Journal 6 (Sandiwa) Who Is My Neighbor

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JOURNAL 6 (Sandiwa): “Who is my Neighbor?

Who is my neighbor? It can be anyone who needs love and compassion. They are just around the
corner you encounter everyday. May you see the face of your neighbor among the less fortunate
as you reflect on the following guide questions.
Who is my neighbor? It can be anyone who needs love and compassion.
They are just around the corner you encounter everyday. May you see the face of
your neighbor among the less fortunate as you reflect on the following
guide questions.
1. Who among the characters in the Parable of the Good Samaritan do you identify
yourself with?
I identify myself as the robbers’ victim because just like him, I have
experienced being ignored during the time that I was writhing in pain due to the
wounds I got from an accident. Eight years ago, I went through a traumatic
motorcycle accident and I was surrounded by many people but none of them came
to help me instead they kept on staring at me until my friend that I called through
my phone came to fetch me. That moment, I was able to realize that being ignored
by people is more painful than the wounds I got from the accident. I appreciate my
friend who did not hesitate to come and help me even she was busy that time, she
is a friend of mine that I can consider a good Samaritan.
2. In your workplace, who among them can you consider as your neighbor/s? why?
I think workplace is not applicable to me as I am still a student, so I am
going to use classroom instead.
In our classroom, I can consider my instructors as my neighbors because
they used to show compassion to their students. I have seen how compassionate
they are, and their willingness to give their students a wisdom to conquer every
challenge in academics as well as life challenges. My instructors always make sure
that we are in the right path by guiding us to the right path in order to succeed in
the future.

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