Syllabus Copy Module VI

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To Provide understand of, step-by-step process, starting with the elements of a successful merger, due
diligence to ensure that the target firm is sound and fits well with the acquiring firm, and how mergers and
acquisitions are financed.

A Perspective of Mergers &Acquisitions- Common Take Over Tactics and Defenses - Merger and
Acquisition Valuation - Regulatory Considerations - Tax Structure and Planning - Structuring the Deal -
Alternative Strategies and Structures - Legal Procedures for Mergers. - Competitive strategy: the core
concepts - Valuation in emerging markets - ROE breakout: Rerating catalyst - Discounted dividend
evaluation - Free cash flow valuation - Market based valuation: Price multiples - Residual income valuation

Text Books
Michel A Hitt, Jeffrey S Harisson, R Duane Ireland, Mergers and Acquisitions: A Guide to Creating Value
to the Stake Holders, Oxford Publishers, 2011.
Peter A Hunt, Structuring Mergers and Acquisitions, Wolters Kluwer Law & Business, Aspen Publishers,
J. Fred Weston, Mark L. Mitchell, Takeovers, Restructuring and Corporate Governance, Pearson Education,


To explain, build and contrast the concepts of derivative and pricing mechanism, applications of
financial derivatives, understanding of roles of the forward, future and options contracts.
To evaluate the interlinking of derivative products and risk managements, identify various
risk management techniques and allied instruments, design the various trading strategies
involving future and options.
Overview of Derivative Contracts, Products, Participants and Functions, Types of
Derivatives, Significance of Derivatives, Derivatives Market in India. Forward contracts,
limitations of forward markets, Introduction to futures, Distinction between futures and
forwards Contracts, Futures Terminology. Mechanics of Options: Type of Options, Options
Positions, Underlying Assets, Specification of Stock Options, Trading, Brokerage, Margins,
Option on Stock Indices and Currencies: Valuation of European Index and Currency Options.
Valuation and pricing of options: Black-Scholes Option Pricing Model, Historical vs. Implied
Volatility. The Greek Letters: Stop Loss Strategy, Delta Hedging, Implications of Gamma,
Theta, Vega, Rho and Rho.
Text Books
Ø Hull, J. C. (8e), Options, Futures and Other Derivatives (OFOD), Pearson
Education, New York.
Ø Vohra and Bagri. (2009, 9th reprint), Futures and Options, Tata Mc-Graw Hill, India.
Ø Kolb, R. W. and Overdhal, J. A. (2012, 5e), Future, Options and Swaps
(FOS), Blackwell, India Edition.

To analyze the conduct of the firms in the market structure in different industries
To Evaluate and Frame Strategies to improve the economic performance of
firms and building Networks among the industries to make business successful
Introduction and Overview - Theory of the Firm and Costs - Industry structure, conduct
and Performance- Dynamic Competition and Monopolies - Cooperative and
Noncooperative Oligopoly - Product Differentiation and Monopolistic Competition -
Strategic Behavior – Asymmetric Information– Auctions & Networks.
Text Book

Ø Dennis W. Carlton and Jeffrey M. Perloff, Modern Industrial Organization, 4th

Edition 2015 Pearson Publishers


Explain and Analyze the role of economic and social network in different
decision making problems.
Apply network tools to understand market and Evaluate the implication of
Economic Network theory in evaluating competition and economic strategies.
The role of network in market decision making, Strategic Network Formation: An economic
approach to network formation Network Models of markets with intermediaries, matching
market, Network Effect in Innovation, Tipping and Contagions: tipping in technology,
financial, and product markets. Application: the rise of Microsoft and contagion phenomena.
Behaviour and learning Networks: Diffusion on Networks. Components, Cohesiveness and
Contagion, Infection. Neighbourhood effects in Diffusion and Play. Bayesian Learning on
Networks, Bounded Rational Learning, Convergence of Beliefs, Influence. Power Law and
Rich getting richer phenomenon. Networks and Markets. Empirical Studies of Bargaining and
Trading on Networks, Experiments on Network Transactions, Price Dispersion, Labor
Markets. Bargaining and power in Network. Wealth Dynamics in Market.
Text Books
Ø Easley, David, and Jon Kleinberg. Networks, Crowds, and Markets: Reasoning
about a Highly Connected World. Cambridge University Press, 2010 [EK].
Ø Matthew O. Jackson (2008) Social and Economic Networks, Princeton
University Press (MJ).
Ø Sanjeev Goyal (2007) Connections, Princeton University Press.


The objective of the course is to explore the theoretical and applied aspects of
investments, covering topics broadly from areas of capital market structure, valuation,
security analysis and portfolio management. The course also aims to emphasize on deep
understanding of the macroeconomic aspects of asset pricing, price discovery mechanism
and analysis of market microstructure comprehensively.
The course broadly deals with discussion on Risk and Return, Analysis of Fixed Income
Investments, Economic, Industry & Company Analysis, Equity Valuation, Theory of
Efficient Market Hypothesis, Analysis to Portfolio Management, Equity Portfolio
Management Strategies, Evaluation of Portfolio Performance, and Portfolio Revision.
Text Books:
Ø Investments; Bodie, Kane, Marcus and Mohanty, Tata McGraw Hill, 8th Edition
Ø Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management; Reilly and Brown, Cengage
Learning, India Edition, 8th Edition
Ø Damodaran on Valuation; Aswath Damodaran, Wiley Finance, 2nd Editio

Understanding and applying the marketing research for solving business problems.
Define Marketing Research, Understand Classification of Marketing Research, Analyze
Role of Marketing Research in Marketing Decision Making, Explain the Marketing
Research problem, Develop an approach to Marketing Research Problem, Understand
and Classify Marketing Research Design ; Understand Product Development Research;
Understand Communication Research; Pricing Research and Distribution Research,
Design Exploratory Research using Secondary Data; Observation Method, Design Causal
Research using Experimentation, Develop Measurement instruments and Scaling, Design
Questionnaire, Explain Sampling Design and Procedure, Explain Field Work and Data
Collection Process, Outline Data Preparation Process, Understand and Select Data
Analysis Strategy, Explain Preparation of Report and Presentation.
Ø Marketing Research: An Applied Orientation, Naresh K Malhotra, Pearson, 2009.
Ø Marketing Research: Text and Cases, Rajendra Nargundkar, McGraw Hill
Education, 2017.
Ø Marketing Research, Alvin C Burns, Ann Veeck and Ronald F Bush, Pearson, 2016.
Ø Marketing Research, David A Aaker, V Kumar, Robert P Leone, George S Day,
Wiley, 2012.


To provide a broad overview of retail management theory, principles and methods, while
exploring some key aspects of modern retailing in more detail with the help of Indian examples.

Introduction to Class, Retail Models and Theories of Retail Development, Types of Retailers, Multi-
channel Retailing, Consumer Behavior, Retail Market Strategy, Financial Strategy, Retail Locations,
Retail Site Location, Organization Structure and Human Resource Management, Information Systems
and Supply Chain Management, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Managing Merchandise
Assortments, Staple and Fashion Merchandise Management Systems, Open-to-Buy, Merchandise
Allocation, and Merchandise Management Performance Buying Merchandise and Brand Strategies,
Legal issues in buying merchandise and Negotiation, Retail Pricing, Retail Communication Mix,
Managing the Store, Store Layout, Design, Visual Merchandising, Customer Service

Text Books
Levy Michael and Weitz B., Retailing Management, 8thEdn, McGraw Hill.


To evaluate operations and supply chains to mitigate their environmental
impacts to make them environmentally sustainable.
To implement environmentally sustainable operations, including strategies,
tactics and tools to reduce environmental impacts.
Assessing Stakeholder Demands: Prioritize Demands using Sustainability Frameworks,
Assessing Demands from Activist, Analyzing Demands and Organizational Structure;
Measure Environmental Performance: Assess Environmental Performance of Global
Operations, Prioritize Measuring and Managing Environmental Issues; Evaluating
Dimensions of Environmental Performance; Reducing Environmental Impacts using
Alternate Approaches i.e. Reducing Waste, Transforming Waste, and Offsetting Waste,
Prioritize Projects for Improving Environmental Performance.
Text Books
Ø Liker, Jeffrey. "The Toyota Way: 14 Management Principles from the World's
Greatest Manufacturer". McGraw-Hill, 2004
Ø Palevich, Robert. "The Lean Sustainable Supply Chain: How to Create a Green
Infrastructure with Lean Technologies". FT Press, 2012
Reference books
Ø Association for Manufacturing Excellence (US), Green Manufacturing: Case
Studies in Lean and Sustainability, PRODUCTIVITY Press, NC, 2008.
Ø Womack, James and Jones, Daniel. “Lean Thinking: Banish Waste and Create
Wealth in Your Corporation, Revised and Updated”. Free Press (a division of
Simon & Schuster), 2003.
Ø Ingrassia, Paul and White, Joseph. “Comeback: The Fall and Rise of the
American Automobile Industry”. Simon & Schuster, 1995.

To appraise and apply lean manufacturing techniques and justify their applications in
different manufacturing systems.

Course Code: IE314

Value and waste, Muda, Mura, and Muri, Value added and non-value added activities,
Waste elimination, Value stream mapping, Flow production, Pull production system,
Continuous improvement.
Small lot production, Setup time reduction, Maintaining and improving the equipment,
Focused factory, Cellular manufacturing, Standard operations, Quality at source, Mixed
model scheduling.
Text Books:
Ø Nicholas John, Lean Production for competitive advantage, - a comprehensive
guide to lean methodologies and management practices, productivity press,
Ø Womack and Jones, Lean Thinking, Simon and Schuster. 2003
Ø Askin and Goldberg, Design and Analysis of Lean Production Systems, John
Wiley and Sons. 2003.
Reference Books:
Ø Hayes, R.H., Pisano, G.P., Upton, D.M. and Wheelwright, S.C. (2005),
Operations, Strategy, and Technology: Pursuing the Competitive Edge, John
Wiley and Sons.
Ø Michel Baudin, Working with Machines, Productivity Press. 2007
Ø Hopp and Spearman, Factory Physics. McGraw Hill. 2003


Develop an overall understanding of International business operations.

Course Code: OS31

Issues in internationalization of business, developing and managing the international
goals, strategies, flow of information, suppliers, sourcing, logistic, networked
organization strategy, international new product development,
Text Books:
Ø Alberto F. De Toni, Franco R D, Li J, Li Y, Nassimbeni G, Sartor M, Zhao X, and
Xu X, International Operations management - lessons in global business, Gower
Publishing, Ltd., 2011
Ø Gerhard J. Plenert, International Operations Management, Copenhagen Business
School Press, 2002.


To understand the business processes from areas such as sales, marketing, procurement,
manufacturing, and accounting and to demonstarte how ERP system can support and
optimize the inherent business processes.
To learn how to manage the supply chain of a company using an ERP system in simulated,
real-time environment.

Course Code: DS322

Introduction to ERP systems and understanding of business Processes (Procure to pay and
Order to Cash) connection between business processes and ERP systems, Business Process
Reengineering and Enterprise Resource Planning Systems, Implementation and Evaluation
of ERP systems, Integrated Business Processes, various modules viz: Sales and Marketing,
Accounting and Finance, Production and Materials Management, Human Resources, Project
Systems, Customer Service; Managing an ERP Project, ERP Life Cycle, Case Studies
Text Book:
Ø Alexis Leon ERP Demystified 3 Edition (Paperback) Tata McGraw - Hill
Education 2014.
Ø Jagan Vaman Nathan ERP in Practice: ERP Strategies for Steering Competence &
Ø Competitive Advantage 1st Edition (Paperback) Tata McGraw - Hill Education 2007.
Ø Glynn C. Williams Implementing SAP ERP Sales and Distribution 1 Edition
Tata McGraw - Hill Education 2008.

To develop structured understanding of implementing a strategic procurement program
in an organization right from analysing expenditure, developing strategies and achieve
measurable results.

Course Code: IE328

Purchasing and competitive advantage; Analysing and categorizing expenditure; Strategic
Procurement; Strategic Sourcing Process; Purchasing and commodity strategy development;
Supplier evaluation and selection; Supplier management and development; Global sourcing
and its strategic impact, supplier Performance measurement and benchmarking.
Text Books:
Ø Caroline Booth, Strategic Procurement, Kogan Page, 2010
Ø Robert M. Monczka, Robert B. Handfield, Larry C. Giunipero and James L.
Patterson, Purchasing and Supply Chain Management, 6th Edition, Cengage
Learning, 2016
Ø Burt, Dobler and Starling, World class Supply Management, Tata McGraw Hill, 2012
Ø Robert J Trent, Startegic Supply Management: Creating the next source of
competitive advantage, J. Ross Pub., 2007


To provide an understanding of managing different forms of IP, Strategies followed in
their protection and commercialization thereof.

Course Code: ET37

History of IP, Creativity, Invention, Innovation, Types of IP, IP protection – What to
protect – Where to protect– When to protect and How to protect, Procedure for grant of
IP Rights, Patenting under PCT, How and When to Leverage IP, IP Portfolio and Life
Cycle, IP Evaluation, Technology transfer and Licensing, Monitoring – Policing and
Enforcing IP, Indian IP Acts, International Treaties and Conventions on IP, Role of
WIPO, TRIPS Agreement, Case Studies.
Text Books
Ø N. S. Gopalakrishnan & T.G. Agitha, Principles of Intellectual Property (2009),
Eastern Book Company, Lucknow.
Ø Jolly, Adam, A Handbook of Intellectual Property Management: Protecting,
Developing and Exploiting Your IP Assets (2004), Kogan Page.
Ø WIPO Intellectual Property Handbook (freely downloadable from
Reference Books
Ø Steven J. Frank, HB, Intellectual Property for Managers and Investors: A Guide
to Evaluating, Protecting and Exploiting IP, Cambridge University Press.
Ø Granstrand, Ove, The Economics and Management of Intellectual Property:
Towards Intellectual Capitalism (2000), Edward Elgar.
Ø Deborah E. Bouchoux, Intellectual Property (2008), Cengage learning, New Delhi
Ø B. L. Wadehra, Law Relating to Patents, Trade Marks, Copyright, Designs &
Geographical Indications (2000), Universal law Publishing Pvt. Ltd., India.
Ø Other supplemental materials: Cases available on World Intellectual
Property Organization (WIPO) webpage


This course enables the student to evaluate multiple strategic approaches to new product
development, identify and design a suitable product architecture as per the requirements.
The course would lead to creation of a prototype and enables the student to learn by doing.

Course Code: ET333

New Product Development Process – stage Gate – System V Approach – Cross
Functional Team design – Product architecture and implications – Modularity
Measurement – Supply chain for NPD – Risks in NPD – Open Innovation and NPD –
Demonstration through prototype.
Text Books
Ø Product Leadership: Creating And Launching Superior New Products by Robert
Ø Product Design and Development, by Karl T. Ulrich, Steven D. Eppinger.
Reference Books
Ø Product Development: A Structured Approach to Design and Manufacture, by
Anil Mital, Anoop Desai, Anand Subramanian, Aashi Mital.
Ø Journal Articles

To provide basic understanding of the logistics function and its role in Supply Chain
Management in the overall Supply Chain. Coverage will include various tools and
techniques. Designing of logistics networks, warehouses and transportations for
optimization of logistics is covered.

Course Code: OS32

Introduction to Logistics; Logistics System Design; Demand Planning; Multiple Channel
Distribution; Multi-Echelon System; Model development; Interdependence of other
functions; Concept of Warehousing; Warehousing Locations; Method of Storage;
Primary and Secondary Transportation; Unitising; Logistics Costing; Expressed as Ratio
of Value Added or Sales; Logistics information System; Integration of all activities for
effective supply chain performance. Reverse logistics; designing of logistics network.
Text Books:
Ø Logistics & Supply Chain Management, (Latest edition), Martin Christopher,
Prentice Hall.
Ø Business Logistics: Supply Chain Management (Latest Edition) L Ronald H.
Ballou, Prentice Hall.
Ø Introduction to Logistics Systems Management (2nd Edition): Gianpaolo
Ghiani, Gilbert Laporte, Roberto Musmanno, Wiley.
Ø Supply Chain and Logistics Management Made Easy: Methods and Applications
for Planning, Operation, Integration, Control and Improvement, and Network
Design (Latest Edition): Paul A. Myerson, Pearson FT Press.
Ø Warehouse Management: A Complete Guide to Improving Efficiency and
Minimizing Costs in the Modern Warehouse, 2nd Edition, Gwynne Richards, Kogan

To make students understand and apply several skills that foster leadership.
To look at leadership in the sense of it being a positive force – one that influences
and impacts people, organizations and societies in a positive way by the use of
legitimate and morally/ethically-acceptable means.
Perspectives on Corporate Leadership Behaviour and Development; Managerial
traits/skills; Leading Change in Organisations; Charismatic/Transformational Leadership
approaches; Leadership in Corporate Teams and Decision Groups; Ethical Dimensions to
Corporate Leadership Culture; Developing Corporate Leadership Skills
Text books:
Ø Corporate success and transformational leadership. Pritam Singh, Asha Bhandarker ·
Winning the corporate Olympiad. The renaissance paradigm. Pritam Singh, Asha
Ø GlennRowe W. and Guerrero L., Cases in leadership, Sage publication, New Delhi,
Second Edition, 2010
Ø Northouse, P. G., Leadership Theory and Practice, Fifth edition, Sage publication,
New Delhi, 2010


To Understand the Big Data Platform and its Use cases,
To apply Apache Hadoop, Provide HDFS Concepts and Interfacing with HDFS.

Course Code: DS36

An overview of Big Data, Exploring the use of Big Data in Business Context, Introducing
Technologies for handling Big Data, Understanding Hadoop Ecosystem, Understanding
MapReduce Fundamentals and HBase, Understanding Big Data Technology
Foundations, Storing data in Databases and Data Warehouses, Processing your data with
MapReduce, Customizing MapReduce Execution and Implementing MapReduce
Program, Testing and Debugging MapReduce Applications, Understanding Hadoop YARN
Architecture, Exploring Hive, Analyzing data with Pig, Using Oozie, NoSQL Data
Management, Data Movement with Flume and sqoop, Introduction of Mahout, Understanding
Analytics and Big Data, Analytical Approaches and Tool to Analyze Data, Exploring R,
Reading Datasets and Exporting Data from R, Manipulating and Processing Data in R,
Working with Functions and Packages in R, Performing Graphical Analysis in R, Integrating
R and Hadoop and Understanding Hive, Data Visualization-I, Data Visualization with
Tableau (Data Visulization-II), Social Media Analytics and Text Mining, Mobile Analytics,
Finding a job in the Big Data Market.
Text Book:
Ø Tom White “ Hadoop: The Definitive Guide” Third Edit on, O’reily Media, 2012.

Ø Seema Acharya, Subhasini Chellappan, "Big Data Analytics" Wiley 2015.

Ø DT Editorial Services, BIG DATA, Dreamtech Press,2017.

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