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Social Acceptance Reconsidered Frank Lyne qm Me ee Me cote yon soci acne, itn nd Fit publi ia Sets lng ede cron and wpdtig. Tos his bid eutenent ter De psn aro which he igi He me sped by an explant ntodacso spree a ind ‘Potalne bd wang pin. Pllwing i ae new eons on wha we ave learned abou the bjs sine 1961. and what reins wo be fund Background of the 1961 Statement Hor of be Ey Sometime inthe hed quire f 1960, Mary Helltine and were saved vo pe apes the Fouih Anal Baguio Rls Acaltursion Gonfzence (BRAC wo be held 3 Baio iin late Deceiber of sa Jee Spoil we were sled o pee our eon the vale aes of Trratagelonand Filipina Since {had teen gathering and procesing pm Fang api rar Lychee set FC Pope Bs Sived to el 168 (Quon Cig a a cape Cale dwn ste Hanis Uninc, 1373) Reprinted bY petmtion bedi IC ap nfosion ad opinions an the union fic aut fem yeas and singe aye je eomplting sty de had une the ais ing sei ncly wn and psd bn Oba ula, 2nd 8 nig Spc ca Baguio forthe BRAC mesg» Prewht athe mevings in ions BRAC ound. she ae Lawenc Lee Wien were sue eight nen and wom. of whom chee ibe were [Rnwsion inion, Thy were in Bag on 2 eared epite wih Rous selleaans onthe era robe hee hal met and were mesg in thi ves and wosk inthe Paippins. At he close ofthe very ative dkye Mar an I revened to Mania dverine nc onl o wrt the rome veal publshblewesins ofthe alls we had gen. but abo to organize + ner course that would anor some fo the need foc Ber int hurl wndotinding sain fle and exes by gaod-wiled Filipinos fe Amevicans seh a ov ely made Bag en Inthe months tha lowed Usnust-Apl 1960), yt of my enegs vee spent om thelr po Wih the deied cooperation of fll Te cared forthe pry auined geneous by faculy members who oir part tie in the projec we manages 10 acve a the sume Pets of Moy an Jue with new coune Jeg 10 il he need we had ered and spoken about a Bui, Ended "Undersandig the Pili fino ord America” this oling arcade ne Pundeed sade hi Fear samc many of whom had bec at he BRAC meting he preiout Decenbee Menole Mary had compleed her wecap ofthe clk she had given cn cipro. I war published in the Jly 1961 ase of Pilipine Sri ae byerongmene wih hat journal editor, Hora dela Cost we were owed tous the poe ler oun off sejuaely Bound ein of ce aooele os IPC Papers No. 12? We got additional meae from the ER ploe by holding them for vein sing up che proceedings of she Fou Aanoal BRAG, forthe publican of which 1 had acepted te peeniblgy Form ail om soc cepts, awl afr hes eter tet he sppeare in she 1900 BRAG Process the precede wat rar Phipps Stadia generously pa forth ing up of the vies rac lowed he BRAC prior wie ofthe plus produce the published prceedings T have gine i sch dil bese the te ofthe ae on oi aceapnneenrodues and exling te adie ad pepe Gc whic | ase vome exten, ic ao lps expin te sures and metodo: My adn bth agin ase 1960 an a he Aten de 1 re et amune ns compose! nox of Ameri mina ae indoor witing of heal owo Way: Pes hough xe rc ipare primatly and casoiy on an ecce soi obser {Fes heown 196339), and onde oul of an exploratory ofoaruacve Say le a 17, 51-5) sper Brie mater was i aa fom Arian clu otlp de American nen (ad ead) eee beer te phenom Ising debe sod, Ica aren fie sdicce wee cls oligos and not oi sient 1 acon pie aap ous for hom che igen dail of method 2nd Ta adreing din adioc, my purpose was primary “Wo present an pines reading welopring of een Fuel eberved pent of ‘epi ba Cyne 197% 8) Fai, hi "welipig” God ‘pte wa tinh one of ene chee ene “An one Gee the auline or simpy "Ousin) of lowland Pippin values” CLyech (oe 7-20), The ent was eeefve exploratory i rare, reporting oars sn inihes and fonndaansrepting behavioral pors eat SRST preiay nee would lene desi ade pantry vesarh—s inst Methdelogy ‘asin many exloctey slice, he iveigion that produced the socal unepnce tele made wc of dee mato) sve ofthe pe a terre conventions with Flpnosad othe who kad practic Spee wih ad seine ds sos. iio bern snd (he SBpanalnshesinaaing sco example dwn fom my ow Stee and tof ier (za 1967. 99 saad eric, sd aalis the goal was vo ely val us Spanien Pipa cle ecrb how they ened ie aaa cer nd wha lve impocance and postion ec SPP Tay bad the ol ale prem. A i of ou le 3 mos 104 ca pe omulaon sual fx more acum dezipon and ein OF a vacing our oui of Prine as, and in asigsing socal arc inopprepine pls within tos the ofl et hat Rabin ‘Sak 1960, 4.10} empleo judge he importance ofa aus int SAREE as quem about te exesinenss dio, and Tnescy of nc vals and dhe peenige oft caves, we i ct neluded nthe na wepance anise fm pata explaaton ofthe dys methodology Source of the Ey tn de concrete, on what terete convent and cate aay id 1 bac the sateen fis publi in 1961? To begin th my ft in the quacons daed back to 1949, when the stale of concce aif tions of Philippine and Aaerian vals bear the O5roF monly reais by sme ifeenFpinos sad Ameisns whom {had how in he ‘Flaippine (SMG and with whom | then lied inthe United Sites ‘This fn aed syntematc inquiry involved the group’ preparation of Fie hese Igeneanaions and anced) on many aspects of both elie, nd thee ducuton. This coopetve eff cominued wih more or Ls ‘eu 1958. when | pepard 2 pape emiled “The Pycbology of (Be Charan lpia” my a aterpe fo sum up ou joint impresions. (hed iv as ue of my consibution to Philippine ace coune offre x Fardham Unive lathe summer of tat yor ‘During ny yet tthe Univeriny of Chicago (1954-86, 1988-60, potclry san associ of the Phlppne Sud Progam ands coder Penne fr the dee Handbvok ow he Phin (956) canioued ‘his dialog wid Plipinos and Americans on the abject of Pailgpine aansaee Getme one fous of my Bikl rth in the yes 1956-58. ‘Ts preoccupation hed in fc, eve been fram my mind in che peer Toi00, vo ha found the invitation af the BRAC program commiter gute compuble with ny owe esearch interes, “She naling toc scxprance ale was bcd on othr das a wel ‘Avia lnertoe old and new, about the Philippines and Fpnas,sbos ‘Rrians andthe United See, bad been consid (ce fotntes tothe canye exe elon). Moreovet she ana done in amuan-Apl 1961 of Seer ho Topalog dialogues jndged by a panel of Filipinos robe pis! ‘eannad Pipa eichangen,supparted he preliminary condsins we hud vorped dese were not enough se convince ws harsh acepance hoe Te taped ran exemely important vue for nox Flipioas we bad abo ced cession of that mow comforting fall resueance samc. + Tighe in the pec of Flipne sean ina vary of saan in uhh socal acepance was ether dhratned © enhanced “Ta nmuare then he propeion ths socal acceptance tof pr movie imporancein the lowland Philippines grow ou of ee en yes of 30 _ Sec Ace Nei epi probing of sh wen nse eins an ines, ie erp Sod in sede fhe conn of el Tosng Slopes Sa ac Ader Ym npr tte wing meen eld eis tllen rie fi soncadan fs dcp or tapentory Maye a ob veal whe inl repo oF one rere am 2 IG, wide nngng sowing ip ough the citing tines be lrg ten af Pipin lc. propel 3 importa» number Wanda epee Snes tly hat bled re a east ie evel, redcig to ol nia th conus he haf fl tea et and cla lind For hose who had ever ade the p— ted met members of heigl adc ha oti feed the vce ‘Sfarerurnd wade is be kena waring pie For hese mee exper coed i the wp sd doa ins and ou of als exec i presi fome ena de tw nogane de dog whic hs happy dee oped fom i ‘eacofthe 1961 Satement Ie our tner momen we unas accept ser hat we at eircom ne another And in ut nue momen any of senor ging » dose Ibo ar these difeences, es frond through traveler secondhand through readings convertion Yer fr al hat, and with ll he good Ui the wold, we seinen Pee Higgins. fr whom ll he esi r Elna Deol Unconioulypothap, But nonethees ince Tre ae out co remake de wold so eu Sag, and if tlrance Keeps our The ape in check clay and tonerow, we know sar come next week twemay be move citi and exting than ee anion and Ves “Whats his ng hts within his eneney to censure and co recy oratad ote to precop im, ah vaspin? isthe exresion Felbue and eerily hurvan Gly, tha f eatin. 3 sgn chat ate umn, for oly hans ake his rial sponse wo thi ern Then (Soh 1954, This ingen cian inveles he recon of A andarcnal eons benesn good an evi ath and iy involes fs wal the proence ad uperton of sandals or citesa of judgment Fly i ie aden is ob vlan. appons krowldge of the pei cicurstanes in which the ean must be made Social Ascpance Mconsidet™ 31 has fae man sik chi wih some vehement kel ata { huinanbving 1 wl pas some judgment, however nd and ease on the ation, Fr | am Convinced that tio wach 3 thee maybe good oF TRS Shd thar hve ages ilerence beeen she oe Ret bee Ot Slee te sme concede which ii ond nd other unde which i ‘Nu fors mansouike cde Gah—oot knowing he creumstancs of be prin sl ay presume ta he ma me god reo fo is Wile because he ihe uber bap ad dhs dis rig cone fran {evon which migh poly endanger ie Le ori lam 3 srange © thet Culture forme reno 1 ote under. Buin ay vet an Tam ininctiely concen, cea. and exponsine. Aad the meas of my ‘expanse wil be the te af ales which I hold deat values which are 2 pat of ty eulat, pre and pel ofthe wa fie har [have leaned The various mening given othe rer “luc” can be used in specie stance in which they ae at work, The working wdene who it « ouseboy by day and x callin by nigh i wotvted by any numberof ‘aloes impli or explic, among them elle clacton. oa mobili the posiblny of elkimprovemene through ecation, the deiaiiry of evn sos adsl nd the undesiiiy’ of thers. All of thee ae “alsin he oe of sanded dn te aking o's dection—in hse, c0 sro wy Dough lege a houaay—ur they inlenes of ier nests Cobige eden and scl ably ve i of gos cowazd which the young man sve The peat of improving on ot ough eduaon ‘Sor hi bli or eonvcon The eng et be ges to his rouble frre Stas without 3 calle dg, bit temporary sas a a houeboy and he Sats hes lye exay when e bar won his degre, proceeds fom a ise tur! principle by which wane ate dine and unequal in prestige and 2 Convict thatthe sau of callge dee lr i higher chan what of ne withou sucha diploma, and shi he ats of houseboy i lowe than iter, Sonchow thee weius principles, ais and convitions are payed ‘if ass one another, and te young man decides hat che emporry 4 sus drop he offen a 2 parcsimehowiboy wil be moe than compensated {pthc pal he is convineed he latin lis ct ave ser stan dda or decion, and his dein it work his way through college Ne aus Uniely iia ‘Our ence heres withthe value resound inthe lowland Philip- pines ih che einen aims, and conto thse co Beat work in 32 Sxl AT ws Abe behevor ne ober inh sxe. One shoud aa rpc ve aloe Cee a) Flpin, bere sole diferencs i valve semis 26 aoe by ince nthe vidal aves a by the ile. cr re ung and eaphasss The compounds HO and H,Ojcontsin Neen reeae ter wor and hydrogen pronide hove gute diferent SEE aeny lds co fT cit sly of Kebab snd ay (1065102) hemos ne A san Gare ssn os epee sooth hey a Baye ba the lef uke mold by any Tage ons omar Bon re vale sts can ave matkely ‘ee cool cans, becase ofthe peculiar way in which the vido ue wc weed ad combine i ach yen Tels thc du ben we spac etain vac being cance ascot hippos vr we do ot sean te hese conceptions of che she we feud only in the Pippin. On th conan wl be een eS aie le exind in he pgs Unt flow conse ee aera the vue ems of ther eatin, ncading te United Ste Butte emphasis pedo plese: inrcin fr xampleand bem aice eso ie gue aol diflen inde ovo casts Ths, eer des andemanding of ec a deine pre eens designs co enh point at which clone Te ce ml ands dass He okies pss Fs eee ee re dnp Te Fp ily ck We me eps Hee ya bling of he feces, and by ayeement nt dix meee open The Ansan es ingyen aT Your SR Cpe yur ind eal Ne an inrpaonal cna, Pee funn ses no reson why confi should be coud when lence or evasive pec wil presreshe pce! enfin ele nd Tes ov do weave atthe aan what bis have we or saying that cis ord tba ie in 3 ele? The proces mae i one of ging back cant ere and what we bere wl nud wha ppl do er do noe do andy ihe eccs hy make ee and he ME Pech ad eva Toe he ese impoiant lies ian cae er Play he four sof Robin Elias, ame 1 Bzcsvna of the we the ul avy af the tem. hat ror fovton of pops a i aves manifi he ae? sacl Acgines Rezninel 33 2. Darvon of the ve: Has tbe psitenlyimgotant oe 3 aie sl pid of inet 3, ary with whi the value s0ughe or walang w shows by (Mtr crcl hoje, veal frat, nd by eatin ve wtlc-forerampl: prompts, een: and serif nein 4. Prete of oar cain™hat eof pins. bits. oF orpniaons nde being bearer of the valu. Cala eae. For example se Signians indexes of value of high gently and esteem, (Wiliams 1960, 109-10) Sometimes atthe overt, and aways 2 lest she cover, e—Nowe ederaatha i were— any they weve warng fox Atetond survey which he polite deed Themselves as frm ative company. Brut the same overage fakiin For of ee a Tn April 196, compet a at of Flip and American euden with the operation of pasa nthe interview. asked each of them vo inte view s number of Ameticine and Fiipins, clei expreing an oinion Contry tothe cull expected poson of the imerviewee. They were {hen oak the respondenc what he hough shout he gueton, same. he vil of sing 2 go-eowee wo adjust inerpersonl hard eng The reuls ofthe 326 interviews indie + highly significant aocaion be twee bing + Filipino and going along wih he opinion ofthe intervene ‘ren here thet opinion i canary tothe poston one would expect she Fine taken ths cae that» goseroen is advisable, Americ 00| thet hands vest dhe sugention of she itersiewe ha a go-bewee i visable. Grated tha te design ofthis stodet eect in not Sigh one Isl know of noone fami with American and Filipino ways who woud “uenion ie exinene ofthe nec diferenceasated bythe itt ew rel “Eipemion. Aside rom going slong wit the other flow hee ate evel sitions common way of achieving smooth icerpeional rae viene One of these is eopherion, which i he sting ofan unpleasant trth pinion, or requests plea a posible I ian acta has long, ‘ean bihly prized in Philippine soci tnd isn les highly eprded or dy. Hersh and insing spre is eorespondngy devalued. tn 1604 Chisino (1604 279) noted af the Filipinos: “Thy x pan only courteous sod ffecinate in soc lvercoure and are fond of srng wo one another with che vmos ropiny and most diate fine Tent oss (1582, 128,181) sell urate 1582 ha aking vengenne for an inl ceived wat a very common practice, and farther adds dha there mara lw tht "anyone who spoke dxespectly of chic. of ured Shsive language to himy wa lable to death.” Plscci, wring i 1589 (326-27), says that insulting words caused reat anger amoag the Kepampangan, and if ewe sich geting parc fied to pay the Bnet 5a scale naumiso deel for ths hind of bchvin, shy were expected 1 ey 9 outdo exh aoa estos spa ete one ho wpene the mos tobe considered Seer et een pomoaie” sm ido rv in 1734 cat dhe Peer sve ner ane soe beta» ingle aod word an Fae thee in ve Ril ornare vo Mats (1609, 38-29) “The ii Pa day prefer aig to wlding or iv “be Exsrnaion Alena (1956, 265-65) expres his eommonly held alu when he wr “The se of curcouslngung sa ancient abu of oe people luna oBranquness foc sowed upon, being ete as pn ofl being, Ths, we give the eoneusimpesion oegn cava donor underaad ev conept of good manners, of being Po eumfocutry. As 3 mae of ac i the repel and Mette way of nredacinga sous subs whic ithe objet ofthe rere comean, Alo vie and yee manner most accompany ‘he courteous speech, allowing the saying io Teplog tat ‘ng arhang pngungse So pus'y malallons ‘Ang slang masta Ss pussy mass Necmsiiog ng at Agee mast of ping tes he hare seer we hehe sr dip ge Spiga ash oe hs en he cn of shen ae ne ceca xen oi ng Br mes tnd wo coe gah eo Haein Semana pommereny od ok ns veer manent “The we of euphemism is nouble in 2 pubic o semipubli aterng wher shri nel to expess at opinion on the epi under diction, Tap wie the you none whose mnt hve ened 0 theo eer adem enfrencor nia, fr instance. ora mecing of openly spore! fc] son in which sraightnvardnes is cepa and de> Sic Aas Recoil) 99 sable, heptane may appear nee opt the pine ue, 012 Find an auc to dupe So wl ppea tothe sverage Amica, tet ‘Te prefvence for eosal proces (SR) ever il predut (eanfrence fale nd concluioon i underandsble inate where the Bight wae ‘paced on the pean werd euapt when the xchange i betwen oo itn or torn ensmis Unde there creamwanes hott ane ay hat fontighe speech that exceedingly direc, even by Ameen sanatds* Tne analy of natural Taaog dialogs oy collegues the In cute of Philippine Culture joined me in ideiing cern very common tupheminc devices a both chelsea! and ehcorcl lees We found, fr instance, that par nl (gue “could be) was 2 common refige ‘ken when ane could nae ely agre with hi convention pater: weak tgyeement in li of inrecment Seldepccion was anabe egueny ‘occuring way of smoothing a sation in which envy and hard feeling eet ‘On the more complex eel of he sequence of the whole dog, we noted tha thee wat & pacer dxerible where 3 reques,cxecton, oF Complain was invobeds The conversion opened wih a “Yel v die Cover whether or noc the other party was busy or, more imprtnt receptive ‘There flowed an introduction ofthe mater t hand then the eget omection was given Especial if cote had been gen, here wos! Fellow an negations finaly inguiy forthe health ofthe fay ot shout sme petional concn ofthe individu jus cometed. The blow of the cocton wat tfened by the asurance hac he bai eatin of ai nce and loyly ad not been éaubed bythe conecion (whic, more ‘fen shan, wat blamed on pressure fom “high Up" “Gr-eroven Use of go-berweens is another common means of p= sexving or restoring smooth interpersonal claons, This alo has long tty in he Dippnes and even today enters ive many faces of daly living Here ib or agreemen, oblige speech, or eemedal endlines, bur hed prey whe ied vo bevge a rae hee 3 wound: preven injury “The po-brween i ued prvetvy ina number of cmon ations “The embarraning request complang, or decision is ofen communicated theoughs midleman, raved the shame (bof face tface cocoate For the American whe fs bad that a Flipine acqusinne, fo instance, ‘as show ao ie erst in Bs kindness 4 to send shrd assy wich feauet T should ald hat dis havior is nr nese prompred by 3 tuck of confidence inthe pian 1 appricd:I fien done ns ch for an cicd as forthe ave wha tend themiron 149 meh Sisre celin aaa ccc inva, special, when yoo TLE RPE Setta wil d's much beer ob than yours in brs {ag the newebosld be dappeining ‘Tae nna marisge ngs teconduce hough go-btweens and span fr the wo parts the partis bing no 0 mc the ro~ {peste bride and oom 2 the fal ad Kinsmen, Thi com ‘eee by th ete wis on he Philip, sais in evidence tay Brat bur the mos nniadional centers Lynch 1956, 653-58) ‘Golberwcen av uz not only avid posible embarrassment of td ig, br ato remedy 0 exiting ace of eon oto. We Be fal with eended gions that have been cari om though eran dird pane in an elf to ecole major pola igus n the Phipps The sume sor of ci going on more quel an es iyi amas evr town in be ation the bc ew be rr enllain for ple ech orp esos. And has ben felon that way for lf Philippine bios. Lure (1982, 140 for ca edn 1582 harsh people of Pray bad no judges about rane setGions who go fm one purty vo anatet to bring about + tecoellation” wT fon dpe, ih sume pera asin. aequny 2 eave who senorita ihe fey bce he middleman for oo fellow Ks vrs nx om sping terms with each ote This is considered Ni sr pved he hs ie he gui tac ake him Ese 3 2 truer sao peed nd wit above al Sahara ben psec 0 twill ces, rs, that m00@- iso erpcvonal lina sine trough conceion,eopherim, eof a pels and oir eas is highly an elton val in Pligg vce ad fond work in amos al aman ncoeters That aare cay af inerction shouldbe lately more import inthe Patipn un nthe Used Sci wale lec che eee caeepais om individ) responsi and group solids in the ro sreanaly,che American adult atinssecurtydhroughindepen~ dean anding on hen ft Sighting his own ates, mang his owe seer wn cl this Hera Ale characte! fin ue Wenn on the anc of ets Bu thee, ined in exty QO ) Soc ene Rome” 4 hd ening sha of negra ence va Se Pi hi hen hr ay septa tnmen nny la cena re a 220 pod tg, tare oh smbtrncr he Icpotal Cumming and Scr 91,30) on nerve nett heen Amerzan ads beeen he og 90a ‘We found some sucance among ou respondent 10 discus in serumental activiier of mutual sd and an eagerness 10 discuss focioemionl and ial aves, I all 19 ees ial questioning shout aid among Knumen elted the beet tht bortowing and lend- ingsmong kinded was amisake. Fhe yuestoning. however reveled that such mutual aid ad in fc, ake lace vce among 6 of te 15. Even exchange of eric i cued tlacanl. Kiniip appears 0 include Vienlies, es af pesnge fail reunions and soil, but Healy fe doe to include service or Fania Rely adhough tis may shrough bad fore, be necessary This fing shy of dependence on Koen fo sisance is expreied in other ways among tem he elutancet sek the support of elatves in penonal dispucs wih sid partes, Tis not expected tat elas shold Trmeditly ake sider and el around Kinsman who bas had digi ‘mentor ght with some eur seding the ari hit busines. fn ‘ec his meana tha among Aaetcana 2 sefious argument beoween 69 private citens ordinal involves only che priciat pi! 1 ao means (Gat since these fateups ae conned by 2 ela cade of noainerene tion dees ordinal eave ee danger of esion and cof preating ‘ejond the cw individuals with whom it started. Consquent, there ned ote any petal emphaiton behavior hat would make the alnood ofthese putes 2 remote 006 “The situation ir quite differen in Plippine sce. forthe average Filing conside it good, sigh an at cat he sould goo hs cease in material eed, and tat he should ee chem outa lies in hit dag ‘ent with ours Secu is ough ot by independence 30 muchas by Jmerdependence ‘Conelaed. with this interdependence isthe group aceptance of re spony forthe actions of the individual member. Although eaies ‘Bay ei ery much hac maces Rave come co such 2 pat and may Ke fee to 4 ltr date thei own punishment of 2 oublemaking kiaman aS apne Resor rw edna ba imap in. dpe The cree Cie ey ce tt te vetig ene a ot be mt yan cena Ta Sa top the ro poke od cane Jon ang oe ines he le fan when Acs eck lls TH a sone ann hy sneha eno hihly Feng tthe Pilppine san in se United Stas. erate Vl Suivi Pel Aone Co PP) re kg rn aon een st TON aa nan needing nd el pe WA se mae, pl Oy beng ee wih i 0 se ees pings men of hose A nh vr py of conc Nl sf CE a ry ped amber mee We he social ul ed ut ncurge ingf ee trv mnctaned in evo oes Oe Fae ean of ame orb The wzand et Por a ee rece in sexpe ad fron pes individual i mn ne one wep ene sein rey winery ean * va lay tthe tee of al crane pT meg is on Ne ase OY of cone clean fm tf. Te emp: wold lke a ee ine money fom bs employ maf heat FS wheres esa” asi oil ib tow ee eon mig ewe bel a re maar nt lt mp ft oe Wabi Sean emplayes He shamed me” ote Foe shame” A edhe be wa ig fr te ms» cinployee Ce sfc a fed nese wad trek of ia ere ie a epoai eG hedid 0 Meee ae oT war ade 0 fl ne (Nepaliga ob va pode nie toe ene en ‘he a ae ng ht aompnia won of 0 4 ily wnat Se pono nig «tly wnt se igs i shame, Teetbe fle aoused in vavlous wa eee Tee pd hemp eg br asin Po sea ee ono ting he ee (2 an Me icing Ne se ae, The connie eennfone Seo nn nn, Qne when agin wed ey a ee a cape unown or ued bt hd it seen atm teeter oadeton a -snmeies” wa ae rhc eniing eng bone ha hol EES ied is nl este ie is se ered abort. she pledged cl employer bu a aid, Hee wa someone er ce employes ed ou of ace ener in in ree er ly nacre pron acon and he feng of aa a erp tmrence Inthe al ea te een tha et we sian ceed bythe wnepested ea ern ange bene, tae cae flout of pc and widow fom he ee He is eee cal ssn nod igi nc ion wh secs ob cl ce, it Ma i re yy in ory bend ih th i i enn Tht ir hers ond ain whom on is dein a eae pit sve erp wpe more no eve hich civ psos ton ee ov i ote sot neers fo a yen: of sci separ aerate rela Be a ay hs neni henna el sao cera prong fom dpsgemeto gesion aaa ge ir vn bt im hed re ta ote. asin be wor towed by veya hing nis The wma ttt ol a see ach eed sna, Se amp m7 ‘hy i icin Se ie fh oi BFSERCD econ Heh ee oe lp ames x pl cone ont ly Fe Ea: fr bi rg eins i honed by he daring commen, He Fei obama hare pnd by nel wee in OD sel Aerie Rented Buel eis ace of sing 2nimprovidene Esher athe husband of falas spoae sore value and stibues have been quasoned andthe ‘easion ely oe vient ‘The Tagalog schoar who is que wiling wo accep conection for Bit spat nwo Foor Englih any be nce by any queioning (even leg ‘ane and jie) of hi ani of Toga, I as been my observation thar panipan in ound-able dacaons and seminars ae exemely alert ‘indians of emoina inalement and wil liberal avid presing 1 question ifthe respondent ses to commied 1 bs postion. Where thes emotionaliverement, there tamer propio, and to prick amor propio io a for wos ‘Socal acceptance pied and enhanced by sooth inepesonal eae oasis loss guarded sai by «vo sneions discouraging behavior rope of these line. The Fi nd genet antin is hip or hams the tcond and specific leg is aor propio, or slecemy which it ‘esi to petra il rant. By dese positive and negative means ‘he lowland Figo suives have his Flows tke him for a good man, an scepable member ofthe commas. ‘An Outline of Lowland Philippine Values 1 Aime and Gous A Se npano—beig he bons lon fr wt oe of Be irre tnd ng ted in cree wii wu (Thi ee tei swe) 2 Bonomi cathe ly 0 met ninay mates wit Senoviog. hr heh on own src of hte of i wm 6, Sed mbar pte so el anoiecsy ‘Spots hig pon wince of ich oe eb 1, Bele and Coovitions 1A: Penna view ofthe unive—iheonivese is drei contd by penton beings ther than, and diferent rr, oneal (an eulok op- edo the mechanic vcw thc th universes governed by impesoaal Live dacoverble and maipule by mer—oncelfand othe ik one el. © ey, B. Goad ir Linind-one individual or segment cannor advance exept a shen of nthe ine het oly oe es fgond comin “Ths bei, found in many societies he bat of the common human fing fer Suc undeerodotoclaim rccet 3 pio chermen, 0 ake ide in i ore ohare wth hers ome oneel ot oly dering of nd ck ehh veo i oe dig Sharing of success, and werbing to lack wr ic, sere to vet he ‘envy of those who have ben “ésprved” bythe ces ofthe lucky ‘eson. This behavior rao an auance ha the ood ick wl nt be lthdawa from the epee ofthe windil Bra ofthe lar ha ing stibuced his ces penal efor rr 1, inp A Suvctual 1 Samentain—te soil world edd by various riers inc et of ‘mutually exclave segment Sine of thee gmc iced hl ether defied in ‘elion co an individual. Baamples ae the ellowing 1 Kinship goto 4. Kinumendisinguished fom aookiumen 4, Nuclear family dingusbed fom otberKinumen 1, Blood waives disingished from sina esmen 3b. Agegrading and generation sytem 1 Bisley older and younger dingihed i, Older and younger generations disinguisnes Socal cae syxtem-—uppe cl sinus fom lower das 4. Pll gem iL Hierarchy of power eogaed ii Disineins by pai prey Loci sstm-ditintions by eto unis of rg and rie dence Lingaige—disinctions by mother ongue aid by second language abily Religon—dtnction by church sion

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