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Assalamualaikum and good luck.

I am Hazmizan Bin Wahap and my Matrix No is

600273. I am a Diploma in Business Management student and I produced this video to
fulfill the assignment that was instructed by Dr Maria who is a lecturer for the
Marketing Management course.
Today I'm going to talk about 2 current issues related to Marketing Management that I
feel have a high impact on myself. The first issue I want to cover is about the effect of
the Russian-Ukrainian war on the Malaysian economy and a little bit of how it is
related to marketing management.
The Russia-Ukraine war has had a negative impact on the world market in general.
But there is no denying that it has also affected the Malaysian economy. This is due to
the disruption to the supply chain for the world's raw materials. The ongoing conflict
between Russia and Ukraine has sent commodity prices around the world soaring
amid concerns and a sudden reaction to a possible collapse in supply. This is
because both countries are major producers of, sunflower oil, wheat and corn.

According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Russia and Ukraine
together account for 78 percent, 29 percent and 19 percent respectively for sunflower
oil, wheat and corn of the 2021/22 global trade estimate.

Thus, when war broke out, it sparked fears of a possible shortage of not only global
cooking oil but also industrially related products such as soap, biofuels and other
food supplies.

Why things like this matter and make a big impact. It is because the products
produced from the two countries related to the core marketing concept. The 3
elements that make it important are needs, wants and demands. The lack of raw
materials in the global market has also caused an increase in the price of essential
goods such as cooking oil, wheat flour and others in the world market and in Malaysia
in particular.

In the meantime, Malaysia's more than 250,000 smallholders can enjoy this good
moment for a while before concerns over costs increase and profit margins shrink as
fertilizer supplies are also disrupted due to the conflict as both countries are also
major fertilizer exporters.

Russia's bombing of a large factory and regional export restrictions have resulted in
the destruction of fertilizer capacity. Russia, Belarus and Ukraine are the main
exporters of fertilizers and this will have a big impact in terms of production costs and
availability (of fertilizers) for crops.

A prolonged Moscow-Kyiv conflict could cause a recession and further reduce global
demand for food.

This situation will happen slowly and until then, people will try to maintain their eating
patterns and it may take time before they reduce eating out, instead opting to reuse
cooking oil for frying.

To some extent it also causes inflation. The value of most countries' currencies in the
world fell, including the value of the US Dollar.
So in my opinion, one of the steps that can be taken to overcome this issue is that
national leaders from every country in the world should play a role in ensuring that
the issue of tension between Russia and Ukraine is stopped to allow the world market
to be stable as it is now. This is because, in a broad marketing environment, political
law is one of the important aspects that should be emphasized.

In addition, the Malaysian goverment can also suggest to local gardeners to use local
brand fertilizer products whose prices are under control. Next, to get lower prices, the
Malaysian government should encourage young entrepreneurs to produce more local
brand fertilizers. Mass production is able to save costs for the production of

Next, price and stock control of basic necessities such as cooking oil, wheat flour and
others should be stricter and taken seriously by the government. Authorities such as
the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs should play a greater role in
dealing with this matter. Rationing of basic necessities such as cooking oil should be
curbed strictly in accordance with the Price Control and Anti-Profiteering (Mechanism
to Determine Unreasonably High Profit for Goods) Regulations 2016.

Moving on to the second issue I will cover today. The issue is about products and
marketing techniques that are annoying and rubbish. Most entrepreneurs now use
marketing tactics or methods that can be labeled as cheap. They will create a
controversy or problem and then upload it on social media such as Facebook, TikTok
and others. Sometimes they also gain popularity through the making of controversial
music videos, impolite actions and others so that the involvement of the general
public increases despite the fact that the feedback received is almost all in the form of
criticism and negative.

For example, we can look through a music video clip produced by a famous
entrepreneur recently. In the video clip, we can see him who is an entrepreneur that is
often involved in annoying marketing issues once again producing indecent music
videos. His act of collaborating with a local artist who is also involved in various
issues of indecency has sparked anger among the general public and no less
criticism from Malaysian music enthusiasts. But with the feedback from the general
public this has helped a lot to promote him and the brand he brings.

In my opinion, one of the appropriate measures to overcome this issue is that the
Malaysian Communications And Multimedia Commission (MCMC) in cooperation with
social media companies should play an important role in filtering media content that
will be uploaded to social media. The MCMC should also review the existing
punishments related to social media content so that it can provide awareness to the
general public to be more careful in uploading social media content. In addition,
awareness of cheap and rude marketing techniques or methods should also be
applied to the general public. This should be implemented so that this inappropriate
social media content will not get a high response. If no high response is obtained,
then it will be useless for an individual or company to create and upload such

In conclusion, for any business, whether a global enterprise or small company, a

comprehensive plan that outlines every possible avenue to attract customers'
attention is vital. The building blocks of an effective marketing strategy include the 6
P's of marketing: product, price, place, promotion, people, and presentation .

We need to know what are the 6 P's of marketing and how does each help sales?

 Product: The product is what is being sold. Fulfilling a market opportunity with
a timely product that meets customers' needs will help boost sales.
 Price: The price is the cost the customer pays to acquire the An effective
pricing strategy ensures that customers are willing to buy the product,
generating sales for the company.
 Place: The place is where customers can buy the product. Whether a brick-
and-mortar store, website, or app, proper placement of products creates sales
 Promotion: The promotion includes all the tactics used to communicate a
product's value. The goal of promotion is to attract a customer's attention and
foster interest in learning more about — and eventually buying — the product.
 People: The people are the individuals involved in the marketing process on
both sides of an exchange. Employees such as salespeople and customer
service representatives influence how customers view a business or product,
and customers provide feedback to improve the product. This interaction
between internal and external people helps determine success.
 Presentation: The presentation is how the product appears in the market.
Customers' opinions of how a product is presented (for example, through
packaging and messaging) can impact their buying decisions.

The effective integration of the 6 P's of marketing can serve as the foundation for an
effective growth strategy . The 6 P's enable businesses to achieve the following:

 Create a desirable product or service that offers value.

 Sell the product or service at a price that is attractive to customers.
 Determine the best place to sell the product or service.
 Optimize the success of attention-grabbing promotions.
 Identify the right people to improve marketing success.
 Attract customers by creating a visually appealing presentation.

Seth Godin once said :- Marketing Is No Longer About The Stuff You Make, But About
The Stories You Tell.

That all from me. Thank you for your attention. Good bye.

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