Unit 2 (Part 2)

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• At the end of the unit, the students must have:

1. discussed the philosophical foundation of the

present educational system;
2. made connections between philosophy,
education, and the teaching profession; and
3. formulated and expressed a personal, learner-
centered philosophy of teaching.
Philosophical Treatises

- It believes that the real world exists independently

from any human experience.
- It is science and mathematics friendly philosophy
because it believes that truth is determined
scientifically or empirically and ideas are verified
through scientific inquiry and investigation.
Philosophical Treatises

- The things that are real are those that can be

touched and measured and not those that
human beings think about them as espoused by
- Knowledge can be gained through the senses
and from empirical reasoning.
Philosophical Treatises

- It is the role of human beings to investigate

and discover the unchanging realities of life.
Aim of Education

-The ultimate purpose of education is making the

learners understand the world through inquiry,
verifying ideas in the physical world, and teaching
things that are essential and practical.
Aim of Education

- Like Idealism, It teaches that the world is

unchanging and human beings need to discover
this world that is fixed.
Educational Methods

-Preferred methods of realists are inductive (concrete to

abstract) and those that involve teaching for the mastery of
*These methods ensures learners to have a good
grasp of the natural law.
* Experimentation, drills, and exercises are the best
examples of these methods.
Educational Methods

-Through repeated practice and feedback, learners

are able to master the concepts and eventually
apply them in their right context.
Curriculum Features
Science and mathematics are the heart of realist

*They provide insights and predictions about
nature by making the calculations and
measurement as well as the shapes and motions of
physical objects.
Curriculum Features

- Vocational subjects are also given highest priority next

to science and mathematics.

- Its emphasis on vocational subjects is grounded on its

curricular aim to provide practical knowledge and
skills for work.
Significant Role of Teachers

- The teachers have the obligation to teach the

regularities and rhythm of nature as this is the only
way by which learners can comprehend the universal
law and the natural order.
- They transmit knowledge free from personal biases
and subjective views because they use objective
criteria in teaching.
Significant Role of Teachers

- For them, detaching themselves from their

personal biases and subjective views is the best
way to understand the unchanging natural law
and order.
Role of Learners

-It is the role of learners to use their senses in

analyzing the physical world.
- The use of their senses pave the way to
obtaining knowledge
Role of Learners

- They are trained in determining truth using the

scientific way and they argue by scientific reasoning.

- They should also have a good mastery of scientific

skills such as gathering, organizing, and systematizing
information to gain knowledge of the physical world.
Learning Assessment

-The preferred assessment tools for realism are

standardized testing where teachers obtain test results
that can prove that learners are learning the material.

-Realists evaluate learners’ learning through quantitative

Learning Assessment

-Competency testing is done through

experimentation, investigatory projects,
demonstration, and closed-test or having one
answer like multiple choice test, labelling
diagrams, and solving mathematical problems.
Classroom Atmosphere

-As a subject - centered philosophy, the interest, needs,

and emotions of learners are secondary to the subject
matter in the classroom.
-The classroom provides less freedom for learners to
make choices on what to learn, when to learn, and how
to learn.
Classroom Atmosphere

-The room is filled with pictures, maps, projects,

eperiments, and other outputs of teaching and
learning activities provided or performed.
All these occurs because realism holds a teacher-centered

- It proposes an education that is scientific, technical, and


* This is important because learners ought to master

competencies which are useful, practical, and beneficial.
* When education is made technical and scientific,
more inventions and discoveries are made for the benefit
of humanity.
* Education will act as the economic motor of the
state in addressing the needs of the society.
* It prepares learners in their career equipping them
to become competitive in the work environment.

- It is being criticized for its failure to take into

account the whole person in the learning process.
- It neglects the importance of ideals and values
which can be best learned from history , arts,
language, philosophy, literature.
- It de-emphasizes feelings, socialization, and other
personal factors in learning since everything is viewed
rationally and empirically.
- The realists’ emphasis on a very objective, precise, and
measurable approach to teaching is seen as a demerit because
knowledge is not always objective rather it is also subjective
depending on who perceives it.
Charles Sanders Peirce, John Dewey, William James

Philosophical Treatises

-This is popularly known as a philosophy of action

because it springs from the Greek word “pragma” which
means “action”, “practice”, “to do”, or “to accomplish”.
- Its basic assumptions is that ideas and actions must go
hand in hand as this is the ideal process of knowledge
Charles Sanders Peirce, John Dewey, William James

Philosophical Treatises

- It rejects the idea of knowledge and truth as unchanging

and absolute as espoused by idealism and realism.

- It asserts that there is no fix , absolute, and permanent

Charles Sanders Peirce, John Dewey, William James

Philosophical Treatises
-Human beings do not live in a finished world, but they live in an
ongoing, a moving, and a growing world.
- The task of human beings is prospective, that is, to continue the
unfinished process of the world.
*Having this task, the knowledge and truth are those that
work in the advancement of human life.
Charles Sanders Peirce, John Dewey, William James

Aim of Education
-The aim of pragmatic education is the
reconstruction of learners’ experience.

- Ordinary and natural life experiences have to be

reflected, enriched, and reconstructed to solve one’s
concerns in life and to create knowledge as well.
Charles Sanders Peirce, John Dewey, William James

Aim of Education

- Learners have to reconstruct their experiences to show

active manipulation of the environment through testing
hypotheses and answering issues to re-adapt to their
Charles Sanders Peirce, John Dewey, William James

Educational Methods

- Pragmatic teachers use varied methods suitable to the

developmental needs and interests of the learners.
*learners learn best from experience

- It echoes the adage “ I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I

do and I understand”.
Charles Sanders Peirce, John Dewey, William James

Educational Methods

- Pragmatic teachers prefer using individualized instruction and

structured activities than lecture type.

- Experimental methods, creative and constructive projects, field

trips, laboratory work, and other learner-centered activities, role
playing, internships or On-the-Job (OJT), group projects, and field
Charles Sanders Peirce, John Dewey, William James

Curriculum Features

- Learner-centered philosophy
- The pragmatic curriculum is tailored from the experience of the
learners by considering their needs and interests.
-Personalized kind of curriculum in which the instructional
objectives and content, including the method and pace, vary
from one learner to another
Charles Sanders Peirce, John Dewey, William James

Curriculum Features

- Pragmatism is focused more on the process (how to’s) of

learning rather than the content or the subject matter.

- It opposes the traditional and textbook based knowledge.

- It criticizes traditional and textbook knowledge which is a
“follow the recipe” approach where learners have to master the
concepts that have been pre-determined by the teachers.
Charles Sanders Peirce, John Dewey, William James

Curriculum Features

- Pragmatists contend that textbook knowledge

does not also challenge learners to think as it
presents knowledge in a very authoritative way.
Charles Sanders Peirce, John Dewey, William James

Significant Role of a Teacher

- The pragmatic teachers act as facilitators, guides,

advisers, and fellow travelers of knowledge with the
*They only guide and suggest when the learners need assistance.
*They are warm, nurturing, and motivating through demonstration
of mutual trust and respect.
Charles Sanders Peirce, John Dewey, William James

Significant Role of a Teacher

- They serve as challenger and inquiry leaders inside the


- They present realistic and interesting problems for the learners

to solve.

-They give learners chance to work as a team, solve problems,

make decisions, and communicate affectively using HOTS
Charles Sanders Peirce, John Dewey, William James

Role of Learners

- They are considered as the center of the

educative process and all learning takes place
within them.

- They are active participants in the search of more

practical knowledge.
Charles Sanders Peirce, John Dewey, William James

Role of Learners

-Learners are taught that there is no absolute and

permanent truth.
- They understand that what is real is that which is
observed and experienced.
- They learn by doing as they assume that truth is what
works and that which are proven by their personal
Charles Sanders Peirce, John Dewey, William James

Learning Assessment

- Pragmatic teachers are convinced that when knowledge is

applied to real life, there is a deeper understanding of concepts.

- The preferred assessment tools of pragmatism include journals,

simulations, individual portfolios, games, field work, and OJT
because learners can integrate personal experiences and the
course material.
Charles Sanders Peirce, John Dewey, William James

Learning Assessment

- These learning assessments also encourage learners to

engage more personally and directly with the curriculum
in the light of their experiences.
Charles Sanders Peirce, John Dewey, William James

Classroom Atmosphere

- Very learner- friendly and democratic classroom

*both teachers and learners define rules and procedures in the classroom.

- Very conducive for learning because classroom

management and discipline are not rigid.
- There is collaboration among learners and teachers.
Charles Sanders Peirce, John Dewey, William James


- Pragmatic education teaches learners to think and act in

a practical way.

- The methods they use are suitable to the developmental

needs and experiences of the learners emphasizing
process rather than the subject content.
Charles Sanders Peirce, John Dewey, William James


- It emphasizes social and democratic education.

- Pragmatic ideas are bent to change the society through
social reform because its ultimate purpose is to solve
human problems.
* When social reforms become the heart of teaching,
learners develop practical attitude that allows the development
of human values and purposeful creativity.
Charles Sanders Peirce, John Dewey, William James


- Critics contend that pragmatism lacks fix aims to give

learners stability and direction.
*because there is laxity of discipline observed by
pragmatic teachers.

- Its emphasis on personal experiences as the basis of

Charles Sanders Peirce, John Dewey, William James


* Personal experience as a foundation of learning is

not enough to learn because it is quite impossible to obtain
knowledge through direct experiences only.

* There is still a need to marry personal experience

and formal education to acquire knowledge.
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