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Monforton School Student Council

Installation Ceremony Script

Will the members of the incoming Student Council of Monforton School please
Members of the student government, you have by your election expressed your
confidence in these students who will soon take the oath of office. Thank you,
please be seated.

Turn to New President:

As President of the Student Council of Monforton School, your duty is to serve as a
thoughtful, intelligent, and fair leader for the student government. Yours is a great
responsibility- enduring the proper attitude of cooperation, making sure that the
objectives of the student council are met, and maintaining a hard-working and
respected student council.

Repeat after me: “On my honor, I, _______________, do promise to uphold the standards
of the Monforton student council, and to perform to the best of my ability the duties
of office of the President.

I now declare you duly installed as President of the Student Council of Monforton
School, and I invite you to install the remaining officers.

New President:
Will the Vice President please stand?
(New President waits for the vice president, then says:)

As vice President of the Student Council of Monforton, your duty is to serve and aid
the President, and to be fully prepared at all times to perform the duties of the
President whenever called upon to do so.

Repeat after me: “On my honor, I, _______________, do promise to uphold the standards
of the Monforton student council, and to perform to the best of my ability the duties
of office of the Vice President.”

(After the new Vice President says the oath)

I now declare you duly installed as Vice President of the Student Council of
Monforton School.

Will the Secretary/Treasurer please stand?

(New President waits for Secretary, then says:)

As Secretary Treasurer of the Student Council of Monforton, your duty is to record

the transactions of all meetings, to write neat and accurate minutes of the
proceedings, assist with all communication, and work with our school clerk to
allocate Student Council money.

Repeat after me: “On my honor, I, _______________, do promise to uphold the standards
of the Monforton student council, and to perform to the best of my ability the duties
of office of the Secretary/ Treasurer.”

(After the new Secretary/Treasurer says the oath)

I now declare you duly installed as Secretary/ Treasurer of the Student Council of
Monforton School.

Now that our new officers are installed, let’s hear a welcoming applause for our new
Monforton Student Council Officers.

(After applause) Will the newly elected classroom representatives please stand?

(After they stand, then say) Congratulations to the new representatives of Monforton
Student Council. Please raise your right hands and repeat after me: “As
representatives to the Monforton Student Council, I pledge to represent my fellow
students as well as I am able, to be fair and honest, and to uphold rules and
regulations of my student council’s constitution.

(Members sign their agreement from Ms. Knaub)


It is my great pleasure to be here today to welcome the new representatives and

officers. As members of this student Council, every student in this room has entered
into something wonderful. You will give in the coming year of yourself, and you will
make an important contribution to your school, and you will have learned about
democracy and government in the process.

I usher in the new Council with my best wishes for a successful and enjoyable year!

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