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Date: September 17, 2022

{{Postal code}}

{{Postal code}}

Subject: Resignation letter to principal

Dear {{Name}},

I am writing this letter to inform you that I wish to resign from the job post of an {{Job description}}
from [Name school]}, effective from {{Last workday}}. I would like to take this opportunity to first of
all thank you for presenting me with such a valuable platform for practicing my teaching skills and for
having faith in my services.

With this resignation letter, I would like to thank each member associated to this school for their kind
cooperation, motivations and support, during these {{number of years}} years of my teaching career.
I thoroughly enjoyed imparting the best of my knowledge to the students but there are some better
opportunities waiting for me. I am really going to miss the working atmosphere, the school assembly
hours, the get together meetings and every moment that I have spent at your prestigious school.

I request you to kindly finalize the documents of my resignation procedure so that I can join my new
post at the earliest. I wish {{School name}} all the very best for its future achievements.

Thanking you.

Sincere regards,


{{Formal Name}} {{Title}}

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Date: September 17, 2022

{{Postal code}}

{{Postal code}}

Subject: {{Subject}}

Dear {{Name}},

Please accept this letter as a formal resignation from my position as Teacher for the {[Name school]}
School with immediate effect. Today will be my last working day. I regret the inconvenience that this
action will cause the school but I have no choice but to go through with it.

I have not been feeling well from some months and my poor health has begun to affect my work. I
am no longer able to create workable lesson plans or impart lessons like I used to. The appointment I
had with my doctor yesterday forced me to come up with this decision.

I understand that my contract states that I need to provide a one week notice of my intent to leave.
Unfortunately, I will not be able to comply due to my health condition. I am already in touch with the
accounts office to arrange for my final salary. I understand that I will not be eligible for any end-of-
term benefits.

I apologize for not being able to train my replacement but if things do not fall into place, please call
me at {{phone number}} and I will come in and help out as often as my health permits. I would like to
thank you for giving me the chance to obtain an amazing teaching experience.

Sincere regards,


{{Formal Name}} {{Title}}

Page 2 of 7

Date: September 17, 2022

{{Postal code}}

{{Postal code}}

Subject: {{Subject}}

Dear {{Name}},

I am writing this letter to let the school know that I have to leave my position as a {{Job description}}.
Sadly, I have been having health related issues and I feel like it is in best interest to focus on my
health for the moment and to give up my position as a {{subject}} teacher.

Teaching at this school has been a joyful, memorable, and rewarding experience. I gave my students
100% of my knowledge and I watched them as they excelled in education.

While teaching I learned a lot about my personality. Now I realize that the best decision that I have
ever made is to become a {{subject}} teacher and I made an even better decision when I accepted to
teach at this school.

Sadly, I must hand in my resignation letter and I have to add respectfully that I appreciate the chance
of teaching at this school. Hopefully the new teacher who will take my place will have just as much
passion and knowledge for teaching as I did.

Best regards,


{{Formal Name}} {{Title}}

Page 3 of 7

Date: September 17, 2022

{{Postal code}}

{{Postal code}}

Subject: {{Subject}},

Dear {{Name}},

Please accept this letter as my official resignation from my position as {{Job description}} with the
{{Name school}} Elementary School. My final day of employment will be on {{last workday}}. After
much contemplation, I have made the decision to focus my attention on my family's needs at home.

I have thoroughly enjoyed my time here and am honored to have had the chance to touch the lives
of so many children. It has been as much a pleasure to learn from them as it has been to teach them.
Thank you so very much for the opportunity.

I will work hard in my final days of employment to complete all the required paperwork and duties
assigned to me. I am happy to assist in making the transition as seamless as I can. Please let me know
if you need any additional information and do not hesitate to reach out with questions by phone at
{{phone number}} or email at {{email}}.

Yours sincerely,


{{Formal Name}} {{Title}}

Page 4 of 7

Date: September 17, 2022

{{Postal code}}

{{Postal code}}

Subject: {{Subject}}

Dear {{Name}},

This letter shall serve as notification that I am resigning from my position as {{Job description}} with
the {{Name school}} School within the {{School District}}.

The effective date of my resignation is {{Date}}.

Yours sincerely,


{{Formal Name}} {{Title}}

Page 5 of 7

Date: September 17, 2022

{{Postal code}}

{{Postal code}}

Subject: {{Subject}},

Dear {{Name}},

I am writing this letter to let the school know that I have to leave my position. Sadly, I have been
having health related issues and I feel like it is in best interest to focus on my health for the moment
and to give up my position as a {{subject}} teacher.

Teaching at this school has been a joyful, memorable, and rewarding experience. I gave my students
100% of my knowledge and I watched them as they excelled in education.

While teaching I learned a lot about my personality. Now I realize that the best decision that I have
ever made is to become a {{subject}} teacher and I made an even better decision when I accepted to
teach at this school.

Sadly, I must give my resignation letter and I must add respectfully that I appreciate the chance of
teaching at this school. Hopefully the new teacher who will take my place will have just as much
passion and knowledge for teaching as I did.

Yours sincerely,


{{Formal Name}} {{Title}}

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