Impact of ICT On Individuals

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Impact of ICT on Individuals, Organizations, and Society

ICT brings both positive and negative effects to individuals, organizations, and society. It improves
education, access to information, and security. However, it limits personal interaction and physical
activity and poses problems in employment and security.


Improve access to education

There are new ways of learning such as the use of learning management system (LMS) which
implements educational enhancements such as distance learning and online tutorial, virtual reality, and
interactive multimedia.

Access to information and communication

The internet is widely used in communication. Access to it is getting better as it has become available in
almost all places such as commercial establishments and public places.


With the advancement that ICT brings, individual and organizations can solve any security problems.


Reduced personnel interaction and physical activity

Because of virtual communication, ironically, people are less likely to talk to or meet each other on

Job loss or increase in unemployment

This can be considered as one of the worst effects of ICT.

 Multiple workers being replaced and reduced by a smaller number of employees capable of
doing the same volume of tasks
 Shipping or freight services in which a certain amount is added to the operating costs for the
physical process of transporting commodities or goods.
 Automation through robots or machines replacing people in the assembly line.

ICT brings not only improvement but also threat to security.

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