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August 31, 2022

Dear members of the American University of Beirut community,

It is my sincere pleasure to share the revamped and uplifted logo of the American
University of Beirut. This fresh and distinctive new look reaffirms our identity as one of the
oldest and most prestigious universities of the Global South, one that is firmly rooted in
Beirut, yet with an increasingly robust global presence.

Many will ask why we need to update our logo. Well, one answer derives from the
observation of the Greek philosopher Heraclitus who wrote, “the only constant in life is
change.” Indeed, the American University of Beirut has been through numerous changes
over the decades, which will be abundantly clear to those watching the AUB History
series of short videos chronicling our first 150 years. Yet, despite all the changes —even
changing the university’s very name in 1920—the American University of Beirut has
always stayed true to its enduring mission and its aspirational vision of realizing a better
tomorrow for the people of Lebanon and beyond. In a similar fashion, the university’s logo
has gone through a variety of changes over the years yet has always retained the same
The new logo being unveiled today was developed expressly to reflect the university’s
core identity. It is reflective of our long history and proud heritage, of our rootedness in
Beirut, and of our longstanding values. The cedar tree with its proud and healthy roots
reaffirms our commitment to AUB’s eternal home, while our motto “that they may have life
and have it more abundantly” in Latin is brought to the fore. This is a vital element of our
ethos as an institution, one that inspires hope and builds better futures for our own
community and for the communities that we and our graduates serve.

There are several other important reasons for this uplift at this particular time. We have
already embarked on a new phase in the university’s bold trajectory, opening twin
campuses outside of Beirut—the first in Pafos, Cyprus—in addition to expanding our
global reach through strategic online offerings, a stronger presence in North America, and
other initiatives. As we look to connect with new audiences outside our Beirut base, it is
critical that our messaging is straightforward and our identity clear. In a world of
acronyms, the words behind them can get lost or misunderstood, so spelling out the full
name is more important than ever, although internally the “AUB” we all know and love will
continue to be used. Another important reason for the new logo is that it was specifically
designed to be read clearly across all types of media, including social media.

You will also note that the red in our identity has been changed to what we are calling
Berytus Red, which is inspired by the distinctive red soils of Lebanon and reminiscent of
the red wax used with the AUB seal to mark official documents, including diplomas. In
addition, a new Arabic typeface is being created that is far more versatile and agile than
the calligraphy that had been used before. Yet, despite all the changes, when you look
back at the AUB logo through history, you will see that the new logo is not so much a
departure as a fresh take on our historic identity.

As we begin our 157th academic year, and as we embark on a new era for the university
that is based in Beirut but with a more global reach, this new logo is about new
beginnings. I will elaborate on these “Beginnings” in my Opening Day remarks on
Monday, September 5, 2022. It is about refreshing and being relevant to new audiences
and younger generations. As I said during Opening Ceremony last year, “Only dinosaurs,
figurative and literal, stand still… and all know their fate.” The American University of
Beirut is and will always remain vital and vivacious, transforming itself to serve i ts
communities and fulfill its mission in the face of changing circumstances and surrounding
realities. Yet, as this new logo attests, what really matters about this university —its
abiding commitment to excellence and service to the people of this region and beyond—
will never change.


Fadlo R. Khuri, MD

Office of the President
American University of Beirut
T +961 1 35 00 00 – Ext 2500
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