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Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group


Khóa học Toeic 450 +

Cô Vũ Thị Mai Phương


A. Câu hỏi với What

What + Noun

Question Patterns Answer Patterns

✓ What questions were thrown at ✓ The usual kinds.

✓ There were too many to remember.
✓ What kind of a car did you get?
✓ A sports car.
✓ What are your plans for the
✓ I’m thinking of taking a trip to

What + Verb

Question Patterns Answer Patterns

✓ What is going on with the report? ✓ It’s almost finished.

✓ What did you do over the ✓ It’s being copied right now.
✓ I went to a theater.
✓ What should I do if Rob doesn’t
✓ I just stayed home.
show up?
✓ Start the meeting without him.

✓ Don’t worry. He'll show up.

Các mẹo làm
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

✓ Lắng nghe danh từ theo sau what

What's the bus fare to get to the airport?

=> It’ll be ten dollars.

What's the deadline for your project?

=> It’ll due on Monday.

✓ Chú ý các danh từ theo sau What kind/ type/ sort of ….

What kind of accommodation do you want?

=> It's kind of you to say that. ( x) .

=> A hotel with an ocean view. (√)

✓ Lắng nghe động từ sau What

What are you waiting for?

=> It needs to be weighed. (X)

=> I'm expecting an important phone call (√)

✓ Câu trả lời có thể không trực tiếp trả lời câu hỏi

What's the cost of shipping?

=> It depends on the weight.

What time is the play supposed to start tonight?

=> It's printed on the brochure.


delegation. phái đoàn.
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

road construction. việc xây dựng đường.

depart. khởi hành.

get to work. đi làm

be delayed. bị trì hoãn.

on business. đi công tác.

impractical. không thực tế

annual banquet. tiệc thường niên

mention the date. đề cập đến ngày.

retire. về hưu

send out. gửi đi

applicant. Ứng viên

paid vacation. kỳ nghỉ có lương.

award ceremony. lễ trao giải

orange juice. nước ép cam.

through the park. qua công viên

Listen and fill in the blanks (mp3.1)

1. What changes were made to the schedule?

=> _________________________________

2. What kind of a printer will you buy?

=> ________________________________

3. What is your goal for this year?
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

=> ________________________________

4. What is happening with the report?

=> _______________________________

5. What should I do if I get the job offer?

=> ________________________________

Listen and choose the best answer. (mp3.2)

1. What bank financed your new factory?

A. B. C.

2. What time do you start serving lunch to customers?

A. B. C.

B. Câu hỏi với How

Means and Methods

Question Patterns Answer Patterns

✓ How are you going to the head ✓ By car.

office tomorrow?
✓ I'm getting a lift with John
✓ How do I get to the head office?
✓ Try taking Highway 13.
✓ How will you get the tickets?
✓ From a friend.


Question Patterns Answer Patterns
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

✓ How many people are coming to ✓ Around 50.

the party?
✓ Twenty dollars.
✓ How much is the book?
✓ I’m not sure.


Question Patterns Answer Patterns

How long will it take to get there? ✓ Roughly 2 hours.

✓ Two hours by car.


Question Patterns Answer Patterns

How often do you come here? ✓ Once a week.

✓ Every other day.

✓ Twice a month.

How soon

Question Patterns Answer Patterns

✓ How soon can you get the work ✓ Within an hour.

✓ As soon as possible.
✓ How quickly do you want this?
✓ In an hour.

✓ By 5 o'clock today.
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group


proposal. đề xuất.

by air. bằng đường hàng không

shipment. đơn hàng

honor vinh danh.

resign. từ chức.

until 10 a.m. cho tới tận 10h.

express mail. thư tốc hành

second visit. chuyến đi thăm thứ hai

learn of the position am hiểu về chức vụ

exhibition center. trung tâm triển lãm.

That sounds better. Nghe hay hơn đó.

credit card. thẻ tín dụng.

big enough. đủ lớn

over a decade. hơn một thập niên.

less than 10 people. ít hơn 10nguowif.

avenue. đại lộ

Listen and fill in the blanks. (mp3.3)

1. How will you pay for that?
=> ______________________________
2. How many folders do you need?
=> ______________________________
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

3. How long is the meeting?

=> ______________________________
4. How often does he come in?
=> ______________________________
5. How quickly can you get this work done?
=> ______________________________

Listen and choose the best answer. (mp3.4)

1. How far is your office from here?

A. B. C.

2. How can I get to the post office around here?

A. B. C.

C. Câu hỏi với Why

Why + Verb

Question Patterns Answer Patterns

✓ Why did you leave your position? ✓ I didn’t get along with my boss.

✓ Why do you walk to work? ✓ I don’t have a car.

✓ Why aren't you eating? ✓ I’m not very hungry.

✓ Why has the plan been changed? ✓ Some staff members can’t make it

Why + Adjective

Question Patterns Answer Patterns
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

✓ Why is the factory so far away? ✓ The rent is too expensive in the
✓ Why was Lynn not here this
morning? ✓ She went to the dentist.

✓ Why are the stores so busy today? ✓ They’re having a sale

Các mẹo làm

✓ Lý do và mục đích có thể được trình bày bằng To + Inf hoặc For + Noun

Why did you go to the department store?

=> To buy a present for my friend.

Why do you have to leave early?

=> For a dentist appointment.

✓ Câu trả lời bằng Because có thể là bẫy

Why were you so late for the meeting?

= > Because the bus was earlier than usual. (x)

Why is the library closed today?

=> It closes every other Monday. (√)

✓ Câu hỏi lý do có thể bắt đầu bằng các cụm khác thay vì Why

What caused the noise?

What reason is Daniel going back to Canada?

What made you resign from the position?

How come you had a day off on Wednesday?

✓ Câu hỏi bắt đầu bằng Why don’t you/ we ..... thể hiện sự gợi ý, có thể trả

lời bằng Yes/ No, nhưng không dùng Because
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

Why don't we meet at nine?

=> Because it's too crowded. (x)

=> Yes, that sounds good to me. (√)


Due to heavy rain. Vì trời mưa to.

Due to bad weather. Vì thời tiết xấu.

to submit the report. Để nộp báo cáo.

That’s a good idea. Ý hay đấy.

I’d love to. Tớ rất thích.

That sounds good. Nghe hay đấy.

road construction. xây dựng đường

be delayed. bị hoãn lại.

drive by myself. tự lái

adverse condition. điều kiện khắc nghiệt

parade. cuộc diễu hành.

congratulate. chúc mừng

promotion. thăng chức

be notified of. được thông báo về

be postponed. bị hoãn

Listen and fill in the blanks (mp3.5)
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

1. Why didn’t you pick up your jacket?

=> ______________________________
2. Why are you so early today?
=> ______________________________
3. Why aren't you going to the meeting?
=> ______________________________
4. Why is the bus so late?
=> Most likely _____________________
5. Why aren’t the buses here yet?
=> __________________ any minute now.

Listen and choose the best answer. (mp3.6)

1. Why did you come to work so late this morning?

A. B. C.

2. Why don’t you join us for coffee after work?

A. B. C.


Listen to each dialogue and mark your answer (mp3.7)

1. What your new van?

(A) (B) (C)

2. What _______ to the company party?

(A) (B) (C)

3. What’s ___________ from here?

(A) (B) (C)
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

4. What are __________?

(A) (B) (C)

5. What kinds of ___________ watching?

(A) (B) (C)

Listen to each dialogue and mark your answer (mp3.8)

Q1. _________ are you ___________ New York?

A. B. C.

Q2. ______ is this _____________?

A. B. C.

Q3. ________ is ______ from here?

A. B. C.

Q4. __________ do you __________?

A. B. C.

Q5. _______ do you have to __________?

A. B. C.

Listen to each dialogue and mark your answer (mp3.9)

Q1. _______ you ________ to the meeting?

(A) (B) (C)

Q2. _______ do you think Sarah ________ to the meeting?

(A) (B) (C)

Q3. ________ is she ___________?

(A) (B) (C)
Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group

Q4. ________ was the presentation?

(A) (B) (C)

Q5. ________ John ________ today?

(A) (B) (C)

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