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Micah Ann G.

Anastacio September 7, 2022

Historically, laws have been created to give the government power over its
citizens and to protect its citizens from its enemies. When we discuss the law, we are
talking about the rules and regulations that protect citizens' rights and security from
outside interference. Despite the fact that law covers a wide range of topics, it only
works to keep society civilized. Shrivas (2012) asserts that laws are made to be
adhered to within a territory and that they govern, regulate, and set standards for human
conduct. It imposes limitations on some freedom while acting to contain evil. Without the
protection of the law, our world would be ungoverned and daily activities would be
affected. Jovelyn Galleno, for instance, vanished mysteriously, is a good example.
Without a legal system, nobody would be able to take any action, and justice might even
be ended up losing. Therefore, laws are essential to achieving government goals, which
are ultimately beneficial to the nation and a strong national economy.

In line with law, philosophy makes and supports claims about it. It discusses the
fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence (Oxford Dictionary). It is
connected to the study of law because it looks for fundamental truths, moral guidelines,
and an understanding of the world. Similar to laws, it aims to establish facts in order to
offer conflict resolution strategies and develop methods for assessing arguments. By
supplying legal science through logic and epistemology, philosophy aids in the
investigation of truths (James Madison University). They are closely related since
philosophy frequently reflects the views of our society, which our laws evolve with.
Consequently, the two parties’ relationship is unstable and constantly shifting.

Philosophy is the academic field that examines all aspects of the human
experience from a fundamental perspective. Philosophical questions into the social
application of law, also referred to as jurisprudence, are at their core. Law-related
philosophical questions focus on the nature of law, its relationship to morality, and how
the law should be interpreted. Depending on one’s personal philosophy, the nature of
law is perceived differently and is influenced by philosophical arguments and theories.
Legal positivists, on the other hand, think that any relationship between morality and the
law is merely coincidental and that law is not constrained by morality. Whether there is a
moral obligation to obey the law has also been brought up in relation to the fundamental
nature of law.

Exposing legal experience through the fundamental ideas that guide legal
institutions is one of philosophy of law's key roles in maintaining the rule of law.
Reaching ever-higher and more significant aspirations for societies through the use of
philosophy of law is a significant improvement. In addition, it involves understanding the
fundamentals of law while maintaining balance with regard to ethics and the values that
support it (Castro, 2018 1).The philosophy of law is in charge of examining the various
currents of law in detail because, as we all know, the idea of having a perfect world is
impractical. knowing the points being made and how and why they apply in different
situations. It is clear that legal certainty and the philosophy of law both place a strong
emphasis on justice. The most crucial factor in this regard is the transparency with
which laws are applied. It is capable of recognizing falsification. Simply put, philosophy
is the explanation of why laws exist. The purpose of the law will also be revealed
through legal philosophy.

Adapted from “Definitions of Law and its Functions, by “Shivani Shrivas, 2012, Online legal Advice,

Adapted from “The importance of the philosophy of law”, by Gustavo Mirabal Castro, 2018,

From “Oxford Dictionary”, 2012,

Adapted from “James Madison University”, 1997,

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