Midterm First Activity

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For your task 1 for midterm: give an example of each method which addresses the diverse
strengths, interests, experiences and abilities (disabilities, giftedness and talents) of

5 ways you can address the wide range of skills and abilities children demonstrate throughout the

1. Offer choices. Encourage children to participate and explore in the way they prefer. Some
children may prefer to work individually, with a partner, in a small group, or in a large group. Or, if
there are children in your group who are sensitive to sensory experiences, allow them to use tools
or wear gloves when exploring sensory materials like sand, potting soil, or gak. Even when meeting
with children virtually, offering choices shows that we value their independence and preferences.

2. Plan for possibilities. As you plan an activity to share with the children, think about how you can
adjust the activity in the moment for children who need more time, more support, or experience
with concrete materials to understand the concept. Also consider how you will scaffold the
experience to challenge children who are advanced learners.

3.Empower children to document their learning. Digital child portfolios are a wonderful addition to
teachers’ classrooms, replacing large, dusty boxes of notes, artwork, writing samples, and photos.
Let’s not forget that the power of a child’s portfolio lies in her selection of what she is proud of and
her reflection on her learning. Talk to children about how and why you take notes, photos, or videos
of their work. Invite children to share what they would like to include in their digital portfolio and
periodically ask them to review photos or videos. Ask them what skills they would like to continue
to develop.

4. Encourage children and families to capture and share observations of learning at home as well.
This helps families notice and celebrate their child’s evolving skills and abilities!

5. Encourage community support.

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