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1. Floor Trap or Nahni Trap.- Through 4.

Q Trap-The Q-Trap enhances selectivity

generating a water seal, the floor trap by allowing for (precursor to product to
prevents foul vapors from entering the secondary product) ion scanning (or MS
building. A water seal is with a 3). The detector has a high specificity.
minimum depth of 50 mm should be

5. S-Trap- The S trap, so named because of

its shape, is most commonly seen in
toilets on the ground floor or in those
2. Gully Trap- Upon connecting to the with pipes that run through the floor.
external sewerage line, a provision is
made outside the building. It also
gathers waste water from the kitchen
sink, washbasins, bathtubs, and the
laundry room.

6. Intercepting Trap- This trap is installed

at the building sewerage's last major
hole to prevent bad gases from entering
the building sewer. It has a 100 mm
deep-water seal.
3. P Trap- a u-shaped curve in a waste
pipe that connects a sink's drain to a
septic tank or a municipal sewer
7. Bottle Trap- The bottle trap is a sleek- 10. Running Trap- located in drainage
looking design that originated in piping that isn't connected to a fixture
Europe, where small bathrooms are directly. Running traps in the building
popular in many older buildings from sewage, usually in the front yard, were
the 19th century and later. The trap is found in many older homes. These
located just beneath the drain hole of traps were created to keep sewage
the sink, where the main pipe attaches. gases out of the residence.
The bottle trap gives the appearance of
an upside-down bottle heading into the
pipes since the curve is essentially
stored inside a canister.

11. Straight-Through Trap- When room is

restricted, these are utilized as an
8. Grease Trap- a trap in a drain or waste alternative to traps. They're also more
pipe that prevents grease from entering concealable under pedestal basins.
sanitary sewer lines and systems." A
grease trap/grease inceptor is a
plumbing appliance that collects
decomposing food waste and helps the
sewer system work better.

12. Low-Level Bath Trap- allow access to

overflow, which is useful if there is a
clog. Low-level bath trap seals typically
measure 38-40 millimeters and are easy
to vent. Low-level bath traps may
9. Drum Trap- one of a number of
appear insignificant, but their seals are
plumbing traps that were once legal but
strong enough to keep sewage odors
are now illegal. The main drawback of a
drum trap is that it does not "self-
13. Bell Trap- a cup with a bell shape on top
that descends into the cup to form a
seal Although it was formerly normal
and usual for a floor drain, it is no more.

14. Building Trap- also called a running trap,

could best be described as a “whole
house P-trap” because it is on the main
drain line, usually in the crawl space
under a house or buried in the ground
just outside the home, and provides a
single seal to protect the entire home.

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