Theory of Structures by S Ramamruthampdf

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CONTENTS ——— = Chapters 1, Strain Energy Introduction—Strain Energy stored duo to axial Jonding—Strain Energy stored due to bend ing— Strain Energy stored by a beam subjected to a tiniorm Bonding Momont-—Work done by a force on an member—Law of reciprocal dofections—Betti's aiv—Tho firat theorem of Castighiano—Defloction of truss joints—ADefloction of truss joints by jgraphieal mothode— Williot diagram—Williot Mohr dingram—Solved problyms 1 to 53, Bexercise. 2. Arches: Three-hinged Arches—Tempernture Effect on throe—hingode Arch (wo Hinged Arches ‘Two-Hinged Parabolic Arch Subjected to any General load system—Reflection Locus for 0 two-hinged Areh—Renetion Locus for a two-binge semicircular Are—Reonetion Toews for a two-hinged Parabolic Arch—Tomperature effect on two-hinged Arches--Effoct of shortening—Horizontal thrust Due to temperature chango and RIB. Shortening—wo- Hinged Arch with Laterally Yiolding support—Combinod effect of temperature ris, RIB shortening and lateral Yielding of support—Normal Thrust and Radial shoar—The Tinonr Arch or he theoretical Arch or the line of thrust—Solved Problems 1 to 69, Exercise, ‘ 8. Redundant Frames arc Statically Indeterminate structuros—The second theorom of Castigliano—Redundant trusses—Externally Redunant Trusses—Frame with two Lea ee tae Redundancy—Stresses due to Errors is Longths—The trussed Beam—Portal frame Applications of Principle of least work-Solved Problems 1 to 62: Exercise, ; 4. Fixed and Continuous Beams : ee Fixed beams—B.M. Diagram for a fixed beam—Fixed beam carrying a uniformally gisteib: uted Toad for given distance from one end-—Fined em enerying metal rinnglae Jond—Fixed beam carrying a triangular lond whose Intensity v pero at one w per unit run at the other end—Fixed beam carrying a triangular load for a given distance rom the end~-Fixed beam with ends at different lovols effect of sinking of support—ffect of rotation of one end of the beam—Fixed beam subjected to a couple M, Applied! Becentrically on the span-—Degreo of fixity at support i order tha maximum Boning moment ie advantages of fi mn Clap small 5 Does fico momenta--Fixed ends of continuous beams—Continuous beam with rane eae ifferent levels-Continuous beam with over hand—Continuous beam with sap perat moments of inertia for different spans—Solved Problems 1 to 54. Exercise. 5. Moment Distribution Method . arene si i ‘tio Relative stiffiness—Continuous beam with sinking supports—Portal fame Proposition —Reltt herizantal thrust for a portal fraune from the final momento—To frames he vertical reactions from the final moments—Portal frames with inclined eol- ctor tal frames with intermediate Hinge—Fixed beams and propped contilevers of aaa orta| gction-—Simplified Analysis of symmetrical frames without lateral sway— Jor epethod-Approximate Analysis of multystoreyed frames—Approximate Romar i ros subjected to vertical loads—Analysis of multistoreyed frames—Mthod of ‘analysis of Rams (Iwo eyele method)—Analysis of frames subjected to Horizontal forcos— sul ‘ ‘4 Problems 1 to 171. Exercise. Stage Deflection Method he : Slope eepte Basic formulae—Applcation to continuous beams and Portal frames—Solved problems 1t9 106, Exocise. ribution Metho ; a : 1. Rotation co tthe Rotation contribution—Rotation factor—Application to continvous bet ad portal frames and multistoreyed frames—Storey shear—Displacement contribution— Displacement factor—Solved Problems 1 to 26, Exercise, it Method & on ene for conjugate beams—Solved Problems 1 to 28, Exercise. ‘Analogy Method j 9. Column ctrical Portal Frames—Unsymmetrical Portal frames with Hinged Basos— Moment of Inertia of 4 arin about an oblique Axes—Solved Problems 1 to 39, Bserise. Centre Met! ono amy The ion -Concept of elastic centre—Application to portal frames with fixed base—Solved Problems 1 to 3. Exercise. jwence Lines ; . zy ames loot ro Itty seas fore ata given section of « Oirder—Maxisris end shenr— sr at a given section of a beam-—Maximum bending moment under «4 Neri elie Maximum bending mament—Absolute masioum bende eee atrany distributed live load Influence line diagrams for bridge truss members Trtag Lent snembere—Warren Ginder (Truss without vertical members) niformally distributed live loeal langer than the span—Uniformly distributed local shorter than the span—Maxiitirehear ‘manertinram for the passage of two Concenirated loads—Eauivalent unif ted load—Standing Joading—Maximum shear and moment diagrams for combined desig and ive lode—Inflaence line diagrams for Arches—Influence line dingeams for two—Hingst Arcbes—lefiuence lies for statically Indeterminates beame—Muller Breslau's Principe: faived Problems 1 to a8. Exerc 12. Cables and Suspension Bridges Eqeilibrium of a loaded cord—Cable carrying uniformally distributed louds—Cable passed over guide pully at the support—Cable clamped to saddle carried on emooth Rollers on the top of a pier—Temperature stresees in the eable—Suspension bridge with three Hinged stiffing Ginder—tnfuence line diagrams—Influence for shear at a given section May shear diagram-—Cable with two-hinged stiffing Girder—Influence line dingrama—Tempers, ture stresses, in two—Hinged ginder—Solved Problems 1 to 16. Exercise. 18, Column and Struts Joaded compression members—Euler’s theory of long columns Effective length of a column—Assumptions made in Euler's theory limitation of Euler’ Formula—Empirical formale—The straight line Formula—Pactor of safety—Choice of a column formula—For- mule Given by the LS. code for mildsteel—Columa subjected to eccentric londing—Prot. Perry's Formula—Column with Intial Curvature (Axial Jonding)—Latterally Loaded struts— Saved Prcbloms 1 to 4, Ear ‘M4 Principal Stresses and Strains mal and Tangential or shear stresses—Combined bending and Torsion—Strain Energy in terms of the Principle stresses—Equivalent bending moment and Equivalent Torque— Principle strain—Strain Energy in terms of Principal #tresses—Criterion for failure—To determine the strain in any direction in terms of the principal strains—Ellipse of strain— Sched Problems 1 to 60. Buercae, 15. Thick Cylinders and Spheres ‘Thick cylinders—Compound cylinders—Initial difference in Radii at the junction of a com- pound cslinder—Thick spherical shelle—Solved Problems 1 to 13. Bxereise. $fs masonry dam—Stability of « dam—Minimum bottom width required for = dam fection—Trapovoidal dam section with Battered water face—Resultant thrust meeting the Point outside the middle third—Solved Problems 1 to 10. Exercise. V7. Index Properties of Soils a = properties—Phase dingram—Void ratio—porosity—Moisture content—Degree of eatu- Trcic uk ‘vecitie weight—Dry specific weight—Saturated specific weight—Submerged ‘specific weight—Solved problems 1 to 7, 18. Shearing Strength of S Mobe’s crle of a 19, Masonry Retaining Walls preesure— ‘Arive pressure, Passive preseure and Rest preasure—Rankine's theory of earth - tioa Seth betsure on Retaining wall for various casee—Graphieal methode—Coulamt's Wenz CE Gazth pressure (wedge theory)—Culiana’s Graphical construction—Trlal wedge focndatin Sang £8 pressure theory for pressure earth pressure—Minimmum depth of tan—Solved Pred ino 20. Plastic Theory an {atroduction—Stresa earth diagram for mild steel—Assumptions is plastic theory—Plastic ending of boams—Relatca between load factor and factor of satety--Samme Inoutant tom, cepts of a plastic livers propped at one end and centrally loaded—Application of Brieciple of virtual work in plastic theory—Portal frames Moment balancing method — Solved Problems 1 to 111. Bueseiae 3H. Welded Connections Tre, Melding process —Advantages of welded connections Disadvantages of welded connée- ‘oae—Types of welde—Minimat sizes of weld Evtctive weld--Mfinimam weld-—Fillet weld 90-1081, 1082-1074 1075-1087 1088-1099 1100-1104 1105-1113 114-1148 1146-12381 1252-1250 1 Strain Energy ‘When an elastic member is deformed under the is or stored ener wie action ofan external loading the member is said to have possessed ot stored energy ofthe member or the resilience ofthe member. The stain energy stored by a member so deformed sali tonishno ey wok doe he el fren protic he erat ventas ay be realized by noting that de load applied to Tre member will do work since the point of aplication of the loud is displaced, end this work ofthe applied lod must be dissipated in strening the material ofthe member If the elastic limit is ot exceeded the enteral work transformed into elastic Suan enn, which no doubt isecoverable, as he member etre fs rig coatiton as removed 1.1. STRAIN ENERGY STORED DUE TO AXIAL LOADING ‘Suppose an elastic member of length / and cross-sectional area 4 be subjected to an external axial load W. Let the extension of the ‘member be 8 Since the To SoBUET Te ine angie of the lad is need iadsaly om tro he value W the ‘member also has gradually extended. The work done by the load on the member in stretching it equals the product of the average load and the displacement , «, Extemal work done =H, e208, 2 Latico sted te member be W, Sie he wrk done by the exer freon he meer qu heey red br it. wehave, W.=We Lette tension in the member be S. For the equilibrium ofthe member Intensiy of the tensile sess = f= «Tensile strain ne EAE where Eis the Young's Modulus ofthe material of the member. ‘Change ia Tengih ofthe member = 6 = strain = orginal length ig. Lt 2 Inthis case the strain energy stored is due to axial loading on the member. st eft Strain encry stored pr wait volume ofthe member = 57 e-+dl = 55s oe. 4.2. STRAIN ENERGY STORED DUE TO BENDING Fig. 1.2 shows a beam subjected to uniform moment. Consider an elemental length ds ofthe beam between two sections | 1 ang he bes a a z THEORY oF meta length ofthe beam may’be considered as consisting of an infinite numberof elemental liners on veoh Ct oe ch coveted stated ws rhe neural yer betwen te sedans I= Tanga 3 ed . M § Intensity of sess inthe elemental eylinder = f= “7-¥ J» Moment of inertia of the entire: ‘the beam about the neutral axis. the elemental eslindsr stored per unit volume volume of the cylinder 2 J a(t ) ~ Godadsne| 77) aes nergy sored by ds length ofthe beam = Sum of the energy stored by each elemental cylinder ‘between the two sections 1~1.and2~2. - Ba Say? * Moment of inertia ofthe beam section about the neutral axis 1 Meds «Energy stored by ds length ofthe beam == er Mids 5 Total energy stored by the whole beam = 57> “The limits of integration being chosen to cover the whole length of the beam. 13 STRAIN ENERGY STORED BY A BEAM SUBJECTED TO A UNIFORM BENDING MOMENT For this case, stain energy stored by the beam =nj= fe “2Er M=7 fd where fi the extreme bending stress for each section f bite ese Denne sees 2 and me. 2 1 pat) 1 Loar = Lx volume of the beam yi “ae je se aE 2 ap ox sin energy stored per wit volume ofthe beam = = ‘The elation tat he extra wrk done by «lad sytem ona member equals the strain energy stored can be iret api ‘determin the deflections of loaded members in certain simple cases. The following examples illustrate this principle, i Problem 1. Find the defection ofthe ree end ofa canilever carrying a concentrated load P atthe free end ‘Solution. Fig. 13 shows cantilever AB of length fixed atthe end B. Leta concentrated load P be applied at the free end A. Let be the deflection at A. The bending moment at any section distant x from the fee end A = M=— Px. Stain energy stored by the cantilever Work done bythe external load = 17.8, pg. BP é dpsn PP : pe a Gar Sa. Same Problem 2.4 beam of span | carries a concenirated load P at mid-span. Find the central deflection Solution. Fig. 14 shows a beam 4 of span carrying a concentrated load Pat mid-span. STRAIN ENERGY 3 Reaction at each support = 2 ‘The bending moment at ny section in AC distant x from te end A = Mt 2x + Sy soi rate acts neecee oedy beet Pye PR pip pip 2 (ey s-2 PP Pe Ie er” ser JP wd MET , Let the central deflection be 8, eS woe nm ~. Work done by external load = 27.5 ra oe Sele bo Uneohh f me 44 2 9687 ‘ET Problem 3.4 beam of span is simply caries acon aa epee 3 A beam of pan sinly supported cenrated oad ecenrcaly placed on th spon Determine the Solution. Fig. 1.5 shows the beam AB of span / and carrying a point load Pat Cat distances «and b from A and B. rena — = 2 redone FE os ‘Strain energy stored by the beam AB a W,= Strain energy stored by AC + Strain energy stored by BC (ey , fey a AT) te AT) 2eF Peta? , Plats? 6EN? GEN” nt Me Bas Bee ee eee pe ee ea 28 2d bo lla omg gait Lae cemnne eS anbe © sobdwwtamad ies Pate ¢ S = 2, Work done = 5 oe Problem 4.4 portal frame ABCD has its end A hingelWhile the end D is placed on rls. & hortontal force Pi applied onthe end D as shown n Fig. 1.6. Determine the horizontal movement of D. me ee hate Thre aoranal action Pat See Fi 17. fsa RIO BERGER FEE THON ! -odeStminedergy stored hy therume nea & 0 2201» ou drow 9 1a : Py Srin energy red bythe olumes + ri doegy tore ye barn vena gc so mab fang 3 ioe ut ‘A 3 one oi ta sang ggg oe oon = a = uF F 2”) Er Ge * 2ef " Ser” 26, GET Let the horizontal movement of ybe & . pfs sauleng thie roi)ae ae miro ali guia bol ae notyzaftab arti varall bout t Epe aes Ab spe rsdn 20 et viens work he 1-2 MI prbien One emote seminar arch show Fig 1S ince while ther end ix placed om rollers. eID ei Pa stow domi te htt placement ofthe ler end Aesme sor ‘Setetion, Thete will by a bovizeatal reaction P at the hinged ent 4. rae wy eae aes Conuger arp sectoe \ De rahus vector corresponding to whach makes an angle @ with the horizontal, Reaeriota fears M= Prin Sowa energy sored by the arch ps vo Far 22 (EEO bisce want] oes 2E ‘Lethe horaoatal moverscat of the roller end Bide § sBommalvertdone = LPS Spp ai ‘ a a mee CR le 14 WORK DONE BY A FORCE ON A MEMBER: = ‘ewillbe very conveniet to realise the expeessions fo the work dose by a force on a member ithe following two cases Let bevabjecsedioa eee W applied pradully). See Fig. 1.10. ” ‘Let & bebe defection ofthe member in the line of action ofthe force. I this ease the deflection & ts caused bythe foros x . . 4 . B i Werk done byte force = Las Fe |.11 howsamentescaioga lad Ths ed by vines of ts ove Bretton wl rode ater, dager the oad av ery sal ead, Hone ne election produce by Ks bo very aml andthe wok me tom ia aa deformation, Lety be the defection heer aetna seen eer xia sqm he member eajotad a ‘TRAIN ENERGY Now th ‘This we nd 17M ond K de to he aoe deformation = 1 (Ma toad ncts.on amember wad pretaces a deflection 1st ine of ction Wy vite wee rect sci the we ot by the ond w= (W) a member subjected to a ld fis piv tent ; tnt eid a hc rte ote mt ct ey 1s La OF RECIPROCAL DEFLECTIONS OR MAXWELL'S RECIPROCAL DEFLECTION THEOREM Tad apt as Sz 0 at tod W tay eher pth same efecto th rome James Clerk Maxwell, a Cavendish professor at Cambridge University ofered this law in $64 - Pa. 112 Fig. 1.12 () shows a structure 4B carrying a load W applied at any point C. Let the deflection at Cbe A. Let the detection samy ‘other point Dbe dy Fig 1.12 Gi shows the same structure AB carrying he same loud Wat D, Lathe deflections tC an Db 8, af repmciney Lette structure be loaded as shown in Fig. 1.12 (9). Work done on the sructare = 28. As the strata faded wih ha Cet another equal load be applied at D. There will be further deflections of 8, abTEzat Cand Das shown i Fig 113 Toul work done at this stage = L078, + Li, +8, Letnow te order of fading be changed. rig. 143 ig. 1.34 1 Let the structure be first loaded as shown in Fig. 1.12). With the load W at D. For this condition, the work done = >, Ashe structure is londed withthe load Hat D, let an equt load W be applied at C. Further deflections of, and, will ecir at C 90d O respectively. Seo Fig 1.14, “Total work done at this tage =p, hia, +O quan he oo epson Sine fr he otal wrk done when both he loads ate presen he rac. me hae rhe + Woy be ns ie Mp a tasmidoonsieaislited ‘Maxwel'slnw in the most general form i stated as follows TnL = tWe,+ pia, +b = 38s ‘whose material is elastic and obeys Land in which the supports remain unyielding and the temperatre Inenysrc sheen fy pot | eto oh Se aod Wace wero Sing a rn emarieally equa othe detection of the point 2 tn Han ed due to Toad W acting atthe point | nthe direction ob 4.6 BETTISLAW i seated a flloms: ira gem fom of Mawes woe by al profeser,E Ben 172, The iw sand follows Hooke's law and in which the sare the material of which is lasts ad follows m Ira are mari of wh clan lis a i eo ed ond system of forces Op Oy Open. during the distortion caused by the. oe a train energy stored by AC + strain energy stored by BC Je (eys Art) 3er* A) ae ; 4 OEE CEE Pe awn. sue as bel Mn Go s ee ee Lm The semicircular arch shown in ele other end | oe oer rel hf nn ed eer Selon Thee willbe stezoal waco ‘The bending momento any section Xi given by M= Prsind Strain energy stored bythe arch wo ib] ee ali ‘STRAIN ENERay rg. 1.21 ++ Horizontal movement ofthe roller end i given by B= a o Ghyis, aoe Jn the above examples the defection was determin itis requ Becton ae a leton wa determined inthe ine of ation of force. But if tis required to fin the defection a8 verre ce ula he wing force Q shld be pled te pit nd he tal eer red ye termined. This express erty sho ited wi o fru oldbe cermin. Tis expesionfor be nero be erent witespec 0G Ine emg ere ‘The following examples will further explain this point. Problem 10, Findihe deci athe cere ofa beam ofspan carrying -1Prsinds (teat 4 Stun eneey sored by the snetre ” ym [de Fresno + orci-cosp 22 W, = fl sin0 + Ort -coup 4 The horizontal movement of is given by uw, 2 1h, mM, ee ang Prerni 9+ Or(i-0030)] (1 -cos0) FS 1 “a = Jrn0d-couns fp-eoo’ a Putting 0 Pe rg. 127 i ¢ ae The bend ABC shown in Fig. 1.28 carries a concentrated vertical load P at A. Find the vertical ant horsxmtat deflections of A. Assume uniform flecural rigidity. Solution. Fertical deflection of A. My 30 Mg. 1.29 Soran energy stored ye seer soe by AB Strnin energy ore by BC « » , ds. (ere)? A+ (cpap a Pa? , Path “Ste JS for = Be ion of A differentiating the toa strain energy’ stored with respec oP. we bave retical deflection of 4, diferent Pe ‘ow, _QP)a*(a+3h) _ Pa*(as3h) 8" op GEL ines if nad been a cantilever fixed a. ase. When = 0, Peniculor a 5° Ser Pe ash re EE (ors r 2 THEORY oF Merion deflection of & ‘Ton the benizonta deflection uf A introduce an mainary fnce Q orizantally a A, tran energy sn Wy the spucture bs rarm given by ee wm [Oe * fre oy itesessiating the strain energy saved with respect o Q, we have, sas furavonthe o 34 a Nunnaebeananatds = bye Tat pie Dnt in {rove ZL Pa Yaiog 4,06 Pb 8 ld the seca ant nant fection aA forthe mp pos Fede es scun nF, 0h Meany Meee ht efecinefA ‘ania anergy ane Wyte shine San vangy sve by AW 6 Sala sosrey sone ty Bt? -Djige- ‘fecsatee ‘ 13M Assume, a a Le a Me pe a4 Te ig 6 Oe LEP iar cain Vere efesion A= by ibm (nr Ah aig ren Miahotd heer tA ened nn ivaysonty Wetomtad foncm (at A ws shernm in Fly. 3A, esi eneray suned Wy the srve tur, We ‘rai energy stored Woy ADS + Strain energy stoned hy IC! “zie wae My. 1.90 Ahead Grh-cont rics) te Preven: Wire wre [ooene gy ye ar woe 2a ia WP Te + ag lee - £ the kryn Fest Problem 16. Fig 1.32 shows a semicircular bracket ACB. (radiacs K and fixed at AA rigid orrcomtel orm BO of lemeph Rix attached at B. The bracket carries a vertical load P ot O. ‘Dearne voted Sghecion oor ood Selatan Te brio rm 6) being i ie exergy. Th Fig ars wil a2 vertical force Pat Baas ne al Am Big igi wil sre nee Th igi ee wl ar rein” ‘At any sect X whe radias vector mates an angle @ with OB, He bending moment at the pectin = M= FR-FR ween h= PRem® Saran energy sored .jeesgene Ca moment of the roller endl D of the portal frame shown in Fig 114 Take £2 + 10 ANIe? ond Prog 1. Pind bret eens wh thar of te boom BTL 103210 enema ol erey Neiamad owe Qe Des em ate 133 , webs 2 aft —t Sean mepy murat by te bane wir Meteed eendD py heme on a “jue Pat. Pate aT Peewee Zona] seater +S aagaage tee am Preblese 18, Find the conat deflection of the uniform bend ABCDEFG shown in Fi 136 ’ nt of . re! t36 ‘ entivess ue TiDtaeey aligned seamen lt Slemisert) , is saa ww wa vamos yT Sia OL CN “IAS +42 977 lesooahiod panisene ne automal antral EEE et a “ St, int ns asteol}] » Ait iaee. ajenneehnee 2 oct an ope Rae aie fea Sac taedene ee fd aria aly eg net hewn i Find the maximum * Parts AB. BC and CD indicating the maximum values bending stress, Find also the deflection at D. Take E = 2 * 10° Nm ‘Solution. Canvetion fer bending ing momen Fert veal mter cece ete side ofthe mena willbe epadedagpeoine nese sene Mad o BM.stCesapunofCD =~ 5t02=-1000Nm BM.atCsaperetCa =< itoons BM.atBasapatot4# ~<1000Na BMA =-300 "1 =—soohe Maximum bending monet = 1009 +. Maximum bending sues M 1000510" z zoo “N/mm =10.18N/ mm? Deftection at D Lettheload at De P. ‘Strain energy stored by the bar ~ san nergy stored by AE + stain energy stored by EB + strain energy sored by DC + sin energy stored by BC ype 2 ‘ Pecan se" 27" aa of Piste 2Er ) ae 3a Vera deletions D am, 29 2729 wen 3 P= SOON E=2x10° N/mm? 2 aos eS 8° "FoF 4 9087610" (1000) mm was 8, =492mm Problem 20. A siel spring ABC of the dimensions shown in Fg. 1.40 is Sri clnpadard loaf 1X asppred tC fds veriea dfecon tt tis pln Take E 2.05 «1 asain energy stored bythe pring a ‘= Strain energy stored by the part BC + ‘strain energy stored by the part 4B. ‘ fe tt 2 Re yr tia2 furs asingy? 22 Wy fe ef J 2EF Tony oF +27 Rsin d+ R* serie weet] we 1" +6n/ R24 R14 IRR) rong Veta efoton ot: 2, 9 ga 8+ Gea Te be oss? 2001430R) = Ler soutrs24n1 30) 8g » Wo 20N£1=205 10%» 2252 115312510" Nm? [= 150mm R= 750 2 s 150+ 6 x1S0? x 75+ 24 x 75? x 150 + 32 x72 8 Sse CXS 6 15+ 24% 75? 150 +32x75") 2 Se s31as a> 27900000 + 11390625) = 185mm, Problem 21. ste rng of rectangular section 750 mm wide st & mak and ianpenial sexcrcting forse OF TEN one poration dott these forces Tale E= 208 «10° Nim, Setetion Fig. 141 (2) sdows he ll by mm thick has amean diameter of 300 mee A narrow radial sow ‘pried ot the cat inthe lane of the ring, Determine the tonal ing and Fig. 141 (6) shows the centre line ofthe half 4 agate ary ean Sea a Re SFA he heme rng opened out bythe applied force P | Me PR(=c058) 7S 2eos6+cos? 0) STRAIN ENERGY é +. Additional separation inp : er 21 = 2054108 52S. 2 7300381 «108 P=ASN,R= 150mm 384.50 150% "360351 «10% * 397mm “ prop ec aim term ston ef length tansy oper heeds end by on ae pro conve Yke prop defect by 4, tines the load cares ond ts a ce uniformly dsirbuted load of W, find the load carried by the prop. Solution. Let the lad onthe prop be R. Reaction at each end support = Y=R 2 Consider any section ofthe span AC at a distance x from A. 1 Tom Load Deflection at C “Re (Note the deflection of Cis opposite tothe direction of R) 1 é 1, ss a roi de lan here fection fe en 4 ond ao he alo taton off te mente ng shown in Fig. 143. Take E = 210 WN'mm? ‘Solution. To ind the vertical deflection ofthe end A Tewroduce a fictitious vertical load (at das shown in Fig, 1.44 ‘Strain energy stored by the member “ mo Lee : oy? 5 " Jom Vertical election of 04 f de = Fens frgrs20) 8-30 + frosean ge Putting Q=0, nh ileal cast Eh} a 2B, 0 "Box axig? “10"* 952mm “ihe To fled the ample of rotation of 4 Introduce 9 fictitious moment, sad yor menie noene 1 mS fu ‘STRAIN ENERaY 1” Lr 4 “i m, Mex fot.stonr B+ Jit, +207 fe + Anale of rotation atthe end 4 re n 0, = a, sont fu, 20 EF, Putting M,=0, 20 0 . - +— 2 _| 10 = 0.00716 radian. Problem 24, Sa peteae rin AB ef radar lying in horton plane ced othe end A and fee othe other end Bis erate Find Verte eho 8 Angle of rotation of the tangent tothe ring at B equ esa = etn es smelt rt sna tri ee nan ry Si in sf tant bg ‘wisting moment anda her. To realize this emir ary section Pete ng whos eee (OP makes an angle 0 with OB. Let C be the foot ofthe perpendicular from Bon OP Inde nde a a aah sg feet apad eye oH ae ‘immense pent? Wan. Mette Poca te tae a = ‘M= W rsin@ and T=W r(1-c0s8) ‘Strain energy stored due to bending moment and twisting moment Mids Peds We wo Doar * Lig, Deflectionat 8 MM ay Tor 8 Low ** La, ar WE ae ig mM x -cos8) and der Bat py 71800 and >= r(l-cos8) and 1 gee Lt a frmtrmeras re JPre-sestr-coorat WO int 0ed + OP fa ncoseyien = MELT 3 op fiom ec, |e ae a ‘To ind the angle of oeton ofthe tangent othe ing B (slope) intodoce an imaginary momectM, a B. OW, pM at fin Sipe = = he Dar a ** Dar an — M= WrsinO+M, cos0 and T= Wr(I~cos®) +A, sin8 EI aM,” * &*Cip aM, lI Sumani es of ext member 3 and the Frag makiae oP Session. Sy meumer> de Sere i cack mami the seme. say € Resolving he forces at O vertically, we have 3eas9 =P. ? j ou or a Sl ems Bers? 57 Pre-set sina a = d forsnte a, coast 80g frre monte Penne 2 has? lf? cose = arg fretesecg frac sass Tot me mpi oftesc a & radace imaginary ising monet Lat 2 Teapeatninn 5° 6, “S-lES+-T iss Feescmdcce M+ Frané -Teedand Pom Q-sedl- howd = weet mt Zoe = o> d}erenrenme ae Ee ta fee Be om endizers! wisgie dcomine the detection ofthe load The o j | | Problem 27, Find the vetcal detent area A. The diggonal deflection of the eset D of th frame shown n Fig. 150. All members hav the name crets-sectional ‘stn fea onsen determine the f of For Gecqulramof efor OOS Se sos member of sacar int D. Resolve vericayy "” Fot~0 2a Sas = p Pam PLR 5 (tensile) Pax PE. SB ~Pleonpresshe) bint Resolve rerizaly, Pu PLE inAS*=P (compressa) Resolvinghorizooally, P= pF, (c0s45"= P(tensile) Joint E Resse vray, Pastor p P= PE tose Resolvehorizanly, — Py= pFcas45*+ P=2 P (compressive) 5 zi Tealsmiscaem suet w= YEE maces “Ee sy BE 2D Ear ey AE BD ony FE Pa PL Pt, afin Fe Play «: Veal dein of Mb). Haas ne Plo tne cin ff bere soen LA mente hn aetna ena [ere inden pari a = ~ wt ot ee “Lets deemnine the feces i he members of te soueTre. vet Ce + Wain decent a= = Se i Prablen 29. Find the wecica! defection of the joint D forthe wuss loaded ax shown in Fig. 1.54. All members hove the same mecion ores ‘Setucion. The forces he various mambo of te truss de ts the piven load are shown in Fig. 155. Pe tse The sarin energy sored by the mens == rs wi re [5] shone ae - ent (Let & be te versal defection ef the joint D. Pa rman exency Erquting the work doce to the strain energy stored, 1 Ft Fro ary oa 260 FL. Meo 1.8 DEFLECTION OF TRUSS JoINTS Even through the firs theorem of Cast S sri rf Casino tpl fr he compton of Be ection st jot, wil be comreni 2 ig. 136 shows a tus subjected oan emeral load system, Wy Latte eid end te efi athe joint Cay, beh efiton tC. Pi Po Py Py-— berth forces in te various members of he structure duel the ven external load system Let the oa exer work done be W The toa srin ce seedy the soc = whee eb BAKE weere ln sete lags oft varios members oft smut and A. dy faethe rosszconl area of te vsou meer et isthe Youngs Modchs ofthe matral of tie members ee 5 ks a ty c. 4 2 2s Wig. 1.56 Mig. 1.87 : Wehave, "Work done = Energy stored Rh, 3 we Lage a) Let now the given exteral load system be removed and let a uit load be applied atthe joint C where the deflection ist be computed. Lt the forces in the members of the structure due to the unit load be Ky, Ka, Ky. ‘Letthe deflection cased by the uit oad Ce 8. 2 Work dove = 3.1.87 Kh, epee ‘Strain energy stored Dae xih Vin= Done tio) ‘As the structure is carrying the unit load at C, let the given extemal load sysfem be applied on the structure. The forces in the members of the structure will now be (P, +)).(Pa* Ki). (P+ Km ‘Total work done wm obit. = (+k h Toalsninaersond = LPL - +K) i Liyethye= DSB i Ath ph ohagyeto Det 246 AE Ey es we Luge Kh a and ple Lae K, Mee » DAB Jeace the method involves the following process 0 oeth ven lnd nom he forces athe rious member of he rst wil be fit determined. Lat thea PP oad system is removed and a unit load i applied at the joint where the deflection is desired. Now the (Frei thavaloun ener of sauce eased byte wl loud ie computed . PP malig Kyo tabular formas shown nthe following examples. Atypical may be faliows: 4 on a ‘Member: t r | yee 4 Px ot \ ‘The expression for deflection may also be expressed as follows: ‘Let py, Py» Py be the stress intensities in the various members. * “ A ae ore B Bee Ki x a= Dat, ‘Let 5.8/3.6)... be the changes in lengths of the various members. iat * & ath By, Bs =By etc, 2.8 = EK,Bh. Problem 30. Find the vertical and horizontal deflections of the joint C of the truss shown in Fig.1.58. The area of th inclined tie i 2000 mm? while the area of the horizontal member is 1600 mm?. Take E = 200 ting? 2 Solution. Let us determine the forces in the members due tothe given load. : 20 = 3c 4 sin@ some 3 ‘STMAN EHEROY Joint © Resolve vertically, fg sind = 129 ag" 120% «20040 Yen Resolving horizontally Pay WcO86 = 200 4 Su AN (compressne) ‘Toind the vertical defection of the joint C, remove the given loading and apply a vertical baad of | a Ferincae, ge Ett LN (compres) Ti z k Ae —- s 20 ac 200 4 soo, | 2000 =” 10 ac r + 4000 1600 we 0 | Tort He ae Verisa deflection of PKL 4100 AL $00 683mm To find the horizontal deflection of C, apply a horizontal load of LAN at C. For this case Force in CB Kis 1 compressive) ForceinCa=K=0 ra Horizontal deflection of C PKI _ 160.1 x 4000 ay 2mm. ‘AE 1600x200 rg. 161 Problem 31. Find the vertical and horksontal deflections of he joint C of the pin Joined truss shown in Fig. 1.62. The area of te hortzontal member is 150 mn? and the areas of the memburs AC and BC are 200 mm? each. Take E = 200 N/mm. on Solution. 9 5 ‘Vertical reaction at each support= = 4.5 AN 2 Netial detiction ofthe joie © PRL 7a875 8, - DE aso ‘Tofind the horizontal defection of C, apply ahorizontal load of 1 AN at C. Herwontal reactions 4 = TAN “Taking moments about 4, qeneras oo nedt +. Horizontal deflection of the joist © ex 300 b> Dae Sag Problem 32. Fig. 1.66 shows a loaded trass. The sectional arvas of the mewabers re such thatthe tension 2c sree 120 Nw whee comp ROSAS, 4m oe id fine ae Oo fom t upporting the tie AB yields by 3.5 mm what will be the final versicat deflection ot Toke = 200 kNimen, 2 . Solution. We know the stresses in the various members du 10 she given loading: ofind the vertical deflection of C, apply 8 vertical load of ¥ AN at ase BRL, 2098250 10.48 mm E ” 200x10 Vera deecon a jn. C 5 Ifthe join yields by 3.5 mom. The joint C will ove down by 6 $35 - 525mm Total vertical deflection ofthe jot C 4 = 1048+5:25 m= 15.73 3 Problem 33. Find the vertical and horizontal deflections ofthe joint D ofthe truss shown in Fig. 1.68. The sectional gy eee hut the sincss nthe tension members 120 Nim while the stress in the compression members is 79 ya B= 200 Ninn Solution, To find the vertical defection ofthe joint D, apply a vertical load of | Nat D- ‘The forces the members ofthe truss for this condition are shown in Fig. 1.69. © » ie ae a é . , 4 Lose, Fy. 1.68 ‘Member PNmine K Tom 4B 120) = 3000 a aue Wt 30002, © ~120 a 3000 ie » a 3000/2 im n 2 3000 a . o 300042 ae 2 1 3000 ca 2 1 3000 Toul . Vertical deflection of the joint D PKI 27000000 _ oe oe 329mm ‘To find the horizontal deflection of the joint D, apply ahorizontal load of Nat D. pease orale 7220000 200 x10 Problem 34. Fig. 1.7! shows a loaded truss whose sires eenerenn tension members are subjected 10a 120 Nima scant 3 Tig 27 mld he eo Ss ee fabs Dots 10 Ne a Horizontal deeston oft jointD= P= = 11.10 mm. yur rg tra Solin. To find th vera deflection oh oD. py overt load of 1D. ‘Taking moments cbowt A. £ ‘Hy=2N> H,=2Ne vnt Joint D. Resolve vertically, Ksin45° =1 Ss Kg=S2N (tensile) Resolving horizontally, Kyg = {2cos45* =1N (compressive) Joint C.Resolve vertically, Ky Sin 4S" = V2sin 4S" ms K, ~N2N (compressive) Resolving horizontally, Ky = ¥2cos45°+ V2 c0s45°=20N (tensile) Joint E,Resolve vertically, Kyasin dS? =2sinas® Kay = XEN (eile) ‘Resolving horizontally, Kg = 1+ Sicosasts Reas4s* Kg= 3 N (compressive) Kp costs? = 3-2-1 Kp= WN (ensile) ‘Resolving vertically, Ky= WsindS* “10 (compressive) Joint A. Resolve horizontally, K,gcosas? = 2 Kg= 242 (lensile) Member pun x 77) 20 22 ac 10 2 if “0 i ve %0 y F 0 i A » ro 120 fi bE -120 2 EC 80 a Vertical defection ofthe joim D - re ce =12mm To find the horizontal deflection of D, apply horizontal oad of | Nat D. For this case Force in ED= K,y =1 (compressive) Force in FE 1 N (compressive) ‘Therefore, willbe no force inthe remaining members. Horizontal deflection of D = SA 2522 10 oy xt 2x0" Problem 38. Fig. 1.74 shows a cantilever truss of span 6 metre and depth 3 metres. The cross-sectional areas ins various members are noted along side of each member. Find the vertical deflection of the joint D. Take E = 200 kN/mme ‘Solution. Taking moments about 4, ‘ (100+50)3 + (100+50)6= Hx 3 2 y= ASOLN > Vertical reaction at =F, =300KN Horizontal eactionat = H,= 4S0LN— Py.=ASORN (compressive); Py =0 Poc™ 300V2 AN (tensile); Pay = 450-300 = 150 kN (censile) P.4=300-50=250 EN (compressive) Pog 450~300= 150 AN (compressive) Pay 150V2 EN (tensile) Pog 100 kN (compressive) ‘These are shown in Fig. 1.75. (doo AN (100) 4N ig. 1.75 STRAIN Enanay Now btn one Tatng mone PS re nt py ond ie aay 80 array corey nj . hye Ws at & Wertcal reaction td = ant Mal reaction at A= 24N e ores Ky hat kg Ky “TAN (comgrenie) & BRERSRS) «5 Deflection f 2 an = 15 Problem 36. Find the vertical deflection ofthe Jaint C ofthe loaded truss shown in Fig, LIT. The sectional areas of members are HH,” 120A ¥en oat 4 4 3 no = fisnd= Giese s Joins C. Resolving vertically fig i0@ = » Py 2300 5 2 3730 Wome) Revolving horizcataly, te 31Seqa0 = 37.53 2251M (compre) 4 Joint B. Resolving vertically page ea snd = 60+ 225 «= AN Loong) . 3 Resolving horizontally, Pua™ 37.Seos0 = 375 x5 = 225 AN Genate) Ne 1OIN GoW ont D. Resolving veicaly Pa sin0* 90-440; Pay = 305 Resolving horizontally, Pym 162Seos8+ 225 = 16252 +225 = 12048 (compressive) Join E Resolve vercally. Pay" 0 Tofind he vertical deflection at C Remove the given load system. Apply a vertical load of 1 AN at C Taking moments about A, A x4= 1x6 Aen ASW heal SR © and y, 1A T Joint C Resolving vertically, Kasia 1 Kg = 5012549 Genie) Resolving horizontally, Kan 125 os0~ 125x238 0.754N (compressive) he LAN Joint Resolving veal, Ky™ 1.25 sin= 1.25 4 1AM (compressive) Resolving horizontally, Ki Joint D. Resolve vertically, Kg, sin = 1 2 Ky= 1251N ensile) Resolving horizontally, Ky= 0.25+125 cos0 125 con0= 125% 2= O7S4N (compressive) 3 = 078+ 125% 5 = 1.SOKN (compressive) Jolnt E Resolve vertically, Ky= 0 ‘ PRL Vertical def ye ection of C pi See table below ‘s7nAM evenay = Vertical detection of nee OE OT 7m Prot 37, Find the sericl, smembr 1900 ma! te Bs ttl deflections of th i oft see Pi 188 Ysa ef ead tion. Taking moments show 4, V4 6 (0+ 15)+(40+4 : » he ite wt it mig an ath ee iy as Joint A Resolvevertically, — Pysingars 25, Pan 5 wi comprenive Resolve herinontally, oa Femur Fev erase Joint B.Resclveverically, Pi, sin 60" = yawn P= i ona Resolve horizontally, Pam Scots cover = VOLS AY (comment) Joint E. Resolve vertically, FP, sin = or + Fae SiN comprare) Resoving horton, Fi Be cuts Tor = 3 AN Yee Joint D. Resolve verically, — PysingO= 35s, a FAN compress) ‘ofind the vertical deflection ofthe joint E, remove the givea load syste and apply & vertical ond of 1 AN at. Rescton o each support + ont A Reve verily, Kysin@ot= | Kg EN (compre ‘Resolve horizontally, Ka eae = Sy eee) Joint B.Résolve vertically, “Ky, sin 60" = por * Kyo AY Resolving horizontally, Kes or . oo - 5 omens By symmetry we know the forces inthe remaining members, : PL Vertical deflection of E "lar For each member 1= 3000 nr Foreach member A 1900 m0?” ‘Member 5 ct 48 a a rs 10 + n 1 © 3 z os 1 bee? B we 4 at a “Ss wi io a B B we 1 cr BS SB Tat 0 Vet detection ofthe i = ES = 070m “To find the horioctl deflection ofthe joint apply ahorzootal load of! AN’ a the joint 28); 3000 = LE -(-F) iments “0 ‘Problem 38. Find the vertical and horizontal deflections ofthe joint C ofthe loaded truss shown in Fi 184 The: on TE kt A ce esr mr aah st nt le = 200 Ne Ne ‘Solution, The truss is first analysed forthe forces in its members, due to the given loading. ig. 1.84 ‘OTMAIN ENEROY We have, = tures AC 2 on30" «25 metre wmomentsabout 4, 14,2" 40% 245 Ne 405 N > Yon aon My + Joint C. Resolving vertically, eee Pasin30" = Pou BOKN (compressive) Resolving horionialy, Pea™ $0 0830" = 403 AN (lense) Joint B. Pia = 0; Pyg™ 405 KN (ensile) Joint D. Pay 0; Pue™ 80 RN (compressive) Joint E, Resolving vertically, Pog 805in30" = AOAN (ensile) ‘To find the vertical deflection at C [Now remove the given load system and apply vertial load of 1 AN at C. The forces in the members ofthe frame fore case will the forees in the previous case. See Fig. 1.86. Vericl defeionofC=y= SA ee PON) KON) ro) Amey | PE s 40 8 100013 vaso | 183 oc 40 -8 10008 ro | 163 ro) » 2 2000 2500 os DE » 2 2000 2500 om aE -40 = 2000 ps0 a 4 ° 20 no ° 2 ° [1000 no ° Toul 5 _z, Vertical deflection of C PKI _ 6526 “Y" LAE 200 =3.263 mm “To find the horizontal deflection of C. ‘Inthis case apply a unit load ie, | ‘EN horizontally at C. The forces in the members for this loading are shown in Fig, 1.87. ‘Horizontal deflection of C= 2, Fe AE 2(-4015)(-1100085 9.95 mm, 7250 « 200 0 probe 3, sh vere on rt dfn hte D Se ee Tribes 800 me! : ict ieetereont a | nt pee OY eee tnt members de tothe piven load See lg. 19 | 4s ma = sa 2 sing "Je mM conan ont D Resolving vertically Pa Sin =20 + Py = 20/5 KN (compressive) Resolvinghorizontally, Py. =20V5 cose = 40KN (tensile) Sointc, Pre =0,Pey = AOAN (lensile) Joint E, Ry =0, By =20)5 EN (compressive) Soin 8, Bay =0, Phy = 4OAN (tensile) a Joint F, Pr =0, pg = 2045 AN (compressive) Now the given load is removed anda unit load inthis case a 14N load is appliee ically andthe forces in the members are determined. Obviously the forces in the members ofthe truss will be 35 ofthe forces produced due to the 20 KN load at D. Fig. 1.90. Shows the forces inthe members ofthe truss due tothe 1 KN load applied verically at. - =a ‘The vertical deflection at D is given by EO Toe. 4p aE ERD ‘The summation EE isdone in the table below Me - | K L ae PKL () GN) Cri) (oun) A w =40 2 3000 1000 240 BC 40 2 3000, 1000 0 % co ~40 -2 50 000 0 4 pe | vas | ye | ts 1300- | i005 EF 4205 +8 me 1800 10/5 oa 4 han 3000 ie +205 We 78 1500 1005 AF ° o 3000/2 00 o BF 0 0 3000 6 500 0 BE ° ° ee o CE oO o 1500 a S00 o 720430005 | = Problem 40. Find the vertical and horizontal deflections of the joint D of the truss shown in Fig. 1.92. The crost- sectional areas in square millimetres ofthe various members are given in brackets. Take E = 200 kN/mm? ‘Solution. Taking moments about 4, we have, (60+60)3+80%6= 13 Hy= 2804». Horizontal reaction at A~ Hy= 2804 «— and vertical reaction at = V, = 200kNT Obviousty, Prem Pag= Poy=0; Pay =BOV2EN (tensile) Ye=200KN OWN ig. 1.99 Pag= BORN (compressive); Pe = 60 +80 = LAD KN (compressive) Pug 8OAN (lesile);Ppg™(140+60) V2 = 20012 AN (tensile) Pag™ 280 LN (compressive) ‘These are shown in Fig. 1.93. Vertical deflection of the joint D Now remove the given load system and apply a unit load say 1 AN, vertically at D. ‘Taking moments about A, we have, 1 « 6 hy 3 % y= 28N-> ‘s, Horizontal reaction at A= hy 24N «= unt Kiem Kes" Kg" \ Kag> V2EN (tensile) Ky VAN (compressive) Ka LAN (compressive) Kg" LAN lensile) Kya VERN (tensile) 8 “The results may be tabulated as shown below. Compression + ve] Tension=ve Member pan | KAN Hmm) Atmm?) | PRE e =80 = 3000 1200 200 ac ° ° 3000 0 0 o ° o 3000 00 © i +80 +1 3000 1200 200 F +280 2 3000 2400 700 a ° ° 3000 00 ° aE +140 4 3000 1200 350 AE -200/2 at 3000V2 2400 7 BD ~80y2 -f 3000V2 1800 an Toul Fr vet Mg. 1.94 ie PKI _ 2534 ] : 4 PRL , 2534 2567, Vertical deflection at D E200 7 7H Z Horizontal deflection of the joint D Letaunit oad say 1 LNbe horizontally (4-) applied at D. There will bea horizontal reaction fig = LAN —> at F. Thieme reaction, ly the members EF and ED will carry forces. The other members do not cary forces. 4“ Obviously Kye™ LRN (compressive) and = TKN (compressive) i PKI 280x1%x3000 | 80x 1x 3000 e +, Horizon detectionat = qe" 9x 200" * “1200x200 7275 ay Problem 41. Find the vertical and horizontal deflections of the joint G of the truss shown in Fig. 1.96. The sectional areas ¢ members are as follows : ‘Horizontal members : 1500 mm? ; Vertical members : 1800 mm? Inclined members : 2500 mm? Take E = 200 kN/mm? Solution. Taking moments about 4, W-9~ GO»3)+(120%6) ye ¥,= (90+ 120)-110% 1004 Members which do not carry forces Let each inclined member be at @ with the horizontal, ‘STRAIN ENERGY » oma Reiveveealy Pa 100 compres) aren. Teta ae Pa 125AN Gene Resolve horizontally, A= 125c080=75AN (compres) + © . . we — " oe i i vow oN r= 1000N Yr wows 9. 1.96 Joint H. Resolve vertically Pre 125sin@ 90 =10KN (compressive) Resolve horizoatally, Pigs 125 cos = 75AN (tensile) Joint C.Resolve vertically Pgsin@ = 10. Pag™=12.5 AN (tensile) Resolve horizontally, Pajm 154+12.5 6080 = 82.5AN (compressive) Joint D. Pam 8251N (compressive) “Joint G. Resolve vertically Pry in +12.5sinO = 120. :. Py 137-SEN (ema) Joint E. Resolve vertically, P= 1315 sin To find the vertical deflection ofthe joint G Feld vac open tle ver fond of BY. “Taking moments about A ORN (compressive) atest " wy 1X6 2 vy GIN mh “There will beno forces in AH, FG and DG. Joint A, Resolve vertically Kag= SEN (compressive) 1 Join B. Resolve vertically, Kyysin®~ 3 : Ky~ ZA (ensile soe Resolve horizontally, Kang mtn gil Commer ‘Joint H, Resolve vertically, Ken Hine SIN compresive) Rovctveberetl Kg Seon AY en) “Join C. Resolve vertically, Key8in® = ae Kags Git com) Resolve horizontally, an bo ead gy Comes) 1 Joint. Resolvehorizonially, Kar ~ lh (compressive) s ina Resavevetcaly Ryans 170 : K- San ese a a Kye 3 sind = FAN ompressbe) Joint E. Resolve verticals ‘Vertical defection ofthe joint Member ae Cnn) T 4B 10 ; 4000 1 ac 8 7 3000 1 © ws = 3000 i De ms > 3000 2 a no = 000 cd ° ° 3000 ou -15 3000 m ° 3000 BH -2s 5000 He 0 4000 oG -1s 000 oo ° 4000 GE ~1378 5000 PRI _ #28195 «Veal deletion othe it = SRL = BPS To ind the horizontal deflection of joint G, apply a horizontal load of wNatc. For this condition, Ky VAN lensite) Ky VAN (tensile) There willbe no forces inthe other members. igna] -_N Hacc, = Fla S22 a sum Problem 42. Find the horizontal deflection of the roller support B ofthe ‘russ shown In Fg. 1.100. Area of each member 2500 mm? Take B= 200 kN/ "Solution, Let us fst determine the forces inthe various members ofthe truss. Vertical reactions atthe support are equal due to symmetrical loading. s reer Considering the joints A and B, Weknow, Py= Py=0 P= 6OAN (compressive) Pym 60KN (compressive) 2501 STRAIN ENERGY Resolving vertically atc, Fey sin® = = 0 Resolving horzomatly wc, “fa *OONSAN Cena Pea GOS cos 6048 x 2 Simiarty Pym ga gy, FRA 120KN (compressive) Resolving vertically at io (lensile) and Phy = 120 AN (compressive) find Py = DON ‘Tofind the horizontal detection of B, eco eo 1K load horizontally at on reno be es oading nd py 2 trae (See Fig Ln] 2 2 8! find the forces inthe various member ofthe Horizootal reaction st = LAN «- a 1.105 vewwn ‘There will be no vertical react ‘ Resolving horizontally at, he SUPPERS. Koos =1 Ke* Swi ate Resolving vertically at , As Ae Kan sind = p= DEN (compressive) ‘Similarly considering the joint B, iS j y= Seis) sot Ke SAY (compres Joint C. Os Sect bates _& Resolving vericaly, Kysin@= > =, Ky = >-AN emule) P & G2 Resolvinghorizontlly, Ky= “e080 =".—7e =1 AN (compressive) ‘Similarly considering the joint E, ke SF Bi aaa and Kg = UN (compressive) ‘There will be no force in DF ete FB [i tem PEL } ac +o 5 10 +120 5 py oe tho 5 - EB +0 5 ~ 0 EAL 0 F AF 0 7 s5 cF -OS re 315v5 si EF 60/5 og ane +120 i Total =E 1500+ 7505. I 2 Meriaontal diction of 8 PHL, 306 800 55, “Lae” 800« 200 Predem 43. Derermine the vertical deflection of the loud for the structure show i Fig 1.103 The torsion members are nressed1o 130 Nim? and he compeession members 10 0 mw All inclined members ore of 45° wih the horizontal Tate E= 210° Nim? Soletion. By de method of resolution the forces i the members of the structure an be determined. Fig 1.108 shows the forces in the members ofthe structure twill be seen he members 4B, AE, DE and DG donot carry forces. Tofin he vertical deflection of Cle us apply a unit od say 1 Nat Cand determine the forces fe member of e sree ‘These forces ae shows in Fig. 1.108. 7. ye Ae & ‘erro Py the nen of sees inthe various members ofthe srr « = 200 mnt OM tt Maldon f th jo Def the ras show i Fi 1.10. Area of cach mombr 000 ma? ebe sean Ltt “Taking momen woul? DEE ection a A and F Ver4= 200% 40+ 8) T ¥= W0(1+ Vipin t ie 2 Ven 20nd i . ‘Considering the joint F we conclude Py = 0 Fee 200 (1+ V3)AN (compressive) Considering the joim 4, Pag 2005 bY leraile) “ Joint B. Resolving vertically, Fre Sin 45*= 20045 3 Phe™ 20016 EN (insite) Resolving horizontally, Pug™ 200V6 cos45* = 20005 LY (compressive) Joint C. Resolving horizontally, Pea™ 200V6 cos5* = 20045 AN (tensile) Resolving vertically, Pay 2006 sin 45* = 200/5 AN (compressive) Joint D. Resolving vertically, Pa, si030° = 200 s a= 400 BN (compressive) ; Fig, 1.107 shows the frees in the members ofthe truss due tothe given loading. ‘To find the vertical deflection ofthe joint D, remove the given loading and apply a 1 AN load vertically ‘The forces inthe various members due othe aplication ofa vertical oad of| AN at Dare shown in Fig. 1.108. PKL Vertical defection of D=5 = >“ re stan 7 1.107 Mg. 1.108 ‘Seetable below 12800V3 +1 RRBGRERS 1280045 + 16000) 1000 _ 79,085 mm. PA TS = Lge™ _10000%200 shown in Fig. 1.109. The © gum 5 Fn ever deco of eit BLO a i ven me AS i a gen rakes Tk E= 2001 - ‘Solution. Taking about Ay ond 220215 5 ¥,=102N. = Lape io+is@asevt Resolving veically at E Pesind =10 = Resolving horizontally at E, perrseno sited 1588-9 “ H = TSN Resolving horizontally aC, en Paces0nPetasd Fan Pe 125AN (tensile) Resolving vertically at, Pay” 15+ 125 sin0+ 125 sind 1525s) 354 Compras) Atjoint D, Pag" 0,Pap=35EN compress Resolving horizontally at B, ieoneresit Pi, cos = Pie 89 Pap Poe 1 hy =I2SEN (compressive) Fig 1.110 shows the fores inthe members ofthe suc 8 [Now remove the given load system and z athe joint B.See Fig. 1111 spply a vertical load of | AV “Taking moments about A, wed bas 2 y-05eh : a pal as Me s1405=15 ENT notary Kesin [STRAIN ENERGY 4h =O625 cn0 = 04n5u2 0375 IN» so 1h, =0375 Ne ‘Resolving horizontally at C, Kgcosd = K, cos0 * Koy = Keg = 0625 1N (nae Resolving vertically at C, ” Kug = 0.625sin 0+ 0.6255 25 = LAN (comprising) ‘AtthejointD, Kg =O and Ky, =14N (comprisive) Resolving horiaoatally at B, K,,c0s0 =0.625 cos Kg, = 0.625 LN (compressive) ‘The results of the two analysis ae tabulated below : ‘Vertical deflection of Problem 46. Fig. 1.112 shows a pin jointed trass subjected to a oading. The sectional areas ofthe members are such that, the tension soot are stressed to 140 Nimme! while the compression members are Trressed to 80 Nimm?. Determine the vertical deflection ofthe joint. Take E = 2 * 10° Nimo? ‘Solution. By inspection, the tension and compression members are ‘easily identified. See Fig. 1.113 ‘Remove the given loading and apply a nit load vertically at D. See Fig. L114 Note, the ncined members reall at 45° withthe horizontal “Joint D Resolving vertically Kysinds? =1 2 Ky = V2 (ensile) Resolvinghorizonally Ky = fZeos45*=1 (compressive) Joint Resolving vetcally KesinS? =fBsin dS? Key = ¥2 (compressive) Resolving horizontally, Kes 2x fdcosds? + Ky =2(lensile) Joint E Resolving vertically, Ky sina? =V2sinds Ky = 92 (lensile) Resolving horizontally, Ky ete YBc0s4s*+ F008 45" . tw ig. 13 Joint B Resolving along BF, Ky =2sin4S” = Ky = 2 (eensile) Resolving slong ABE, Kay = V2+200845" Kyg=202 (tensile) Vertical defiection of D =e “The summation ZpKL is carried out in the table below = +t esa aetecion td = DE - SAE 226mm problem 47. Fig 1.115 shows a frame hinged ot A and placed on rollers or F When the frame carries a vertical point load ot E the Teepression members are sressed to £0 Nim, while the tension co eet gre stressed 10 100 Nimm?. Determine the horlzontal “ofthe roller support F Take E = 2 * 10° Nim’. “To find the borizontal displacement of the roller support F, the given load and apply a unit i “Taking moments about A vat apa eyngt Fre tus + ‘Tere willbe 0 frees in CD, DE, EF and DF Resolving vetically at F Kg = (compresshe) Resolving horney at F Ky =i Fete =2 ee Resolving horizontally aC, genet Fanta Resolving vertically aC, Ky =D interim Resavingavizotly aD Ky ="2eats= Len) Resolving vertically at By Kyy =" sint5*= (compres) 2 Resoving horizontally at4, Fag = 7 (vensle) 5 co DE ca ro a 2 « o E210" rosea sind at oun dient Fate ceca MC ASSN WA A applic Leis case Os boric defieton i towards lef i Problem 4 The frame shonin Fig 1.118 consists foe Parco fares ofthe members are such hot The stess an all he tension memisrs Sm the moms 0 ima Determine ne vale of fre gag: Te E = 2 * 10° Ne shows the given truss with point loads W et Tower chord. Obviously, considering the wl be realized thatthe member GC will ot Solution. Fig. each panel point of equilibrium ofthe joint G carry any force. Mis ecnve of sresses induced in the various members due 10 the oad system i shown in Fig. 1.119. Tot co now analyse the same truss due to the application ofa unit oad say 1N at. “Ceowidering the equilibrium ofthe joints B, Gand D (See Fig. 1.107) itis enily seen thatthe members BF, GC and DH will not arry any free. Resolving vertically a4, Kg 8in45° = } * y= SAAN comprestve) Resolving horizontally at 4, Ky c0s45* = flies “Ke kan EN eile Ker Kuan EN(emsle) Resolving vertically a F, a Kgsinds? = LEsin4s® Ken HVE NCensiey Resolving horizontally at F, Kagem jldconts + 1 Fico (compressive) STRAIN ENERGY By symmetry the forces inthe me her member (Compression: + ve ATE also howwa. Ihe resulis uinaned i the above analyas ore tabwlated below, ‘a ane x aT er io om an 1 "z 2s nay | a. 1 2 a a2 | 2 ah \ 2 = say | ee Bier lcci GH 2s +200f \ BF a 1 Gc as e . 2 ° am 2 o a ast +200f oe 2s +200 “FC 238 +20f ie 254i +20 ‘Total 18.00f Hd 18F 1000 5 Nien bteaon om eet Se 0.09 f mm “ : span 101000 _ 100, ‘But maximum deflection is given equal to "900 900 100 0.09, 9 é I 100 123.4. N/mm Problem 49, The trust shown In Fig. .121 subjected oo certain external loadystem. “The conserwen increase aml decrease inthe Leng of the varius members are given in the following table [Meir ——[__Cime RIe jm Trerease in length Decrease in length ioesancansnent & Find ke ofthe joint G THEORY og e 1.122) ve agplyaunit toad sat AvatG (See Fig. tay aan. ig. 1.421 willbe o fore in members BUCO and DF Resolving vertically at 4, Kasinast = Kan 5 AN compressive) Resolving horizontally at 4, kat ia cosas? AN = Pal tensile) Resolving horizontally aH, Kgs $M ened Resolving vertically at, Krgsin dS? = }iinas® Kg $87 ene) Resolving horizontally st, Ign ficou canto AN (compre) Now, by symmetry, the forces in the other members are known, ‘The vertical deflection of the joint G= b=Skdl ‘This summation is shown in the following table = ’ f= ele 2 al 2 A 2 JO> Mim Problem $0. The cantilever Take E = 200 kNimm? member 73 Nin, whee resin reac ea truss Mg. 1.323 Im) ete i ee ta es “ subjected ta a load pystem tach Un tha tress every compression 120 Nimme. Find the vertical and hor conta defisciom of the pons F Solution. To find the vertical defection ofthe joint E, let us apply a vertical load of 1 Wat ‘The forces inthe various members fr this case are shown in Fig. 1.124. Member P x 7 Wm) oy (mm) Vertical deflection ofthe joint E= To find the horizontal deflection For this case, = 5 ‘ky =120 6 1500 120 -4 3000 10 i. 1:25 pa. taxi. 35.10 mm E 20x! Kn kan! ‘N(compressive) Toe 1° Late omnio 03610 0.228% 10 0675" 1 112s Ie 0.225» 10° 036210 022510 036 «10 0225 «10 ofthe joint, apply horizontal ond oft Wat ESee Fig. 1.125) ‘There willbe no force in the remaining members. ‘Member 0.675% 108 KL _ 675 x10" Horizontal defection ofthe joint E= DE = SST = 3.375 mm 1.9 DEFLECTION OF TRUSS JOINTS BY GRAPHICAL METHOD Inthe case of loaded ts is members are subjected 1o axial forces (compressive or tensile) Hence the members undergo their lengths. De wo these changes inthe lengths ofthe members defections ofthe joins take place. Ifthe extensions ang ofthe members of truss are known it is possible to determine the displacements ofthe Joints of the truss gaphicllye Willi aFtench engineer developed graphical method of determining the defeecton of joins of articulated tse ia 1g ‘neta ad ited apo an ange he German rss Oto Molin 1667 tocing cece oma the shorcomings of the method given by Wilot 1.10 WILLIOT DIAGRAM 1kis worthy to first discuss two types of simple twiangular structures. ‘Case 1 ABC is triangular frame consisting of members AC and BC meeting atthe 4 Joint C. The members are connected toa wall at A and B. There isn member as AB. and Bare fixed points whose postions do not change. Letdue tothe load caries by the structure the member ACbe subjected to an increase in lengih say 8. Let Bl, be the decrease in lengh ofthe member BC. Let due to these changes inte lengths ofthe members of the joint Cmave tothe position C”. The postion of C"can be obained as follows. Since AC is subjected tan extension, produce ACO Cy ‘making CC, = 8. Since BCis subjected ta contraction, set off CC; along CB making CC, = Bly. Aas centre, AC; a radius daw an arc. Bas centre, BC, as radius drawn another ae. Let the two ares intersect at C: Now C' represents the new position of C. ny. 1.126 In te actual cases we come acros, the deformations 64, and 6 are extremely small. Hence the ares CC’ and C,C' replaced by straight lines perpendicular to C\C and CC, respectively Compared withthe lengths ofthe members of the truss, the deformations 8, and 8, are very small nd hence the Figure CCE ‘will be extremely small to scale off the displacement CC’. Its therefore convenient to draw this figure to bigger seal so thal Aispacement CC’ may be scaled off easily. This is shown in Fig, 1.126 andi drawn in follows 2 “Marka point and designate its (8). This point represents the vertex Cof the truss. Now sto aC; to represent 8h, 18 scale parle to AC. Set off BC to represent i, inthe direction CB sac his members compressed, Set off C,Cperpe and C,Cpperpendicularto AC; Let these perpedicularsmeetat . Now the length fom (a 8)toc represents the dsplacernent of ht ‘This figure drawn inthis manner shows again the figure CC\C'C, of Fig. 1.126 (9 to a magnified scale. Its bmportant owe notations adopted in drawing the displacement diagram. The point (a,b) which isthe reference point o star with represents tht CC. We have used the letters (a b) to represent Co indicate that the point (a, 6) marked shows the position of de vertex C with to the fixed points 4 and B. Since AB does not undergo any deformation, the points a and & coincide. Problem $1. Fig 1.127 shows a crane sypporting a 1504N load Thejibis metreslong 44 __4™ witha sectional area of 2000 mm’. The horizontal te is 4 metres with a sectional area of 1800 ‘mm. Find the vertical and horizontal displacement ofthe crane head C. Take E= 200 RN/ mm. Resolving the forces at C vertically, we have, Pay sin0 = 1S0KN STRAIN ENERGY Pare ola ae P= 2506038 = 250 x4 0” 250080 = 250 x == 2004N teste) Decrease in length of Bc = 2505000, , Spo s7057 225mm Increase in length of AC = 2004000, Z 1800 200 ~ *722 Plot poi and digits) feasure ac, =2.222 mm paalelto AC Draw bey=3,135mm ariel ioCB Ww eye and ye perpendicular to a, and be, respectively and obtain the pois The seul delictonat bean Cs Som (Boe a . By scaling from the diagram, fs ‘Vertical deletion of C=2.7 mn Horizontal deflection of C= 2.22 mm ‘Case 2. ABCisa triangular fame, consisting of the members AB, BC and CA. ‘ é€ o wo ig. 1.329 The suppor A ishinged. The ote support at Bs roller suppor which can ro ona horzonal bse Let ‘i, = Decrease in length of CA ‘By = Decrease in length of CD ‘Bis = Increase in length of AB Produce AB1oB' making BE'= 8) .Now raw CC, parallel to AB aking CC) By Join CyB" Set off along CA the distance C = bh, ‘Along Cpt seo C,~ Bh. A scenic and AC, 1s rains ot tor ‘Bras cemure B'Cy radius draw another arc Let tbe 1 Si Alo 2! Now the aplcement Cis CC andthe dpacenes of FE mse tC: No avy sa nie coven 0 1 ge 0 mR ‘Take eny point as a reference point (Fis: | 129) Set off ab parallel to AB to represent &/, the extension of 4B Set off parallel to CA to represent he deformation 8 of Cs Setoff bo, parallel to CB to represent the deformation Bl of CB. Draw ec and eye perpendicular to 26, ‘and be; respectively and thus obtain the point: ‘Study te notations adopted inthis diagram: Sp represents he extension ofthe member 4, bees Carron eer cme es SE BC. cases and explained above refer to singe ag a fame. The procedure outlined in te ove cs wil be #9 ce a te cae general st comssting sre oe ig ‘The diagrams obtained nthe manner explained above are called Wilot digrams. Find places of ons Band oft re igi The inde members ar such al the COMDTESN moron ratio a sress of 100 Nima and th ‘tension members are subjected 10 a srress of 150 Nimn?. Take E = 2 108 Nin. Solution, Length AC = BC= f+ Decrease in engih of AC or CB ic 125mm = 28, 22. Increase in length of 4B 150% 4000 5, TTY Take # convenient point «and draw ab = 83mm Draw cc; parallelto 4C and making acy = 8), «1.25 mm Draw be parallel to BC and making be™ 8s = 1.25 mm Draw ce perpendicular to acy, Draw cye perpendicular to be, Thus obtain the pont c. ‘Now actual displacement of vertex C= ae= 3.60 mm ‘Actual displacement of B= 0b 3mm Problem $3. The sresss inthe various members ofthe truss shown in Fig. ‘the truss and show the crural deflection ofthe Joint G. Take E =? * 1 Nina Solution tis necessary to frst calculate the change in length ofeach member. The chang in length of a member sreuimeniy pis 2 The ough cage ngs towne eree JoG, tare determine the vera! election ofthe jit. willbe ound convenient o find the diplacement ot or v ep " ¥ w SOPH Sm— she Smale 5 Pig. 1.13 STRAIN ENERGY dae 0 fr in he mente tet length fo tis member Hee ne al tae i respect to the member GC. ee eg ee deem he dupe Bro tng ie CO ad we on determin te displacement of & with pet GC flowing te principles at Ths we bin he point ine gl CHT steep oP ee ang de topes oo pee ot ‘Thus we get the point hin the Williot diagram, Consider now the triangle BIA. ‘We can determine the position ofA with respect to Band H following the same principle, Ths we onthe point Te verte deflcon a4 wih ape! Eannow be sealedotfiobe 223mm, numruonotAwitrespectiog 1.11 WILLIOT MOHR DIAGRAM ig. 1.138 =o Fig 1.13 show Wann dr sujet anata stem Lette chanes in length ofthe aries enter bea pe Member Tengih ‘Change ength oom) ] (metre) Dearease tn length Increase tn lengih GC, BC, CD, DE 3 130 G,FC 3 3G, FD AG.GE FB. 3 235 ‘To determine the deflection of joints graphically we may proceed as follows. Starting atthe joint A and AB asthe axis of reference draw the Willit diagram asin the previous cases. This diagram eannot represent the actual displacements ofthe Since the rotation ofthe member 4B has not been considered. Obviously 4B will not remain fixed in direction twill otate about 4 bya small angle as shown by the dotted Tine in the truss diagram. Hence in the Willis diagram drawn the point e representing, the displacement ofthe joint E will not remain at the same level asthe point @ which stands forthe joint 4. The point eis t a higher level than a, If slight clockwise Totation be given to the whole truss about A, i is possible to restore the joint Eto its correct postion in level with A. ‘Obviously the amount of rotation shouldbe such thatthe end should be displaced vertically downwards equa to he bright of ce above the point a ‘Draw e"horizontlly nd aevetically and obtain the pointe Now ae’ represents the necessary reduction of vertical displacement tobe prvidedto Evoastobring in level wih 4. The horizontal displacement, wl therefore, represent the aca isplacement of ‘the joint E. ‘Vectoially "= ae ae * Similarly the venical esplacement of ll oe joins lo should be comectd proportionately, sine these redutve omestions are entirely due tothe rotation of the structure about A - - iy Non tobe provid inthe vertical placement of any jin therefore proportional tothe distance ofthe jit rom Thus, Vertical aisplacementof G _ AG Vertical displacement of EAE Vertical displacement of F AF ‘Vertical displacement of E “AE Vertical displacement of D _ AD ‘Vertical displacement of E~ AE Vertical displacement of EAE and so on. " BES, (On ae mark point "and g’ such that >= “C= ee Now draw the figure ab’ cd ef similar tothe figure ABCDEFG. ‘Now the actual displacements ofthe varius joints areas follows: ‘Actual displacement of d= 0 ‘Actual displacement of B= 66 ‘Actual displacement of C= ec ‘Actual displacement of D= d'd ‘Actual displacement of E=e'e ‘Actual displacement of F=f'f ‘Actual displacement of G='g Now itis possible to find the vertical and horizontal defigetions of any joint. For instance consider the joint G. ‘Actual displacement of G = gg :, Vertical displacement of G = Vertical component of = 875 mm(by scale) Horizontal displacement of G=Horizontal component of ¢'g ea (sale) i ‘The figure ab’c'd'e' fg" is ‘the Mohr diagram. The two diagrams namely the Williot diagram and together called the Wilio- Noh diagram, es sl a ee ee Exercise 1 1. Find the strain energy stored hy an clastic prismatic rod of engi sectional rca A, modulus of lasiy Esbjesed 0 st STRAIN ENEROY 3. A simply supported beam o - beam of pan carrica a concentrated load Pat distances «and rom the to ends ed the ran energy toed ny ‘ha Pee . eee criti inetd heidi caked 4. Aborizontal force P is applied on the roller end. Find the horizuntal displacement of the roller end. so) A lump post ABC consists of a vertical length bower ok . ss tigen sept Atel re at a an soa Find the venical defection ofthe overhanging end Cof the loaded beam shown in Fig 1.136. Mig. 1.136 - 5 tects e 4 2 s Ceo ig. 1.137 bP a mandibteclieeinntananactoniageramnnin (ts) Z . 7 Fig. 1.138 Mg. 1.139 9. Find the strain energy stored by the loaded trss shown in Fig 139, All members have the same sectional are 4 andthe sme medals (Foe Hye) ig 1.140, The cross-sectional areas of members in mm se of lasicity £. Find also the venical defection of te joint 8. 10, Find the vertical deflection ofthe joint Cof the truss shown brackets Take E= 2» 10° Nine, 06 a ‘ sn 2 T > io at Wg. 1.140 THEORY oF 11. Find he veri defection athe joint Do the pin jointed us shown in Fig. LLL. The sctional are inn fing tae shown in brackets Take = 200 Nm’ Big. 1.141 12, Te muss shown in Fig. 1.142 isso designed that under the given loading ltrs members are sresed to 150 ompresion members to 130.N'mm Find the veil deflection often & E'= 200 LV mm’ Find asa he he therolirend ow coun Co a é ig. 1.142 bent into a quadrant ofa circle of radius R. One end of the rod is encastered vert ‘ctermine the vertical and horizontal deletions ofthis end duc to the bending oft 13. A thin rod of cieular cross-section, radius 7, from the other end aload Wis suspended, 2 Arches 2.1. THREE-HINGED ARCHES Fig. 2.1 shows a three-hinged arch. It consists of two. AC and BC hinged wo each other at C. Each of the is hinged to a puma patic tsar ieee : es Ne sas inch sch Ts brat ate eet leven ee ae ca trae sneleel Whence fond see mee Cee a a a oa toi ower hops eed bea or ‘The tendency of the external loads is to cause an increase in the span % sng a SS re ee reat lower hinges, the reactions at each of the lower hings 4 and B will have vertical per ieee plimioeng erly yory ee a ee arene rot amend eit econ ete soy Fale fap lle feloerper et Se Tea en a damit boning he cae el es a cen of a reat ate anes ac ee Ces ctanrecaee aioe oo ‘end is called the horizontal thrust at the support. Ifthe load system applied on " " crown hinge Cto zero. For instance, referring o Fig. 2.1, taking moments about C ofthe forces ‘om the left side of C, we have, ‘or taking moments about C ofthe forces on re2t the right side of C bs oH; (L-d)on(-« Webne, Eo MMMs| md} ‘The horizontal thrust Hf teach support can be determined from any ofthe above two expressions. ‘The bending moment atthe section (see Fig, 21) of the arch is given by " . Mx ¥gx-Wi(r-a)-Hy po tt If the structure had been a simply supported beam, the Bending moment AL x es : ata similar section X would be given by =a ea | M= ¥,x-MGr-9) 5 nas 5 Letthis expression be called the beam moment, the beam moment m any sectional the ah isthe bending momen the scton considering she span ‘as that ofa simply supported bear. . si ; iy ‘beam and the arch is that in the case of the arch a horizontal tt is induced m e282 PPS eee, be ccs wee NB LS Ee uty Hy ste H momen a sa meta Heme a cea alized. The etional requirement fran arch is stan at faba oft Solution, See Fig. 2 bechveizal= Let the horizontal thrust at each support be H. The bending moment atthe crown hinge C is zero. Hence taking moments about C, ofthe forces on the left hand side of C, we have ch Problem 24 three-hinged parabolic arch of span andriteh carries a uniformly distributed load ofw per nd spun. Show that the arch is not subjected to any Bending moment at any section. a8 Solution. See Fig.2.3 wi? ‘The horizontal thrust at each support 8h 4 The equation tothe ach withthe end as oigin is, y= St (-») Bending moment at any section ¥ having coordinates (x,y) with respect to as origin is given by wl ex? h Meg sy Problem 3.4 three-hinged semicircular arch ofthe radius Rcarries «uniformly distributed load of w per unit run over the whole span. Find the horizontal thrust at each support and the location and magnitude (of the maximum bending moment for the arch ‘Solution. Let the horizontal thrust at each support be H. Each vertical reaction = wi. ‘Taking moments about C ofthe forces on the lefthand side of C,we have, wR Ro Howe > Rsind rR? 2 - 37 CeO e00) Fst aE debt) ind wR? wR? . 2 Ae a at naa tg) : ate icc : sim being greater than wing ene ment at any section af the arch ia neatveo a hogging nome For Af, tobe amaximum, —5~= 0 4 wR? ». ~*E foos0-2sindeos0) = 0 a 0s0(1-2sin6) = 0 ws 080-0 or Ona and L2gpo=o 1 eh awe | snot eae But at 0= 90° Ze, atthe crown the bending moment equals zer0. ‘The bending momefitis maximum at 8= 30°, a * Maen © nso ia? ry = 2 Disunee ote point of max tenting moment om becown= Rons0"= 5. Problem 4.4 three-hinged arch hat aspan of 0metres and arise of 10m. The arch pee ae A te hingederch hasaspon of 3 cof 10m. The arch carries a wrformls dst oe kd of 601N meron thea of span ais concentrate os of 101 and 101 3m and 10 mom ria md 100.N Wen TSN eases Fig. 2.6 Solution. Let ¥, and ¥; be the vertical reactions a the supports 4 and 3 Let H be the horizontal thrust. ‘Taking moments about the left end 4, we have, Yyxs0e coats oan +160428 V,, ={(60x15)+100-+160} ~425 = T35AN ‘Taking moments about C ofthe forces on the left hand side of C, we have, cnseiseGOnise otra; At or alternatively, taking moments about Cof the forces on the right hand side of C, we have 425 1S= 100*5+160*10+H* 10; H= 427.5 kN sire and rise 4 metre carries a uniformly distributed food of 20 &N per ‘moment forthe arch. Yy= 425 Ns Yyrtd=20"10x5 1. Kye sOANT 2 Vg=200- $0= 150 kN T vgn S0KN sa the forces on the right side of C, ing moments about Cot Tee vee 2 Helas iN Hx4=50%10 At any section distane efron Cord 1 § erect ager sre gptGten yo Bene ¥ Mantua Svadag moment 84 : {Atay soctinen stant x ham € he eager 8 BOE NY, set y ge tS 2 Ss Land Masta) My Ms 50-1006 0 - m Xo Sm, & Mag = $88 U0-9) = + Atany sective dhstant x from & the bemaing moment is given by M,= Sie-13s A= Se WN # SE For the condition of maximum bending moment, ily ag se S “ar Tose te=0 = Mags" =$% $(1O=S) "= 125 AN, Problem & Fig 2.5 shows a threechinged arch consisting of ovo quadrantal parts AC and CB of radii Ry ond R, The arch carries a concensrated load Mom the crown. Find the horizontal thrust, wt each support. Solution, Let and V,be the vertical reactions a the supports and B. Let H be ‘he horizontal thrust. Me Taking moments about C ofthe forces on the left hand side of C, we have VR HR, 4H 2 ‘e 0 have Similar btaking moments about Cofthe forces onthe right hand side of C, we Ne i) x hot Prablem 7. Fig. 2.9 shows a three-hinged arch consisting of wo quadrantal parts AC and CB of radii : 2m and 4 respecte For the load system acting onthe arch, calclae the rection’ a the sptorts and he bend Solution. Let ¥, and ¥, be the vertical reactions at the supports 4 and B respectively. Let He the horizontal thrust at each support. Resolving the forces on the arch vertically, ow 1,41, 100N 0 ‘Taking moments about C of the forces on the lef side of C. Wyx2 =2H+ 40v2 c V=H+ 203 ty ‘Taking moments about C of the forces onthe right side of € Vyxdmd H+60% 2¥2 Z Kens? tin ‘Adding equations (i) and (it, ¥,+¥, =2H+ s0V2 ~100 * He 90-2803028(2-¥2)IN a Vem We 2003 +50 -25V2 «20/2 = 50~ S02 IN ‘yo He M0Y2 = $0- 25024 02» 504 SVEN D = Afy= V «2(L Conds) ~ 17 «2in a8 ~00-sdin{ J } Vina ay 152 ~ 42)2 f [110 ~ 602} - (302 ~$0]= 160 -110V; = My Vy A(Lcond) = din dd™ = 44963 AN = (3063043) 4(0--f,)-250-Jireee i = [080 - 8043] [10072 -100} 280 = 180V2 = 25.4416 ANm Problem 8. three hinged arch ABC consisting of quadrantal parts AC and BC of radii d’m and 6 m respectoely coreg tro poin loads of 100 LN each os shown In Fig. 2.10, Find dhe reactions ofthe supports A and, and bending moments oF and F Solution. Let ¥,and V’,be the vertical rections at A and Let H be the horizontal thrust at each support. ee Tee ten Ce ces bn en yada dnd a 4 mo) ‘Taking moments about C of the forces on the right side of C Wyx6= HG 1003 os VyrH+ sO ~All) Resolving vericaly, ¥,+ Fy=200, -(l) ‘Subatiuing for Vand Vy. H+ +5020 = 75 AN 75 kN and V,= 75 +50 173A iis easily thatthe radi QE and O,F are a 30" with the horizons, BLM, ot E= 75 = (1 ~c0s30°)-73 * 2"~ 109.81 bit BM at F= 125 «6(1cos30°)~75*3=~ 124.52 New Problem 9. Fig. 2.11 shows 0 three hinged cireslar arch consisting of arcs AC and BC wit cenres O, and Oy Arc AC 49 Guadrant of acre of radius im. Arc BCs an are ofPodia 8m 6 Fenizontal distance from O, to B being 7m. The arch caries » point Toad of 100 1N ot 2 horizontl distance of 3m from te crown C ‘a Fe the reactions ot the supports and the mazar bending smomentfor the arch ‘Solution, By the geometry ofthe archy Oe Veta | T 6-5-3809 127 " CE=3+ LAAT ‘Taking moments about C j fromtbelet Vx3 ones Sag er moments about C from ther Wx HA 127 #1003 , ¥, = 0:586H 442857 ‘rating egstions () 2 i, Vj¥) =H 90SH86H #42857 21589 H 242857 a Yeah) 10084 : 1.S5896H +42857 = 100 Hm 35.948 AN 100-38 948 = 64082 N Wj 38.9482N, Maximum BM. in 4C . ‘Atany section in AC, whose radius vector is at @ with the horizontal BM. = Af =F, xX1-cos8)~H x3sin = 3S. 848xX1 ~cosd)— 35.48% 3sin AM = 35.948x3(1~c0s8-sin8) au For Anobe mai ci Atotemnimm — “Mf AL ns048,39ind-<050)=0 oF sin woos 0 m45" s its sin 4S°) = 44.67 Nm Maximum BM. in BC In this region, the maximum bending moment occurs at Dunder the lad. Ys =0,F-OE Maximum BML = 64052 * 4-35.948 «3.543 = 286208 -127364=+ 128.844 Nm 2. MaximumnegativeBM, =—44.67ENmand Maximum positive BM. = + 128.844 Nm. Problem 10, dnaipse the loaded frame shown in Fig. 2.12. Draw also the B.M. Diagram for the frame. . Solution. Since the loading is symmetrical, the vertical reactions at the supports are equal, Let H be the horizontal support 61Nim pon BORN ‘Taking moments about the hinge E, from the right, HX 6+ 60%3* 15 180%3 x H=45 IN BAL Calculations BM.at4=BM.atD=0 B= BM. at C=—45 *6=—270kNm BM.stE=0 ‘At any section in BE, distant x from B. The B.M. is given by, M= 1802-60 £ 45x6 M= 180x-30x7-270 Atx=0, B=-2704Nm Atx=3,BM at E= 180 x3~30%3?-270=0 iN Wer WOIN ig, 2.13 Ye" HOW Fig.2.14 shows the BM. diagram for the frame. ARCHES Problem 11. An Poaaee tits te a ig coow cs rn ef Resolving vertically, ‘vertical reactions at the supports A and 0. Let H be the horiscoa trust st wach mapper. Va+Vy=@oxs ‘ V+ ¥g=3000N ‘Taking moments abot E from the let vr) Vye2=HxS+60x2e1 W=28 +60 ‘Taking moments about E, rom the righ, Pr) Vprd- ede 60r de 1S é ¥,=H+90 Adding equations (i/) and (i) anny V4 ¥g235H* 10 ’ re Bane Baer ¥,=300~ 132.857 = 167.149 AN BM. Calculations Member AB \ BM.at4= 0 oF w—a 214.286 Nm 3 anuacce 23 ==128571 1m ‘Member BE TBM, at B= ~ 214.286 Nm BM. ata distance x from B, Ma 1611-200 Ps Mz 167.143 x-3027-214286 DM.aE= 0 Member CE BM. atC= ~ 128.571 kNim BM.atadistance x fromC, Me t32ss7-302 22 3 Me 1328574-3027- 128571 BM.aE= 0 ig. 216 shows he BM. dagramof he frame, problem 12. Find the reactions ot the supports A and B for he structs shown in Fig. 217 amd draw BM dager at THEORY op respectively Let be the horizontal thrust a ‘Solutlon. Let and ¥ be the vertical reatlons at and B pus een, Taking moments about 4, ¥,x 10 =20«25 * oS ay as 20-51: | ‘Taking moments about C from the right side, Hea 1x8 Hxd 0523 ne 625uy = H=6254N BM. Calculations BM.ata =O BM.atD =15*25-625*2 =+25 Nm BM.atC =0 BM.atB =0 Fig.2.19 shows the B.M. diagram forthe structure. Problem 13. Analyse the three-hinged gabled frame shown in Fig, 2.20 Solution. Due to symmetry veica reaction at each support 1ox10 2 v= Vy .=SORN Let H be the horizontal thrust at each support. ‘Taking moments about C from the right, rao(88) «ss 1oH+125= 250 25 AN BM.atd= 0=BM.atE ‘Members AB and ED ‘At any section distast y from he support BM= M=—Hy=-I23y Aty= OM=0 Aty= 6m M=-125*6 == 158M Members BC and DC ‘Consider any section X whose coordinates are (x, y) with respect to B. 5 ‘The BLM. atthe section is piven by i? ‘4 Me S0x~ 10% sas(oo8 ) Mz S02-52-75-105 M> 40x-50-75 Atz= 0,0, a8, BM.=—75 im Aim SleeC BM —ax5-Se5!—75-0 Mario 8M. For the condition of maxizwum bending moment, . anhm is = 40" 4-5 +475 160-190-$5 vm eda poled equating the B.M. to zero, 40x-52-75= arr ate Problem 14, Analyse the fame shown Solution. Taking ee F338, Vpedetntxd; 3 VenBlNG: ‘ahinge is provided. The bending moment at Cis Hy-diNs 2. Hw 4kN> aCe js ot rig. 2.24 Problem 15. Find the reactions at the supports A cand B for the structure shown in Fig. 2.25. sotaton. Resolving the frees on the stucare vera Fa ® v= 700 wo ~Aul) Taking moments out Combe ese F,*3.°H1*2 oking moments about C fromthe igtsie, Vp 4° M4 dking equi (ow (HD Yeoh HAHAH 5 a Swe Sys Maa ‘ut from equation (0 ¥a + Ya" 70ANs 2420 250N 3 and Ven Problem 16. Determine the horizontal thrust at each support forthe three-hinged arch shown in Fig. 2.26, ’ i Pg. 2.26 Solution. Let V, and F, be the vertical reactions at the supports A and B. Let be the horizontal thrust at each Taking moments about C of the forces on the left side of C, ry etnewe i toe Me “Taking moments about C ofthe forces onthe right side of C, he ehanh la = Hg h : ‘Adsing equations () and (i), V+ Vy offer Ba ¥,+¥— 0 a mg aioe J-rbaays ss ; Ha Malla) Tals if Problem 17. A three-hinged parabolic arch of span 20 m fe ae 15 ANiov ot each absent 10 270 al the crown. Find the reactions at the supports hen oni et where it occurs. ‘bending mom Solution. Fig-2.27 showsthe arch V4 ¥j=% 10x15 = 754N Taking moment about C ofthe forces onthe Ie side of C,H 55475 x2 10575 x10 3 5000 waa Mors reset H=S0.N “The equation to the parabola with the crown C as origin ls, y= ae ‘Consider the equilibrium ofthe part AC. Obviously = SON v0 “The bending moment at a section distant x fom C, Blige x Me 2-25 3 For BM tobemaximim, Stn 9 My gp 3de een z o > ) = 37037 bin M, ~3(2)- ee me" 23 oad W whic may be aces problem 18. A symmetric! treesinged paroblic arch of span | and rise caries @ Pott Pree a Find he ection where the maximum bending moment Occwrs ‘Solution. Lethe load W be at a distance x from 4, See Fig. 229. cM, ED Pon T Meam—sstye0 a_i wb trom A 6ts yer =" =i, since ch) oa ae aoe ca 2 1 j ther side of the Le, the absolute maximum bending moment oecurs at dst of 3/5 O° a three-hinged ihs of 4 metres and 8 met 16m has its obuements A ond B at dept dieters chotaon tian ig 230 Determine the horizontal thrust andthe vertical reactions ap AandB. oon 200K ig. 2.30 Solution. Taking moments about C of the forces on the left hand side of C, we have, 6V,=306"3+4H 2 ‘ 1,7 904 2H ‘Similarly, taking moments about C of the forces on the right hand side of C, we have 10 Vy" 30% 10x5+100%3+200%7+8H “ has00dn ‘Adding equations (9 and (i), we have V+ ¥y= 410+ (3+ $n . soe But —_¥,+ ¥,=totalloadon the arch= 30» 16+ 100+200=780 kN, 2 370x15 a) wei = 252.27-N Yom 90 «2250.27 = 258.18 AN and ¥,=700~258.18= 521.82 0. ‘Wut rown Cus rgn fsb te corinne of pot onthe can lino ach, wae, “y 7 sonaant ts So constant Applying thi principle othe pols 4 and ve have, «eke 1 * & wok Tete and y= 4, I+ Ty wr ern ne aie alee EG A= Bm: 3 reat seletj ali mean te Cota tar aria lockout totes Yhe wo ns Re ha then a ‘Adding equations (9 and (i9, we have V+ ¥5= = Sasinen( he +) aon +4) But —_¥,+¥%,= Total london the span = wi wl A we an(Ret) ‘ “oe i HY adh = fh n+ Ire + dhe "MRD Sa Jinn + Yha)+ din ih + Yn) wh Wh H on+an aWh+ Ta Problem 21. Ahead parc archon a ia uma A and Bt eh andy belo eon Thearch caries entrted load W atthe crown. Determine the horizontal thrust, 90h S¥PPe*t Solution Fg. 2.32 shows the arch withthe hinges A and Bat depts h anh, below But ho : re. 2.32 extant ses of lowering 4s Bom Be Webave, i 4p ee : Ne Ne neqiig tt Ro Colmes ce hint, “uhing momess sou Coffe ca ee ans fC MEDS Wyeth 8 yew ercenoa th righthand sie oF C. We have, ‘Similary, taking moments about Coa th = wh - °K Tne de), mathe Je) Ynedh+ dine indi + Jind Se Wh WL a ‘ a+ Tar Problem 224 shreehinged parabolic arch ACB of span 30m has its supports at depths 4 m and The arch ears «point load of 601N ata distance of m{rom C anda pont Toad of 1204N ata distance Fig. "2.33. Find the reactions at the supports and the bending moments under the loads. Solution. ‘}y= Horizontal distance between A and C : 1h= Horizontal distance between B and C fk, 0H 3052.44 W"Titdh vas Sie 244” = 30-10=20m 16 mbsdu becoati of 10 m from C osshom " jee Wig. 2.33 % 1, be the vertical reactions at A and 8. Le ola %' V+ y= 604 120; 2. Senay hing omens shea om ie nehearae J {king moments about C from the right” é ¥,<20* H+ 16+ 120 10, v.08 Adding equations (1/) and (isi) — Vt V 12H 90, Bul +h 12-86 ao, yet 20809) +60= 2088 pce et 04 (78) +30" 60 AN 6 WM. at D=60 + $78 +3 = 75ANm BM at E= 120» 10-75 12-5008 Problem 23. three-hinged parabolic arch ACB is hinged atthe supports A an B which rebels ihe crs hea 1 om am respectively. The spam ofthe arch is 22.5 m. The arch carries w umformdy sicibuted Ino of 30 Nm frm 4 x2 Fmd the ions at the supports and the maximum pase and negative bering moments en a ———— ene rig. 2.35 ‘= Horizontal distance between A and C j= Horizontal distance between 2 and C ay the property ofthe parabola p 8 4k heh 2s A Katee = hid + Raa ea a. ee 2S, 253, B53 oy : 4 Bie dors | 3+ a025° 3445 Let 1 and Hy, be the vertical reactions at “Taking moments about from the left Vyx9= 3H 43069445 Taking moments about C from the right, Wy 135 26.75 30*9=270 ‘ Suan He ION 162 192 35 = 15948 Substituting for 1. oe - 2 as Ky 2 " asia postive B =a M. will oceur at a section in AC. ‘Maximum Positive BM. The ™ THEORY OF ay M3 a-3) “The equation tothe arch from 4 to C with das origin 7g 2 ~ Bxct-2 ae 125m ———_| Mg. 2.36 162x12 The BM. ata section in AC distant x from A is given by, Mg 1892~ 152° Ty —#(18-2) Y M,= 1892-152 1082462 M= 813-92 Forth condition of maximum 8.M., = 0 aM, he aise wae ar 7 8I-18x=0 28450m = Myay™ 81 "450-9 «4.50? 182.25 EN ‘Maximum Negative BM. The maximum negative BM. will occur at a section in BC. ‘The equation to the arch from B to C with B as origin is tt ye Bears) ya xtaT-a) ‘The BM. at a section in BC distant x from B is given by, 1 1a Fx @I-0 M,=622-81z For the condition of maximum B.M., Shao My a 12x-81=0 o 3=6.75m o Miyag™ 6 ¥ 6.15281 * 6.15 = 273.375 BN. J Problem 24, A three-hinged parabolic arch ABC of span 30 m has its supports A and B at different levels. A being at a! he than B. The support A is 4 m below the crown hinge C and 12 m horizontally from A. Find the depth of the support B below! C. Ifthe arch carries a uniformly distributed load of 30 LN’m from A 10 C determine the horizontal thrust and the vertical the supports. Find also the maximum bending moments for the arch. ‘ARCHES Resolving the forces onthe arch vertically ¥,+¥,= 30012 & ‘Taking moments about C, from the lef, Vyx12-4H+30« 1206 “Taking moments about C rom the right Wxi8=9H he ‘Adding equations (/) and (1) # H v4 02 ee bette rot Von St F410 360 SH 1s. Ha 216 AN 216 G yt nasty and yy 2S. 108 ew ‘Ata diane form he crown he vericlortaus tothe ach ¥ 2 -5 9 ye yom «Bn ee 2 For a point Pin AGon the arch distant from C, the vertical ordinate above Ay 4— = 2-2) BM.atP, — M,= 22 (12-2)- * M,=-92+ 108s For the condition of maximum bending moment, (8 8x +1080. xe6m & ‘ 3-9 B+ 108 x 6= +324 For apoint P in BC distant x from C oe ‘The vertical ordinate above B= y= 9-35 BM.atP, —-M,= 108 (18-x) (9 M,= 622-108. ae For the condition of maximum bending moment, a Meats 10820 ead de eg Mag 6 *9?—108%9 == 4864 Problem 25, Determine the reactions atthe supports and draw the B.M. diagram for | hinged frame shown in Fig. 2.39. te threhinged frame et abut he bg? Cote fren on thee pat of © 20x25? 2 ¥,x25 =H iV, 22H 425 Al) “Taking moments about the hinge C ofthe frees onthe right part @f © 2 20x25 2, Yy=3H425 0) yeas =751- ‘Adding equations () and (i), V,4¥, =SH+50 jeans on 76 THEORY OF euch Butwe know, Vy4¥, #2005 1004N * SH+50 #100 H=10AN * Vy 52H ¢25=2(10)+25= 45 AV Vy 23H 425=H10)925= SSAN Fig. 240 NSSIN BM. Analysis. Member AD BM.ac4 "0, BM.atD=-10«5=—S0kNm Member BE BM.aB=0, BM.atE=-10«75=-70kNm Member DC BM. ata section distant x from D 2 = M = 451-205-502 452-1 30, Atre0 Mg =~SOANm, Atx=25m, M.=45*25-10x2.52-50=0 Member EC BM. ata section distant x from E S M2 58x-205 Aure0 My =-151Nm, Atx=25m, M."$5*25—10%2.5-7560 Problem 26, For the three-hinged frame shown in Fig. 2.42 ind the horizontal thrust at the supports and the bending Dand E. Draw also the bending moments diggram forthe frame. ~75 =$$x-10x? ~75 Ng. 2.42 é 1, be the vertical reactions atthe supports 4 and. i . ee el abou Cah focesonthe hand arate ant et bth hao st edt a H wth V,x20=H* 10420" s =p H80 1S*H*$+75«10, ‘Adding equation (f and (in, V+ ¥, = Su s100 a 1+ ¥=200+78=295 s gueioona7s, aes * = 2100 BM.at4=0 BM. at D= 185 «10-210 10=-550kNm; BM.atC=0 = 1205-210 5=~4504Nm; BM. at B=0 20x10? Maximum free B.M. for DC= = 250 Nm Problem 27. Rind he reactions atthe supports A, B, C and draw the B.M. diagram forthe frame shown m Fig, 244 My. 2.44 Solution, Note roller support with a horizontal roller base is provided aC. Hence there wil be no horizontal reaction at C Let be the vertical reaction at C Since the BLM. atthe hinge Kis zero, ¥.x2"0 sha Hence, there is no reaction at C. Let V, and ¥, be the vertical reactions at 4 and B. Taking moments about 4, Vj

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