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Indian Mathematics Talent Search

PI Day Celebrations 3/14/2010


IMTS 2010

DO NOT open this test booklet unless you are ready to take it. This is a 25 questions test covering the syllabus of mathematics up to matriculation standard (10th Grade). However difficulty level of problems matches international math contests. Many problems have been taken from previous years international math contests and Olympiads. Still if any question is not clear then it can be clarified with me (Kamal Lohia) via PM on TG-RMO. You have 75 minutes to take the 1st IMTS. Please follow the time limit exactly. No calculators are allowed. All problems can be solved without the aid of calculator. However you can use the scratch paper for rough use. 6, 1.5 and 0 points will be awarded for correct, blank and incorrect answer respectively. To submit your answers, PM them to me (Kamal Lohia) with your name and location. Just submit the answers and not solutions. No other means of submitting answers will be accepted. Due Date to submit your answers is March 21, 2010. No answers will be accepted after the due date. DO NOT discuss the questions until the testing period is over.

Due date is March 21, 2010.

Prepared by Kamal Lohia (

Indian Mathematics Talent Search

PI Day Celebrations 3/14/2010 Q. No. Question Statement A natural number N, follows the relation N N = 1000 + P(N), where N is the 1 number written with digits of N in reversed order (e.g. if N = 231, then N = 132) and P(N) is the product of digits of N. Find sum of all possible values of N. Ram, Sita and Lakshman play a game of table tennis. Any two of them plays at a time and the third one watches. When a game is over, the loser is replaced by the 2 third person who was sitting idle. No game ended in a tie. After some time when they were exhausted, they stopped playing and counted the number of wins for each person. Ram won 134 games, Sita won 159 games and Lakshman won 127 games. In how many games Ram lost? A conical paper cap of base radius r and slant height 4r is wrapped with a thread as shown in the figure. What is the smallest length of the thread 3 if it starts from a point on the circumference of base circle and after revolving around the curved surface of cone ends in same starting point? Answer

A lattice point is a point (x, y) where both x and y are integers. Consider the circle centered at the origin with radius 25. How many lattice points lie on the circle? Numbers such as 1001, 23432, 5467645, 12577521 are known as palindromes

which read same as forward as backward. If all of the digits 2, 0, 7, 8 are used and each digit cannot be used more than twice, find the number of different palindromes that can be formed. There are five friends. Each time, two are weighed, giving a total of 10 readings in

kilograms, as listed here: 103, 115, 116, 117, 118, 124, 125, 130, 137, 139 What is the weight of the third heaviest student? Let P(n) and S(n) be the product and sum, respectively, of digits of integer n. For

example, P(24) = 8 and S(24) = 6. Let N be a two digit number such that N = P(N) + S(N). What is the unit digit of N?

A mobile number in TG Town has the form ABC-DEF-GHIJ, where each letter represents a different numerical digit from 0 to 9. The digits in each part of the
Due date is March 21, 2010.

Prepared by Kamal Lohia (

Indian Mathematics Talent Search

PI Day Celebrations 3/14/2010 number are in decreasing order. Also D, E, F are consecutive even digits; G, H, I and J are consecutive odd digits. If A C = 7, what is A + B + C? TG Rock Band sells 140 tickets of its show for a total of Rupees 2001. Some tickets 9 were sold at full price (an integral amount) and rests were sold at 50% off. What is the amount raised by selling discounted tickets? Find the sum of all numbers in the diamond shown below: 1 2 3 10 n 2n - 3 2n - 2 2n 1 State whether True or False. For two consecutive odd prime numbers, p1 and p2, 11 always we can write p1 + p2 as product of three positive integers each of which is greater than 1. 90 identical balls move along a line, 49 of them left to right with a speed of 3 km/h 12 and remaining 41 from right to left with a speed of 5 km/h. When two balls collide, they exchange their speeds and direction of motion. What is the total number of collisions that will take place? 13 14 If a1, a2, are positive integers such that a1 + a2 + = 2010, then what is the maximum value of a1 a2 ? How many 7 digit numbers, which are multiple of 7, end in 7? Two circles with center at A, B and radii 1 and 4 cm respectively are tangent to each other. A third smaller 15 circle is tangent to the two circles and their common external tangent as shown below. What is the radius of smaller circle? 2n - 2 n n 2n 3 3 n 2 3 n


Both roots of quadratic equation x2 49x + a = 0 are prime numbers. How many different values of a are possible?
Due date is March 21, 2010.

Prepared by Kamal Lohia (

Indian Mathematics Talent Search

17 PI Day Celebrations 3/14/2010 ABC is a right triangle such that ABC = 90. P and Q are mid points of segment AB and BC respectively. Given that PC = 19 and QA = 22, find AC. Let 18


denotes the sum of digits of positive integer x such that


= 3 and


= 2 + 0 + 1 + 0 = 3. For how many two digit natural numbers x,

((x)) = 3?
19 Sum of 49 consecutive positive integers is 75. What is their median? Let a number be prime like if it is composite but not divisible by 2, 3 or 5. For 20 example 49, 77, 143 are prime like numbers. There are 168 prime numbers less than 1000. What is the number of prime like numbers less than 1000? 21 22 Minny is 20% older than Jenny, and Jenny is 40% younger than Vinny. The sum of their ages is 24.8 years now. How old was Minny on her last birthday? For how many real numbers x,


x is an integer?

In figure shown below, rhombus ABCD is similar to rhombus 23 DEFB. Also given that area of rhombus ABCD is 402 square units and A = 60. Find area of rhombus DEFB. Saabu, the Jupiter man, wants to meet Chacha Chaudhary, the genius whose brain works faster than super computer. But Chaudhary is resting in his apartment at 10th floor of TG Town. Saabu covers at least one floor in his one step. For example 24 he can reach 1st floor from ground in one way (i.e. 0-1), 2nd floor in 2 ways (i.e. 01-2, 0-2) and 3rd floor in 4 ways (i.e. 0-1-2-3, 0-1-3, 0-2-3, 0-3). Assuming ground to be 0th floor and also that Saabu make only upward moves and doesnt come backwards. In how many ways he can reach 10th floor to meet Chaudhary? The vertices A, B, C of a 3-4-5 right triangle acts as the centers of three mutually tangent circles as shown below. What is the sum of the 25 areas of three circles?

Due date is March 21, 2010.

Prepared by Kamal Lohia (

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