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Where service is featured and news is delivered!

July 2011

Inside this issue:

Division 25C Key Clubbers,

Opening Message..1 Wow what a month this has been! I hope everyone had a fun and safe fourth of
July! This month I attended ICON and what an experience that was. One of the ICON....1 workshops I attended truly refocused me on what this organization is all about, service. No matter what our other responsibilities are the most important thing we can do is service! I encourage 25C Accomplishes2 every one to continue their servant leadership through the remainder of the summer and have fun! This month I will Presidents Corner...2 be focused on planning the rest of the Key Club year so that I can give you those important dates in addition to Important Dates2 assist you in launching a great Key Club year. Remember that the school year is just around the corner so start planning now!

Meeting Corner.3 Freshmen Survival Guide...3 Mentoring and Modeling.....4 District Contacts..4

Yours In Service,

Div. 25C Made a Presence at ICON 2011!

Cristina Diez, Amanda Hernandez, Lilly Liang , Chantal Saucedo, and Kimberly Santos all attended International Convention [ICON] 2011 in Phoenix, Arizona. Many things happened at ICON including raising $15,000 for Project Eliminate, Barbara Goleman being recognized as a Distinguished Club Diamond Level, and refocusing on the fundamentals of Key Club, service. A new International Board was elected including our own Randolph McKinnie as International Trustee from the Florida District. In addition, Annie Lewandoski was elected as International President and Catt Lovins as Vice President. ICON was an amazing experience where everyone from the Florida district was able to learn new things, make a ton of new friends around the world and have fun! Guess where the next ICON is? ICON 2012 will be held in Orlando, Florida July 4-8, 2012!!

Phoenix, Arizona Cactus



Presidents Corner
Hey Presidents! This month a few things need to try and be accomplished:

The Key Club Kick Off Conference will be held on September 24th hosted at Hialeah Gardens SH for Zone K. I would like to hold an overnight training at Oleta River State Park. Which day can you make it? A. August 12-13 B. September 3-4 Please reply to this newsletter with your answer so that I know which day ALL of the officers can attend this FUN learning experience. Both of these events are mandatory for the officers.

Hold a summer meeting to talk about the upcoming year and plan month by month. Set S.M.A.R.T. Goals for the entire year [Will be explained at the next DCM] Set a date for your first Key Club meeting in August or at the beginning of September and send it to me so that I can try to attend. Try and have at least one service project this month Turn in any Pride Reports that havent been submitted in April or May [see below] Send a calendar of upcoming summer events to me so that I can try and attend including meetings.

Planning is one of the MOST important steps in having a successful Key Club year so remember to plan your upcoming year. It is a big motivation to not only help the lives of others through out the year but at district convention when they call your name as a Distinguished Club because of the work you have done for others. We will be reviewing the steps in how to do this at our August DCM. Please try and complete all of these tasks as summer is the best time to do it!

Key Club Barbara Goleman Senior High Hialeah Gardens Senior High Hialeah High School Hialeah Miami Lakes High School Mater Academy Charter Miami Carol City High School Miami Lakes Educational Center Mosignor Edward Pace High School

Officer Information Sheets

April Pride Report May Pride Report

Division 25C Accomplishes:

Due ASAP Due ASAP Due ASAP Due ASAP Due ASAP This month we had 100% of OIS Forms 2019 hours served to date total Remember that the member is the most important so try and provide more incentive and projects so that everyone can serve the community!



The Meeting Corner!

Our Next Divisional Council Meeting
Our next Divisional Council Meeting will be held in conjunction with a park clean up at Amelia Earhart Park in Hialeah on July 23, 2011 from 9:00 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. We will have refreshments and the DCM after the completion of the significant clean up of invasive species, planting of new trees and beautification. We want ALL of the clubs to be there so get out your gardening gloves and bring something to eat after if you want. Id really appreciate it if every club brought some type of snack to munch on afterward including chips, soda, juice, fruit, cookies, etc. Email me back if youre able to bring anything! Topics we will be discussing include a Divisional Eliminate fundraiser, setting S.M.A.R.T. Goals for the new year, what the governors project is and important upcoming dates and events. You dont want to miss out so make sure youre in attendance! In the event of rain or any other circumstance we will try and reschedule for the following Tuesday, July 26th.

Club Featured: Miami Lakes Ed. Center

These past few months Miami Lakes Educational Center had a great project to make The Freshmen Survival Guide. Tips such as where to eat lunch , which school events to attend, and even the most helpful teachers were featured. This project was a great initiative toward the Governor Dougs Mentoring and Modeling program where Key Clubbers must teach children a lesson. [To find out more see Page 4] These guides can be given out at orientation in the summer or even the first week of school impacting many freshmen. This was very significant because it featured the biggest high school game changer, joining Key Club! To complete the guide in your own club all you have to do is have Key Club members pitch in ideas and topics. Use a few people to put it together in a nice booklet on the computer using Microsoft Publisher or Word. Announce it to your clubs and provide an email address to submit ideas. When the designers create the book it should be 2-3 pages folded for a total of about 8-10 pages of content. Its as simple as that. A helpful tip is to spend a little extra money printing them at a nearby Kinkos or UPS store that way people will be more drawn to obtaining and reading it. This booklet provides a great way of educating the freshmen on the ins and outs of high school. Call an administrator or activities director to get the orientation dates and your set to pass out all of these meaningful booklets. Good job Miami Lakes! Keep up the good work! If you would like more information on this project please email to get the info of the Club treasurer, Monica Viada for all of the details or questions.

Stay Connected All Summer!

Mentoring and Modeling Program

The Mentoring and Modeling Program [M&M] is a service focus that Governor Doug has put forth for the 20112012 Key Club year where Key Clubbers from around the Florida District engage in service with children, teaching lessons as a part of a broad mentoring project. A project related to teaching children should be completed each month. This project also directly relates to our vision Children: their future our focus. Being apart of the Governors Project committee I know all of the ins and outs of the project so please feel free to ask me at any time. In addition, you will be receiving a Governors Project booklet in the fall this year with dozens of innovative projects that can be fulfilled in order to teach a child. You definitely shouldnt wait till then though! Meanwhile, try launching a reading program at your local elementary school, charter a Builders Club to teach them about leadership or even have a sports day to teach children different ways to get healthy. This is a great way to have your members foster leadership skills through teaching others. Fun and impactful thats what this project is! If you have any stories you would like to share about how you helped the community through the governors project please email me so that we can include you in our next issue!

Division 25C FB: #!/home.php? sk=group_158800734179484 &ap=1

Florida District FB: #!/floridakeyclub

Florida KC Website:

Key Club Website:

Florida Twitter:

Want to contact your district?

District Governor: Doug Ream District Secretary: Jessica Shevlin Email: Email: District Treasurer: Eric Riser Email: District Editor: Jenny Tintner Email: District Webmaster: Zubin Kapadia Email: District Executive Assistant: Devon Mims Email : Zone Administrator: Chuck and Emilia Gugliuzza Email:

Florida District Administrator: David McCampbell Email:

Division 25C LTG: Amanda Hernandez 786-252-1723

w w w . k ey cl u b .o r g w w w . f l o r i d a k e y cl u b . c o m D ev el o p i ng co m p e te n t, ca p a b l e , a nd c a r i ng l e a d er s s i nc e 1 9 2 5 .

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