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#####SAP BW/BIW/BI----1.x/2.x/3.0a/3.0b/3.1c/3.5(Till 3.

x it was known as BW or
in 7.0 by adding addtional formated reporting tools sap had changed the Name
to BI
bu in the year 2008 sap acquired bo, a BI Tool after acquiring this tehy
renamed their BI to Sap Bw

SAP BW---3.x/7.0/7.3/7.4, From 7.3/7.4 added with additional DB-Hana

Sap Erp/Sap Crm/Sap Bw/Sap Scm---Backend DB(Oracle/Sql Server/Max db-Row)

Row DB--Data is stored interms of Rows, Data retrived Row wise

Hana Db--Columnar Hybrid Inmemory db--Data is stored Row and Columns, it is

retrieved row and column wise

Sap BW(Hana)

SAP CRM(hana)

Sap BW(hana)

Sap Business Suite--Hana

##########What is Sap BW?


it is an EDW With ETL and Bi Platforms

it is the collection, storing and maintainence of historical and real time business
data from applications like sales, Inventry, Purchaisng, Production, Fi....etc.The
application sys can be sap applications--ERP/Crm/SCm and Non sap application sys-
like Db sys(Db2) or File Sys-Excel or Xml Sys

B.ETL?:-(Extraction, Transformation and data loading)

The day to day real time transactions are inserted in application sys or Oltp
Sys.The oltp sys is optmized only for Insert/Updation of the Transactions.using ETl
we can transafer the data from application sys to Dw sys

{Oltp/application sys(Real time data-Max 6m)}----ETL---DW(Historical data)

Last 24 Months sales Trends

Other Dw Sys For Etl The are dependent on ETl tools like--Informatica/Data

c.BI?:-Olap Sys-Online Analytical Processing sys:-

it is a reporting sys which generates the required reports as per the business

Business--B---SD/MM/Fi/Hr----Roles--Responcible For Decission making of the

SD---Sales Mgr----Sales----Next Quarter sales---Information--Last
Quarter/Last Month/Last 6months/Last 12 months/YTD/MTD--can be
Given in the form of reports, Generated thru Bi sys
MM---Inventry & Pur Mgr

#################Bw system architecture##############

Application sys---Interface

1.SAP --ERP/Crm/Scm-----Bapi--Business application Programing interface

2.DB Sys----DB Connector/DBSL-Data Base Shared Library---Installed by Basys Team
Team Structure:-
Tech Team--Abap Team
Functional team---SD/MM/HR/Fi
Bw Team
Basys & Security

3.File Sys----File Interface

4.Xml Sys----XMl Interface Based On SOAP--Simple Object Access Protocol.

5.Multi Dimensional Sys---UDC(Universal data connectors)

Regional Off Hq
DW(Hyperion) Sap BW

####Source sys---ETL---Data--IS devided into Master data, Transaction data.

a.Master data:-
it is the data which is constant or rarely changed
Emp Master--EMp ID/name/DOB/DOJ/Age/Salary
Prd Master/mat Master/Vendor master

in Sap Bw sys The master data is stored in Master data table

b.Transaction data:-
it is day to day operational data, keeps on changing
Sales/revenue/Cost--EMpid/Prd id/region/country.

In sap Bw sys The Transaction data is loaded to Dso(Data Store object/in 3.5 ODS-
Operational data store), From dso it is loaded to infocube

is a cubical structure, Multi Diimensional Strcuture used For Multi Diemsnional
Sales Order---Sales Order Cube
Purchasing data----Purchase Cube
Inventry Data---Inventry Cube.

thr is a limitation of infocube i.e Duplicates, To avoid this duplicates the data
is loaded to dso, Which is a table, Holds primary key, which does not allow

In dso all the data is consolidated--New


C.PSA:---Persistence staging area:-

it is a temporary storage location used For data Quality or Modification.
After some time the data shuld Be removed from PSa.
SOurce----Sap BW{PSA}------Master data table
Source sys----Sap Bw{PSA}--->DSO----->Infocube

Source Sys---Psa-----DSO1-----DSO2----Infocube

Source-------PSA/Data Source----->DSO1/DSo2

###AWB--Administrator Workbench in 3.5, But in 7.x Known Datawarehousing

Workbench.---using this we can design the data model of dw like Master
tab/dso/infocube, Designg the data flow.

###Metadata repository:-it is data about data which acts as a local search engine
of the sys.

###Open Hub destination--Using this we can retract the data from Bw sys to External
Sys like File sys or DB sys

####Bi Platform----Business Explorer.

1.Query designer
3.Web applicatoin designer
4.Report Designer
5.Visual Composer
6.Bex broadcaster---------------------all the tools are integarted to A
Portal Service i.e SAP Enterprize Portal.

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