used to rename the selected
20 Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3
7. When you cut a file, it also remains at its
original location.

Lab Activities
1. Create a folder with your name on the desktop.
A. Follow these steps to create a folder with your
name on the desktop:
Go to the desktop.
i. Right-click an empty area on the desktop, a
menu opens.
ii. Point the mouse pointer to New, another
menu opens.
iii. Click Folder, a folder gets created with
the name New Folder. The folder name is
iv. Type your name and press the Enter key. The
folder gets created.

2. Delete the folder created with your name.

A. Follow these steps to delete the folder:
i. Right Click a file or folder, a menu opens.
ii. Press the Delete key, a confirmation box
iii. Click Yes, the file or folder gets deleted. It
moves to the Recycle Bin.

Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3 21

3. Restore the deleted folder from the Recycle Bin.
A. Follow these steps to restore the folder:
1. Open the Recycle Bin.
2. Double-click the folder to restore, a dialog
box opens.
3. Click the Restore button.
4. Click OK, the dialog box closes and the item
gets restored.
4. Create a file with your name, delete it, and then
permanently remove if from the Recycle Bin.
A. Follow these steps to create a file with your name:
1. Go to the location where you want to create
the file.
2. Right-click an empty area, a menu appears.
3. Point to New, another menu opens.
4. Click the type of file you want to create. A file
gets created with a default name.
5. Type new name for the file and press the
Enter key. The file gets created.
Delete the file by following the activity 2.
Follow these steps to permanently remove the
file from the computer or Recycle Bin.
1. Open the Recycle Bin.
2. Right-click the item you want to remove
from the computer permanently.
3. Click Delete, a confirmation box appears.
4. Click Yes, the item gets permanently removed
from the computer.
5. Copy a file or folder from one location and paste
it to another location specified by your teacher
22 Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3
or instructor.
A. Follow these steps to copy a file or folder to
another location:
1. Go to the location where the file is stored.
2. Right-click an item and click the Copy option.
3. Go to the location where you want to store
the copy of the item.
4. Right-click an empty area and click Paste.
The copied item gets pasted there.

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Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing
A. Answer the following questions.
1. What is a typing tutor?
A. A typing tutor is a program used for learning
typing. It has typing lessons, tips, and typing
games. It can be used to practice typing.
2. What is the start up screen?
A. This is the screen that informs of the program
and its version. This screen appears when the
program starts.
3. How many keyboard types can you practice in
Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing?
A. There are three keyboard types in Mavis Beacon
Teaches Typing program.
4. How is the typing speed described?
A. Typing speed is described in terms of words per
minute. It is the number of words a user can type
on average in a minute. We can write it as wpm.
5. What is the use of reports?
A. Reports give details of the user's typing progress.
6. How do you return to the Home screen anytime
while learning through Mavis Beacon Teaches
A. Clicking the Home button on the top left of the
program window opens the Home screen.
7. How do you pause your lesson plan?
A. Clicking the PAUSE button pauses the lesson. The
24 Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3
user can later resume his lesson or start it again.
8. Write about the typing area.
A. This area is like the keyboard with all the keys.
When the user presses a key on the keyboard, the
respective key on the typing area gets highlighted.
B. Fill in the blanks by using the appropriate
1. Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing lets you practice
in two languages: English and Español.
2. Typing speed for an intermediate user is 40
words per minute.
3. Click Typing Games on the Home screen to
start playing games.
4. Start button is on the upper left edge of the
5. PERCENT COMPLETE displays the lesson
completed in terms of percentage.
6. LESSON HISTORY informs you about the
drills you have taken.
C. Tick () the true and cross () the false
1. You do not have a desktop shortcut for
Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing program.
2. WPM is short for words per minute.
3. Language and audio settings can be
adjusted on the Reports screen.
4. The test should be taken before learning
Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3 25
all keys.
5. Play typing games by typing characters.

Lab Activities
1. Complete your first lesson in the presence of
your teacher. Consult him/her if you have any
A. Click Take a Lesson button and complete your
first lesson.
2. Learn how to keep your hands on keyboard keys
and how to control different keys on different
A. Rest your fingers on the keyboard by the following
way on the Home Row:
Left hand:
Little finger: A key
Ring finger: S key
Middle finger: D key
Index finger: F key
Right hand:
Little finger: Semicolon key (;)
Ring finger: L key
Middle finger: K key
Index finger: J key
• The thumbs are kept above the keyboard or
over the Spacebar.
• Right index finger extends to H key and left
index finger extends to G key.
• For controlling other keys, get help from your
typing tutor by pressing a key.
26 Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3
3. Take a speed test in the presence of your teacher
after completing the unit.
A. You can take a speed test by clicking the Speed
Test button.
4. Practice typing without looking at the keyboard.
A. Place your fingers on the keyboard as described
in activity 2 and keep practising.
5. Play a typing game after having learnt all the
A. Open Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing and play a
game after clicking Typing Games button.

Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3 27

Model Paper-1
First Term
Time:30 min Computer 3 Objective Marks:20
Q1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word. 10
1. Keep your computer in a well _________________
2. Do not ________________ anything on the computer.
3. Do not press ___________________ buttons hard.
4. Hold discs by the edges.
5. _______________ can erase data on your computer.

Q2. Write T for the true and F for the false

statements. 10
1. Do not let the balls reach the skulls.
2. The explosion does not destroy all the balls in the
3. The power balls will not turn back into normal
balls after a while if you do not use them.
4. All stages in the Gauntlet mode are locked.
5. Press the ‘Z’key to see how much time remains to
get the Ace Time bonus.

Time:30 min Subjective Marks:20

Q1. Why should you not touch the monitor screen? 5
Q2. Make three suggestions to use the devices
properly. 5
Q3. What is Zuma? 5
Q4. Write the names of the different bonuses in the
Zuma game. 5
28 Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3
Time:30 min Practical Marks:10
1. Go to your computer lab and manage the
uncovered computers.
2. Play the Zuma game and try to get more Ace
Time bonuses.

Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3 29

Model Paper-1
Second Term
Time:30 min Computer 3 Objective Marks:20
Q1. Fill in the blanks with proper words. 10
1. _______________ position adjusts the background
image in the center of the desktop.
2. Higher resolution makes items on the screen
appear _____________.
3. Double-click a program icon. The program _______.
4. Click OK to _____________or Cancel to _______________
these setting.
5. Screen resolution determines the amount of
____________________ that appears on your screen.
Q2. Label the different parts of the computer
folder. 5

Details Pane

30 Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3

Q3. Write T for the true and F for the false
statements. 5
1. No program can be opened from the desktop.
2. Clicking the Start button opens the Start menu.
3. Each drive is not represented by its name and
4. CD/DVD drive reads data from the CD/DVD-ROM
inserted in it.
5. ‘Location’is another word for a ‘Folder’.

Time:30 min Subjective Marks:20

Q1. Define a screen saver. 5
Q2. How you can change the desktop icons? Write the
method. 5
Q3. How do you open the Search box? 5
Q4. How is a Local Disk drive different from a CD/DVD
drive? 5

Time:30 min Practical Marks:10

1. Change the theme of the desktop. 3
2. Change the screen resolution. 3
3. Create a desktop shortcut for the Paint program.4

Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3 31

Model Paper-1
Third Term
Time:30 min Computer 3 Objective Marks:20
Q1. Write T for the true and F for the false
statements. 10
1. The deleted items moved to the Documents
2. Shift+Delete command moves the selected items
to the Recycle Bin.
3. Deleted items can sometimes be restored from
the Recycle Bin.
4. The default name for a new folder is ‘New Folder’.
5. When you cut a file, it also remains at its original

Q2. Fill in the blanks.

1. Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing lets you practice in
two languages: English and ____________________.
2. Typing speed for an intermediate user is
_______________ words per minute.
3. Click ____________ on the Home screen to start
playing games.
4. Start button is on the upper ____________ edge of
the Dashboard.
5. PERCENT COMPLETE displays the lesson
completed in terms of ______________________.

Time:30 min Subjective Marks:20

Q1. How can you tackle the following error dialog:
32 Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3
‘The destination already contains a folder named …..”?
Q2. What is the difference between copying and
cutting a file/folder?
Q3. How is the typing speed described?
Q4. Write about the typist area.

Time:30 min Practical Marks:10

1. Complete your first lesson of Mavis Beacon
Teaches Typing. 5
2. Create a folder with your name on the desktop. 5

Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3 33

Model Paper-1
Time:30 min Computer 3 Objective Marks:20

Q1. Match the column A with the column B. 5

Column A Column B

ventilated area cool PC

away from the

food or drink

do not press mouse buttons hard

close all programs before shutdown

Q2. Fill in the blanks. 5

1. Each stage consists of different levels.
2. The frog in the center has a ball in its mouth.
3. A combo occurs when you cause two or more
explosions by firing a single ball.
4. If you can finish a level really quickly, you may
qualify for an Ace Time bonus.
5. Shoot coins to gain extra points.

34 Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3

Q3. Write T for the true and F for the false
statements. 10
1. Change background color comes only after
selecting Fit or Center position.
2. Click the theme you want to apply. You can
preview the result in the Preview area in the
dialog box.
3. Stretch position spreads the background
image on the whole desktop area.
4. Click the Screen Saver drop-down arrow. A list
of wallpapers appears.
5. Click Cancel. The changes get applied.

Time:30 min Subjective Marks:20

Q1. What is a desktop theme? 5
Q2. Define the following: 5
drive, file, folder.
Q3. How do you restore a deleted item from the
Recycle Bin? 5
Q4. What is the use of reports? 5

Time:30 min Practical Marks:10

1. Type two sentences without looking at the
2. Open the Paint program from the following
Start menu, Run command.

Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3 35

Model Paper-2
First Term
Time:30 min Computer 3 Objective Marks:20

Q1. Match the column A with the column B. 5

Column A Column B

ventilated area cool PC

away from the

food or drink

do not press mouse buttons hard

close all programs before shutdown

Q2. How would you save your computer and other

devices. Tick or cross. 5

36 Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3

Q3. Fill in the blanks. 10
1. Each stage consists of different _____________.
2. The frog in the center has a_____________ in its
3. A ___________ occurs when you cause two or more
explosions by firing a single ball.
4. If you can finish a level really quickly, you may
qualify for an____________ bonus.
5. ___________coins to gain extra points.

Time:30 min Subjective Marks:20

Q1. How can you keep your computer clean? 5
Q2. What care should you take while eating or drinking
near your computer? 5
Q3. How is Zuma game launched from the Start
button? 5
Q4. Write names of different power balls in the Zuma
game. 5
Time:30 min Practical Marks:10
1. Play the Zuma game and try to get more Ace
Time bonuses. 5
2. Clean the computers in your lab carefully. 5

Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3 37

Model Paper-2
Second Term
Time:30 min Computer 3 Objective Marks:20
Q1. Write T for the true and F for the false
statements. 10
1. Change background color, comes only after
selecting Fit or Center position.
2. Click the theme you want to apply. You can preview
the result in the Preview area in the dialog box.
3. Stretch position spreads the background image
on the whole desktop area.
4. Click the Screen Saver drop-down arrow. A list of
wallpapers appears.
5. Click Cancel. The changes get applied.

Q2. Fill in the blanks. 10

1. Double-click an application icon. The application
2. Click the Start button. The ___________ menu
3. In the Computer folder, the left-side is called
________ pane.
4. The _________ is the information about the program
that can open the file.
5. Click the ________ button on the left pane. Further
search stops.

Time:30 min Subjective Marks:20

Q1. What should you do if the desired file or folder
38 Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3
appears before the search completes?
Q2. From which locations can you open a program?
Q3. Which button on the Personalization window is
used to change the wallpaper?
Q4. Define a screen saver.

Time:30 min Practical Marks:10

1. Change the desktop background. Apply it in
Center, Tiles, and Stretch positions.
2. Set a picture in your computer as the desktop

Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3 39

Model Paper-2
Third Term
Time:30 min Computer 3 Objective Marks:20
Q1. Write T for the true and F for the false
statements. 10
1. When you click the Delete button, no confirmation
box appears.
2. The deleted items move to the Documents
3. Deleted items can sometimes be restored from
the Recycle Bin.
4. Shift+Delete command moves the selected item
to the Recycle Bin.
5. The default name for a new folder is“New Folder”.

Q2. Fill in the blanks by using the appropriate
1. LESSON HISTORY informs you about the drills
you have taken.
2. Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing lets you practice in
two languages: English and ___________.
3. Typing speed for an intermediate user is __________
words per minute.
4. Click ________ on the Home screen to start
playing games.
5. Start button is on the ________ edge of the

40 Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3

Time:30 min Subjective Marks:20
Q1. Write a method for deleting a file or folder.
Q2. How do you restore a deleted item from the
Recycle Bin?
Q3. How do you return to the Home screen anytime
while learning through Mavis Beacon Teaches
Q4. Write about the typist area.

Time:30 min Practical Marks:10

1. Take a speed test.
2. Delete a folder created with your own name and
restore it from the Bin.

Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3 41

Model Paper-2
Time:30 min Computer 3 Objective Marks:20
Q1. Tick the true and cross the false statements. 5
1. Keep the work area also clean.
2. Eat and drink near your computer.
3. Strike hardly on the keyboard.
4. Do not try needles, etc. in holes in the
5. Keep all programs open before you shut down
your computer.

Q2. Fill in the blanks with the proper words. 10

1. ____________position adjusts the background
image in the center of the desktop.
2. Higher resolution makes items on the screen
appear _________.
3. Double-click Mouse in Control Panel. The
__________ Properties window opens.
4. Click OK to __________ settings or Cancel to
___________ these settings.
5. Screen resolution determines the amount of
______________ that appears on your screen.

42 Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3

Q3. Label the Computer Folder.

Details Pane

Time:30 min Subjective Marks:20

Q1. Define the following: drive, file, folder. 5
Q2. Write the method of creating a desktop shortcut
to a program. 5
Q3. What is the purpose of the Instructions screen in
the Zuma game? 5
Q4. Make three suggestions to use the devices
properly. 5

Time:30 min Practical Marks:10

1. Take a speed test in Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing
and try to avoid errors.
2. Create a file with your name, delete it, and
permanently remove it from the Recycle Bin.

Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3 43

Model Paper-3
First Term
Time:30 min Computer 3 Objective Marks:20
Q1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words. 10
1. Keep your computer in a well _____________ area.
2. Do not ____________ anything on the computer.
3. Do not press _____________ buttons hard.
4. Hold disks by the ___________________.
5. ______________ can erase data on your computer.

Q2. Tick the true and cross the false statements. 10

1. Keep the work area also clean.
2. Eat and drink near your computer.
3. Strike hardly on the keyboard.
4. Do not try needles, etc. in holes in the
5. Keep all programs open before you shut down
your computer.
6. Do not let the balls reach the skull.

7. Explosion does not destroy all balls in its radius.
8. The Power balls will not turn back into normal
balls after a while if you don’t use them.

9. All stages in the Gauntlet mode are locked.
10. Press the 'Z' key to see how much time remains to
get the Ace Time bonus.

44 Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3

Time:30 min Subjective Marks:20
Q1. Write the names of different power balls in the
Zuma game. 10
Q2. Write the names of different bonuses in the Zuma
game. 5
Q3. How to shut down your computer properly? 5

Time:30 min Practical Marks:10

1. Play Zuma game and try to get more Ace Time
bonuses. 5
2. Start a game other than Zuma in your computer
e.g. Minesweeper. 5

Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3 45

Model Paper-3
Second Term
Time:30 min Computer 3 Objective Marks:20
Q1. Write T for the true and F for the false
statements. 10
1. No program can be opened from the
2. Clicking the start button opens the Start
3. Each drive is not represented by its name and
4. CD/DVD Drive reads data from the CD/DVD-ROM
inserted in it.
5. “Location” is another word for a “folder”.
6. Change background color, comes only after
selecting Fit or Center position.
7. Click the theme you want to apply. You can preview
the result in the Preview area in the dialog box.
8. Stretch position spreads the background image
on the whole desktop area.
9. Click the Screen Saver drop-down arrow. A list of
wallpapers appears.
10. Click Cancel. The changes get applied.

Q2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words. 10

1. A _____________ is an overall view of the computer.
2. Double-click a program icon. The program
3. Click the Start button. The ___________ menu

46 Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3

4. Higher Resolution makes items on the screen
5. The ____________ is the information about the
program that can open the file.

Time:30 min Subjective Marks:20

Q1.How do you open the Search box? 10
Q2.How can you change the desktop icons? Write the
method.? 5
Q3. Define drive, file and folder. 5

Time:30 min Practical Marks:10

1. Turn off the screen saver and then turn it on again.
2. Search for a file or folder told by your teacher
using the computer folder.

Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3 47

Model Paper-3
Third Term
Time:30 min Computer 3 Objective Marks:20
Q1. Write T for the true and F for the false
statements. 10
1. F2 key is used to rename the selected item.
2. When you cut a file, it also remains at its original
3. When you click the Delete button, no confirmation
box appears.
4. The deleted items move to the Documents
5. Deleted items can sometimes be restored from
the Recycle Bin.
6. You do not have a desktop shortcut for Mavis
Beacon Teaches Typing program.
7. WPM is short for words per minute.
8. Language and audio settings can be adjusted on
the Reports screen.
9. The test should be taken before learning all
10. Play typing games by typing characters.

Q2. Answer the following short questions. 10

1. What is the start up screen?
2. What is the difference between copying and
cutting a file/folder?
3. What is a typing tutor ?
4. Write about the typist area?

48 Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3

5. What is the default folder name for a newly
created folder?

Time:30 min Subjective Marks:20

Q1.How do you restore a deleted item from the
Recycle Bin?
Q2. Write a method for deleting a file or folder.
Q3. What is the start up screen of Zuma game?
Q4.How many Keyboard types can you practice in
Mavis Beacon teaches Typing?

Time:30 min Practical Marks:10

1. Play a game after having learnt all the keys.
2. Copy a file or folder from one location and paste
it to another location.

Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3 49

Model Paper-3
Time:30 min Computer 3 Objective Marks:20
Q1. Tick () for the true and cross () for the false
statements. 10
1. Strike hard on the keyboard.
2. The explosion does not destroy all balls in its
3. The Power balls will not turn back into normal
balls after a while if you don’t use them.
4. Click the theme you want to apply. You can
preview the result in the Preview area in the
dialog box.
5. Stretch position spreads the background image
on the whole desktop area.
6. Each drive is not represented by its name and
7. CD/DVD drive reads data from the CD/DVD-ROM
inserted in it.
8. Shift+Delete command moves the selected item
to the Recycle Bin.
9. The default name for a new folder is “New Folder”.
10. F2 key is used to rename the selected item.

Q2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.

1. Do not ____________ anything on the computer.
2. Do not press _______________ buttons hard.
3. A ____________ occurs when you cause two or more
explosions by firing a single ball.

50 Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3

4. If you can finish a level really quickly, you may
qualify for an___________ bonus.
5. Click OK to __________ settings or Cancel to
_________ these settings.
6. Screen resolution determines the amount of
____________ that appears on your screen.
7. The _______________ is the information about the
program that can open the file.
8. Click the _____________ button on the left pane.
Further search stops.
9. Click _______________ on the Home screen to
start playing games.
10. Start button is on the ______________ edge of the

Time:30 min Subjective Marks:20

Q1. What is the purpose of the INSTRUCTIONS screen
(in Zuma game)?
Q2. How can we change the desktop icons? Write the
Q3. How is Local Disk drive different from CD/DVD
Q4. What is the difference between copying and
cutting a file/folder?

Time:30 min Practical Marks:10

1. Set a picture in your computer as the desktop
background. 3
2. Create a folder with your name on the desktop. 4
3. Delete the folder created with your name. 3

Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3 51

Model Paper-4
First Trimester
Time:30 min Part A Marks:20
Instructions: Multiple-choice questions are given in
this part. Attempt all questions.
1. Which is NOT a correct way to clean your computer?
(a) keep the work area clean.
(b) dust it often.
(c) wash it with water every week.
(d) keep it covered when not in use.
2. Which is the correct way to eat while working at a
(a) keep food on the screen.
(b) keep food on the keyboard.
(c) keep food on the mouse pad.
(d) keep food away from the computer.
3. How should you use the keyboard?
(a) press keys gently.
(b) press keys hard.
(c) clean keyboard with water and a brush.
(d) keep your books on the keyboard.
4. How should you use a disc?
(a) keep it uncovered.
(b) keep magnets near it.
(c) hold it by edges.
(d) put scratches on it.

52 Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3

5. What should you not do to shut down your
(a) press the Power button.
(b) close all programs.
(c) save your work.
(d) turn off the monitor.
6. What does destroy all the balls in its radius in
Zuma game?
(a) Slowdown (c) Explosion
(b) Reverse (d) Accuracy
7. Match Column A with the Column B and write the
answer in Column C. (8)
i. ventilated area a. disc drive
ii. combo b. LCD
iii. monitor c. coin bonus
iv. ace time d. cool PC
e. two
or more
f. bonus

Part B­‒ Open-Ended Questions

Time: 30 min. Marks: 10
Instructions: This part has 2 open ended questions.
Please use blank space given below the question to
write the answer.
Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3 53
1. (a) Why should you not touch the LCD (2)
(b) What is Zuma? How do you gain Gap (3)
2. (a) Make three suggestions for using discs
properly. (3)
(b) How do you swap balls while playing the
Zuma game? (2)

Part C­‒ Practical Work

Time: 30 min. Marks: 20
1. Clean and arrange a computer and work area in
the lab suggested by your instructor. (10)
2. Play the Zuma game. Use both the left-click
and right-click buttons. Try to score as much as
possible. (10)

54 Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3

Model Paper-4
Second Trimester
Time:30 min Part A Marks:20
Instructions: Multiple-choice questions are given in
this part. Attempt all questions. All questions carry
equal marks.
1. The overall view of the desktop is called:
(a) properties (c) screen saver
(b) background (d) theme
2. Which position of the background adjusts it in
the middle of the desktop?
(a) Tile (c) Stretch
(b) Center (d) Middle
3. What determines the amount of information that
appears on the desktop?
(a) screen resolution
(b) screen Saver
(c) desktop background
(d) background position
4. Double-click Mouse in the Control Panel. Which
window opens?
(a) Mouse Settings
(b) Cursor Properties
(c) Mouse Properties
(d) Mouse Management
5. Click the Screen Saver drop-down arrow. A list of
wallpapers appears.
(a) True
Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3 55
(b) False
6. Desktop (create shortcut) command is used to:
(a) copy desktop items to a certain location.
(b) copy the item to the desktop.
(c) create a link for the item on the desktop.
(d) delete items from the desktop.
7. Where is the start button located usually?
(a) in the bottom left corner
(b) in the bottom right corner
(c) in the top left corner
(d) in the top right corner
8. What is the Run command to open MS Paint?
(a) paint (c) mspaint
(b) ms_paint (d) Microsoft_paint
9. The Run command for opening the Windows
Media Player is
(a) media_player (c) mediaplayer
(b) wm_player (d) wmplayer
10. Which are the two view modes of the Control
(a) Classic/Category (c) Classic/Creative
(b) Classic/Modern (d) Classic/Modified
Part B – Open-Ended Questions
Time: 30 min. Marks: 20
Instructions: This part has 2 open ended questions.
Please use blank space given below the question to
write the answer.

56 Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3

1. (a) Define a screen saver. (2)
(b) What is the Start menu? What is its use? (3)

2.(a) How do three desktop background (3)

positions adjust the image?
(b) From which locations can you open a (2)

Part C – Practical Work

Time: 30 min. Marks: 20
1. Change the desktop background. Apply it
in Center, Tiles, and Stretch positions. (10)
2. Set a picture in the computer as the
desktop background. (5)
3. Create a desktop shortcut for a program
instructed by your teacher. (5)

Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3 57

Model Paper-4
Third Trimester
Time:30 min Part A Marks:20
Instructions: Multiple-choice questions are given in
this part. Attempt all questions. All questions carry
equal marks.
1. The partitions on the hard disk are called:
(a) hard disk drives (c) hard drive
(b) hard disks (d) local disks
2. An item with a name and extension is called
(a) icon (c) file
(b) folder (d) program
3. Which is the extension of some pictures?
(a) exe (b) dll
(c) jpg (d) mif
4. In Windows Explorer, the folders in a drive are
displayed on its
(a) left (c) top
(b) right (d) bottom
5. The Search box appears on the
(a) top right corner (c) bottom right corner
(b) top left corner (d) bottom left corner
6. Deleted items move to the
(a) Taskbar (c) Recycle Bin
(b) Start menu (d) Toolbar
7. Shift+Delete key is used to
(a) remove items permanently from a computer

58 Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3

(b) move items to the Recycle Bin
(c) restore deleted items
(d) delete items and save a copy in another folder
9. Empty the Recycle Bin button is used to
(a) permanently remove items stored in the
Recycle Bin
(b) restore all items from the Recycle Bin to their
original locations
(c) delete items temporarily
(d) create a shortcut at the Start menu
10. Which is the short key to remove items
permanently from the computer?
(a) Alt+Delete (c) Shift+Delete
(b) Ctrl+Delete (d) Ctrl+D

Part B – Open-Ended Questions

Time: 30 min. Marks: 10
Instructions: This part has 2 open ended questions.
Please use blank space given below the question to
write the answer.
1. (a) Differentiate between a file and a folder. (3)
(b) How is a local drive different from a CD/
DVD drive? (2)
2. (a) What is the advantage of moving files to
the Recycle Bin instead of deleting them
permanently? (3)
(b) Give short keys combinations for different
types of deletions. (2)

Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3 59

Part C – Practical Work
Time: 30 min. Marks: 20
1. Label different parts of the Computer folder. (10)
2. Search for a certain file or folder told by (5)
your instructor.
3. Move an item to the Recycle Bin. Then (5)
restore it to its original location.

60 Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3

Model Paper-4
Time:30 min Part A Marks:20
Instructions: Multiple-choice questions are given in
this part. Attempt all questions. All questions carry
equal marks.
1. Which key do you use for renaming a selected
(a) F5 (c) F4
(b) F3 (d) F2
2. Which task moves an item to another location?
(a) Removing (c) Cutting
(b) Copying (d) Renaming
3. On which row does a user rest his hands while
(a) ASDFG row (c) ZXCVB row
(b) QWERTY row (d) Number row
4. Typing speed is measured in terms of
(a) Paragraphs per minute
(b) Lines per minute
(c) Words per minute
(d) Pages per minute
5. The screen that appears when a program starts
and informs of the version of the program is
called the
(a) information screen (c) startup screen
(b) version screen (d) new screen

Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3 61

6. What is this icon of?
(a) Recycle Bin (c) folder
(b) file (d) my Computer
7. Which is the short key to remove items
permanently from the computer?
(a) Shift+Delete (c) Alt+Delete
(b) Ctrl+Delete (d) Ctrl+D
8. Which are the two view modes of the Control
(a) Classic/Category (c) Classic/Creative
(b) Classic/Modern (d) Classic/Modified
9. How should you use a disc?
(a) Keep magnets near it. (c) Keep it uncovered.
(b) Hold it by edges. (d) Put scratches on it.
10. The overall view of the desktop is:
(a) screen saver (c) theme
(b) background (d) properties

Part B – Open-Ended Questions

Time: 30 min. Marks: 10
Instructions: This part has 2 open ended questions.
Please use blank space given below the question to
write the answer.
1. (a) Define the following: Cutting, Copying,
Pasting. (3)
(b) How can you tackle the following
error report: “The destination already
contains a folder named….” (2)

62 Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3

2. (a) What is the Start menu? What is its use? (3)
(b) What is the advantage of moving files to
the Recycle Bin instead of deleting them
permanently? (2)

Part C – Practical Work

Time: 30 min. Marks: 20
1. Test your typing level in the presence of
your instructor using the typing tutor. (10)
2. Copy the file at a certain location told
by your instructor and paste it to the
Desktop. (5)
3. Customize the desktop background. (2)

4. Apply a screen saver. (3)

Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3 63

34 weeks
5/6 days a week Four Terms

1st Term
Ist 1 COMPUTER 5 to 7
Topic # 1 to 5
2nd " Topic # 6 to 8 & Activities 8 to 12
3rd Revision and Test of the Above Topics (Unit 1 )
4th 2 14 to 19
Starting the Game, Playing the Game &
Power Balls
Earning Bonuses, Playing Game in the
5th 20 to 23
" Gauntlet Mode & Activities
Revision and Test of the Above Topics
6th (Unit 2)
7th Preparatory Tests' Week (Unit 1 & 2 Theory & Lab )
8th 1st Term Paper (Units 1 & 2)

2nd Term
9th 3 CURSOR 25 to 35
Customizing the Desktop (1.1 to 1.8)
10th " Customizing the Cursor 36 to 40
11th Revision and Test of the Above Topics
(Units 3 & 4)
12th 4 Topics 1.1 to 1.3 / 2/ 3.1 to 3.5 42 to 58
13th " Activities 59 to 61
Revision and Test of the Above Topics
(Unit 4)
15th Preparatory Tests' Week (Unit 3 & 4Theory & Lab )
16th 2nd Term Paper (Units 3 & 4)

64 Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3

3rd Term
17th 5 63 to 73
Topics 1.1 to 1.4 / 2.1 to 2.2
18th " Topics 3, 4 & Activities 74 to 80
Revision and Test of the Above Topics
(Unit 5)
20th 6
Topics 1.1 to 1.2 / 2.1 to 2.2 & 3.1 to 3.982 to 87
Topics 4.1 to 4.2 / 5.1 to 5.4 / 6 / 7 &
21st 88 to 96
" Activities
Revision and Test of the Above Topics
(Unit 6)
23rd Preparatory Tests' Week (Unit 5 Theory & Lab )
24th Preparatory Tests' Week (Unit 6 Theory & Lab )
25th 3rd Term Paper (Units 5 & 6)

Final Term
26th (REVISI COMPUTER 5 to 12
ON Topic # 1 to 8 & Activities
27th (REVISI Starting the Game, Playing the Game & 14 to 23
ON Power Balls / Earning Bonuses, Playing
Game in the Gauntlet Mode & Activities
Revision and Test of the Above Topics
(Theory & Lab) (Unit 1 & 2)
29th (REVISI 24 to 40
Customizing the Desktop (1.1 to 1.8) /
Customizing the Cursor
30th (REVISI 41 to 61
Topics 1.1 to 1.3 / 2/ 3.1 to 3.5 / Activities
Revision and Test of the Above Topics
(Theory & Lab) (Unit 3 & 4)
Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3 65
32nd (REVISI Topics 1.1 to 1.4 / 2.1 to 2.2 / Topics 3, 4 62 to 80
ON & Activities
29th (REVISI 24 to 40
Customizing the Desktop (1.1 to 1.8) /
Customizing the Cursor
30th (REVISI 41 to 61
Topics 1.1 to 1.3 / 2/ 3.1 to 3.5 / Activities
Revision and Test of the Above Topics
(Theory & Lab) (Unit 3 & 4)
32nd (REVISI Topics 1.1 to 1.4 / 2.1 to 2.2 / Topics 3, 4 62 to 80
ON & Activities
Topics 1.1 to 1.2 / 2.1 to 2.2 & 3.1 to 3.9 /
33rd (REVISI 81 to 96
Topics 4.1 to 4.2 / 5.1 to 5.4 / 6 / 7 &
34th Final Term Paper (Units 1 to 6)

NOTE : Teachers may synchronize this “Scheme

of Study” with our (Term Wise ) “Model Papers”,
according to their specific needs.

66 Gohar Computer Science Key Book - 3

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