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JOURNAL 3 (SAMPUSO): “Speak Lord!

At times, we are busy listening to the noise of the world. "Speak lord" is a statement that
recognizes the importance of God's presence in your life's journey. Allow the Lord to guide
you with His wisdom as you embark on a new adventure in life may the Word of God be your
inspiration and source of strength as you reflect in doing your journal.

1. What particular experience/s did you have that became your source of courage?
I used to be very dependent to my family, but the time I entered college I have
experienced a lot of challenges that became my source of courage one of which was
living in an apartment alone without anyone I know, living alone those years was very
difficult for me as I used to be with my family everyday depending on them. But
because of those experiences I had, I am now able to stand on my own without the fear
of being alone in a certain place surrounded by the people I am not familiar with.
2. What inspiration do you get from Samuel in the midst of fears and uncertainties?
The inspiration I got from Samuel in the midst of fears and uncertainties is to
always listen, we may not hear what God is telling us, but we can absolutely feel the
message he wants us to get. I may have been in the midst of fears and uncertainties, I
can still say that I never been alone as I always listen and talk to God to guide me with
his wisdom.
3. How does the word of God empower you to face life’s fears and anxieties?
The word of God is so powerful that can empower everyone to conquer the
challenges they face. The Word of God has full of hope, through his word I can face
life’s fears and anxieties as I believe there is always hope if we know how to live his
word and believe in its power.

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