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English Language. Specialized Renal Nursing.

English Language. Specialized Renal Nursing.

English Language. Specialized Renal Nursing.

1. Identify the parts of speech in the following paragraph. 5

When the nurse is ready to depart, she must advise a minimum of two staff members that she
is commencing home visits, with one staff member responsible for logging the nurse’s

2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate preposition. 5

By, with, Into, against, depend, at, in, to

a. Shivaji Maharaj fought ______ every kind of aggression.

b. Don’t depend ______ others, you must stand on your own feet.

c. The teacher is entering ______ the classroom.

d. She killed a tiger ______ a gun.

e. I usually stay at home ______ night.

3. Write the appropriate conjunction in the following sentences. 5

(a). He didn’t work hard, ______ he failed his exam.
(b). You should neither see him ______ call him.
(c). ______ he is honest, everybody respects him.
(d). Sania went to play ______ Samantha stayed at home.
(e). ______ Tania ______ Mania has done this job.

4. Use the verbs in the following sentences. 5

write, read, will, eat, are, have, play, is,

(a). They _____ attend a function next week.

(b). She _____ newspaper every morning in her garden.
(c). They ______ a lot of fruits in their farm last year.
(d). Rocky _____ a bike but he has lost it recently.
(e). John _____ a letter to her pen-friend yesterday.
English Language. Specialized Renal Nursing.
English Language. Specialized Renal Nursing.
English Language. Specialized Renal Nursing.

Instructions: Decide what types of sentences:

Assertive interrogative exclamatory optative
1. Don’t drop those apples. __________________________

2. Do you have your own computer? _________________________

3. Please be carefull. ___________________________

4. What is the first letter of the alphabet? _____________________

5. My name is Francisca. ____________________________

6. Do you like chocolate cake? ___________________________

7. Today is a very sunny day. ________________________

8. Don.t scares the birds away ! ____________________________

9. Please come down to eat your breakfast. _______________________

10. Wow that looks amazing! __________________________

11.Please open the door. __________________________________

12. What is your name? ________________________

13. Tomorrow we are going to zoo. ______________________

14. Go to your class right now. ____________________________

15. Can we watch a movie tonight? ____________________________

English Language. Specialized Renal Nursing.
English Tongue Twisters Class worksheet Caregiving Batch A

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She saw Sharif's shoes on the sofa. But was she so sure those were Sharif's
shoes she saw?

Give papa a cup of proper coffee in a copper coffee cup.

Black background, brown background

Seventy-seven benevolent elephants

The chic Sikh's sixty-sixth sheep is sick

A loyal warrior will rarely worry why we rule.

A pessimistic pest exists amidst us.

Drew Dodd's dad's dog's dead.

Which witch switched the Swiss wristwatches?

She sells seashells by the seashore.

English Language. Specialized Renal Nursing.
English Language. Specialized Renal Nursing.
English Language. Specialized Renal Nursing.
English Language. Specialized Renal Nursing.

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