Revision Test-I Mole Concept 2020-21: Mno S 11.2 10 M CL G

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Class 11 Chemistry Test

Revision Test-I

TS20.C11.04.1 Mole Concept S. Santhanam

2020-21 13-09-2020
Name: Write your answer in the boxes provided.
Test Time: 1hour
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1. 1 mole of MnO2  s  on  with con HCl liberates 11.2  103 m3 Cl2  g  at STP. The
other products are MnCl2 and H 2 O . The percentage purity of MnO2 is _____
(Mn: 55, Cl: 35.5, O:16)

(A) 100 (B) 25 (C) 50 (D) 75

2. Among barium nitrate, ammonium nitrate, potassium nitrate, cupric nitrate

and lead nitrate (all are solids) the total number of solids on  form
red brown gas as one of the products is _______.

(A) 5 (B) 4 (C) 2 (D) 3

3. An oxide of a trivalent metal has 40% oxygen by mass. The molecular mass of
the sulphide is ___________ g/mol [S:32]

(A) 168 (B) 120 (C) 108 (D) 348

4. In which of the following the number of molecules of water is the minimum ?

density of H 2 O  l  1kg / lit

(A) 0.018lit.of H 2O  l 
(B) 180 mg H 2O

(C) 22.4 107 m3 of H2O  g  at 273K, 1.013 105 pascalpressure

(D) 10 millimoles of water

5. At NTP 11.2 lit of a gas weighs 120  10mg . The vapour density of the gas
is _______.

(A) 120 (B) 240 (C) 60 (D) 480

Class 11 Chemistry Test
TS20.C11.04.1 S. Santhanam

6. Intensive variable among the following is

(i) specific heat (ii) molar volume (iii) Energy (iv) density
(v) volume (vi) molar heat capacity (vii) temperature

(A) (i), (iii), (v), (vii) (B) (ii), (iv), (vi), (vii)
(C) (ii), (vii) (D) all of these

7. Faraday's laws of electrolysis are directly related to _____ of the substance


(A) specific heat (B) atomic mass

(C) molecular mass (D) equivalent mass

8. Which is / are true?

(i) magnesium on  in air forms an ash which is MgO + Mg 3 N 2

(ii) If an element in its naturally occurring form has only one isotope it is
(iii) All isobars are mirror nuclei
(iv) lead azide on heating forms lead and N 2

(A) (i), (iii) (B) all four (C) (i), (ii), (iv) (D) (iii), (iv)

9. ______ g BaCO3 is needed to liberate 0.112 lit. of CO 2  g  ) at 0 C and 1 bar

pressure on heating a sample of BaCO3 which is 90% pure.  BaCO3  197g / mol 

(A) 1.97 (B) 1.094 (C) 1.8 (D) 1.24

10. In 1240kg P4 the number of millimoles of P4 _______  107 (atomic mass: 31)

(A) 4 (B) 10 (C) 1 (D) 24

11. In 24.954 g CuSO 4 .5H 2 O the number of SO24 ions is ______ 1022 (molecular
Mass: 249.54)

(A) 6 (B) 12 (C) 0.06 (D) 0.006

Class 11 Chemistry Test
TS20.C11.04.1 S. Santhanam

12. 1 mol of acidulated water is electrolysed. The total volume of gaseous products
formed Is ______ 103 m3 at STP

(A) 22. 4 (B) 44.8 (C) 33.6 (D) 11.2

13. Which is / are not the units of electric charge

(i) Faraday (ii) ampere (iii) ampere sec (iv) ohm (v) volt
(vi) volt coulomb (vii) ampere hour (viii) microampere

(A) (i), (iv), (v), (vi), (viii) (B) (ii), (iv), (vi)
(C) (i), (iii), (v), (vii) (D) (i), (iii), (vii)

14. An electrolytic cell containing AgNO3  aq  is series with another cell in which
water is electrolysed to form H 2 and O 2 1ampere is passed for 9650 seconds.
Which is /are true?
[Ag: 108, N: 14, 0: 16]

(i) The mass of silver deposited at the cathode of the first cell is 1.08g.
(ii) The volume of H 2 evolved at STP at the cathode of the second cell
1.12  103 m 3
(iii) The reactions are non-spontaneous and redox
(iv) The number of electrons migrated from one electrode to another is 6  1022

(A) (i), (iii) (B) (ii), (iv) (C) (ii), (iii), (iv) (D) (i) only

15. 2000 millimole of NaCl is electrolysed using mercury cathode and Fe anode.
Na(Hg) is formed at the cathode and Cl2  g  at the anode. The mass of Na(Hg)
formed _____ g if the current efficiency is 50% ( Na: 23,Hg: 200)

(A) 446 (B) 223 (C) 4.46 (D) 22.3

16. To form 1mole of CH 4 as per the reaction 2CHCl3 +6H + +6e  2OH 4 +Hg 2Cl2 the
quantity of electric change needed is _____ ( 100% current efficiency)

(A) 6  9650 CO (B) Faradays

(C) 11.2  96500C (D) 22.4  96500 ampsec
Class 11 Chemistry Test
TS20.C11.04.1 S. Santhanam

17. Electrolysis of molten barium hydride forms ______at cathode and ____ at anode

(A) Ba, H 2 (B) H 2 , Ba (C) H 2 ,O 2 (D) O 2 , H 2

18. The total number of electrons in 1 molecule of CO2 is ______

(A) 44 (B) 22 (C) 66 (D) 88

19. Hydrogen and oxygen combine to form two compounds H 2 O and H 2 O 2 .

Different masses of oxygen (16, 32 g) combine with a fixed mass of hydrogen
 2 1.008g  . This data illustrates _____

(A) Einstein's mass energy relation (B) the law of combining volumes
(C) Dulong-Petit’s law (D) the law of multiple proportions

20. Which among the following is / are spontaneous reactions?

(i) HClO4  aq  + KOH  aq   KClO4  aq  +H 2O

(ii) Electrolytic refining of Cu
(iii) Electrolysis of molten NaCl
(iv) Mg s  +2dilHNO3  Mg  NO3 2  aq  +H2

(v) 2NaHCO3   Na 2 CO3 +H 2 O +CO2

(A) (i), (iii), (v) (B) (ii), (iii), (v) (C) (i), (iv) (D) none of these
Class 11 Chemistry Test
TS20.C11.04.1 S. Santhanam

Numerical answer type

21. To deposit 19.7g of gold by the electrolysis of AuCl3  aq  [Au: 197] _____
Faradays are needed (one decimal)

22. In 1000 dm3 of a gas at STP _____  103 mmoles are there (one decimal)

23. The specific heat of a solid element of atomic mass 32 is _____  4.184 J / g / K
(one decimal)

24. ____ kg of CO is used up in volatilising 2kg of nickel as per the reaction

Ni + 4CO   Ni  CO 4   Ni:58.7, C:12, O:16 
(two decimal)

25. 1 millimole of fullerene forms on combustion _____ 103 lit. CO 2 at STP

(one decimal)

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