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Fafa RECIPROCITY AS AFILIPINO VALUE "ede the abfiption of cach mener eae 5 ‘others is considered rete, « : “The strictly contractual nature ofthis syste of gis ‘Mory Races Hollastciner mutual asistance is apnacent, since the recgxocty LEezs Srrangements are clearly etalses belrchand 3% S&B BS "While he norm ot vciorosiy isa ier’ Each participant knows exactly what ig expected of BBLS 2S cine ot senovior, is manifestations the emote tim and what he may expect of the others le does SSS 8S solace urom it and the power I ae to elute wir Tost compelled t0 0. mare than Pay other EES |S SS “social vesavior differ from one society (0 the nex’ tember since itis not exnected of him. Leki sense, F ES EG tn the Philipines, where people 2° 46 a rerai hs participation i nt a¢ the level of & eeneral in ages about geting along with other, reciprocity isa co" Ttutionalized expectation, accompanied by a dt BES SLE seanccosideration, and some knowns of is 97: fuse sense of noblese oblire, The felt obleaton & EZ GEES rationecsenal oranundertandngst rons Ttrow in scope and devoid of strong emotion PE BSS sociey Nonctheles the weakness of affect docs not mean 28 ES SW eens worth therefor, to ive sein 3! that a shirker goes unpunished, for falar cou BE SEES cenvonto ois soc princnte in ores oor ly with the boffio contract wil certainly bing ce #55 5.6 B _imporars and ie more rial matin NS sure and an unwillingness on the part of the hess BES Boe tend wil present an ana of prey to help the shrker i the four, Atlases sun BE 2 SSS patter in ihe lowland Piopnes aria io Sedat eonstantly in Tavican and moe tan BEES EE Fim Omece dokean ataiie Mee eee tere workmen fill «enc ard 3 ESS ES 221 kiometers from Manila. This atslis wil be aid in return, Upon satisfactory completion of the EEE ESE Totiowes by a eiscussion pacing, Piiooine fwork, they’ afe paid the prearrangod sum and the follows yay the: wider context of PHUppine | ° TESS! relationship is terminated. Te term wed ey et elecwere, Respcity shal (© designate Type of debt relationship % wang, cance to mean that principle ofbehavincwherein MERRIE ® contractualtype debt. ited oF not, a “To summarize: in_conteastual reciprocity, the every service reeived, 50 return, the nature and pro, ‘of the return reciprocal acts are equivalent, theie amount and ‘Su ena amr nepaucrn- form having Geen ernie snpeed ‘ypon before ‘volves and the Kind of exchange at iMekind of exchange acisue.—— inand, The obligation that is elt to returna service ié Tetively eatoress, with a minimum of effective SSatiment, or emotions Fulfillment ofthe contract is such that there ic ao doubt in the mind of ether fpaty that payment vs beer! made: repayment is ‘A nwty of reciprocity in Tawiran and Yiilar unmistakable, The respec terminates that pidienne lowland communities yes a threefold patiulas relationship. aving the pacicipants in = camertions namely, contmacual seciprociy, state of eoiirium. fquasicontracual reciprocity, and wang lod (eo ee eae Quasiccontractual Reciprocity (eeipcelty supposes @ VOIUNTATY apecment. be ‘ween {9x0 oc more_people io hebaue The second type of reciprocity, the quasi Se ted wan-forasecti tine inthe contraciual, rules balanced exh where are An example of thisknown asthe bolhon in he terms. of ennumen3f5- 2 explicitly sited ausesAn orale the case ofa goup of farmers Before the contact i made: rater, Ue cae fo ake tures plowing one anothers smpliiLin stations wih te SES ‘eeognives Ties, According to the usual terms the faimers Bnd defines as calling for these terms. Resiprosity work jointly on one Geld ata time, the proprstor of See pay automatically witout any sesie Terman eld acting as bas of he group. The Drlorartangement and FSDRYE made in 8 teres and effort spent ineach ese &ap- fmechanzal amos. nanan mass But aire mately equal. When the complete otatir. of ure 10 ecigcate brings COANE Teds and corresponding work leders has bees jys8 found in Tawiran is a0 exarete Contractual Reciprocity woke WOULNSTEINER: RECIPROCITY 7" « quastcontractual obGeation baged on money ex edtge. When garicone th the cormmunity dies itis GNomry for'tome members of the community, ated Grol ‘and who are pt Ccuding with the family of the: deceased, to contcibule 2 sum of Money; oF abuloy, to the bereaved family. The fam fy recciving the abuloy carefully records in Trebook kept especialy for that purpose the name Sethe donot and the amount contsbuted. The se Slprocal abuloy repayment. must necessarily be fe eter unt somepe in the donor's family dis & Shen the debt engendered may be sted by the {& icnal recipient consulting the notebook to see fGw rwuch money the original donor's family eon teibuted, giving in turn exactly the same amout EAsin the case of contractual reciprocity, no interest fas pai, there ino, attemat to improve on fhe sum i een by the ist donor. To do so would volts the Sods of equivalence ascribed to the custom of #bu or may this ype of rciroiy, when among Jott equals be pid ina mannec other than by an tabu upon the death of someone in Mfalidonot’fatuily. The duration of time vol n repayment of ite iporancr; what renal that ccigiocation be made when the S Farsly Lord v0 ares, tn the ease ofthe

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