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Unit 6 Let’s get it done!

Lessons 1 & 2
Part 1 Vocabulary
Achieve(d) (v) ‫يُحقق‬-‫ يُنجز‬Progress(n) ‫سن‬ُ ‫تح‬-‫تُقدم‬ Factors ‫عوامل‬
Aim(ed) (n-v) ‫يهدف‬-‫ هدف‬Raise(d) (v) -‫يُحسن‬-‫يزيد‬-‫يرفع‬ Finding(n) ‫نتيجة‬-‫اكتشاف‬
Allow(ed) ‫يُمكن‬-‫ يسمح‬Switch(ed) off ‫يستريح لفترة‬ Follow(ed) (v) ‫يتبع‬
)‫قصيرة (يفصل‬
Alternatives ‫ بدائل‬Achieve ‫ينجز‬-‫يحقق‬ Expert ‫خبير‬
Amongst(prep) ‫ بين‬Vary(ied) (v) ‫يُغير‬-‫يتنوع‬-‫يُنوع‬ Force(d) (v-n) -‫يُرغم‬-‫يٌجبر‬
Analysis(n) ‫تحليل‬ Habit(n) ‫عادة‬ Permission(n) ‫تصريح‬-‫إذن‬
Assess(ed)(v) ‫يُقيم‬ Concentration(n) ‫التركيز‬ Mention(ed) (v) ‫يقول‬-‫يُذكر‬
Awareness(n) ‫الوعي‬ Hand(ed) ‫يُسلم (شيء) باليد‬ Pollution ‫التلوث‬
Become ‫يصبح‬ Interesting ‫ممتع‬ Tips ‫نصائح‬
Benefit ‫ينفع‬-‫منفعة‬-‫فائدة‬ Diary ‫يوميات‬ Believe ‫يعتقد‬
Brain(n) ‫المخ‬ Impossible(adj) ‫مستحيل‬ Process(n) ‫عملية‬
Brainstorming ‫جلسة عصف ذهني‬ Increase(d) (n-v) ‫يزداد‬-‫يزيد‬-‫زيادة‬ Exam ‫امتحان‬
Change(d) (n-v) ‫يتغير‬-‫تغيير‬ Solutions ‫حلول‬ Recent(adj) ‫حديث‬
Check ‫يفحص‬-‫يراجع‬ Individual ‫فرد‬-‫فردي‬ Include ‫يشمل‬
Common ‫منتشر‬-‫شائع‬ Divide ‫قسمة‬-‫يقسم‬ Quite ‫إلي حد ما‬
Concentrate ‫يركز‬ Progress ‫تقدم‬ significantly ‫بشكل كبير‬
Decline -‫تراجع‬-‫انخفاض‬ Conclusion(n) ‫استنتاج‬ Effect(n) ‫نتيجة‬-‫اثر‬
‫ ينهار‬-‫انحدار‬
Differently ‫بشكل مختلف‬ Delay(ed) -‫تأخير‬-‫يؤجل‬-‫يؤخر‬ Effectively(adv) ‫بفاعلية‬
Distracted ‫شارد الذهن‬-‫مشوش‬ Project ‫مشروع‬ Break ‫فسحة‬-‫راحة‬
Drawing ‫نقش‬-‫صورة‬-‫رسم‬ Stress ‫توتر‬ Reach ‫يصل‬
Ear plugs ‫سدادات األذن‬ Advantages ‫مميزات‬ Follow ‫يتبع‬
Efficiency ‫كفاءة‬ Answer ‫يجيب‬ Copy ‫ينسخ‬-‫نسخة‬
Efficient(adj) ‫كفء‬ Depending on ‫استنادًا على‬ Effectiveness(n) ‫تأثير‬-‫فاعلية‬
Electricity ‫كهرباء‬ Distract(ed) ‫يصرف انتباه‬-‫يُشتت‬ Error(n) ‫خطأ‬
Ending ‫نهاية‬ Discover ‫يكتشف‬ Healthily ‫بطريقة صحية‬
Error ‫خطأ‬ Below ‫تحت‬ Discover ‫يكتشف‬
Even better ‫واألفضل من ذلك‬ Cause ‫سبب‬-‫يسبب‬ Brain ‫مخ‬
Evidence ‫دليل‬ Experiences ‫تجارب‬ Surprised ‫مندهش‬
Excuse ‫يبرر ل‬-‫عذر‬ Study plan ‫خطة دراسية‬ Cycling team ‫فريق ركوب‬
Experience ‫ خبرة‬Revision ‫ مراجعة‬Situations ‫مواقف‬
Fail ‫يرسب‬-‫يفشل‬ Honest ‫أمين‬-‫صادق‬-‫ مخلص‬Specific ‫محدد‬
Grade ‫صف‬-‫درجة امتحان‬ Avoid ‫ يتجنب‬Discuss ‫يناقش‬
Inevitable ‫ال مفر منه‬-‫حتمي‬ Naturally ً‫ طبيعيا‬Group ‫مجموعة‬
Look(ed) at (phr.v) ‫يُحلل‬-‫يفحص‬ True ‫ حقيقي‬Session(n) -‫دورة‬-‫جلسة‬
Look(ed) for ‫يبحث عن‬ Interrupt(ed) ‫يُقاطع‬ Significantly(adv) ‫بشكل ملحوظ‬
Manage(d) (v) ‫يتحكم ب‬-‫يُدير‬ Lead-led ‫يؤدي إلى‬ Sort(n) ‫نوع‬
Memory(n) ‫الذاكرة‬ Let-let-let ‫يسمح‬-‫يدع‬ State(d) (v) ‫يقول‬-‫يّذكر‬
On time ‫في الوقت المحدد‬ Level ‫مستوى‬ Believe ‫يصدق‬-‫يعتقد‬
Priority ‫اولوية‬-‫افضلية‬ Expert ‫خبير‬ Create ‫يخلق‬-‫يبتكر‬
Procrastinate(d) ‫يماطل‬-‫يُسوف‬ Happen ‫يحدث‬ Exactly(adv) ‫بالضبط‬
Procrastination(n) ‫المماطلة‬-‫التسويف‬ Productive(adj) ‫ ُمنتج‬-‫ُمثمر‬ Excuse(d) (n-v) ُ‫يعذر‬-‫عُذر‬
Records ‫سجالت‬ Productivity(n) ‫العائد‬-‫اإلنتاجية‬ Daily life ‫حياة يومية‬
Regularly ‫بانتظام‬ Importance ‫أهمية‬ Stress ‫توتر‬-‫قلق‬
Repeat ‫يكرر‬ Owl ‫بومة‬ Task ‫مهمة‬
Researcher ‫باحث‬ Disadvantages ‫عيوب‬ Allow ‫يسمح‬
Rest ‫يرتاح‬-‫راحة‬-‫باقي‬ Private ‫خاص‬ Worry ‫يقلق‬-‫قلق‬
School work ‫عمل مدرسي‬ Response ‫استجابة‬-‫رد‬ Research study ‫دراسة بحثية‬
Show ‫عرض‬-‫يعرض‬ Report ‫تقرير‬ Possible ‫محتمل‬-‫ممكن‬
Situations ‫مواقف‬ Causative verbs ‫أفعال السببية‬ Idea ‫فكرة‬
Sound ‫يبدو‬ Subject ‫مادة‬ Common ‫شائع‬
Structure ‫ينظم‬-‫تركيب‬-‫بناء‬ Mention ‫يذكر‬ In detail ‫بالتفصيل‬
Suppose ‫يحلل‬-‫يفترض‬ Notice ‫ملحوظة‬-‫يالحظ‬ Weather ‫الطقس‬
Tend ‫ميل‬-‫يميل الي‬ Increase ‫زيادة‬-‫يزيد‬ Expect ‫يتوقع‬
Tidy ‫مرتب‬-‫يرتب‬ Reduce ‫يقلل‬ Amount ‫كمية‬
Variety ‫تنوع‬-‫تشكيلة‬ Result ‫نتيجة‬ Various ‫متنوع‬
World record ‫رقم قياسي عالمي‬ Varying ‫متنوع‬-‫مختلف‬
To calculate the amount or value of something. ‫يحكم‬-‫يقيم‬-‫يقدر‬
Assess(ed) (v) To make a judgement about a person or situation after thinking ‫علي‬
carefully about it.
Brainstorming A group of people think about something to create good ideas. ‫جلسة العصف‬
session ‫الذهني‬
Decline(d) To decrease in quantity or importance. -‫ينخفض بشدة‬
Effect A change that is caused by an event, action, etc. ‫تأثير‬-‫أثر‬
Efficiency The quality of doing something well and effectively, without wasting ‫كفاءة‬
time, money, or energy.
Inevitable Certain to happen and impossible to avoid. ‫حتمي‬
Procrastinate(d) To delay doing something that ought to do, usually because you do not ‫يُماطل‬-‫يُسوف‬
want to do it.

Procrastination(n) The act of delaying something that you should do, usually because you -‫التسويف‬
do not want to do it. ‫المماطلة‬
Productive Producing or achieving a lot. ‫ ُمنتج‬-‫ُمثمر‬
Managing your study or work time so that you get all your work done ‫انتاجي‬
in the time you have.
Productivity(n) The rate at which goods are produced, and the amount produced. ‫اإلنتاجية‬
Progress(n) The process of getting better at doing something, or getting closer at ‫تحسُن‬-‫تقدّم‬
finishing or achieving something.
To develop over a period of time.
Raise(d) (v) To increase an amount, number, or level. ‫يزيد‬-‫يرفع‬
Switch(ed) off (v) To relax for a short time. ‫يستريح لفترة‬
)‫قصيرة (يفصل‬
Tend To be likely to behave in a particular way or have a particular ‫يميل الي‬
Vary To be different from each other in size, shape, etc. ‫يختلف‬-‫يتنوع‬
If the things of the same type vary, they are different from each other,
and if you vary them, you cause them to be different from each other.

Part 2 Vocabulary Study

Assess Productivity levels-effects Make A Change to-more progress
Affect Productivity Find It easiest to work
At The same time -Different times Draw Conclusion
Become More productive Analyze Results
Decline Levels Have a very positive effect on-An effect on
Do A study - good work Raise Productivity-efficiency-awareness
A job- project -homework
Improve Productivity - Levels-efficiency Get The same results
Increase Awareness of Vary Study habits
Keep A diary Plan Your study
Make Progress-decisions Share Share diaries
On The other hand Change-vary Habits
Reach An argument In Different places -The same way
Repeat This process Ask-answer Questions
Revise Exams Aim … To find out
Share Ideas Work Somewhere else
Synonyms & Antonyms
Word Meaning Synonym Antonym
Aim ‫ هدف‬Goal-target Avoidance
Allow ‫ يسمح‬Permit-enable Forbid-prevent

Alternative ‫ بديل‬Another-substitute-replacement
Analyse ‫ يحلل‬Examine-inspect-research
Assess ‫يقيم‬-‫ يقيس‬Estimate-rate-value- Analyse-
Awareness ‫ادراك‬-‫ وعي‬Consciousness-recognition-
Brainstorm ‫ عصف ذهني‬Brainwave-insight
Common ‫ شائع‬Normal-regular-constant Unnatural-uncommon
Concentrate ‫ يركز‬Focus-direct-pay attention to Distract
Conclusion ‫خاتمة‬-‫ نهاية‬End Beginning
Cons ‫ عيوب‬Demerits-drawbacks- Pros – advantages – merits
Decline(d) (v) ‫ ينخفض بشدة‬Descend-deteriorate-worsen Increase- Enhance-upgrade-develop
‫ ينهار‬Decrease-drop-downturn-fall Flourish
‫ يرفض‬Turn down-reject-refuse accept
Diary ‫ مفكرة‬Book-organizer-daybook
Distracted ‫ مشتت الذهن‬Agitated-hysterical-nervous Calm-peaceful-composed
Drawback ‫ مساوئ‬Weakness-obstacle-minus Benefit-blessing
Efficiency ‫ كفاءة‬Effectiveness-productiveness- Inability-Ineffectiveness-unskilled
Potency-competence Incompetence
Error ‫ خطأ‬Mistake-fault Correction-adjusting
Excuse ‫ عذر‬Apology-justification-reason
Fail ‫ يفشل‬Collapse-fall-be in vain- decline Succeed-flourish-prosper
Finding ‫ اكتشاف‬Discovery-detection-uncovering
Habits ‫ عادات‬Customs-practices-modes
Impact ‫تصادم‬-‫ تأثير‬Effect-influence-crash-smash
Improve ‫ يحسن‬Modify Deteriorate
Increase ‫ يزيد‬Accelerate-boost-expand Shorten-contract-reduce
Process ‫معالجة‬-‫ عملية‬Method-system-Course -
Procrastinate(d) (v) ‫يؤجل‬-‫ يماطل‬Put off-postpone-delay-hesitate- Carry out-hurry-readiness-
Avoidance-waiting-Slowness eagerness-determination-advance-
Productive(adj) ‫خالق‬-‫ُمبدع‬ Inventive-creative- Effective- Unproductive-fruitless-vain
‫ ُمنتج‬-‫ُمثمر‬ profitable-Useful-fertile-fruitful Sterile
‫انتاجي‬ Constructive-formative-energetic Barren-idle-inactive
Productivity ‫إنتاجية‬ Fertility-inventiveness Dryness-dullness
Progress(n) ‫تحسُن‬-‫تقدُم‬ Advance-advancement- Recession-regress-retreat

Raise(d) ‫يزيد‬-‫يرفع‬ Increase Lower-reduce-decrease
‫يُربي‬ Bring up
‫يُحسن‬ Improve
‫يرفع‬ Boost-ascend-elevate-uplift Drop
Recent ‫حديث‬ Current-contemporary-latest- Dated-early-past-ancient
regularly ‫بانتظام‬ Commonly-habitually Occasionally-episodically
Significantly ‫بشكل ملحوظ‬ Remarkably-considerably Pointlessly-worthlessly
State ‫يعلن‬ Declare-confirm Confuse-hide
Task ‫مهمة‬ Enterprise-project-mission
Vary(ied) (v) ‫يُغير‬-‫يُنوع‬ Change-diversify-modify-alter Agree-compare-match-record-
‫يختلف‬-‫يُنوع‬ Differ-contrast-separate-mix conform-remain-Keep-maintain-
Manage ‫يدير‬ Upset
Option ‫اختيار‬ Obligation
Optional ‫اختياري‬ Obligatory-compulsory
Prior ‫سابق‬ Subsequent
Verb Noun Adjective
Assess(ed) ‫يقدر(الكمية او‬-‫ يقيم‬Assessment ‫تقدير (العدد او‬-‫تقييم‬
)‫ العدد او النسبة‬Assessor )‫الكمية او النسبة‬
Decline -‫ينهار‬-‫ ينخفض بشدة‬Decline ‫انهيار‬-‫ انخفاض‬Declining -‫ُمتناقص‬
‫يرفض‬ ‫ُمنخفِض‬
Efficiency ‫جودة‬-‫ كفاءة‬Efficient ‫كفء‬
efficiently (adv) ‫بكفاءة‬
Procrastinate ‫يؤجل‬-‫يُماطل‬-‫ يُسوف‬Procrastination -‫المماطلة‬-‫التسويف‬
Produce ‫يُلد‬-‫يُحدث‬-‫ يُنتج‬Produce ‫ ناتج زراعي‬Productive ‫ ُمفيد‬-‫ ُمثمر‬-‫ُمنتج‬
producer )‫ ال ُمنتج (شخص‬productively ‫بوفرة‬
production ‫عملية اإلنتاج‬
product ‫ُمنتج‬
productivity ‫العائد‬-‫اإلنتاجية‬
reproduction ‫النسخ‬-‫التكاثر‬
Progress -‫يتحسن‬-‫يتطور‬-‫ يتقدم‬Progress ‫سن‬
ُ ‫تح‬-‫ تقدم‬Progressive -‫ ُمتجدد‬-‫تقدمي‬
‫ يستمر‬progression -‫تسلسل‬-‫تطور‬-‫تقدم‬ ‫ُمتحرر‬
Vary ‫يُنوع‬-‫يختلف‬-‫ يتنوع‬Variety ‫مجموعة‬-‫ تنوع‬Various ‫مختلف‬-‫متنوع‬
‫اختالف‬-‫ متنوعة‬variable ‫ ُمتقلب‬-‫ُمتغير‬
variably (adv) ‫بشكل متغير‬
Analyse ‫يحلل‬ Analysis ‫ تحليل‬Analysed ‫تم تحليله‬
distract ‫يشتت‬ Distraction ‫ تشتت‬distracted ‫مشتت‬
Effect ‫يفعل‬ Effectiveness ‫ فاعلية‬Effective ‫فعال‬
Excuse ‫يعذر‬ Excuse ‫ عذر‬Excusable ‫معذور‬

Interrupt ‫يعترض‬-‫يقاطع‬ Interruption ‫مقاطعة‬ Interrupted ‫مقاطع‬
Procrastinate ‫يماطل‬ Procrastination ‫مماطلة‬
Repeat ‫يكرر‬ Repetition ‫تكرار‬ repetitive ‫متكرر‬
Affect ‫يؤثر علي‬ Effect ‫أثر‬-‫تأثير‬ Effective ‫مؤثر‬-‫فعال‬
Signify ‫يعني‬-‫يدل علي‬ Significance ‫معني‬-‫أهمية‬ Significant ‫ذو معني‬-‫هام‬
Hope ‫يتمني‬-‫يأمل‬ Hopefulness- ‫أمنية‬-‫أمل‬ Hopeful ‫متفائل‬-‫طموح‬
hope hopeless ‫ميئوس منه‬
Honesty ‫أمانة‬ Honest ‫أمين‬
Concentrate ‫يركز‬ Concentration ‫تركيز‬ Concentrated ‫مركز‬
Analyze ‫يحلل‬ Analysis ‫تحليل‬ Analytical ‫تحليلي‬
Decide ‫يقرر‬ Decision ‫قرار‬ Decisive ‫حازم‬
Include ‫يتضمن‬-‫يشمل‬ Inclusion ‫شمول‬-‫ادراك‬ Inclusive ‫متضمن‬-‫شامل‬
Describe ‫يصف‬ Description ‫وصف‬ Descriptive ‫وصفي‬
Add ‫يضيف‬ Addition ‫إضافة‬ Additional ‫إضافي‬
Revise ‫يراجع‬ Revision ‫مراجعة‬
Reviser ‫مراجع‬
Signify ‫يشير الي‬ Significance ‫داللة‬-‫ مغزي‬Significant ‫هام‬
Alternate ‫يتناوب‬-‫يتبادل‬ Alternative ‫ بديل‬Alternative ‫بديل‬
Expressions & idioms
A study into productivity ‫دراسة عن اإلنتاجية‬ In detail ‫بالتفصيل‬
All night ‫طوال الليل‬
Look for an excuse ‫يبحث عن عُذر‬
An increase in ‫زيادة في‬
On time ‫في الوقت المحدد‬
At different times ‫في أوقات مختلفة‬ Over a six-month period ‫على مدار ست شهور‬
At the beginning of ‫في بداية‬
Productivity levels ‫مستويات اإلنتاجية‬
At the start of ‫في بداية‬
Research study ‫دراسة بحثية‬
Be distracted by ‫ينشغل ب‬-‫يتشتت ب‬ See you then ‫آراك حينئذ‬
Be happy with ‫راض عن‬-‫سعيد ب‬ Self-management ‫التحكم في الذات‬-‫إدارة الذات‬
Be true for ‫صحيح بالنسبة ل‬ Study habits ‫عادات الدراسة‬
Cause and effect ‫السبب والنتيجة‬The amount of work ‫كم العمل‬
Depending on ‫على حسب‬ The way they study ‫الطريقة التي يذاكرون بها‬
Even better ‫واألفضل من ذلك‬ To be honest ‫أصدُقك القول‬
In conclusion ‫الخالصة‬Try hard to ‫يحاول جاهدًا ان‬
Until late into the evening ‫حتى وقت متأخر من المساء‬ In the same way ‫بنفس الطريقة‬
At the same time ‫في نفس الوقت‬ Make more progress ‫يحرز المزيد من التقدم‬
Find it easiest to work ‫تجد انه من االسهل العمل‬ Work somewhere else ‫العمل في مكان أخر‬
Make a change to ‫يجري تغييرعلي‬ The aim was to find out ‫كان الهدف هو المعرفة‬
Repeat this process ‫يكرر هذه العملية‬On the other hand ‫من ناحية أخري‬
In different places ‫في أماكن مختلفة‬ Share diaries ‫يشارك اليوميات‬
Draw conclusions ‫يستخلص استنتاجات‬ Make it harder for you to ‫يرفعة من مستويات انتاجيتهم‬
Manage your study-work ‫ تدير وقت الدراسة او العمل‬Make you more ‫تجعلك اكثر انتاجية‬
time productive

Result in some interesting ‫يفسر عن بعض االستنتاجات‬ Another interesting ‫اكتشاف آخر مثير لالهتمام‬
conclusions ‫المثيرة لالهتمام‬ finding was that … ..‫كان‬
Change the way they study ‫يغيرون طريقة دراستهم‬ Change to ‫تغيير ل‬
Effects of ‫تأثير ل‬ Make a study plan ‫يعد خطة للمذاكرة‬
Looking back ‫تذكر ما حدث‬ Change his mind ‫يغير رأيه‬
Can understand the logic ‫يستطيع فهم مغزي‬ A six-month period ‫فترة ستة أشهر‬
Make decisions ‫يتخذ قرارات‬ Make the revision ‫يجعل المراجعة ممتعة‬
Keep going with ‫يساير‬-‫يستمر في‬ Reach a conclusion ‫يصل الي نتيجة‬
Assess the levels of ‫يقيم مستويات‬ Study until late in the ‫يذاكر لسلعلت متأخرة في‬
evening ‫المساء‬
At the mention of ‫عند ذكر‬ Take part in ‫يشارك في‬
Do-carry out-perform ‫يقوم بمهام‬ That’s a good idea ‫انها لفكرة رائعة‬
Feel stressed ‫ يشعر بالتوتر‬Try something else ‫جرب شيء آلخر‬
Give-have priority over ‫ لها األولوية و األفضلية علي‬Write down a diary ‫يكتب مفكرة يومية‬
Had a very positive effect ‫ كان له تأثير إيجابي علي‬On the decline )‫في الهبوط (االنحدار‬
Keep going with ‫ يستمر في‬Make decisions ‫يتخذ قرارات‬
About Chat about ‫ يتحدث عن‬On Depend on ‫يعتمد علي‬
Worried about ‫قلق بشأن‬ On time ‫في الموعد‬
Expert on ‫خبير في‬
Effect on ‫تأثير علي‬
Concentrate on ‫يركز علي‬
At Look at ‫يُحلل‬-‫يفحص‬
At the start of ‫في بداية‬ With Happy with ‫سعيد ب‬
By Distract…by ‫ينشغل ب‬-‫ ب‬... ‫يشتت‬
Surprised by ‫مندهش بواسطة‬
From Stop … from ‫ من‬... ‫يمنع‬ Away Put..away ‫في مكانه‬-‫بعيدًا‬...‫يضع‬
Receive from ‫يستلم‬-‫يتلقي‬
Over Come over ‫يزور‬ Off Switch off )‫يأخذ استراحة (يفصل‬
Into Look into ‫يتفحص‬ Down Write down ‫يُسجل‬-‫يُدون‬
Divide into ‫ينقسم الي‬
Of Instead of ‫بدال من‬ To ‫أن‬..‫يُجبر‬
Analyse of ‫تحليل ل‬ Hand…to ‫إلى‬...‫يسلم‬
Amount of ‫كمية من‬ Tends to ‫يميل إلى ان‬
Importance of ... ‫أهمية‬ Plan to ‫يخطط ل‬
Advantage of ‫ميزة ل‬ Prefer to ‫يُفضل ان‬
A period of ‫فترة من‬ Excuse to ‫عذر ل‬
A group of ‫مجموعة من‬ An alternative to ‫بديل ل‬

In Increase in ‫ زيادة في‬For Concentration for ‫يركز لمدة‬
Result in ‫يخلص إلى‬-‫يؤدي إلى‬ Drawback for ‫عائق ل‬-‫عيب‬
In a short period ‫في فترة قصيرة‬ Helpful for ‫نافع ل‬-‫مفيد‬
Conclusion ‫في الختام‬ Ask for ‫يطلب‬
Revise for ‫يراجع ل‬
For the rest of ‫لباقي‬
To+noun-(inf+ing) Lead to ‫ يؤدي إلى‬Up Get up ‫يستيقظ‬
Out Find out ‫يكتشف‬

Language Notes
Retire (v) ‫يتقاعد‬
Resign (v) ‫يستقيل‬
-He retired at the age of sixty. -He resigned from the company because of low salary.
:‫) بمعني (بين) في ما يخص المكان عندما يقع شيء بين اكثر من طرفين‬Among/amongst( ‫يُستخدم حرف الجر‬
Among/amongst )‫بين (أكثر من طرفين‬
-Sama entered the school and quickly disappeared amongst her schoolmates.
:‫) بمعني (بين) في ما يخص المكان عندما يقع شيء بين طرفين‬Between / in between( ‫يُستخدم حرف الجر‬
Between/in between )‫بين (طرفين‬
-The bakery is between the supermarket and the pharmacy.
:‫) بعد بعض األسماء المجردة مثل‬among/amongst( ‫) وليس‬between( ‫يستخدم حر الجر‬
-The relationship between my family members is all right.
Efficient )‫كفء (على درجة عالية من الجودة او المهارة‬
Sufficient )‫كاف (من حيث الكمية أو العدد أو النسبة‬
-I need sufficient time to deal with the problem.
-I expect such an efficient doctor will achieve great success.
Assess (v) ‫يُقدر‬-‫يحدد قيمة‬-‫يُقيم‬
Be assessed as + noun-(inf.+ing) ‫يتم تقييمه على انه‬
Be assessed at ‫قيمته‬ ‫تبلغ‬-‫يُقدر ب‬
Assessment(n) ‫التثمين‬-‫تقدير القيمة‬-‫عملية التقييم‬
-This patient has been assessed as suffering from diabetes.
-This research aims to assess the effect of using mobile phones on children.
-This house was assessed at five million dollars.
-I am waiting for your assessment of the situation. -make-do-carry out an assessment
-an object assessment -personal assessment -continuous assessment
Procrastinate (v) )‫يُسوف (يقول سوف افعل كنوع من المماطلة‬-‫يؤجل‬-‫يُماطل‬
Procrastination (n) ‫تسويف‬-‫تأجيل‬-‫م ُمطالة‬
-Many students procrastinate when it comes to studying their lessons.
-Don’t procrastinate-make a start on your assignments as soon as you get them.
-Procrastination is the first enemy of success.

Produce (v) ‫تلد‬-‫تنبعث منه‬-‫يُسبب‬-‫يولد‬-‫يُنتج‬
-This factory produce 20,000 washing machines a month ‫يُنتج‬
-The wind is used to produce electricity.‫يولد‬
-Global warming has produce an increase in sea levels. ‫يُسبب‬
-This factory produce harmful smoke.‫تبعث منه‬
-A dog can produce puppies more than once a year.‫تلد‬
Produce (n) )‫ناتج زراعي (كلمة ال تُعد‬-‫انتاج المزارع‬
-Milk, butter and cheese are all farm produce. (NOT: farm produces)
Producer (n) ‫القائم على اإلنتاج‬-‫ال ُمنتج‬
Product(n) ‫ناتج‬-‫ُمنتج‬
-Film producers make a lot of money.
-Milk is one of our farm products.
production(n) ‫عملية اإلنتاج‬
productivity(n) ‫العائد‬-‫اإلنتاجية‬
productive (adj) ‫إنتاجي‬-‫ ُمفيد‬-‫ُمثمر‬
-Food production is necessary to feed the ever-growing population.
-There’s a drop in milk production.
-Good work environment raises the productivity of workers.
-Good work environment makes workers more productive.
-We have 350 productive employees who are actually involved in the production process.
(Not: employees who are productive)
The + ‫ صفة مقارنة‬+ ‫ فاعل‬+ ‫فعل‬ ... ‫ كلما‬... ‫كلما‬
The + ‫ صفة مقارنة‬+ ‫ فاعل‬+ ‫فعل‬
-The more people want to do something, the cheaper it will become.
-The harder you study, the higher marks you will get.
Result in(=lead to = bring about = cause) ‫يسبب‬
Result(come) from ‫ينتج من‬-‫يأتي من‬-‫يحدث بسبب‬
-Smoking may lead to-result in-cause death.
-Wars result from the conflict between ideologies.
Customary ‫صفة بمعني معتاد‬
-Terrible weather has become customary recently.
Alone = on+possessive+own = (by) reflexive ‫بمفرده‬
Lonely ‫وحيد‬
Only ‫فقط‬
-I did all the washing alone-on my own-(by) myself. -I go to school alone.
-He feels lonely. No one visits him. -Ahmed was the only one who came late.
Arrive ) ‫يصل ( بدون مفعول‬
Arrive in )‫يصل(مكان كبير‬
Arrive at )‫يصل(مكان صغير‬
Reach +)‫صغير‬-‫)بدون حرف جر( مفعول (مكان كبير‬
Get to )‫يصل الي (مكان كبير او صغير غالبا بصعوبة‬
-He arrived yesterday. -They arrived in Cairo at 7 P.M yesterday.

-They arrived at Cairo Airport at 7 P.M yesterday. -They reached the airport after the plane took off.
-At last, He got to the peak of the mountain.
Hard )‫باجتهاد‬-‫كظرف(بجد‬-)‫مجتهد‬-‫جاد‬-‫كصفة(صعب‬
Hardly ) ‫نادرا‬-‫بصعوبة‬-‫تفيد النفي (بالكاد‬
-The exam was hard but he managed to pass. -Steel is a hard metal.
-My brother is hard working. -We have to work hard to reconstruct our country.
-There are hardly any moving parts, so nothing much can go wrong.
-I Could hardly hear her shouting as the TV sound was loud-
Delay )‫يؤجل(ينتظر حتي وقت الحق لفعل شيء‬
Postpone ) ‫يؤجل (يغير موعد حدث‬
-He decided to delay his decision until he had seen the full report
-The meeting was postponed because of the manager’s illness.
Progress )‫تقدم(عملية التحسن في أداء شيء‬-
Advance )‫تقدم(اكتشاف او اختراع او تغير يجلب التقدم‬-
Breakthrough ‫فترة‬ ‫بعد‬ ‫يحدث‬ ‫ما‬ ‫اختراق(اكتشاف او انجاز هام خاصة‬-‫انجاز‬-
‫طويلة من المحاولة‬
-Assessment tests are test of the student’s progress.
-We have made good progress towards meeting our objectives.
-There have been a lot of advances in scientific knowledge lately.
-In recent years, there have been enormous economic and social advances in Egypt.
-Scientists have described the discovery as a major breakthrough.
-The breakthrough in the investigation came when police found a stolen car.
Conclusion )‫استنتاج (شيء قرره بعد دراسة المعلومات المتاحة‬
Findings )‫اكتشاف (المعلومات التي توصلت اليها نتيجة للدراسة او العمل‬
Result )‫نتيجة (األجوبة التي تم التوصل لها بعد دراسة علمية او اختبار‬
-Doctors failed to reach a conclusion on the exact cause of death.
-The report’s main conclusion was that global warming was a serious threat.
-Survey conducted in other countries reported similar findings.
-Have you had the result of your blood test yet?
Reason )‫سبب(تبرير لسبب حدث او القيام بفعل‬
Explanation )‫تفسير(مجموعة من األسباب توضح سبب حدوث شئ‬
Excuse )‫دقيق‬ ‫او‬ ‫غيرحقيقي‬ ‫عذر(تبرير لشئ فعلته او كان يجب فعله و غالبا‬
-What was the reason for the delay? -I don’t know the reason why he left his last job.
-There are various possible explanations for climate change.
-Is there any explanation for his behavior?
-She said she couldn’t come because she had to work late, but it was just an excuse.
‫عدم جمع هذه الكلمات إلذا جاء قبلها و بعدها اسم‬-
-I usually have a ten-minute break for coffee at midday.
-a two-hour meeting -a ten-year boy -a six-day holiday
‫( في حالة الجمع‬S’) ‫’( في حالة المفرد و‬S)‫ نستخدم‬Time-‫مع‬
Degree ‫مقدار من‬-‫درجة حرارة‬-‫درجة عملية‬-‫شهادة‬
Grade ‫درجة لعمل مدرسي‬

-I had got a degree in philosophy. -Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
-Very few students passed the exam with grade A.
On time ‫بالضبط‬
In time ‫الموعد‬ ‫عن‬ ‫مبكر‬
-He arrived at 5 sharp. He arrived on time. -He arrived before. He arrived in time.
Pro ‫مؤيد‬
Pros ‫مزايا‬
-Are you pro organic food?
-What are the pros of the internet?
Ask for ‫يطلب‬
Ask about ‫يستفسر عن‬-‫يتحري‬
-The school is asking for contributions in a new swimming pool.
-Mrs. Iman asked me about my children.
Assess ‫يقيم‬
Assist ‫يساعد‬
-we should assess the children’s performance monthly.
-I’d like to thank everyone who assisted me.
In conclusion ‫و خالصة القول‬
Shortly ‫قريبا‬
-It will take him years to recover from his defeat. In conclusion, it’s a catastrophe
-Mr john will be with us shortly.
Make a decision ‫يتخذ قرار‬
Come to a decision ‫يصل الي قرار‬
-It wasn’t easy for me to make/take a decision.
-It wasn’t easy for me to come to a decision.
Alternate(adj) ‫متبادل‬-‫متناوب‬-‫متعاقب‬
Alternative(to) ‫بديل‬
-He works alternate weeks.
-There are several alternatives open to us at the moment.
Process ‫معالجة‬-‫عملية‬
Trial ‫قضائية‬ ‫محاكمة‬
-Learning Japanese was a slow process. -The trial lasted for a week.
Suggest ‫يقترح فكرة‬
Propose ‫خطة‬ ‫يقترح‬
-I suggest that this is the right time. -I propose that we act immediately.
Depart ‫يغادر‬-‫يرحل‬
Apart ‫يتفرق‬-‫ينفصل‬
-The train departs at 7. -I’m afraid it’s time for us to apart.

Vary (in) (v) ‫يُنوع‬-‫يتنوع‬
-Teachers must vary their teaching methods.
-The flowers in the park vary in size and colour.
Variety (in) (n) ‫نوع‬-‫تنوع‬
-variety in style attracts readers.
-This forest has 300 varieties of birds.
Variable (in) (adj) ‫قابل للتغير‬-‫متغير‬-‫متنوع‬
-In the Red Sea, fish is variable in size and colour.
Various (adj) ‫مختلف‬-‫متعدد‬-‫عديد‬
-This jacket is available in various sizes.
More Notes
Increase ‫متزايد‬ On the increase ‫متزايد‬-‫متنامي‬
Decrease in ‫نقص في‬ Decrease by .. ‫ينقص بنسبة كذا‬
On time ‫في الوقت المحدد بالضبط‬ In time ‫قبل الوقت المحدد‬
Continual ‫مستمر علي فترات‬ Continuous ‫مستمر بال توقف‬
Continuously ‫باستمرار دون توقف‬ Continually ‫باستمرار بتوقف‬
Find-found-found ‫يجد‬-‫يكتشف‬ Found-founded-founded ‫ينشئ‬-‫يؤسس‬
Findings ‫نتائج بحثية‬ Foundations ‫أساسات‬
Permission ‫تصريح‬ Permit )‫تصريح(مكتوب‬
Licence ‫رخصة‬-‫يرخص‬ License ‫يسمح‬-‫يرخص‬
Plan to +‫مصدر‬ .. ‫يخطط أن‬ Plan for + ‫يخطط ل‬
1-Reading Texts:
A report on a recent study into productivity amongst students
In our research study, we assessed the productivity levels of sixteen to eighteen-year-old students. The aim
was to find out which situations led to an increase in the students’ productivity levels while they are studying.
We chose a group of 250 students and asked them to keep a diary over a six-month period. In these diaries
they wrote down how much time they spent studying every day and what they achieved.
At the start of the study, we asked all the students to make a change to their study habits. We wanted to
find out what effect this change would have on the students’ productivity. We repeated this process at the
start of every month for the rest of the study to look at the effects of varying study habits.
Our analysis of the students’ diaries resulted in some interesting conclusions. We noticed that most
students’ productivity levels increased significantly when they got up earlier to study before school. This was
even true for students who had said they weren’t very efficient when they studied early in the morning.
On the other hand, most students’ productivity levels declined significantly when they regularly studied
until late into the evening. Another interesting finding was that studying with other students had a very
positive effect on some students’ productivity levels, but a very negative effect on other students’
productivity levels.

In conclusion, we can state that studying in the morning seems to help most students to become more
productive, but the effects of other factors, like whether or not students study alone, vary, depending on
the individual.
Things to avoid when studying, to help productivity.
1. Don't procrastinate
There is one common error which stops students from being productive: procrastination. Procrastination is
when we delay doing something important. Students often look for an excuse to do other things, such as tidy
their bedrooms, when they should be studying. Make a study plan and then make yourself follow it!
2. Don't study all night
Another bad habit that some students have is studying all night. (Sometimes this is because they have been
procrastinating in all day!) Studying at night instead of sleeping does not allow the body and brain to rest. It's
important to switch off to study effectively the next day.
3. Put the phone away
Some teachers allow students to keep their phones with them in class. But students shouldn't let themselves
be distracted by their phones. Even better, hand it to the teacher at the beginning of the class —they will let
you have it back at the end!


1-Lisetning Texts
How to make progress with homework
Eman I try hard to finish my homework on time, but I can never get it all done. After just a few minutes
my productivity levels start to decline and I start looking at my phone.
Amany It sounds like you need to raise your efficiency so you can get more homework done.
Eman So, I need to become more productive?
Amany Yes, exactly. You need to do good work, but get it done faster by increasing your productivity.
First, assess when and where you find it easiest to work. You could try to vary the time and place
where you work and see what happens at different times and in different places.
Eman That's a good idea. I'll try doing that and hopefully I'll soon be making more progress with my
Productivity means managing your study or work time so that you get all your work done in the time you
have, but also doing that work well.
When people ask me for tips about how to be productive, the first thing I tell them is that everyone's
different, so different things will help different people. Let's start with the place where you work. It's a good
idea to try out different places and assess where you can concentrate the best and get the most work done.
For example, going to a café to work or study might help some people to make faster progress, but it may
make it harder for other people to concentrate and they'll get less work done. You need to find the best place
for you.

The same is true for the time of day you study. Some people are 'early birds' and their efficiency tends to
be higher in the morning. Whereas other people are 'night owls’ who are most productive in the evening. Try
working at different times of day and find out which time of day is best for you. Then make sure that you
always work or study at that time.
Whatever type of person you are, your productivity levels will decline when you try to do several different
tasks at the same time, or you quickly move from one task to another. So that's definitely something to
avoid if you want to raise your productivity levels. Instead, you should complete one task and then move on
to the next.
Stress and feeling worried also make us less productive. Assess how you’re feeling before you sit down to
work. If you are experiencing stress or feeling worried, try to relax by doing exercise or maybe writing your
worries down so you stop thinking about them. This should make it easier for you to concentrate on your
work rather than other things that are happening in your life and therefore increase your productivity levels.

Woman 1 Do you think you would get the same results with younger students?
Researcher Hmm, good question. We're actually going to let younger students take part in our next
study. And I would expect that we'll see similar results. By which I mean: some students will
become more productive in response to the changes we make, and others won't.
Man Did you have any situations where a student really didn't want to make the changes that
you asked them to make?
Researcher Well, we definitely didn't want to make anyone study in a specific way. That isn't what it's
all about and it probably isn't going to work. Fortunately, all the students who took part
were happy to make the changes we suggested. In fact, sometimes it was difficult to stop
them from continuing with the change when we needed to move on to the next one.
Woman 2 I wanted to know if the students in the study allowed you to share their diaries with other
Researcher Oh no, we agreed to keep all of that information within our research team. We saw that as
private information and we're just sharing our analysis of it.

Let’s apply now

1. To (assess-decline-procrastinate-vary) is to be different from each other in size, shape, etc.
2. To (assess-decline-procrastinate-vary) is to decrease in quantity or importance.
3. To (assess-decline-procrastinate-vary) is to make a judgment about a person or situation after
thinking carefully about it.
4. To (assess-decline-procrastinate-vary) is to delay doing something that you ought to do, usually
because you don’t want to do it.
5. To (delay-achieve-raise-switch off) is to relax for a short time.
6. To (delay-achieve-raise-switch off) is to increase an amount, number, or level.
7. (Individual-Productive-Impossible-Common) means producing or achieving a lot.

8. (Efficiency-Productivity-Procrastination-Progress) is the quality of doing something well and
effectively, without wasting time, money or energy.
9. (Efficiency-Productivity-Procrastination-Progress) is the act of delaying something that you
should do, usually because you don’t want to do it.
10. (Efficiency-Productivity-Procrastination-Progress) is the rate at which goods are produced,
and the amount produced.
11. One of the drawbacks of living with someone is having to share a bathroom. The antonym of
“drawbacks” is (disadvantage-cons-advantage-demerits).
12. It is a good idea to (vary-various-return-variety) the place where you study as it can help your
13. Young children (interrupt-bend-tend-practise) to get sick more often than adults.
14. “Hard work leads to success.” This means hard work (looks at-results in-tends to-switches of) success.
15. I will have to finish this job over a two-(months-month-month’s-monthly) period.
16. “Parent’s do their best to raise their children.” The verb “raise” in this sentence is a synonym of (increase-
improve-lower-bring up).
17. Time management and planning make us more (produce-product-productive-productivity).
18. I tried to (draw-allow-assess-become) some conclusions but I didn’t have enough evidence to depend on.
19. Choosing the right time and the best place will raise your productivity (procrastination-analysis-
20. Mr. Mohammed blamed me for (linking-supporting-interrupting-raising) my friend while he was giving a
21. Your school work is (significant-significantly-individual-individually) better this year. Keep hard work.
22. I (aimed-assessed-handed-declined) the letter to the manager who started to read it at once.
23. Professor Mustafa gave a detailed (procrastination-analysis-productivity-level) of the economic
24. You can’t leave school early without (permission-concentration-increase-awareness).
25. I want you to tell me what happened (to-at-in-for) detail.
26. Australia is one of the main (produces-products-productive-producers) of wool.
27. There’s a mobile shop (among-amongst-a&b-between) the restaurant and the cloths shop.
28. Mum prepared lunch (sufficient-sufficiently-efficient-efficiently) for ten people.
29. You will never achieve any success if you continue to (delay-procrastinate-interrupt-raise) over each
30. I have achieved a clear (process-conclusion-permission-progress) in learning English.

Lessons 3 & 4
Part 1 Vocabulary
Absolutely(adv) ‫تماما‬ Evidence(n) ‫دليل‬ Drawback(n) ‫سلبية‬
Active(adj) ‫نشيط‬-‫نشط‬ Expand(ed) ‫يسهب في‬-‫يفسر‬ Evaluate(d) (v) ‫يُقيّم‬
Add to ‫يضيف الي‬ Function ‫وظيفة‬ Performer ‫مؤدي‬
Addition ‫إضافة‬ Describe ‫يصف‬ Measure ‫يقيس‬
Alarm ‫إنذار‬ Discussion ‫مناقشة‬ Valuable ‫نفيس‬-‫قيم‬
Alone ‫بمفرده‬ Revise ‫يراجع‬ Create ‫ينتج‬-‫يخلق‬
Alternative(n-adj) ‫بديل‬ Focused(adj) ‫في حالة تركيز‬ Plug(n) ‫مقبس‬-‫سدادة‬
Analyse(d) (v) ‫يُحلل‬ Forward(adj) ‫مقد ًما‬-‫مسبق‬ Priority(n) ‫أولوية‬
Anxiety ‫قلق‬ Take part ‫يشارك‬ Decision ‫قرار‬
Area ‫مساحة‬-‫منطقة‬ Forward ‫متقدم‬ Work place ‫مكان عمل‬
Beliefs ‫معتقدات‬ Practice ‫تدريب‬-‫ممارسة‬ Definition ‫تعريف‬
Benefit(n) ‫فائدة‬ Grades(n) ‫درجات‬-‫عالمات‬ Refresh(ed) (v) ‫يجدد‬-‫يُنعش‬
Blog(ged) (v-n) ‫ ُمدونة‬-‫يقوم بالتدوين‬ Impact(n) ‫انطباع‬-‫ أثر‬Reflect(ed) (n) ‫يمعن التفكير‬
Brainstorm(ed) (v) -‫يستثير الفكر‬ Importance(n) ‫ أهمية‬Reflection(n) ‫إمعان التفكير‬
‫يعصف ذهنيا‬
Burned out ‫محترق‬-‫منهك‬ Cortisol ‫ هرمون الكورتيزول‬Set-set-set(v) ‫يضبط‬
Carry(ied) on ‫يستمر في‬ Improve(d) (v) ‫ يُحسن‬Strategy(n) ‫خطة سياسية‬
Chaos(n) ‫الفوضى‬ Go for (phr.v) ‫يؤيد‬ Massiveness ‫ضخامة‬
Chatting ‫دردشة‬ Daily life ‫حياة يومية‬ Suppose(d) (v) ‫يفترض‬
Coach(n) ‫ُمدرب‬ Logic(n) ‫منطق‬ Take action ‫يتعرف‬
Come round to ‫يغير رأيه إلى‬ Massive(adj) ‫هائل‬-‫ضخم‬ Task(n) ‫مهمة‬
Commuter ‫مسافر يومياً الي‬ Mentally(adv) ً‫عقليا‬-ً‫ذهنيا‬ Tough(adj) ‫صعب‬-‫صارم‬
Cycling(n) ‫ركوب الدراجات‬ Option(n) ‫اختيار‬-‫خيار‬ Well-being(n) ‫رفاهية‬
Cyclist(n) ‫دراج‬ Performance(n) ‫أداء‬ Unpleasant(adj) ‫غير سار‬
Decide on(phr.v) ‫يختار‬ Organized(adj) ‫ُمنظم‬ Waste(n) ‫إهدار‬-‫تضييع‬
Definitely(adv) ‫بالتأكيد‬ Overall(adv) ‫ككل‬-‫في المجمل‬ World record ‫رقم قياسي‬
Depression(n) ‫ اكتئاب‬Period(n) ‫فترة‬ Olympic coach ‫مدرب أوليمبي‬
Diet(n) ‫ نظام غذائي‬Pillow(n) ‫وسادة‬ Evaluation ‫تقييم‬
Difference(n) ‫فرق‬-‫ اختالف‬Point(n) -‫وجهة نظر‬-‫فكرة‬ Stressful ‫مجهد‬
Disturb(ed) (n) ‫يزعج‬ Hormone ‫هرمون‬ Positive effects ‫تأثيرات إيجابية‬
Exactly ‫بالظبط‬ Keep going ‫يواصل الذهاب‬ Summarise ‫يلخص‬
Increase by ‫يزداد بمقدار‬ Later ‫فيما بعد‬ Copy ‫نسخة‬-‫ينسخ‬
Make sure ‫يتأكد‬ Involve ‫يتضمن‬ Fan ‫مشجع‬-‫معجب‬

Manage -‫يدير‬-‫يتمكن‬-‫ينجح‬ Quality ‫جودة‬-‫ نوعية‬Position ‫مكان‬
‫يتحكم في‬
Mean ‫يعني‬-‫يقصد‬ Detail ‫ تفصيل‬Perform ‫يؤدي‬
Negative effects ‫تأثيرات سلبية‬ Study tips ‫ نصائح للمذاكرة‬Stops ‫وقفات‬
Realize ‫يدرك‬ Experiences ‫خبرات‬-‫تجارب‬

Alternative A thing that you can choose to do or have out of two or more possibilities. ‫بديل‬
Analyse(d) To examine or think about something carefully, in order to understand it. ‫يُحلل‬
Blog(ged) (v) -To keep a blog; to write something in a blog ‫يقوم بالتدوين‬
-A web page containing information or opinions from a particular person
or about a particular subject, to which new information is added regularly.
Brainstorm(ed) To have a discussion or meeting with other people at work, to suggest a -‫يستثير الفكر‬
lot of ideas for an activity or for solving a problem. ً‫يعصف ذهنيا‬
Carry(ied) on To continue doing something. ‫يستمر في‬
Drawback A disadvantage of a situation, plan, product, etc. ‫عيب‬
Evaluate(d) (v) -To judge how good, useful, or successful something is. ‫يُقيم‬
-To form an opinion of the amount, value or quality of something after
thinking about it carefully.
Evidence Facts or signs that show clearly that something exists or is true. ‫دليل‬
Grade A mark that a student is given for their work or for an examination. ‫تقدير‬-‫درجة‬
Logic A way of thinking or explaining something. ‫المنطق‬
Priority The thing that you think is most important and that needs attention ‫أولوية‬
before anything else.
Session A period of time that is spent doing a particular activity. ‫حصة‬-‫جلسة‬
Strategy A planned series of actions for achieving something. ‫سياسة‬-‫خطة‬

Part 2 Vocabulary Study

Brainstorm Ideas Give Evidence
Do A task Reach A conclusion
Get Better organized Use A strategy
Have A break Set An alarm
Make Sure-a big difference-changes to Take A break

Synonyms & Antonyms
Word Meaning Synonym Antonym
Active ‫نشيط‬ Operating-effective-alive Dead-inactive
Alarm ‫انذار‬ Alert-warning Quietness
Alone ‫بمفرده‬ Individually-solo-separately Collectively-jointly
Brainstorm ُ‫يعصف ذهنيا‬ Communicate-correspond Relieve
Discuss ‫يناقش‬ Argue-review-speak
Discussion ‫مناقشة‬ Argument-debate Agreement-silence
Divide ‫يقسم‬ Break up-disconnect-decompose Mingle-associate-unite
Drawbacks ‫عيوب‬ Downsides-disadvantages-demerits-cons Advantages-pros-merits
Evaluate ‫يقيم‬ Assess-judge-value Neglect
focus ‫يركز‬ Concentrate-aim attention Ignore
Function ‫وظيفة‬ Benefit-purpose-role-perform
Huge ‫ضخم‬ Colossal-monstrous-gigantic Little-small-dwarfish
Manage ‫يدير‬ Handle-control Mismanage-fail
Massive ‫ضخم‬ Heavy-bulky-massy Weightless-light-slight
Naturally ‫بشكل طيبعي‬ Commonly-normally Oddly-strangely-radically
overall ‫شامل‬ General-global-universal-comprehensive Individual-particular-specific
Practice ‫تدريب‬-‫ممارسة‬ Training Idleness
Priority ‫أولوية‬ Precedence-right-of-way-urgency- Back burner-inferiority
Strategy ‫ استراتيجية‬Arrangement-scheme-plan
Unpleasant ‫ غير سار‬Bad-bitter-harsh-nasty Sweet-delicious-pleasant
Verb Noun Adjective
Add ‫يضع‬ Addition ‫إضافة‬ Additional ‫إضافي‬
Discuss ‫يناقش‬ Discussion ‫مناقشة‬ Discussable ‫قابل للنقاش‬
Evaluate ‫يقيم‬ Evaluation ‫تقييم‬ Evaluative ‫تقييمي‬
Focus ‫يركز‬ Focus ‫تركيز‬ Focused ‫مركز‬
Manage ‫يتحكم في‬-‫يدير‬ Management ‫إدارة‬ Managerial ‫إداري‬
Mean ‫يقصد‬-‫يعني‬ Meaning ‫معني‬ Meaningful ‫ذو معني‬-‫ذو مغزي‬
Perform ‫يؤدي‬ Performance ‫أداء‬ Performing ‫مؤد‬
Practice ‫يتمرن‬-‫يمارس‬ Practice ‫تدريب‬-‫ممارسة‬ Practiced ‫ممارس‬
Refresh ‫ينتعش‬-‫يسترخي‬ Refreshment ‫انتعاش‬ Refreshed ‫مسترخ‬-‫منتعش‬
Expressions & idioms
A positive impact ‫أثر إيجابي على‬ Mentally active ً‫نشط ذهنيا‬
A waste of time ‫مضيعة للوقت‬ Dislike about ‫يمقت بخصوص‬-‫يكره‬
At all ‫على االطالق‬ Pros and cons ‫مزايا وعيوب‬
At least ‫علي األقل‬ Make sure ‫يتأكد‬
Brainstorm session ‫جلسة عصف ذهني‬ Reach a conclusion ‫يتوصل الي نتيجة‬

Brainstorming ideas ‫يعصف الذهن الستخراج‬ Share ideas ً‫يشارك أفكارا‬
Come up with ideas ‫يخرج أفكار‬-‫يستنبط‬ Revise for exams ‫يراجع لإلمتحانات‬
Eat healthily ‫يأكل بشكل صحي‬ Take action ‫يتخذ إجراء‬
Feel comfortable ‫يشعر بالراحة‬ Set a world record ً‫يُسجل رقماً قياسياً عالميا‬
Feel less stressed about ‫يشعر بتوتر أقل من‬ Mention the advantage of ‫يذكر ميزة‬
Feel refreshed ‫تشعر باالنتعاش‬ Manage my time better ‫أدير وقتي بشكل أفضل‬
Feel your best ‫تشعر بأفضل ما لديك‬ Feel about ‫يشعر بشأن‬
Focused on ‫مركز علي‬ Do the same ‫تفعل الشئ نفسه‬
I kept looking at the time ‫ظللت انظر الي الوقت‬ Show the changes ‫تظهر التغييرات‬
I liked the idea of ‫أحببت فكرة‬ Add it to our options ‫أضفه إلي خيارنا‬
I made a better job of ‫لقد صنعت عمال ً افضل من‬ Sleeping habits ‫عادات النوم‬
Looking back ‫بالعودة للوراء‬ I got the second highest ‫حصلت علي ثاني اعلي‬
marks ‫الدرجات‬
Main point of the ‫ النقطة الرئيسية للمناقشة‬Get better organized ‫يكن منظماٌ بشكل أفضل‬
Make a 1% change in ‫ في‬%1 ‫ إجراء تغيير بنسبة‬Take-have break ‫يأخذ فترة راحة‬
Make a difference ً‫ يحدث فرقا‬Set seven world records in ‫حصل علي سبعة أرقام‬
‫قياسية عالمية في‬
Make the revision more ‫ يجعل المراجعة أكثر إثارة‬Change the way ‫يغير الطريقة‬
interesting ‫لإلهتمام‬
Put ideas into practice ‫ يضع األفكار موضع التنفيذ‬measure the impact of the ‫يقيس تأثير التغيرات‬
Raise productivity levels ‫ يرفع مستويات اإلنتاجية لدي‬Make a big difference to ُ‫تحدث فرقاُ كبيرا‬
Reduce the amount of ... ‫ تقليل كمية‬Give an evidence ‫يقدم دليل‬
Set an alarm ‫ يضبط المنبه‬Pass his most difficult exams ‫يجتاز اصعب امتحاناته‬
Surprised by what a big ‫ فوجئت بالفرق الكبير الذي‬Seem easier ‫يبدو أسهل‬
difference the study plan ‫احدثته الخطة الدراسية‬
The big drawback for me ‫ العيب األكبر بالنسبة ل‬Make lots of small changes ‫يجري الكثير من‬
‫التغيرات الصغيرة‬
The logic of doing this ‫ منطق القيام بهذا‬Change their performance ‫تغير أدآئهم‬
This definitely had a ‫هذا بالتأكيد له تأثير إيجابي علي‬
positive impact on

Of A fan of ‫ مشجع ل‬For For short periods ‫لفترات قصيرة‬
On Carry on = go on-continue ‫ يستمر في‬By Increase by ‫يزداد بنسبة‬
Focus on ‫يركز على‬ Improve…by ‫ بنسبة‬.. ‫يُحسن‬
To Add … to ‫ إلى‬.. ‫ يضيف‬In Take part in ‫يشارك في‬
Ready to ‫مستعد ل‬ In this way ‫بهذه الطريقة‬
In a list ‫في القائمة‬
With Go with = continue ‫ يتالزم مع‬Up Wake up ‫يستيقظ‬

Language Notes
Whether … or … ... ‫ ام‬... ‫سواء‬
Whether … or nor ‫ ام ال‬... ‫سواء‬
-I will buy this shirt whether it’s expensive or cheap. -I will buy this shirt whether it’s expensive or not.
Seem (= appear+to +‫مصدر‬-adj.-noun ( / Seem like ‫يبدو‬
Appear in-at +‫مكان‬ ‫يظهر‬
Appear ‫يصل‬
-He seems-appears to be a doctor.
-The moon appears in the sky. -I waited for long but he didn’t appear.
Method ‫طريقة‬
Strategy ‫استراتيجية‬
Tactics ‫تكتيكات‬
-You can choose whichever method of payment you prefer.
-The firm is considering a change in it’s marketing strategy.
-The team was discussing tactics for the game.
Copy ‫ينسخ‬
Photocopy ‫يصور‬
Forge ‫يزور‬
Pirate ‫يقرصن‬
-Many people have tried to copy his paintings. -I’ll photocopy the letter and give it to you.
-He forged my signature on the contract.
-A survey suggests that 27% of software in the UK has been pirated.
Practice ‫اعتياد‬-‫ممارسة‬
Habit ‫عادة شخص‬
Custom ‫مجتمعية‬ ‫عادة‬
-The hotel has ended the practice of leaving chocolates in guests’ room.
-Biting your nails is a bad habit.
-I always go to the same Supermarket, out of habit.
-In Japan, it is the custom to take off your shoes when you enter a house.
Discussion ‫مناقشة‬
Debate )‫مناظرة (جدال‬
-I had a discussion with my son about his school work.
-There has been a great debate about genetically modified food.
Manage )‫يتمكن من (يتبعها اسم او ضمير او مصدر‬-‫ينجح‬
Succeed(in) ‫ينجح يتمكن من‬
-I don’t think that I can manage a long walk today. -We managed to persuade him to come with us.
-Many women were able to succeed in politics. -My brother succeeded in passing his final tests.
Grade ‫امتحان صف دراسي‬-‫تقدير شهادة‬
Rank )‫إلجتماعية‬-‫رتبة (عسكرية‬
-He got a grade A in his university degree. -My brother is in sixth grade.
-My brother was promoted to the rank of captain. -This hotel was used only by people of high ranks.

Names of Groups
Staff ‫هيئة عاملين في مؤسسة‬
-The teaching staff in our college are all respected.
Crew ‫طاقم سفينة او طائرة‬
-The plane was about to crash but the crew saved the situation.
Company )‫فرقة(مسرحية‬-‫صحبة‬-‫شركة‬
-I enjoy the company of such interesting people.
-Shakespeare acted in a theatre company(group)called King’s men.
Band ‫جماعة‬-‫فرقة موسيقية‬
-Terrorist bands threaten the life of people.
School ‫سرب من السمك‬
-A school of wales appeared near the shore.
Pack = herd ‫قطيع حيوانات‬
-Lions usually hunt in packs (herds).
Group ‫أشياء‬-‫مجموعة من الناس‬
-The teacher divided the class into groups.
Collection ‫مجموعة متنافسة‬
-He wrote four collections of short stories.
Force )‫جيش‬-‫قوة منظمة (شرطة‬
-The police forces arrested the terrorists.
Team ‫فريق عمل‬
-He was part of the team which did the first heart transplant operation.
Crowd ‫تجمهر من الناس‬
-There were crowds of shoppers in the streets.
Mob ‫مجموعة مزعجة أو عنيفة من الناس‬
-An angry mob of demonstrators approached.
Mass ‫مجموعة من الناس متكتلين في مكان‬
-The square was a solid mass of people.
Bunsh ‫باقة زهور‬-‫مجموعة متشابهة من الناس‬
-He bought a bunch of roses.
Gang ‫عصابة من المجرمين‬
-He was attacked by a gang of youths.
Rabble ‫مجموعة من المشاغبين‬
-He was met by a rabble of noisy angry youths.
Horde ‫مجموعة من الناس متوجهين إلي مكان‬
-In summer hordes of tourists flock to the island.
Party ‫حزب او مجموعة عمل‬
-A party of tourists stood t the entrance to the temple.
Flock ‫قطيع خرفان او طيور‬
-The farmer has over 100 sheeps in his flock.
Litter ‫مجموعة من القطط او الكالب ألم واحدة‬
-He was one of a litter of seven puppies.

Bundle ‫مجموعة أوراق او مالبس او عصا‬
-Bundles of papers and files filled the shelves.
Cluster ‫مجموعة او عنقود من نفس األشياء كالنجوم‬
-Our road ended at a cluster of cottages.
Series ‫سلسلة من أحداث‬
-The film shows a series of important historical events.
Range ‫سلسلة جبال‬-‫تشكلية من أشياء او بشر‬
-The drug is effective against a range of bacteria.
Variety ‫تشكيلة متنوعة‬
-I really like the variety the store has no offer.
Set ‫مجموعة‬
-We face a new set of problems.
More notes
Waist ‫الوسط‬-‫الخصر‬ Waste ‫يهدر‬
Waste )‫فضالت (ال تعد‬-)‫يهدر(يضيع‬ A waste of ‫مضيعة ل‬
Waste ‫يبدد‬ Conserve ‫يحافظ علي‬
Waste of time ‫مضيعة للوقت‬ Waste of money ‫مضيعة للمال‬
Asleep )‫نائم (ليس بعدها اسم‬ Sleeping )‫نائم (يأتي بعدها اسم‬
Asleep ‫نائم‬ Sleepy ‫شاعر بالنعاس‬
Solo )‫صفة‬-‫فردي (ظرف‬-‫بمفرده‬ Alone )‫بمفرده(ظرف فقط‬
Solo ‫فردي‬ Duo ‫ثنائي‬
1-Reading Texts:
Trying to raise my productivity levels:
week 1
I tried dividing my study time into twenty-five-minute periods and taking breaks between them. I can
understand the logic of doing this and I'm sure it helps some people to concentrate better because they only
have to concentrate for short periods. However, the big drawback for me was that I kept looking at the time
to see when it was time to have a break. Looking back, I suppose I should have set an alarm instead so I didn't
have to do that and then it might have been more helpful for me.

I decided to always do the task that I found the most difficult first and, of course, this was quite hard to do
at first because it isn't what you naturally want to do. However, I kept going with it and after a few days, I
noticed how it was helping me to manage my time better and meant that I made a better job of the
unpleasant tasks than I did before. This definitely had a positive impact on my productivity.

I liked the idea of making a study plan because I thought it would help me to get better organised. It
definitely helped me to feel less stressed about what I needed to do because I wrote down exactly what I had
to do in a list and that made it seem easier to get everything done. I was surprised by what a big difference
the study plan made. I'm definitely going to carry on making study plans.

Huge benefits from small changes
The last time I blogged, I was worried about my exams. Well, you won't believe what happened!
A teacher told me about a coach called David Brailsford. He helped the British Olympic cycling team set 7
world records in the 2012 London Olympics. But how did this coach change their performance? Well, he
analysed absolutely everything and improved each thing by 1%. He made lots of small changes to the
cyclists' clothes, their diet and even their pillows! It had a very positive impact on their productivity.

So, I thought I'd do the same to help me study more effectively. I looked into the following areas:
• when I concentrate best
• for how long I can concentrate before I need a break
• where I concentrate best
• how I sleep best
• what food makes me feel my best
At first, I thought it was a waste of time but I kept going with it. I realised I was more mentally active in the
morning and after 6 pm so that's when I studied the most difficult subjects. I also reduced the amount I ate for
dinner and bought some ear plugs to avoid any outside noise. I now wake up feeling really refreshed and
ready to go.

Did it work? Well, I was surprised by what a big difference this strategy made. In Maths and History, my
worst subjects, I got the second highest marks in the class and my grades in all my other subjects increased by
48% in just one month! Looking back, I should have done this before! Making a 1 % change in different things
made a massive difference for me and I'm sure it'll help you too! So, why not try it yourself?


1-Lisetning Texts
Zeinab OK, we're all here now and we have everything we need. So, we need to come up with ideas for
how we can welcome new students to our school and make them feel comfortable here. Does
anyone already have any ideas they want to share?
Nabila I was thinking that we could put every new student together with a student who's already here.
That student could show the new student and be there to help them when they need it.
Zeinab That sounds like a nice idea. Would you be happy for us to add that to our possible solutions,
Reem Sure, yes. I was just thinking how that would work. But I think it could work well.
Nabila Well, it might lead to a new student spending a lot of time with just one other student, but at
least the new student will get a lot of support.
Reem Yes, exactly and that's our priority.
Zeinab Great. So, do we all agree that this could be a good solution?
Nabila Well, I clearly do!

Reem Yes, I think it's a good idea too. Let's add it to our options.

Sami Ok, Rami, do you want to summarise what we have so far?

Rami OK, we have two ideas so far. One is to close your bedroom door and ask your family not to
disturb you and the other one, which Adel mentioned, is to leave your phone in another room.
Does anyone have any other ideas they want to share?
Sami How about making a study plan? It might lead to using some valuable study time but at least
you have things clearly organised and know when you should take a break and what subjects
you need to concentrate more on. What do you think, Adel?
Adel That's a good idea. Let's add it to our options. Another way to be more productive when
revising for exams is to revise with a friend.
Rami Yes, but don't you think that might lead to you chatting about other things?
Adel Perhaps. But at least it makes the revision more interesting, and you can test one another too.
Sami I see your point. It could be useful. Would you be happy for us to add that to our possible
Adel Yes, of course. Can you think of other ideas?
Rami I think it's important to eat healthily and practise self-care when we're stressed about studying.
Sami Really? Can you expand on that?
Rami Well, revising for exams can be really stressful. When we're stressed, we produce a hormone
called cortisol in our bodies. If we have too much in our bodies for a long time, it can lead to
heart problems, depression and anxiety which is not good for our well-being at all.
Adel Wow! Where did you hear that?
Rami My mum's a doctor. She told me about it when she made me create a study plan because she
said good organisation and forward planning is the best way to avoid negative stress.
Organising ourselves well should be a priority because it helps to reduce stress.
Adel Interesting point. So, we have five solutions, but we need to decide on which is the most
efficient way to be more productive when revising for exams. What do you think Sami?
Sami That's a tough one. I'm between 'making a study plan' and `leaving your phone in a different
room'. What about you Rami?
Rami Yes, both ideas are good. But speaking from experience, I'd go for the study plan as the most
effective. How about you Adel?
Adel At first, I thought that eating healthily was the most efficient idea but after hearing what Rami's
mum said, I've come round to that idea too.
Sami So, do we all agree that this is the best option?
Rami Yes, I think so.
Adel Yes, I agree.

Video script:
Reflection is something that more and more people are talking about today. We're told that it will help us
to improve our performance — either at school or in the workplace. But a lot of us aren't sure exactly what
reflection is.
The simplest definition of reflection is that it's careful thought. It involves thinking about what has
happened to you and analysing your actions and the beliefs that led to them in a lot of detail. When you
reflect, your brain can take a break from the chaos of normal life, organise the experiences you have had and
find some meaning in them. Reflection is, therefore, a learning process that lets you grow and develop as a
And the evidence suggests that reflection is a learning process that improves our quality of life. For
example, a study of people travelling to work in the UK, found that the commuters who used their journey to
work to think about their day and plan the next day were happier, more productive and less burned out than
those who didn't.
So why do people often avoid reflection? Some people find it difficult to think back to and analyse to what
they've done, and others think it's better to just take action instead. Whatever your opinion about reflection,
it might be worth at least giving it a try and finding out if it can make you happier and more productive.

Let’s apply now

1. To (blog-carry on-evaluate-brainstorm) is to judge how good, useful, or successful something is.
2. To (blog-carry on-evaluate-brainstorm) is to keep a blog; to write something in a blog.
3. To (analyse-carry on-evaluate-brainstorm) is to examine or think about something carefully, in order to
understand it.
4. To (analyse-carry on-evaluate-brainstorm) is to continue doing something.
5. (Blog-Priority-Evidence-Strategy) means facts or signs that show clearly that something exists or is true.
6. To (analyse-carry on-evaluate-brainstorm) is to have a discussion or meeting with other people at work,
to suggest a lot of ideas for an activity or for solving a problem.
7. (Blog-Priority-Evidence-Strategy) is the thing that you can think is most important and that needs
attention before anything else.
8. I lost my money and I had to borrow. It was a/an (unpleasant-focused-active-massive) situation.
9. I got up late since I had forgotten to (reach-make-take-set) the alarm.
10. So I started to cycle as fast as I could and soon began to catch up with the other (cycle-cyclists-cycling-
11. I took deep breath and rested my pounding head against the feather soft (pin-pillar-pale-pillow).
12. I bought some (ears-earrings-ear plugs-wings) to avoid any outside noise.
13. The (over wall-overall-over here-over and over) situation is good, despite a few minor problems.
14. Bad weather was the main (drawback-advantage-pros-merit) to camping in the far north.
15. The charity is drawing up a (penalty-plane-strategy-donator) to meet the needs of the homeless.
16. I can’t tell the (difference-option-pillow-logic) between the two mobiles. They’re exactly the same.

17. It is the first time for me to (blog-evaluate-refresh-analyse). That’s why I don’t have much likes or
18. Before we start the reading lessons, Mr. Hossam usually (brainstorms-carries on-wastes-supposes) ideas.
19. Most managers work in government, after all, not to enrich themselves but to have some positive
(drawback-affect-influential-impact) on their community.
20. The government does not want to go to war unless all other (solve-alternatives-difference-cyclists)
have failed.
21. After listening to the pros and (cats-coins-cans-cons), the teacher gave him permission to go ahead.
22. Finding a cure for cancer is one of the biggest challenges facing medical (mechanics-researchers-
23. Stress has an effect on both physical and (maintain-mentally-mental-pillow) health.
24. The boss (frustrated-damaged-evaluated-excluded) the project to see if it had been worthwhile.
25. I have no (difference-option-pillow-logic) but to follow the rules. I’ve no choice.


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