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  
1. Column-I show vector diagram relating three vectors a , b and c . Match the vector equation in
column-II, with vector diagram in column-I :

Column-I Column-II

c b
  
(A) (P) a  (b  c )  0
b   
(B) (Q) bc  a

a b
(C) (R)   
a  b  c

(D) a (S)   
c abc

2. Vector a is shown in column-I and its unit vector representation is shown in column-II. Match the
Column-I Column-II

x 
(A) (P) a  a sin  î  a cos  ˆj


x 
(B) (Q) a  a cos  î  a sin  ˆj

 x 
(C) (R) a  a sin  î  a cos  ˆj

x 
(D) 
(S) a  a cos  î  a sin  ĵ

JRS Tutorials, Durgakund, Varanasi-221005, Ph No.(0542) 2311922, 2311777, 7317347706

3. Assume X-axis is along East direction and
Y-axis is along North direction.

(a) Find velocity of a particle is v as shown in figure.
The magnitude of velocity is 2 2 ms–1. Y'


(b) If the magnitude of a is 20 ms–2 then find a. 60°

X' X


(c) The magnitude of momentum p of a paticle is 40 N-s. X'


Find momentum p of the particle. p

(d) A car is moing with a velocity of 10 2 ms–1 in North-East direction. Find component of
velocity along East direction and North direction.

(e) A man moves 10 m in a direction 30° East of North. Find the displacement of man.
(f) A man moves 20 m in a direction 30° North of West. Find the displacement of man.
(g) A force of 10 N is acting along positive x-axis. Find its x and y-components.
(h) A force 20 N is acting alon positive y-direction. Find its x and y-components.
4. Find the resultant displacement in each case:
(a) A car travels due east on a level road for 30 km. It then turns due north at an intersection and
travels 40 km before stopping.
(b) A particle is given a displacement of 5.0 cm in the east direction and then a displacement of
4.0 cm 60º north of east.
5. A particle is given a displacement of 4.0 m in x-y plane. If the x-component of the displacement
vector is 2.0 m, find the y-component. Also find the angle subtended by the displacement vector
with the x-axis.
6. A sail boat sails 2 km due East, 5 km 37° South of East and finally an unknown displacement. If the
final displacement of the boat from the starting point is 6 km due East, find the third displacement.
7. An aeroplane takes off at an angle of 30º to the horizontal runway. The component of its velocity
along the runway is 200 km h–1. What is the actual velocity of the plane ? What is the vertical
component of its velocity ?

JRS Tutorials, Durgakund, Varanasi-221005, Ph No.(0542) 2311922, 2311777, 7317347706

8. A 50 kg block is placed on an inclined plane with an angle of 30º. Then find the components of the
weight (i) perpendicular (ii) parallel to the inclined plane.
9. An object of weight W is fastened to one end of a string whose other end is fixed and is pulled
sideways by a horizontal force P until the string is inclined at 37 0 to the vertical. Draw a diagram
showing the forces acting on the object and resolve each force parallel and perpendicular to the

10. A ball of mass 100 g is moving with a velocity v = ( 2î  2ˆj  2k̂ ) m/s. What is its kinetic energy..

11. (a) Find a unit vector at an angle of 45° with x-axis.

(b) Resolve a vector R  2î  3ˆj into two perpendicular components such that one of its components
makes an angle of 45° with (+ x-axis).
  
12. If a = 3 î + 4 ĵ & b = 7 î + 24 ĵ then find the vector having the same magnitude as b and same

direction as a is __________________.
   
13. Obtain the magnitude of 2 A– 3 B if A  ˆi  ˆj – 2kˆ and B  2iˆ – ˆj  kˆ

14. The x and y components of vector A are 4 and 6 m respectively. The x and y components of vector
  
A  B are 10 and 9 m respectively. Calculate for the vector B the following :
(a) its x and y components (b) its length, and (c) the angle it makes with x-axis.
  
15. A  î  2ˆj  3k̂ , when a vector B is added to A , we get a unit vector along x-axis. Find the
 
value of B ? Also find its magnitude and unit vector along B .
 
16. A vector A of length 10 units makes an angle of 60° with a vector B of length 6 units. Find the
  
magnitude of the vector difference A  B & the angle it makes with vector A .
 
17. A vector B which has a magnitude 8.0 is added to a vector A which lie along the x-axis. The sum
of these two vectors is a third vector which lie along the y-axis and has a magnitude that is twice the
 
magnitude of A . Find he magnitude of A
     
18. Vector A , B and C have magnitude 5, 5 2 and 5 respectively, directions of A , B and C are
towards east, North-East and North respectively. If î and ˆj are unit vectors along East and
  
North respectively, express the sum A  B  C in terms of î , ˆj . Also find magnitude and direction
of the resultant.
19. Find the magnitude of resultant of following three forces acting on a particle.
  
F1  20N in eastward direction, F2  20N due north east and F3  20N in southward direction
20. The sum of three vectors shown in figure, is zero. C

 D 45° B
(i) What is the magnitude of vector OB ? O

(ii) What is the magnitude of vector OC ? A = 10N

JRS Tutorials, Durgakund, Varanasi-221005, Ph No.(0542) 2311922, 2311777, 7317347706

  
21. If two vectors A and B make angle 30° and 45° with their resultant and B has magnitude equal

to 10, then find magnitude of A and resultant.
  
22. Three forces F1 , F2 and F3 are represented as shown. Each of them is of equal magnitude.

Column I Column II
(Combination) (Approximate Direction)
  
(A) F1  F2  F3 (P)
  
(B) F1  F2  F3 (Q)
  
(C) F1  F2  F3 (R)
  
(D) F2  F1  F3 (S)

    
23. B makes angle 37° and C makes 53° with x axis. A and C 53° B
have magnitude equal to 7 2 and 5 respectively. If x
    
ABC  0 then find A and magnitude of B .

24. A plane body has perpendicular axes OX and OY marked on it and is acted on by following forces:
5 P in the direction OY, 4 P in the direction OX, 10 P in the direction OA where A is the point (3a,
4a), 15 P in the direction AB where B is the point (–a, a). Express each force in the unit vector form
& calculate the magnitude & direction of sum of the vectors of these forces.
  
25. A particle is acted upon by the forces F1  2î  aˆj  3k̂ , F2  5î  cˆj  bk̂ , F3  bî  5 ĵ  7k̂ ,

F4  cî  6ˆj  ak̂ . Find the values of the constants a, b, c in order that the particle will be in
 
26. If the four forces as shown are in equilibrium, Express F1 & F2 in unit vector form.


15 N
30° 10 N

37° 30°


JRS Tutorials, Durgakund, Varanasi-221005, Ph No.(0542) 2311922, 2311777, 7317347706

27. A body acted upon by three given forces is under equilibrium.

F2 F1
 37°

  
(a) If F1 = 10 Nt, F2 = 6 Nt , find the values of F3 & angle  .

(b) Express F2 in unit vector form.

28. Three forces of 3N, 2N and 1N act on a particle as shown in the figure. Calculate the

(a) net force along the x-axis.

(b) net force along the y-axis.
(c) single additional force required to keep the body in equilibrium.

29. A particle of m = 5 kg is momentarily at rest at x = 0 at t = 0. It is acted upon by two forces F1 and
  
F2 . F1  70 ĵ N . The direction and magnitude of F2 are unknown. The particle experiences a

constant acceleration, a , in the direction as shown. Neglect gravity..

(a) Find the missing force F2 .

(b) What is the velocity vector of the particle at t = 10 sec?

(c) What third force, F3 is required to make the acceleration of the particle

zero? Either give magnitude and direction of F3 or its components.

30. Forces of magnitudes 2P, 4P, 3P and P act on a particle in directions parallel to the
   
sides AB, BC, CD and DE of a regular hexagon. Find the magnitude and direction of their resultant.

31. Three vectors as shown in the figure have magnitude

 
| a |  3, | b |  4 and | c |  10 . c b

(i) Find the x and y components of these vectors.

   30°
(ii) Find the numbers p and q such that c  p a  q b. o
a X

JRS Tutorials, Durgakund, Varanasi-221005, Ph No.(0542) 2311922, 2311777, 7317347706

  
32. Given A + B = C
      
| A | = 10 AB | C | = 20 Find | B | and angle of C with B .

33. Two vectors have magnitudes 5 units and12 units respectively. What should be the angle between
them if the magnitude of the resultant is

(a) 7 unit, (b) 13 units (c) 17 units. (d) 241 units (e) 109 units
34. When two forces of magnitude P and Q are perpendicular to each other, their resultant is of
magnitude R. When they are at an angle of 180° to each other, their resultant is of magnitude
. Find the ratio of P and Q.
35. Two vectors of 10 units & 5 units make an angle of 120° with each other. Find the magnitude &
angle of resultant with vector of 10 unit magnitude.
  
36. The resultant of two velocity vectors A and B is perpendicular to A .Magnitude of Resultant
   
R is equal to half magnitude of B . Find the angle between A and B ?
37. The resultant of two forces 3P and 2P is R. If the first force is doubled, the resultant is also doubled.
Then find the angle between the two forces
38. Let the resultant of three forces of magnitude 5N, 12N & 13N acting on a body be zero. If sin
230 = (5/13) , find the angle between the 5N force & 13N force .
39. The sum of magnitudes of two forces acting at a point is 16N. If their resultant is normal to the
smaller force and has a magnitude of 8N, find the forces.
40. Two vectors of equal magnitude 2 are at an angle of 60° to each other find magnitude of their sum
& difference.
41. If the sum of two unit vectors is also a unit vector. Find the magnitude of their difference ?
  
42. Two vectors A & B have the same magnitude . Under what circumstances does the vector A +
    
B have the same magnitude as A or B . When does the vector difference A  B have this
magnitude .
  
43. In the diagram below, the vectors u and v are at right angles to each other. The length of v is d. The
 
horizontal and vertical components of u are a and b respectively. Find the vertical component of v
in terms of a, b and d.

    
44. The resultant of P and Q is R . If Q is doubled, resultant is doubled in magnitude, when Q is

reversed, R is again doubled , find P : Q : R.

JRS Tutorials, Durgakund, Varanasi-221005, Ph No.(0542) 2311922, 2311777, 7317347706

45. Pick out the two scalar quantities in the following list:
Force, angular momentum, work, current, linear momentum, electric fields, average velocity, mag-
netic moment, reaction as per Newton’s third law, relative velocity.
46. Pick out the only vector quantity in the following list:
Temperature, pressure, impulse, time, power, total path length, energy, gravitational potential, coef-
ficient of friction, charge.
47. State with reasons, whether the following algebraic operations with scalar and vector physical quan-
tities are meaningful :
(a) adding any two scalars,
(b) adding a scalar to a vector of the same dimensions
(c) multiplying any vector by any scalar,
(d) multiplying any two scalars,
(e) adding any two vectors,
(f) adding a component of a vector to the same vector.
48. Read each statement below carefully and state with reasons, if it is true or false:
(a) The magnitude of a vector is always a scalar,
(b) each component of a vector is always a scalar,
(c) the total path length is always equal to the magnitude of the displacement vector of a particle.
(d) the average speed of a particle (defined as total path length divided by the time taken to cover
the path) is either greater or equal to the magnitude of average velocity of the particle over the
same interval of time.
(e) Three vectors not lying in a plane can never add up to give a null vector.
 
49. For what value of m the vector A  2iˆ  3jˆ – 6kˆ is perpendicular to B  3iˆ – mjˆ  6kˆ
 
50. If the vectors P  aî  aˆj  3k̂ and Q  a î  2ˆj  k̂ are perpendicular to each other, find the value
of a ?
 
51. Consider the two vectors : L  1î  2ˆj  3k̂ and l  4î  5ˆj  6k̂
  
Find the value of the scalar  such that the vector L  l is perpendicular to L .
52. Find the angle between two vectors

(i)  2iˆ  ˆj  kˆ  
and ˆi  kˆ  (ii)  6iˆ  2ˆj  4kˆ  and  ˆi  5ˆj  4kˆ 
     
53. A  B  2î and A  B  4ˆj then what will be the angle between A and B .

  
54.     
Given that a  ˆi  ˆj  kˆ ; b   ˆi  ˆj  kˆ ; c  ˆi  ˆj  kˆ , evaluate 
   
(i)  a.b    b.c    c.a
 (ii)  b.c  a   c.a
 
c .
JRS Tutorials, Durgakund, Varanasi-221005, Ph No.(0542) 2311922, 2311777, 7317347706
55. Find the scalar component of 3iˆ  4ˆj along ˆi  ˆj ?

56. The velocity of a particle is given by v  3iˆ  2ˆj  3kˆ . Find the vector component of its velocity

parallel to the line l  ˆi  ˆj  kˆ .
57. If a line makes an angle of 60°, 150°, 45° with the positive x, y, z-axis respectively, find its
direction cosines.
 
58.   
Find  , if projection of a   ˆi  ˆj  4kˆ along b  2iˆ  6ˆj  3kˆ is 4 units. 
 
59.   
Find value of  if a  3iˆ  2 ˆj  9 kˆ and b  ˆi  p ˆj  3 kˆ are parallel . 
     
60. If A . B = | A  B |, find angle between A and B .
 
61. Find the direction of A  B if
   
(i) A is eastwards and B is downwards. (ii) A is along North-East and B is upwards
   
62. Find (i) A  B if A  î  2ˆj  4k̂ and B  2î  ˆj  2k̂
   
(ii) B x A if A  3î  2ˆj  6k̂ and B  î  ˆj  k̂

 
63.   
Find a vector which is perpendicular to both A  3iˆ  2 ˆj  kˆ and B  4iˆ  3 ˆj  2 kˆ but has mag-

nitude equal to that of B

     
64. Find a .  b  c  and a   b  c  in each case
   
  
    
(i) a  5iˆ  ˆj  kˆ , b  2iˆ  4kˆ and c  3iˆ  4ˆj  5kˆ 
  
   
(ii) a  ˆi  2 ˆj  3kˆ , b  4iˆ  5jˆ  6kˆ and c  2iˆ  6ˆj  5kˆ  
65. Find the area of a parallelogram formed from the vectors
 
   
(i) A  ˆi  2ˆj  3kˆ and B  3iˆ  2ˆj  kˆ as adjacent sides.
 
(ii) A  5iˆ  4ˆj  3kˆ and B  3iˆ  2ˆj  kˆ as diagonals.

66. Find the area of a triangle whose vertices are A(1, – 1, 2), B(2, 1, – 1) and C(3, – 1, 2)
 
67.    
There are two vectors A  3iˆ  ˆj and B  ˆj  2kˆ . For these two vectors

 
(i) find a unit vector which is perpendicular to both A and B

 
(ii) If A and B are the adjacent sides of a parallelogram then find the magnitude of its area.
  
(iii) find the component of A along B and perpendicular to B in vector form.

JRS Tutorials, Durgakund, Varanasi-221005, Ph No.(0542) 2311922, 2311777, 7317347706


68.  ˆi  2 ˆj  3kˆ  ,  2iˆ  ˆj  6kˆ  and 3iˆ  4ˆj  5kˆ  are coplanar vectors then find value of  .
69. Find volume of parallelopiped in each case if adjacent sides of parallelopiped are represented by

  
    
(i) a  ˆi  2 ˆj  3kˆ , b  3iˆ  6kˆ and c  7iˆ  ˆj  9kˆ 
  
    
(ii) a  5iˆ  ˆj  kˆ , b  2iˆ  3jˆ  4kˆ and c  3iˆ  4ˆj  5kˆ 
70. Figure shows a cube of edge length a, b, c respectively. Write coordinates of points B, C, D, E, F,
G, H. and write position vectors of points F, E, G and C with respect to origine A.



A a B x

71. Find the angle  between the body diagonal of a cube and one of its edges (fig.) using the vector
techniques of the scalar product.



 
72. Two forces are acting on a body. F1  2 î  3 ĵ and it does 8J of work, F2  3 î  5 ĵ and it does – 4J on
body. Find the displacement of body in form x î  y ˆj .
 
73. Find vector sum of forces A and B . Magnitude of A is 100 N and is along OA where A is (3,–

4,6) and | B | = 200N and is along vector PQ where Q is (–2,4,4) & P is (–4,8,10)

JRS Tutorials, Durgakund, Varanasi-221005, Ph No.(0542) 2311922, 2311777, 7317347706


1. (A)-R ; (B)-S ; (C)-P ; (D)-Q 2. (A) S (B) P (C) Q (D) R

3. (a) v  (2 ms –1 ) ˆi – (2 ms –1 ) ˆj (b) a  (10 ms –2 ) ˆi + (10 3 ms –2 ) ˆj

(c) p  (20 N-s) ˆi  (20 3 N-s)ˆj (d) vN = 10 ms–1 and vE = 10 ms–1

(e) s  (5 m) ˆi  (5 3 m) ˆj (f) s  (10 3 m) ˆi  (10 m) ˆj

(g) Fx = 10 N and Fy = 0 (h) Fx = 0 and Fy = 20 N

 7 
4. (a) 50 km, 53º N of E (b) 61 cm, 600 tan 1   east of north
2 3

5. 2 3 m, 600 6. 3 km north.

400 200
7. km h -1 , km h -1 8. (i) 250 3 N (ii) 250 N
3 3

3P 4W 4P 3W
9. P|| = ,W|| = ,T|| = T, P = ,W = , T = 0 10. 0.60
5 5 5 5

1 1  1 1  5 5 
11. (a) î  ĵ ; (b)   î  ˆj  ,  î  ˆj  12. 15 î + 20 ĵ 13. 3 10
2 2  2 2  2 2 

2ˆj  3kˆ
14. (a) Bx = 6 m ; By = 3 m (b) 3 5 m (c) tan–1(1/2) 15. 2ˆj  3kˆ , 13 ,

3 3 8
16. . 76 units, tan
7 5

18. 10 2, 45º N of E 19. 20 3 N

20. 10 N ,10 2 N 21. 10 3 , 5 2  3 1 

22. (A) Q; (B) R; (C) P; (D) S 23.  
  7iˆ  7 ˆj , B = 5

24. 5P ˆj, 4Pi,

ˆ 6Piˆ  8Pj,
ˆ  12Piˆ  9Pj,
ˆ 20, tan 1 [ 2] with the +ve x-axis.
 
25. a = –8, b = – 2, c = –5 26. F2  (12  5 3) ˆi  (12 3  15)ˆj , F1  (12 3  6) ˆj

3 3  3 3ˆ
27. (a)   90º , F3 = 8 (b) – 6i 28. (a) N, (b) , (c) F  î  j N
2 2 2 2
29. (a) 30 2 at 45° (b) 100 at 53° from horizontal (c) 50 N at  = 233° ACW or  = 127° CW

JRS Tutorials, Durgakund, Varanasi-221005, Ph No.(0542) 2311922, 2311777, 7317347706

30. P 39 at arctan to AB

31. a x = 3, a y = 0; bx  2 3 , b y = 2; c x = –5, c y = 5 3 ; p = –20/3, q = 5 3 / 2

32. 10 3,300 33. (a) 180º (b) 90º (c) 0º (d) 53º (e) 1200

34. 2± 3 35. 5 3 m , 30° 36. 150º 37. 120°

38. 6N, 10N 39. 1130 40. 2 3 , 2 41. 3

42. when the angle between A & B is 1200 ; when it is 600 43. e = ]
a 2  b2
44. P:Q:R= 2: 3: 2 45. Work, current 46. Impulse
47. only (c) and (d) are permissible 48. (a) T (b) F (c) F (d) T (e) T

49.  50. 3, –1 51. 52. (i) 30° (ii) 90°

4 ˆ ˆ ˆ
53.  = 127° 54. (i) 1 (ii) 2iˆ  2ˆj 55. 7 2 56. (i  j  k)

1 3 1
57. , , 60. /4 61. (i) North (ii) Sorth east
2 2 2

62. 6ˆj  3kˆ 63.

29 ˆ

i  10 ˆj  17kˆ 
64. 
(i) -110 and 14iˆ  24 ˆj  94 kˆ  
(ii) 15 and 52iˆ  47 ˆj  14 kˆ 
65. (i) 4 6 (ii) 5 3 66. 52

67. (i)
 2iˆ  6 ˆj  3kˆ 
, (ii) 7 square units (iii) 
1 ˆ
 4 2 
j  2kˆ and  3iˆ  ˆj  kˆ 
7 5  5 5 

68. 4 69. (i) 33 (ii) 44

70. B = (a, 0,0) C = (a, 0, c) D = (0, 0, c) E = (0, b, c)
F = (a, b, c) G = (a, b, 0) H = (0, b, 0)
   
rF = a î  bˆj  ck̂ rE = bˆj  ck̂ rG = a î  bˆj rc = a î  ck̂

1 
71. cos–1 72. r  52 î  32 ĵ

JRS Tutorials, Durgakund, Varanasi-221005, Ph No.(0542) 2311922, 2311777, 7317347706

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