Changes I

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Our Indian education system needs a lot of changes in order to make it better. Our education system
mainly focuses on the memory power of the students which is not fair because it differs for every
individual. There are students who are willing to learn but can’t keep up with the syllabus because
they have to memorize so much like definitions and formulas which is quite hard for them. So, we
should bring an education system that focuses on not only on memory power, but the learning and
understanding capability of a student. And for those who are not good at studies, other options
should be given to prove themselves worthy instead of just labelling them as “unworthy and dumb”.
They should be given a chance to pick the subjects or classes they think they could do well in, instead
of just forcing them to study something that they don’t want. For example, student A might not be
good in maths but they might be good in something else like sports, art, music, dance, etc. So
instead of forcing them to study and excel in maths, we can give them the basic training required for
maths and concentrate more on their talents. They should be given an option because like I’ve
mentioned before, everyone is unique in their own unique way. Instead of keeping sports as a
weekly once period, we should make it as a main class for those who are talented and willing to
learn. Same with other talents too. We should also teach the students logical thinking and problem
solving/analysing because just because you are smart, doesn’t mean that you are intelligent. You
should know when and where to use the information you have learned and the school should give
the training for that. Our current education system is about 50 years old and in the current world,
technology is the most important thing of all. So, I think that’s its best to make computer science or
artificial intelligence as a mandatory subject. Also, Agriculture should be brought in as a subject for
those who are interested. Farming is being seen as a low-level job or a job done by people who don’t
have a source of income. Majority of the people frown upon you, when you say that you are a
farmer. This mindset of the people should be changed. Students should know the value and
importance of agriculture and how we can’t survive with it. They should be able to realise that being
a farmer is equally important as being a doctor or engineer. Students should get a chance to analyse
themselves by identifying their likes and dislikes in order to make a choice in their career. We live in
a country where you are technically worthless if you are not an engineer or a doctor. So
automatically, even if the students are not interested in either of them, they force themselves to
excel at those in order to NOT be judged by the others. But they should be able to understand that
your happiness is greater than anything else. Career counselling should be available all the time for
those who are interested. By the time a student completes their 12 years of schooling, they should
be clear on what they want to do. Classes should be more interactive and fun instead of just direct
book reading to the students. Projects should be more fun like model making rather than essay
writing and stuff. What I am trying to say is that the teachers’ training should be so easy and
interesting so that students don’t even think about tuition and external coaching centres. So, these
are the changes that I’d like to bring to our current education system. Thank you.

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