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Likewise, a business has to have in mind that there four types of consumer behavior.

1. Routine shopping. The shopper buys without having to do much research, there is
low involvement, and usually at low cost. For example, the thought behind what to buy
in our weekly supermarket shopping is relatively simple.

2. Limited decision making. The buyer occasionally purchases the product after
somebody recommended it. They do a little research, i.e., it is not as time-consuming as
buying an expensive product.

For example, when a woman wants to dye her hair, she may ask friends for a reliable
option. Put simply; she only needs to check a few options.

3. Extensive decision making. People spend much longer deciding when they are
considering an expensive product. Consumers spend time carrying out research and
comparing multiple products. They check product ratings and also ask friends or sales

The process takes longer to complete. For example, when buying a TV, people spend a
long time going to different shops and comparing products.

Deciding what house to buy may take weeks or even months.

4. Impulse buying. The customer had not planned to buy. When I am waiting at the
checkout in a supermarket, I might suddenly buy some chewing gum. It is an impulse
buy because I had not planned to purchase gum.

Supermarkets know that consumers are impulsive, especially when it comes to

chocolates, candy, and gum. Consequently, they place those products near the

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