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After listen a word or sentence or topic something comes into mind. It may be correct or may not
be. If someone hard a word that previously known to him then more idea comes into his mind
that means he clear about the topic or that particular thing. Similarly after listening of a unknown
thing or word someone’s mind may be full of question or may be blank. If one clear about a thing
or topic then the clear and specified things comes into his mind immediately. It defines that he
have some brief, concrete idea about the topic. The concrete thinking or idea of a particular topic
is known as concept. And a Model is a structural formation of thinking. Conceptual model is a
written form of concrete idea about the overview of the topic. In nursing conceptual model plays
a important role to clarify, overview, to give a concrete idea about a particular topic. When one
draw a model through a pen on a paper or in a structured form it becomes a framework. There are
some nursing models or theories through which a nurse can understand which is right or wrong.

Meaning & Definition:

Concepts are defined as abstract ideas or general notions that occur in the mind, in speech, or in
thought. They are understood to be the fundamental building blocks of thoughts and beliefs.

Conceptual model:
A conceptual model is a representation of a system, made of the composition of concepts which
are used to help people know, understand, or simulate a subject the model represents. It is also a
set of concepts. Conceptual models are often abstractions of things in the real world, whether
physical or social.

1. Concept is a “complex mental formulation of experience” Chinn and Kramer (1999).
2. A conceptual model is an abstract and general representation for phenomena, things or
circumstances that are of interest to the members of a discipline. (according to parse

Relation between conceptual theory and model:

People think that model & theory are complementary to each, but they are not. What is the
relationship between the theory and model discuss below.
Theory is a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially based on general principles
that to be explained. Theoretical framework in a study is based on an existing theory or theories
(e.g Nightingale theory).
Conceptual model is a set of concepts. It is a representation of a system, made of the composition
of concepts which are used to help people know, understand, or simulate a subject the model
represents. Through the conceptual framework one can outline the possible courses of actions of
idea and thought. One can develop concept based on this theory(e.g Roy’s adaption model,
Nightingale model). In conceptual framework one can add one’s own concept / constructs /
variables that one think that are relevant and then proceed to explore or test the relationship
between them.  
Most of the research studies have an emplict on theory which describes, explains predict or
Control the phenomenon under study. A conceptual model as more abstract than a theory and a
theory may be derived from a model (Nightingale model developed first then theory), the
framework is derived deductively from the theory.


Someone try to cook a vegetable soup, then he planned to do vegetable soup, so he search the recipes
from many site, finally he get the recipe from his mother and he start to cook the soup. He take vegetable,
added some salt, Chili powder, salt, water according to his mothers recipes. Finally he prepared the
vegetable soup. From where he get the recipes from his mother, this is called theoretical frame work.

Vegetable soup is the Research problem.

Recipe of your mother is the Theory.

He taking the theory of someone's else but the research problem is his.

So theoretical frame work is the explanation of relationship between the theory and the research

In other hand someone try to make the soup more delicious/tasty, according to his idea/concept
he added extra 3-4 items like black powder, black salt, sauce etc. Now the recipes is changed it is
not his mother’s recipes. That recipe is his only. He developed the model/framework by his own
concept that is conceptual framework.

Conceptual framework is the explanation of relationship between the logically Constructed

idea/concept With the research study.

A conceptual framework is a researcher’s idea on how the research problem will have to
explored. This is founded as the theoretical framework, which lies an a much broder scale of
resolution. The theoretical framework provides a general representation & relationship between
things in a given phenomenon.

Selection of conceptual model

Frameworks are usually developed through inductive reasoning, where the researcher has the
ability to observe and conceptualize to generalize the facts. Inductive reasoning involves
integrating the observed or experienced facts to draw a conclusion. For example, a researcher
observes that different individuals are reacting differently to a similar type of stress or stimuli. In
this instance, he or she conceptualizes this idea and draws a conclusion that each individual has a
different adaptation level with similar stimuli which depends on several factors.

Development of a framework depends on the power of observation, understanding of a problem,

imagination and conceptualization about abstract ideas and also have the ability of linking the
ideas with logical scheme to generalize the facts.

To develop a framework, concepts may be borrowed from personal real-life experiences, findings
of the previous research, and concepts of existing theories or theoretical models.A theoretical
framework is developed on the basis of theoretical concepts which are related to particular
research study variables.

Conceptual frameworks are constructed on the basis of the researcher's own experience in
respective field and findings of the previous study or the concepts of the several existing theories.

The process of selecting an explicit conceptual model of nursing encompasses following steps:

1. Select a topic for your research. It’s better to select the topic within your field of
specialization. It may be the identification of the general concept.
2. Carry out a literature review to understand the research that has already been done the
subject matter. Stick to reliable resources such as scientific journals, book, and scholarly
3. Look for the scientific variables explained in the literature and examine the relationship
between them.
4. Make sure that your thesis contributes sometimes new to what’s already out there and
refine your argument or hypothesis based on the literature review.
5. Create your conceptual framework; it can be in the form of a flowchart, mind map or
concept map. Display the flow of your research and show which variables influence the
different components of your research.
6. With the conceptual framework, include a narrative ion which explains in depth the
variables influencing your research and the research methodology.
7. As you carry out your research, you may come across data that can prove your hypothesis
wrong. Return to your conceptual framework and revise it accordingly.
8. If you wish to publish your conceptual framework in a blog or website, you can quickly
embedded it with creately viewer. Or you can expert it as a pdf or image to include in
power point presentation and word document.

Function of a Conceptual Model

1) Conceptual model provides the structure / content for the whole study based on literature
and personal experience: through conceptual model one can structurize his or her content
systematically based on literature or theory.
2) It helps the researcher see clearly the variables of the study: through a model a researcher
can draw the whole content or a chapter of a content, by looking to a model one can
easily tell the variables of the current study.

3) Conceptual model act as a foundation for beginning nursing practitioner. Each conceptual
model of nursing provides “a horizon of expectations” for nurses to think about nursing

4) Each conceptual model provides a different way of thinking about the nursing
metaparadigm concepts which deals with ‘human beings, environment, health, and

5) Conceptual model provides a guideline how to communicate with others in a multi-

disciplinary team: If nurses are to be considered as health professionals, then it is
essential for them to communicate that what they do is unique and important within the
multi-disciplinary team.

6) Work like a tool: Conceptual frame work can be used like a tool that can used to get
comprehensive understanding of a phenomenon. We can use it in different fields of work
to explain the key of concept and variables.

7) It provides a concrete systemic idea: Concepts are abstract idea. Through model we can
represent the idea.

8) Concepts are the elements that can used to build theories: through conceptual model one
can represent the theory.

9) Help students for understanding the different process and learning objectives: For some
topics, having students participate in the development and validation of conceptual
models to help them understand different physical processes is a worthwhile learning

10) Models are provide an overview of the thinking behind the theory and may demonstrate
how theory can be introduced into practice, for example through specific method of

Advantages of a Conceptual Model:

The advantages of conceptual model are as follows:

1) It minimizes the likelihood of incomplete and unclearness: when someone explaining the
concept or phenomena or theory within a group, it may create some unclearness among
the group. By looking a model one can simulate the thing clearly.

2) It helps to increase the personal credibility.

3) It helps to express the idea.

4) It improve and refine the knowledge about the existing nursing theory: conceptual model
help one to extend or improve, refine the knowledge regarding.

5) Model helps the concepts in nursing theory to be successfully applied to nursing practice.

6) Conceptual model assist for the reflection, observation, simulation and interpretation of
the phenomena, theory.

7) It provides a guidelines, how to work and deal with the client in clinical practice.

8) It can be preserve for further future explanation.

Example of Conceptual framework NO POOR LEARNING



Example of some theory:

Nightingale environmental theories:

Florence Nightingale was born in 1820, in Florence, Italy. Her achievement was established a
concept of formal preparation for the practice of nursing. She consider the first nursing theorist,
and although her writing is differ from others. She is devoted women cared for the sick during
Crimean war in 1956. The concept of nightingale theory is a foundation of environment. She
defined the nursing “Environmental Theory” as “the act of utilizing the environment of the
patient to assist him in his recovery”. In the 1950s, there is a consensus among nursing scholars
that nursing needed to validate itself through the production of its own scientifically tested body
of knowledge. Environmental as “all the external conditions that affecting the life and
development of an organism and capable of preventing, suppressing or contributing to disease,
accident or death”. She developed a relationship between the health & environment. She told that
if a person is living in a healthy, good environment she/he maintain a good healthy lifestyle.
In this theory she define how the human, health and environment inter relate with each other to
build a healthy life. In environment she basically focus on 5 component of physical environment
like ventilation, light, noise, warmth and proper waste management and psychological
environmental like stress, depression, emotion, stressors & social environment like rooming,
hospital room communication, relationship etc. if we improve our the environment by cleaning
and detaching the infectious agent from the agent/human being then only we can improve our
health and free from infection.

Article related to conceptual model in nursing and health policy –

1. A article was published in may 01, 2001 by Jacqueline Fawcett in College of Nursing at
the University of Massachusetts-Boston, in their study he define how the conceptual
model is reliable to health and nursing. A new conceptual model of nursing and health
policy was designed to extend substantive knowledge of health policy within the
discipline of nursing through policy analysis, evaluation, and disciplinary research that
are conducted at five levels.

Level 1- focuses on the effectiveness of nursing practice processes on the health

outcomes of individuals, families, groups, and communities.

Level 2-focuses on the efficiency of nursing practice delivery systems.

Level 3- focuses on the effectiveness and efficiency of a specific health care delivery

Level 4- focuses on equity of access to effective and efficient nursing practice processes
and nursing practice delivery systems.

Level 5- focuses on social justice. The five levels interact with health policies and both
constitute and are constituted by health policies.

Of special interest are the health care services, personnel, and expenditures components
of health policies formulated by geopolitical and governmental entities and institutions
and organizations.

2. A Conceptual Framework of Nursing in Native American Culture

By John Lowe, Roxanne Struthers on 23 April 2004
Purpose: To depict the phenomenon of nursing in the Native American culture.

Design: A qualitative study was conducted, In his research design he take total 203 American
nurses including nursing students, and others who provide health care to Native American people
attended and participated.

Findings: He finds seven dimensions like (a) caring, (b) traditions, (c) respect, (d) connection,
(e) holism, (f) trust, and (g) spirituality. Each dimension is essential to the practice of nursing in
Native American culture. Together they provide the basis for a systematic approach to Native
American nursing practice, education, research, and administration.

Conclusions: The conceptual framework of nursing in the Native American culture, with its
seven dimensions, shares dimensions with mainstream nursing, yet it differs in many important
ways. This model can be used by Native American nurses to provide a structure for engaging in
the profession of nursing. Further, it can be used by nurses of other cultures to understand
nursing in the Native American culture and to provide health care to Native American people.

In this topic we discussed about the conceptual model and it’s definition, and related some
terminology, what is conceptual model, and the relationship between theory and model, how we
can select the conceptual model and various functions and the advantages of conceptual model
and examples of theory and model.


1. A NURSING THEORIES a practical view, d elakkuvana Bhaskara Raj, jaypee

brothers medical publishers(p)ltd, page no 34-184
2. A concise test book of ADVANCED NURSING PRACTICE, emmess, shebeeer
p.Basheer, S.Yaseen Khan,2nd edition, page no 350-353
3. Nursing theories, BT Basavanthappa, jaypee brothers medical publishers,(p)ltd,
page no19-25
6. Fawcett J, Ellenbecker CH. A proposed conceptual model of nursing and
population health. Nursing outlook. 2015 May 1;63(3):288-98.
7. Russell GE, Fawcett J. The conceptual model for nursing and health policy
revisited. Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice. 2005 Nov;6(4):319-26.
8. Lowe J, Struthers R. A conceptual framework of nursing in Native American
culture. Journal of Nursing Scholarship. 2001 Sep;33(3):279-83.

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