VR Affordances

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VR Affordances

Rosenblum and Cross [39] mention three essential characteristics in all VR systems:
Immersion, interaction and optical fidelity. Immersion determines the degree that the
user feels that s/he is cognitively teleported to an alternative, synthetic world. The advantage of a
metaverse that it makes you feel more a part of the activity you are doing even if it is a virtual

Dalgarno and Lee [40] argue that immersion with interaction in 3D virtual worlds
leads to the additional affordances of identity construction, presence and co-presence. The
construction of an online identity is achieved primarily through the digitally embodied
representation of the self in virtual worlds, the avatar.

The creation of your own personal avatar is one of the important pieces of the Roblox Metaverse.
You are able to customize what your avatar can wear and what it would look like. You can be a
character of your favorite movie or something mystical like elves or fairies.

The embodied digital identity and the ability to engage with the environment and
virtual objects in multiple points of view, such as the third-person perspective, creates
the psychological sense of being in a space, experiencing presence [37].
.3. Metaverse Challenges

The Metaverse faces a number of challenges related to the underlying AR and VR

technologies. Both technologies are persuasive and can influence users’ cognition, emotions
and behaviors [
]. The high cost of equipment is a barrier to mass adoption that is expected
to be mitigated in the long run.

Risks related to AR can be classified into four categories

related to (i) physical well-being, health and safety, (ii) psychology, (iii) morality and ethics
and (iv) data privacy [
]. On the physical level, the attention distraction of users in location-
based AR applications has led to harmful accidents.

Roblox is a very popular platform among children, while a Metaverse is a virtual environment
where you can socialize with your friends while immersed in the many virtual worlds it offers.
It is a topic of debate whether the metaverse is good or bad. It is regarded as the next step of the
internet, while others believe that it is more than of a threat.

Here are … Pros and Cons of the Roblox Metaverse

The Roblox Metaverse has a number of flaws. The platform has the ability to influence the
cognition, emotions, and behaviors of its users.[59]

One, the Roblox Metaverse is going to require a reliable internet connection as well as
compatible device. The high cost of equipment is a barrier to future.
Two, there are four categories that pose a potential risk on its users. (i) physical well-being,
health and safety, (ii) psychology, (iii) morality and ethics
and (iv) data privacy [60]

There have been numerous reports of children coming into contact with malicious adults,
encountering adult content, being harassed online, and overspending.

Three, a concern parents have with the Roblox Metaverse is the danger of losing connection with
the real world. Children may have the tendency to forget to eat food, rest, and take a bath which
can harm their development. (as they fully immersed in the virtual worlds)

Four, Privacy and Safety concerns are a big deal. There are people who are unaware of their data
being collected. With the Metaverse as a new concept, it has not yet had the capacity to thwart
cybercrime such as toxic behavior, griefing, cyber bullying, child abuse, hacking, and cyber-

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