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Assessment: Early End Punctuation

Ask an adult to read the sentences below. Complete them
with the correct end punctuation: ., !, or ?

I love cake

My name is Jo-Jo .

Do you have school today ?

What time is the soccer game ?


I wore a pink and blue shirt .

Can we see the stars ?

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Sight Words Spelling Quiz
Fill in the circle next to the correctly spelled word.

1. 2. 3. 4.
reale walck they wus
relle walk thay was
really wak thae wuz

5. 6. 7. 8.
there lik come get

thr liek cume jit

thir like com git

9. 10. 11. 12.

hafe som will tat

hav sume wil that

have some wilh tha

13. 14. 15. 16.

said with my ar

sede wif mie are

sed weth mi ary

17. 18. 19. 20.

again duz wunt furst

agin dox want frst

agane does whant first

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In a faraway land, a princess was enjoying the cool evening breeze outside her
family’s castle. She had with her a small golden ball, which she loved to play
with as a way to relax. On one particular toss, she threw it so high in the air
that she lost track of it, and the ball went rolling towards a spring. The ball
plopped into the water and quickly sank out of sight. The princess began
began sobbing in despair, and wished for her toy to return to her.
Then, a small frog popped out from the spring. “What’s wrong beautiful princess?”
asked the frog. The princess wiped away her tears and said, “My favorite golden
ball is gone, and nothing I do will bring it back.” The frog tried his best to comfort
the princess, and assured her that he could retrieve the ball if she would grant
him just one favor. “Anything! I will give you all my jewels and handfuls of
gold!” exclaimed the princess. The frog explained that he had no need for
riches, and only wanted a simple kiss from her in return.The thought of
kissing a slimy frog made the princess shudder, but in the end she agreed, as

into the spring and located the golden ball. In a blink of an eye the frog had
retrieved the ball and returned it to the princess. Keeping her word, the princess
kissed the frog. Suddenly, the ground began to rumble and a haze of smoke
filled the air. To the princess’s surprise, the frog was really a handsome prince
trapped by an evil witch's curse. Her kiss had freed the prince from a lifetime
of pain and misery. The prince and princess became great friends, and
eventually wed in a beautiful ceremony by the spring.

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Find the spelling, grammar, and punctuation mistakes in the paragraph below.
Use proofreading marks to correct them.

Proofreading marks
Capitalize letter Insert period

Lowercase letter , Insert comma

Insert word Correct spellng

The blue crab is named for its blue Claws. Its shell is a mottled
brownish color, and mature females have red on the tips of their
pincers. They live in lagoons and estuaries An estuary is the point
where a rivr meets the sea.
Blue crabs feed on feed on almost anything they cAn catch,
, , ,

as far north as Nova Scotia and as far

south as the Gulf of mexico. Some blue
crab populations are threatened. They
Blue Crab are considered tasty to , so they are a
popular catch for seafood trappers.

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Name Kai Cababactulan Date August 31,2022 Page 1

Narrative Writing: Removing Irrelevant Details

For strong narrative writing, it's important to stay on topic. Irrelevant details, or extra information that is not really
important, can distract the reader from the main idea.

Each paragraph below has one sentence that is not relevant to the narrative.
Cross out that sentence to strengthen the paragraph.

1. Hesitantly, I walked onto the stage holding my violin, blinking nervously

in the bright lights as the audience clapped politely. Why had I ever

agreed to perform in front of the whole school? I walked across the stage and

took my place behind the music stand. I started playing the violin when I was

seven. After taking a deep breath to calm my nerves, I started to play. As the music poured forth, I

forgot my fears and focused only on reading the notes. By the end of the song, I was no longer afraid.

I beamed with pride as the audience applauded and gave me a standing ovation.

2. It was a crisp autumn morning, and Quinn and her mother were exploring the local farmers market.

Her mother's eye-catching red scarf danced in the breeze as they strolled through the market, buying

some crusty bread here, a few vegetables there. Quinn followed along, picking her way through the

crowd, admiring how the trees had turned into multi-colored works of art. This past summer had been

the hottest one on record. Suddenly, Quinn realized she didn't see her mother anywhere! She scanned

the crowd, hoping to catch a glimpse of her mother's bright red scarf. A spicy-sweet smell caught

Quinn's attention, and she saw her mother walking toward her holding two cups of fresh, steaming

apple cider. What a relief! They sat on a bench and drank their cider, chatting happily as red-gold

leaves swirled around their feet.

3. Last Saturday was a perfect day. My cousins Reid and Bella came to visit. We decided to go to the

park for a picnic. The sun shone brightly and sparkled on the water as we laid out a colorful blanket

near the lake. We told jokes and laughed as we ate our lunch under the shade of the trees. My favorite

sandwich is grilled cheese, but we didn't bring any of those. After lunch, Reid took out his new dragon-

shaped kite, and we watched as it rose into the sky and danced among the clouds. As we watched the

kite fly higher and higher, we all agreed that this was the best day ever!

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Name Date Page 2

Narrative Writing: Removing Irrelevant Details

Each paragraph below has one sentence that is not relevant to the narrative. Cross out that sentence to strengthen
the paragraph.

4. Every Friday evening, Ava plays basketball with her friends. They all meet in the park across the street

from Ava’s apartment building. Ava also plays lacrosse on the school team. When everyone arrives,

they practice dribbling and shooting the ball. Then, they pick their positions. Ava’s favorite position is

shooting guard. She loves the feeling when she shoots the ball and her heart stands still for a moment

as the ball circles the rim and then, whoosh, it falls in the net! The friends play for hours, but when it

gets dark, they all head home. These Friday night games are the highlight of Ava’s week, and she’s

already looking forward to next Friday.

5. The attic door made a creepy, squeaking sound as I turned the rusty knob. I never go in the attic if I

can help it, but my grandma broke her ankle and someone had to get the Thanksgiving decorations.

The door cracked open, and a stale smell greeted me as I shuffled in, gripping my flashlight. It cast

light upon various piles of old stuff covered in dust and cobwebs. Where was the box Grandma had

sent me up here for? I hate watching scary movies. I bumped my knee into what looked like an

antique desk. Ouch! I stood up, rubbing my knee, and my distress retreated as I caught a glimpse of a

faded cardboard box labeled "THANKSGIVING." Just what I needed! I grabbed the box and made a

beeline for the door. I certainly wouldn't be returning to the attic any time soon.

6. Last week, my family went for a hike in a nearby state park, and we discovered a delightful surprise!

The hike started off like any other as we walked the path beneath the ancient trees. Eventually we

came to the top of a small hill, and I noticed something glinting from a hidden cavity in an old tree

stump. My brother and I went over to check it out and were perplexed to find an old metal lunchbox.

My brother and I use small cooler bags instead of lunchboxes. When we opened it, we found some

really cool old keys, a few pressed pennies, a notebook, and a pencil. Dad said it was from a kind of

game in which people hide little treasures in interesting places for other people to find. After studying

the antique keys and souvenir pennies, we all signed the notebook before carefully placing the

lunchbox back in the tree stump so others could find it later.

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Name _______________________________________ Date ___________________________ Page 1

Writing With a Formal Tone

In many types of nonfiction writing, it is important to maintain a formal style and tone throughout your text.
A formal tone helps to establish you as a trustworthy authority on your subject.

Certain types of language are considered informal and should be avoided in formal writing.

Informal Language Type Example

slang awesome, chill

idioms up in the air, food for thought

abbreviations FYI, ASAP, DIY

conversational language gonna, kinda, sorta

overly simple or imprecise language some stuff, random things

contractions didn’t, could’ve, they’ll

You can revise informal writing to be more formal by replacing informal language with more accurate and
specific language. Study the example below.

Informal: While it’s alive, a humpback whale will spend tons of time swimming super long distances.

Formal: The average humpback whale will spend much of its life migrating thousands of miles per year.

Read the informal sentences below, and revise each one to be more formal. Make sure to maintain the
original meaning of each sentence.

1. The game of chess was invented a really long time ago in India around the 6th century.
In 6th century, in India the game of chess was invented.

2. Pottery is super important to archaeologists because it can tell a lot of stuff about ancient societies.
Pottery is appropriate in archaeologist, because its all about ancient societies.

3. Popcorn’s a fun snack, but did you know you can also pop other grains, like rice and quinoa?
Instead of popcorn try some grains, like rice and quinoa.

4. The county should build a new skate park ASAP so local kids and teens can hang out there safely.
The country must build separate park for local kids, and teens for more safety.

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Name _______________________________________ Date ___________________________ Page 2

Read the informal sentences below, and revise each one to be more formal. Make sure to maintain the
original meaning of each sentence.

5. Saving energy can be a piece of cake if you just make some small changes in your habits.


6. Scientists just found the first multicellular living thing that doesn’t need oxygen to stay alive.

Scientist discover first multicellular living with out oxygen to stay alive

7. Should countries with lots of money give more to save special ecosystems like rain forests and coral reefs?
Should noble country must donated for ecosystem issues?

8. Tons of people think that art and music are just as important as reading, math, and science.


9. The ancient Maya were really smart and made lots of inventions in astronomy and farming.

The Ancient Maya use their knowledge of astronomy to invents many things

10. Even though giraffes are way taller than humans, both giraffes and humans have only seven neck bones!

Giraffes have tall necks, they only have seven neck bones like humans.

11. Playing sports can teach kids different things, including teamwork, perseverance, and confidence.


12. There are a bunch of types of herbal teas, and lots of them do good things for your body and health.


13. According to some people, a plant-based diet is a no-brainer because it’s way better for the environment.


14. Humans aren’t the only ones who laugh; a few other kinds of mammals laugh, too!


15. The senators don’t see eye-to-eye on some things, but that doesn’t mean they don’t work together.


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Name _____________________________________________________ Date _________________________

S TE P-BY- S TEP Starting with the

phrase below, follow
the steps to end up
with a new phrase!

Move the TH to the beginning.

Change the M to Y.

Change the G to E.

Move the OW to the left of the R.

Change the D to P.

Change the N to O.

Swap the second O with the P.

Change the I to E.

Move the second E to the left of the R.

Change the S to F.

Move OF between the R and the Y.

Move the P after the first E.

Insert spaces after the third, eighth, and tenth letters.

The power of yet

Final phrase: _______________________________________________

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Name ___________________________________________________________ Date ____________________

TO A TOPIC: Mental Health Awareness Month (May)
Read about May as Mental Health Awareness Month, and then
respond to the questions. Write your response on the lines.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Represented by a green

ribbon, this month focuses on bringing tools, resources, and education
about mental health to the public. Mental health involves one’s social,
emotional, and psychological well-being. Mental health affects a
person’s thoughts, feelings, and actions. Positive mental health allows for better mental
clarity, stress management, and daily productivity. Mental Health Awareness Month aims
to celebrate self-care and encourage people to discuss and prioritize mental health.

What are some things in your life that make you feel stressed, and how do you cope and find
happiness? Who is someone you can talk to about mental health, and what makes them a good
resource for you? What self-care activities help you take care of your mental health? Explain.

The things make me feel so stresses was thinking with my daily financial needs
and I can make my self happy for a simple things like talking to my friend or
someone how can hear me, who can advice me what do. I can help my self by
doing setting down and meditate, this thing can help me with my problems.

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