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The subject Biochemistry reveals the essence of the biomolecules needed by the body to
maintain and continue the cellular activity. To further understand of why humans need to eat is
simply because of the necessity to furnish energy to function normally.

Every chapter is guided with a chapter objectives and outline to help students gain
a holistic view of the concept. Each concept is explained both microscopically and
macroscopically in order for the students to get a grasp of it. The topics are simply
presented, but its essence is still perceptible.

The next few chapters are the simplified concept map of the three biomolecules namely:
carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins. Carbohydrates are poly hydroxyl aldehydes or ketones, or
substances that yield such compounds when they react with water. Carbohydrates maybe divided
into three categories: monosaccharides, or simple sugars; oligosaccharides, short polymers
of two or more simple sugar units; and polysaccharides, polymers consisting of more than
ten simple sugar units. Lipids are biological substances that are soluble in nonpolar organic
solvents, such as chloroform and carbon tetrachloride. They include the familiar food fats and
oils, the lipids of biological membranes, steroid hormones, and many unusual and exotic
compounds. In Chapter 4 lipids will be discussed thoroughly and this includes the biological
functions of it. Protein is another biomolecule that is presented in this work text chapter5.
Proteins are polymers of small building blocks called amino acids. Their molecular weights
range from 6000 to many millions, so they can be very large molecules. Proteins are very
important molecules in cells and organisms, playing both structural and functional roles. Some
proteins are enzymes, catalyzing specific metabolic reactions, some transport materials in the
bloodstream or across biological membranes, and some (hormones) carry chemical messages
to coordinate the body’s activities.

You are about to embark in the microscopic world that is so small yet it plays a vital role
of our existence. A lot of students do not give interest in this subject for the reason of its abstract
phenomenon. It is in this light that this book is conceived for certain purpose. That is to promote
meaningful learning experiences.

Chapter 1: Introduction Page 1


Chapter 1: Introduction Page 2


Chapter 1: Introduction Page 3


Chapter 1: Introduction Page 4

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