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❖ Aim: To determine the radius of curvature of a spherical surface like watch glass by a

❖ Apparatus:
i) a spherometer, ii) a convex spherical surface, iii) a plain glass slab.

when a spherometer is placed on a convex spherical surface, the tip of the screw has to be at level higher
than the plane containing three tips P, Q and R of the three legs[fig a]. The height of the tip of the screw
depends on the convexity or the radius of curvature of the surface. In the absence of the spherical surface
the tip of the screw would have touched at A. Let h be the height of Y above A. Section of the sphere cut
by the plane containing tips P, Q, and R, of the three legs, is a circle of radius r as shown in [ fig. b].

L2 h
R= +
6h 2
Knowing the value of L and h, R can be calculated.
Standardization of linear scale: Compare the linear scale on the scale with a standard scale and note the
value of one division in terms of cm.
Pitch: Adjust the circular scale so that its zero coincides with the metallic chip. Note the reading on the
linear scale, give four complete rotations to the screw and again note the readings on linear scale.
Difference between these two readings gives the distance moved. Dividing the distance by the no. of
rotation we get the pitch.
Dis tan ce moved in linear scale
Pitch =
Number of rotation
Note the no. of divisions on circular scale and calculate ‘least count’ of the spherometer.
Least Count =
Total no of circular scale division

❖ Procedure:

➢ Determination of h:

• Place the convex spherical surface on the plane glass sheet with the convexity facing upwards.
Place the spherometer on the convex surface so that all the three legs are on the surface and the tip
of the screw is well above the pole of the surface. Move the screw downwards till it touches the
convex surface. The touch will be indicated when the spherometer just turns freely about the tip of
the screw. Note the reading of the circular scale against the metallic strip. Let this reading be ‘a’.
• Remove the convex surface and move the screw gradually downward further. Count the complete
no. of rotations undergone by the screw .As soon as the tip of the screw

touches the glass plane sheet; note the final reading of circular scale touching it. Let this reading
be ‘b’.
• In between initial and final reading, the screw has made some complete rotations (=n) along with
some additional circular divisions(x).
• Height ‘h’ is given by ‘h’ = n  Pitch + x  least count. Where pitch and least count are taken in
same unit.

➢ Determination of L.

• Press the spherometer on a plane sheet of paper. Thus impressions of the tips of the legs are
obtained on the paper.
• Join these three points together to obtain an equilateral triangle.
• Measure the three sides by a meter rod and find their mean value which gives the value of L.

➢ Determination of R:

Radius of curvature of the surface can be calculated by using the formula,

L2 h
R= + , L and h must be taken in same unit.
6h 2

❖ Observations:
Value of one division of linear scale = ………mm
Number of rotations = ………
Distance moved by the screw = ……mm

Dis tan ce moved in linear scale ..............

Pitch = = ……mm = …….cm
Number of rotation .............
Pitch ...................
Least Count = = = ........... mm = ........... cm.
Total no of circular scale division ...................

Distance between the legs:

(і) L1 =…… cm (іі) L 2 =…… cm (ііі) L3 =……… cm

L1 + L2 + L3
Mean distance between the legs L = =

Table: 1
No Reading No. of Reading of Additional h = n  pitch + L2 h Mean
of of rotations circular divisions moved ( x  least count) R = + Radius of
6h 2
Obs circular (n) scale on x = (a − b) or curvature
scale on glass plate x = {100 + (a − b)} in cm. R
in cm
convex (b) in cm.

❖ Result: Mean Radius of curvature R = cm.

❖ Precautions:
1) Screw should be properly lubricated.
2) The screw should always be moved in one direction to avoid backlash error.
3) The reading should be noted as soon as the tip of the screw just touches the surface.

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