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Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences– Grade 11

Quarter 1 – Module 3: Basic Concepts and Principles in Social Sciences

First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education - Schools Division of Pasig City

Development Team of the Self-Learning Module

Writer: Noreen D. Dalingay
Editor: Marjorie Z. Rondilla
Reviewers: Irene J. Mondejar and Rosallio P. Oriarte Jr.
Layout Artist: Clifchard D. Valente
Management Team: Ma. Evalou Concepcion A. Agustin
OIC-Schools Division Superintendent
Aurelio G. Alfonso EdD
OIC-Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
Victor M. Javeña EdD
Chief, School Governance and Operations Division and
OIC-Chief, Curriculum Implementation Division

Education Program Supervisors

Librada L. Agon EdD (EPP/TLE/TVL/TVE)

Liza A. Alvarez (Science/STEM/SSP)
Bernard R. Balitao (AP/HUMSS)
Joselito E. Calios (English/SPFL/GAS)
Norlyn D. Conde EdD (MAPEH/SPA/SPS/HOPE/A&D/Sports)
Wilma Q. Del Rosario (LRMDS/ADM)
Ma. Teresita E. Herrera EdD (Filipino/GAS/Piling Larang)
Perlita M. Ignacio PhD (EsP)
Dulce O. Santos PhD (Kindergarten/MTB-MLE)
Teresita P. Tagulao EdD (Mathematics/ABM)

Printed in the Philippines by Department of Education – Schools Division of

Pasig City
Quarter 1
Self-Learning Module 3
Basic Concepts and Principles in Social Sciences
Introductory Message

For the Facilitator:

Welcome to the Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences Grade 11 Self-
Learning Module 3 on Basic Concepts and Principles in Social Sciences!
This Self-Learning Module was collaboratively designed, developed and
reviewed by educators from the Schools Division Office of Pasig City headed by its
Officer-in-Charge Schools Division Superintendent, Ma. Evalou Concepcion A.
Agustin, in partnership with the City Government of Pasig through its mayor,
Honorable Victor Ma. Regis N. Sotto. The writers utilized the standards set by the K
to 12 Curriculum using the Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELC) in
developing this instructional resource.

This learning material hopes to engage the learners in guided and

independent learning activities at their own pace and time. Further, this also aims
to help learners acquire the needed 21st century skills especially the 5 Cs, namely:
Communication, Collaboration, Creativity, Critical Thinking, and Character while
taking into consideration their needs and circumstances.

In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the
body of the module:

Notes to the Teacher

This contains helpful tips or strategies
that will help you in guiding the learners.

As a facilitator you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this
module. You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them
to manage their own learning. Moreover, you are expected to encourage and assist
the learners as they do the tasks included in the module.
For the Learner:

Welcome to the Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences Grade 11 Self-
Learning Module 3 on Basic Concepts and Principles in Social Sciences!

This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful
opportunities for guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You
will be enabled to process the contents of the learning material while being an
active learner.

This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:

Expectations - This points to the set of knowledge and skills

that you will learn after completing the module.

Pretest - This measures your prior knowledge about the lesson

at hand.

Recap - This part of the module provides a review of concepts

and skills that you already know about a previous lesson.

Lesson - This section discusses the topic in the module.

Activities - This is a set of activities that you need to perform.

Wrap-Up - This section summarizes the concepts and

application of the lesson.

Valuing - This part integrates a desirable moral value in the


Posttest - This measures how much you have learned from the
entire module.

In this lesson, you are expected to:

a. discuss the methods of inquiry of the different social science
b. differentiate various social science disciplines; and,
c. explain the importance of studying the various social disciplines.


Directions: Analyze the following statements. Choose the letter of the correct
answer and write it on your notebook.

1. It is the study of human biology with the milieu of evolution.

a. Genetics c. Osteology
b. Forensic anthropology d. Physical anthropology

2. Retrieving and examining the remains of previous human societies is

the focus of this branch of anthropology.
a. Archaeology c. Cultural anthropology
b. Biological anthropology d. Primatology

3. It analyzes how economics functions as a whole or its basic

subdivisions such as the government or the business sectors.
a. Macroeconomics c. Economics security
b. Microeconomics d. economic efficiency

4. Which of the following branches of history works on the accounts of

the Filipino- American War?
a. Cultural history c. Economic history
b. Diplomatic history d. Military history

5. The main focus of this branch of psychology is on internal states such

as motivation, decision making, problem –solving.
a. Behavioral psychology d. Educational psychology
b. Cognitive psychology e. Personality psychology

Let’s have a review!

Complete the statements below.

1. Natural Sciences aim to explain and predict________________________.

2. Social Sciences attempt to explain and describe____________________.
3. Both sciences use _____________________.
4. Humanities tends to humanize human through ______, ________, and
5. Science is defined as body of knowledge concerned with the
observation and classification of ____________.


The Filipino culture is shared and nurtured by the Filipinos

themselves and this is what makes the Philippines a fun place to live in. We
are very resilient as well. We interact, we talk, we share amidst the
complexities of our society. We may practice the same culture, norms, but
we still differ in enduring different life situations. Perhaps, studying this
social science disciplines may help us in understanding the society and how
to respond with social phenomena.
Just like other undertakings, social science conducts research in
order to discover solutions to societal needs. This research involves people
and their experiences. Thus, the disciplines in social sciences utilize various
methods in gathering data regarding a certain subject, such as
anthropology. Experts in this field uses ethnography, field-note taking, and
participant observation. Sociologists make use of case studies, surveys, or
naturalistic observation. Other disciplines employ focus group discussion,
field experiment, survey, and informal interview.
Let us also discuss the different concepts of the social science
disciplines. Below are tables and illustrations of all the concepts of the
disciplines for better understanding

Two fields:
a. Physical Anthropology
a. Macroeconomics
the study of human
-Analyzes how
economics functions as a
b. Cultural Anthropology-
whole or its basic
the study and
subdivisions such as the
comparative analysis of
government or the
preliterate societies
business sectors
including all aspects of
b. Microeconomics
human behavior.
-Focuses on the
c. Archaeology- the study
behaviour of individual
of earlier cultures and
agents, like household,
way of life
industries and firms


Two main branches Three parts

a. Physical Geography- the a. Morphology- the study of
earth sciences perspective language forms
b. Human Geography – b. Phonology- the study of
human aspect specifically words is formed into
the concept of culture phrases
Five Geography themes c. Syntax- the study of
a. Relationships sounds of language.
b. Location
c. Place
d. Region
e. Movement
Branches Theme
a. Social History Experience of common people

b. Cultural History Customs, arts, traditions

c. Political History Political ideas, events,
movements, parties and
d. Economic History Economic occurrences, way
of living, distribution of goods
and services
e. Diplomatic History International relations
between states
f. Military History military affairs, strategies,
doctrine, armed conflict
g. History of Religion Religious experiences and
h. History of women women’s role in history
i. Environmental human interaction with
History nature and environment

This social sciences disciplines may differ in concepts and processes of

studying a certain subject, but they all geared towards human affairs.

politics Two branches:

a. General sociology-deals with the

Policy studies and
Political analysis properties and homogeneity common
Science to all social and cultural phenomena
Political theory b. Special sociology- focuses on
specific sociocultural phenomenon

Political economy

Abnormal Psychology Looks at psychopathology and abnormal
behaviour, depression to obsession-
Behavioural Psychology A theory of learning based upon the idea that
all behaviors are acquired through
Biopsychology The study of how the brain influences behavior
Cognitive Psychology Focuses on internal states, such as
motivation, problem solving, decision-making
and attention
Comparative Psychology Study of animal behavior
Cross –Cultural Looks at how cultural factors influence human
Psychology behaviour; investigate how behaviour differs
among cultures throughout the world
Developmental Looks at development across lifespan, from
Psychology childhood to adulthood
Educational Psychology Concerned with schools and educational
Experimental Utilizes scientific methods to research the
Psychology brain and behavior
Forensic Psychology Deals with issues related to psychology and
the law
Health Psychology Focuses on how biology, psychology, behavior
and social factors in and influence health
Personality Psychology Focuses on the patterns of thoughts and
feelings, and behavior that male a person
Social Psychology Seeks to explain and understand social
behavior including groups.

Activity 5

Directions: Match the items in column A with the items in column B.

Write the letter of the correct answer on your notebook.

Column A
1. The study of earlier cultures and way Column B
of life.
2. A branch of psychology which looks at a. Case studies
how behaviour differs among cultures b. Educational Psychology
throughout the world.
3. Its concern are schools and c. Morphology
educational issues. d. Physical Geography
4. It is the study of language forms.
5. A branch of geography that has earth e. Abnormal Psychology
sciences perspective. f. Diplomatic History
6. A branch of psychology which focuses
on depression. g. Physical Geography
7. A branch of history which interests in h. Archaeology
on international relations between
states i. Macroeconomics
8. Its interest to explain and understand j. Social Psychology
social behavior including groups.
9. A field of economics which analyzes how k. Cross –Cultural
economics functions as a whole. Psychology
10. One of the methods used by
sociologist in conducting researc

Complete the sentence.

I dream to be a social scientist because………………….
As a social scientist I ……………………………………….
Our society today is………………………………………
Through the help of the social sciences disciplines…………………………


Compose a SONG, regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, which shall

include the importance of natural and social science and the lessons
you gain from this health crisis. You can record your own song
composition with accompaniment, and upload it to your social media
accounts and be able to share it with the class if you wish to.

Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answer on your

1. It is the study of earlier cultures and way of life

a. Archeology c. Osteology
b. Forensic anthropology d. Physical anthropology

2. This branch of anthropology retrieves and examines human fossils as a

subject for study.
a. Archaeology c. Cultural anthropology
b. Biological anthropology d. Primatology

3. The function of this field of economics is to analyze the behavior of

individual agents like household
a. Macroeconomics c. Economics security
c. Microeconomics d. Economic efficiency

4. The following are themes of the branches of history EXCEPT

a. Military affairs, strategies, doctrine, armed conflict
b. Political ideas, events, movements, parties and leaders
c. Economic occurrences, way of living, distribution of goods and
d. Internal states, such as motivation, problem solving, decision-
making and attention

5. Which of the following statements supports the main focus cognitive


a. Focuses on how biology, psychology, behavior and social factors

and influence health illness
b. Looks at development across lifespan, from childhood to adulthood
c. Focuses on internal states, such as motivation, problem solving,
decision-making and attention
d. Focuses on the patterns of thoughts and feelings, and behavior that
male a person unique

B 5. 5. facts
D 4. literature
A 3. 4. music, arts and
3. scientific method
A 2.
2. human behavior
D 1. 1. natural phenomena


a 10.
i 9.
j 8. C 5.
f 7. D 4.
e 6. C 3.
d 5. A 2.
c 4. D 1.
b 3.
h 1.


Ong, Jerome & Mary Dorothy. 2016. Disciplines and Ideas in the Social
Sciences Systems. Quezon City: VIBAL Group, Inc.
Tatel, Carlos Peña. 2016. Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences
Systems. Sampaloc Manila: Rex Bookstore Inc.

Table Illustrations and Figure

Cherry, Kendra, Branches of Psychology. about education,
psychology.htm. Accessed 2 November 2014.

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