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DETACHMENT ABILITIES (Ps 49) nisin ota Detach a ado eer Sarnia You can ioe eee wae sblities in the Rate forged Armies eectog area yen Ste on othe Warhanimce THE LEAGUES (PG 50-57) eran Detachivents from your arm There eefive Lespcsdetnled wit ules you can Use to create your own League Inner facet tnt in thot Detachincts il hve acer t reflect the way those Leagues fight on the beitlog¢ii alata lenin youre testes betel willbe abl create he cstoms and tghang yes eg ues those its _ STRATAGEMS [PG 58-61) ‘of Votann armies Bave access to unique bated sa tactics tat they can lve ote thes asi © of wat these are represented bythe Strapon SL inthis seston which you can spend Command some ee re inc sn eo BS Geren visite Wachaniner 4 tb Coe Boa. "THE VOTANNIC COUNCIL (PG 62.63) © Gernin Cuanacten models in your Leagues of Votan army can be upgrided tobe pan ofthe Votan Counc the aling vee [2 Kindred. ta doitig $6, these honoured warriors will powerfol new abilities. eae RELICS (PG 64-67) Lesgues of Votan heroes can take powerfl artefacts and © skagical weapons called Ancestral Relics into battle; these Relics ‘and the rules they bestow are described in this section, WARLORD TRAITS (PG 68) “The WaRtoRD of Leagues of Votann armny can have one of the traits presented in this section. These help to personalise the leader of your force and better reflect thetr individual combat prowess and command style an the battlefield SKEINWROUGHT DISCIPLINE (PG 69) your army includes any Grimnys they can be given additional psychic powers from the Skeimwrought discipline. This represents the different arcane lore and particular talents of ‘tach individual Grimnyr. You can find out more about psychic yowers in the Warhanimer 40,000 Core Book. roche canoer ore CHAPTER APPROVED RULES (P6 70) Ayo ae playng ste tha nto pot ec pdiry ethene in em he mos oun ‘on rite her. Thwe opener weet engin of etn ou ca ut met sean eng eon ‘objectives in marry matched play mission packs, including the ‘renal War min pack found lathe Washam 10.000 CRUSADE (PG 2.85) ‘The Leagues of Votan have cess fo a howt of adatlonal rues that enkance your Crusade experiance: These inchide bespoke Agendas, Requisitions, Batle Taiteand Croside Relics that feflect the rich background ofthe Ki, Asiongst these rles are Kindred Acquisitions ~ where Kin mst reclaim precious pet, of resources build and upgrade their Rindced Assets ~ ad & system of Grudges to reprevent the Votann’s fais gas and unforgiving nature DATASHEETS (PG 86-99) This section is essen to all Leagues of Voter players, regarales of play sve containing ast does the datashecs for Votan units Each datasheet describes, among other things, the Brofls ofits model, the wargear they ean be equipped with and the silts they have You ean find ot more about datasheets in the Warhammer 4,000 Core Book: WEAPON PROFILES (PG 100-104) ‘This section provides alphabetised ats of the weap. Vorani units caus be equipped with, and should be used ia conjunction with the datashees section, POINTS ee | POINTS VALUES (PG 102) Ifyou are playing « gume that uses points values, you can use thealpnabeised lists inthis section to determi the cost of ‘ach unit from your array. ‘These vee yl be reviewed and updated annually UMS asst tos GLOSSARY (PG 103) In this section you will find a glossary of rules terms used in this. (Codex that is designed to aid in resolving any complex rules interactions that may arise. REFERENCE (PG 104) ee Here you will find a bandy bullet-pointed rules reference that ‘summarises some common Leagues of Votan rules. DETACHMENT ABILITIES AYoranw Detachment is one that only includes LEAGUE CUSTOMS models with the VOTANN keyword (excludi fh models with the UNALIGNED Keyword). Back of the Leagues of Votann are renowned Sor particular customs that hi ed their Aipproach to matters for so long that they have Become tradi Individual Kindred ‘May choose to focus on particular aspects of their Leagues radilons al 0 : ‘and mili + vorawn Detachment Oathband ability + Yoranw units in Voranw Detachments gai the i¢ Customs ability : s gain the Hero ofthe all Observe them as cultural Leag + HeanTatern WARRIORS and HeANKY® PloneEns uunits in VoTAnN Detach: the Objective Secured ability (this ability is described in the Warhammer 40, Core Book). HERO OF THE OATHBAND. itis tradition for a single Kahl either to feud eaclt Oathbanid, or else f0 serve as its mi figurehead aiid strategis Customs ability gains the Ru Hero has mustered its forces. So great is the Efficiency League Custoni store of strategic cunning, martial prowess and inspirational courage posse theypare of greatest benefit to the Kinhost divide jin this fashion. All VoraNN units with this ability, and all the modes in them, gain a League Custom se long as every VoTANK Unitin your army is from the same League. T m gained depends upon -y are from, as shown on the Which League following pag it with GREATER THURIAN LEAGU ar League does not have an associated ague Custom for them, allows you t tablished League. In either ea: mall of your Detachments' customs on your army roster You can include a maximum of one Kant mode in this Detachment Giger eer cre ea 5 fi i by ey ang Fe are ae ara al ear c yeni B Rae DNs e aa NL CRS FA R = ‘S} p A C iz ice eo te Peni 3 " THE LEAGUES in YorANN Ifyour army is Battle-forged, units i Detachments gain access tothe following League rules, provided ‘every Vora unit in your army from the sa je. If every tnit in a Yoranw Detachment is from the same nt is referred to as a League Detachment. League, that De LEAGUE CUSTOMS All cLeasue> units in a League Detachment wil gain a Leagte 49, On the folowing page a with each League, as ella the lst of Established League Customs (pg 56) that you Fist se if your League does noth od custom. Note that each custom fs made P thasan‘Ancestral | Pevery unit from you OP thodels withthe UnaLioneo keyword a os WARLORD TRAITS Bath League has an associated Le Varlord Trait. Ifa YorANN Cuanacten model gains « Warlord Trt, they can nave By the relevant League Warlord Trait instead of a Warlord Trait from page 68. STRATAGEMS Each League has an associated League Stratagem, If your army includes a League Detachment (excly Detachments), then you b: Points to use this Stratagem, in addition to those on. ‘oxliary Support 1d Command ges 58-61 RELICS OF THE LEAGUES Each League has an associated League Ancestral Relic. 1 you, Tad by a VorAnw- WARLORO, you can give ine arr x League Ancestral Relic 10 a VOTANA «LEAGUES Chanse " my instead of giving ther abe from pages 64-67. Named characters and InOwKi ves todels can never be given one of these Relics, -e one of the model’ isting ite Note thet some Reli: of wargear. Where this ite points values, stil pay th Bear that is being Feplaced. Wate down any Ancestral Relics your mo cost of the ¥ your army roster Example: A Battle forged! army ineludes a VOTANN Detachmen has the URANL-SURTR REGULATES i Detachment gain th ‘All Urani-SURTR REGULATES Units int Dour Survivalists League Custom, an Unant-SuprR Recu Character model on that Detachment Trait can instead be given the Grim Pragmatism trait, you hav Waste Not Your Last Breath Stratagern arad cay armys WARLORD is selected fron and is from the URANL-SURTR REGULATES, ‘hen Ga URANL-SURTR REGULATES CHARACTER model from your piven an Ancestral Relic can instead NS-HYPERIAN ALLIANCE Kotdeads ofthe Trans-Hyperian Alance are sa ets Observe secular cof ancestral veneration that Tipper ance are ever ch rave ova sek © LEAGUE CUSTOM: HONOUR THE ANCESTORS Boer on the mie and often strung out are under strength - the IKin ofthe Trans-Hyperion Alliance are no strangers tofihting agains the odds. They relish such hardstips howere 2 ill the more fierce'y to apply their hard wor experienc Confice te Better to honour the Votan. vey with this custom makesan attacks if that + Fach time an ‘pode’ unit is below its arting Strengh. add I to that ‘sted’ hit roll, Esch ime a model with this custom makes an attack on ar Penetration Sp uimodited wound rol of6, the Ar (Eparacteristic of that attack isimproved by Ancestral Judgement Bach time a model with this custom (excluding 406 m imakes an attack against a target that hes 1 or nore Judgement tokens (px86),re-oll a wound roll of} WARLORD TRAIT: NOMAD STRATEGIST has wa cir warriors desir (stay on the riove employing mobile seategies and snifily repositioning their forces to explot weaknesses in enemy bate lines nd makes the most of ‘ht the sort of the fst batle round, you can select up to three fijendly Tans HrreRan ALLunce units wholly within your ‘deployment zone, Remove those units from the bitllefeid, then Set them up anywhere on thebatleielé thats wholly within "Your deployment zone. Ifthe mission uses the Strategic Reserves Tiles any of those units can be placed into Strategic Reserves j yithouthaving to spend any adcitional CPs, regardless of how Many units are already in Strategic Reserves. ls both players have abilities thet cedeploy unis, rol off the wines © Who sedeploys heir unit frst ote rand. passes the dedication 0 “eruising at the heart of nomad oftheir Hold ship it Fie rest of tet race, the Kin of md conaquest o enrich te Votan Ga ee ra Trans Hyperian Alliance ~ n the Tran Hyperian Alliance Kin tol and f jattle Tactic Stratagem he Ancestor worship with ical So wholly determined are its ile standards oj their forebears, thai felsardships and keep fighting f0 surviv hey be terribly injured. even should min any phase, when 2 Teans- HYPER Is Strat Auance) al from your army would lose awound fexiltofa mortal wound. Until the end of the phase that model, or another model in its unit, would lose a the result ofa mortal wound, roll one D6: on a 5+, thal senotlost RELIC: THE CORV DUAS Originally fashioned aboard the Hold ship of Urvais Kin gars ofthe Longest March, these CORV uni hoactive crystal recovered from a scinilla ida capital ship, the CORV L ified resilience to shield their Gi ime, the empyric resonance gener by their presence magnifies the fortitude of the Grimnyr’s har tech, helping them to ward off harmful enemy manfestatio ing the shart of: anomaly. Like escorts aro. enplay their psycho-am from harm. At the sar TRANS-HYPERiaN ALLIANCE GRIMAYR model only. + Add I tothe Wounds characteristics of this units CORV models, + While the bearer’ unit contains 1 or more CORY models, the bearer can attempt to deny one additional psychic poner in each of your opponent's Psychic phases. * While the bearer’ unit contains 1 or moce CORV modé!s, add 1 to Deny the Witch tests taken forthe bearer GREATER THURIAN LEAGUE Grd illtaty conquest Boasting scores of aed Kineds and ner iexhanstble ones af Kiosk aaron t enforce ed wl Greater Thuran League take pride n epitomssing all that it means tobe Kir LEAGUE CUSTOM: RUTHLESS EFFICIENCY FE er Tova Lego eel wer ad ee ee cs nctray verngiagator dopa ce fern ra oegnee Heaporosh war vithagrim, methodical progmatisn tht ban Pere he age fodels with this custom (excluding COS mexlels) count 2s 2 models when determining control of an objective marker, or 5 models if they have a Wounds characteristic of 10 or more. «+ Each time a unit with this custom is selected to shoot or fight youcan re-roll one hit rll or one wound coll when making that units attacks. Ancestral Judgement ach Lie « model (excluding a C06 model) with this custom rales an atack against a target that has 1 or more judgement {ohens (pe 96), thet enemy units considered to have | more Judgement token than it actully bas (to amaximom of 3) when determining what bonuses apply to te attacking srodels techs WARLORD TRAIT: PRAGMATIC WISDOM This warlord squeezes the most of out every strategic plo, thelr command decisions optimising the reward for every expenditure While this Wantono is on the battlefield, each time yeu spend « Command point to use a Stratagem you can roll one D6: on 8 54, that Command pointis refunded. |APPRAISING GLARE Greater Thurian League - Epic Deed Stratagem few Kin san cast the Eye ofthe Ancestors with the swiftness and _grins efficiency ofthis Lengue’s Kah. Where ther mercies gaze {alls the strengths and weaknesses of the enemy ar lid bare, and. there their warriors strike hardest Use this Stratagem wlien a Grearen THunianLEAQue Kin model from your army uses its Grim Efficiency ability. The selected ‘enemy wnit gains one additional Jadgement token (ps 89) RELIC: KORVYK'S CUIRASS. Amongst the earliest records of he Greater Thrian League toa ‘account of the famed Brdklyr Korvyk the Hammer fashioning tis remarkable chest plate, Said to be crafed from one of only three Jrnall transubstanivon deposit eve discovered by the Kin, and wrth the det ald ofthe nascent League sil lucid Votan, i a truly remarkable pie of armour. tis sald that KOrvyks Cudrass teas unyielding and relent asthe ver spirit ofthe Kin race GREATER THURIAN League model only. + The bearer has a 4+ invulnerable save. + Bach tine an attack is allocated to the bearer, the Armour Penetration characteristic ofthat attack is reduced by 1 (f0 ‘minimum of 0). Ths is cumulative with the similar bons from the Void Armour ability (pg 87) URANI-SURTR REGULATES matter th odds ofsuctes. They dsparage was:fulne omg so wil bring them victory, aid their Kindreds survival, | LEAGUE CUSTOM: DOUR SURVIVALISTS Th URSR have sufered preatly over the milena, yet stl they alr. Their grin warriors have diedain fer every fe, and Ge krown wo fight hela, While they-can ill -tand, can fight + Add 1 to the Toughness characteristic of models in aunit seth this custo «= You can cero filed Moral this customs ests taken for aunit with Ancestral Judgement ath ine s model with this custom (xcleding COE ods) Heakesan atack against target hat has Judgement tokens (py 86) that enemy unit iscensidered to have 1 Judgernent wFE wen deteroining what bonuses app to the atscing models tacks. WARLORD TRAIT: GRIM PRAGMATISM DwelBng on pain and dicomjort only wasesvaiuble energy ht ould be pit t beter use ach ine this Wantone would loves wound. rllone D6-on a 5+, that wound is not lost The Kindreds of the Unant-Surir Regulates prize sioicism, selfretance and ~ unusually for their race - inflexible determination ave lee, ar wil subst uncomplaiongly upon the alsobute animus if TERS Ea LUrant-Surtr Regulates - ple Deed Stratagerm His ncannbont upon te leaders of the URSR to sek ar example of ‘absolute indonstablty before thei follower {Use this Strata in the Fight phase when a5 Unaa-SueTs AEgULATES CHaracten model fromm your army that hse not ead beer selected to ight ths phases destyed. Du ot ‘emove that model from play —at can fight after the atacking models units finished making atacks. After resolving the desroyed inodels attacks, itis then removed. RELIC: THE ABIDING MANTLE By tics own intense, the nore of whichever sled URS tafsmur fashioned tas oak vas never recerded. Laced Ahraugh eth duamelioweave and vontranatve opie damper iru, his seemingly plein garment causes is wearer to Blend amongst he ranks ofthe corrades hei survival ated by linfertated anonymity ‘Unanr-Sonan Resuuares sicdeloaly Unless the bearers the closest eligible targetsenerny meds cannot target it with ranged ttcks ban Nitin’ sts foxy de Sly ee Pee Vans en Thad tubes Yin yeh Co P re "YMYR CONGLOMERATE The Yriyr Conglomerate are renowned for two things above al elses raft with it A League whose mantra is ever qua yulpped Outhbands to be seen in any theatre of war LEAGUE CUSTOM: MASTER ARMOURERS The craftsmanship and quality ofthe Youyr Conglomerates weapons and void armour are second to none. Ki who enter battle girded with such forgewrought masterpieces strive never fo waste their tremendous potential. + Add 4° to the Range characteristic of ll ranged weapons (excluding Relics) models with this custom are ‘equipped with “Models ina unit with this custom that have a Save characteristic of 2+ gain a 4+ invulnerable save; other models Jn a nit with this custom gain a 5+ invulnerable save. Ancestral Judgement Bach timiea model with ths custom (excluding a COG model) amakes a ranged attack that targets a unit within half range, if that target has 1 or more Judgement tokens (pg 86), the Armour Penetration characteristic ofthat attack is improved by WARLORD TRAIT: GUILD CONNECTIONS H serves this warlord well 1o maintain strong contacts with the greatest Cthontan Guilds of the Yyr Conglomerate, Su Spiendships yield rich gifts that cam be put to good use upon ‘the battlefield ‘he Damage characteristic ofall weapons this Wanton is fAuipped with (excluding Relics is increased by 1, ier vast material wealth and the spectacular technologies thal they ihe Ymyr Conglomerate deploy some ofthe most lit and heavily PSS esenn ru Ymnyr Conglomerate - Wargear Stratagem With specific modifications it s possible to focus a beam weapons ‘output into a more deadly stream of energy. ‘Use this Stra your Shooting phase, when an Yura ConcLomenate unit from your army is selected to shoot, Select fone model in that unit, and then select one beam weapon 100) that its equipped with. Until the end of the phase, time a itis scored with that weapon, the target suffers tion to the normal Damage. wound in ad RELIC: THE LAST CREST OF JALUK The tragic fall of the Hold world of Jaluk remains a cauti to all those Brékhyr tempted by wild experimentation. C one gilded crest was recovered from the storm-lost plan 4nd seemingly untouched by the warp-madness that sur it Its protective powers extend to its bearer, as does the responsibility fo prevent such a tragedy befalling their YuYR CONGLOMERATE SuieLO CREst model only. + Once per battle, before making a saving throw for th can activate this Relic. IFit does so, then until the ex phase, the bearer has a 3+ invulnerable save. ~ Each time the bearer would lose a wound as the result ‘mortal wound, roll one D6: on a4+, that wound is not KRONUS HEGEMONY ‘The Kron Hegemony are ever om the march. Ther Kindtede must falft quotas of artol conquest, ae find the ightstoxcure to launch inte fllslown riltary invasions of aon agressive andif-tempered. so that ow there a LEAGUE CUSTOM: BATTLE PROWESS The Ki ofthe Krone Hegeriony are vated wat riorswho are expected to display exceptional fais ofsrength end sillin tomb, They never hesitate to hurl themselves into batileand, she rterper the adds, the harder they ight 10 preva + Bach time a unitwith this custom fights ifit made. charge ‘move. was charged or performed a Heroic Intervention this turn, then until that ght is pssolved, add 1 to the Attecks characteristic of modds in this unit: + Hach tne amodel with ihis cision makes a meleeatack, Lithat models unit made a charge move was charged or performed a Heroic Intervention this tun, add 1 te that aatack’ Strength characteristic. Ancestral Judgement Each time a model wih this custom (excluding « C06 model) makes 2 melee attack agains target that ha idgement tokens (pe), the Armour Penetration characteristic of that attack is amproved By WARLORD TRAIT: EXEMPLARY HERO (s the dy ofall war leaders win the Krorus Hegemony to woiiipeachable example ta their folovers, employing their prodigious kill to lay low the greatest enemy threats in person. + Enc time this Wantono fights, ifit & within Engagement [Range of any enemy CHARACTER or NonsreR units, then tani thet fight is resclved, add] to this WARLORDS Attacks characteristic. Each time this Wanton makes melee attack, you ca re-roll thei: roll, + Each time this Wanton makes melee attack against x ‘enemy CHARACTER or MoNsTER unit, add I to the wound roll ld artes, Over times the temperament ofthe Kideds has become ever mors few problens the Ki of th ons Hegemony wil net eek tuselve with vielence BLOODY EXPECTATIONS rap Kronus Hegemiony -Batile Tactic Stratagen With afew stern word, she war leaders of the Kromus Hegemony rermnd ther warriors what is expected of them. Tey must fight Al the harder forte Ancestors expect thet de ‘Use this Stranger in the Tight phos, winen Krone HeeEwony vaiefiom yous ata is slectad to ight Until the end ofthe Phase, cach dime a mod in Gat unitmakes« melee attic, aa) “unmodified hit roll of Bscares | additonal ha, RELIC: THE JUST BLADE Rumow hasit tht this mighty axeis the deadliest weapon ever to he fshnoned in the Forge ofthe Kronus Hogemany. A peace ‘mocilated plas field wether apelytrinae blade tha hos tout through fet thick erreur plating — ane beer wit ‘even energy felis as though they were not thee sud wath the Hegemony tat so deadly weapon must only be wielded m 6 truly jstfed confi: against deserving fo. Krovus Hectuoyy model with «forgewrought plasma sxe oF dark star axe only This Relic replaces a forgewrought plasma ace or dark star axe and has the folowing profile WEAPON RANGE TYPE so The lustBiace. Meee Wee 9 i 4 2 ‘Anlities; Eachtme an aac s mace with this weapon jovulerable avingthows cannotbe made againstthatteck ni) yee 4 ie 2a ah a ihe ap op ue opr npr eu ee aking Poyy,20 ork pu Bil por ior 7 wh HF oh I 2 55, you auistinstead ceate their custom by seecting eee aa pend oriade are te stvors o/s Lene £8 Kin Hates marmot He ener er he rps rong pps rroteplysal eng nl agrestan ls Oe Se tea ‘You can re-roll failed Morale tests taken for @ unit with, ao S31NY 039404-31L1ve8 this carton ode ang made a charge ove was caved ot med roc ntervenion is ua 1 tht tks "his Langue warriors are infamosly l-tempered and Kewn tx Take the canted existence of thei foes rather personaly ach timea unit with this customs selected to shoct or ight, fall the models in that unit that make attacks target the sar nerny uni, afer resolving those attacks. ifthat enemy unit Fachsimea unt with this custom s destroyed byan enemy Soffered damage as the result of those attacks but was no ito ene un guns 2 geen: oles pg 80 nad deste alone De and add 1 otra te wtb oof 1. be = e “tacked is now below Half-strength. On a5+, that enemy) fins | Judgement token (p26). The League alos no aul or loce among their ruribr t0.g0. teravenged. The fallen are always henouted in blood When thee comrades fll in hatte the Kin ofthis League this League imgosesa particularly punishing raining regime the harder fo honowe them through unfaltering succes. on al the ovarriors of its Oahbass, taining hers toeliminate their onerces with merclseffiens. Each timean attack is made by model with this custom unkt is below its Stacting Strength, ad 1 to that attacks bi “Facts ine + model wilh this cstom (ccluding «£06 siodel) takesa melee attack gansta target that has | or more Judgement tokens (pg 86), an anmodifed hit coll ofS sores 1 E FS adaltionat sit We customary within the Kindseds of this League to for ‘ndomitatie shield walsin battle, and then ta ruse mas ‘an inspirational ong of ancestal honour and defiance Ee “Seen tana ofan tale the attacking unit was selected ta fight, you can reroll she | Bach tine a unit with thiscustom declares a charge, if only | declares charge against one target, anf that target as Lor nore Judgement tokens (7 86), add 2 tothe charge cll THE VOTANNIC COUNCIL your army is Batle forged and includes any Vorann Delachments (excusing Auxillary Support Detachment then when you muster your army: you can upgrade any ofthe following Vorann Chanacten units (excluding named characters) from yourarmy: Kin, BRORKYR IROR-MASTER, GRIMNYR. Fach time you upgrade one of the aforementioned units, i Power Rating is increased, a8 shown in the table below, Ifyou lare playing a matched play game, or a game that uses a point limit then the points valu theamount shown in the same table, Make « note on your Army coster each time you upgrade a unit using these rule These units are still conside fatashest for the umber of time purposes of sion t i datasheet can be included in y any particu Bach time you upgrade « unit, one CHazacter model in it gains ibjcw Keyword, ag shown in the keyword column ofthe table farlora Traits and gains below. I also gains access to bespoke {wo additional abilities, one of which is an Ancestral Judgement ability, as shown in the appropriate section over the following pages. A model can only use its Ancestral Judgement ability if every unit from your army has the Vovann keyword (excluding models with the UNALIGNED Keyword) and is from the same League When you upgrade a Vorann CranacTer model with these rules, replace all instances of the keyword in new abilities and Warlord Trait (ifany) with the name of the League that your model is from ‘A Crusade force cannot start with any upgraded CnanacteR units - to include one in a Crusade force, you must use the A. Great Honour Requisition (pg 72). com the same League that b same Votannic is cannot contain two GREATER THURIAM ‘one model f IGouncil keyword (eg. League Hick KAHL models, or two Kronus HeGeMon Lona | HicH KAHL pecmaye Loro GRIMNYR j | Brokhyr lron-master BROKHYR FORGE-MASTER CS REE MASE rei a ‘Tobe named the High Kahl of an entire Kindred is both peepee ian nea (emer as een eee ees Ree renee arene nian ee Teas rs Peper eter) tremendously capable warrior and indomitable battlefield leader. They must algo demonstrate their cool head for ‘strategic command over planet-wide ~ or even system-wide saver maar eed eee ees Penner Tae ieee et Pee aco PUM eT tere ed High Kahl: In your Command phase, select one friendly, pre emt tar CL ren as Ree emi ete Koos each time a model in that unit makes an attack, you can pees te Re eet om eee) ability rule (pg 49) This means a Detachment can include fete ett ccs Oe BC curd FEfficient Exemplar: Each time a HIGH KANL model peererm c Judgement tokens (pg 86). you can select one enemy unit that is visible to this model. Ifyou do so, that unit gains Judgement token. : WARLORD TRAIT You can give a Hiow KAmL model the Experienced ye Warlord Trait instead of giving them another Rc oc me rue LTS This old warrior has fought in countless wars, and has witnessed first-hand much of the worst the galaxy has 1 offer. They can appraise the battlefield situation at a gla ‘and from bitter experience can select priority targets pragmatic efficiency while directing the Kin in war. In each of your Command phases, this WARLORD ca their Grim Efficiency ability (pg 88-89) one additional time, but only if you select an enemy unit that has not already been selected for this ability during this phase: ha ey ee Fests alti ieee PS era ece eee apr ey een ar etbleet ed ciate Wr sai RA Petcare am ete folie ada Peer oem rr td Pe en nen Sine ttie Fareed eet SO een Pest ken reeset enraeparon _ PET rn eater niet Pere ear ease ie a rus) eC ent ts eee ae Sc Lee eee ee sxditional psychic power in each of your uychic paces Nee cura Lost hemeeerunnant eerie Su erate Scoot tag even even RPC eC Ree ent eae pee et ete ey aerate POG Cg eee ee et eee) Power Warlord Trait instead of giving them another Warlord Trait. Teas ne en a ‘for counties years. The have gleaned many incredible secrets and interpreted great truths in their time, and have innmenseskillin wielding the psycho-ectivaied barrier oe eee eri Re tc ee rc pe te eee Cas OM eC Cee mn rd ae any mir Oa maternal srprernimanneet iad Te rr eae pear Rector rere tree pear ee ce rm mee ene ee ote rari amenity een ro tar tyre ed emer ihr aetna tes Ty ror iets ocuecres ee re iso rer eg et eer trr he ee mn te re rer os oo etre et ree eens Reged tere tr) by 1CP forthat use ofthe Stratagem, any future usages of Peete ei tces Oe ee See eae Ce ere ete t cy ‘the target of that attack has Lor more Judgement tokens Toner ete etc) the target equal tothe damage characteristic ofthat altack, ee eae cero Peet ee eee ts) Re eka daeatea n se CON e Stee ree oe ets ea eee er tey cere Poets Eee Gui cie ‘This Brokiyr isa true crafisman, and their experience in Pete een en aad ‘are much assured when this trusted old hand ison standby, Cetera rarer tars “+ Bach time this Wantono repairs. model using its Pine tenith saan te) Rue rs orice keeled | (themodel being repaired regains up to 4 lost wounds Tne tT ACC tna olee rer Rete rains see eensca cnr? E-COG Support ability, page 92). + Once per battle round, when « seving throw is failed feneor vee tek tec acs Petgac Stine onr coc oc cm ag (irene itinerant Damage characteristic ofthat attack is changed to. Ifa Vorann Chanacran model is your WARLORO. todesermine what Warlord Trait they have. You you can select one, RONKIN ASSISTANT models can When you have determined 2 ¥ the keyword in their is fom 1, ANCESTRAL BEARING This ward carries themselves like the oftacons past and commands much respect omg the Ki Exch time this Watono uses an ability in your Command phase that specifies a you can add 3" t0 the range of that ability (10 a maximam of Z + Add 3° tothe ra bilities (to: maximum of 12°) 2. WARRIOR LORD This wierlord is. supremely stile comb: ‘axe blow or sword strike they make is wasted ~ ‘when they put an enemy down, it stays down, sc attack + Each time this Wanton makes 3 you can re-roll the wound roll + Each time a melee attack made by this Wancoro is llocated to an enemy model, that ‘enemy model cannot use any rules to ignore the wounds it loses. 3. ALONG LIST This warlord holds t races in contegt, a hemes with a Ween and inescapable eye. No sooner have they settled a Grudge aga najority ofthe galaxy: their many than they move to the next namie on thei + Each time this Wancono makes 3 ranged attack, the target does not receive the benefits of Light Cover against that attack + Each time you select a target for this Wanono’ ranged weapons, you can ignore the Look Out, Sirrule for any unit that has fone or more Judgement tokens (pg 86). + Atthe-end of each phase, ‘with Judgement tokens were destroyed during that phase by a unit from your army, select one enemy unit that is visible to this WARLORD; that unit gains 1 Judgement token, sfOrman tHe Destined gains a Warlord Trait, eae varlord rat for a VoraNn Waelord Trait (ian) with the na WARLORD TRAITS you eas use the Votann. Wa Gan eithee roll one D6 to randomly ge ever be given a Warlord Trait Ad Trats table belowy anacteR model, eplace all instances of sme of the League thal your m 4e 4. GUILD AFFILIATE “Ths warlord is always on the lookout for val 1 clit for their Kindred’ resources and ever acquisitive Guilds In your Command phase, you can select o friendly Cone unit within 6" ofthis WanLono. Until the start of your next Command phase, that unit has the Objective Secured ability {Gee the Warhammer 40,000 Core Book), If x model in that unit already has this ebility, that counts as one additional model wher 4 5. UNRELENTING TOIL (AURA) This warlord i tireless exemplar. They inspire mining contxol of an objective marker. similar dedication their efforts in this warlord’ presence, their warriors, who redouble While » friendly Core unit that is performing an action is within 6” ofthis Wanvono, that unit can shoot without that action failing 6. GRIM DEMEANOUR [AURA] “This warlord’ grim countenance is lege they are rumoured fo have never smiled. Such demeanour is, of course, an outward sigh of how seriously this warlord undertakes their soler tasks, and under their stern gaze no Kin w found wanting Whilea friendly Cone unit is of this Warton: + That unit can ignore any ot all modi Leadership characteristic. ch time a Combat Attrition test is that unit, you can ignore any or all AUC CULE Se NA UE ORT V ES | SKEINWROUGHT DISCIPLINE Before the battle, generate the psychic powers for Payee Error gr nee ever bene ‘ean select which powers the psyker knows , Loe inet 4 ceed ety Déto generate each power randomly (re-rlling duplicate results), of ou ee nee Biers mata nent etre ener Rr Peete) tee Ted sae aie Rea a Ree era ae ae ie ey ene rer De cee ee eee Bet uot eiet ee ane re ate diet eee ers ‘Command points gained via this psychic power. 2. FORTIFY Ae a ace eee ot uaa ace eee ey a Fee eee eye Er eats ‘essing: Fortify has a warp charge value of 6, 1f manifested, ert eer eee Citar) ‘unit within 12” ofthis Pevesa. Until the start of your next Poser OW enero ete crease reget Se Slarntee eer nut iter hats Peau eas AUT aL Reg eet eae aca hold for their foes, the Grimnyr transmutes it into furious Pee se ee Ce ee ee oe ea Rese Witchfire: Ancestral Wrath has a warp charge value of 6. If pee ere each to this Psywer and roll 3 dice. If that enemy unit contains 11 Croce cee penta eed ee (p86) on it For each rol of 4+, that enemy nit suffers 1 Prscorutn CAS sat Ce aga Cae Gritmnyr engulf their victim ina pillar of flame that sceurs them Die te Seater ea Prac ee eee tere eet od Siac ture he tices Perret cro ie) ese ak ok next tothat unit to the result ifthe result i greater than the ‘unmodified Lexdership characteristic ofthat unit, one model selected by your opponent in that unit is destroyed. PSH ai.¢ Unleashing the full contra-empyric power of thelr barrier tec the Reade att etme ates shields ta flicker and die, and even the most agile foes to jumble ean ay ecard Malediction: Null Vortex has a warp charge value of IF pontmprtet og eC eas Until the start of your next Psychic phase, models in that Unit peter iin Cee ee ua as The glowering stare ofthe Grimnyr bores into the enermy its , Bor ee ener ert uaa tent Petar ines ere or cr Pee ee See a Ree ree eet ae a perenne a Roll 3D6, + Ifthe reault is greater than or equal tothe Leadershi characteristicof that enerny unit, until the start of yournext Pere et ius mu ccarrently performing an action. it immediately fails). «+ Ifthe reeultis greater than the Leadership characteristic of that enemy unit, until the start of your neat psychic phases Peyeccn mer feotieeces itr ve when Earmy ed by a vormnn Wancon® you en Mourarey. ewe enc the flowing Aneel Fos Voraew Guanicen odal from your army. Numed enters nnd mown ss srant model cso! Be ive a7 of © Belling Recs When a mode fom ous army serena Ances Rele Si tatcetel ine casaue> veyed Ia that RE es dary wits th arn of he rage at oor mode is from. ee ac some Relics replace ore ofthe models existing Svargear. Where this is the case, you must. if you are vs pds acs sl pay the cost ofthe wrpex tnt beg We co any Ancesirel Relies your solesbsv= IL'S FORTRESS ver erest a the ifs work of Pasmstakingy wroughs using eonfsting harmon athe than tamer Blows, and shot throug with @ = rejects a coniplesgravitic the bearer against tir foes mg grev-maves, he encrsy f= the btu Brokiyr keel le abrasion ned and restrained by cla Td by ong enough for the erect bearer and their comiraces To pres forwarl and ley thems low. Shieto Crest mode! only, At the sartof the Fight phase, youcan "Select one enemy unit within 3° ofthe bearer That unit & net “lighle tw Gght this phase until aferall eligible units from your “anmy have done so NCETALEEES gant at on Pt ech an ag ssselecte6 to use an FpicDead snce per battle ifthe bearer Sos 30 Command pot tage, tt S35 Siratgelt Uijepafer making ahit oll, wound roll or saving EXACTOR Ths porenthanmnr was fsa for High KAA! Yond Giihener by tne notoriously wrascible craftsman Krys the Tevcelas requires ts wielder to swing tat precisely cin order to gat the best from the weapon ~ a recorvect ang He arree to Revnns egertdary fgh expectetions ofall hose py Exaclor i him, However, when Ihrow forthe aroun Tmpacts corr nleashes a devactating shock wave 0 rmiabie foes cn survive “Mode! with a mass haramer only. This Relic replaces a mass tiammer and has the following profi: RANGE TYPE SAP eS WEAPON Exact -Abilties:Eaen tme an avackisrmade wit ‘nmi hitrol of 6 he reget eutTore srteck sequence ends Melee jaweapon,onan L4Amonal wounde andthe THE FIRST KNIFE “Almost every Kahl and Grinmyr carries with them a plasma tif “These are badges of high offic, denoting that the individual spcohs with te authority of the Ancestors, They are typically cerer0¥ al = rarely used in combat unless as a weapon of lst resort, 1) rife, toweves 1s of particular cultural signficance and gr offensive oe. It's believed to hare been crafied by the Vota theniseives during the days before the Kin came tothe gal. core, Containing @ unique pewer source and worked with so-ancient that no Kin can readit, this blade can be tries project a beam oflaser energy that cythes through the vic at point-blank range, More than one ambushing foe or do crossing faux ambassador has discovered, to thei cost jus deadly The Frst Knife can be, ‘int o: Gainnye model only. Each time the bearer fights ‘make | additional attack using the close combat weapon (See the Wartammer 40,000 Core Book). If that attack co a hit, the target suffers D3 mortal wounds plus | additions! ‘mortal wound for each Judgement token (pg 86) the tare: has and the etack sequence ends See _THYRIKITE PLT: ew satan nine jo whi eee eee epee eg ieaeenpen tees ile rl Net tena directed fed of intermingled nergishe and eniprra = Sires ibe sea on comeniatos ea {praronrarion adel only Pe tec eee hee canara = tan mor horvontaly trough modds nd ref 0 ‘Gnrot finish 2 move on top of another model. or te sue), ec ce ‘model's unit. . THE HEARTHFIST Fhe gurtet contain thermoreativ plasma om of nique ee ae, iho beh ray an furiou fire of the learth elf Bock Blow Oe yt aeons ba plane mergy Ur scmek and sineratanditis vale hte fos marked ae the Ancestors fel the burning wrath of the Hearth Model equipped witha mars gauntlet oF concussion geunt:t nly. This Relic replaces a ass gauntlet or conctssion gauntlet snd has the folowing profile: WEAPON. RANGE TYPE sw oD The Hearst Melee Melee +433 Ibis Ein tne an atackrade by tie weaponiraloctedto: setlist hat has er 0% lagers ches pg 8) et _attack has a Camage characteristic of 4. THEMURMURING STAVE = ‘The pyccircuitry embedded within tis ancient stave sof ine design that enables the wieder to beter aces thew ‘uherworlaly powers. long with the Blade ofthe Ancestors, it {sail to be ene of only two weapons ever fasloned throws nimacadate forging by the Voiann thernseives, though prophecy Ipeatsofathird sil tobe wrought Iisscid that aba bleed Grimmyr who held: thissteve hears th faint voces of the Vetann themselves in his or her mind, and can fterface wth them uni gain ther guidance at will. ‘Griwnyemodel only. ‘The bearer knows one ational peychic power from the Sksinwrought discipline (Pg 99). Fe ou he psn it OE ee then ail atempt to arifet ean ace ele aaa oo eae ‘Onty once has encugh ty n een “entire suit of void armour, but that suit oat re ‘This Relic csnnotbe taken by Exoannaus models + Add 1 tacmeursaring toys meade forthe beat + Add tothe bearers Wounds characteristic VOLUMM'S MASTER ARTIFICE The name VBlom ie spoken with dep respect within Forges Jrroughout the Leagues of Votan, for few Brbthyr hav cer ‘surpaised Fer achievements Fer trusted fle reveretly cated Jor over thousands sf years ~ cones tobe the fit example oftan held gion ei h fons e oTe {and rassaim beams of raven power tasead offing regular oi nal a mente offing WEAPON Velumis Master Artifice 22° Abltien eam [pgQ7]. Gch sme an stark made wh his weapon ote. Ocuring reat ec Mode! equipped witha gravton til only. This Relic replaces & ‘Envi eile and has the following proile: 9 RANGE _TYF nied Ipalloated w a model wae Save charset of 3+ orbettr ak atackhasa Vanage charac 3. YMMA'S SHIELD. a iss that Sear wed inte forging of tha remarkable sild teas ough’ aces she gulf ofspuce aboard the fri lets of [in othing he has en Scr before nie though he have scrched testy Jor fresh depots of what appeal sagh on vanerable sbtance fll othe vate Br Yn the Sure to fashion the urigne deposit into @ RAM dela = Gonsurpased eotionce xd perfert balance Feeswhoasiils ee ae only re har ers fue aglrt the wa eakable bra of thealald ts using this beloved ele marge’ wamaeial = Ln eo are aaa 1b rarely permstted to keep breathing long enough 0 aim for ES aeeand Enura Champion mode ony, Once per bate round, when ¢ faving vou is failed forthe bearer, thebearer can use this Relic When itdocaso, the Demage charactersicofthat atlack je 1 Each fine the bearer wees ths Rei, roll one DO: ‘on a 3+ every mode from your army has ths Vaan Keywor grdlig fom the sme League (excluding UNaLIGNED units) tie tint that made that atta gains 1 Judgement taken (Pg 86). sd oom the oor ar of cll iphone fom ams he car fur oF Te 3 tet ne fl Wether Hi a i fie Dry or haw cuch inomense erie cou did charlie unclear, but the past of pre conrot be denied. The ses plasma blade burs soo span o ook pon ettreaks heh te utr 1 32 Fa daily as an wrens tar tor, a enes rout Wehr eeny corpo welders wake equiped wih a orgerought plasma sxe ony eke replaces fvgevrough piss axe ad as the ng pote: SEM RANGE TPE SAPD. Melee aod Each tre the bear: fant, take 3stonal tacks oe RER'S GRACE ask oid ul yas crf forthe famed Horak" rex Saka ary as thanks for her sang Held flies Kade Iorporting ancien echnolotc! “leiproted from Yon lve, Wayfarer Grae ats ert steer ts eer Monitoring teil sais ah the st provides medical support and cin even resart _Hswearers stepped hear nextoms. Bh te sartof ach ofyout Command pnw, he eae erie eee Theiss te bear destroyed, yn can cote o : ‘se ts Relc insted of using any rlesthat are triggered _-CGRUDGE'S END | Shenthtmodlndetryel Iryoudoso,collont sat Manufactured ovr free centuries by a deat team of roe Hand ote phase oo oe set that mode back spen the anid onkinsivants, Gridge’ Ends not one singleobjet Rate, Berchet ecbie G peibitis pce tej wat sstnjed 1b en cet nl ofconjed adaptor module which con nto © Gidnct in oggeices Rusge funy eneny modes, vithD3aduatfo ntgrow themeenes wth ary frgerought hl werpon eee, Introducing ntetigen tllsticcalbrators. ahypermuation nie factory and abevilering host of eddtonalone-of dpmentations, Grudge’ End transforms the host weapon into oo that nded ring abou! the fatal demiseof many cisvlevedtohave ban tadedfrom arayerou alin mace lothed nemesis the Kin Since lot othe darkness bervee the str It groetsa ve ffir eiercs ibe tofoalbah ognicandarifidal Mel alpped wits abo weapon (pg 10) ony. hen Mpelngsesenan conceal he earerfom theennysaght, gated hs Rll sels one bot expen tat weed Seca + That weapon is consdeced to bea Relicforall rus pur : + The Damage characteristic ofthat weapon i increased fealeigansttebeuerswitsutra fom tatatcks ¢ TheAmeur entation chances of hatwepen ae ie ie, moved 4 (fthe bearer it nota CvanacreR mode, exch time an atackis + Sach time an attack made by this weapon hi suc waustbebevs infra mac tani? lormohigenen oles G486) te oeekine wounds the target : cual from your army has the Vorann keyword (exch models with the UNALIEW jective (eg. a mission keyword), you can. ifyou are playing fons the Eternal War mission pack in the battle that instructs you to select secondary obj sion te nea below the Vorann secondary Ob) mer 40,000 Core Book), select ane of them to be from rr secondary objectives, each of the secondary obj condary objectives (for example, when you select seconds ore no more than 15 victory points from each secans ERCY, NO RESPITE ICESTORS ARE WATCHING rite the destruction of those foes judged wanting by he better to live up to those ancients expectations phase, score 2 victory points ifone of more had 1 of more Judgement tokens (pz 66) ed by a YoTANNW unit from your army during that Score an additional I victory point for each of those ‘units that bad 3 or more Judgement tokens when it was At the end of the battle, reduce the numberof victory $you have earned from this secondary objective by 1 (‘0 iritim o£ 0) for each unit that ison the battlefield (or that embarked on a Teansponr that is itself on the batlefield) that is J or moze Judgement tokens. tom the Kin develop such a Gradge thatthe elimination ‘enemies becomes allconsursing, whether iti efficient to ih vendettas or not. lect this objective, then before the bate, you must five units from your opponents army, one of whic isthe the enemy’s WARLORD, and make a note of them on your If your opponent’ army has five or fewer units, attack, you score | additional victory point (fora maximum ‘points per unit), A unit’s points value includes the d ofthe battle, reduce the number of victory points you ed from this secondary objective by 1 (to «minimum eachot the jectives Hated below has lary objectives, you can dary objective you select category and they follow all the normal role snot choose more than one from exch category, ft during the mission et). SHADOW OPERATIONS PROSPECTS OF WEALTH ‘Progressive and Bnd Game Objective Cee ee ieee ex cian 1h ine ee cin easmonghen he sey sa select this objective, then VOTANN INFANTRY and VovsN ae my can attempt the following action BIKER units from yous art ospect (Action): One VoTANN INFANTHCY or VOTANK BIKER unit earn perycm san to perform hs actonatthe eno your Movement phase i itis in range of an objective marker that is not within your deployment zane and has not alrcaly ‘been prospected by your army. A unit cannot start this action alee are any enesny uns excluding AMCRAPT units) in Tange ofthe same objective marker. The action is completed at theend of the turn, I completed, that objective marker is sid 19 hhaye been prospected by your army and you rust roll one D, adding 1 tothe result i the unt that completed the action has the Scanner keyword: on a 6+, that objective marker isa Rich ‘Deposits objective marker Fach time a unit from your army completes this action, you cote 3 victory points, At the end of the battle, if you control ‘one or more Rich Deposits markers, you score an additional 3 victory points. BATTLEFIELD SUPREMACY LAY CLAIM End Game Objective Having identified rare and valuable resources amidst the rs battle, the Kin move swifily to secure them against the foe. If you selected this secondary objective, then during the Pre-batle Abilities step, yout opponent must set up 3 ob markers anywhere on the ground level of the battlefield t not within 6° of their own deployment zone or any battle edge, and not within 9° of each other. They cannot be set 1 on terrain features with the Unstable Position terrain trait itis impossible to set up an objective marker, itis not st up. Each represents Precious Resources, but does not count as an ‘objective marker for any rales purposes other than for this ‘secondary obj h contains the data , 28 well as an explanation of the sheets in this section have the keyword. This that you can select for yourself as dcscribed inthe 40,000 Gore Book, with the guidance detalled below iit are dean from one ofthe Leagues, When you junit withthe cLeaaue> Keyword in your army. you fate Which Leagues rors and te replace the ‘keyword in every instance on ts datasheet with the yout chosen League. This could be one! the Leagues ‘Warhamune: 4,000 publicauon, or oneal your if you include a Kahl unit in your army, and you deride fre font the ireatr Thurian Leagus, their keyword becomes ThURIAN LEAGUE and their Kilved Hero ability reads friendly GREATER THURIAN LEAGUE CORE uni is within a hitrol of 1 ur army is Battle-forged, you cannot include units from ® diferent Leagues in the same Decachment, You can find ‘more about Battle-forged armies in the Warhammer 40,000 ‘f on profiles ound on aunts datachet describe the on that rodels in that unit can be equipped th fe only teferenced 6a «datasheet profes for cn pages 100-101 Ned with te natal steadiness and sturdinessof the Kin ae the auto-cakbration and gravitc i os by HunTR modides ensures a stable fring t8 that you will need to fight battles with your Leagues of Votan ts and details of EYEOF THE ANCESTORS Kin war lenders Inen the abit to cast the Bye ofthe Ancestors, judging swiftly which foes take priority for destruction. {every unit from your army has the Vowann keyword and is from the same League (cxcludiag models with the Unauisnee Keyword), then enemy units will gain Judgement tokens (to 2 maximum of 3) throughout the bate as folows: + Each time an enemy unit destroys a Vorau unit from your arm, that enemy Unit gains Judgement voken, + Each time an enemy unit successfully completes an action or a paychi action, I gels 1 Judgement token. nd of exch of your opponent's turns, you can elect say unit within range of an objecive marker chat your ‘opponent controls, That uni gains { Judgement token Ifa uait with any judgement tokens is removed from the battlefield (eg, because emasked on a Teanaront, is entering Strategic Reserves ete) make note of how many Judgement tokens it had when it was removed. Ifthat unit is set up on the ttlcield again pace the coresponding number of Judgement tokens next to it again, a unit with one or more judgement tokens splits up into two ‘or mere smaller units, exch of those units prins a number of idgenent tokens equal to thet ofthe original unt. iftwo or more ‘units sombine to form a single lxge unit, and any of those tits fad one or more Jedgement tokens, make x note of how many are fo the unit with the most just before they combined ~ the new Jarges unit has a number of Judgement tokens equal to this, Fachtimea Vorann model (excluding CO6 models) from your army makes an atack azainsta unit that bas one or more Judgement tokens, apply the zpplicable bonus from the table below to thet attack, ATS OL) a oe < its the target, italso oo Tea seca Grudge te Settle: nan unneditice hitroll of 4+, (that attacksuccessfuly hts the target italsoautomaticaly woundsthetarger. | Note, ifan attack automatically wounds the target as the result ‘of this ability, then for the purposes of any other rules that are ‘triggered on a particular wound rol, that attack is considered to have been made with an unmodified wound roll of 6. ao Ge STEADY ADVANCE he Kin stride into bate with an unwaverin hei advance steady and deliberate + This unit ean ignore any o all modi a r Il modiiees to its M tite Advanc teristic and any or all modifi Fires eee ‘Weapons to fire hyper veloc eS proiecttes, cap punching hol SAR er ae igh any target VOID ARMOUR sang ese tnanean ei a i = Seca aoe ‘that attack a Z + Oran nod wound ol 6 ex dag hat Parc tite nic eee ee nother model in the target unit un il either al the exces ete damage has been allocated orthe target units desuoyed ee ee 1 (to a minimum of 0), 2 yrof the Leagues of Votann ‘are masters of focused energy beam technology. They have spent millennia Pena ea ae fern eee ee es Prion ea cere Be eg en ee Pee ee en out a sustained stream of energy that bores through everything in its path, and can be played over the target region to wreak further havoc amongst the foe. Roh cm eo Pease tinue a eee i eed draw a line between the closest point Pie eed euch of the closest model in the target unit. ‘Make one wound roll against the target unit, and each other unit this fret ua were not eligible to be targeted by this Per ec) eee pee et nesta Prana oft, that attack is only resolved against that target unit and it cannot hit any Creat Example 1: A Vorann niodel with a beam weapon targets and hits Unit C Unit A ‘and B lie on a line between the attacking model and the closest point ofthe target Pe ena eed ae et eC ‘Look Out, Sir rule) and so cannot be hit by the beam, but Unit A can. ete nie mea cette koa ens ry Mimo eden ane MSs ‘contains no models with « Wounds characteristic of 18 or higher) and so cannot be Para ec ae a Paras ‘and B lie on a line between the attacking model and the closest p Perens Reamer ice cs aca ea een sis cama {includes spy Varant Detachments (echiding Choncur te Kin miltary forces that they ve precisely fenders eed them. exact when thay are quired. phase: when a¥orane unt Hom yourarmy isselected t Advence Unt fd 12-to he Move aracteritict och ‘enot cumulative withthe similar bom== esare soloathed that the Ancestors themselves are said 1 encespan them, marking them for death. ge this Strtagem in your Shooting phase, when a Voranw anit fom your army is ele-ied toshoot orin te Fight pharo whe A Vorane uni from your army i selected to fight: Until the end Saft pse cach tnicn model in that anit makes an stack ine target thathar 1 or more fidgementtokens (pt 60), Sf ca reel the ht roll. EE ap arin — Battle Tactic Stratagom “Driginely perfected for explosively excavating specialyresitart inngobstacs, hs intersectonal bears yeapon fire patern rs equally welt las the heart ros the enemy Bat fine © Vsethis Suangem io your Shooting phase after an enemy anit ‘shit by an atiack made by a beam weapon (pg 100) fred bya gnodelfrom your army Unt the end ofthe phase, ach that enemy an chit by another attack made by a beam _yespon feed by 2 Vorann model fom your army. rll ore D6 1s, that enemy nit safers | mortal wound in addition 0 “he normal damage A unit can only sufer a maximum of 6 © inortal wounes per phase dueto this Statagen, flood ther sisters with simulant chemicals to fight their way 04 of dangerous situctions this Statagem inthe Fight phase, when a Yorunn Besenks |Your army seleced to fight. Until theend ofthe jodel in that ‘unitmikes amelee. as “Auniliery pport Detachment), Yoo ive access to these Strtagems, Pans EG Vorann Battle Tactic Stratage Sepsor-niwors culation ted into the HusTR modleson Kin siya an be wed to part-outomate argetin bad on ho ere te Bye te Aneztors Ths ensies thatthe Vtam etre gavin, their wil iscaried out vith fa his stratagem a your Shooting phise before making shit atack made by a VOTANA rio¢el from yourarny It nit has 1 or more fudgerment tokens (pg $6), do ot the rill eee ap Yotann - Battle Tactic Stratager ‘Aclone race with a deep-rooted bond of common thought ard iene, the Kina act with eerie and wholly unspoten — cee natin, which helps them to overwhelm and pick apart their ‘poesupon the field oftattle Usethis Statagem atthe sart ofthe Fight phase. Select one enemy uni. thats within Engagement Range ot 2 o: more \oran Cone (nits from your army. Until the end ofthe phase, ach tie a VOTANN CORE model makes « melee aitack against that enemy unit, you can Fe-roll the wound roll, [orem Votann — Battle Tactic Stratagem Whe the fighting feat its fiercest a Kindred’ elite Einhyr varviors truly chow their quality BG ‘Use this Steatgem in your Shooting phase, when an Eiwy = from your army is selected to shoot, or in the Fight phas an EinnyR unit from your army is slected to fight, Until ‘of the phase, each time a modelin that unit makesan ati addi to that atteck hit rll, eae 2 Votan - Buttle Tactic Stratagem Should the foe gether in sufcient numbers. t becomes mc ‘ffcient tc hamarterthe tight packed enemy targets with a auto hail of Balt fire than fo conserve ammunition. ‘Use this Stratagem in your Shooting phase, when.a Votan ‘uni fom yoar army is selected to shoot Until the end oft ‘phase, each time a model in thet unit makes an attack with promise they arse voruon on tem ofr Fn rca esis worthy of id. agen before the bt. Select one Taye ctf your army Mande canhaye ae ck vance Rls pg 647, eve tu heY Fvanacjn modal The Grey Cre edge End ne Eas eli jour ary mist name and repstation are known drought their with exceptional convct ond kil his Swatige before the bate. wwhen youare mustesings my, if your WaALORD has the VoTANM keyword. Select one MaMAGrEn meer yuraray efi etrmirone ior (is ana be « Warlord Tat xs have ‘ony regarded ax your Wasco for the Furposes ‘aulrd Tht Each Warlord Trt your army st be ue (if randomly generated -roll Guplicate results), and ase ths Statagem toge «motel wo Wand Sou canon ee the Stange one unis Youre ga Strike Forcebatle Grn caus you can he Seiragen vis) 28 Onclnaght bate inwhichcas you an “nets Stage there tm) _ Wotan = Siraiegi Poy Stratagem “Ine erors fry bond brace sl membersofc Kindred ensures ‘hat hey wil spare no ort toa the imperiled comrades FPF? ie thie strstagem in yous opponents Charge phase Select one Vora rainy o votive i your army Ui GE the ed ofthe passe, tat units ciple perform Hote PF) iieresicnn sit wna Cama Bieri Pore can 0 theirscrhigts lahat pro ts for their comrades, oe thi Stratagem lo your Shooting phase, after Yoraun HLT unit fom your army has resolved its atacks, Select seme that was hit by one or more ofthat units ranged esthis phase: if every unitin your army ie from the same i (excluding URALIGNED Units), the selected enerny unit merase “a Kin ble that gil nenerdip ies with owe strines Ia enough t poses the PPE. atthe end of our Movement phase RE IFAM ni f(s Your acy that ie fel marker nel the atart cf your while that nite within range of tha Ue this Siatagem Select oneVOTAMn Ct svihin ange of 32 Test Movement paos, fbjective maker «s Thatwnit atomatically passes Norale tests F Giltsthatunit makes arangedattack or declazcs a charg, Hat eni ean ior ay rules that would cate any actions ofa ie tn that uit would losex wound, ollone os. they are peo + Hach te # mod 16: on 6, that wound is 00 FMAG-RIDERS ice Volann ~ Strategic Play Stratagem Kindred magna-coil ich allows siled rider to effet sudden, Treaticjinting manocivtes while laing the polarity oftheir veel cals 0 throw out disruptive energy Pulses ‘Use this Stratagem in your opponent’ Shooting phase, when VotanwBintn uni from your army is selected asthe target of Tange atack Until the end ofthe phase, each tme an attack « made sgninsttat units + Subtract 1 drom that attacks hit roll {that unithas Advanced curing its previous murs, that tacks pitcollcanno: be re-olled. (eae Volum ~ Strategic Ploy Stratagem To trite down a hero amongst the Kin isto earn the immes Gnd murderous ie ofall their warrior comrades. BaD Use this Stratagem when a YoraNn Wast.onD or GRIMNTR = from your army is destroyed, The enemy writ that destroy thot model goins2 Judgement tokens (pg 86). If your des model was a GRIMMYR, that enemy unit gains 3 Jadgemen: ‘okensinsead, CORNERS ’ Votan ~ Strategic Pley Stratagem Hemkyn Pioneers often push their mounts fo their limit to vusiank the foe, knowing that their most effective strategic sumangst the ranks of the Oathband is as rapid, encircling ra Use this Stratagem st the sart of our Movement phase. Se ops Henuren roqeans uni from yosr ary thats ort 28 fom any enemy models and witha 6 ofany bat Gone Ss STS “Yetann Battle Tacte Straten (a Delaree eee noe rirnn aaa ‘pre VOTANN INFANTRY Or VOTANK BIKER Unit framefrcs cen, Pe eee ene nr ona janged weapons even when their anti within Engagement oe eee ance snits that they are within Engagement Rang ee ee mrrmatton ce fooled against that tagetunit and k cannot hit any ce en Se ire eer ‘pot wills Eegsgement Range of ial mode's unst but thet seodel Wediooly be able to make the tacks with that weapon fal conte ee Cee fos edd thin ova Haysmapneeees Pega See ee vee aye ‘Volant ~ Battle Tactic Stratagem Once an enemy target has been marked out by the Eye of the Ancestors, the Kin focus their eforts upon its destriction, redoubling ther fury should itatemspt to ergage Use this Stratagem in your opponents Shooting phase, afer an enemy uni that bad 1 oF tore Judgement tokens (pp.86) ‘het selected to shoot fis resolved is attacks, Seect one TouiNnCore anit from your army that wee hitby one or more fthat enemy unit’ attack this phase, and that isn! withie Engagement Range of any enemy vrits. That Vavawy Core unit ‘an immediately shoot as ifit were your Shooting phase, but its models can only target that enemy unit when doing , end only if that enemy anit is an eligible target. After resolving its attacks, tha: Vomn Cone units then noteligible to shootin your next ‘hooting phase. I'that YOTANN CORE hit asa unit of HEARTHRYN Wansions, this Statagem costs ICP; otherwise, it costs 2CE, Ea CROs ‘Votann ~ Epic Deed Siratagem ‘By carefilly manipulating localised warp flow via their barrier uch implements, the Grrr are able to ward their allies against maleic empyric manifestation: elect one Use this Stratagem in your Command phar, Select one friendly Yorauw unit from your army thats within 9 Gamera modal «+ That unit, and the mode's it contains, stop being affected by any prychic powers that had been affecting it thathad been © anested by an enemy unit 4 Upsl he start of your next Co: ‘the models #t contains. are no? psychic powees maniiested. smmand phase, that unit, nd affected by any Maleciction BASTION RUNNING Votonn - Epic Deed Siratagem Fortress car be temporaril ystems with ashart tosh and Blast uations most prio {ths sagem nour Command phase Sdectone Hrsron ness mode om your ay Unt thes Yor es Commandphse that ond oe ve Fal wounds eminng forth paren fdaterining wat CORE unis win raktis wnit 26d Lt2Comtat tion sess tikes for hata, ‘hicunis Grinngt can atempt a manifest wos Seng yh powers you Re povetn wuropnonetsPahe pce Knows Sine anateapiee enero oe sayihe I fi lees) Power fom the Shinwreugh soclee HR IEG. FACTION KEYWORDS: VoTANN, eacot: KEYWORUS: INFANTRY, CHARACTER, ACCELERATED, EXO-ARMOUR, EINHYR, CHAMPION Bee ae ener eee 1 Bektyrronmistr Tike ssa ao EN ABI onset ee pot Ce COGiseuippedwit plasma torch ve ECoG ie fatter One £096 sequped wr Autocrpaern bos Pte ‘equipped with: manipuletorams. ‘Autcehpater bolt pSE! Pistol Manipuletorares. Nelee Mele: user 0 a Ec a at nade iy swraronsllestda 3 models Shvecharaceisie df 3 beer ty sackhas Damage canctesie ws on (re) Gachtine an saeR Wa iE vweaponisallocaiesto rode wiha Save characesieo + crete tat stack asa Diag charctrticor, Eachtne he bearer figs, makes 2 adaiional ks withths weapon a z ead Advance, Be Void krmour [pe 06-97) Mattepsctal igorsn your Command phase,fthisunt cntans 2 BAbKivRIReN-uasTER redel you can select ‘one finaly Cone or VencLe unt “hin ofthe unt yourdoso,unil estar of our next Commans phase, each Hine «adel in that fend Unit makesan steckoit cronged weapon, aid Le that rik’ Gull: Atthe erdof your Movement phase, ‘thsunitan epai one fiendly Vemcie or nonkinAstetant: While this unk canting a Iowan [Assistant model. this unitcanperiorm actions even fit hae Advanced, and tcantheot witnot its ston fing ECOG Support: Each tine ths unitusesits rekhyrs Guida, ths unitcontans 1 or more E-COG model, the model Beingrepairedreqairs 1 aitonallostvcund The destruction ofan ECOG i ignore forthe pupuses ot Morale wes. If tis units BRBKHYR IRON-MASTER model's ever aesteyen,aof mis untsremaning E-CDG models are asodestroued. KEYWORDS (BROKHYR IRON: MASTER): INFANTRY, CHARACTER, BROXHYR IRON-MASTER, KEYWORDS [IRONKINASSISTANT): INFANTRY, CHARACTER, IRONKIN ASSISTANT KEYWORDS (€-C0G): Ineanray, COG, E-COG xin Ere sa Font euboat eh uech phen cones ogame ataoap SAUTEED 1 Wetpon asunmatinaritala Inlet oral wound myth are thesticlesequnet ene axe = seh tine an REE mada he weet weapon, subvact Fommthat tacks GEA awe hie The bores unitgains me SHIELOCREST ca r 7 REST Keywors tation, tha beer tas he allow ablity “Rampart Shiela (Aura): Whilea rene " 3 ently nranrayo"cLeasue> BikeR Rea see Lunt witin Sof his model, nogelsin that eae ranged atiacle. the range ofits anit cann Fosring pane 69)” i ares Ui gals we Ler antaiaw Kwari dapaumant \SUanseiUS cui lenovo tock istese.oseting Rup ene atin # you dee ten he Reinfoeomerte stop of anc of you Mevemertprastsuou cansetupihisume fe onthebstielsthatis mare an Jraway fomiaiy eremymeaes. _yarane disberstor 18 HRs gg nithave a invulneraie save against tbe increased by any means eg Ancestral ‘This medels Autosh-pattern combi boltecae be replaced witht volkante ésieegato: J tnismedels orgenrougnt ploemia axe can be replaced with 1 mass gaunt J fhismodets remparterest can be replaced with tleportcrest. Eye ofthe Ancestors, Steady Advance, ‘astm Void Armour: This model has a4 REA oes oid krmour (ng 86-87) invunevable sive wisdom, determination Peter et andres Hor (Aura): While friendly ane Grim EBelncy-Inoarhf yourfammand phases if Bee ae, intiswihin ofthis model,each me amoéelin that every unit fom your army is from the same League ease intimakes ab attack, reroll @hitrol of. (exciudingmodels with the UnatieucD keyword), you! CEES eae eel ‘can telectoneenemg unit thats visible te his waded Pee if Jou do so, that enemy unit gains one judgement eats token (og 88) Pee ecko ereaeiect nic ene en FACTION KEYWORDS: VoTANN, KEYWORDS: INFANTRY, CHARACTER, KAHL down the deadliest toes HEARTHKYN WARRIORS EWTN Ts co hs e987) nis thon De Se Sse ig as le toon ae 30 Hundt 8 2 C SP Mente stom SESS WR 94 03 toymtetT) DRE ye Perera eer ey ae STAI deliorl oak wtrthiewsapos 6 Grenaeeds 5 tae: Te bears unt ine re Met Hoyo I ssion once pri, th fin me sang {tron fied or nebesrers unt te Usmige haracerstcuthavatackis changes ‘fe beni airs he Cains ote Whisuebewers ents wehn 26 of “fnly Kini del tha beaprsuintis conelereds Bewihtrangeof hot model = Kira Here aura ctype 9), The teaver uit gins the ScanneR heuwors asston each ie a nael nthe testers aapteinicamner —__untimalesanatackwh angel weapon. te tet aees aes te beef LamCoveragsinst nat tack woes ere oct tpeee ste “eric ocr uaa a © AMET nuach paren oker fon Hae canbe replaced wih LEC plasma Beams oer le oh Yr ch arate emreanbe pease wth Soares ie Gace iis aourpavemteter : sajna eewin omen Peet in amaoove coms a3" 2B chifes nim apan specral cme: spss Lorre vn Bese resis nocrkpaernbo stan be eed mt TRERIME hae aterboueroriontasercanbe eps ro ene folowng, 4 ion att * Ratampasme pit! ee reine olenrg Scovcssin junit pana we: ae ean Peeeinrs Peers Reiners Ren serine cea rntn yee ara , oie Amour [2069 yeaf he ancestors, Steady AO is unk’sTheyn hes 24 invulnerabe ave Se Se Weavefeld Crest oan = ACTON KEWOFCS. at ir Cen Conc HEARTH WARN SEE eas bee s EINH 3 heangint 1 Hesur, See ous untenahs ornare oink Foor ne 8 Erode agp Pd ah HON Hers png ro ie ico oteraijequned th Wewsldant Eatamplema gun = eres east Each tmean atakiemate with nig sweapen, en unmodiied htc te Infles 1 moral wound or thetargevang the atacie sequenceents Males ms Esch ean attacks made wih is cm 322 3 Weapon, subvactt fammatanarte ee additonal tuck thins weapon z = EES apts emacs cress ree Wontn caetcattte}and fas ads nvdnesbie sare Bata seed aCe RSS “tisuntinawigrator dackrsondorsetng Cup onthe betel so fo ten heparan pao Mere eve Uefleld that is mote J vay from ony eneny models, Weaveied cost i Void dmour [oz 85-87) inthis unit subvact 1 homthe Damage charscter-h Ste eee KEYWORDS. INFaNrAy, Cone, Exo-ARMOUR, EINHYR, HEARTHGUARD CTHONIANBESERKS _S30_ fest ____ 5 Jasisunt contahs Gor more models, thas Power Rating 10 ej GSaege a metas Powe etn Gry roan nc uppea aN an] daa 26 unto ole renade avneher Sa ant Wisreerncnurptntense TUE aie sso mar aS Sioa eat sis San neck ade with ths weapon, etecone of we pies tient mane ee Meee Noles 2 Sweet Hines Mee Esch mean acc nace wih : = ier 31 weapenpatiesakePhtolsinseae on. seh anaes ne _stsensl ack in NS We Afof te models the unt can havethet heavyplasmaaxe paced wth i corcuesan au each ‘Forever mode inthisunt,1motel hats ct equipaed ita olegrenaie aunty can ove ts heaey fee oaranion ml epic wineerinon gt «Fa every Smadolsinthisunt, 1 mosel at srw equipped atin concussion gausletcanbe equipped wih {ole g’enace launcher Ifa model hae 2 msl grenade uncle add Iso Wounds and alacke Charters, ‘Whe nt certains one or more mole enipred witha mole renadeieunches thes ne Suorensancan Execosives keuword” ‘Designers Note: fa Besek isequipped witha mole grerode lounche twill eccempenedbyan C05 ue: both ‘models shculdbe ploced onthe some base and tgetherthey octaza single model oral rues purposes [obeltcne mith improved choracterstis) ye of me Ancestors, Steady Advance, ‘Cytersimms: You cane targe rols made tore Ceiremnnseste ‘old Amour (pg 86-22) ‘Gi Eat a hatin tt nie ues oye By Serene notreroweit om play Te esoyearoce an Bocas Shere ac oe wanted maine Ciara attacks, and isthen removed from pia, att Augmented: Each tine 2 medelin nis unit oses 5 ound ll one 06, adding tothe est fhe Darege ehatactelists fthatattickwas 1 on aS-,thatweune is rrr asteroid filled vith se of precious ore FACTION KEYWORDS: VOTANN, KEYWORDS: INFANTRY, CORE, BESERKS into a poweslul exo-frame, eran RCE Ce Mears Sour. a Sear ee at keletc Cece eens ene e ies es) een withering Covesi@ fire for Reker ee Re yet Ciera 36 _BrOkhyr Thunderkyn ish unitcentaine 4ormere medela ith ole blast Each sive an atack made withthe __Wgapen i alatedtoa model wih Save choractenste of3+ or beet fatattack asa Damage charactensticot3 team (p38?) Exchtime anatack made wity this weapon hte uni tthe nitthat wae he SPeonersion bermer 30" inlR1_ 7-23 phelly more than 45% rom the fiingrede, tne altiona ha is scored against that unt rion replaced with 2 graviion blast cannon eech ‘+ Allof the mode's inthe unt can have thelr bot c + Allof the mode's inthe unt can nave theit bol cannon replaced with 1 SP conversion Beamer each, Eye of the Ancestors, Steady Advance, Void Armour [pg 06-97) ‘Omni-visors: Each time a mode! in thisunt makes an atack witha ranged weapon, the target does not receive the of bist cannon) 18 benefits of Bence Cover apainerthatattack FACTION KEYWORDS: VoraNn, KEYWORDS: INFANTRY, CORE, EXO-FRAME, BROKHYR, THUNDERKYN SAGITAUR x a2 Sagitaur ° roc Sie Er ; ee 32 Twinbot cannon 20° Hone 6 «Any umber of models can wath have thet HL z= team eannan replaced with on of te follwing 11? miesle Iounchen 3 MATR autocannon, 1 Sagiour missile launcher yeorine Ancestors, Seady Advance, olaaemout pg 6-87) Nounted Assault: this unit contains we madols, then before the bat, atthe stat of he Declare Reserves and “anspertsstepofthe mission sequence, yeu caiselect one HeaRTHxTH Wannions or BESENKSuinit that contsins £0 models. Ifyou dos that nits pit into two units, each conaining Smede’s (wren splitinga unitusing ths ably ‘rake ancte of which models for each of the wo new unis), whics must Sarthe atte emarked within one of hese ‘wo SastTaUR models. fuou are playing «Crusade mission, the Spl Unituies donot apply to INFANTRY uns that split using this abit: fthatunithas ang Battie Honours a ate Scars beth tsp units cunt as havingthose Bate Honours and Scare, and you only need ttake an Dut of Action est forthat unitifbot its eplturiteace desvoued dering eee Pee heraenis Reesacoicics Coen oto ‘Sagitaur Squadron: Ifthis unit contains two mode's, the first time itis setup on the tattlefelé, each model must be set Up within & ofthe other From that point onwarde, each mee! operates independently 2nd ictreated as 2 separate Uni Ke pades: ter ths vanpotsdestoyed.ol one Delo anyanbaed motels doemberkandebrerenevngt i amply Ona tewldes nd each ut witin6 sie neal your ae (ease) ee ach model inthis unt has transport capacity ofS INFANTRY models. It cannot tensor EXO-ARMOUK ct mount a remarkable Ex0-FRame macels. Eaten dca vehicles of their size, an FACTION KEYWORDS: VoTANN, Porras rea KEYWORDS; Transport, VEHICLE, ACCELERATED, SAGITAUR battle tanks ie HERNKYN PI NEE! ‘agna-col aocannons avi coneission wenodes. Boltrevoler Bet shotgun Hilas rota cannon Magna-col augocannan ine the SranELIGHT Reywerd. In adon, each tinea mode! inthe The borers unitk Pn, he arg des tieceivethe Pav nates on aac nih arangeden ints dence cover aganathatatack ithe Conn kor WOE SBT GH WOW CHOUE Kan thebentersunkis considereatebewinin ange otatmadels pachity(PEee28). PPT eape faite cman cefward beter. se Unt ntl vetbenare fonsoectalscomer tates a ntucna a rangedveanon the tayget dove toca he ena Ug veraqainet tack ‘= Foreveny 3models inthis anit 1 ean be equipped wih one ofthe folowing 1 HYLas rotary cannen: tion bearer Its rotel ic equipped ith any ofthese weapons, add to is Atacts and Wounds characterstics, 1 pts 3 Aiferre medal hat ae not equipped wih ether a HYLas ftarycannen oranfonbeamer can eachtake ons Aifferor option from the floninglist © Be equloped wih drolbarsearchight™ {© Be equipped with 1 multwavecomms aay © Be equipped with 1 pan spectal sanve:* “Ins mode! cannat be equippeduitn oHYLas rtorycennen or anion beamer. positions, es cE ii een ee fi i he Eye of the Ancestors, Steady Advance, Yold Armour (pz 86:87) ae uN peng Ranger Outriders: At the start of the first battle round, before the firstturn begins, this unit can make 3 Normal Mo: ae {pt 12s vere you Mover pce Ths nits er hat nove ethan ava am ay nen POSNER itotnioershorentstatcn doth. the payeraho staking te Send back intelligenc RU FACTION KEYWORDS: YoTANN, ero KEYWORDS: BIKER, CORE, FLY, ACCELERATED, CONCUSSION, HERNKYN PIONEERS. rst turn mavesther units fist. HEKATON LAND FORTRESS motetveharccs charge a ples dana. oo {pieeundreranea) its tand Fores (SSwontenarne) esate ans eeess Irewouner remaining) Se pawn na Fores Thebes can ey shou wi i ‘weapon once pa ue Thisweaga> Pe : Senet te, © ih tas woos oma Yenc rt tees tue stu Ganache succentulywounde eget Hinks Heay303 822 at ese 54 PARTE apnea geri WuiR2 7 22 Beamipg87) ‘Bist The baie cn loko wah feenszns 6 -2«2_‘Tismeaponence erate. Ths aprtneaaeereat on aaa Se tewyt 40g g_esponesnperbateTwapn . Trlspeunisaatavuvebee Serene pan 4) 2 ea ae a jo Wyk? 3 tmattamo tan ontnelangose ore ssstcatht tod agineacine -spraanycanversion bear This mede! pans the SCANNER Keyhort Inadstion, each ime tismodel makes sn arack Inith 3 ranged weapon. thetarget does natreceive the benef tof LightCover sgnnst thatateack pan spectra scanner ‘ig ocel ean eke one af re lloning options © feplace? bel cannons with 2 on bearers. 6 opie belt eannans wt on bearers “his hastseyecion canon canbe placed oe ofthe folowing SPheaneonverin bane 1 Nea use a eee dear cr cpeal anne canseoplcedth one chbeotoving: Arcee vergsance aca: 1s EARS RRS sath wamhend; mouniairbrcakerwarneds. Sr aaan Hekaton Land Fort Vols armour [pg 868 ued rollone D6 before any emaried model tal wounds. oa RCL ys ofthe Ancestors, Stendy Advan: Explodes: When thie wansportis dest fron play. On 6 explodes. anda Thismodelhas a anspor capacty of 12 AEIWORUS: VEHICLE, ACCELERATED, TRANSPORT, HEKATON LAND FORTRESS ‘5, We (pis) value ofeach uit in you y jae (Le how many rie Gj oe aa ney basa unk contol mpl then the nicest x NCI Late sey 25 + Molegrenade launcher. + Twin concussion gauntlet. ad points fo exch weapon, oF rizar ot Hedin unis en ae ce of angene tr rlude in roaetietaeinhe i "A FASTATTACK remuarionea Geoe Units otel, Upiteost. Ao pwimace! + ¥Lasroarycannon “0p + onbeamer + Mutivave comms arny + Pan gpecralscanre’ + Rotbarsearchight 110 pusnecet 420 pa 10 ts + Ancerors vengeance warread—_.=10 ps lon Beamer nicest eis dees

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