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Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group



Common questions: (mp3.1)

Who is visiting Tokyo?
What are the speakers mainly discussing?
Why is the man concerned about the play?
What does she plan to do on Thursday?
How many indirect flights are available a day?
Where is the woman’s final destination?
Why are the speakers going to Madrid?
When does Yoko’s flight leave?
What activity is Ann looking forward to?

Exercise 1: You are going to listen to a short conversation, each with 3 questions. For each
question, choose the answer which you think fits best according to what you hear. (mp3.2)

1. What was the original plan?

(A) Going to a movie
(B) Going to a dinner
(C) Going to meet the woman’s cousin
(D) Going to the woman’s house

2. Why have the plan changed?

(A) She is hungry.
(B) She forgot about a meeting.
(C) The woman’s cousin is in town.
(D) There are no seats at the movies.

3. Who is the man going to see the movie with?

(A) Mary

KHÓA HỌC TOEIC 450 – 650 +

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group


(B) Robert
(C) By himself
(D) Mary’s family

M: Hey, Mary, the premiere of Rocky Balboa is tonight! (1) We’re going like we planned,
W: Oh no, I forgot. I’m sorry. I can’t make it to the movie tonight. (2) I have to go to town to
see my cousin Robert. He came to see the family. And we’re planning to go to dinner at the
Golden Corral. It’s a new restaurant near my house. Why don’t you come with us?
M: It sounds great and I’d love to meet your cousin, but you know I’m too big a fan of Rocky
to miss this. I’d be ashamed of myself if I don’t go see it the first day it’s out.
W: I’m sorry. But isn’t everyone busy today? (3) Looks like you’re going to see the movie

- premiere (n): buổi chiếu phim ra mắt, buổi chiếu phim đầu tiên
- plan (v): dự định
- cousin (n): anh em họ
- can’t make it: không thể thực hiện được điều đó
- miss (v) bỏ lỡ
- a discounted package: gói giảm giá
- take time off: nghỉ (phép)
- bicycle riding: việc đi xe đạp
- departure time: giờ khởi hành
- take the car to the repair shop: mang xe đi suwar
- fly first class: đi (máy bay) vé hạng nhất
- go away on vacation: đi nghỉ mát ở xa
- music performance: buổi biểu diễn ca nhạc
- round-trip ticket: vé khứ hồi
- janitor (n): người gác cổng
- have a good relaxation: nghỉ ngơi thoải mái
- have lots time off: có nhiều thời gian nghỉ

KHÓA HỌC TOEIC 450 – 650 +

Tài Liệu Ôn Thi Group


Exercise 2: Listen and complete 10 sentences below (mp3.3)

1. I’m calling to see if you’re still interested in __________________________ to South
2. Can I call you back _________________________?
3. They have ____________________________ and it starts at _______________________.
4. You are ____________________? So are you going anywhere?
5. I’m really looking forward to _______________________________.
6. I _________________________Victoria City. It’s a fascinating city.
7. I just checked _______________________, and it looks like ______________________by
two hours.
8. We won’t be able to get to Toronto by 6 o’clock _________________________.
9. I need to ___________________________.
10. I have a question about my _______________________.

KHÓA HỌC TOEIC 450 – 650 +


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