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Training, development,

and careers
Managing types of
Dependent Rigid
• Values driven? No • Values driven? Yes
• Self-directed? No • Self-directed? No

Four types

Reactive Protean
• Values driven? No (transformational)
• Self-directed? Yes • Values driven? Yes
• Self-directed? Yes

Source: Briscoe & Hall, 2002

Boundaryless careers
• Identifying with a job or profession
• Not employer or one particular organization
• Physical mobility
• Career movements like geographic locations, industries, self-employment
• Psychological mobility (boundaryless career orientation)
• General preference to work with people outside one’s current employer
• Preference to move across different employers
Employee development
Employee development planning
Job Experiences
Interview with Emma
van der Muelen
People development specialist
The gig economy
Job hopping
Job Hopping
• Voluntary job changes
• Tends to have a positive effect in the early career (i.e. more salary)
• Those who changed also reported greater job satisfaction
• Found across countries to varying degrees
Learning from failure
Learning from failure

Before During After

•Check your implicit •Talk to yourself •Social support
beliefs constructively •Use failure to help
•Focus on process as •Take an observer others
well as outcome perspective
• “Constructive intellectual and emotional activities to explore
experiences in order to lead to new understandings and
• Leads to
• New perspectives
• Change in behavior
• Readiness for application
• Commitment to action
The importance of
Growth vs. Fixed mindset
• Fixed mindset assumes personal attributes are immutable,
unchangeable and thereby, fixed
• i.e. Leadership ability is static
• Growth mindset assumes personal attributes can be changed and
developed and thereby grown
• i.e. Leadership can be developed

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