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HRM Week 2 tutorial

Agenda for today

1) Revision quiz
2) IBM case + how to approach it
Revision time!
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Which is the lowest level of integration between
the human resource management function The question
and will
the strategic management function? open when you start
your session and
A. One-way linkage
B. Administrative linkage
C. Two-way linkage
D. Integrative linkage

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Which is the lowest level of integration between
the human resource management function and
the strategic management function?

A. One-way linkage 26.7%

B. Administrative linkage 66.7%

C. Two-way linkage 0.0%

D. Integrative linkage 6.7%

One way to think about the roles and responsibilities of HR
The question will
departments is to consider HR as a business within the
company with three product lines. Which one fromopenthe when you start
list below
cannot be seen as a product line of HR: your session and

A. Administrative service slideshow.

B. Business partner service

C. Strategic service
D. Product service

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One way to think about the roles and responsibilities of HR
departments is to consider HR as a business within the
company with three product lines. Which one from the list below
cannot be seen as a product line of HR:
A. Administrative service 10.0%

B. Business partner... 20.0%

C. Strategic service 10.0%

D. Product service 60.0%

HR Resources, Inc. provides HR services to small
companies that do not need full-time HR.The question will
Contracting with HR Resources is knownopenas:
when you start
your session and
A. downsizing
B. offshoring
C. outsorcing
D. benchmarking

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HR Resources, Inc. provides HR services to small
companies that do not need full-time HR. Contracting
with HR Resources is known as:
A. downsizing 3.4%

B. offshoring 6.9%

C. outsorcing 82.8%

D. benchmarking 6.9%

________ should be used to link a company's human
The question will
resource management activities to the company's
business strategy. open when you start
your session and
A. The balanced scorecard
B. Performance management
C. Evidence-based HR
D. Social responsibility

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________ should be used to link a company's human
resource management activities to the company's
business strategy.
The balanced
A. 56.7%

B. 26.7%

C. Evidence-based HR 16.7%

D. Social responsibility 0.0%

Based on the key success factors inTheHRM,
question will
which of the following statements isopen
when you start
your session and
A. Good strategy overshadows the organizational culture.
B. Organization culture often fosters the competition atmosphere between
C. Espoused value refers to the company’s public statements, such as mission
statements on the website.
D. Companies should focus more on espoused value rather than on enacted
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Based on the key success factors in HRM,
which of the following statements is true?
Good strategy overshadows the
A. 3.6%
organizational culture.

Organization culture often fosters the

B. 17.9%
competition atmosphere between colleagues.

Espoused value refers to the company’s

C. 71.4%

Companies should focus more on espoused

D. 7.1%
value rather than on enacted value.

Your turn: Hiring Assignment

© 2021 IBM Corporation

The Talent Revolution | The most complicated and fast changing hiring market in
a generation.

Recruitment and retention are trickier than ever, and job candidates are calling the shots. Competition for talent is fierce,
and everything’s changing––fast.

▪ New jobs are being created at a record rate, people of all ages, backgrounds, and education are working in jobs they
never dreamed about.
▪ Remote work has now become standard fare, and this makes workers even more mobile.
▪ Research estimates that 40% of workers changed jobs, roles, or managers.
▪ This level of change is unprecedented – and it means workers are mobile, opportunistic, and soon to be in charge.
▪ We need to diversify our sourcing and recruiting, and seriously open up job search for diverse and different
▪ The days of looking for people with “deep levels of experience” are over – now we have to look for people with skills,
ambition, and the ability to learn.

© 2021 IBM Corporation

Your Turn: Solving a real use case

Issues we have: IBM is currently faced with significant hiring needs in a

new, disrupted Labor Market. Not only do we need new profiles and
skills, but we also need to consider more female and next-gen hiring.

Develop a Point of View and set of solutions to help us accelerate our

hiring efforts, using the HR skills of the future:

▪ Design Thinking: Define the (IBM) Employee of the future,

what are we looking for?
▪ Research & Analytics: Have a look at our job requisition and
Glassdoor, How IBM is being perceived in Talent Market?
What do you think of the job descriptions?
▪ Solutioning: What actions do you recommend we implement
and why?, From all angles: e.g. Job promotion, Employer
Brand, Comp & Ben, etc.

© 2021 IBM Corporation

How do we approach this task?
Let’s think together!
Step 1
Formulate an answerable research question

- what does the company want to know?

- what is the problem?
- scope: broader or narrower?
- keywords
Step 2
Sources of information:
- Desk research: company website, job listings,
social media, news articles, competitors, business
reports, academic literature
- Field research: collect first hand data (LinkedIn
survey, interview your friends etc).
Step 3
Critically apprise your evidence:
- What did we find?
- What is the quality?
- Can we use it?
Organize your data
Step 4
Write your conclusions:
- What do we know?
- What do we not know?
- What would be our conclusion?

- Write the report for the company (what you found)

plus recommendation (based on literature and your
critical thinking)
Do you remember?
Evidence-Based Management: Key Steps
Making decisions based on high-quality evidence:

1) Ask an answerable question about a practical issue

2) Systematically acquire and retrieving available evidence
3) Critically appraise the relevance and trustworthiness of the evidence
4) Aggregate different sources of evidence
5) Apply evidence in the decision-making process
6) Assess outcome of decision → evidence

...And doing it again and again

Let’s do the work!
1) Create teams of 4
2) Sign up as a team on Canvas (in
IBM assignment section)
3) Write the report of minimum 1000
words and submit via Canvas by
October 3rd, at 23:59.
Next week
Job design and negotiations

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