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Kenny, M. J. & Andrawes, K. Z. (1997). GeÂotechnique 47, No.

2, 339±345


The bearing capacity of footings on a sand layer overlying soft clay

M . J. K E N N Y  a n d K . Z . A N D R AW E S 

KEYWORDS: bearing capacity; clays; compressibility; B

footings/foundations; laboratory tests; sands.

In practice, the bearing capacity of foundations on
soft clay can be improved by placing a layer of
compacted sand or gravel. The lack of detailed H
design information concerning the bearing capacity α x
of such inhomogeneous soil pro®les is due primar-
ily to the dif®culty in obtaining exact solutions. In 1
recent years, approximate solutions have been
presented for a number of commonly encountered
inhomogeneous soil pro®les in an attempt to pro- Fig. 1. Load spreading analysis for sand overlying
vide acceptable design data, with methods such as clay: x ˆ 2 (Terzaghi & Peck, 1948): x ˆ 2/â (Jacobsen
that of Hanna & Meyerhof (1980) frequently cited et al., 1977)
for the case of a sand layer overlying clay.
Based on the data obtained from recent labora-
tory model bearing-capacity testing, this technical
note makes recommendations regarding the use in model tests using a buried circular footing in a
practice of currently available solutions of this sand layer overlying clay and attempted to improve
problem. the above analysis by assuming that the load
spreads through an inclination of 2/â vertical units
per horizontal unit, as shown in Fig. 1. The
BEARING CAPACITY SOLUTIONS FOR SAND parameter â was calculated from the model tests
OVERLYING CLAY and depends on the ratio of the bearing capacity of
The earliest attempt to calculate the bearing the sand layer alone to the clay layer alone, that is,
capacity of a strong layer overlying a weak layer the bearing capacity ratio (qs /qc ). The bearing
was that of Terzaghi & Peck (1948). They assumed capacity of a footing is then:
that the upper layer served principally to spread qu ˆ qc (1 ‡ âH=B)(1 ‡ âH=L) ‡ ãD < qs (2)
the footing load to a larger area on the lower layer
surface, hence reducing its intensity, as shown in where
Fig. 1. Terzaghi and Peck assumed that the load qs ˆ 05ãBN ã S 㠇 ãDN q S q (3)
spreads through an angle corresponding to two
vertical units for every horizontal unit of distance and
(i.e., a load spreading angle, á where tan á ˆ 0´5). ⠈ 01125 ‡ 00344(qs =qc ) (4)
The bearing capacity of a surface footing is
therefore given by the expression Hanna and Meyerhof (1980) developed a meth-
qu ˆ qc [1 ‡ 2(H=B) tan á] < qs (1) od, supported by model footing tests, which
assumes that the forces acting on vertical shear
Jacobsen et al. (1977) carried out a number of planes are the total passive earth pressure, Pp ,
inclined upwards at an angle ä to the horizontal,
as shown in Fig. 2. Since the actual shear planes
were observed to curve outwards from the footing,
Manuscript received 6 June 1995; revised manuscript
accepted 18 January 1996. the mobilized angle of friction ä will be less than
Discussion on this technical note closes 1 September ö9 for the sand. In addition, the mobilized passive
1997; for further details see p. ii. earth pressure will decrease as the clay layer
 University of Strathclyde. strength decreases. In order to facilitate a solution,


B which is manufactured by mixing a sodium-bento-

nite clay (Fulbent 570) and glycerine, the resulting
qu shear strength depending on the mix proportions.
A large number of undrained triaxial tests and
vane shear tests were carried out over the period
Assumed of the study, which demonstrated that Glyben
failure planes
behaved generally as a öu ˆ 0 material under
H quick undrained loading, with an average cu of
δ δ 10´6 kN/m2 . Since Glyben samples are formed by
Pp W P p compaction, the material unavoidably contains a
Sand small proportion of trapped air (approximate air
Clay voids content 8%). However, the material was
completely insensitive to handling and gave excel-
lent repeatability during testing.
The ®ll material used was a uniformly graded
Fig. 2. Bearing capacity analysis for sand overlying coarse Leighton Buzzard sand (Table 1) placed
clay (Hanna & Meyerhof, 1980) using an air-activated spreader (Butter®eld and
Andrawes, 1970) in a dense state, with a mean
a coef®cient of punching shear, Ks , is introduced. porosity of 34´5% (ó ˆ 0´12%).
The solution for a strip footing is given in the
qu ˆ qb ‡ ãH 2 (1 ‡ 2D=H)K s tan ö9=B ÿ ãH Clay subgrade alone
< qs (5) The stress±settlement relationship for the clay
subgrade alone is shown in Fig. 4. No peak value
qb ˆ qc ‡ ã(D ‡ H) (6) Table 1. Properties of the ®ll material (Leighton
Ks is obtained from charts, and its value depends Buzzard sand)
on the mobilized angle of friction ä, the undrained Property Values
shear strength of the clay cu , the angle of friction of Mineral composition Mainly quartz
the sand, ö9, and the bearing capacity ratio qs /qc . Speci®c gravity 2´65
Particle size range 0´3±2´0 mm
Uniformly coef®cient, d60 /d10 1´22
EXPERIMENTAL SETUP Mean diameter, d50 0´85 mm
A strip footing 0´12 m wide was used in all Porosity limits 34´0% (min.) to
tests. The test tank had inner dimensions of 2´0 m 44´5% (max.)
length, 1´4 m height and 0´3 m width, and parallel
glass sides, as shown in Fig. 3, and contained a
soft clay subgrade overlain by Leighton Buzzard 600
Sand alone
The soft clay subgrade was simulated by an 500
Clay alone
arti®cal clay known as Glyben (May®eld, 1963),
Applied Stress q : kN/m2

Strip footing:
B = 0.12 m

H B Sand 0.36 m

Clay subgrade 0.9 m

0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Settlement ratio S/B: %
2.0 m
Fig. 4. Stress±settlement relationships for clay alone
Fig. 3. Experimental setup and sand alone
was obtained for the applied stress, but the slope Table 2. Predicted bearing capacity for the clay sub-
of the stress±settlement curve becomes sensibly grade
constant at a settlement ratio (S/B) of 35%, Ultimate stress, qc S/B(%) at
corresponding to an applied stress of 46´6 kN/m2 . (cu ˆ 10´6 kN/m2 , Nc ˆ 5´14) ultimate
This is a commonly applied failure criterion (Vesic, stress
1963). Method qc (Fig. 4)
Since there is no observable post-peak strain (kN/m2 )
softening for the clay, this stress±settlement beha- Prandtl (1920): qc ˆ cu Nc 54´5 53´3
viour is consistent with a local shear failure of the Terzaghi (1943): qc ˆ 23cu Nc 36´5 17´5
subgrade due to the compressibility of the material, Vesic (1973): qc ˆ æcc cu Nc 48´3 38´3
which leads to dif®culty in obtaining an acceptable (æcc ˆ 0´89)
Experimental 46´6 35´0
prediction of the bearing capacity. The bearing
capacities predicted using the measured cu value of
10´6 kN/m2 and Nc of 5´14 and the recommenda-
tions of various authors are given in Table 2. It lity of progressive failure at variable stress levels
can be seen from Fig. 4 that these values are (De Beer, 1965).
accompanied by different footing displacements.

Sand overlying clay

The stress±settlement relationships for sand
Sand alone overlying clay are shown in Fig. 5. As expected,
The stress±settlement relationship for the sand the applied stress increases as the upper sand
alone is shown in Fig. 4. The ultimate stress of thickness increases, for a speci®c settlement ratio,
574 kN/m2 was used in conventional bearing due to the much higher bearing capacity of the
capacity theory to give an Nã value of 560 which, sand. For depth ratios ( H/B) between 1´0 and 3´0,
from the Nã ±ö relationship proposed by Caquot the ultimate stress can be identi®ed from the peak
& Kerisel (1953), predicts an angle of friction ö9 in the stress±settlement curve. For depth ratios of
for the sand of 48´58. However, from conven- 0´25 and 0´5, the stress±settlement behaviour is
tional triaxial testing, ö9 was found to be 458. similar to that of the clay alone, so that Vesic's
This discrepancy is probably due to the combined (1963) failure criterion is more appropriate. The
effects of side friction in the test tank, the fact that experimental ultimate stresses qu are given in
ö9 is stress-level dependent (Meyerhof, 1948), that Table 3.
the plane strain value of ö9 is known to exceed the The stress±settlement relationships for all tests
triaxial test value (Bishop, 1966), and the possibi- on sand overlying clay are presented in non-


H/B = 3.0
H/B = 3.0
H/B = 2.5
H/B = 2.0
Applied stress q : kN/m2

H/B = 1.5
100 H/B = 1.0
H/B = 0.5
80 H/B = 0.25
H/B = 0

Clay alone


0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Settlement ratio, S/B: %

Fig. 5. Stress±settlement relationships for sand over clay


Table 3. Experimental ultimate stresses observed of increasing critical depth ratio with
Depth ratio, Ultimate stress, S/B(%) at
increasing bearing capacity ratio, qs /qc .
H/B qu : kN/m2 ultimate stress
0´0 (clay alone) 46´6 35´0 BEARING CAPACITY PREDICTIONS
0´25 50´0 36´7
0´5 53´6 38´3
In order to assess the ef®cacy of the various
1´0 59´1 25´0 bearing capacity solutions for sand overlying clay,
1´5 73´5 28´3 the bearing capacity predicted using each method
2´0 99´3 31´7 has been compared with the bearing capacity
2´5 123´1 43´3 obtained experimentally, by determining in each
3´0 151´6 50´0 case the ratio, qu predicted /qu experimental . The bearing
3´0 149´6 46´7 capacity of the sand, qs , is taken as 574 kN/m2
Sand alone 574´0 17´0 (ö9 ˆ 48´58). In order to take account of local
shear failure in the clay, the clay bearing capacities
given in Table 2 have been incorporated into each
dimensional form in Fig. 6. For each test, the analysis.
applied footing stress q, is divided by the ultimate
bearing capacity, qu , so that the ratio q/qu equals
unity, the ultimate bearing capacity is reached. For Load spreading methods
settlement ratios in the range 0±20%, which are of The bearing capacities of sand over clay
practical interest for foundation design, the follow- obtained experimentally are compared with those
ing polynomial equation as shown in Fig. 6, has predicted using the load spreading methods as
been ®tted to the test data: follows.
q=qu ˆ ÿ18(S=B)2 ‡ 759(S=B) (7) (a) Equation (1) (Terzaghi & Peck, 1948) with qc
ˆ 48´3 kN/m2 (Vesic, 1973, Table 2), tan á ˆ
The results of the present investigation are
compared with experimental data reported by other
(b) Equation (2) (Jacobsen et al, 1977) with qc ˆ
researchers in Fig. 7. The bearing capacity of sand
48´3 kN/m2 (Vesic, 1973, Table 2), L/B ˆ 5´0.
over clay, qu , is expressed as a proportion of that
of the sand alone, qs . When the ratio qu /qs equals The results are shown in Fig. 8 in which the bear-
unity, the bearing capacity is equal to that of ing capacities calculated using the Jacobsen et al.
sand alone and a critical depth ratio is reached at method are seen to be in closer agreement with the
which the clay subgrade has no effect on the experimental bearing capacities, with the largest
bearing capacity. A consistent trend can be overestimates (approximately 40%) occurring at


q /qu = −18 (S /B )2 + 7.59(S /B )
Applied stress ratio q /qu


H/B = 3.0
H/B = 2.5
H/B = 2.0
H/B = 1.5
H/B = 1.0
H/B = 0.5
0.2 H/B = 0.25
H/B = 0

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Settlement ratio S /B : %

Fig. 6. Normalized stress±settlement relationship for sand over clay


Mysilvec (1971):
strip: qs /qc = 2.3
Ultimate stress ratio qu /qs

0.8 Meyerhof (1974):

circular: qs /qc = 2.0
Tcheng (1957)
0.6 strip: qs /qc = 2.2
Tcheng (1957)
strip: qs /qc = 3.3
Meyerhof (1974):
strip: qs /qc = 4.0

0.2 Test results

strip: qs /qc = 12.3

0 1 2 3 4 5
Depth ratio H /B

Fig. 7. Experimental relationship between ultimate stress and depth ratio for surface footings,
after various researchers

2 Table 4. Observed values of tan á at ultimate stress

Terzaghi & Peck:
tan α = 0.5 H/B 0´25 0´5 1´0 1´5 2´0 2´5 3´0
Jacobsen et al.
1.8 Equation (1) using tan á 0´1 0´11 0´25 0´29 0´38 0´34 0´36
Bearing capacity ratio qu predicted /qu experimental

measured tan α

1.6 values were used in equation (1) to predict the

bearing capacities, as shown in Fig. 8, giving
closer agreement with the experimental values than
the Jacobsen et al. method.

Hanna and Meyerhof's method

The bearing capacities obtained experimentally,
compared with those predicted using the Hanna &
Meyerhof (1980) method, are shown in Fig. 9.
The values of Ks used in equation (5) depend on
the ratio qs /qc . When the full subgrade bearing
capacity is used (qc ˆ cu Nc ), the bearing capacity is
0.8 increasingly overestimated as the depth of sand
0.5 1.5 2.5
0 1 2 3
increases (about 40% greater for D/B ˆ 3´0). When
Depth ratio H /B
local shear failure of the clay is taken into account,
Fig. 8. Comparison of experimental and predicted that is, qc ˆ 23cu Nc (Terzaghi, 1943) or qc ˆ æcc cu Nc
bearing capacities using load spreading methods (Vesic, 1973), the experimental and predicted
bearing capacities are in closer agreement. This is
intermediate sand depths ( H/B ˆ 1´0±2´0). This due to the more accurate bearing capacity estimate
trend is due to the linear relationship between for the clay subgrade. In general, the rate of
bearing capacity and depth of sand assumed by load increase of the bearing capacity with depth of sand
spreading methods. predicted by Hanna & Meyerhof (1980) is greater
From the displacement ®elds recorded at inter- than obtained experimentally, which may lead to
vals during each test, the inclination of the shear signi®cant bearing capacity overestimates for larger
planes in the sand, and hence tan á, for each test sand depths.
was estimated, the value of which remained
reasonably constant when the ultimate stress was
reached. Table 4 shows the measured variation of CONCLUSIONS
tan á with H/B, showing that tan á is not constant In general, bearing capacity analyses are con-
with H/B as assumed by Terzaghi and Peck. These cerned with the ultimate or failure condition and

1.8 this relationship is speci®c to the soil types used in

the present study and may not be applicable to
qc = cuNc : Ks = 7.6 other combinations of soils.
Bearing capacity ratio qu predicted /qu experimental

qc = ζcccuNc : Ks = 7.2
qc = 23 cuNc : Ks = 6.1

B breadth of footing
c soil cohesion
cu undrained cohesion
1.2 D height of surcharge
H depth of upper sand layer
Kp coef®cient of passive earth pressure
L length of footing
Nc , Nq , Nã dimensionless bearing capacity factors
n porosity of sand
q experimental applied footing stress
0. 8 qc ultimate bearing capacity of the clay sub-
qs ultimate bearing capacity of the upper sand
0. 6 layer
0 0. 5 1 1. 5 2 2. 5 3 qu ultimate bearing capacity of sand over clay
Depth ratio H /B
S footing displacement
Sc , Sq , Sã dimensionless bearing capacity shape fac-
Fig. 9. Comparison of experimental and predicted tors
bearing capacities using the method of Hanna & á load spreading angle
Meyerhof (1980) ö9 effective angle of friction
ó standard deviation
ã unit weight of soil
the corresponding failure mechanism. Where the æcc compressibility factor (after Vesic, 1973)
subsoil consists of two materials with markedly
different stress±strain behaviour, account should be
taken of the mobilized shear strength for each REFERENCES
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