2022 P11 Wk03 TS 1 Straight Line and Newtons Laws of Motion Student

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Class 11 Physics Test www.AhaGuru.

IIT JEE + CBSE + NEET Balaji Sampath + Dr.K.S.Balaji

Test on Straight Line Motion I & Newton’s Laws of Motion I

Name: Each question carries 10 marks.

Write your answer in the boxes provided.
Roll No: Test Time: 30 minutes

1. [NEET 1995] The water drops fall at regular intervals from a tap 5 m above the ground.
The third drop is leaving the tap at an instant when the first drop touches the ground.
How far above the ground is the second drop at that instant? (Take g=10 m/s2)

2. From a tower of height H, a particle is thrown vertically upwards with a speed 20 m/s.
The time taken by the particle to hit the ground, is 6 seconds. Find H.

(A) 60 m (B) 300 m (C) 180 m (D) 45 m

3. A truck travelling with a uniform velocity begins to accelerate at 3 m/s2 for 6 seconds
and attains a velocity of 60 m/s. How much distance was covered by the truck when it
was accelerating?

4. [NEET 2011] A body standing at the top of a tower of 20 m height drops a stone.
Assuming, g  10 ms 2 , the velocity with which it hits the ground is

(A) 20m/s (B) 40 m/s (C) 5m/s (D) 10m/s

5. [NEET 2010] A ball is dropped from a high-rise platform at t  0 starting from rest. After
6 s, another ball is thrown downwards from the same platform with a speed v. The two
balls meet at t  18 s. What is the value of v ? (Take g  10ms 2 )

(A) 75ms 1 (B) 55ms 1 (C) 40ms 1 (D) 60ms 1

6. Two blocks, one 5 kg and another 3 kg are resting on a frictionless floor, just touching
each other. Then a force of 20 N acts on the 5 kg block and 4 N acts on the 3 kg block as
shown. Find the magnitude of the force exerted by the 5 kg block on the 3 kg block.

20N 4N
5 kg 3 kg

7. A boy weighs 40 kg. He stands on a weighing scale in a lift which is moving upwards with
a uniform acceleration of 5 m/s2. What would be the reading on the weighing scale?
(Assume g = 10 m/s2)
Class 11 Physics Test www.AhaGuru.com
IIT JEE + CBSE + NEET Balaji Sampath + Dr.K.S.Balaji

8. Femilaa of mass 40 kg is inside a lift of mass 540 kg and presses the button on the control
panel. The lift starts moving upwards with an acceleration 2 m/s 2. If g = 10 m/s2, then
find the tension in the supporting cable.

9. A 6 kg block is connected by a horizontal massless rope to a 3 kg block and both blocks

are initially at rest on a frictionless floor. A girl pulls the 3 kg block with another
horizontal massless rope. If the tension in the rope held by the girl is 27 N, find the
tension in the rope connecting the two blocks.

6kg 3 kg

10. In the system shown, three blocks of masses 3M, 5M and 12M are connected by massless
strings passing over smooth pulleys that are fixed on a fixed table. Assume all surfaces
are frictionless, and g = 10 m/s2. Find the magnitude of acceleration of block 3M.


3M 12M

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