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Saneth Joy Austria

BSA 1-2
The URSB new student orientation held on August 31, 2022 was honestly
more than I expected. I was dreading the day, thinking that I would be bored and just hear all
of the things I had already read on the net, but I was wrong. It was such a great and
extremely helpful day for new student like me. I really enjoyed it and got so much from it.
We were first introduced to the University President, DR. Nancy Pascual.
She tells us that she feels grateful that we choose URS to be our home for the next following
years and she assure us that the campus officials are always at our back to support us. We
also receive two inspiring and meaningful messages from Dr. Allan Conde and Prof.Ruby San
Juan. Before we move to the orientation on student services, they first let us meet the faculty
and campus official of University of Rizal System- Binangonan Campus. They introduced the
deans of different courses, as well as the professors and staffs that formed the university.
After that, they gave us information about the Academic Policies and
Regulation. They explain to us the grading system of the university, the highest is 1.0 which is
equivalent to 100 (excellence) and the lowest possible grades are 5.0, equivalent to 74
(failed) The grading system here is a lot different compared to the grading system we had in
Senior high. And in able to get a Latin honor, your grades should be 1.0 - 1.69. They also
explain the meaning of conditional grade, Incomplete grade, dropped, and unofficially
dropped that we may encounter. And once a student who have irregular attendance or low
academic performance fails to meet the standards of the department, he/she shall be placed
on probation or dismissed from the University.
They also help us better understand the Academic Loads. According to them, only graduating
students are allowed to overload subjects to their academic standing. And their load should
not be exceed to 28 units.
After that, Prof. Bernadette Francisco told us the about the rules and
regulations that we need to follow inside the campus and it was divided into 4 sections.
Section 1 is the general directive to students, its about the guidelines on the proper use of
student’s ID. Next is Section 2: Sakbay, this section is about the use of sakbay to all
graduating students. The section 3 contains the Prohibited Behavior/ acts and their Penalties.
There are also 4 categories under this section the Academic Minor Offense, Non-Academic
Minor Offense, Non-academic serious offense and academic serious offense. And lastly,
Section 4 is about the Procedural Requirements of the campus.
The next speaker is Mrs. Vivian Lirio, Our campus librarian. She told us the process
of borrowing a book, and how many books are allowed to borrow per night. According to her,
since we are still in Pandemic, taking the books home are not allowed but she gave us a link
we can fill up to request a scan copy of the book we need.
Mrs. Diosa Salvador is our campus nurse, she explain to us the the health
service offer by URSB like medical and dental services for students.
The last part of orientation is about the cultural arts and the student activities
that we may enjoy. Tomorrow (Sept.1,2022) there will be a try out for new student athletes,
some of the sports they offered are volleyball, tennis, billiards, sepak takraw, soccer and
basketball. Its available for both men and women of our school. Surely, this school year will
be fun and exciting!
For me, the overall information given to us was a great insight which made it well
worth attending. The masters of ceremony, Prof. Eusebio Oliva and Prof. Sam Calites did a
great job in introducing the speakers of the events and the way they keep the students
entertain to the orientation was amazing. I really appreciate the D and the way they keep the
students entertain to the orientation was amazing. I really appreciate the Deans, Professor,
and staff of the campus who gave their precious time to guide and help freshmen students
like me to be familiar to our new home, the URSB campus.The orientation as a whole was
very valuable in informing and giving an insight into expectations of my course. It also led to
me feeling much calmer approaching my first time in the campus and allowed me to be a lot
more familiar with where I had to be.

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