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Name of Teacher(s):
Mrs. Norazila
Mrs. Nik Mahizun
Mrs. Yong Guat Siew
Form Duration(weeks) Grammar Item(s)
1 Amanah, 1 Bestari, 3 weeks 4.1.8

i) prepositions of place
1 Ceria, 1 Damai, 1
Ehsan, 1 Fasih ii )prepositions of time


i)Simple Past Tense

Domain (s) Theme Topic

Personal Health and Environment “Live Life To the Fullest”
(questions/statements to be answered while and after lessons-similar to objectives)

I) Able to listen to and understand a dialogue on how to reduce stress.

II) Able to speak about a checklist
III) Able to read and understand an online blog entry on how to get ready for a marathon
IV) Able to compose an email to a friend



Cooperative learning

Language-Emphasis on correct usage of language


Listening and Speaking Duration: 1 hour

Content Standard(s): hours
1.2 Listen to, engaged and interpret meaningful conversations

1.3 Listen to and respond critically to a wide range of spoken, audio and visual text

1.4 Speak intelligently, eloquently and appropriately for different purposes, audiences, contexts and cultures.

Learning Standard(s):

1.2.1 Listen to and respond to directions, instructions and procedures.

1.3.1 Listen to spoken, audio and visual text to:

i. retrieve main ideas

ii. retrieve supporting details

1.4.1 Express feelings and give simple descriptions of personal experiences orally


1. Students listen to a talk ad respond to simple procedures.

2. Students look at the picture and share their opinion on what they and their family should do before leaving their
houses that have been affected by a flood and suggest ways to help flood victims.
3. Students listen to a report and identify cause and effect.

Formative Assessment:

Role-play a similar dialogue to give simple procedures on how to get things done.


Textbook(page 25-27)

Reference Text

Duration: 1 hour
Content Standard(s): hourhours
2.1 Demonstrate understanding of a variety of texts using a range of strategies to construct meaning

2.2 Apply a range of strategies to comprehend texts related to everyday living

Learning Standard(s):

2.1.1 Read and develop vocabulary skills by understanding:

i. similes

2.1.2 Understand meanings of words from print media :

i. dictionary

2.2.1 Demonstrate understanding by:

i) Identifying main ideas in given texts
2.2.2 Analyse and infer information by:
i. Using textual clues to predict outcomes or conclusions
ii. Finding meaning of unfamiliar words


1. Students read a leaflet on haze

2. Students use a dictionary to find meanings of unfamiliar words
3. Students read and answer reading comprehension questions
4. Students analyze a circle map to find a word in the leaflet that matches the word given in the circle map.

Formative Assessment:

Answering questions based on the text given


Text book

Reference Text

I-think map models


Writing Duration: 1 hour

Content Standard(s): hours
3.2 Produce a variety of texts for creative, personal, academic and functional purposes

Learning Standard(s):

3.2.1 Write for academic and functional purposes:



1. Students, as members of the Environment Club, write a letter of complaint to the school Principal,

Formative Assessment:

Gallery Walk


Text book

Reference Text


Grammar Duration: 1 hour

Content Standard(s): hourhours
4.1 Identify and use language structures appropriately according to context
Learning Standard(s):

4.1.5 Identify and use verbs appropriately according to context

i. regular verbs

ii. irregular verbs

4.1.7 Identify and use tenses appropriately according to context

ii. simple past tense


1. Students read a poem and change the underlined verbs to Simple Past Tense.
2. Students fill in the blanks with the correct verbs in Simple Past Tense.

Formative Assessment:

The underlined verbs and filled in blanks.



Reference Text

(These action-oriented tasks ensure that all the four language skills and the Grammar elements
Duration: 3.5 hrs
taught are integrated to emulate real-life situations. These tasks and experiences will be the bridging that helpshours
students to overcome
challenges in real life which require them to communicate in English.)
Content Standard(s):

1.3 Listen to and respond critically to a wide range of spoken, audio and visual texts

5.2 Use a wide range of literary texts to convey views for different purposes and audiences, and relate them to
real life situations

Learning Standard(s):

1.3.2 Listen to and respond to spoken, audio and visual texts to:

i. compare and contrast

iii. paraphrase and summarise

5.2.4 Share personal responses to literary works through performances

1. Students take part in an environment-related singing competition.
2. 5 students appointed as judges-give marks and decide who the winners are.


Students’ performance



Literature in Action Duration: 3 hours

Content Standard(s):

5.1 Engage and respond to a variety of literary texts to express understanding of the broader world of ideas ad

5.2 Use a wide range of literary texts to convey news for different purposes and audience, and relate them to real
life situations.

Learning Standard(s):

5.1.2 Read and understand various literary works

5.1.3 Share personal responses of issues related to literary works and develop new ideas or solve problems
5.2.4 Share personal responses to literary works through performances.


1. Students read the dialogue to the class , alternately.

2. Students answer questions related to the dialogue.
3. Students act out the events/ending in class.

Formative Assessment:

Evaluation of the acting



Reference text


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