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What would you do if you were accepted to both schools?

Dreaming is the best part of growing up, and living on the dream you
imagine since you were a child. There are opportunities that only comes with our
life once. As the quote goes “the door of opportunity only open once in an
expected time and situation”. If I will be given an opportunity with a two doors
open, I would never hesitate to choose the field I always dream off. I will go and
pursue my dream which is to go school of Arts.

Whose wishes should you consider when you make your decision?

When it comes to decision making, particularly if your parents are involved

it is really hard to decide with. But since my own dream is involved I will always
choose to take school and place where my dream course is with. If in the end of
the decision making may father will allow me to take my dream course, I will go
with him. I will pursue my dreams and reach it with him wherever the place would
it be. Because this will be the life time field I will never regret I chose, the moment
I chose it the lesser what ifs’ will happen in the future.

How much of this situation depends on your choices and how much depends on
things you cannot control?
The situation above gives me the scenario I always imagine, because my
parents wants me to do and make the same situation. We all know that we
cannot always control what are meant to happen that the universe will give to us.
But this situation enlightens me with different possibilities and obstacle that life
may test how determined we are with the things we chose to take. Life is
uncontrollable, there are things that doesn’t fall with the plans we imagine to be.
We need to be determined with the and set our goals with concrete plan.

Do we choose our path in life?

Life is a choice; the path we take is our decision, the life we have is the life
we choose to have. Life that serves us our maze is not sure but this maze is just
a test of how determined we are with the choices we have in life. This obstacle
will serve us our life choice; this bring the best of us in life we have. The choice of
life path we take is the life we dream to have.
Dreaming is the best part of growing up, and living on the dream you
imagine since you were a child. There are opportunities that only comes with our
life once. As the quote goes “the door of opportunity only open once in an
expected time and situation”. If I will be given an opportunity with a two doors
open, I would never hesitate to choose the field I always dream off. I will go and
pursue my dream which is to go school of Arts.

When it comes to decision making, particularly if your parents are involved

it is really hard to decide with. But since my own dream is involved I will always
choose to take school and place where my dream course is with. If in the end of
the decision making may father will allow me to take my dream course, I will go
with him. I will pursue my dreams and reach it with him wherever the place would
it be. Because this will be the life time field I will never regret I chose, the moment
I chose it the lesser what ifs’ will happen in the future.

The situation above gives me the scenario I always imagine, because my

parents wants me to do and make the same situation. We all know that we
cannot always control what are meant to happen that the universe will give to us.
But this situation enlightens me with different possibilities and obstacle that life
may test how determined we are with the things we chose to take. Life is
uncontrollable, there are things that doesn’t fall with the plans we imagine to be.
We need to be determined with the and set our goals with concrete plan.

Life is a choice; the path we take is our decision, the life we have is the life
we choose to have. Life that serves us our maze is not sure but this maze is just
a test of how determined we are with the choices we have in life. This obstacle
will serve us our life choice; this bring the best of us in life we have. The choice of
life path we take is the life we dream to have.

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