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Water works

Mark Angelo M. Marco

Bicol State College of Applied Sciences and Technology
Peñafrancia Avenue, Naga City
Corresponding Email:

Enumerate all possible construction waterworks and explain one that you want to do or want
to know more about.

Construction waterworks services include refit and repair of all sorts of aquatic features,
as well as a reservoir system to acquire and distribute the necessary water in a specific location.
The following are the possible construction waterworks: raw water catchment & storage
(efficient water management to meet drinking-water and irrigation needs), drinking water
production ( designs and builds drinking water production plants that treat all types of raw
water) pumping, transfer & distribution (operation of build pumping and transfer
infrastructure), wastewater collection & transfer (high-quality design, construction and
rehabilitation of sanitation networks), wastewater treatment (designing and building efficient
plants with a limited environmental footprint), and non revenue water reduction & smart
networks (effective engineering solutions, international water works develops and deploys
smart networks). Moreover, I want to know more about the last idea which is non revenue water
reduction & smart networks because we all know that technology is the most effective way to
maximize the use of available water resources is becoming an increasingly pressing concern on a
worldwide scale. The amount of stress placed on the world's water supplies is steadily growing
as a result of factors such as the changing climate, expanding populations, and rapid
urbanization. The provision of inhabitants with access to potable water that is free from
contaminants is a serious problem; yet, the distribution of drinking water is a huge difficulty for
both local authorities and operators.

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