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The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka |A

Curriculum 2020
At CA Sri Lanka, our uncompromising focus is on developing professionals who
are ready to face the changing dynamics of the corporate world. Founded on
principles of ethics and integrity, wisdom and discipline, we seek to empower
the future of all our people with knowledge and skills – easily distinguished by a
brand of unique and versatile professionals with the ability to steer any business

As we face the onset of the digital age and its ensuing impact, we strive to
remain relevant and progressive – evolving ourselves to impart knowledge that
will empower and equip our members to face the rapidly transforming world of
business and an era of digital disruption.

We at CA Sri Lanka, are empowering finance professionals of the future.

Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future


1. President’s Message ....................................................................................................... 3

2. Structure of the Curriculum 2020 ............................................................................... 5

e o utionised Course Content .............................................................................. 5

e Initiati es ............................................................................................................ 8
Assess ent Le e s and ua i cation .................................................................. 10
Curricu u Structure .............................................................................................. 16
i ars and Course unit escri tors ..................................................................... 20

3. Performance Assessment Methodology..................................................................33

rofessiona no ed e i ar Assess ent ethodo o .............................. 33

Action er s Check ist ........................................................................................... 35
rofessiona Ski s i ar Assess ent ethodo o .......................................... 38
rofessiona erience i ar Assess ent ethodo o .............................. 39

4. IFAC International Education Standards Compliance ..........................................40

5. Eligibility Criteria ...........................................................................................................41

6. Detailed Curriculum ......................................................................................................42

usiness Le e I ....................................................................................................... 42
usiness Le e II ...................................................................................................... 78
Cor orate Le e ..................................................................................................... 120
Strate ic Le e ........................................................................................................ 160

7. Transitional Arrangements ....................................................................................... 212

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka |3

President’s Message

At no oint in histor has the

The Curriculum 2020, rofession of Accountin een WHAT’S NEW?
ore i rant as it is no as o a
while fulfilling required 1. A holistic approach to
scrutin of nancia re ortin
International Education accountancy
standards has necessitated that
Standards (IESs) of course curricu u e chan ed
2. New course areas for
ore o en to account for e o in
International Federation rea ities in an increasin disru ti e

of Accountants (IFAC) usiness en iron ent As the ost 3. Multiple qualifications within
resti ious nationa rofessiona the curriculum at all Levels
for the professional accountanc or anisation The
4. A strong emphasis on
accountants, takes Institute of Chartered Accountants
of Sri Lanka CA Sri Lanka re ains
great strides beyond - to
on the cus of chan e re 5. Enhanced service delivery,
entrench strong business e tin oca and o a arket e-Learning and combined
intelligence skills trends e erthe ess ro ress assessments
is i ossi e ithout chan in
through emphasis on ourse es If e are chan in it 6. Soft skills; speech craft,
eans e are earnin and ro in advanced business
the role of development
report writing and
in Digital Technology In i ht of this I a roud to residential programme on
in augmenting the resent efore ou CA Sri Lanka s entrepreneurship skills,
Curricu u hich has een business acumen and
accounting function. refreshed to incor orate ne ski professional skills
sets that accountanc students
7. An intensive understanding of
need to e e ui ed in the current
ethical financial reporting
arket conditions hi e of course
ui din on the stron accountanc
foundation and technica
co etenc that the Institute is As a e d of res ected rofession for
re uted for centuries accountanc sti re ains
a referred choice for students
Co ni ant of sustainin its osition
ai in for a career in hich the
as the eadin rofessiona
ha e a c ear co etiti e ad anta e
accountanc education ro ider
that can take the to the innac e
in the countr CA Sri Lanka takes
of an or anisation It is increasin
on the res onsi i it to u date
o ious that e are in a hi h
ada t and hone the Curricu u
o a ised or d and it is ara ount
that our students shou d ha e ski s
and co etencies e ond the
The ne curricu u i ene t
technica ski s if the ant to e
Chartered Accountants of
to orro ho are ro cient
in a host of co etencies to
eco e indis ensa e e ers
of or anisations strate ic
ana e ent tea s
4| Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

What’s New in Curriculum 2020? The irst Le e introduces the cers Leaders in inance u an
The ne Curricu u introduces funda enta s of accountin and esources ana ers Acade ia and
so e ioneerin areas of usiness ith a stead i ro e ent a so the Students
stud for students such as ne in kno ed e to ether ith
s ecia isations a i it to ua if for rofessiona ski s and a ues and As a resu t CA Sri Lanka s
u ti e ua i cations so that e en structured rofessiona e erience Curricu u is eared to create
if a student is una e to co ete sche e needed to sha e a tech sa future read technica
the entire course he ea es ith a Certi ed usiness Accountant sound accountants ho are further
niche s ecia isation that i ro es The Second Le e incu cates de th e ui ed ith certain ke ua ities
his e o a i it kno ed e of technica a i ities to stand a art fro the rest such
hi st i ro in inter ersona and as nancia eadershi critica
The stron e hasis i en to co unication ski s and ro e thinkin rofessiona ud ent
di ita isation in arious course reso ution ski s to ether ith ana tica indset eadershi
units of Curricu u re ects the structured rofessiona e erience a i it re ationshi ui din ski s
i ortance of accountants ein as re uired of a Certi ed Cor orate and usiness acu en
a e to tack e an t e of di ita Accountant The na sta e
accountin en iron ent hich Strate ic Le e ai s to roduce a
i es ke ski s needed for the future CA rofessiona fu e ui ed ith
In tande CA Sri Lanka is annin the re uired kno ed e ski s and
to enhance its ser ice de i er ersona it to e a cor orate eader Mr. Jagath Perera
e era in on techno o such as resident
on ine assess ent and de i er In an increasin o ati e usiness
c i ate hich is ein disru ted 25th u
The Curricu u is continuous a stron ethica
stren thened critica i ars undertone is hat distin uishes our
rofessiona no ed e students as the recei e intensi e
rofessiona Ski s and rofessiona understandin of trans arenc in
erience hich ha e een accounta i it and ethica nancia
further reinforced to indi idua re ortin as art of the refreshed
sustain and to ether con er e Curricu u This Curricu u
at the end of the eriod of stud enhance ent e ercise co enced
to de i er a ho istic accountin a er stakeho der consu tations
education that re ares the fresh across e ers in u ic ractice
inted Chartered Accountant for and in usiness and usiness
success co unit Chief ecuti e

Detailed Curriculum
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka |5

Structure of the Curriculum 2020

In order to survive and thrive in this dynamic environment, CA Sri Lanka undertakes the
responsibility of updating the curriculum regularly years to ensure it continues to offer
cutting-edge accounting education.

2.1 REVOLUTIONISED COURSE New Curriculum makes you

CONTENT Curriculum 2020 is job-ready
The or d of usiness is consistent revolutionary for the The ai of our course units in each
shi in chan in and ada tin increased emphasis on earnin i ar in CA Curricu u
The ons au ht of techno o has is de e o ed ased on
technology training it
further acce erated the s eed at the ro ressi e de e o ent of
hich chan e is takin ace across will impart to students. ro cienc hich is the a i it to
the or d a the technica kno ed e
co etencies rofessiona ski s
This ne CA Curricu u The CA Curriculum and a ues ethics a tudes
u i s the ro e of accountin to to erfor a ro e to a de ned
Techno o is disru tin e er
ensure students ua if fro the standard In order to ac uire these
industr in the or d and in order
Institute s orta s as future read ro ciencies CA Sri Lanka has
to re e t this trend CA Sri Lanka
accountin rofessiona s ho i desi ned the curricu u such that
has e a ined its Curricu u in detai
ead usinesses in the future In it ensures rofessiona ro th
and reinforced it ith Infor ation
kee in ith o a trends the and ui ds a stron ca acit for
Techno o kno ed e that i
ne curricu u creates usiness ife on earnin As the nationa
enhance the student s ski s As a
eaders and not ust accountants accountin od CA Sri Lanka
fu ent of e er o i ations
ui din the curricu u on needs to re ain a i e in ado tin
of the Internationa ederation of
ke i ars rofessiona kno ed e ne re u ations into its curricu u
Accountants I AC CA Sri Lanka s
rofessiona ski s and rofessiona e era in on the Chartered
rofessiona accountin education
e erience These i ars infuse a Accountant ro e of technica
a so de ands ti e re ision
de ree trainin enco assin kno ed e and co etencies
to re ect the atest re u ator
so ski s to ensure the are o rofessiona ski s and a ues ethics
re uire ents and to incor orate
read ua if in fro CA Sri Lanka and a tudes CA s are e ui ed
other e er in trends to ensure the
Accountants are increasin ith the re uired co etencies to
students are o a co etent
takin on strate ic ro es ithin e successfu in the ork ace
or anisations and are e ected to Objective of the new Curriculum
de i er resentations rainstor ost si ni cant CA Sri Lanka
In a id to roduce future read
in the oardroo and think ith a students can achie e a de niti e
rofessiona accountants the CA
tech sa indset of hich CA ua i cation for e er e e the
ua i cation enhances technica
Sri Lanka incu cates in its students co ete The ne curricu u is
kno ed e co etencies
a so hi h e i e o erin a ran e
rofessiona ski s and a ues ethics
of ua i cations as er the e e
a tudes re uired to ro ide the
co etion o ted the students
ser ices that c ients and e o ers
as e as the u ic de and fro
a rofessiona accountant
6| Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

These o ortunities are ri iant for

students to nd niche su ects the
are co forta e ith and hich t
their desired ti e fra e efore
enterin the orkforce Objective

The Curricu u is not roduce future read rofessiona accountants

desi ned for fresh schoo ea ers
a one It o ers u ti e entr oints
for rofessiona s ookin to ac uire
hi her ua i cations in a articu ar
ed Methodology

A curricu u ui t on i ars in kee in

ith o a trends

Focus Areas

Technica kno ed e co etencies

rofessiona ski s a ues
thics a tudes


A ua i cation for e er e e
e i i it and a i it
u ti e entr oints for other ua i cation ho ders

Detailed Curriculum
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka |7

CA Profile
As de icted in the e o dia ra A art fro e ui in ua i ed
a Chartered Accountant is students ith thorou h kno ed e The CA Curriculum stands
e ected to ossess rofessiona in accountin the Institute adds apart, because it seeks to
co etence to erfor his further a ue infusin as ects of
otiona uotient no a ued build business leaders and
her duties in ser ice areas of
Audit Assurance and thics
e o ers These so ski s ser e not accountants alone.
to enhance the CA s co etenc
AA inancia Accountin and By empowering students
in a round ana eria ski s hich
e ortin A erfor ance with all round managerial
he the to dea ith co e
easure ent and isk
unusua situations or scenarios skills, we're building
Ta ation and La T L usiness
hich re uire a s ecia ist s qualified accountants
ana e ent and Strate S
kno ed e hen roceedin to
and rofessiona ski s urther who are able to play a
ro ressi e e e s
rofessiona e erience i es
critical role in senior
students ith an o ortunit CA Curricu u sti u ates the
to use these three a ri utes management.
a ro riate assess ent acti ities
rofessiona ski s a ue ethics to assess the technica kno ed e
a tudes and technica kno ed e and co etencies Values, Ethics and Attitudes
co etencies to seek ene ts in
ractica scenarios rofessiona a ues ethics and
a tudes are the characteristics
that identif CA as a e er of
CA Profile a rofession These inc ude the
ional Experien
fess ce rinci es of conduct e ethica
Pro rinci es enera associated ith
ical Knowled
chn g
Te Competencie e and considered essentia in de nin
& s
the distincti e characteristics
of rofessiona eha ior The
Val u e s, E d

rofessiona ara eters of

k il io n a l

erfor ance can he to di erentiate

A tti t u

i the erfor ance of a CA fro


es cs & f


Pro S other rofessiona s oreo er the

Pr nancia kno ed e the ac uire
o fe
ssio ce durin the course faci itates their
n al E x p e ri e n
entr into an eadershi osition
ecause the are a e to assess
the nancia ra i cations of an
Technical Knowledge and Professional Skills ana eria decision In this re ard
Competencies The rofessiona ski s are the the fo o in ara eters are i ota
The e e of kno ed e and inte ectua inter ersona and to ensure success
co etencies re uired to co unication ersona and • act in the u ic interest ith
achie e each earnin outco e or anisationa ski s that ou d add inte rit and in accordance ith
in a ro riate ser ice areas are rofessiona is the ethica standards
identi ed at a e e s and are
inc uded as arts of the curricu u CA Curricu u sti u ates
a ro riate assess ent acti ities
to assess rofessiona ski s
8| Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

• stri e for atest kno ed e

and thinkin in the e d hi e Introducing
kee in u dated and
• co ith the other
re uire ents of the Institutes
of hich the are e ers
• Learnin
CA Curricu u sti u ates • n ine e a s at the usiness Le e I and II of the ua i cation
a ro riate assess ent acti ities
to assess the rofessiona a ues
ethics and a tudes

• T o o tiona e it routes
• it fro Cor orate Le e ith s ecia isation areas

In the ta e a o e the initiati es of di ita techno o is e ained

under de i er and assess ent and s ecia ised areas

Digital Technology
The ro e of techno o re ains chan e the a s in hich the and has e edded into the
an i ortant to ic toda ith usiness co unit consu e course units to e o er the
de ates a out the i act of infor ation techno o resources future Chartered Accountants
techno o on our societ the share kno ed e and e eriences The Curricu u in ui din the
i ications of uick and eas and access roducts and ser ices future read nance accountin
on ine access to infor ation for At the sa e ti e these trends are rofessiona s has incor orated
kno ed e and earnin and the a so under innin and in uencin the fo o in s ecia ised areas of
e ect of techno o on eo e s de e o ents in c er securit i ita Techno o into its course
socia e otiona and h sica di ita ser ice de i er ro otics units
de e o ent i ita techno o is au ented and irtua rea it and
no ra id resha in the or ds arti cia inte i ence
of usiness and accountanc
Accountants ha e a a s e oited CA Sri Lanka has e raced the use
e er in techno o ies to he of ICT and di ita techno o ies in
the to co ete their tasks ore an areas of education and in
accurate e cient or si trainin the students to e read
to the e e of desired success for the future cha en es This
At resent techno o trends in Curricu u has addressed an
c oud i data o i e and socia such areas in i ita Techno o
co a oration are con er in to

Detailed Curriculum
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka |9

Involvement of Information Technology in course units

Course Unit Application Areas

Integrated Case Study Techno o in usiness i ita ised Accountin inancia Techno o
Advanced Business Reporting S ce a ication and nter rise esource annin
Corporate Finance & Risk Management S ce a ication to so e ro e s
Strategic Management and Leadership C oud and o i e Techno o i data and ata Ana tics
Advanced Management Accounting i data
Advanced Audit & Assurance i ita usiness en iron ent Audit auto ation ata ana tics C er securit
Financial Reporting and Governance S ce a ication and accountin so are
Audit, Business processes & Digitalisation ock chain Arti cia inte i ence o otic rocess auto ation c er
securit and i act of the on usiness rocesses
Management Accounting odern anufacturin n iron ent o ution of S ste s I
II I II Co ute nancia feasi i it usin ce and so are
Business Taxation n ine returns su ission
Financial Accounting Infor ation techno o transfor ation in the accountin rocess
Business Environment & Economics The a ication of inno ati e techno o A ication of ne
techno o for i ro in the roducti it of arketin ana e ent
Infor ation ana e ent S ste s and ro ect ana e ent

Computer-Based Assessment E-Learning platform Graduate Entry Route

Introduction of co uter ased The students i ha e the CA Sri Lanka is considerin to
assess ent in usiness Le e I and o ortunit of earnin on ine encoura e direct raduate entr
II e a inations in ine ith o a throu h the CA Sri Lanka L S at CCA ua i cation Le e of
trends in di ita techno o i a or here an teachin CA ro ra e under utua
ro ide e i i it to the Students earnin ateria s inc udin audio reco nition a ree ents
in choosin a ti e ta e to suit and ideo i e u oaded here
their con enience The e a s can the students i e ro ided Soft Skills
e schedu ed ore fre uent than access at con enient ti e round So ski s of the students i
the ed ti e schedu e of t ice a the c ock e further de e o ed throu h
ear as in ractice efore s ecia de e o ed acti ities
Professional Experience – Input such as S eech Cra Ad anced
Blended Learning Methodology Output Assessment usiness e ort ritin and
This Curricu u inc udes a ended Su ission of Ski s Assess ent esidentia ro ra e
teachin and earnin techni ues e ort the Su er isin
that i suit the i ed a i it e er iannua i e another
rou s ith a i ture of oth face note orth initiati e Content
to face sessions e earnin e a uation of the Student Trainin
ecord i take ace annua
throu h one to one inter ie
an inde endent assessin e er
Su ission of out ut ased Case
Stud e ort the student on
annua asis in each e e other than
business level.
10 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future


ithin each earnin i ar fo o in three e e s are desi ned in order to assess the course units of
the CA Curricu u

Strategic Level

Corporate Level

Business Level II

Business Level I

This structure o ers t o o tiona e it routes efore reachin the CA ua i cation urther the Curricu u
o ers e it routes fro Cor orate Le e ith si s ecia isations

Detailed Curriculum
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka | 11

ro e e l o l e
12 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

Business Level (Level I & II)

Business level is the rst Competency Level:
assess ent e e of CA ua i cation
Basic knowledge, skills & understanding.
A orkin kno ed e ith asic
understandin of the su ect
a er in each i ar is re uired in Status Awarded:
this e e A er co etion of this
Certified Business Accountant (CBA).
e e students sha ossess the
fo o in a ri utes

no ed e of enera Co i e onitor e a ine nderstandin i ortance of

Acce ted Accountin rinci es and audit arious nancia rofessiona a ues and ethics in
ractices and e ortin AA state ents re orts for accurac erfor in duties
uide ines and inte rit and confor ance
asic e e of rofessiona ski s
enera kno ed e of a ica e to acce ted accountin and
such as usiness co unication
infor ation techno o to eet ro ra e uide ines
and inter ersona ski s and IT
ork needs ski s
ra conc usions and re are
enera kno ed e a out ri en ndin s fo o in AA
rofessiona e erience
usiness en iron ent and and other a ica e accountin
a ica e ru es and re u ations uide ines and resent asic Students ho reach the a o e
usiness a ta reco endations su orted i e a arded Certified Business
no ed e a out nancia facts Accountant (CBA).
athe atics and asic ana tica
too s

Detailed Curriculum
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka | 13

Corporate Level
Corporate Level is the second Competency Level:
assess ent e e of CA ua i cation Advanced knowledge, skills & understanding.
A orkin kno ed e ith road
understandin of the su ect
a er in each i ar is re uired in
Status Awarded:
this e e This e e o ers an e it
Certified Corporate Accountant (CCA)
route for students ho do not
ant to roceed to the Strate ic
e e for the CA ua i cations The Specialisation Opportunity:
Institute o ers s ecia isations in Taxation; Finance; Governance, Risk & Control;
- Ta ation Data Analytics; Entrepreneurship and Acturial
- ata Ana tics
- inance
- o ernance isk and e e o e a uate and i e ent re are ri en and or technica
Contro chan es to accountin s ste s roducts hich con e concise
and rocesses co rehensi e and accurate
- ntre reneurshi
ndin s and confor to
Identif su stanti e issues
- Actuaria Science uide ines
and thorou h and accurate
as these are areas ith hi h de and research and ana se the A i it to esta ish e ecti e
for co etent accountants orkin re ationshi s that foster
a desi n data co ection
oreo er these su ects ho d uch or anisationa success
re ortin too s and nancia
otentia as e A er co etion ode s a ue ased rofessiona and
of this e e students sha osses ethica a roach in reso in
re are disse inate and inter ret
the fo o in a ri utes issues A in rofessiona
nancia re orts
a ues and ethics in erfor in
Inde endent a thorou h Ser e as ad isor for sca duties
kno ed e of AA and their ana e ent and re ortin issues
a ication to accountin Ad anced e e of rofessiona
Identif chan in re uire ents and ski s such as usiness
A thorou h kno ed e of ro e s re ardin ana e ent co unication and inter ersona
a ica e IT to erfor the needs and other sca rocedures ski s and IT ski s
accountin duties account structures or re orts and
e e o and i e ent s ste accountin s ste s rofessiona e erience
chan es a uate s ste s of contro and
Students ho reach the a o e i
Co i e onitor e a ine reco end i ro e ents
e awarded Certified Corporate
and audit arious oderate chan es
Accountant (CCA), and CCA in
co e nancia state ents ake decision and so e ro e res ecti e s ecia ised areas as
re orts accounts or ud et that re uire research and re ie entioned a o e
codes for accurac inte rit and of o icies and rocedures and
confor ance to accountin and re u ations
ro ra e uide ines
14 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

Strategic Level
Strategic Level is the na Competency Level:
assess ent e e of CA ua i cation
In-depth knowledge & application.
A thorou h kno ed e ith a
so id understandin of the su ect
a er and orkin e erience in Status Awarded:
the a ication thereof is re uired
Associate Chartered Accountant (ACA).
in this e e on co etion of
this e e students sha osses the
fo o in a ri utes
esi n and i e ent Inde endent reso e and
A in de th kno ed e of or anisation and ro ra e de e o reco endations for
accountin standards conce ts s eci c accountin rocedures un recedented co e issues
and rinci es and s ste s contro s and s ste s and ro e s

e ort the interconnectedness Ana se and inter ret of co e Con e concise co rehensi e
of the usiness acti ities oth nancia and non nancia data and accurate ndin s on a ers
nancia and non nancia and inc udin i data of a co e nature in ri en
co ecti e understandin of a ue for
esearch ana se and ensure
creation o er ti e and de e o
i e entation of ne or each conc usions and
inte rated re ortin
chan in accountin re ortin reco endations hich are
eco nise co e conte orar s ste s and de e o o icies and ased on rofessiona kno ed e
and uni ue issues in accountin rocedures for ne s ste and ud ent
and nance function and de e o
eco end actions or ercise the hi hest standards
so utions
a ternati es to e taken of inte rit inde endence and
Identif ro e s and chan in ana e ent hen accountin ske ticis
re uire ents re ardin data disc oses unfa ora e
e e o so ski s and strate ic IT
ana e ent needs auditin trends or de iations or nancia
ski s
and other sca rocedures is ana e ent
account structures or re orts rofessiona ski s
ake risk assess ent of
and accountin s ste s a on rofessiona e erience
s ste s of interna contro s and
ith the res onsi i it for
reco end i ro e ents and
odi cations n reachin the a o e students i
chan es
e a arded Associate Chartered
esi n and i e ent nancia
I e ent an e ecti e risk Accountant (ACA).
inno ations in the or anisation
ana e ent strate and ro ide
ith e er in techno o ies
su ort ser ices to iti ate the
Inde endent reso e co e o era usiness and nancia risk
ro e s for hich no c ear
ro ide audit and other re ated
recedent e ists ithin the
assurance ser ices
current s ste or i e ent ne
accountin structures

Detailed Curriculum
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka | 15

Summary of Requirement, Credits and Qualification

Level Requirement to Satisfy Total Credits Qualification Awarding

Course units and Inte rated case Associate Chartered Accountant

40 for course units
stud (ACA)
rofessiona e erience
Strategic Level

• rofessiona a ues thics

and A tudes course unit
15 for rofessiona e erience
• i a oce resentation
• esidentia ro ra e
• Case stud re ort

rofessiona ski units

tiona course units in 10 for s ecia course units fro Certi ed Cor orate Accountant
res ecti e s ecia isation area s ecia ised areas (CCA)

Course units 20 for course units

Corporate Level

rofessiona e erience

• rofessiona a ues thics

and A tudes course unit 15 for rofessiona e erience
• i a oce resentation
• Case stud re ort

rofessiona ski units

Course units 40 for course units Certi ed usiness Accountant

rofessiona e erience
Business Level

• rofessiona a ues thics

and Attitudes course unit 15 for rofessiona e erience
• i a oce resentation

rofessiona ski units

16 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future


S tructure of the Curriculum 2020 - Pillars & Levels

Professional Professional Professional

Experience Knowledge Skills

S trategic Level
r e
e or
Audit, Assurance & Ethics
Professional experience

re e

e e


e e
lA o

Corporate Level
Per or


Business Level II

Business Level I

Level Professional Professional

Experience Knowledge Professional Skills

Detailed Curriculum
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka | 17

Curriculum S tructure- Professional Know ledg e


SL5 : e r e C e


Advanced Corporate Corporate Strategic
r e Finance & Risk Management
Business Taxation
Level Management &
Reporting Leadership


Corporate Advanced Financial Advanced Corporate
Level Audit & Reporting & Management Law
Assurance Governance Accounting


Business Audit, Business Management Business Digital
Level II Processes & Accounting Taxation Business
Digitalisation Strategy


Business Financial Business Business Business
Level I Accounting Mathematics Law Environment
& Statistics & Economics

Audit, Financial Performance o Business

Assurance & A o Measurement e e
Ethics e or r e
18 Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

Curriculum S tructure - Professional Experience


PE 3
r e Professional
Level experience III

PE 2
Level experience II

Level II

PE 1
experience I
Level I


Detailed Curriculum
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Curriculum S tructure - Professional S k ills


CS 4 IT 3
Strategic Information
r e
Communication Technology and
Data Analytics

CS 3 IT 2
Corporate Corporate Corporate
Level Communication Information

CS 2 IT 1
Business Business
Level II Communication II Information

Business CS 1
Level I Business
Communication I

Co o or o
ll e olo
20 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future


ased on the ser ice de ands fro CA the curricu u focuses on the fo o in i ars

I rofessiona no ed e II rofessiona erience III rofessiona Ski s S

- Audit Assurance thics
- inancia Accountin
e ortin A
- erfor ance easure ent
and isk
- Ta ation and La T L
- usiness ana e ent
Strate S

Audit, Assurance & Ethics (AA&E) Sub Pillar

The ser ices re ate to Audit Assurance thics AA ro ided to the c ients and e o ers the CA en isa ed
in the Audit Assurance thics AA i ar In this re ards CA is e ected to e a e to erfor the ser ices hich
are s eci ed in the earnin outco es of the three course units ithin the AA i ar The course units hi h i ht
the CA s ro e of assurance en a e ents audit of nancia state ents other assurance ser ices and o ernance and
risk ana e ent in di erent circu stances hich ou d add u ti e rofessiona ski s to a CA ere the student
is re uired to ain radua ro ression across the three e e s in three course units o o in ta e resents the
course units descri tion of AA i ar

Course Description for Audit, Assurance & Ethics Sub Pillar

Course Unit Level Description Curriculum Content Area Weightage

Audit Business The ai of this course Introduction to cor orate 15%

usiness II unit is to introduce audit o ernance and risks
rocesses usiness rocesses and usiness rocesses and interna 25%
and interna contro s of the
contro s
i itisation or anisations In addition to
that di ita isation and usiness i ita isation and usiness rocesses 10%
rocesses ethica as ects of thics and a ue 10%
assurance en a e ents and unda enta s of audit and assurance 40%
funda enta s of assurance
ser ices are a so considered
Ad anced Corporate The ai of this course unit is o ernance and interna contro 10%
Audit and to e ore in detai the interna fra e orks
Assurance contro fra e ork introduced Audit annin and risk assess ent 15%
in usiness Le e In addition atherin audit e idence 20%
the assurance rocess in audit
Auditin in a di ita en iron ent 10%
ers ecti e is a so e ored
a uatin e idence and audit re ortin 15%
Assurance and re ated ser ices 10%
Audit ua it and ethics 15%
Professional practice of internal Audit 5%

Detailed Curriculum
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Auditing Standards Applicable for Curriculum 2020

Course unit

Business Processes

Business Reporting
Audit & Assurance
CL1 - Advanced

SL1 - Advanced
& Digitalisation
BL5 - Audit,
Auditing Standards


Sri Lanka Standard on ua it Contro SLS C ua it Contro for ir s that
erfor Audits and e ie s of inancia State ents and ther Assurance and B
e ated Ser ices n a e ents
Sri Lanka ra e ork for Assurance n a e ents as er o u e III C B
SLAuS era ecti es of the Inde endent Auditor and the Conduct of
an Audit in Accordance ith Sri Lanka Auditin Standards
SLAuS A reein the Ter s of Audit n a e ents C B
SLAuS ua it Contro for an Audit of inancia State ents B
SLAuS Audit ocu entation C B
SLAuS The Auditor s es onsi i ities e atin to raud in an Audit of
inancia State ents
SLAuS e ised Consideration of La s and e u ations in an Audit of
inancia State ent
SLAuS e ised Co unication ith Those Char ed ith o ernance C
SLAuS Co unicatin e ciencies in Interna Contro to Those Char ed
ith o ernance and ana e ent
SLAuS annin an Audit of inancia State ents C B B
SLAuS e ised Identif in and Assessin the isks of ateria
isstate ent throu h nderstandin the ntit and Its n iron ent
SLAuS ateria it in annin and erfor in an Audit C A
SLAuS The Auditor s es onses to Assessed isks C B
SLAuS Audit Considerations e atin to an ntit sin a Ser ice r anisation B
SLAuS a uation of isstate ents Identi ed durin the Audit A
SLAuS Audit idence C A
SLAuS Audit idence S eci c Considerations for Se ected Ite s A
SLAuS terna Con r ations B
SLAuS Initia Audit n a e ents enin a ances C
SLAuS Ana tica rocedures B B
SLAuS Audit Sa in C B
22 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

Course unit

Business Processes

Business Reporting
Audit & Assurance
CL1 - Advanced

SL1 - Advanced
& Digitalisation
BL5 - Audit,
Auditing Standards

SLAuS Auditin Accountin sti ates Inc udin air a ue Accountin

sti ates and e ated isc osures
SLAuS e ated arties C B
SLAuS Su se uent ents C B
SLAuS e ised oin Concern A A
SLAuS ri en e resentations C C
SLAuS S ecia Considerations Audits of rou inancia State ents
Inc udin the ork of Co onent Auditors
SLAuS e ised sin the ork of Interna Auditors B
SLAuS sin the ork of an Auditor s ert B
SLAuS e ised or in an inion and e ortin on inancia
State ents
SLAuS Co unicatin e Audit a ers in the Inde endent Auditor s
e ort
SLAuS e ised odi cations to the inion in the Inde endent
Auditor s e ort
SLAuS e ised hasis of a er ara ra hs and ther a er
ara ra hs in the Inde endent Auditor s e ort
SLAuS Co arati e Infor ation Corres ondin i ures and Co arati e
inancia State ents
SLAuS e ised The Auditor s es onsi i ities e atin to ther
Infor ation in ocu ents Containin Audited inancia State ents
SLAuS e ised S ecia Considerations Audits of inancia State ents
re ared in Accordance ith S ecia ur ose ra e orks
SLAuS e ised S ecia Considerations Audits of Sin e inancia
State ents and S eci c e ents Accounts or Ite s of a inancia B
State ent
SLAuS e ised n a e ents to e ort on Su ar inancia
State ents
SLA S ecia Considerations in Auditin inancia Instru ents

Detailed Curriculum
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Financial Accounting & Reporting (FA&R) Sub Pillar

The ser ices re ated to nancia re ortin ro ided to the c ients and e o ers CA are en isa ed in this A
i ar inancia Accountin e ortin i ar co rises three course units hich ro ides the ro e of nancia
re ortin and the a ication of re ortin fra e ork in di erent circu stances The CA is re uired to ain a
dee er understandin of the do ain CA is e ected to take a radua ro ression across the three e e s in three
di erent et cohesi e course units e o ta e resents the course descri tion of A i ar

Course description of Financial Accounting & Reporting Sub Pillar

Course Unit Level Description Curriculum Content Area Weightage

inancia Business The ai of this course unit is to Accountin and the usiness 10%
Accountin induce thorou h kno ed e of en iron ent
funda enta s of accountin in Conce tua fra e ork for 10%
an t e of or anisation urther nancia re ortin
students a so earn the i act of IT Accountin s ste s and functions 20%
in nancia accountin inancia re ortin 30%
inancia state ents ana sis 10%
inancia re ortin standards 20%
inancia Corporate The ai of this course unit is to e ui e u ator fra e ork for 10%
e ortin students ith sound kno ed e of nancia re ortin
o ernance a ication of accountin standards Sri Lanka Accountin Standards 50%
thics in nancia re ortin in an t e SL S L AS I IC SIC
of or anisation A student ains re aration of nancia 25%
an a ication of ho nancia state ents
accountin inte rates ith decision inancia state ent ana sis 10%
akin and non nancia re ortin
inancia re ortin ethics 5%
o ernance
Ad anced Strategic The ai of this course unit is to Inter retation and a ication 35%
usiness e ui students ith co rehensi e of Sri Lanka Accountin
e ortin Standards SL S L AS I IC
kno ed e of nancia re ortin
SIC and recent de e o ents
Ad isor kno ed e of nancia in nancia re ortin
re ortin critica ana ses
di erent t es of re ortin ractices re aration and resentation 20%
a so e ected urther students of conso idated nancia
are re uired to ain ho nancia state ents
accountin inte rates ith decision Ana se inter retations and 25%
akin and strate ies throu h case co unication of nancia
scenarios hich ro ide a rich resu ts
rofessiona conte t thica issues Cor orate o ernance and 15%
arisin fro nancia re ortin non nancia re ortin
in dea in ith stakeho ders a so thica issues in nancia 5%
e ected to earn in this unit re ortin and the re u ator
fra e ork
24 Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

Performance Measurement and Risk (PM&R) Sub Pillar

The ser ices re ate to erfor ance easure ent and isk ro ided to the c ients and e o ers CA are
en isa ed in this i ar This i ar co rises of four course units hich enera out ines the ro e of
erfor ance easure ent and nancia decision akin interna and e terna users of econo ic infor ation in
an era here r s are seekin a s to stren then their nancia e uit the erfor ance easure ent and isk
hich i ena e understandin of these issues and there CA to ain a co rehensi e kno ed e This ou d e
one of the i ortant rofessiona ski s here a CA i e ro ressi e directed to ards s ooth and successfu
co etion of these units o o in ta e resents the course descri tion of erfor ance easure ent and isk
i ar

Course Description for Performance Measurement and Risk Sub Pillar

Course Unit Level Description Curriculum Content Area Weightage

usiness Business The ai of this course unit is to asic ski s of co utations 10%
athe atics Level I o tain thorou h understandin athe atics on ti e a ue of 10%
and Statistics of funda enta s of athe atica one
ca cu ations and statistica uations and A e ra 10%
a ications that are used in
re Ca cu us and asics of ca cu us 20%
usiness urther the student
shou d e a e to use so are asic rinci es of statistics 15%
acka es to assist statistica ro a i it and nor a distri ution 15%
ana sis and inter retation So utions for usiness ro e s 20%
and statistics for decisions akin
ana e ent Business The ai of this course unit asics of ana e ent and cost 20%
Accountin Level II is to o tain funda enta s in accountin
ana e ent accountin and ro t easure ent and in entor 30%
the a ication of the kno ed e a uation
in o erationa tactica e e ecision akin 25%
decision akin sa e of IT in
annin contro and erfor ance 25%
re aration of arious re orts is a
easure ent
further re uire ent in this e e
Ad anced Corporate The ai of this course unit ecision akin 40%
ana e ent is to a the ana e ent annin contro and erfor ance 30%
Accountin accountin kno ed e in co e easure ent
strate ic usiness decisions
Strate ic as ects of ana e ent 20%
urther the strate ic and
en iron enta as ects of usiness
n iron enta ana e ent 10%
decisions to e considered
in this e e no ed e of IT
usa e in ro idin ana e ent
accountin infor ation is a so
e ected

Detailed Curriculum
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Course Unit Level Description Curriculum Content Area Weightage

Cor orate Strategic The ai of this course unit is ir and o er ie of nance 5%

inance to achie e a co rehensi e a uation of nancia assets 35%
isk kno ed e on nancia
In est ent a raisa 20%
ana e ent ana e ent and its a ications
under di erent conte ts of Ca ita structure and nancin 25%
co e decision akin that isk ana e ent 15%
in o es risk and uncertaint
urther students shou d ain
kno ed e on a uin nancia
assets for di erse ur oses usin
a ro riate techni ues ith the
he of co uter so are

Taxation and Law (T&L) Sub Pillar

The ser ices re ated to ta ation and a hich are ro ided to the c ients and e o ers the CA is en isa ed
in this T L i ar The T L i ar co rises four course units hich enera ro ides the thorou h kno ed e
of the ta ation and e a re uire ents in usiness This is i ortant as r s need e a ad isor fro CAs in
a ers re ated to annua ta ana e ent i e the de e o ent of ta ation ans This a the students are a e
to ain kno ed e a out the current ta ation s ste and a dee er understandin of the e a s ste as e as
the sources of a ithin the countr kee in a reast ith these industr re uire ents A CA is en isioned as
ainin s ooth and successfu ro ression across the three e e s in four course units o o in Ta e resents
the course descri tion of T L i ar

Course Description of Taxation and Law Sub Pillar

Course Unit Level Description Curriculum Content Area Weightage

usiness La Business This course ai s to ro ide an Introduction to the La s and 5%

Level I o era understandin of the e a e u ator fra e ork of Sri Lanka
en iron ent in usiness hich La of Contracts 15%
co ers a of contracts sa es
Sa e of oods 15%
erchandisin etc in conduct
of usiness oth oca and in e otia e Instru ents 7%
internationa conte t La of A enc 10%
La of artnershi 10%
La of Insurance Leasin and 7%
ire urchase and Loans
La our La 5%
enses e ated to the usiness 5%
n iron ent and e La s
Internationa Trade 5%
Securities e i e in Sri Lanka 5%
A ternate is ute eso ution 5%
Anti one Launderin 6%
26 Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

Course Unit Level Description Curriculum Content Area Weightage

usiness Business This course unit ai s to de e o Introduction to Ta ation 5%

Ta ation Level II technica and asic understandin
Inco e ta ia i it of a resident 25%
of the ta ation in Sri Lanka This
indi idua
co ers the e a fra e ork of the
asic inco e ta ia i it of a 10%
ta ation and the ad inistrati e
resident co an
structure in Sri Lanka and the se f
assess ent ta s ste ta ation of ains fro rea isation of assets 10%
ro rietar and artnershi and a ue Added Ta 10%
AT in non co e scenario
ther ta es a ica e to 10%
asic ta ad inistration and 10%
a ent of ta
ithho din ta 10%
Ta ation of other ersons 10%
Cor orate Corporate This course unit ai s to i art eatures of a co an 10%
La kno ed e on e a re uire ents cor orate ersona it
re ation to co anies fro Incor oration of a co an 10%
incor oration to ind u rocess
uit and de t ca ita 10%
urther ork re ated to secretaria
ser ices in co anies are a so irectors Co an Secretar 10%
discussed Auditors
eetin s reso utions and 10%
co an records
indin u 10%
inorit ri hts 10%
Co anies other than ri ate 10%
i ited co anies
Listin a co an in the Co o o 10%
Stock chan e
ther a s ad acent to cor orate a 10%
Cor orate Strategic This course unit ai s to discuss Inco e ta ia i it of a resident 40%
Ta ation cor orate ta ation hich inc udes co an
ta annin ta in of a sin e Ta ation and usiness decision 10%
co an and rou of co anies akin
ad ust ents for di idend ta etc Ta ation of non residents and 10%
in co e usiness en iron ent internationa ta ation
In addition to ensure students
Statutor ro isions and case a 10%
ossess a sound kno ed e of
e iti ate ta ans ini isin the ana e ent of a ue Added Ta 10%
ta e enses and iti atin the AT
risk A ication of inco e ta ation Ta annin and ad isin 10%
for internationa transaction a so e Conte orar issues in ta ation 10%
discussed in this unit It a so ena e
e ecti e co unication ith
c ients e o ers ta authorities

Detailed Curriculum
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Business Management & Strategy (BM&S) Sub Pillar

The ser ices in re ation to usiness ana e ent Strate S ro ided to c ients and e o ers the
CA is en isa ed in this S i ar ith r s facin so e sustaina i it and ro th issues r s e o in
CAs e ect the to ha e a dee er understandin of strate ic issues facin a usiness This inc udes strate
for u ation strate i e entation strate ic contro and infor ation techno o S i ar co rises three
course units hich enera ro ides kno ed e of de e o ent of entit s usiness strate ies usiness annin
and o ers ad ice on risk ana e ent and contro of a usiness enter rise This i ar is desi ned kee in in
ie these industr e ectations oreo er a CA shou d e a e to erfor those as ects of ser ices The
usiness ana e ent Strate i ar directs students to de e o a radua ro ression across the assess ent
e e s in three course units o o in ta e resents the course descri tion of S i ar

Course Description for Business Management & Strategy Sub Pillar

Course Unit Level Description Curriculum Content Area Weightage

usiness Business This course unit ai s to ro ide usiness and or anisationa 5%

n iron ent Level I a thorou h understandin en iron ent
and of funda enta s of usiness ature and sco e of usiness 5%
cono ics ana e ent and econo ics in ana e ent
order to enhance the roducti it unctions of ana e ent 20%
of or anisations throu h
unctiona areas of usinesses 30%
successfu strate ic initiati es
urther it is re uired to o tain o e of econo ics in usiness 5%
the asic kno ed e re atin to rice echanis and co etiti e 10%
functiona areas of the usiness arkets
roduction cost rice and out ut 10%
acro econo ic en iron ent and 15%
i ita Business The ai of the course unit is Introduction to usiness Strate 20%
usiness Level II to identif e ecti e inte ration and Techno o
Strate of techno o and strate
ana in Infor ation in usiness 25%
ature and sco e of e usiness 30%
urther a student shou d ain arketin
sound kno ed e a out the ne
Strate ies in i ita A e 25%
techno o a ication in the
usiness strate ic rocess
Strate ic Strategic The ai of the course unit is to Strate and co etiti e 10%
ana e ent understand the ke conce ts ad anta es
of strate ic ana e ent and
and n iron ent ana sis and strate ic 10%
a ication of strate ic ode s for
Leadershi de e o in usiness strate ies in osition
strate ic usiness units urther Strate for u ation 40%
a student shou d ain sound
kno ed e a out the ad anced Strate i e entation and 20%
techno o a ication in the contro
strate ic ana e ent rocess Techno o and data ana tics in 10%
for de e o in co etiti e Strate ic ana e ent
ad anta es of the usinesses
Strate ies for internationa isation 10%
28 Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

Integrated Case study

CA Curricu u reco nises that dia nosis of the issues ana sis e a uatin decision akin and
i e entation are action ski s of increasin i ortance to CA rofessiona s The case stud scenario co erin
de onstration of kno ed e ski s and ractica a ication fro u ti e areas of the CA Curricu u ro idin
students the o ortunit to enhance their a roach of ana sin and so in usiness ro e s

CA case stud course unit co rises three interre ated co onents theories e irica e idence and case
ana sis ain art of this course is de e o in a case ased on theories and e irica e idence re e ant to
accountin and usiness decision akin irica e idences are se ected fro reno ned research artic es and
other u ications to ro ide theoretica ack round and e irica e idence re ated to the to ics e a ined in
the case e o Ta e resents the course descri tion of Inte rated Case Stud

Course Description of Integrated Case Study

Course Unit Level Description Curriculum Content Area Weightage

Inte rated Case Strategic The ai of this course unit Cor orate nance and risk 20%
Stud is to s nthesise theor ana e ent
and a ication to re are Ta and re u ator en iron ent 10%
students for d na ics of rea
Cor orate o ernance ethics and 5%
or d accountin ractices
contro en iron ent
dia nosin ro e s and issues 20%
usiness and functiona strate
ana sin and e a uatin the
re e ant infor ation to ake Cor orate strate 25%
feasi e so utions and re ortin Conte orar issues in 20%
of decisions This unit uses a accountin nance and
case stud seen and unseen ana e ent
usin recent conte orar
issues and research e idence

Detailed Curriculum
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka | 29

Professional Experience (PE) Pillar

rofessiona e erience is a art of the Curricu u that i ena e students to de e o rofessiona ski s eadin
to e ecti e erfor a ro e as a CA

The rofessiona erience i ar re uires su cient ractica e erience to ena e students to de onstrate
that the ha e ained elle l l Per o l elo e r A l le l
er er o l Co o e er e or o l ll r o l er l
re re e r ll hich are necessar for erfor in a ro e of a CA rofessiona e erience re uire ents
are de e o ed ased on I AC I S Initia rofessiona e e o ent rofessiona erience Three ear eriod
of rofessiona e erience shou d e co eted in an a ro ed or anisation in the audit or non audit sector
under the su er ision of a e er of CA Sri Lanka e o Ta e resents the course descri tion of rofessiona
erience i ar

Course Description for Professional Experience Pillar

Course Unit Level Description Curriculum Content Area

rofessiona Business The ai of the course unit is to de e o asic • inancia accountin

erience I technica co etencies rofessiona ski s • Audit assurance e erience
necessar for the ro e and res onsi i ities • Ta ation
a in to rea situations and rofessiona • ana e ent accountin
a ues ethics and a tudes inancia ana e ent
• Infor ation techno o
• enera ana e ent and
secretaria ractice
rofessiona Corporate The ai of this course unit is to de e o • inancia accountin
erience II ad anced technica co etencies • Audit assurance e erience
rofessiona ski s necessar for the ro e and
res onsi i ities a in to rea situations and • Ta ation
rofessiona a ues ethics and a tudes • ana e ent accountin
nancia ana e ent
• Infor ation techno o
• enera ana e ent
secretaria ractice
rofessiona Strategic The ai of this course unit is to de e o • inancia accountin
erience III hi h e e of rofessiona ud ent in • Audit assurance e erience
usiness decisions and so utions technica
• Ta ation
co etencies ersona a ri utes necessar
• ana e ent accountin
for the ro e and res onsi i ities a in
inancia ana e ent
earnin outco es and technica kno ed e
to rea situations and rofessiona a ues • Infor ation techno o
ethics and a tudes e e o in a case stud • enera ana e ent
the student ased on the issues dis utes secretaria ractice
identi ed and reso ed durin the trainin
eriod is e ected
30 Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

Professional Skills (PS) Pillar

rofessiona Ski s i ar co rises t o areas usiness Co unication and IT The o ecti e of this i ar is to
enhance the students co unication ski s and IT to ain e er career ros ects This is de e o ed ith the
focus of enhancin t o road areas of erfor ance CAs are re uired to ain radua ro ression across four
e e s in four course units in each area A are co u sor units hich are a ue additions to the CA Curricu u

Course Description for Business Communicat ion Skills Sub Pillar

Course Unit Level Description Curriculum Weightage

Content Area

usiness Business This course unit he s students to enhance their eadin 30%
Co unication I Level I usiness co unication ski s hi e ainin
acade ic success Students are e ected to ritin 30%
i ro e their readin ritin s eakin and
Listenin 20%
istenin in oth acade ic and rofessiona
se n s S eakin 20%
usiness Business This course unit further he s students ui d eadin 30%
Co unication II Level II ski s of ana tica and inter reti e ar u ent
and throu h this ro ra e students are ritin 30%
e ected to i ro e their readin ritin
Listenin 20%
s eakin and istenin n ish in ork
situations S eakin 20%
Cor orate Corporate Students i further fa i iarise ith the
Co unication Level su ect and i enhance their a i ities to ork eadin 25%
in the cor orate sector The course intends to
enhance student s ca acit to en a e in ore
ritin 25%
co e usiness situations ras in ad anced
te ts and de e o in ore co rehensi e
docu ents hi e acti e artici atin in
Listenin 25%
ad anced ritin and s eakin asserti e It
a so uides students to artici ate in eetin
con dent and co unicate e ecti e in S eakin 25%
arious situations
Strate ic Strategic Students i ain necessar so ski s and i u ic S eakin
Co unication Level enhance their a i it to ork in the cor orate Ski s
sector The course intends to stren then a
e otiation
student s ca acit to en a e in ne otiations
usiness eetin s and en a e in u ic Con ict
s eakin con dent and co unicate eso ution
e ecti e in arious situations urther the Ski s
students shou d artici ate in rou acti ities ersona
in arious to ics in the c ass to enhance their
ski s 20%
ti ue e
Ad anced
e ortin
ritin Ski s

Detailed Curriculum
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka | 31

Course Description of Information Technology Sub Pillar

Course Unit Level Description Curriculum Content Area Weightage

usiness Business This introductor course unit ai s to asic rinci es of IT 10%

Infor ation enhance the ca acit of students to ce ski s 35%
Techno o ene t fro infor ation techno o ies
se of Internet 5%
no and in the future This course
is intended to e ui the student to Accountin acka e for 50%
identif and descri e the ke as ects S s
of odern infor ation and a so
co unication techno o ies identif
and de ate the roader societa issues
and e er in trends re atin to IT
a a icroso ce a ication
such as S ord S ce to use in
rea or d scenarios This unit further
ro ides accountin acka es
Cor orate Corporate The ai of this course unit is to IT or usiness decisions 10%
Infor ation create and ana e on ine accounts Infor ation securit 5%
Techno o data ases and a es urther the ana e ent
course introduces ho IT inte rates
usiness Infor ation 75%
ith and su orts usiness re ated
S ste s
acti ities e hi it a su erior ca acit
er ence of nter rise 10%
to ada t to and ene t fro the
conte t
continued ra id de e o ent of
infor ation and techno o ies This unit
is further de e o ed introducin
ho to re are auto ated nancia
ode s and s ste s
Infor ation Strategic This course teaches ho IT inte rates IT and strate 20%
Techno o and ith and su orts usiness re ated Conte orar to ics in IT 25%
ata Ana tics acti ities and to e hi it a su erior
usiness Infor ation 20%
ca acit to ada t to and ene t
S ste s nter rise
fro the ra id de e o ent of
esource annin
infor ation and techno o ies It
usiness Ana tics 15%
further studies nter rise s ste s
such as nter rise esource annin Audit a ications 20%
s ste s a ications such as
Custo er esource ana e ent
C s ste s ata arehousin
and ata inin s ste s
Ad anced annin and Schedu in
A S s ste s
32 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

Credit Structure
Professional Professional
Level of study Total
Knowledge Experience
Credit Value

Strategic Level
Ad anced usiness e ortin 7
Cor orate inance isk ana e ent 7
Cor orate Ta ation 7 15
Strate ic ana e ent and Leadershi 7
Inte rated Case Stud 12

Corporate Level
Ad anced Audit and Assurance 5
Cor orate inancia e ortin o ernance 5
Ad anced ana e ent Accountin 5
Cor orate La 5

Business Level I
inancia Accountin 6
usiness athe atics and Statistics 5
usiness La 5
usiness n iron ent and cono ics 5
Business Level II 15
Audit usiness rocesses i ita isation 6
ana e ent Accountin 6
usiness Ta ation 6
i ita usiness Strate 6

Total 105 45 150

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Performance Assessment Methodology


The assess ent strate in fu in the re uire ents of the rofessiona kno ed e i ar is i en in ta e e o
The assess ents are e es

Professional Knowledge Pillars – Assessment Methodology by Levels

Level Assessment Methodology

Business Total 100 marks:

i u ti e choice dra dro in the anks atchin uestions etc of t o arks each
inc udin ini scenario ased functiona scenario ased uestions

Mode: Co uter ased assess ent

Time : hours

Pass Mark: ercent

Corporate Total 100 marks:
Section 01;
arks Ten u ti e choice in the anks atchin uestions etc of t o arks each
inc udin scenario ased uestions

Section 02;
arks our uestions of ten arks each ased on ini scenario eadin to non
co e a ications and ana sis

Section 03;
arks T o uestions of t ent arks each uestions on co e scenario ased
ana sis and a ications

Mode: a er ased e a ination

Open book: inancia e ortin and o ernance Cor orate La

Time: hours

Pass Mark: ercent

34 Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

Level Assessment Methodology

Strategic Total 100 marks:

Section 1;
arks T o uestions of t ent e arks each co e scenarios re uirin e a uation
and so utions ased on s nthesis

Section 2;
arks Co on re seen ro ided rior to the e a to fa i iarise ith articu ar usiness
conte t and at e a un seen ateria ro ided to set the scene for assess ent under each
course unit Ans erin needs a a ancin of a nu er of an es and de i ered in a rofessiona

Mode: a er ased e a ination

Open book : Ad anced usiness e ortin Cor orate Ta ation

Time : hours

Pass Mark: ercent

Integrated Total 100 marks:
Study Section 1;
arks Assi n ent on Conte orar Issues ased on theories and authentic research
e idence
ini u arks re uired to ro ress to Case Stud a ination

Section 2;
arks re seen ro ided rior to the e a and an inte rated un seen ro ided at the e a
Students i e tested on u ti facet i ssue identi cation and re uired to resent a ro riate
reco endations in a rofessiona re ort for at

Mode: a er ased e a ination en ook

Time : 4 hours (including 3.5 hours for writing and 0.5 hour for reading and planning)

Pass Mark: ercent

Detailed Curriculum
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka | 35


er s used in the CA Curricu u are c assi ed as fo o s

Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation

e ne Ca cu ate Co ute A Ana se Antici ate Ad ise

ra C assif Assess Co are Co ie Con ince
Identif escri e Co unicate Contrast esi n Criticise
List iscuss e onstrate i erentiate ra Conc ude
e ate ain is a ut ine e eo eter ine
State Inter ret ra h or u ate ra conc usions
eco nise erfor an a uate
ecord re are re are ustif
Su arise riorities e ort eco end
ro ide e a es econci e Su it e ie
Set Su est eso e
Se ect a idate
So e

ach er descri es in the curricu u is assi ned the fo o in eanin s

Table of meanings

Verb Meaning

Antici ate oresee or e erience or rea ise eforehand

Ad ise Counse infor or notif in a anner suited to the reci ient

Ana se a ine in detai in order to disco er essentia features

A ut to a articu ar use

Assess ud e the a ue i ortance or ua ities of

Ca cu ate Co ute eter ine co utation or arri e at athe atica eans or rocesses

C assif A ocate into cate ories

Co unicate Trans it thou hts or kno ed e

Co are Sho the si i arities di erences or oth

36 Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

Verb Meaning

Co ie roduce asse in infor ation co ected fro arious sources

Con ince To ersuade others to e ie e so ethin usin e idence and ar u ents

or a ud ent a out or deter ine or reso e the outco e of an issue throu h a
Conc ude
rocess in o in reasonin
Contrast a ine in order to sho un ikeness or di erences

Criticise or and e ress a ud ent

e ne i e the acce ted eanin

e onstrate ro e or sho ade uate eans

escri e Co unicate the ke features

esi n e ise the for or structure of so ethin

eter ine Ascertain or conc ude a er ana sis and consideration ud e

is a ake e ident or noticea e

a ine in detai ar u ent sho in di erent as ects of the ar u ents e ro
and con
ra rite ori ina ateria for the scrutin of others

ra roduce a icture or dia ra

a uate A raise eanin or si ni cance

ain ake c ear or inte i i e State the eanin of reasons for

or u ate e ise and ut into ords

Identif eco nise or se ect so ethin a er ana sis and consideration

Inter ret i e eanin of or c arif

ustif i e a id reasons or e idence for

List rite the connected ite s one e o the other

ana e irect contro ad inister or uide

Detailed Curriculum
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka | 37

Verb Meaning

erfor o or e ecute usua in the sense of a co e rocedure

an e ise the an for an assurance en a e ent

re are ake or et read for use

resent I art infor ation in an acce ta e or re de ned for at

riorities Arran e or do in order of i ortance

ro ide e a es i e i ustrations to su ort or i u inate a oint or assertion

eco end ro ose as the est course of action or choice

econci e ake or ro e consistent or co ati e or sho di erences

ecord nter detai s of transactions in an entit s records not accountin

e ate To esta ish o ica or casua connections

e ort i e the for a na conc usion for an assurance en a e ent

e ie Stud critica ith a ie to correction or i ro e ent

eso e Se e or nd a so ution to a ro e or contentious a ers

Set i or esta ish

Se ect Choose fro a ran e of o tions or ossi i ities

State i e or assent

Su it Send a co eted docu ent to a articu ar art

Su est ut for ard an idea or i e reasons

ndertake Co it to do or erfor

se A in a ractica a

a idate Check or ro e the accurac

38 Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future


Business Communication Skills Pillar
The assess ent strate in fu in the re uire ents of the Co unication Ski s su i ar is i en in ta e
e o The assess ents are e es

Level Business Communication

Business ace ent test in dia nosin Students co etencies Students i e assessed on three
inde endent continuous assess ents and a na e a

Mode: Co uter ased Assess ent

Corporate ace ent test in dia nosin students co etencies Students i e assessed on t o
inde endent continuous assess ents and a na e a

Mode: Co uter ased Assess ent

Strategic T o continuous in ro ra e assess ents ased on rofessiona Co unication

Information Technology Pillar

The assess ent strate in fu in the re uire ents of the Infor ation Techno o Ski s su i ar is i en in
ta e e o The assess ents are e es

Level Information Technology

Business Students i e assessed on C ased inde endent assess ent and non co e ini
scenario ased na e a ination

Mode: Co uter ased Assess ent

Corporate Students i e assessed on C ased inde endent assess ent and ini scenario and data
set ased na e a ination

Mode: Co uter ased Assess ent

Strategic Students i e assessed on inde endent assi n ent on usiness ana tics and data set ased
na e a ination

Mode: Co uter ased Assess ent

Detailed Curriculum
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Professional Experience Pillar – Assessment Strategy by Levels
Level Assessment Methodology

Input Assessment:
A ini u of orkin da s (one year) of ractica ork e erience to e o tained at an
a ro ed trainin or anisation

Output Assessment:
• Ski s Assess ent e ort the su er isin e er to e su itted iannua
• Trainin ecord ook content e a uated throu h one to one inter ie an assessin e er
ini u one assess ent annua

• Case Stud e ort the student to e su itted annua

Additionally at full completion of the training requirement:
• ina i a oce Co onents
- Inter ie
- n ine rofessiona a ues ethics and attitudes odu e
- rofessiona ractice ana e ent odu e for racticin certificate on

• 2 years of professional experience in a public practice organisation after completing qualified

examination subject to CPD requirement of CA Sri Lanka (for practicing certificate only).

Input Assessment:
A ini u of orkin da s of ractica ork e erience to e o tained at an a ro ed
trainin or anisation

Output Assessment:
• Ski s Assess ent e ort the su er isin e er to e su i ed iannua
• Trainin ecord ook content e a uated throu h one to one inter ie an assessin e er
ini u one assess ent annua Case Stud e ort the student to e su i ed annua
• i a oce resentation
• n ine rofessiona a ues ethics and a tudes odu e
Input Assessment:
A ini u of orkin da s of ractica ork e erience to e o tained at an a ro ed trainin
or anisation

Output Assessment:

• Ski s Assess ent e ort the su er isin e er to e su itted iannua

• Trainin ecord ook content e a uated throu h one to one inter ie an assessin e er
ini u one assess ent annua
• i a oce resentation
• n ine rofessiona a ues ethics and attitudes odu e
40 Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

IFAC International Education Standards Compliance

As a fu e er of the Internationa ederation of Accountants I AC CA Sri Lanka is co i ed to i e ent

I Ss re uire ents ence CA Curricu u fu s the re uire ents of I AC and the Internationa ducation
Standard I S The I S rescri es the earnin outco es for technica co etence that as irin rofessiona
accountants are re uired to achie e the end of the Initia rofessiona e e o ent I urther ore CA
Curricu u has een de e o ed ased on Co on Content for rofessiona Accountanc ua i cations
and Sri Lanka ua i cation ra e ork SL

Detailed Curriculum
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka | 41

Eligibility criteria

Qualification Descriptors
Business Level Corporate Level Strategic Level

Entry C A L Su ects ordinar ass Shou d co ete a Shou d co ete a usiness

Requirements or e ui a ent usiness Le e course Le e course units and the units
units in the sa e i ar in Cor orate
Le e

Shou d co ete a other

course units in the Strate ic
Le e to sit Case Stud

CA Sri Lanka is considerin to

encoura e direct raduate entr
at CCA ua i cation Le e of
CA ro ra e under utua
reco nition a ree ents
Criteria to A course units can e sat at A course units can e A course units can e sat at
sit for the once or unit ise sat at once or unit once or unit ise
Examination ise
o rofessiona e erience Cor orate Le e trainin is
is re uired to sit for the o rofessiona re uired to sit for this e e
e a ination e erience is units a er ein e i i e for
re uired to sit for the C A
e a ination
Mode of A units i e assessed Assessed a er Assessed a er ased
Assessments Co uter ased n ine ased a inations a inations en ook
(other than Assess ents o en ook
professional • inancia re ortin
experience) and o ernance
• Cor orate a
Professional Assessed in ut and out ut Assessed in ut and Assessed in ut and out ut
Experience ased ith case stud ased out ut ased ith case ased ith case stud ased
i a oce e a ination stud ased i a oce i a oce e a ination
e a ination
Teaching and ended earnin e ased ended Learnin ended Learnin e ased
Learning and in c assroo e ased and and in c assroo
in c assroo in
c assroo
42 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

Detailed Curriculum


Strategic Level

Corporate Level

Business Level II

Business Level I

Detailed Curriculum
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Pillar : Financial Accounting & Reporting

Course Unit : Financial Accounting
Main Curriculum Areas Weightage Notional hours

A Accountin and usiness en iron ent 10% 30

Conce tua fra e ork for nancia re ortin 10% 30
C Accountin s ste s and functions 20% 60
inancia re ortin 30% 90
inancia state ents ana sis 10% 30
inancia re ortin standards 20% 60
Total 100% 300
44 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

A. Accounting and business environment : 10%

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
1.1 Organisational Identif or anisationa conte ts and ature of usiness or anisations and
context, the need of accountin contro structures
accountability Identif the o ernance structure of The de e o ent of accountin as a
and accounting or anisations and their i ications rofession
on accountin The ro th of trade
Industria e ansion
u tinationa s and o a isation
B. Conceptual framework for financial reporting : 10%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
2.1 The objectives ain o ecti es of the nancia sers of nancia infor ation and
of financial state ents easonin out the their infor ation needs
information content of nancia state ents The econo ics of infor ation
r anisationa o ernance
The re u ator conte t in nancia
re ortin in Sri Lanka
The e a and the co ercia ie of
The ethics in accountin and usiness
ain ho accountin infor ation Interna re ortin and e terna
assist decision akin re ortin
Identif e terna en iron enta terna en iron ent factors
factors in uence the accountin
Identif the i itations of nancia Li itations of nancia Infor ations
infor ation
2.2 Qualitative ain the ua itati e characteristics Internationa Accountin Standard
characteristics of nancia infor ation and the oard IAS Conce tua ra e ork
of financial constraints ud e the usefu ness of
information accountin infor ation
ain the under in assu tions Conce ts and rinci es
of nancia re ortin
ain the under in Accountin
easure ent conce ts and
rinci es
2.3 Basic elements Identif the asic e e ents of Assets Lia i ities uit Inco e and
and components nancia state ents enditure
of financial

Detailed Curriculum
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka | 45

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

Identif co onents of nancia Inco e state ent state ent of
state ents nancia osition state ent of cash
o s state ent of chan es in e uit
and notes
ain rinci es for reco nisin the eco nition of Assets Lia i ities
e e ents of nancia state ents uit Inco e and enditure
istin uish et een a ternati e istorica cost Current cost
ases for easurin the e e ents of ea isa e cost resent a ue
nancia state ents
ut ine conce t of ca ita enera rice e e accountin s ste
aintenance and current a ue s ste
C. Accounting systems and functions : 20%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
3.1 Maintaining ain h an entit aintains I ortance of nancia records
financial records nancia records
Identif the source docu ents and Source docu ents and nancia
other accountin records records
ain the ur ose of aintainin re aration of ourna s and Cash ook
the ri ar ooks
ain the ur ose of aintainin S ecia ed ers and contro accounts
the Led ers
3.2 Recording ain the conce t of dua as ect ou e entr conce ts
process of e ate the connection et een dua Assets ia i ities ca ita and the
Transaction as ect and accountin e uation accountin e uation
iscuss the rinci es of dou e The accountin e uation and the
entr accountin State ent of inancia osition
ecord and account for transactions ookkee in ed ers ooks of ri e
and e ents accountin in uts entr and ourna s
re are a tria a ance and e ain Tria a ance
Identif and record the c osin ourna entries for c osin entries and
entries and ear end ad ust ents error corrections
Identif and correct errors in rrors and correction of errors
State the ur ose of contro re aration of Contro Accounts
re are contro accounts and econci iation of ed er and other
reconci iation state ents accounts
State the ur ose of ank re aration of the ank econci iation
reconci iation state ents and state State ent
the need of usin ank state ents
for u datin accountin records
46 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

re are the ank reconci iation econci iation of ank accounts
state ents
ain ho infor ation techno o Accountin so ares and
has transfor ed the accountin s ste
D. Financial reporting : 30%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge.
4.1 Financial escri e ho to re ort nancia State ent of nancia osition and
statements osition and resu ts of o erations of Inco e state ent
for sole a so e ro rietor usiness entit
proprietorships re are nancia state ents for so e
including ro rietorshi s
manufacturing Identif the Cash in o s and re aration of the state ent of Cash
accounts ou o s In o s and u o s
Identif in a s and eans of inancia state ents fro inco ete
ana in a ai a e infor ation for records
re arin nancia state ents
4.2 Financial ain chan es in re ation to Current accounts and Ca ita
statements for accountin for artnershi accounts
Partnerships ain the ur ose of the ro t ecordin of a ocations and
oss a ro riation of a artnershi distri utions of ro t
re are nancia state ents for ecordin chan es in artnershi
artnershi inancia State ents of a artnershi
4.3 Accounting for Identif s eci c re uire ents in S eci c ro isions in the co anies Act
Limited liability the re aration and resentation in re aration of inancia State ents
companies of nancia state ents of Li ited and other re u ator re uire ents
Lia i it Co anies co onents and rationa e
Identif s eci c accountin issues in Issue of shares and de entures
Li ited Lia i it Co anies ede tion of shares and
de entures
re are nancia state ents of a inancia state ents of Li ited
Li ited Lia i it Co an Lia i it Co anies
4.4 Reporting by escri e reasons for re arin easons for re arin inancia
not for profit inancia State ents ot or State ents ot or ro t
oriented entities ro t or anisations or anisations
re are re e ant inancia Inco e enditure Account
State ents State ent of inancia osition

Detailed Curriculum
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka | 47

E. Financial statements analysis : 10%

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
5.1 Analysis of Identif reasons for ana sin The ur oses of ana sin nancia
financial nancia erfor ance state ents and other nancia
information infor ation
Identif too s of ana sin nancia Trend Ana sis ori onta Ana sis
erfor ance Accountin atios Co on Si ed
State ents
Ca cu ate re e ant accountin ratios ro ta i it ratios Li uidit ratios
So enc ratios cienc atios
In estor s ratios
F. Financial reporting standards : 20%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
6.1 Basic Identif the ur ose of accountin L AS resentation of nancia
understanding standards state ents
of Accounting e ne the ter s in the rescri ed L AS In entories
Standards accountin standards
ain the accountin treat ents L AS State ent of Cash o
i en in the standards
List the disc osure re uire ents of L AS Accountin o icies chan es
the accountin standards in accountin esti ates and errors
L AS ents a er the re ortin
L AS Inco e ta
L AS ro ert ant and
e ui ent
SL S Leases
SL S e enue fro Contracts
ith Custo ers
L AS o ee ene ts
L AS ro isions Contin ent
ia i it and contin ent assets
48 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

Pillar : Performance Measurement and Risk

Course Unit : Business Mathematics and Statistics
Main Curriculum Areas Weightage Notional hours

A A ications of asic athe atics for usiness 5% 13

Ti e a ue of one 15% 37
C uations and a e ra 10% 25
re ca cu us and ca cu us in usiness a ications 20% 50
rinci es of statistics 15% 37
ro a i it and nor a distri ution 15% 38
So utions for usiness ro e s and statistics for
20% 50
decisions akin
Total 100% 250

Detailed Curriculum
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka | 49

A. Applications of Basic Mathematics for Business : 5%

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
1.1 Dealing with Ca cu ate ark u s and ar ins of u er o erations in usiness
application of roducts or ser ices a ications
percentages for Ca cu ate a ounts in ru ee a ues u er o erations in usiness
business for a i en arku ar in a ications
ercenta es in scenarios inc udin
AT inco e ta and discounts
Ca cu ate ariations under addition I act and ariations of
su traction u ti ication and nu ers re ated to usiness
di ision o erations
Ca cu ate the i act on ro t hen
rice uantit aria e cost er unit
and ed costs chan e ased on
i en scenarios
B. Time value of money : 15%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
2.1 Compounding and e ne ti e a ue of one nderstand the conce t of ti e
Discounting a ue of one
ain deter inants of ti e a ue eter ine ti e a ue of one
of one
iscuss the di erence et een Co utation of si e interest
si e interest rate and co ound and co ound interest
interest rate
Ca cu ate si e interest and Co utation of si e interest
co ound interest on a i en and co ound interest
in est ent
Ca cu ate e ecti e interest rate Co utation of ecti e ate
the ie d a ount hen the rate of of Interest I
interest chan es ith ti e re u ar
in est ent interest
Ca cu ate uture a ue and resent Co utation of and of
a ue of a sin e cash o cash o s
Ca cu ate the ter ina a ue of In est ent ans
in est ent ans
Ca cu ate the si e of in est ent In est ent ans
needed to ha e a anned end a ue
of in est ent
Assess the reference of resent Consu tion reference and
consu tion future consu tion ti e a ue of one
in re ation to ti e a ue of one
50 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

2.2 Dealing with Annuities e ne Annuities and er etuities Annuit and er etuit
and Perpetuities Ca cu ate the resent a ue and Co utationa ski s on Annuit
Ca cu ate the resent a ue and Co utationa ski s on
er etuit er etuit
Ca cu ate resent a ue of an iscount actor and
ordinar annuit and annuit due ca cu ation of annuities
usin C ta es or for u as
2.3 Loan Amortisation e ne Loan a ortisation se of interest rate to rea
usiness a ication on
orro in
re are a oan a ortisation schedu e re aration of oan schedu in
iscuss the a erns of ho the eha ior of interest and ca ita
interest and ca ita outstandin o er ti e
eha e o er ti e
e ne the ter s do n a ent se of interest rate a ication
ease renta I icit Interest to rea usiness a ication of
ecti e Interest ate ease ter orro in
inance char e resent a ue of
ease renta s
Ca cu ate ease renta and air a ue A ication of interest rates to
of a ease easin
C. Equations and Algebra : 10%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
3.1 Equations escri e ro erties of a Linear nderstand re ations of aria es
e uation throu h a si e e uation
So e rea usiness ro e s se of none aria e for ro e
throu h Linear e uations ith a so in
sin e aria e
So e rea usiness ro e s ro e so in
usin Si u taneous e uations
a i u of three aria es
So e usiness re ated ro e s ith ea in ith unkno n aria es
A e raic ressions and ro e so in throu h
a e raic e uations

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D. Pre-Calculus and Calculus in Business Applications : 20%

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
4.1 Presentation and e onstrate inear and uadratic ression of data of uadratic
interpretation of functions re ated to re enue costs functions
information in Graphs and ro t in the a e raic and
ra hica for s
Identif the re enue a i u
cost ini u ro t a i u and
reak e en oints fro the ra h
4.2 Derivatives of Business Assess a i u ro t or ini u So in rea usiness issues
functions cost e onstrate the use of throu h a i isation and
usin di erentia ca cu us use ro t ini isation conce ts
functions or cost functions under
di erent conditions
4.3 Inequalities e ne and ain Ine ua ities e e ance and use of
ine ua ities on ra hs
Identif Ine ua ities usin a ra h ro e so in throu h
ine ua ities
E. Principles of Statistics : 15%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
5.1 Processing Descriptive e ne descri ti e statistics ea in ith descri ti e data
Statistics ot fre uenc distri ution data in resentation of fre uenc
ar and ine ra hs distri ution
ain data resented in ra hs and Inter retation of data
ta es
e ne easures of centra tendenc Centra tendenc of data
and their re e ance in usiness
o erations ode edian and ean
Ca cu ate the ode edian and Ca cu ation of centra tendenc
ean ased on rea data fro statistics
usiness o erations and econo ics
iscuss centra tendenc easures ata ana sis for decision
of rea data fro usiness o erations akin
and econo ics
5.2 Data Dispersion and e ne dis ersion is ersion of data fro centra
Measurement a ue
ain ran e standard de iation i erent t es of dis ersion
ariance and coe cient of ariation easures
as easures of dis ersion
iscuss the i act of ske ness on Ske ness of data distri ution
centra tendenc and so utions to
dea ith such situations
52 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

ain easures of aria i it easurin aria i it of data
distri ution
Ca cu ate the ran e standard easurin aria i it of data
de iation and ariance distri ution
ain the re ation et een easurin aria i it of data
standard de iation and ariance distri ution
F. Probability and Normal Distribution : 15%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
6.1 Use of Probability e ne ro a i it ro a i it
escri e the sa e s ace Si ni cance of a Sa e
iscuss the re ation et een e ation of sa e to
sa es and the o u ation o u ation
Ca cu ate si e ro a i it of an ro a i it ca cu ation ased on
e ent a sa e
ain features of ro a i it ro a i it and rando
distri ution and rando aria es aria es
ain a s of ro a i it La s of ro a i it
Ca cu ate conditiona ro a i it Conditiona ro a i it
Inter ret the resu ts of ro a i it Conditiona ro a i it
ca cu ations
6.2 Application of Normal e ne a nor a distri ution of data resentation of nor a
Distribution ain data of a nor a distri ution distri ution ith histo ra s
sho n in a histo ra ith a densit
cur e
ain data oints of a nor a or a distri ution and
distri ution in re ation to standard standard de iation
de iation
ain ho data is distri uted or a distri ution and
ithin one to three standards standard de iation
de iations fro the ean a ue
e onstrate the rocess of chan in or a distri ution and
data in a nor a distri ution to a standard nor a distri ution
standard nor a distri ution
6.3 Relevance of Central e ne Centra Li it Theore Centra Li it theore
Limit Ca cu ate ro a i ities of the sa e ro a i it and centra i it
Theorem and Sampling eans ith Centra Li it Theore theore
Distribution escri e the sa in distri ution of Sa in distri ution of a
a statistic statistic

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Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

Ca cu ate standard Scores for a ro a i it ca cu ation ith
i en set of nor a distri uted set standard Scores
of data here o u ation ean
standard de iation sa e si e n
and sa e ean are kno n
Ca cu ate ro a i ities referrin to Score hen ara eters are
standard Scores kno n
Assess s eci ed ercenta es of the ro a i it referrin to
nor a distri utions ased on i en ro ortion ith scores
scores and ean a ue
G. Solutions for Business problems and Statistics for decisions making : 20%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
7.1 Regression Analysis e ne inde endent aria es and e ation et een inde endent
de endent aria es and de endent aria es
ra a sca er ot dia ra ata resentation on dia ra s
ra a strai ht ine dia ra ata resentation and
usin inde endent and de endent inter retation on dia ra s
aria es and e ain the use of
inear re ression
Ca cu ate the s o e of the strai ht radient and Interce t of a ine
ine and interce t
Ca cu ate corre ation coe cient Corre ation et een t o
et een t o aria es aria es
ain h corre ation coe cient Corre ation et een t o
ies et een and aria es
ain the re ationshi et een the Corre ation et een t o
s o e of the re ression ine and the aria es
corre ation coe cient
Ca cu ate the redicted a ue of a sti ation ased on LS
aria e usin east s uared
ethod and a ue of
ain and inter ret re ression Inter retation of out ut data
out ut a ues fro re ression
Inter ret the eanin of 2
. Inter retation of out ut data
fro re ression
54 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

7.3 Time Series e ne Ti e series no in trends ased on ti e
Forecasting series
escri e co onents of ti e series no in trends ased on ti e
ain ho ti e series data se of data in ti e series
chan es ith cross sectiona data
Ca cu ate o in a era e of ti e Ca cu ations of statistics to
series understand the trends
Identif the trends of ti e series Ca cu ations of statistics to
data understand the trends
ain other di erent co onents i erent a erns of trends
such as seasona c c ica or irre u ar
o ca cu ation of seasona c c ica
and irre u ar ariations on
e anation is e ected
orecast ti e series data o er a orecastin ased on ti e series
i en ti e hori on data
e ate forecastin of a ues to rea e ate forecastin the rea
ife usiness scenarios usiness a ications

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Pillar : Taxation and Law

Course Unit : Business Law
Main Curriculum Areas Weightage Notional hours

A Introduction to the a s and re u ator fra e ork of Sri Lanka 5% 13

La of contracts 15% 37
C Sa e of oods 15% 37
e otia e instru ents 7% 13
La of a enc 10% 25
La of artnershi 10% 25
La of insurance easin and hire urchase and oans 7% 13
La our a 5% 13
I ences re ated to the usiness en iron ent and ne a s 5% 12
Internationa trade 5% 12
Securities re i e in Sri Lanka 5% 12
L A ternate dis ute reso ution 5% 13
Anti one aunderin 6% 25
Total 100 250
56 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

A. Introduction to the Laws and Regulatory Framework of Sri Lanka : 5%

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
1.1 Constitution and the Identif the ain ranches of the Sri ain ranches of the Sri Lankan
different branches of Lankan Le a s ste and their ro es Le a s ste and their ro es
1.2 Legal systems Identif the ke e a s ste s Le a s ste s a ica e in Sri
a ica e in Sri Lanka Lanka
1.3 Court system, powers, Identif the courts in Sri Lanka and Courts in Sri Lanka and their
functions their functions functions
1.4 Functions of ain the re u ator ro e of each of e u ator ro e of each of these
Regulatory Institutions these institutions institutions
Institute of Chartered Accountants Institute of Chartered
of Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Accountin Accountants of Sri Lanka Sri
and Auditin Standards onitorin Lanka Accountin and Auditin
oard Securities and chan e Standards onitorin oard
Co ission Co o o Stock Securities and chan e
chan e oard of In est ent Co ission Co o o Stock
e istrar of Co anies e t of chan e oard of In est ent
Custo s Centra ank chan e e istrar of Co anies e t
Contro as ect and Credit of Custo s Centra ank
Infor ation ureau C I chan e Contro as ect and
Identif the ain functions of each Credit Infor ation ureau
institution stated a o e C I
B. Law of Contracts : 15%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
2.1 Main elements of a ain the re uisites of a a id e uisites of a a id contract i e
contract contract i e o er and acce tance o er and acce tance intention
intention to create e a re ations to create e a re ations
consideration inc udin the conce t consideration inc udin the
of Laesio nor is ca acit conce t of Laesio nor is
and for e nition of contract ca acit and for e nition
a ree ent o er and acce tance of contract a ree ent o er
ca acit to contract for of and acce tance ca acit to
contracts rea it of consent contract for of contracts
rea it of consent
2.2 Terms of contracts ain hat is eant the ter s eanin of ter s of contract
of contract conditions arranties conditions arranties
e e tion c auses and the e ect e e tion c auses and the
of e e tion c auses and the nfair e ect of e e tion c auses and
Contract Ter s Act o of the nfair Contract Ter s Act
o of
ain istakes isre resentation istakes isre resentation
and undue in uence their and undue in uence their
conse uences conse uences
2.3 Legality of Objects ain the e ect of i e a it and its ect of i e a it and its
conse uences conse uences

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Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

2.4 Termination of ain the anner in hich a anner in hich a contract
contracts contract cou d e dischar ed cou d e dischar ed
erfor ance a ree ent frustration erfor ance a ree ent
and reach inc udin antici ator frustration and reach inc udin
reach antici ator reach
2.5 Remedies for breach of ain the Co on La and Co on La and uita e
contract uita e re edies for reach of re edies for reach of contract
ain the rinci e of un ust rinci e of un ust enrich ent
enrich ent
2.6 Other concepts of Identif the eriods of rescri tion eriods of rescri tion for
contract law for di erent t es of contracts di erent t es of contracts
ain the rinci e of ri it of rinci e of ri it of contract
C. Sale of Goods : 15%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
3.1 Form and subject ain a contract of sa e of oods i erence et een a contract
matter of the sale of and a contract of ork and ateria s of sa e of oods and a contract
goods contract and the c assi cation of oods in a of ork and ateria s and the
sa e of oods contract c assi cation of oods
3.2 Conditions and ain i ied conditions and I ied conditions and
warranties arranties hich are a ica e in a arranties hich are a ica e
contract of sa e of oods in a contract of sa e of oods
3.3 Transfer of the ain the ti e at hich there is a assin of risk and a transfer
property between assin of risk and a transfer of tit e in of tit e s eci c oods
seller and buyer oods ith reference to s eci c oods unascertained oods
unascertained oods reser ation of reser ation of tit e insta ent
tit e insta ent de i eries sa es de i eries sa es auction sa e
auction sa e a non o ner a non o ner
3.4 Remedies available to ain the re edies hich are e edies hich are a ai a e
buyer and seller a ai a e to a u er and se er to a u er and se er inc udin
inc udin ri hts of an un aid se er ri hts of an un aid se er
D. Negotiable Instruments : 7%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
4.1 Cheques, bills e ne and e ain che ues i s of e nitions of che ues i s of
of exchange and e chan e and ro issor notes e chan e and ro issor notes
promissory notes ain the functions of che ues unctions of che ues i s of
i s of e chan e and ro issor e chan e and ro issor notes
notes fro a usiness conte t fro a usiness conte t
4.2 Legal principles ain in res ect of the fo o in rinci es a ica e for
and commercial the rinci es a ica e for che ues che ues and their co ercia
significance of cheques and their co ercia si ni cance si ni cance endorse ents
endorse ents crossin s crossin s dishonourin and
dishonourin and anker s ia i it anker s ia i it
58 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

4.3 Holder in due course e ne and e ain the co ercia Co ercia si ni cance of
and presentment si ni cance of ho der in due course ho der in due course and
and resent ent in re ation to a i resent ent in re ation to a i
of e chan e and a ho der s ri ht of e chan e and a ho der s ri ht
E. Law of Agency : 10%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
5.1 Creation of agency, ain the circu stances under e ationshi of rinci a A ent
different types of hich a re ationshi of rinci a ou d e reco nised utua
agents A ent ou d e reco nised a ree ent rati cation
utua a ree ent rati cation necessit and esto e s
necessit and esto e s
State the di erent t es of a ents i erent t es of a ents
5.2 Authority ain the circu stances under A ent a ac uire authorit
hich an a ent a ac uire inc udin e ress authorit and
authorit inc udin e ress authorit i ied authorit and ostensi e
and i ied authorit and ostensi e authorit
5.3 Rights and duties State the duties of an a ent to ards uties of a ent to ards the
between Principal and the rinci a rinci a
Agent State the duties of the rinci a uties of the rinci a to ards
to ards an a ent a ent
5.4 Termination of Agency State the circu stances under Contract of A enc a e
hich a contract of A enc a e ter inated the act of arties
ter inated the act of arties and and o eration of a
o eration of a
5.5 Liabilities of agent State the ia i it of a ents for acts Lia i it of a ents for acts done
done hi st actin for a na ed hi st actin for a na ed
unna ed and undisc osed rinci a unna ed and undisc osed
rinci a
5.6 Liability of State ain the ia i it of the state for Lia i it of the state for acts
acts done its a ents done its a ents
F. Law of Partnership : 10%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
6.1 Creation of Partnership State the enera characteristics of a enera characteristics of a
artnershi artner
State the re uire ents to for a e uire ents to for a a id
a id artnershi artnershi
ain the for a ities contained in or a ities contained in the
the re ention of frauds ordinance re ention of frauds ordinance
ith re ard to the creation of ith re ard to the creation of
a artnershi and re istration a artnershi and re istration
re uire ents re uire ents

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Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

6.2 Relations of Partners State the re ationshi et een e ationshi et een artners
and change of partners artners
State the re ationshi et een e ationshi et een artners
artners and third arties and third arties
ain the ro isions re atin to the Chan e of artners
chan e of artners
ain the de ictua ia i it of e ictua ia i it of artners
6.3 Dissolution of ain the anner in hich a isso ution of a artnershi
Partnership artnershi cou d e disso ed
G. Law of Insurance, Leasing and Hire-Purchase and Loans : 7%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
7.1 Life, Fire and Accident ain the di erence et een a i erence et een a contract of
and burglary Insurance, contract of insurance contract of insurance contract of assurance
Marine Insurance assurance and a a erin contract and a a erin contract
ain the rinci es re ardin the rinci es re ardin the for ation
for ation of a contract of insurance of a contract of insurance
ain the a ica e rinci es in rinci es in a contract of
a contract of insurance re atin to insurance re atin to uberrimae
uberrimae fidei, insura e interest and fidei, insura e interest and
inde nit inc udin tota and artia inde nit inc udin tota and
insurance artia insurance
7.2 Hire-Purchase ain conce ts of hire urchase Conce ts of hire urchase
List o i ations of the hirer and i ations of the hirer and
o ner o ner
7.3 Leasing ain the conce t of easin Conce t of easin a ree ent
a ree ent art art
List o i ations of the essee and i ations of the essee and
essor essor
ain undistur ed ossession ndistur ed ossession su
su de i er non de i er de i er non de i er acce tance
acce tance and return of e ui ent and return of e ui ent
ain the defau t essee and efau t essee and re edies
re edies a ai a e for essor a ai a e for essor
ain the reco er of ossession eco er of ossession
7.4 Loans ain ort a es uarantors and ort a es uarantors and
co atera s co atera s
ain the co on a ri i e es Co on a ri i e es
a ica e to a uarantor a ica e to a uarantor
ain e arte e ecution arte e ecution nancia
nancia institutions institutions
60 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

H. Labour Law : 5%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
8.1 Employees Provident State ho shou d contri ute to ho shou d contri ute to
Fund Act (No. 15 and T a on ith re e ant and T a on ith re e ant
of 1958) (EPF), e e tions e e tions
Employees’ Trust Identif the ain di erences i erences et een and a
Fund Act (No. 46 of et een and a
1980) (ETF), Private List instances in hich an e o ee Instances in hich an
Provident Funds (PPF) can ithdra his her contri utions e o ee can ithdra his her
to T contri utions to T
ain the di erence et een i erence et een an
an e o ee and an inde endent e o ee and an inde endent
ser ice ro ider ser ice ro ider
8.2 Payment of Gratuity ain the entit e ent of ratuit ntit e ent of ratuit
Act (No. 12 of 1983)
8.3 Shop & Office State the e o ees co ered under o ees co ered under the
Employees Act (Special the Sho ce o ees Act Sho ce o ees Act
Provisions) Act (No. 19 State hours of e o ent eek ours of e o ent eek
of 1954) annua ho ida s and ea e annua ho ida s and ea e
State the faci ities to e ro ided aci ities to e ro ided
e o ers under the Sho ce e o ers under the Sho
o ees Act ce o ees Act
State the aternit aternit aternit aternit ene ts
ene ts a ai a e to e o ees a ai a e to e o ees
State the authorised deductions Authorised deductions fro
fro re uneration re uneration
8.4 Termination of ain the rocedure for rocedure for ter ination of
Employment ter ination of e o ees under e o ees under the Ter ination
the Ter ination of o ent of o ent ork en
ork en S ecia ro isions Act S ecia ro isions Act
o of
e ne schedu ed e o ent Schedu ed e o ent
ain the co utation of Co utation of co ensation
co ensation a a e a a e
8.5 Fundamental State funda enta ri hts re e ant to unda enta ri hts re e ant to
Rights relevant to e o ent e o ent
employment ain the ste s a ai a e for the Ste s a ai a e for io ation of
io ation of funda enta ri hts funda enta ri hts inc udin the
inc udin the ro e of the u an ro e of u an i hts Co ission
i hts Co ission
I. Offenses Related to the Business Environment and New Laws : 5%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
9.1 Main offences in e ne fraud the ri er raud the ri er ne i ence
business environment ne i ence and e ain the ain and e ain the ain defences
and defences defences

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Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

9.2 New laws in business State rie on each of these Acts
environment areas a ica e for curricu u ectronic Transactions Act o
ectronic Transactions Act o of of
Co uter Cri es Act o of
Co uter Cri es Act o of
Consu er A airs Authorit Act
Consu er A airs Authorit Act o o of
of Inte ectua ro ert Act o
Inte ectua ro ert Act o of of
i ht to Infor ation Act o
i ht to Infor ation Act o of of
J. International Trade : 5%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
10.1 International sale of ain the rocess of internationa rocess of internationa sa e
goods sa e of oods ith reference of oods ith reference to
to nance and e ers of credit nance and e ers of credit
trans ortation and i of adin trans ortation and i of adin
ain a CI contract and a CI contract and a
contract contract
escri e the a ication of nifor A ication of nifor Custo s
Custo s and ractice C and ractice C to
to Le ers of Credit Le ers of Credit
K. Securities Regime in Sri Lanka : 5%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
11.1 Security trading ain the ro e of the Securities o es of the Securities and
process, regulation and chan e Co ission S C chan e Co ission The
insider dealing Co o o Stock chan e the
Centra e ositor S ste
ain the ro e of the Co o o Transfer of isted securities ia
Stock chan e CS inc udin o CS
the oor transactions
ain the ro e of the Centra the oor transactions
e ositor S ste C S inc udin the
transfer of isted securities ia CS
ain insider dea in and re e ant Insider tradin and re e ant
infor ation infor ation
62 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

L. Alternate Dispute Resolution : 5%

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
12.1 Mediation ain the enera rocess of enera rocess of ediation
ain the ro e of ediation oard o e of ediation oard
ain the ro e of the Co ercia o e of Co ercia ediation
ediation Centre of Sri Lanka Centre of Sri Lanka
12.2 Arbitration Identif Ar itra i it of dis utes Ar itra i it of dis utes
inc udin the Ar itration C ause
ain the rocess of Ar itration rocess of Ar itration
ain the ro e of the Ar itra o e of the Ar itra Tri una
Tri una
ain enforce ent of Ar itra nforce ent of Ar itra A ard
A ard
ain se n a side of the Ar itra Se n a side of the Ar itra
A ard A ard
M. Anti-Money Laundering : 6%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
13.1 Regulatory re ention of one Launderin re ention of one
Environment Act o of Launderin Act o of
inancia Transactions e ortin inancia Transactions e ortin
Act o of Act o of
inancia Inte i ence nit I of inancia Inte i ence nit I
Sri Lanka
Co ission to In esti ate Co ission to In esti ate
A e ations of ri er or Corru tion A e ations of ri er or
CIA C Corru tion CIA C
13.2 Anti-Money Identif the o ence of one ence of one aunderin
Laundering aunderin
resu tion of Laundered one resu tion of Laundered
unish ent for one aunderin unish ent for one
13.3 Reporting e ortin re uire ents to I e ortin re uire ents to I
requirements no our Custo er u es C no our Custo er u es
e orandu s of nderstatin ith e orandu s of
other Countries nderstandin s ith other

Detailed Curriculum
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Pillar : Business Management & Strategy

Course Unit : Business Environment and Economics
Main Curriculum Areas Weightage Notional hours

A usiness and or anisationa en iron ent 5% 13

ature and sco e of usiness ana e ent 5% 13
C unctions of ana e ent 20% 50
unctiona areas of usinesses 30% 75
o e of econo ics in usinesses 5% 12
rice echanis and co etiti e arkets 10% 25
roduction cost rice and out ut decisions 10% 25
acroecono ic en iron ent and usiness 15% 37
Total 100% 250
64 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

A. Business and organisational environment : 5%

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
1.1 Introduction to e ne the conce t of or anisation asic de nitions of the
organisational and identif the t es of usiness or anisation and t es of
environment or anisations usiness or anisations
Identif the or anisationa and ature and sco e of
usiness en iron ent and or anisationa and usiness
descri e the nature and t es of en iron ent
or anisationa en iron ent
eco nise the co onents of Interna en iron ent of
interna en iron ents and identif or anisations
the i ortance of each co onent
in ana e ent rocess
ain the di ensions of task Task en iron ent
en iron ent and identif ho those
co onents are in uenced on the
ain the di ensions of enera enera en iron ent
en iron ent and identif ho those
co onents are in uenced on the
ain the ethics and socia thics and socia res onsi i it
res onsi i it of or anisations
iscuss the ne d na ics of e d na ics of or anisationa
or anisationa and usiness en iron ent and usiness en iron ent
e ie ossi e actions of Ado tin to chan in
or anisations to e ado ted to the en iron ent
d na ic en iron ent
1.2 Role of Stakeholders in Identif the ke stakeho ders in T es and nature of
organisation or anisations stakeho ders
iscuss the i act of di erent Stakeho der a in
stakeho ders to the or anisations ende o atri
1.3 Industry analysis eco nise the co etiti eness of i e forces ode for ana sis of
the industries industr co etiti eness
B. Nature and scope of business management : 5%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
2.1 Introduction to e ne ana e ent and identif the e nitions and sco e of
Management sco e of ana e ent ana e ent
eco nise arts and science of the The science and art of the
ana e ent ana e ent
e ne the e cienc and cienc e ecti eness and
e ecti eness and re ate those conce t roducti it
ith roducti it of or anisation

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Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

ain the ana e ent rocess ana e ent rocess
and inter ret the interre ationshi
a on ain functions of
ana e ent
2.2 Roles and Skills of Identif ho are ana ers in e nin ho is ana er
Managers or anisation and ana eria ro e of and ana eria ro e of an
an accountant accountant
iscuss the t es of ana ers in the T es of ana ers and the
or anisations under di erent ases sco e of their res onsi i ities
hori onta and ertica di erences
and discuss the sco e of their
res onsi i ities
ain the ain ro es a ed the ana eria ro es
ana ers in the or anisations
Identif ski s needed to ana ers T es and sources of ana eria
for erfor in ana eria ro es ski s
successfu and discuss the
i ortance of ana eria ski s for
di erent ana ers in or anisationa
eco nise the ski s needed for Ski s for ana in crisis and
ana in crisis and une ected une ected e ents
e ents
2.3 Challenges for ain hat future cha en es Cha en es for ana ers in st

Managers ie ahead for the ana ers in this centur

tur u ent en iron ent
iscuss the a ication of inno ati e The a ication of inno ati e
techno o in the ork ace for techno o in the ork ace
i ro in roducti it
iscuss ho to ana e e o ees ana in e o ees of
ho are re resentin di erent di erent enerations
enerations eneration and
Identif eha iora characteristics ana in cross cu tura ork
of cross cu tura ork tea s and tea s
reco nise e ecti e ana e ent
techni ues to e ecti e ana e
Identif eha iora characteristics of ana in u ti nationa cu tura
u ti nationa cu tura e o ees e o ees
and reco nise ne ana e ent
techni ues to e ecti e ana e
66 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

C. Functions of Management : 20%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
3.1 Planning and decision e ne annin and discuss the ature and sco e of annin
making sco e of annin in or anisations
eco nise t es of future directions annin and oa se n
of the or anisations
Identif t es of annin under T es of annin
di erent ers ecti es
iscuss the ad anta es of annin Ad anta es of annin
and i ortance of annin
for achie in or anisationa
e ecti eness
iscuss the arriers of annin and arriers to annin and ho
a s of o erco in those arriers in to o erco e the arriers of the
i e entin or anisationa ans annin
iscuss ste s in o ed in the annin rocess
annin rocess ith s ecia
reference to strate ic a ternati es
Identif the rinci es of annin rinci es of annin
and a s of a in those
rinci es in the annin rocess
eco nise the cha en es osed to Cha en es in annin in a
annin in a d na ic en iron ent d na ic en iron ent
ain the rocess of ana e ent ana e ent o ecti es
o ecti es
Identif the sco e of decision ature of decision akin and
akin and i ortance of decision ro e so in
akin and ro e so in for the
or anisation
Identif ain decision akin ecision akin a roaches
a roach of ana ers and e ecuti es
Identif the conditions of decision Conditions of decision akin
akin faced ana ers in the
di erent or anisationa se n s
ain di erent decision akin ecision akin ode s and
ode s and a roaches and discuss a roaches ith s ecia
the arriers for rationa decision reference to rationa decision
akin rocess akin rocess
eco nise the ne decision akin e decision akin a roaches
a roaches in tur u ent en iron ent in tur u ent en iron ent

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Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

3.2 Organising Identif the nature and sco e of ature and sco e of the
the or anisin function in the or anisin
ana e ent rocess
Identif t es of or anisationa T e of or anisationa structures
structure and discuss the ositi e and
ne ati e as ects of the
ain ke as ects of or anisationa e as ects of or anisationa
structures connectin to the structure e S an of
rinci es of ana e ent contro centra isation s
decentra isation unit of
co and etc
iscuss the d na ics of na ics of or anisationa
or anisationa structure ith re ards structure
to the nature of en iron ent
Ta or anisation s at or anisation
r anic or anisation s echanistic
or anisation etc
e ne the conce ts of res onsi i it ana eria res onsi i it
accounta i it authorit and discuss accounta i it and authorit
the interrationshi a on those
conce ts
ain the rocess est ractices e e ation of authorit
and arriers for de e ation of
iscuss the re ationshi et een Strate and structure
strate and or anisationa structure
3.3 Leading e ne eadin as a ke function of ature and sco e of eadin as
ana e ent rocess and identif a ana e ent function
ain areas of eadin
e ne or anisationa eadershi The or anisationa eadershi
and identif the characteristics and and a or functions of an
functions of e ecti e eader e ecti e eader
i erentiate the ro e of ana er ana ers s Leaders and
fro the ro e of eaders and identif o er sources of eaders
the o er sources of eaders
iscuss di erent eadershi Leadershi a roaches and
a roaches and theories in order theories Inc udin Traits
to identif est eadershi st e for a roach eha iora a roach
e ecti e ana ers Situationa a roach
e ne oti ation as a ke function e nitions and sco e of
of ana e ent rocess oti ation
68 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

Identif the re ationshi et een oti ation and or anisationa
oti ation and or anisationa erfor ance
erfor ances and discuss
factors in uencin or anisationa
erfor ance other than oti ation
Identif content and rocess Theories of oti ation
theories of oti ation and discuss inc udin content theories
the a ication of each oti ation A ra as o hierarch of
theor to understand oti ationa needs theor er er s t o
strate ies of or anisation and se f factor theor and theor
res onsi i it for the i e entation rocess theories ictor
of oti ationa strate ies ithin the roo s ectanc theor and
or anisation Ada s uit theor etc
ain si ns of oti ation and si ns nderstandin oti ation of
of de oti ation ith the ur ose e o ees
of understandin oti ation e e of
e o ees
e ne the conce t of ature and sco e of
co unication and identif the co unication ithin
ro e of co unication ithin or anisations
or anisations
Identif the di erence ecti e and e cient
et een e ecti e and e cient co unication
co unication and discuss the
conditions re uired for e ecti e
co unication
iscuss ho co unication asic co unication ode
is taken ace in or anisations
in enera a usin a asic
co unication ode
ain for a co unication Co unication in or anisations
channe s of or anisation and
discuss a s of usin infor a
co unication in ana e ent
Identif arriers of co unication arriers to co unication
and discuss a s of reakin the and a s of o erco in
co unication arriers co unication arriers
ain the co unication ski s to Co unication ski s e
e de e o ed the e ecuti e e e Listenin resentation ri en
e o ees in the or anisations co unication IT a ication in
co unication etc

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Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

3.4 Controlling e ne contro in as a function e nition and i ortance of
of ana e ent and discuss the contro in
i ortance of contro in for the
success of an or anisation
iscuss the ain ste s associated T es of contro in e
ith contro in rocess of an eed ack eed for ard and
or anisation rocess etc and ste s of the
contro in rocess
eco nise the ro e of an accountant o e of accountants in
in the contro in rocess of an or anisationa contro in
or anisation
iscuss the a ication of ne A ication of ne techno o
techno o for or anisationa for or anisationa contro in
contro in
D. Functional areas of Businesses : 30%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
4.1 Operation e ne o erationa ana e ent e nitions and sco e of
Management and discuss the ro e of the in an o eration ana e ent
or anisation
ain a s of annin of roduction annin roduction ca acit
ca acit in nancia ers ecti e
e ne ain roduction ethods o roduction ethods and ean
roduction atch roduction o anufacturin
roduction and ean anufacturin
ith s ecia reference to the ro e of
accountants in the ean anufacturin
Identif the ke conce ts of su e conce ts of su chain
chain ana e ent a ied in the ana e ent
or anisations
Identif the ke conce ts of tota Tota ua it ana e ent
ua it ana e ent and discuss the
i ortance of T for i ro in
roducti it of the or anisations
eco nise the a ication of ne A ication of ne techno o
techno o for ana in o erations in for ana in o erations in the
the or anisations or anisations
4.2 Marketing e ne arketin ana e ent and e nitions and sco e of
Management sco e of arketin function in the arketin ana e ent
or anisations
iscuss the ro e of arketin o e of arketin in
in or anisation arketin as a or anisation
hi oso h arketin as a usiness
70 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

iscuss the di erent arketin arketin hi oso hies and
hi oso hies and e ain the arket orientation
i ortance of ado tin to arket
Identif the conce ts of se entation e ent of arketin strate ies
tar etin and ositionin arketin Se entation tar etin and
i for de e o in arketin ositionin arketin i
strate ies of the or anisations
eco nise the a ication of ne A ication of ne techno o
techno o for i ro in the for arketin ana e ent
roducti it of arketin ana e ent
4.3 Human Resource e ne and identif i ortance e nitions and ro e of
Management of in the usiness rocess function in the or anisations
Identif a or conce ts associated unctions of
ith ain functions of the
or anisations
eco nise the a ication of A ication of ne techno o
ne techno o for i ro in for
roducti it of
4.4 Information eco nise the nature and the ature and the ur ose of
Management ur ose of infor ation s ste s infor ation s ste s
Systems and Project ado ted the or anisations
Management Identif the di erent t es of T es of infor ation s ste s e
infor ation s ste s ado ted Transactions rocessin s ste s
or anisations T S ana e ent Infor ation
s ste IS and ecuti e
Infor ation S ste IS
iscuss the ro e and i ortance of nter rise esource annin
nter rise esource annin
for the ana e ent ractices of the
or anisations
Identif the nature and the sco e of ature and the sco e of ro ect
ro ect ana e ent ana e ent
iscuss ode s and a roaches ode s and a roaches to
ado ted in ro ect ana e ent ro ect ana e ent

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E. Role of Economics in Business : 5%

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
5.1 Introduction to e ne econo ics and discuss the o e of econo ics in usiness
economics ro e of econo ics in ana in ana e ent
iscuss the conce t of o ortunit Scarcit choice and o ortunit
cost and scarcit and their re e ance cost
to econo ic choice
Identif the di erence et een inds of cono ics
icroecono ics ersus
acroecono ics and nor ati e
ersus ositi e econo ics
Identif econo ic resources and cono ic resources and t es
their re uneration of econo ics oods
i erentiate et een econo ic cono ic s Accountin ro ts
ro ts fro accountin ro ts
5.2 Central problem of the Identif the centra ro e s of an Centra ro e s of an
economy econo econo
iscuss the a of so in centra So in centra ro e s in
ro e s in co and econo ies di erent econo ies
arket econo ies and i ed
econo ies
F. Price Mechanism and Competitive Markets : 10%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
6.1 Demand, supply and Identif ho the free arket ree arket o eration
market equilibrium in a o erates and the erits and
competitive market de erits of free arket o eration
iscuss the conce t of de and a Conce t of de and and de and
of de and esti atin de and cur e cur e
in free arket and its re e ance for
the usinesses
iscuss the conce t of su a of Conce t of su and su
su and esti atin su cur e cur e
in free arket and its re e ance for
the usinesses
eco nise the conce t of arket arket e ui i riu and rice
e ui i riu dise ui i riu in the echanis
rice echanis and ana se the
i act of arket e ui i riu on
usiness decisions
72 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

6.2 Demand supply iscuss and co ute rice The conce t of e asticities
analysis e asticities of de and and su
inco e e asticit cross rice
e asticit and ad ertisin e asticit
re e ant to the usiness decisions
e ne and ca cu ate consu er and Consu er and roducer sur us
roducer sur us and its i ication
for usiness
e onstrate the i act of I act of o ern ent
o ern ent inter ention on inter ention to free arket
co etiti e arkets and usiness
acti ities throu h cei in rice oor
rice ta es su sidies and uotas
G. Production, Cost, Price and Output Decisions : 10%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
7.1 Production and cost Identif the di erence et een cono ic cost and nancia
functions econo ic cost and nancia cost cost
e ne and easure the short Short run cost conce ts and
run Tota Cost TC ar ina Cost functions
C A era e aria e Cost A C
A era e Tota Cost ATC A era e
i ed Cost A C ased on short
run cost functions and discuss ho
those cost conce ts associated ith
usiness decisions
ain the i ortance of LATC Lon run cost function
annin cur e for usiness
decisions in the on run
iscuss the conce ts of econo ies cono ies of sca e and
of sca e and econo ies of sco e in econo ies of sco e
the usiness rocess
e ne and ca cu ate Tota Short run roduction function
roduction T ar ina roduction
and A era e roduction A
in the short run ased on short run
roduction function
Identif three sta es of roduction Sta es of roduction
in the short run and understand
the rationa sta e in the short run
usiness rocess
iscuss the a idit of a of The a of di inishin ar ina
di inishin ar ina returns for returns
usiness decisions in the short run
iscuss the on run roduction Lon run roduction function
function and its i ication for
usiness decisions

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Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

7.2 Profit Maximisation ain the characteristics of Theoretica di ensions of
erfect co etition ono o istic arket structures
co etition ono o o i o o
and their i act on usinesses
ain the tota re enue tota cost ro t a i isin conditions in
a roach and ar ina re enue co etiti e arkets
ar ina cost a roach in ro t
a i isation usin ra hica
iscuss ho usinesses deter ine ti a out ut rice and ro t
the o ti u out ut rice and ro t decisions in co etiti e arket
in the short run and on run in structures
di erent arkets
H. Macroeconomic environment and Business : 15%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
8.1 Macro -economic Identif the critica acro econo ic I ortance of acroecono ic
forces and business factors a ect to the usiness forces in the usinesses
decisions erfor ances of co etiti e arkets
iscuss the conce t of nationa Conce t of nationa inco e
inco e of the econo and its
i act on usiness decisions
iscuss ho to deter ine econo ic cono ic ro th and
ro th and econo ic de e o ent de e o ent
in a countr and ho those conce ts
in uence usiness decisions
Identif the sta es of usiness c c e usiness c c e
of an econo and discuss usiness
o ortunities and threats of each
sta e of the usiness c c e
iscuss a s of deter inin ne o ent and Inco e
une o ent and inco e ine ua it ine ua it
and e ain ho those conce ts
in uence usiness decisions
8.2 Inflation and its Impact Identif the deter ination of the e nitions and t es of
on business rice e e in the econo the In ation
interaction et een a re ate
su and a re ate de and in a
si e AS A ode s
ain de and u and cost ush easurin in ation
in ation and Identif ethods of
ca cu atin the in ation ased on
di erent rice inde es
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Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

iscuss ho usiness erfor ance ects of in ation on
can e increased under a hi h usinesses
in ationar condition in the countr
iscuss ho de and ana e ent e edies for in ation
and su ana e ent o icies
contro in ation in a countr
Identif the re ationshi et een In ation and interest rate
in ation rate and interest rate
8.3 Exchange rates in ain ho e chan e rates are I act of e chan e rate on
Competitive Markets deter ined and ho chan es in usinesses
e chan e rates a ect usiness
erfor ances
e ne and discuss the contro ers arket e chan e rate s ed
on arket ersus ed e chan e e chan e rate
iscuss ho a ance of a ent is a ance of a ent
deter ined and identif the i act
of a ance of a ent on usiness
Identif the actions to e taken otentia actions to contro the
the nancia authorities to contro de reciation of currenc
the de reciation of currenc
8.4 Monitory Policy and iscuss the too s of onitor o ic onitor o ic and its i act
Fiscal Policy and e ain ho onitor o ic on usinesses
can i act on usinesses in the
co etiti e en iron ents
iscuss the too s of sca o ic isca o ic and its i act on
and e ain ho a sca o ic usinesses
i act usinesses in co etiti e
en iron ents
Identif the nancia arkets inancia arket and
and recent trends of nancia inter ediation
inter ediation in Sri Lanka
iscuss the ro e and res onsi i ities o e and the res onsi i ities of
of Centra ank in the nancia the Centra ank in the nancia
s ste in Sri Lanka s ste

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Pillar : Professional Skills
Course Unit : Business Communication I
Main Curriculum Areas Weightage Notional hours

A eadin Le e I 30% 75
ritin Le e I 30% 75
C Listenin Le e I 20% 50
S eakin Le e I 20% 50
Total 100% 250
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A. Reading : 30%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
1.1 Understanding basic 1.1.1 eco nise and de ne asic asic accountin usiness
accounting & business accountin usiness oca u ar in ter ino o
terminology n ish
1.1.2 Inter ret and a the eanin of
accountin usiness oca u ar in
a ro riate usiness conte ts
1.2 Developing technical 1.2.1 Co rehend for a infor a or a infor a docu ents in a
reading skills (Level I) docu ents in a usiness usiness en iron ent
en iron ent e os e ers
inutes C s ne s a er artic es
socia edia te ts
1.2.2 ractice readin techni ues in Scannin ski in and use of
co rehendin e icit eanin s of su ect re ated oca u ar
si e te ts
1.3 Identifying the main 1.3.1 Identif to ic sentences su ort Socio in uistic co etence
idea and supporting detai s
details (Level I) 1.3.2 Inter ret a essa e con e ed
throu h socia edia e ectronic
edia Socia edia osts e es
B. Writing : 30%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
2.1 Using basic accounting 2.1.1 se asic accountin and usiness usiness and accountin
& business vocabulary oca u ar in ra atica oca u ar
in appropriate contexts accurate short te ts
to achieve meaningful 2.1.2 A usiness ter ino o
communication a ro riate in usiness docu ents
2.2 Effective 2.2.1 roduce rofessiona docu ents Structure of di erent
communication in a ased on a ro riate enre ased rofessiona docu ents
business environment rofessiona docu ents eetin eetin a endas in itations
through writing a endas in itations notices C s C s and notices
2.3 Writing a business text 2.3.1 roduce di erent arieties of si e structure of usiness te ts
(Level I) e or anised and accurate ai s and e os
structured usiness te ts ai s and
e os
2.3.2 i erentiate et een the di erent enres
re isters in usiness and acade ic
ritin and use a ro riate
con entions of ritin

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Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

2.4 Paraphrasing and 2.4.1 e roduce infor ation ara hrasin su arisin
Summarising (Level I) ara hrasin su arisin s nthesisin for acade ic
s nthesisin for acade ic and rofessiona ur oses
rofessiona ur oses
2.5 Writing an academic 2.5.1 Identif se ect re ia e sources for a uation of te ts
text Part I (Level I) acade ic ritin
2.5.2 Co ose to ic sentences eatures of acade ic essa s
su ortin detai s to construct
cohesi e coherent ara ra hs
C. Listening : 20%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
3.1 Listening for specific 3.1.1 Identif ke oints in a ecture Listenin for ist in usiness
academic/professional eetin s s eeches resentations acade ic re ated con ersations
purposes (Level I) discussions take do n re e ant ectures oard eetin s
notes usiness foru s and one to one
3.1.2 Listen to understand fo o discussions
3.1.3 Identif s eci c enera infor ation
throu h acti e istenin
D. Speaking : 20%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
4.1 Basic negotiation skills 4.1.1 ractice askin and res ondin to Co unication strate ies
uestions Address reakdo ns in
co unication usin a ro riate
strate ies
4.2 Make technical 4.2.1 ractice techni ues in re uestin ecti e o er oint
presentations c ari cations and res ondin to resentations
ueries in usiness se n s
4.2.2 ress o inions oints of ie in a
rou discussion
4.2.3 ractice i in instructions
directions to others
4.3 Presentation skills 4.3.1 e e o and de i er e ecti e resentation Ski s
resentations in acade ic
rofessiona se n s ith su ortin
isua s
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Strategic Level

Corporate Level

Business Level II

Business Level I

Detailed Curriculum
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Pillar : Audit, Assurance & Ethics

Course Unit : Audit, Business Processes & Digitalisation
Main Curriculum Areas Weightage Notional hours

A Introduction to cor orate o ernance risks and contro s 10% 30

usiness rocesses and interna contro s 25% 75
C i ita isation and usiness rocesses 10% 30
thics and a ue 15% 45
unda enta s of audit and assurance 40% 120
Total 100% 300
80 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

A. Introduction to Corporate Governance, Risks and Controls : 10%

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
1.1 Corporate 1.1.1 e ne cor orate o ernance Introduction to cor orate
Governance o ernance rinci es inc udin
internationa and Sri Lankan
e o utionar as ects
1.1.2 ain the rinci es of ood i hts and res onsi i ities of
o ernance inc udin the ri hts and o ners in estors and those
res onsi i ities of o ners in estors char ed ith o ernance and
and those char ed ith o ernance e ain the ro e of stakeho ders
in o ernance disc osure and
trans arenc re uire ents
1.2 Board of 1.2.1 ain the ro e of oard of directors A i it to e ain the di erences
Directors inc udin in ro es a ed Chair an
•C and Chair an ecuti e director on e ecuti e
• ecuti e directors directors inc udin inde endent
• on e ecuti e directors on e ecuti e director
• Inde endent on e ecuti e directors
1.3 Audit Committee 1.3.1 State the functions of an audit ur ose co osition and duties
co i ee of an audit co i ee
1.3.2 ain rder to Co ection C
rocure ent to a and ecord
to e ort conte t e e usiness
rocesses in odern inance and
ana e ent rocess
B. Business Processes and internal controls : 25%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
2.1 Procurement to 2.1.1 Identif acti ities connected ith The rocure ent rocess Su ier
Pay cycle rocure ent to a rocess such as se ection ud etar contro s in
• endor se ection and e a uation urchasin acin orders and
• ud etar contro s recei in de i er a ent ther
• acin orders as ects of rocure ent usiness
• ecei in risk in the rocure ent rocess
• a ent
2.1.2 Identif the docu ents re atin to
rocure ent c c e oint of ori ination
o of docu ents and ur ose
2.1.3 Assess the usiness risk connected
ith su acti ities re atin to the
rocure ent rocess

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Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

2.2 Payroll/ 2.2.1 Identif acti ities connected ith The a ro s ste e o ees
Human capital a ro rocess such as recruit ent oinin and ea in the
management re aration and a ent of sa aries or anisation a ent of a es
2.2.2 Identif the docu ents re atin to the and sa aries a endance records
a ro rocess oint of ori ination runnin the a ro deductions
o of docu ents and ur ose fro a ea e sheets a ent
2.2.3 Assess the usiness risk connected of a es in cash a ro
ith su acti ities re atin to the reconci iation usiness risks in the
a ro rocess a ro rocess

2.3 Cash 2.3.1 Identif acti ities connected ith the The use of ank notes and
Management cash ana e ent rocess such as coins for recei t and a ents
aintenance of cash ook e cash aintenance of a cash ook
ook ank reconci iations in est ents current ank a ance recordin
etc the cash recei ed and anked
2.3.2 Identif docu ents re atin to cash akin a ents fro the ank
ana e ent recei ts a ent account ank reconci iations cash
ouchers etc oint of ori ination sur uses akin in est ents
o of docu ents and ur ose the e cash s ste s a ents
2.3.3 Assess the usiness risks connected of e cash c ai s recordin
ith su acti ities re atin to the cash e cash c ai s in the e cash
ana e ent rocess ook i ress s ste for e
cash usiness risk in the cash
ana e ent rocess
2.4 Property, Plant 2.4.1 Identif acti ities connected ith Introduction to ro ert ant
and Equipment ana e ent inc udin and e ui ent contro in ca ita
management • CA ud etin and a ro a e enditure endor se ection and
• endor se ection and tender tender rocedures recordin non
rocedures current assets in the ookkee in
• Ca ita isation and de reciation s ste ed asset re ister
• i ed asset re ister h sica contro s o er non current
• h sica contro s assets usiness risk associated
• is osa ith the e ana e ent rocess
2.4.2 Assess the usiness risk connected
ith su acti ities re atin to
ana e ent rocess
2.5 Inventory 2.5.1 Identif acti ities connected ith the In entor contro issuin ateria
management in entor ana e ent rocess such fro store storin ateria s
as decidin o ti u order uantities in entor orderin uantities
h sica safe uard of in entor in entor contro e e s other
recei in issuin oods etc s ste s of stores contro h sica
safe uards for in entor usiness
2.5.2 Assess the usiness risks connected
risk connected ith in entor
ith su acti ities re atin to the
ana e ent rocess in entor
in entor ana e ent rocess
a uation
82 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

2.6 Sales 2.6.1 Identif acti ities connected ith The sa es rocess custo er
management the sa es rocess such as order se ection ud etar contro s
acce tance credit e a uation de i er in sa es custo er orders and
in oicin recordin and se e ent of dis atchin in entor recei ts
recei a es other as ects of sa es usiness
2.6.2 Identif the docu ents re atin to sa es risk in the sa es rocess
rocess oint of ori ination o of
docu ents and ur ose
2.6.3 Assess the usiness risks connected
ith acti ities re atin to the sa es and
recei a e rocess
2.7 Role of internal e ne the s ste of interna contro e nition of interna contro the
controls in Identif e e ents of interna contro e e ents of an interna contro
mitigating risk Identif the ro e of the interna contro s ste interna contro s nancia
s ste in an entit in iti atin risk at o erationa and co iance
the usiness rocess e e contro s re enti e detecti e
and correcti e contro s contro
2.8 Elements of 2.8.1 ain ain contro acti ities such as
rocedures interna contro risks
Internal Controls: • Se re ation of duties
infor ation and co unication
• Control Activities • h sica contro s in interna contro infor ation
• Information Systems • Authorisation rocessin contro s onitorin an
and communication • usiness erfor ance e ie interna contro s ste contro s
• Monitoring • Infor ation rocessin contro s o er nancia re ortin i itations
2.8.2 ain the ro e of the infor ation of an interna contro s ste
s ste and co unication s ste s o ernance and risk
ithin the o era interna contro
s ste of an entit
2.8.3 Identif the interna contro onitorin
echanis s desi ned to ensure
e ecti eness of rocess and usiness
2.8.4 ain the interna contro o er
nancia re ortin
2.9 Limitation of 2.9.1 iscuss the inherent i itations of an
Internal Control interna contro s ste
2.10 Roles and Identif ho is res onsi e for
responsibilities the introduction of contro s in an
or anisation

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Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

2.11 Design ain the i ortance of desi n The i ortance of e ecti e
effectiveness of e ecti eness of contro in achie in interna contro s desi n
internal controls. the o ecti es of a i en usiness e ecti eness of interna contro s
rocess o eratin e ecti eness of
2.12 Operating ain the i ortance of o eratin interna contro s interna contro
effectiveness of e ecti eness of interna contro uestionnaires interna contro
internal controls e a uation uestionnaires contro s
2.13 IT general ain the i ortance of IT enera in it s ste s enera contro s
controls and contro s and a ication contro s in and a ication contro s enera
application achie in contro o ecti es in a i en it contro s a ication it contro s
controls usiness rocess de ciencies in interna contro s
iti atin contro s
2.14 Internal control ain de ciencies in interna contro s
deficiencies in a i en usiness rocess
C. Digitalisation and business processes : 10%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
3.1 Introduction to 3.1.1 ain eanin of intech and its i act Identif the di ita isation such as
Fintech on usiness en iron ent ock chain arti cia inte i ence
3.2 Introduction to 3.2.1 ain ock chain techno o and ro otic rocess auto ation
Block Chain its i act on usiness rocesses and c er securit and i act of
auditin the on usiness rocesses and
3.3 Artificial 3.3.1 ain the use of Arti cia inte i ence in auditin
intelligence basics usiness transaction rocesses
3.4 Introduction to 3.4.1 e ne o otic rocess auto ation
Robotics process A
automation/ Big 3.4.2 ain the a ication of i data data
data & cyber ana tics
security 3.4.3 ain c er risk and securit easures
3.4.4 usiness a ication and auditin of A
D. Ethics and Value : 15%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
4.1 Law, ethics 4.1.1 Identif di erences et een a ethics La ethics and ora it the
and morality and ora it i ortance of ethica eha ior for
development accountants auditors funda enta
rinci es of rofessiona ethics
4.2 Professional 4.2.1 State the i ortance of ethica
eha ior inc udin the need to act inte rit o ecti it rofessiona
in u ic interest for a rofessiona co etence and due care
accountant con dentia it rofessiona
eha ior threats to rofessiona
4.2.2 eco nise the use of conce tua
fra e ork a roach in identif in ethica eha ior dea in ith
threats e a uatin the si ni cance and threats to rofessiona ethica
a in safe uards eha ior enera fra e ork for
akin hi h ua it rofessiona
4.2.3 escri e situations here ethica
con icts can arise such as con ict of decisions ethica theories ethica
interest acce tin and akin o ers con ict reso ution aaa ode
84 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

4.3. Auditors 4.3.1 ain the conce t of auditors
Independence inde endence and reco nise h those
undertakin an assurance en a e ent are
re uired to e inde endent of their c ients
4.4 Judgmental 4.4.1 eco nise deonto o ica and
and ethical te eo o ica ie s of ethics
decision-making 4.4.2 escri e ethica decision akin
frameworks ode s that cou d e a ied in an
ethica con ict scenario
E. Fundamentals of Audit and Assurance : 40%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
5.1 Elements and 5.1.1 escri e assurance en a e ents e nition of assurance
objectives of inc udin a estation and direct en a e ents o ecti es of an
an assurance en a e ents assurance en a e ent e e ents
engagement 5.1.2 ain the ke areas of the assurance of an assurance en a e ent t es
fra e ork inc udin e e ents of assurance en a e ent re ie
o ecti es sco e etc en a e ent
5.1.3 ain the di erence et een
reasona e assurance en a e ents
i ited assurance en a e ents
5.2 Acceptance 5.2.1 ain reconditions for assurance
of assurance en a e ents
5.3 General principles 5.3.1 iscuss enera rinci es o ernin
of an audit an audit of nancia state ents such
of financial as risk of ateria isstate ents
statements detection risk rofessiona ske ticis
rofessiona ud ents etc
5.3.2 ain the need to conduct an audit in
accordance ith SLAuS
5.3.3 ain the o ecti es and a ri utes of asic understandin of SLA S
audit docu entation Audit docu entation
5.4 Terms of 5.4.1 iscuss the i ortance of en a e ent I ortance of en a e ent e er
Engagement e ers and their contents
5.5 Review 5.5.1 ain the o ecti e and sco e of ecti e and sco e of an
Engagements an en a e ent to re ie nancia en a e ent to re ie nancia
state ents state ents

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Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

5.6 Audit Planning, 5.6.1 Identif the acti ities connected ith Audit of nancia state ents
risk assessment se n the o era audit strate enera rinci es o ernin an
and risk response 5.6.2 ain o era ateria it erfor ance audit of nancia state ents
and ateria it e e o era audit strate ateria it
5.6.3 ain risk assess ent rocedures risk assess ent in audit annin
used to o tain an understandin of the the co onents of audit risk
entit and its en iron ent audit e idence nature ti in and
e tent of atherin audit e idence
5.6.4 ain nancia State ent assertions
tests of contro s su stanti e
a out
rocedures rocedures to o tain
i C asses of transactions and e ents
audit e idences tests of detai
and re ated disc osures
ana tica rocedures audit
ii Account a ances and re ated
sa in auditor res onsi i it in
disc osures at the eriod end
re entin frauds re ated arties
5.6.5 Identif as ects of the usiness
audit re ortin
re e ant to audits inc udin industr
nature of the entit o ecti es
strate ies usiness risk and Is
5.6.6 ain the di erence et een o era
nancia state ent risk and risk at
assertion e e
5.6.7 Identif the i ortance of identif in
and assessin the risk ith re ated
art transactions durin an audit of
nancia state ents
5.6.8 ain audits res onse to assessed
risk of ateria isstate ents inc udin
o era res onse and res onse at
assertion e e
5.7 Risk of material 5.7.1 ain the di erence et een risk of isk of ateria isstate ent
misstatement at ateria isstate ent at assertion e e at assertion e e and risk of
assertion level and risk of ateria isstate ents at ateria isstate ents at nancia
and at financial nancia state ent e e state ent e e
statement level
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Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

5.8 Audit Evidence 5.8.1 e ne audit e idence Audit e idence
5.8.2 Identif factors that a ect auditors Auditors ud ent in atherin
ud ent as to hat constitutes audit e idence
su cient a ro riate e idence
5.9 Sufficient 5.9.1 ain the conce ts and eanin s of Su cient and a ro riate audit
appropriate audit • Su cient and a ro riate audit e idence
evidence e idence
ature ti in and e tent of audit
• The nature ti in and e tent of
audit rocedures
5.9.2 ain the eanin and the di erence Test of contro s and su stanti e
et een test of contro s and rocedures
su stanti e rocedures
5.9.3 List di erent audit rocedures used to Audit rocedures
ather audit e idence
5.10 Subsequent 5.10.1 ain auditors res onsi i ities for Su se uent e ents
events identif in su se uent e ents
5.11 Written 5.11.1 ain the use of ri en ri en re resentation
representation re resentation as audit e idence
5.12 Fraud risk in an 5.12.1 ain auditor s res onsi i it for Auditor s res onsi i it for fraud
audit of financial re entin and detectin frauds in an
statement audit of nancia state ents
5.13 Audit report 5.13.1 State the e e ents of an audit re ort Audit re ort
ain the i ortance and rationa e
for each ke e e ents in the audit
re ort
Identif circu stances here auditor odi ed audit re ort
e ress a odi ed audit o inion or
inc ude an e hasis or other a er
ara ra h
5.14 Related services ain the ur ose and nature of asic understandin of SLS S
engagements en a e ent to ro ide A reed on n a e ents to
rocedures A and e e ents of a erfor A re ardin nancia
A re ort infor ation

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Pillar : Performance Measurement and Risk

Course Unit : Management Accounting
Main Curriculum Areas Weightage Notional hours

A Cost accountin 35% 105

annin contro in 20% 60
C ecision akin 25% 75
isk uncertaint 10% 30
orkin ca ita ana e ent 10% 30
Total 100% 300
88 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

A. Cost Accounting : 35%

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
1.1 Introduction to Cost 1.1.1 Explain the difference between the Definitions of management
& Management role of a management accountant accounting & cost accounting,
Accounting and the financial accountant. nature of management
accounting information.
1.1.2 Explain the role of Management Objective and scope of
Accountant to support planning, management accounting, policies
controlling and decision making. and plans to achieve desired
objectives of management,
levels of planning and controlling
(operational, management and
corporate level).
1.2 Cost classification 1.2.1 Identify key components of Components classified under
production cost. production and service cost.
1.2.2 Explain different cost classifications Cost classifications;
and identify different cost • by nature (material, labour,
categories. other cost).
• for profit measurement and
stock valuation (direct cost,
indirect cost, manufacturing
cost & non-manufacturing
cost, product cost, periodic
• by Behaviour, for decision
making & controlling (Variable
cost, fixed cost, semi variable
cost, relevant cost, irrelevant
cost, controllable cost, Non-
controllable cost)

1.2.3 Calculate appropriate cost Cost estimation using high-

estimations having identified the low method, scatter diagram &
cost behavior. regression method, Compute
and interpret correlation
coefficient, rank correlation).
1.3 Labour Costs 1.3.1 Compute labour costs using different Time based pay (concept
remuneration methods. of overtime, idle time),
performance based pay,
guaranteed remuneration, bonus
1.3.2 Compute the labour cost for a Direct & indirect labour costs.
production organisation.

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Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

1.4 Overhead Costs 1.4.1 Prepare an Overhead Cost Definition and components
statement. under overhead cost, overhead
allocation & apportionment,
reapportionment under reciprocal
servicing (repeated distribution
method, elimination method).
1.4.2 Compute the Full Cost of products, Treatment of direct and indirect
services and activities under costs in ascertaining the full cost
absorption costing & marginal of a product.
Overhead absorption (single
O.A.R, Departmental O.A.R).
Over / Under Absorption of
1.5 Pricing 1.5.1 Apply cost information in pricing Marginal cost plus pricing &
decisions. full cost plus pricing to achieve
specified targets (E.g.: Return on
Investment, Margin, Mark-up)
1.6 Integrated Accounting 1.6.1 Explain the integration of cost Explain the advantages and
accounts with the financial disadvantages of integrated
accounting system. accounting
1.6.2 Prepare accounts for inventory, Inventory control accounts
labor, overheads work-in-progress (Material, Work in progress,
finished goods flowing up to income Finished goods), Wages control
statement. account, Production & Non-
production overhead Control
account, Accounting for
overhead under absorption/over
absorption, cost of sales control
account, Income statement

1.7 Specific Order Costing 1.7.1 Compute and account for the costs Specific Order Costing ( Job
of a specific order using job costing Costing & Batch Costing)
and batch costing. • Characteristics of job costing
& batch costing
• Job cost card
• Accounting for jobs
1.7.2 Compute and account for the costs Contract Costing (Characteristics,
of a specific order using contract preparation contract accounts &
costing. recognising profits)
1.7.3 Compute the cost of a specific order Service costing with composite
using service costing. cost units.
Characteristics of a service vs
1.8 Process costing 1.8.1 Identify stages of a process and Losses & gains, cost entries in
account for process costs. process accounts.
1.8.2 Interpret and apply the concept of Equivalent unit concept for
equivalent unit product costing. WIP, FIFO Method & Weighted
Average Method for opening WIP.
1.8.3 Compute the cost of joint products Joint & By Product Costing.
and By products.
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Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

1.9 Marginal & Absorption 1.9.1 Compute inventory value and profit • Inventory valuation and Profit
costing under Absorption costing and statement under Marginal and
marginal costing. absorption costing
• Arguments ‘for’ and ‘against’
each method; Marginal and
Absorption Costing
1.9.2 Prepare reconciliation for differences Profit Reconciliations.
in profit calculated under Absorption
costing & Marginal Costing system.
B. Planning & Controlling : 20%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
2.1 Introduction to 2.1.1 Explain the importance of Definitions & purposes of
Standard Costing & standard costing standard costing,
Variance Analysis Different types of standards
(Ideal, Attainable and Current)
Preparation of the standard cost
2.1.2 Compute and interpret variances Calculate & Interpret Basic
related to sales and costs. Variances ;
Cost variances : Material (total,
price and usage) / Labour (total,
rate, efficiency and idle time)
/ Variable Overhead (total,
expenditure and efficiency)
Note: Material variances with
raw material stocks need to be
Sales variances: Sales Price
variance/ Sales Volume
Contribution variance
2.1.3 Prepare a statement that reconciles The use of variances to reconcile
budgeted contribution with the the budgeted and actual
actual contribution calculated using contribution that have been
marginal costing. calculated using marginal costing

Accounting for variances in the

integrated accounting system.

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Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

2.2 Budgeting; Preparation 2.2.1 Explain why & how Definitions & Purposes of
and Control organizations prepare budgeting, Budget Preparation
budgets process (Budget Period, Budget
Centre, Budget Committee,
Budget Manual, Principal budget
2.2.2 Prepare functional budgets. Functional budgets (Sales,
Production, Material Usage /
Purchases, Labour, Overhead
2.2.3 Prepare cash budgets and Explain Cash Budget
the solutions for budgeted cash
Tools for short term and long
deficits and surpluses in the short
term cash deficits and surpluses
and long run.
2.2.4 Explain the Master Budget. Linkage between budgeted
income statement, balance sheet
and cash flow statement in the
master budget.
2.2.5 Calculate projected sales volumes, Time Series Forecasting
revenue and costs using forecasting (Regression Method and Moving
techniques. Average Method), Adjusting
for Seasonality (Additive and
Multiplicative Methods)
2.2.6 Explain feedback and feed forward Feed Forward vs Feedback
controls and their behavioral control.
2.2.7 Explain the disadvantages of Disadvantages of Budgeting
Budgeting including Budget Slack. including Budget Slack.
2.2.8 Explain budgeting at different Strategic, Tactical &
levels of planning of the Operational Planning

2.2.9 Prepare and interpret a Flexible Fixed vs Flexible budget

Budget & Budget variances Budgetary control
92 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

C. Decision Making : 20%

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
3.1 Cost-Volume-Profit 3.1.1 Compute the contribution from Concept of Contribution & C:S
Analysis products, services and activities. Ratio.
3.1.2 Compute break-even point and Single Product:
identify volume required for a given • Break-even Analysis
profit target. • Target Profit
• Margin of Safety
• Break-even Charts (Traditional,
Contribution, Profit-volume).
3.2 Single Limiting Factor 3.2.1 Identify the optimum production/ Limiting factor analysis
decisions sales mix for a single limiting factor (Contribution per limiting factor)
scenario. for a multi-product company
with one scarce resource.
3.3 Relevant Costing 3.3.1 Identify the relevant cost for short Relevant (Opportunity cost,
term decision making. Avoidable cost, Incremental
Cost) vs Non Relevant Costs
(Sunk cost, committed cost, non-
cash flow cost, common costs,
notional costs).
3.3.2 Apply relevant costing to prepare a Relevant cost of Material,
cost sheet for decision making Labour, Variable overheads,
Fixed overheads

3.4 Long-term Decision 3.4.1 Explain the purpose of Investment Objectives of Investment
Making Appraisals. Appraisals, Investment Appraisal
Process, Time value of money.

3.4.2 Compute the financial feasibility Investment appraisal techniques:

using different investment appraisal • Non Discounted Cash flow
techniques. Techniques (Accounting Rate
of Return, Payback Period)
• Time Value of Money -
Discounted Cash flow ,
• Discounted Cash flow
Techniques (Discounted
Payback Period, NPV, IRR)
• Working Capital in Investment
Appraisals (Not covered)
• NPV vs IRR
• Non-Financial Factors in
Investment Appraisals

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D. Risk & Uncertainty : 10%

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
4.1 Introduction to Risk & 4.1.1 Explain the concept of Risk and Risk and Uncertainty
Uncertainty Uncertainty

4.2 Basic Decision Making 4.2.1 Calculate summary measures of Arithmetic mean, median,
Tools under Risk central tendency and dispersion for mode, range, variance, standard
both grouped and ungrouped data deviation and coefficient of
variation for both ungrouped
and grouped data
4.2.2 Demonstrate the use of probability • Probability (Complementary
in decision making Law, Addition Law and
Multiplication Law)
• Normal distribution
4.2.3 Analyse outcomes using the basic • Maxi-max, Maxi-min, Mini-max
decision tools under risk. Regret Criteria
• Expected value and payoff
• Limitations of expected values

E. Working Capital Management : 10%

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
5.1 Material Management 5.1.1 Illustrate the inventory control • Inventory Control overview;
process. Ordering, Purchasing,
Receiving, Storing & Issuing,
Storing methods; Centralised
vs Decentralised storing,
• Periodic vs Perpetual stock
5.1.2 Calculate inventory related costs for Purchasing cost, Ordering cost,
a manufacturing organisation. Holding Cost, Stock out cost.
5.1.3 Calculate inventory control levels Inventory Control levels (Re-
and EOQ. order Level, maximum stock
level, minimum stock level)
Economic Order Quantity
5.1.4 Calculate the cost of Issued stocks Issuing & valuation: FIFO
and Closing Inventory using FIFO, method, LIFO method,
LIFO and Weighted Average Cost Weighted average cost methods.
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Pillar : Taxation and Law

Course Unit : Business Taxation
Main Curriculum Areas Weightage Notional hours

A Introduction to ta ation 5% 15
Inco e ta ia i it of a resident indi idua 25% 75
C asic inco e ta ia i it of a resident co an 10% 30
ains fro rea isation of in est ent assets 5% 15
a ue added ta 15% 45
ther ta es a ica e to usinesses 10% 30
asic inco e ta ad inistration and inco e ta a ent rocedure 20% 60
Ta ation of other ersons entities 10% 30
Total 100 300

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A. Introduction to Taxation : 5%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
1.1. Functions and State the econo ic and socia cono ic and socia functions
principles of taxation functions of ta ation of ta ation
State the rinci es of ta ation and rinci es of ta ation and the
the di erence et een direct ta es di erence et een direct ta es
and indirect ta es indirect ta es
1.2. Tax system in Sri Lanka State the ro e of the fo o in ta o es of the fo o in ta
authorities in Sri Lanka authorities in Sri Lanka
• e art ent of In and e enue • e art ent of In and e enue
• ro incia e art ents of • ro incia e art ents of
e enue e enue
• e art ent of Custo s and • e art ent of Custo s and
cise e art ent cise e art ent
Identif the fo o in a or ta es in a or ta es in Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka
• Inco e Ta • Inco e Ta
• a ue Added Ta AT • a ue Added Ta AT
• ation ui din Ta T • ation ui din Ta T
• cono ic Ser ice Char e • cono ic Ser ice Char e
• Sta ut • Sta ut
• cise ut and Ta es on I orts • cise ut and Ta es on I orts
B. Income Tax Liability of a Resident Individual : 25%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
2.1 Imposition of income Identif the Statutor ro isions Statutor ro isions a ica e
tax a ica e to inco e ta to inco e ta
ain the char ea i it of inco e Char ea i it of inco e ta
ta to a erson under the In and to a erson under the In and
e enue Act e enue Act

3 ain the char ea i it of inco e eanin of erson ear of

ta to a erson under the In and assess ent source of inco e
e enue Act inco e and the residence ru e
2.2 Statutory income from Ca cu ate assessa e inco e fro a Assessa e inco e fro a
sources of income & usiness of s a or ediu sca e usiness of s a or ediu
income listed in the enter rise takin into consideration sca e enter rise takin into
a o a e and disa o a e e enses consideration a o a e and
Inland Revenue Act
and rea isation of ca ita assets disa o a e e enses and
rea isation of ca ita assets
Ca cu ate assessa e inco e fro Assessa e inco e fro
e o ent inc udin a cash and e o ent inc udin a cash
non cash ene ts and non cash ene ts
Ca cu ate assessa e inco e fro Assessa e inco e fro
in est ent e c udin ains fro in est ent e c udin ains fro
rea isation of in est ent assets in rea isation of in est ent assets
cha ter in cha ter
96 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

2.3 Taxable income Ca cu ate ta a e inco e takin into Ta a e inco e takin into
consideration re e ant ua if in consideration the re e ant
a ents and re iefs ua if in a ents and re iefs
C. Basic Income Tax liability of a Resident Company : 10%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
3.1 Basic understanding Identif arious t es of co anies arious t es of co anies
of income tax liability in re ation to a ication of di erent in re ation to a ication of
of a resident company rates of inco e ta di erent rates of inco e ta
(non-complex ain s eci c ad ust ents S eci c ad ust ents a ica e
straightforward a ica e to the co utation to the co utation of
of Assessa e inco e of a assessa e inco e of a co an
co an fro usiness other fro usiness other than
than ad ust ents a ica e to ad ust ents a ica e to
interco an transactions interco an transactions
Co ute ta a e inco e of a Ta a e inco e of a co an
co an akin re e ant akin re e ant statutor
statutor deductions deductions
Co ute inco e ta a a e a Inco e ta a a e a s a or
s a or ediu si ed co an ediu si ed co an
3.2 Basic Transfer Pricing Identif the conce t of ar s en th The conce t of ar s en th
rice rice
State docu entation re uire ents ocu entation re uire ents
under transfer ricin re u ations under transfer ricin
re u ations
D. Gains from realisation of investment assets : 5%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
4.1 Imposition of tax on Identif the histor of ca ita ains The histor of ca ita ains ta
gains from realisation ta in Sri Lanka in Sri Lanka
of assets & liabilities State the conse uences of non Conse uences of non
co iance co iance
Identif in est ents assets In est ents assets
4.2 Cost of an asset and Identif cost of an asset and Cost of an asset and incidenta
consideration incidenta e enditure e enditure
Identif the consideration recei ed The consideration recei ed on
on rea isation of asset rea isation of asset
4.3 Realisation of assets State oints of rea isation of assets oints of rea isation of assets
and liabilities and ia i ities inc udin re ersa and ia i ities inc udin re ersa
refunds and co ensation refunds and co ensation
Identif rea isation ith retention of ea isation ith retention of
assets assets
Identif transfer of assets to s ouse Transfer of assets to s ouse
and for er s ouse transfer on and for er s ouse transfer on
death transfer to an associate for no death transfer to an associate
consideration for no consideration

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Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

Identif in o untar rea isation ith In o untar rea isation ith
re ace ent re ace ent
Identif in o untar rea isation In o untar rea isation
se aration se aration
4.4 Calculation of gains & Ca cu ate the ain or oss fro ain or oss fro rea isation of
losses rea isation of assets ia i ities assets ia i ities
ain the rocedure for a ent of rocedure for the a ent of
ta on rea isation of ains ta on rea isation of ains
E. Value Added Tax (VAT) : 10%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
5.1 Obligations of a VAT- I osition of a ue added ta I osition of a ue added ta
registered person a on ith the de nitions for the a on ith the de nitions for the
ter s ta a e acti it ta a e ter s ta a e acti it ta a e
su su of oods su of su su of oods
ser ices ti e of su ta a e su of ser ices ti e of
eriod and re istered erson su ta a e eriod and the
re istered erson
Ad ise the statutor o i ations Statutor o i ations ith re ard
ith re ard to furnishin returns to furnishin returns a ent
a ent of ta and docu entation of ta and docu entation
Assess out ut ta in ut ta and ut ut ta in ut ta and a ance
a ance ta a a e a re istered ta a a e re istered erson
erson in usiness hich carries out in usiness hich carries out
u ti e acti ities u ti e acti ities
5.2 Simplified VAT Scheme Assess the AT ia i it of a AT ia i it of a re istered
re istered identi ed urchaser and identi ed urchaser and
re istered identi ed su ier re istered identi ed su ier
ut ine the si ni cant features of Si ni cant features of the
the Si i ed AT Sche e Si i ed AT Sche e
5.3 Managing VAT in a ain statutor ro isions of the Statutor ro isions of the AT
business AT Act ith re ard to assess ents Act ith re ard to assess ents
ti e ar for assess ents a ea s ti e ar for assess ents
and a ea se e ent rocedure a ea s and a ea se e ent
Ana se AT issues in a co e AT issues in a co e
usiness en iron ent and ro ide usiness en iron ent and
a ro riate actions to iti ate such ro ide a ro riate actions to
situations iti ate such situations
98 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

F. Other taxes applicable to businesses : 10%

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
6.1. Excise Duty 6.1.1. Explain the applicability of excise Applicability of excise duty to
chargeable under duty to small and medium-sized small and medium-sized
the Excise businesses and registration. businesses and
(Special registration.
Provisions) Act
6.1.2. List a few nontaxable activities. Nontaxable activities.
6.1.3. Compute tax payable in a Tax payable in a straightforward,
straightforward, non-complex non-complex scenario
scenario including value, power to including value, power to
estimate the sale price, value for estimate the sale price,
imports, input tax credit. value for imports, input
tax credit.
6.2. Share Transaction 6.2.1. Explain the applicability of share Applicability of share transaction
Levy (STL) transaction levy and the imposition levy and the imposition of
of levy. levy.
6.2.2. Explain the collection and payment
Collection and payment of levy.
of levy.
6.2.3. Explain furnishing of returns. Furnishing of returns.
6.2.4. Explain the recovery procedure of
Recovery procedure of levy.

6.3 Stamp duty ain sta dut a a e to Sta dut a a e to ro incia

ro incia Counci s on i o a e Counci s on i o a e
ro erties and ca cu ate sta dut ro erties and ca cu ate sta
on sa e i of ro erties dut on sa e i of ro erties
ain sta dut a a e to Sta dut a a e to Centra
Centra o ern ent on s eci ed o ern ent on s eci ed
instru ents and ca cu ate sta instru ents and ca cu ate sta
dut ased on i en rates dut ased on i en rates
6.4. Tourism 6.4.1. Explain the applicability of tourism Applicability of tourism
Development development levy and the development levy and the
Levy (TDL) imposition of levy. imposition of levy.
6.4.2. Explain the period of levy. Period of levy.
6.4.3. Compute tax payable in
Tax payable in straightforward,
straightforward, non-complex
non-complex scenario.
6.4.4. Explain the method of payment of
Method of payment of levy.
The Instute o f Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka | 99
G. Basic Income Tax Administration and Income Tax Payment Procedure : 20%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
7.1 Return of income State the circu stances under Circu stances under hich an
hich an indi idua or a co an is indi idua or a co an is re uired
re uired to furnish a return ith to furnish a return ith due dates
due dates n ine su ission of returns
State the conse uences of non Conse uences of non
co iance co iance
7.2 Assessments Identif Se f assess ents defau t Se f assess ents defau t
assess ents and ad ance assess ents and ad ance
assess ents a ended or additiona assess ents a ended or
assess ents and circu stances additiona assess ents and
eadin to such assess ents circu stances eadin to such
assess ents
Identif ti e ar eriods a ica e Ti e ar eriods a ica e for
for each t es of Assess ents each t es of Assess ents
7.3 Objections & Appeals State re uire ents and rocedure e uire ents and rocedure for
for an Ad inistrati e e ie an Ad inistrati e e ie
ain the rocedure for a ea to rocedure for a ea to the Ta
the Ta A ea s Co ission TAC A ea s Co ission TAC
ain the circu stances for Circu stances for a ea s fro
a ea s for TAC TAC
7.4 Payment of tax and ain the ia i it to se e inco e Lia i it to se e inco e ta on a
recovery of tax in ta on a se f assess ent asis se f assess ent asis inc udin
default inc udin due dates and ca cu ate ta due dates and ca cu ate ta
a a e insta ents a a e insta ent
ain ena ties a ica e on the ena ties a ica e on the non
non ate a ent of ta ate a ent of ta
List reco er actions a ai a e under eco er actions a ai a e under
the In and e enue Act the In and e enue Act
7.5 Withholding by ain characteristics of a As ou Characteristics of a As ou
Employers arn A s ste arn A s ste
ain the o i ations of an i ations of an e o er
e o er under A under A
7.6 Withholding from Identif a ents su ected to T a ents su ected to T
investment returns and re e ant rates and re e ant rates
ain ithho din ta a ica e ithho din ta a ica e for
for artnershi artnershi
Identif e e tions fro e tions fro ithho din
ithho din ta ta
7.7 Withholding from Identif a ents su ected to T a ents su ected to T
service fees and and re e ant rates and re e ant rates
contract Payments. Identif e e tions fro e tions fro ithho din
ithho din ta ta
7.8 Other matters relevant ain co iance re uire ents Co iance re uire ents under
to withholding tax under T s ste T s ste
Identif na ithho din a ents ina ithho din a ents
ain ta credits for non na Ta credits for non na
ithho din ta aid ithho din ta aid
100 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

H. Taxation other Persons & Entities : 10%

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
8.1 Bodies of persons State the inter retations of the Inter retations of the fo o in
fo o in ter s for ta ur oses ter s for ta ur oses od of
od of ersons charita e ur ose ersons charita e ur ose and
and charita e institution charita e institution
ain the char ea i it of inco e Char ea i it of inco e ta fro
ta fro charita e institutions and charita e institutions and non
non o ern enta or anisations o ern enta or anisations
Assess the ta ia i it of a charita e Ta ia i it of a charita e
institution and non o ern enta institution and non
or anisation o ern enta or anisation
Ca cu ate the ta a e inco e Ta a e inco e of a artnershi
of a artnershi ta a a e ta a a e a artnershi
a artnershi distri ution of distri ution of artnershi
artnershi inco e a on artners inco e a on artners and
and ta es of indi idua artner ta ation of indi idua artners
8.2 Trustees, executors ain the eanin of the ter s eanin of the ter s e ecutor
and receivers e ecutor trustee and recei er trustee and recei er
Assess inco e ta ia i it of a Inco e ta ia i it of a erson
erson in the a o e ca acities in the a o e ca acities

Detailed Curriculum
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Pillar : Business Management & Strategy

Course Unit : Digital Business Strategy
Main Curriculum Areas Weightage Notional hours

A Introduction to usiness strate and techno o 20% 60

ana in infor ation in usiness 25% 75
C ature and sco e of e usiness 30% 90
arketin strate ies in di ita a e 25% 75
Total 100% 300
102 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

A. Introduction to Business Strategy and Technology : 20%

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
1.1 Business Identif strate ies of or anisations e nition of strate
Management in di erent e e s of ana e ent
T es of strate ies in usinesses
Process and and the inte ration of strate ies
Technology to enhance usiness erfor ance
ain the ro e of Techno o in o e of Techno o in for u atin and
for u atin and i e entation i e entation of Strate ies
of Strate ies
iscuss techno o a ications Techno o A ications in usiness
in usiness rocess for enhancin rocess
e cienc and e ecti eness
e ate the Techno o and usiness a ue Creation throu h
Inno ation for usiness a ue Techno o and Inno ation A ication
creation of Techno o in a ue Chain
Identif techno o infrastructures Techno o Infrastructures for
ado ted odern usiness usinesses
or anisations in d na ic
en iron ent
1.2 Managing iscuss the si ni cance of Si ni cance of ana in Techno o
Technology in ana in techno o for usiness inc udin intech
Organisations success inc udin intech
escri e the rocess of ana in rocess of ana in Techno o
Techno o in or anisations
a ine ro e of T in a oe T in a usiness
eco nise the sta es of Techno o Life C c es Sta es
techno o ife c c e rinci es rinci es and arket res onses
of ife c c es of techno o and
arket res onses for the ife
c c es in arious hases
ain the reasons for rocess of Techno o Ac uisition
techno o ac uisition and due easons t es and due di i ence rior
di i ence rior to o tainin ne to o tainin ne techno o
techno o

A the di erent t es of
ac uisition odes ased on the
1.3 Digitalisation Co are and contrast uni ue ni ue features of a di ita usiness
of Business and features of a di ita usiness o er o er traditiona usiness
Commerce traditiona usiness
Identif ene ts and dra acks ene ts and dra acks of di ita
of di ita usiness usiness

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Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

ain the atest de e o ents in Latest de e o ents in the di ita
the di ita usiness and co erce usiness and co erce s ectru
s ectru
B. Managing Information in Business : 25%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
2.1 Role of information istin uish asic conce ts for IT usiness rocesses infor ation
systems in IS ana e ent and e a ine the s ste s
businesses ro e of infor ation s ste s in
usiness rocesses
Co are and contrast di erent T es of infor ation s ste s
t es of infor ation s ste s
ado ted usiness or anisations
eco nise IT infrastructure IT infrastructure e er in
e er in techno o ies for techno o ies
infor ation ana e ent
iscuss the ro e of Co unication techno o in
co unication techno o in infor ation s ste s
ana in infor ation
2.2. ERP State s ste atica the annin The asic conce ts of s ste s
echanis s in an enter rise
Identif a co onents in an
s ste and the re ationshi s
a on the co onents
Co are and contrast the nature II and s ste s
of di erent resource annin
s ste s and ossi e a ication
in usiness rocess
eco nise the rinci es of The rinci es of s ste s
s ste s ado ted odern
usiness or anisations
Identif a or co onents of a or co onents of s ste s
s ste s
iscuss the ad anta es and Ad anta es and i itations of
i itations of i e entin i e entin s ste s
s ste s
C. Nature and scope of e-Business : 30%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
3.1. Introduction to Co are and contrast features Co erce s usiness
e-business and sco e of Co erce s
e usiness
ain t es of C transactions T es of C transactions
ado ted odern usinesses
104 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

iscuss the nature and usiness ode s
a ications of di erent
e usiness ode s
Identif the e ents of e ents of e usiness ode s
e usiness ode s and
inte ration of the e e ents for
de e o in a ue ro osition to
the custo ers
eco nise the ene ts and ene ts and i itations of e Co erce
i itations of e Co erce and and e usiness
e usiness
3.2. E-business ain trends in usiness Trends in usiness n iron ent in st
environment n iron ent in st Centur and Centur
their i act to usinesses
Identif e arket ace t es arket ace t es functions and
functions and features features Auctions orta s etc
iscuss consu er on ine Consu er n ine eha ior and
eha ior and eha ior dis a in Techno o Ado tion
techno o ado tion
ain ro e of di itised ro in di itised consu er
consu er identif the s eci c
eha iora indicators o er
traditiona custo er
3.3. E-Business iscuss a s of usin e usiness Inte ratin e usiness funda enta s to
Applications funda enta s to ake sure or anisationa functiona ana e ent
inte ration a on ke usiness
functions of or anisation
Identif techno o a ication in Techno o a ication in SC e
su chain ana e ent SC rocure ent S ste s Su chain
for usiness a ue creation infor ation s ste etc
eco nise the techno o Techno o a ication in
a ication in and Ana tics
ossi i ities of ado tin to
ana tics for roducti it of
hu an resources
Identif techno o a ication Techno o a ication in eration
in o eration ana e ent ana e ent Lean anufacturin Tota
to enhance o erationa ua it ana e ent usiness rocess
erfor ances e en ineerin
iscuss a ternati e a ent a ent S ste a ent so utions
s ste s to ro ide a ent and rder fu ent
so utions and order fu ent
e usiness en iron ent
Identif issues re ated to Issues re ated to e usiness a ications
e usiness a ications for ndin
a ro riate so utions

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D. Marketing Strategies in Digital Age : 25%

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
4.1. Marketing Co are and contrast features arketin s Traditiona arketin
Practices in Digital and sco e of arketin s
platform Traditiona arketin
eco nise co onents of Co onents of arketin
arketin ado ted odern
usiness r s
ain e arketin too s and arketin Too s
their ossi e a ications
iscuss the rocess of Tai in Tai in roducts and ser ices
roducts and ser ices
Identif the ene ts and i itation
of Tai in in oth or anisation
and custo er ers ecti es
Identif the ne di ita a enues arketin Co unication
ado ted arketers to de i er
creati e essa es to their
custo ers
iscuss the ossi e a ications Search n ine ti isation
of Search n ine ti isation
for usinesses in strate ic
ers ecti es
Identif the Custo er e ationshi Custo er e ationshi ana e ent
ana e ent a ications in di ita
en iron ent
4.2. Mobile and Social eco nise the a ication of ature and the sco e of Socia edia
Media Marketing Socia edia usiness in di erent usiness
ers ecti es
a ine the nature and Introduction to Socia edia arketin
s ecia ties of Socia edia
arketin co ared to co on
e arketin a ications
iscuss asic ui din ocks of asic ui din ocks of Socia edia
Socia edia
a ine a ication of socia Socia net ork ana sis
net ork ana sis for ndin s ne
usiness o ortunities
iscuss the ossi i it of usin ira arketin
ira arketin for ui din the
rands of usiness
Identif ossi e too s and Ana sis and onitorin of Socia edia
techni ues for ana sin and
onitorin socia edia
106 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

iscuss the A ication of A ication of Socia edia ana e ent
Socia edia ana e ent Too s Too s
for de e o in co etiti e
ad anta es to usiness
eco nise s eci c arketin o ieA ications in arketin
a ications of o i e techno o Strate
o er other e arketin a ication
4.3. Content Marketing a ine the nature and sco e of Introduction to Content arketin
content arketin
iscuss the a ication of Content arketin and Strate ic
Content arketin as Strate ic Co unication
Co unication too
Identif di erent Content Content arketin usiness ode
arketin usiness ode in
strate ic ers ecti es to nd out
est ode for the usiness
iscuss the ossi e a ication Content aturit ode
of Content aturit ode
for identif in cha en es and
o ortunities around created
Identif rinci es of Content rinci es of Content arketin
arketin in ractica
ers ecti es
a ine the s ecia features and ature and Sco e of e ai arketin
a ri ute of e ai arketin ith
s ecia a ention to its cost and
ene ts
eco nise the ossi i ities A ication of e ai arketin in
of usin e ai arketin for Content arketin
enhancin the e ecti eness of
Content arketin

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Pillar : Professional Skills
Course Unit : Business Communication II
Main Curriculum Areas Weightage Notional hours

A eadin L e e II 30% 75
rin L e e II 30% 75
C Listenin L e e II 20% 50
Seakin L e e II 20% 50
Total 100% 250
108 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

A. Reading : 30%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
1.1 Developing technical 1.1.1 I ro e o re ated readin ski s Scannin ski in and use of
reading skills (Level II) throu h e ecti e readin of su ect re ated oca u ar
technica ateria cia e ers
ne s a er artic es eetin
1.1.2 Identif s eci c infor ation in eadin for s eci c infor ation
oderate co e acade ic
non acade ic te ts
1.1.3 Co rehend inter ret the ist Identif in the ain idea
con e ed in usiness docu ents eadin for ist
1.1.4 ractice readin techni ues in Scannin ski in and use of
co rehendin e icit eanin s of su ect re ated oca u ar
oderate ad anced te ts
1.2 Identifying the main 1.2.1 Inter ret a essa e con e ed Socio in uistic co etence
idea and supporting throu h socia edia e ectronic
details (Level II) edia ith co e an ua e Socia
edia osts e es
B. Writing : 30%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
2.1 Writing business texts 2.1.1 roduce di erent arieties of si e Structure of usiness te ts
(Level II) e or anised and accurate e ers short re orts and
structured usiness te ts or a artic es
infor a e ers short usiness
re orts and artic es usin di erent
re isters in usiness and acade ic
2.2 Data commentary 2.2.1 A technica oca u ar re ated to Technica ter ino o re ated to
descri tion of ra hs and charts the descri tion of ra hs and
2.2.2 escri e and inter ret a ra h chart charts
usin a ro riate oca u ar
2.4 Paraphrasing and 2.4.1 re are notes on oderate ara hrasin su arisin
Summarising (Level II) co e acade ic rofessiona s nthesisin for acade ic
te ts rofessiona ur oses
2.5 Writing an academic 2.5.1 A a ro riate strate ies to se of transitiona er s for a
text Part I (Level II) construct asic acade ic te ts oca u ar an ua e re ister
Acade ic essa s and ara ra hin techni ues

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C. Listening : 20%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
3.1 Listening for specific 3.1.1 Identif otentia e istin Co unication strate ies
academic/professional reakdo ns in co unication
purposes (Level II) 3.1.2 e onstrate the a i it to
co rehend i ied and e icit
stated infor ation
D. Speaking : 20%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
4.1 Interview skills 4.1.1 e onstrate the use of uent A ro riate od an ua e and
accurate a ro riate an ua e use of an ua e in inter ie s
4.1.2 e onstrate the use of a ro riate
od an ua e
4.2 Effective speaking in a 4.2.1 Identif di erent arieties of s eech arieties of s eech in usiness
professional setting in usiness se n s Ar u entati e se n s Ar u entati e
ersuasi e factua s eeches ersuasi e factua s eeches
4.2.2 ake short i ro tu s eeches for
usiness ur oses
4.3 Professional 4.3.1 se co unication de ices rofessiona eha iours
communication a ro riate ith res onsi i it in a
etiquette rofessiona se n
4.3.2 es ond a ro riate
to infor ation recei ed
throu h te e hone e ectronic
co unication
110 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

Pillar : IT Training Pillar

Course Unit : Business Information Technology
Main Curriculum Areas Weightage Notional hours

A asic rinci es of IT 10% 25

ce Ski s 35% 87
C se of Internet 5% 13
Accountin acka e for S s 50% 125
Total 100% 250

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A. Basic principles of IT : 10%

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
1.1 Introduction iscuss ata s Infor ation
to information Infor ation s ste conce ts
• Infor ation s Infor ation s ste s IS
management infor ation s ste s in
• sefu ness of infor ation in runnin a
or anisations usiness
usiness e cient and e ecti e
rocesses and infor ation
• se of IS IT to enerate re e ant and re ia e
s ste s ho infor ation
infor ation
s ste s he achie in strate ic
• e e anc and re ia i it of infor ation to
usiness o ecti es asics of
or anisations
c oud co utin
• C oud stora e Introduction oo e ri e
ne ri e ro o
1.2 Best practices, in eco nise asics of data ase ana e ent
using computer • r anisation of data into es to and data or anisation
related resources faci itate uick access and safet of Internet and e ai Socia and
and mitigating data ethica issues of infor ation
associated risks • se of e na in con entions techno o hea th risks of
e ecti e to a oid an ersion infor ation s ste s asic
c ashes ethica rinci es co ri ht a
• est ractices in usin internet asics of infor ation s ste s
e ai inc udin re e ance e cienc securit a are hackers
of use securit as ects and est use securit threats in internet
of co an resources encr tion
• ea th and safet as ects in usin a
co uter s ste
• est ractices in aintainin ack u s
• otentia risks of irus a acks and
iti ation ans inc udin ain
sources of irus a acks and ho to
ini ise such risks irus uards and
anti irus so are
• est ractices hen usin co ri hted
ateria and ho to a oid a iaris
• est ractices on ro sin
o eratin s ste aintenance
B. Office Skills : 35%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
2.1 Standard practices Identif standard re ort and e er Ad anced ord rocessin
when producing ritin for ats inc udin re ortin for a n usin ta es
Word documents ri hts o enin for at a i n ents docu ent re ie o tions usin
o enin and endin ara ra hs and the e uation editor usin citations
a ro riate endin and references ai er e
usin rotection echanis s
112 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

eco nise a suita e resentation a out
inc udin ta e of contents ater arks
headers and footers o os and
e eddin other es in the docu ent
A o tions such as ai er e re ie
notes cross referencin co arin track
chan es and the rint o tions
eco nise o tions a ai a e to rotect
the inte rit of the docu ent inc udin
ass ord rotection rotect docu ent
restrict editin and access sharin of
es con ersion to for ats and
ensurin ersion co ati i it hen
sa in and usin auto sa e o tion to
rotect content
2.2 Spreadsheets and Ca cu ate and inter ret data usin asic statistica for u as
utilising formulas statistica for u as inc udin Su su a era e count countif
for data organising, a era e a era eif count counta etc Looku and eference
count ank countif in a cei in
interpretation and for u as ooku ooku
ath and oor
analysis h ooku trans ose etc sin
re are data into for ats con enient
te t and date ti e for u as
for inter retation usin Looku and
eferences for u as Inc udin ooku en e id etc sin nancia
ooku h ooku trans ose co u n for u as I etc
ro ter sort et i ot data and sin data ana sis too s hat
h er ink for u as if ana sis re ression ana sis
re are data into for ats con enient for i ot ta es etc sin acros
inter retation usin te t and date ti e
for u as inc udin c ean code concatenate
nd and re ace e en o er id ro er
re ace ri ht search su stitute te t tri
u er a ue no toda
Ca cu ate and ana se data sets usin
o ica for u as such as and or if true
fa se su if and conditiona for a n
Ca cu ate I and C usin
s readsheet for u as
A arious data ana sin too s
Inc udin re ression ana sis hat if
ana sis and sensiti it ana sis to assess
the outco es of ro ects
eco nise o tions to hidin sheets
de etin sheets rou in sheets S it
re are the ud ets usin s readsheets
re are inancia State ents usin
s readsheets
resent the ta es and re e ant ra hs
usin s readsheets

Detailed Curriculum
The Instute o f Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka | 113

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

2.3 Structuring data A te t to co u ns o tion in Structurin data and orkin
and working with i ortin infor ation to s readsheets ith u ti e sheets
multiple sheets eco nise
• ene ts of usin te ates arious a s in
hich s readsheets can e custo ised and
dea in ith circu ar references
• for u as inked to ore than t o sheets ho
sheets are o ed et een s readsheets
2.4 Using spreadsheets eco nise and A ana in and resentin data
• Shortcut too ar to increase roducti it ith s readsheets
• i erent data a idation techni ues usin
the data a idation o tion in s readsheet to
assure inte rit
• tions a ai a e to rotect the inte rit
of the docu ent inc udin as ass ord
rotection rotect docu ent track chan es
sharin trace recedents and de endents
• is a infor ation ra hica throu h the
use of ar charts ine charts ie charts and
e ecti e usin S art Art
• Con ersion to es
• Structurin data for inter retation usin too s
and o tions inc udin ta es for a n
ce s rou un rou su tota free e anes
re o e du icates a e setu rint se n
header footer
2.5. Presentation eco nise arious a ri utes that ou d asics of resentations est
software (Power he i ro e the resentation a ea ractices a in suita e
Point or Impress) for di erent uses inc udin ro er o the es and ani ations usin
of infor ation co or a e es fonts and aster ie and creatin
font si es a i n ents ack rounds te ates
headers and footers usin s ide notes
handouts and te ates
• Ani ations se n ti in s transitions
throu h ouse c icks auto atic s ide
transitions and custo ani ations hen
re arin s ide sho s
• Insert o ects e ed ce sheets insert
h er inks and action u ons
• Con ersion of S to and e ecuta e
114 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

2.6 Organising the eco nise and A r anisin the ai o asic
mailbox/Basic tips • a in and fo o u s se n ru es for unk ti s on usin e ai faci it
on using e-mail ai o in e ai s to fo ders cate orisin custo isin the a out
facility/ Customising e ai s earn ho to sort throu h e ai s
the layout read unread e ai s and e ecti e searchin
and sortin of e ai s
• tions such as ie ca endar share
ca endar acce t and dec ine eetin
re uests or anise eetin s and schedu in
a oint ents
• ana in contacts take due care hen
usin the re re a u ons co in and
ind co in indi idua s on e ai reca and
reco er a read sent e ai s co i in and
circu atin eetin inutes throu h the use
of ne ote and sa in e ai s as dra s
re are the e ai interface and ai o
as er our con enience se n ie
o tions si natures and auto re ies a so
se n fo der er issions for securit of
con dentia ai s and c ean u o tions
C. Use of Internet : 5%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
3.1 Efficient use of eco nise arious for s of internet usiness use of Internet
Internet for business usa e usiness entities in toda s usiness Co erce or d
conte t and ain understandin on ide e e ro sers
each roader as ect inc udin e T L TT and TT S Ls
data inin arehousin ad ertisin Search n ines unctiona it
conduct of researches internet se in Search n ine ti isation
internet u in ankin and nance Internet ad ertisin n ine
functions tradin disse ination of a ent ethods
infor ation custo er ser ice
Assess or d s eadin search en ines in
ter s of their o u arit and reco nise
ho di erent search en ines i i e
enriched resu ts co ared to a sin e
search en ine use
co erce a ents t es a a
isa aster etc
ea ti e a ents in ankin sector

Detailed Curriculum
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D. Accounting Package for SMEs : 50%

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
4.1 Creating a company List the co an infor ation usin the sin Accountin S ste
using accounting eas ste inter ie inc udin Co an infor ation u date
package and custo isation of accountin
• Co an infor ation Se ectin
customising for the acka e Creatin securit and
business access contro
• Se ectin sca eriod
Custo ise the accountin acka e usin
co an acti ities inc udin
• Choosin a ro riate usiness acti it
roduct or ser ice
• Create ta acti it inc udin sa es ta es
• Trackin custo er orders and
in entor
• r anisin inco e and e ense
• nterin ank account infor ation
inc udin state ent a ance
Create securit and access contro
inc udin
• Se n u ad inistrati e ass ord
• i in access contro in each e e
• Creatin acku co
• Se n u auto acku
eco nise the fo o in ite s on the
ho e a e and custo ise for the
co an s re uire ent
• endors
• Custo ers
• o ees
• Co an
• ankin
• Chart of accounts
4.2 Organising chart of Create a chart of accounts or se ect Chart of accounts Link chart
accounts, customers the a ro riate chart of accounts usin of accounts Custo ise chart
and vendors and i en industr s eci c chart of accounts of accounts endor ist and
inventory for the co an and cate orise into custo er ist In entor e
a ro riate cate ories inc udin inco e ana e ent
e ense asset ia i it and e uit
eco nise ho the chart of accounts
inked to inco e state ent and a ance
116 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

Custo ise chart of accounts Chart of accounts Link chart
• Addin a ne account of accounts Custo ise chart
• ditin an e istin account of accounts endor ist and
• Creatin a su account custo er ist In entor e
• e ete an account ana e ent
Create endor ist and custo er ist
inc udin
• Addin a ne endor and custo er
• Addin endor or custo er as record
• ui d an a ro riate endor or
custo er aster e
Create a ro riate in entor e
se ectin the a ro riate ite s and
ser ices there inte ratin ith the
res ecti e accounts i en in the chart of
accounts inc udin
• Addin a ne ite or ser ice
• dit an e istin ite
• Creatin a su ite
• e etin an ite
4.3 Recording day ecord transaction usin an accountin Transaction recordin
to day Business acka e too s inc udin nterin i s
Activities • nterin i s • a in i s
• a in i s • rite and rint checks
• rite and rint checks • Create in oice
• Create in oice • ecei t of a ent
• ecei t of a ent • e osit in ank
• e osit in ank • aise ourna entries
• aise ourna entries
4.4 Use of Reports and Create re orts and re are reconci iation e ort creation and
Reconciliations usin an accountin acka e inc udin reconci iation
• inancia re orts such as inco e
state ent a ance sheet and cash
o state ent
• Custo er re orts and endor re orts
inc udin a e ana sis
• ank reconci iation
• Audit trai
• ortin data to other for ats

Detailed Curriculum
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka | 117

Pillar : Professional Experience

Course Unit : Professional Experience I
Main Curriculum Areas Public Practice Non-Public Practice
Weightage Expected Days Weightage Expected Days /
/ Min.Req. Days Min.Req. Days

A. Financial Accounting 23% 50 30 45% 100 90

B. Audit & Assurance 45% 100 80 23% 50 -
C. Taxation 5% 10 10 5% 10 10
D. Management Accounting &
9% 20 5 13% 30 20
Financial Management
E. Information Technology 9% 20 20 9% 20 20
F. General Management &
9% 20 5 5% 10 10
Secretarial Practices
Total Days 100% 220 150 100% 220 150

(Further information relating to coverage of minimum professional experience requirements are given
in the FAQ document available on the CA Sri Lanka website)


i. The days on which relevant training programmes or any workshops conducted by the CA Sri
Lanka or any other recognized training organization are attended with the approval of the
Approved Training Organization will be considered as working days.

ii. At the Corporate & Strategic level professional experience, a minimum of 25% of total
requirement in Taxation should be in Income Tax as indicated under 3.1 & 3.2 categories (The
3.2 category should be at least 2.5 days per year).

iii. In the absence of an Internal Audit Division or when there is no rotation to the Internal Audit
Division, the experience in the Financial Management category (indicate under 4.6 to 4.10)
should be increased to 40 days per year. (Applicable for Non-Public Practice sector only)

iv. The professional experience requirement for Certificate to Practice eligibility is specified under
the practical training area of the CA Sri Lanka website.
118 | Curriculum 2020 | Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

A. Financial Accounting : Public Practice 23%, Non-Public Practice 45%

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes
1.Financial Accounting 1.1 Apply knowledge of accounting, accounting process and systems in
carrying out professional duties.
1.2 Apply relevant Sri Lanka Accounting Standards, provisions of the
Companies Act and any other applicable rules and regulations.
1.3 Analyzing and interpreting financial information for decision making.
1.4 Apply basic ethical principles in carrying out professional duties.
1.5 Relate accounting works to other business functions and activities.
1.6 Improve the knowledge and understanding of organization, how
business works and professional work relationships.
B. Audit & Assurance : Public Practice 45%, Non-Public Practice 23%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes
2.Audit & Assurance 2.1 Evaluate the client’s business and Identify risks involved with the
business processes.
2.2 Apply appropriate techniques of gathering audit evidence and perform
test of controls and substantive procedures.
2.3 Evaluate compliance with the Companies Act and other regulatory
2.4 Design/evaluate internal controls of the business.
2.5 Communicate with relevant parties and assisting in drafting the audit
and related reports.
2.6 Apply relevant Auditing Standards and related standards in performing
the professional duties.
2.7 Apply ethical principles governing audit of financial statements.
C. Taxation : Public Practice 5%, Non-Public Practice 5%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes
3.Taxation 3.1 Analyze income, expenditure and other relevant information for the
computation of Income Tax and other indirect tax liabilities.
3.2 Computation of personal, partnership and corporate tax liabilities.
D. Management Accounting & Financial Management : Public Practice 9%, Non-Public Practice 13%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes
4.Management 4.1 Apply knowledge of management accounting and practices, business
Accounting process and systems in carrying out professional duties.
4.2 Compute the cost of a product or service and prepare relevant reports.

4.3 Identify direct costs and allocate costs among products, divisions and
Strategic Business Units.
4.4 Design budgets and plans, allocate resources and identify variances to
measure performance.
4.5 Improve the knowledge and understanding of organization, how
business works and professional work relationships.

Detailed Curriculum
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Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes

Financial Management 4.6 Evaluate funds requirements & different sources of funds available for an
organization/ business unit.
4.7 Prepares or evaluates the cash flow (actual) forecast for an entity/
business unit.
4.8 Analyze and evaluate the organization’s investment policy and
investment decisions.
4.9 Compute and analyze organization’s/business unit’s current working
capital requirements.
4.10 Compute and analyze the dividend policy of the organization /business units.
E. Information Technology : Public Practice 9%, Non-Public Practice 9%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes
5.Information 5.1 Apply customized or standards accounting packages/ERP/ presentation
Technology software etc.
5.2 Develop and maintain data bases/ spread sheets/ word processing
5.3 Identify information security systems.
5.4 Apply the internet effectively as a source of relevant and reliable
5.5 Apply emerging technologies in industry.
F. General Management & Secretarial Practices : Public Practice 9%, Non-Public Practice 5%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes
6. General Management 6.1 Identify and analyze HR Management Practices.
Practices 6.2 Analyze (understanding) Marketing strategies/functions of the business.

6.3 Improve the knowledge and understanding of organization, how

business works and professional work relationships.
Secretarial Practices 6.4 Identify required or frequently used relevant forms for the client/
company and familiarize with the contents and due dates for submission.
6.5 Identify the Companies Act requirements relating to forms to be
submitted to Registrar of Companies.
120 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future


Strategic Level

Corporate Level

Business Level II

Business Level I

Detailed Curriculum
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Pillar : Audit Assurance and Ethics

Course Unit : Advanced Audit and Assurance
Main Curriculum Areas Weightage Notional hours

A. Governance and internal control frameworks 10% 25

B. Audit planning and risk assessment 15% 37

C. Gathering audit evidence 20% 50

D. Auditing in a digital environment 10% 25

E. Evaluating evidence and audit reporting 15% 37

F. Assurance and related services 10% 25

G. Audit quality and ethics 15% 38

H. Professional Practice of internal Audit 5% 13

Total 100% 250

122 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

A. Governance and Internal Control Frameworks : 10%

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
1.1 Corporate 1.1.1 Discuss the need for an audit of Ability to connect stewardship,
Governance and financial statements using agency accountability and agency
Audit theory. conflict withaneedtoconduct
an independent audit.
1.2 Internal Control 1.2.1 Evaluate components of an COSO-2014- Internal controls
Framework integrated internal control system. five components and 17
1.2.2 Analyse design, implementation and SLAuS 315.
operating effectiveness of identified
1.2.3 Outline deficiencies in control SLAuS 265.
activities to be communicated to
those charged with governance.

1.3 IT Risk and Controls 1.3.1 Demonstrate the importance of IT IT general controls
general controls and application and application
controls in an audit of controls.
financial statements.

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B. Audit Planning and Risk Assessment : 15%

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
2.1 Terms of Engagement 2.1.1 Explain precondition required SLAuS 210.
to perform an audit of financial
2.2 Overall Audit Strategy 2.2.1 Demonstrate the importance of
overall audit strategy as part of audit
planning. Including non-complex group
2.3 Risk of Material 2.3.1 Assess risk of material misstatements and SME audit scenarios
misstatement including risk of frauds to be covering the requirements
focused during the audit using of SLAuS 300, 315, 240 and
risk assessment procedures. 600).
2.4 Materiality 2.4.1 Apply the concept of materiality in
planning and performing the audit.
2.5 Responding to risk of 2.5.1 Outline suitable overall response Including non-complex group
material misstatements and further audit procedures for and SME audit scenarios
identified risk at financial statement covering the requirements of
level and assertion level. SLAuS 330).
2.6 Complex issues 2.6.1 Apply risk assessment procedures to Requirements of SLAuS 540,
identify risks relating to related party 550 and 570 inrelation torisk
transactions, going concern and assessment.
accounting estimates including fair
value and measurement.
2.7 Using the work 2.7.1 Demonstrate the use of experts Requirements under SLAuS
of others (both management and auditors 610,SLAuS 620 & SLAuS 402).
experts), internal auditors and
service organisation auditors in an
audit of financial statements.

2.8 Laws and regulations 2.8.1 Explain auditors requirements Understanding the legal and
consider compliance with Laws regulatory framework, Procedures
and Regulations during an audit of when Non-Compliance is
financial statement. identified or suspected and
reporting of Identified or
Suspected Non-Compliance.
124 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

C. Gathering Audit Evidence : 20%

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
3.1 Test of details 3.1.1 Outline audit procedures to address This should cover audit
assertion level risk for non-complex evidence over keyaccount
key account balances and classes of balances and classes of
transactions. transactions.
3.1.2 Apply specific considerations in SLAuS 501.
obtaining sufficient appropriate audit
evidence with respect to inventory,
litigation and claims involving the
entity, and segment information.
3.2 External confirmation 3.2.1 Apply procedures to design and SLAuS 505.
perform external confirmation to
obtain relevant and reliable audit
3.3 Opening balances 3.3.1 Discuss the requirements to be SLAuS 510 and 710.
and corresponding considered by an auditor in an
figures initial engagement and inrelation to
corresponding figures.
3.4 Selecting items for 3.4.1 Apply different methods of selecting SLAuS 530.
testing and the use of items for audit testing including
audit sampling audit sampling.
3.5 Analytical procedures 3.5.1 Apply analytical procedures as Recognise the importance of
substantive procedures and in analytical software which has
the overall review of financial the abilityto analyse 100%
statements. data to identify outliers.
3.6 Complex 3.6.1 Design audit procedures to address SLAuS 540, 550, 570.
Account complex items including accounting
balances estimates, fair valuation, related
party transactions and going
3.7 Subsequent events 3.7.1 Outline procedures required to SLAuS 560.
deal with events occurring between the
date of the financial statements and the
date of theauditor’sreportandfacts that
become known to the auditor after the
date of the auditor’sreport.

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D. Auditing in a Digital Environment : 10%

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
4.1 Digital 4.1.1 Recognise trends in a digital business Artificial Intelligence (AI),
business environments including Robotic Process Automation
environment Artificial Intelligence (AI), (RPA), Block chain, digital
Robotic Process Automation currencies.
(RPA), Block chain, digital
currencies and their impacts on
internal controls and audit.
4.1.2 Recognise the use of big data Big data and analytics.
and analytics as business
intelligence tools and potential
risk associated with big data.
4.2 Audit Automation 4.2.1 Demonstrates the use of Audit automation.
cloud based audit working
papers, audit automation
tools and their limitations.
4.3 Data Analytics 4.3.1 Discuss the use of data analytics Data analytics.
software including CAATs in planning
and gathering audit evidence.
4.4 Cyber Security 4.4.1 Outline controls required to mitigate Cyber security risk.
cyber security risk.
126 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

E. Evaluating Evidence and Audit Reporting : 15%

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
5.1 Audit Report 5.1.1 Evaluate the effects of material SLAuS 450.
misstatements on audit the audit
5.1.2 Evaluate the effect of misstatements SLAuS 510 and SLAuS 710.
in opening balances and
corresponding figures on current
year audit opinion.
5.2 Key Audit Matters 5.2.1 Explain matters to be communicated SLAUS 250.
with those charged with
5.2.2 Apply Key Audit Matters(KAM) for SLAuS 701.
a given scenario.

5.3 Modified audit report 5.3.1 Apply modified audit opinions Reporting considerations
and going concern reporting relating to SLAuS 705, 701 and
requirements for a given scenario. SLAuS 570.
5.4 Emphasis of matters 5.4.1 Apply emphasis of matter and other SLAuS 706.
and other matters matter for a given scenario of audit
5.5 Special Purpose Audit 5.5.1 Apply special purpose audits Includes both SLAuS 800 and
includingaudit of singlefinancial 805.
statements/elements to agiven
5.6 Other Information 5.6.1 Explain auditor’s responsibility Fair understanding of the
towards other information included auditor’s responsibilities
in documents containing audited relating to other information
financial statements. contained in an annual report
(SLAuS 720).
5.7 Review Engagements 5.7.1 Explain procedures requiredin Fair understanding of
conducting review engagements. application of review
engagement and that the
procedures used in a review
engagement is limited
compared to an audit of
financial statements (SLSRE
2400,SLSRE 2410).

Detailed Curriculum
The Instute o f Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka
127 |
F. Assurance and Related Services : 10%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
6.1 Assurance Framework 6.1.1 Apply framework for assurance Understanding of the
engagements in identifying and definition, elements, scope
accepting assurance engagements. of and preconditions for an
assurance engagement.
6.2 Assurance 6.2.1 Apply Sri Lanka Standard on Fair knowledge about
Engagements Assurance Engagement together application of SLSAE 3000
with subject matter specific forgeneral subject matters
assurance standards to provide and subject matter specific
reasonable or limited assurance assurance standards including
as required in the engagement prospective financial
circumstances. statements.
6.3 Related Services 6.3.1 Apply Sri Lanka Standard on Related Fair understanding of the
Services relating to agreed up SLSRE 4400 & SLSRE 4410.
onprocedures andcompilation
as required by engagement
6.4 Reporting 6.4.1 Outline key elements of Assurance
Reports used in assurance and
related services.

G. Audit Quality and Ethics : 15%

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
7.1 Framework for 7.1.1 Demonstrate the elements of Understanding of the definition
Audit Quality the framework for audit and elements of the quality
quality. framework.
7.2 System of Fairunderstanding of the
7.2.1 Demonstrate the elements
Quality Controls of a system of quality importance of elements of
controls of the firm. quality controls of the firm
basedon SLQC 1.
7.3 Audit Quality 7.3.1 Explain the requirements to Fairunderstanding of the
implement quality control importance of elements of
procedures at the audit quality controls of the firm
engagement level including based on SLAuS 220.
the engagement quality control
7.4 Threats to 7.4.1 Analyse threats applicable Part B of Code of Ethics
compliance with fundamental to Professional (Section 200 to 270).
and ethical principles Accountants in Public
Practice in complying with
7.5 Auditors Independence 7.5.1 Apply conceptual framework Fair understanding of the
approach to analyse threats importance of auditors
relating to auditors independence independence including the
scope of applicability and
specific issues dealt in Section
290-100 to 148).
7.5.2 Evaluate threats associated Threats associated with
with provision of Non Assurance provision of Non Assurance
Service and methods of Service and methods of
mitigating such threats. mitigating suchthreats.
7.5.3 Apply conceptual (Section 290-164- to 219).
framework approach to
evaluate specific Non
Assurance Services.
128 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

H. Professional Practice of internal Audit 5%

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
8.1 International 8.1.1 Recognize the importance Core Principles for the
Professional Practice of professional practice of Professional Practice of
Framework (IPPF) internal audit using the elements Internal Auditing
of International Professional Definition of Internal
Practice Framework (IPPF) of the Auditing Code of Ethics
Institute of Internal Auditors International
Standards for the
Professional Practice
of Internal Auditing
8.2 Internal 8.2.1 Propose an internal audit Key elements and
Audit Charter Charter to govern an internal mandatory nature of the
audit function for a given entity Charter based on IIA
considering entity specific standard
8.3 Audit Universe 8.3.1 Develop an audit
and Plan universe and a plan aligned to
organization's strategies,
objectives, and risks
8.4 Risk Role of 8.4.1 Advice the extent to IIA position paper- role of
internal auditor which internal auditor can internal auditor in risk
support risk management management (ERM FAN)
initiatives of an entity using
assurance and advisory
8.5 Managing an 8.5.1 Outline key Ability to apply IIA
internal audit consideration in setting performance standards
engagement objectifies, applicable to engagement
engagement planning and objectives, planning and
conducting an internal audit performance of an internal
engagement for a given audit taking into account
business scenario engagement specific issues
e.g. fraud risk, IT controls,
possibility of using data
analytics etc.
8.6 Governance and 8.6.1 Advice on the process of Understanding key
Culture Audit structuring a governance elements of a
audit and a culture audit governance and culture
audit and approach to
be followed in the audit
8.7 Audit Committee and 8.7.1 Advice on the oversight
Internal Audit role to be planted by the audit
committee in ensuring the
independence and effectiveness
Application of SLAuS 610
of internal audit function
8.7.2 Advice on the extent to
which external auditor can rely
on the work of internal audit
The Instute o f Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka 129 |

Pillar : Financial Accounting & Reporting

Course Unit : Financial Reporting and Governance
Main Curriculum Areas Weightage Notional hours

A e u ator fra e ork for nancia re ortin 10% 25

Sri anka accountin standards SL S L AS I IC SIC 50% 125
C re aration of nancia state ents 20% 50
inancia state ent ana sis and non nancia re ortin 10% 25
inancia re ortin o ernance ethics 10% 25
Total 100% 250
130| Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

A. Regulatory Framework for Financial Reporting : 10%

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
1.1 Regulatory framework and e onstrate an a areness of Co anies Act sections
the Need of regulating ro isions in Cor orate o ernance to and
the process of financial Co anies Act S C re u ations and S C re u ations
reporting and ru in s that a ects for inancia and ru in s that a ects
re ortin inancia re ortin

Structure of the accountanc Structure of the

rofession accountanc rofession

e u ations a ica e to the e u ations a ica e to

accountin rofession and nancia the accountin rofession
ser ice industr and nancia ser ice
e onstrate an a areness of industr
re u ations a ica e to nancia
re ortin rocess
1.2 The process of setting e onstrate the re ationshi Internationa Accountin
standards et een the Internationa Standard se n rocess
Accountin Standards oard IAS Sri Lanka Accountin
and the oca o ernin od Standard se n rocess
res onsi e for esta ishin nationa
standards ith res ect to the
standard se n rocess
e onstrate the a areness of Link et een IAS AS
rocess of se n standards under CA Sri Lanka IAS I S
Sri Lanka Accountin Standards L AS SL S I IC I C
SL S and L AS and Internationa and standard se n
inancia e ortin Standards I S rocess
and IAS
B. Sri Lanka Accounting Standards (SLFRS/LKAS/IFRIC/SIC) : 50%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
2.1 Accounting Standards Ad ise on the a ication of Sri efer Anne ure
setting process, international Lanka Accountin Standards in
practices, FASB and so in co icated a er
IFA Announcements,
Thorou h kno ed e
and co rehension of
the standard to identif
si ni cant co icated issues

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Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

and an otentia eco end a ro riate accountin efer Anne ure
i ications to nancia treat ent to e used in co icated
state ents and to e ercise circu stances in confor it ith Sri
rofessiona ud ent in the Lanka Accountin Standards
e a uation and a ication a uate the i act of a ication of
of standards in reso in a di erent accountin treat ents
co icated a er re ated
ro ose a ro riate accountin
to nancia re ortin
o icies to e se ected in di erent
circu stances
a uate the i act of the use of
di erent e ert in uts to nancia
re ortin
Ad ise on a ro riate a ication
and se ection of accountin
re ortin o tions i en under
eco end a ro riate disc osures
to e ade in the nancia
state ents in unstructured and
u tifaceted situations
2.2 LEVEL B : ood kno ed e A Sri Lanka Accountin
and co rehension of the Standards in so in oderate
standard to identif co icated a ers
oderate co icated e onstrate a thorou h kno ed e
issues and an otentia of Sri Lanka Accountin standards
i ications to the nancia in the se ection and a ication of
state ents and to e ercise accountin o icies
rofessiona ud ent in A rofessiona ud ent in
the ana sis and a ication reco endin the a ro riate
of standards in reso in accountin treat ent to e used
a oderate co icated in co icated circu stances
a er re ated to nancia in accordance ith Sri Lanka
re ortin Accountin Standards
e onstrate a ro riate a ication
and se ection of accountin
re ortin o tions i en under
eco end the disc osures to e
ade in the nancia state ents
132| Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

2.3 LEVEL C: Conce tua ain the conce ts rinci a s of Sri efer Anne ure
kno ed e and Lanka Accountin Standards
understandin of the A the conce ts rinci a s of
standard to identif the standards to reso e a si e
si e issues to e ercise strai ht for ard a er
reasona e rofessiona Identif the disc osures to e ade
ud ent in the a ication in the nancia state ents
of standards in reso in
e onstrate a thorou h
a si e strai h or ard
understandin of conce ts and
a er re ated to nancia
standards re ated to re aration of
re ortin
i ited ia i it co an accounts
C. Preparation of Financial Statements : 20%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
3.1 Financial Reporting of a re are nancia state ents of a inancia state ents of a
limited liability company i ited ia i it co an i ited ia i it co an
A re e ant accountin standards e e ant accountin
hen re arin nancia state ents standards hen re arin
nancia state ents
eco end the disc osures to e eco end the
ade in the nancia state ents of disc osures to e ade in
i ited ia i it co an the nancia state ents of
i ited ia i it co an
3.2 Consolidated financial e onstrate the understandin of Conso idated nancia
statements (Consolidated the conce ts and standards re ated state ents in o in
Statement of Financial to conso idation associates and oint one or t o su sidiaries
Position and Consolidated enture associates and oint
Statement of re are conso idated nancia enture
Comprehensive Income state ents in o in one or t o
Statement) su sidiaries
re are conso idated nancia Conso idated nancia
state ents in o in Associates state ents in o in
A re e ant accountin standards e e ant accountin
hen re arin conso idated standards hen re arin
nancia state ents conso idated nancia
state ents
eco end the disc osures to e isc osures to e ade in
ade in the conso idated nancia the conso idated nancia
state ents state ents

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Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

A rofessiona ud ent in rofessiona ud ent in
co icated circu stances re ated co icated circu stances
to conso idation and reco end the re ated to conso idation
a ro riate accountin treat ent and reco end the
a ro riate accountin
treat ent
D. Financial Statement Analysis and Non-financial Reporting : 10%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
4.1 Financial statement analysis e onstrate a thorou h i erent techni ues
understandin of di erent a ai a e to ana se
techni ues a ai a e to ana se nancia state ents
nancia state ents
e onstrate a thorou h kno ed e Li itations of nancia
of the i itations of nancia state ent ana sis
state ent ana sis techni ues techni ues
Inter ret re e ant nancia ratios e e ant nancia ratios
inc udin ro ta i it ratios i uidit inc udin ro ta i it
ratios e cienc ratios and earin ratios i uidit ratios
so enc ratios and other re e ant e cienc ratios and
rations earin so enc ratios
and other re e ant rations
Ad ise on the inter retation of an Inter retation of an entit s
entit s nancia state ents for nancia state ents for
di erent stakeho ders di erent stakeho ders
A reasonin critica ana sis and easonin critica ana sis
inno ati e thinkin to so e usiness and inno ati e thinkin to
ro e s so e usiness ro e s
E. Financial Reporting Governance & Ethics : 10%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
5.1 Basic understanding of FR e onstrate the understandin rofessiona res onsi i ities
Governance and Ethics of rofessiona res onsi i ities of of an Accountant inc udin
an Accountant inc udin cor orate cor orate o ernance
o ernance
ain the i ortance of ethics and I ortance of ethics and
rofessiona ud ent rofessiona ud ent
Ascertain arious co iance and arious co iance and
re u ator re i es re u ator re i es
e onstrate the understandin ature ro e and
of the nature ro e and i ortance i ortance of cor orate
of cor orate socia res onsi i it socia res onsi i it
inc udin c i ate chan e inc udin c i ate chan e
134| Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

e onstrate asic understandin of Co it ent of
rofessiona accountant co it ent rofessiona accountant to
to u ic interest u ic interest
e onstrate a areness of ood Sustaina i it re ortin
understandin of sustaina i it
re ortin
e onstrate a areness of ood Inte rated re ortin
understandin of Inte rated
re ortin

Annexure 01
Sri Lanka Accounting Standards
No. Name Level
SL S irst ti e ado tion of Sri Lanka Accountin standards
SL S Insurance Contracts
SL S oration for and e a uation of inera esources
L AS Accountin and e ortin etire ent ene t ans
L AS inancia e ortin in erin ationar cono ies
L AS resentation of inancia State ents A
L AS In entories A
L AS State ent of Cash o s A
L AS Accountin o icies Chan es in Accountin sti ates and rrors A
L AS ents a er the re ortin eriod A
L AS ro ert ant and ui ent A
L AS ro isions Contin ent Lia i ities and Contin ent Assets A
SL S for S a er ntities Sri Lanka Accountin Standard for S a er ntities A
SL S usiness Co inations B
SL S on Current assets he d for sa e and discontinued o erations B
SL S inancia Instru ents B
SL S Conso idated inancia State ents B
SL S oint Arran e ents B
SL S isc osure of Interests in other entities B
SL S air a ue easure ent B
SL S e enue fro Contracts ith Custo ers B
L AS Inco e Ta es B
L AS o ee ene ts B

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No. Name Level

L AS Accountin for o ern ent rants and isc osure of o ern ent B
L AS The ects of Chan es in orei n chan e ates B
L AS orro in Costs B
L AS e ated art isc osures B
L AS Se arate inancia State ents B
L AS In est ents in Associates and oint entures B
L AS inancia Instru ents resentation B
L AS arnin s er Share B
L AS I air ent of Assets B
L AS Intan i e Assets B
L AS inancia Instru ents eco nition and easure ent B
L AS In est ent ro ert B
L AS A ricu ture B
SL S for S s Sri Lanka Accountin Standard for s a and ediu si ed entities B
SL S Share ased a ent C
SL S inancia Instru ents disc osures C
SL S eratin Se ents C
SL S Leases B
L AS Interi inancia e ortin C
SL S e u ator eferra Accounts A
136 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

Pillar : Performance Measurement and Risk

Course Unit : Advanced Management Accounting
Main Curriculum Areas Weightage Notional hours

A Cost ana e ent 20% 50

annin contro in 25% 63
C ecision akin 30% 75
isk uncertaint 15% 37
orkin ca ita ana e ent 10% 25
Total 100% 250

Detailed Curriculum
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A. Cost Management : 20%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
1.1 Modern Identif the dri ers of chan e Chan es in the odern
Manufacturing in the odern anufacturin anufacturin en iron ent
Environment en iron ent
iscuss the conce t of ust in ti e • ust in ti e s ust in case
and the i act of ust in ti e in a • hi oso h of ust in ti e
odern or anisation • Ad anta e and disad anta es of
ust in ti e
iscuss the i ortance of ua it rinci es of Tota ua it
Costin as a art of Tota ua it ana e ent and the su ortin
ana e ent conce ts such as Lean
anufacturin Si Si a ai an
A throu h ut accountin Theor of constraints Throu h ut
rinci es for ro t re ortin and Accountin
in entor a uation
C assi cation of ua it costs into
re ention costs a raisa costs
interna fai ure costs and e terna
fai ure costs
Co ute the ti u roduct
i hen there are o eneck
iscuss the ros and cons of ack ack ush Costin
ush costin
iscuss the e o ution of resource o ution of S ste s I II
annin and ana e ent s ste s I II
1.2 Activity Based iscuss the e er ence of Acti it er ence of A C in odern
Costing ased Costin A C s ste n iron ent
iscuss the ros and cons of A C roduct and ser ice costin usin
s ste ith traditiona ar ina A C
and a sor tion costin s ste s
Ad anta es and disad anta es
of A C s ste co ared a ainst
traditiona costin s ste s
e ie sta es in desi nin A C esi nin rocess and ractica
s ste Acti it hierarch i itations for i e entations
A Ti e ri en A C ethod Ti e ri en A C ethod as a
so ution for i itations in traditiona
A C s ste
iscuss the use of A C s ste as Costs of resources su ied Costs of
resource consu tion ode resources used and cost of unused
ca acit
a uate the i ortance of Acti it Acti it ased ana e ent
ased ana e ent
138 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

1.3 Strategic Cost iscuss the a ue creation • a ue Chain Ana sis
Management & rocesses in or anisation to • asics of Su Chain
Value Creation enhance on ter ro ts ana e ent
• Tar et costin a roach and
i itations
• Life C c e Costin and its
i ications for arketin
strate ies
• usiness rocess e en ineerin
and e i ination on non a ue
addin acti ities and reduction of
acti it costs
Ana se irect Custo er Custo er Channe ro ta i it
ro ta i it and istri ution ana sis
Channe ro ta i it
A Learnin Cur es to esti ate Learnin Cur e its use in
ti e and cost for acti ities redictin roduct ser ice costs
roducts and ser ices inc udin deri ation of the earnin
rate and earnin inde
1.4 Environmental i erentiate con entiona e nitions of n iron enta costs
aspects of Cost ana e ent Accountin fro sin ua it costin fra e ork
Management n iron enta ana e ent and ene ts
Accountin A
I ications of A to roduct ricin
ud etin decision akin etc
i cu ties in easurin
en iron enta costs and their i act
on e terna en iron ent
iscuss di erent fra e orks o u ar Conte orar ra e orks
de e o ed for A de e o ed researchers
A di erent techni ues too s Too s ethods for identi cation such
used to identif en iron enta as in ut out ut ana sis rocess o
i act of an or anisation charts n iron enta Acti it ased
B. Planning & Controlling : 25%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
2.1 Standard Costing & Co ute asic ariances under asic ariances under A sor tion
Variance Analysis A sor tion Costin ar ina Costin ar ina Costin
Costin s ste s • ateria La our aria e
erhead ate cienc
• i ed erhead enditure
o u e S it of Ca acit
• Sa es rice Sa es o u e
Contri ution ro t
re are ariance accounts Accountin for ariances in the
inte rated accountin s ste

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Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

Inter ret erfor ance di erences Inter retation of ariances
and inter re ationshi s et een Interre ationshi et een ariances
Ana se the usa e e cienc S it ateria usa e and a our
o u e ariances su di idin e cienc ariances into i ie d
the tota into i ie d uantit ariances
ariances S it sa es o u e contri ution
ro t ariance into sa es i
sa es uantit ariances annin
erationa ariances
Ana se the ariances in to annin annin and o erationa ariances
and o erationa ariances hen and its ur ose
standards are re ised
re are a state ent that reconci es The use of ariances to reconci e
ud eted ro t ith the actua the ud eted and actua ro ts
ro t ca cu ated usin a sor tion that ha e een ca cu ated usin
a sor tion ar ina costin
costin ar ina costin
iscuss the i ortance of ariance In esti ation actors
in esti atin ariances Too s ercenta e ariance
a uate the a ica i it of Ad anta es of Standard Costin
standard costin in odern isad anta es of Standard Costin
usiness en iron ent Criticis s in odern n iron ent
Standardisation in a Ser ice
n iron ent
A ica i it of ench arkin s
Standard Costin
2.2 Capacity Planning a uate di erent easures of easurin esi n ca acit ecti e
ca acit and uti isation Ca acit ti isation e cienc
iscuss de and ana e ent hen de and e ceeds ca acit
strate ies hen ca acit e ceeds de and
seasona de and
A short ter ca acit Chan in in entor e e s ar in
odif in strate ies orkforce o erti e or id e ti e
su contractin

A on ter ca acit annin Leadin de and incre enta

o tions and e a uation too s e ansion one ste e ansion
Ca acit a s ith de and
incre enta e ansion a era e
ca acit ith incre enta e ansion
a uation too s inc udin I
ecisions trees i ustrations on
140 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

2.3 Budgeting ain the ur oses of ud etin ur oses of ud etin annin
and their con icts Contro in coordination
co unication oti ation
authorisation and erfor ance
e a uation their con icts
2.3.2 iscuss the a ternati e a roaches A ternati e A roaches to
to ud etin ud etin
• To o n s o o
artici ati e ud etin
• Incre enta s ero ased
• eriodic s o in
• Acti it ased ud etin
3 iscuss the re e ance of non a ance Scorecard
nancia indicators in erfor ance
easure ent
ut ine eha ioura issues in eha iora Issues in ud etin
ud etin
i erentiate traditiona ud etin e ond ud etin and its a ication
fro e ond ud etin to ri ate and u ic entities
Ar u ents for and a ainst e ond
ud etin
iscuss ho usiness ana tics Statistica ode in and i
su e ent traditiona ud etin data inin for forecastin and
and annin ith forecasts and ud etin
2.4 Performance a uate the erfor ance of es onsi i it Centres e enue
Measurement: the di isions of a decentra ised cost ro t and in est ent centers
Responsibility or anisation erfor ance etrics ro ta i it
Li uidit Asset ana e ent
ratios eturn on In est ent
esidua Inco e cono ic a ue
Added etc
iscuss the eha iora i ications eha iora conse uences of
of di isiona erfor ance easures es onsi i it Centre erfor ance
ana e ent
2.5 Perfomance iscuss transfer ricin ethods The theor of transfer ricin
Measurement : inc udin erfect i erfect and no
Transfer pricing arket for inter ediate ood

Transfer ricin ethods a i u

and ini u rice Cost ased
transfer ricin arket ased transfer
ricin ne otiated ricin dua
ricin and u su a ents as
eans of addressin so e issues
a uate the eha ioura e ects of ects of Transfer ricin
transfer ricin oti ation Autono of Indi idua
i isions Su ti a ecisions
i isiona and rou ro ta i it

Detailed Curriculum
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C. Decision Making : 30%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
3.1 Optimising with A ra hica ethod for ro t a i isation or cost
multiple limiting o ti isin ith u ti e i itin ini isation ro e s ith ra hica
factors factors a roach Constraints shado rice
or u ate the initia iner Linear ro ra in ith si e
ro ra in ode usin si e ethod on initia ode
ethod and inter ret the na de e o ent and inter retin the
inear ro ra in ode na so ution
3.2 Relevant Costing A re e ant cost conce t for • ake or u ecisions
for Short-term short ter decision akin • Shut do n ecisions
decisions • S ecia ricin ecisions
• urther rocessin ecisions
3.3 Long-term Decision a uate ro ects ith ta Incor oratin ta into the discount
Making; Advanced i ications rate and cash o s
Investment A onetar ethod and rea In ation onetar ethod and ea
Appraisal ethod to incor orate the i act ethod
of in ation in ro ect a raisa s
a uate ro ects ith une ua ife ne ua ife Annua e ui a ent
c c es such as assets re ace ents ethod Least co on u ti e
Assets re ace ent decisions
a uate ro ects ith a ca ita rioritisation of ro ects su ect to
rationin situation sin e eriod ca ita rationin usin
• ro ta i it Inde for di isi e
ro ects
• Co ined ethod for
indi isi e ro ects
iscuss the stren ths Stren ths and eaknesses of
eaknesses of In est ent accountin rate of return a ack net
A raisa techni ues resent a ue interna rate of return
odi ed I as a so ution for
dra acks of I Conce t of
Ter ina a ue
Assess non nancia factors for n iron enta socia and o itica
ro ects e a uation as ects of ro ects
e ie ro ect s resu ts throu h ost co etion audit
ost co etion audit
ro ect a andon ent decisions
iscuss u ic Socia ro ect cono ic et resent a ue
e a uation techni ues Conce ts cono ic Interna ate of
on o ca cu ations e ected eturn I Shado ricin of
cono ic Costs and ene ts Socia
Costs ene ts
3.4 Pricing Decisions A ar ina a roach to ti u se in rice uantit
arri e at ti u se in rice for r s in erfect co etition
uantit i o o ono o ono o istic
co etition
142| Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

A rice asticit of de and for A ication of rice asticit of
ricin e and for erfect i erfect
co etition
iscuss di erent arket ased arket enetration arket
ricin strate ies and their Ski in re iu ricin
conse uences Loss Leader und in roduct
di erentiation rice iscri ination
3.5 Big data for iscuss the i ications of i data usiness ana tics for data dri en
Decision Making for o erationa strate ic decision decisions at o erationa and strate ic
akin decision akin
a uate the ene ts costs of i ene ts costs of i data
data for an or anisation
D. Risk & Uncertainty : 15%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
4.1 Decision Tree A ro a i it in ecision Trees • ecision Tree
for u ti sta e decision ro e s • a ue of erfect and i erfect
infor ation
4.2 Investment a uate ro ects under risk isk Ad ust ent Certaint ui a ent
Appraisal with Risk considerations isk Ad usted iscount ate
e ie resu ts of a raisa ith Sensiti it ana sis in ro ect
sensiti it ana sis a raisa s
ra conc usions ith onte onte Car o Si u ation
Car o Si u ation
iscuss do nside risks in ro ects o nside isks a ue at isk in
ro ects
4.3 Risk Management e ie the risk ana e ent er ie of isk ana e ent
rocess of an or anisation rocess
A TA A fra e ork for a i en TA A fra e ork Transfer
scenario A oidance eduction Acce tance
of isks
E. Working Capital Management : 10%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
5.1 Managing Working 5.1.1 I ustrate the conce ts re atin to ross orkin Ca ita et
Capital orkin Ca ita ana e ent orkin Ca ita orkin Ca ita
ana e ent orkin Ca ita
o ic
5.1.2 iscuss orkin Ca ita in est ent orkin ca ita in est ent
and nancin o icies nancin o icies Conser ati e
oderate A ressi e
5.1.3 Ana se the i act of orkin orkin Ca ita C c e ith ke
ca ita c c e to a r o eratin atios Strate ies for I ro e ent
in tradin anufacturin ser ice ertradin

Detailed Curriculum
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Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

5.2 Receivables 5.2.1 eco end the strate ies for ecei a e a a e ana e ent
& Payable ana in recei a es a a es strate ies
Management • Credit Contro Credit o ic
Co ection rocess A e Ana sis
• Se e ent iscounts
• actorin of ecei a es
• a ent ethods
5.3 Inventory a uate the i act to the ca cu ation ith uantit
Management cono ic rder uantit hen discounts
discounts are a ai a e
iscuss the use of A C A C C assi cation for In entor
c assi cation IT arran e ents for ana e ent Cost of Stocks IT
in entor ana e ent arran e ents
5.4 Cash/Treasury iscuss the i ortance of cash oti es to ho d cash Conce t of
Management ana e ent oat Cash o s nchronisation
a uate short ter sources of Sources of Short ter inancin
nances I ort ort inancin
a uate short ter in est ent Short ter In est ents
strate ies Acti e assi e In est ent
strate ies
Criteria aturit isk eturn
Li uidit i ersit
T es of Instru ents
Treasur i ond ricin
144| Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

Pillar : Taxation and Law

Course Unit : Corporate Law
Main Curriculum Areas Weightage Notional hours

A eatures of a co an cor orate ersona it 10% 25

Incor oration of a co an 10% 25
C uit and de t ca ita 10% 25
irectors co an secretar auditors 10% 25
eetin s reso utions and co an records 10% 25
indin u 10% 25
inorit ri hts 10% 25
Co anies other than ri ate i ited co anies 10% 25
I Listin a co an in the Co o o Stock chan e 10% 25
ther La s ad acent to Cor orate La 10% 25
Total 100% 250

Detailed Curriculum
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka 145

A. Features of a Company & Corporate personality : 10%

Knowledge Component Learning Outcome Specific Knowledge
1.1 Law governing Identif the a o ernin La o ernin co anies in Sri Lanka
Companies in Sri co anies in Sri Lanka
Lanka ain the enera features of enera features of a co an
a co an re istered under the re istered under the Co anies Act
Co anies Act inc udin ne inc udin ne features
1.2 Definition of e ne the ter co an e nition of a co an
a company, ain the characteristics of a Characteristics of a co an
Characteristics of co an
a company
ain the ad anta es and Ad anta es and disad anta es of
disad anta es of incor oration incor oration
1.3 The concept ain the conce t of cor orate Conce t of cor orate ersona it and its
of corporate ersona it and its e a e a conse uences
personality conse uences
ain instances here the Instances here conce t of cor orate
conce t of cor orate ersona it ersona it is a ied ith re e ant
is a ied ith re e ant cases cases
ain the conce t of ei of ei of incor oration
incor oration
ain the situations here the Situations here the ei of
ei of incor oration can e i ed incor oration can e i ed ith re e ant
ith re e ant cases cases
B. Incorporation of a Company : 10%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcome Specific Knowledge
2.1 Types of ain the di erent t es of i erence et een the di erent
companies co anies reco nised under the t es of co anies reco nised under
Co anies Act the Co anies Act inc udin forei n
co anies doin usiness in Sri Lanka
and isted co anies
2.2 Incorporation of ain the rocess in o ed for rocess in o ed for re istration
a company re istration incor oration of a incor oration of a co an
co an
ain the rocess and restriction rocess and restriction in se ectin a
in se ectin a na e na e
State the t es of or s to e or s to e su i ed to the C and
su i ed to the C and their their contents
ain the docu entation ocu entation in o ed for re istration
in o ed for re istration of a of a co an u ic ri ate
co an u ic ri ate
ain the rocess of chan in a
na e of an e istin co an
146 Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

Knowledge Component Learning Outcome Specific Knowledge

2.3 Promoters ain the ri hts and duties of i hts and duties of ro oters inc udin
ro oters inc udin ia i it for ia i it for re incor oration contracts
re incor oration contracts ith ith re e ant cases
re e ant cases
ain re edies for reach of duties e edies of reach of duties
ro oters
iscuss a ents to ro oters a ents to ro oters
2.4 Articles of ain the contents a end ents Contents a end ents to the AA
Association to the AA
ain the nature ur ose and ature ur ose and e a conse uences
e a conse uences of the Artic es of the Artic es of Association
of Association
2.5 Company ain re incor oration re incor oration contracts i ied
contracts contracts i ied arrantees and arrantees and rati cation
rati cation
ain ethod of contractin and ethod of contractin and authorit of
authorit of directors o cers directors o cers a ents
a ents
ain the indoor ana e ent Indoor ana e ent ru e and the
ru e and the doctrine of doctrine of constructi e notice
constructi e notice
C. Equity and Debt capital : 10%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcome Specific Knowledge
3.1 Types of shares, ain the t es of shares ith T es of shares ith reference to
allotment and reference to stated ca ita re i e stated ca ita re i e c assi cation risk
issue of shares c assi cation risk ariation ariation of c ass ri hts distri utions
of c ass ri hts distri utions di idends otin ri hts riorit in a
di idends otin ri hts riorit in indin u
a indin u
ain contrast the rocedures rocedures for the issue of shares
for the issue of shares inc udin inc udin initia onus and ri hts issues
initia onus and ri hts issues and and ros ectus
ros ectus
3.2 Distributions & ain the rocedure for rocedure for a ent of di idends
Dividends a ent of di idends
ain the So enc Test the So enc Test the ca ita aintenance
ca ita aintenance echanis s echanis s
3.3 Major types of ain the fo o in rinci es in rinci es in re ation to ca ita
share dealings in re ation to ca ita aintenance in aintenance in a co an rede tion
a company a co an rede tion reduction reduction of ca ita nancia assistance
of ca ita nancia assistance share u ack inorit u out
share u ack inorit u out

Detailed Curriculum
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka

Knowledge Component Learning Outcome Specific Knowledge

3.4 Debt capital ain the fo o in rinci es rinci es in re ation to on ter de t
in re ation to on ter de t ca ita c assi cation risk interest
ca ita c assi cation risk interest a ents ri hts riorit in a indin
a ents ri hts riorit in a u
indin u
3.5 Rights of State the ri hts a ai a e for State the ri hts a ai a e for
shareholders shareho ders de enture shareho ders de enture ho ders
and debenture ho ders
D. Directors, Company Secretary, Auditors : 10%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcome Specific Knowledge
4.1 Role of Directors ain the fo o in in re ation to the irectors of a co an a oint ent
directors of a co an a oint ent retire ent and re o a o ers duties
retire ent and re o a o ers and dis ua i cation
duties and dis ua i cation
ain the di ision of o er i ision of o er et een directors and
et een directors and e ers e ers
4.2 Role of Secretary State the ro e of a Co an o e of a Co an Secretar a on ith
Secretar a on ith anora a case anora a case
rocess of a oint ent of the Co an
Secretar and re e ant ua i cations
ain the rocess of a oint ent rocess of a oint ent of Secretar and
of the co an Secretar and re e ant ua i cations
re e ant ua i cations
4.3 Role of Auditor A oint ent and re o a of the A oint ent and re o a of the Auditor
Auditor as er the Co anies Act as er the Co anies Act
E. Meetings, Resolutions and Company Records : 10%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcome Specific Knowledge
5.1 Different types ain the di erent t es of i erent t es of eetin s in a
of meetings eetin s in a co an ur oses co an ur oses and notice eriods
and notice eriods
re are a notice for a shareho ders otice for the shareho ders eetin
eetin A A
5.2 Different types ain the di erent t es of i erent t es of reso utions hich
of resolutions reso utions hich cou d e assed cou d e assed the e ers of a
the e ers of a co an co an and the notice eriods
and the notice eriods
re are di erent t es of i erent t es of reso utions e
reso utions A oint ent and A oint ent and ea oint ent of
ea oint ent of irectors directors ec aration of di idends
ec aration of di idends
148 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

Knowledge Component Learning Outcome Specific Knowledge

5.3 Company List the co an records Co an records sti u ated in
Records sti u ated in the Co anies Act Co an s Act
ain the ro isions re atin to Annua returns that shou d e ed ith
the annua returns that shou d the e istrar of Co anies C
e ed ith the e istrar of
Co anies C
ain the e a ro isions Le a ro isions contained in Co an s
contained in Co an s Act o Act o of in re ation to nancia
of in re ation to nancia state ents
state ents
F. Winding up : 10%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcome Specific Knowledge
6.1 Compulsory i erentiate co u sor and Co u sor and o untar indin u
and Voluntary o untar indin u and e ain and e ain their conse uences
winding up their conse uences
ain the rocess of indin u rocess of indin u
6.2 Functions of ut ine the functions of unctions of Ad inistrator Li uidator
parties involved Ad inistrator Li uidator ecei ers
in winding ecei ers
G. Minority Rights : 10%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcome Specific Knowledge
7.1 Majority Rule ain the rinci es re atin to rinci es re atin to a orit ru e
a orit ru e
7.2 Oppression & ain the rinci es re atin to rinci es re atin to ression
Mismanagement ression
ain the rinci es re atin to rinci es re atin to is ana e ent
is ana e ent
7.3 Other safeguards a or Transactions S of the a or Transactions S of the
Co anies Act Co anies Act
inorit u ut ri hts inorit u ut ri hts
estrainin orders Interi rders estrainin orders Interi rders
ain eri ati e Action eri ati e Action
ain the ro isions in the ecti cation of share re ister
Co anies Act re atin to the
recti cation of the share re ister
H. Companies other than Private Limited Companies : 10%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcome Specific Knowledge
8.1 Companies eatures of Co anies Li ited Co anies Li ited uarantee
Limited by uarantee
Guarantee ses of Co anies Li ited ses of Co anies Li ited
uarantee uarantee

Detailed Curriculum
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Knowledge Component Learning Outcome Specific Knowledge

8.2 Overseas or ation of erseas or ation of erseas co anies
Companies co anies
inancia state ents ser in of inancia state ents ser in of otices
otices entionin of Co an entionin of Co an na e
na e
I. Listing a Company in the Colombo Stock Exchange : 10%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcome Specific Knowledge
9.1 Stakeholders of Co o o Stock chan e Co o o Stock chan e Securities
Listing Securities chan e chan e Co ission Centra
Co ission Centra e ositor e ositor S ste and eatures of
S ste and eatures of Co anies Li ited uarantee
Co anies Li ited uarantee
o es stakeho ders o es stakeho ders
Ad anta es and disad anta es of Ad anta es and disad anta es of istin
9.2 Listing Process ain oard and irisa i oard ain oard and irisa i oard
e t Listin e t Listin
9.3 Continuing Cor orate disc osures Cor orate disc osures
obligations eriodic re ortin eriodic re ortin
Cor orate o ernance Cor orate o ernance
J. Other laws adjacent to corporate law : 10%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcome Specific Knowledge
10.1 Foreign Exchange State the in ard in est ent i its In ard in est ent i its for Co anies
Act No.12 of for Co anies
2017 State the out ard in est ent ut ard in est ent i its for
i its for Co anies Co anies
a e e no a e e no
10.2 Land (Restriction ain the restrictions on estriction on transfer of ands
on Alienation) transfer of ands
Act No.38 of ain the res onsi i ities of the es onsi i it of the Co an Secretar
2014 Co an Secretar under this Act under this Act
150 Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

Pillar : Professional Skills
Course Unit : Corporate Business Communication
Main Curriculum Areas Weightage Notional hours

A eadin 25% 63
ritin 25% 62
C Listenin 25% 63
S eakin 25% 62
Total 100% 250

Detailed Curriculum
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka 151

A. Reading : 25%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
1.1 Use Advanced 1.1.1 Co rehend de ne ke e ad anced oca u ar in su ect
Accounting ad anced accountin usiness areas such as inancia Accountin
& Business oca u ar in n ish usin ana e ent Accountin Auditin
Terminology accurate co ocations Ta ation usiness athe atics Strate ic
1.1.2 Inter ret and a the eanin of ana e ent usiness cono ics
accountin usiness oca u ar Co ercia and Cor orate a
in authentic usiness te ts
1.2 Use Advanced 1.2.1 Inter ret and a the eanin e ad anced oca u ar in su ect
Accounting of accountin usiness areas such as inancia Accountin
& Business oca u ar in authentic usiness ana e ent Accountin Auditin
Terminology te ts Ta ation usiness athe atics Strate ic
ana e ent usiness cono ics
Co ercia and Cor orate a
1.3 Developing 1.3.1 I ro e o re ated ad anced eadin su arisin and s nthesisin
Technical readin ski s throu h e ecti e technica re orts
Reading Skills readin of technica ateria
in Advanced annua re orts
Business 1.3.2 Identif i icit infor ation in a
Communication ran e of technica ateria
Contexts 1.3.3 Su arise s nthesise and
inter ret co e usiness ritin
1.4 Reading 1.4.1 istin uish et een the ke Intensi e and e tensi e readin
Advanced co onents of an acade ic
Academic Texts research artic e
1.4.2 e onstrate the use of critica
readin techni ues such as S
in co e acade ic te ts
1.4.3 ractice readin understandin
and inter retin su ect re ated
co e acade ic te ts ourna
artic es ooks and conference
roceedin s
ractice critica readin and the Critica e a uation of te ts
e ression of inde endent o inion
on co e acade ic te ts
ractice readin and su arisin
ke oints in co e te ts
152| Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

B. Writing : 25%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
2.1 Using Advanced e onstrate the use of usiness e ad anced oca u ar in su ect
Accounting oca u ar a ro riate in areas such as inancia Accountin
& Business ad anced ritin for acade ic ana e ent Accountin Auditin
Vocabulary in and rofessiona ur oses Ta ation usiness athe atics
appropriate Strate ic ana e ent usiness
contexts cono ics Co ercia and Cor orate
to achieve a
2.2 Writing a Co i e te ts ara hrasin r anisation of ideas in a co e te t
Business Text su arisin s nthesisin
infor ation fro di erse sources
Co ose ana e ent e ers eatures of ana e ent e ers
e e o s eci c t es of or a sche a re ardin usiness te ts
usiness re orts coherent
cohesi e to suit the occasion
feasi i it re orts ro ress
usiness ro osa etc
2.3 Writing an e eo rite an e tended i erent t es of essa s inc udin
Academic Text essa ar u entati e cause and e ect ro e
Part I so ution for acade ic ur oses
C. Listening : 25%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
3.1 Listening Identif co rehend eci herin i ied eanin
for Specific i ied eanin in authentic
Professional con ersations
Purposes Su arise s nthesise and Intensi e e tensi e istenin
inter ret infor ation in usiness
con ersations
3.2 Clarifying e onstrate the use of Techni ues for eanin c ari cations
Meaning Through techni ues for eanin in co e for a and infor a
Active Listening c ari cations in co e for a co unication usiness eetin s
& Negotiations and infor a co unication conferences usiness foru s
usiness eetin s conferences
usiness foru s

Detailed Curriculum
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D. Speaking : 25%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
4.1 Active ractice n a e in critica discussion
Participation • en a in in discussions
in a Lecture/ • identif in di erent ie oints
Seminar/ • resent one s ie oint hi st
Discussion disa reein a reein on a
articu ar oint of ie
4.2 Presenting a ake a resentation enres of for a resentations
Business Report/ • su arisin the ain oints
Proposal of a re ort ro osa usiness
ne otiations e a oratin on
the ain oints in itin
and res ondin to others
ie oints and res ondin
a ro riate
• se a ro riate re isters
associated ith usiness
4.3 Effective roduce on turns res ond
Speaking in a a ro riate for usiness
Professional ur oses i e in decision akin
Setting ro e so in usiness
conte ts
Conduct artici ate in
si u ated usiness eetin s
154| Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

Pillar : IT Training Pillar

Course Unit : Corporate Information Technology
Main Curriculum Areas Weightage Notional hours

A IT or usiness ecisions 10% 25

Infor ation Securit ana e ent 5% 13
C er ence of nter rise Content 10% 25
usiness Infor ation S ste s 75% 187
Total 100% 250

Detailed Curriculum
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka

A. IT For Business Decisions : 10%

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
1.1 BI Tools for iscuss the architecture of a Infor ation S ste asics ata s
Business ana e ent infor ation s ste Infor ation T es of Infor ation
and its inka e to I too s S ste s T S IS SS SS usiness
iscuss the ro e of data rocess Chan e ith IS Auto ation
arehouse in I ationa isation een ineerin aradi
Shi Strate ic usiness o ecti es in
er ence of i data to
faci itate I in estin IS usiness Inte i ence ata
arehousin usiness erfor ance
Ana se the i ortance of i ana e ent a anced score card and si
data for decision akin si a i data data inin Introduction
to o er I
B. Information Security Management : 5%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
2.1. Identification iscus the re e ance of IS S in e e ance of IS S ata rotection
and Mitigation conte orar IT en iron ent techni ues usiness Continuit
of Information annin isaster eco er annin
iscuss the re ention of data
C er Securit isk ana sis of on ine
Systems Related eaka e and the
ser ices a ents etc Costs and
Risks iscuss the i ortance and est ene ts of IS S
ractices in C
iscuss the d na ics of c er
securit in current IT en iron ent
Assess the risks re ated to the
ro ision of on ine ser ices and
co ectin roceeds usin on ine
a ent ate a s
Assess the necessit to conduct
eriodic enetration testin and
u nera i it scannin
Assess the costs and ene ts
re ated to infor ation securit
ana e ent s ste s IS S and
re ated third art certi cations
C. Emergence of Enterprise Content : 10%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
3.1 Document Assess the ro e of docu ent ocu ent ana e ent s ste s
Management ana e ent s ste s ithin creation re ie a ro a ersion
the odern accountin and contro access contro searchin and
Systems re ated o erationa acti ities in inde in acku s and reco er
o in to ards auto ation and
di ita isation
Ana se the functions of
docu ent ana e ent s ste s
and understand the a ica i it
of each es ecia ithin nance
di ision
Assess docu ent ana e ent
s ste s ia de onstration
156| Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

iscuss the risks in o ed in ocu ent ana e ent s ste s
docu ent ana e ent s ste s creation re ie a ro a ersion
and discuss the re uired contro s contro access contro searchin and
and o ernance fra e ork inde in acku s and reco er
3.2. Enterprise iscuss the Ad ance as ects of Ad anced as ects of C o er S
Content C o er S cient use of usiness infor ation
Management Ana se the ro e of C ith C
System in e cient use of usiness
infor ation
iscuss the inte ration of C C inte ration ith other s ste s
ith other s ste s such as
D. Business Information Systems : 75%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
4.1 Enterprise eco nise the Architecture and Introduction to nter rise S ste s
Resource securit of an s ste for ana e ent S ste s Inte ration
Planning (ERP) Assess arious so are nter rise S ste s Architecture
a ai a e o the she f or es oke I e entation Strate ies So are and
and decide the suita i it of each endor Se ection erations and ost
to a industr i e entation r anisationa Chan e
Assess the i ortance of for and usiness rocess een ineerin
usiness decision arkin and erations of s ste for
ene ts of usin an s ste accountin
as e as the risks in o ed in
i e entin an s ste
nderstand the conce t of aster
records in an s ste
iscuss the est ractices in
de nin accounts codes to
ca ture u ti e data oints such
as countr de art ent ocation
ractice the asics of desi nin
and aintainin a chart of
accounts usin an s ste
ractice the functiona ities of the
accounts recei a e accounts
a a e cash ana e ent
enera ed er urchase order
ed asset and in entor usin an
s ste
ractice the asics in o ed in
contro accounts and ist do n
the ste s hen carr in one out
ractice eneratin the standard
re orts a ai a e under each
course unit usin an s ste
inc udin Accounts ecei a e
Accounts a a e Cash
ana e ent enera Led er
urchase rder i ed Asset and
In entor odu es

Detailed Curriculum
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka | 157

Pillar : Professional Experience

Course Unit : Professional Experience II
Main Curriculum Areas Public Practice Non-Public Practice
Weightage Expected Days / Weightage Expected Days /
Min.Req. Days Min.Req. Days

A. Financial Accounting 23% 50 40 45% 100 85

B. Audit &Assurance 45% 100 75 23% 50 20

(Note iv) (Note iii)
C. Taxation 7% 15 15 7% 15 15
(Note ii) (Note ii)
D. Management Accounting &
7% 15 10 11% 25 20
Financial Management
E. Information technology 9% 20 20 9% 20 20
F. General Management and
9% 20 10 5% 10 10
Secretarial Practices
Total Days 100% 220 170 100% 220 170

(Further information relating to coverage of minimum professional experience requirements are given in the FAQ
document available on the CA Sri Lanka website)


i. The days on which relevant training programmes or any workshops conducted by the CA Sri Lanka or any
other recognized training organization are attended with the approval of the Approved Training Organization
will be considered as working days.

ii. At the Corporate & Strategic level professional experience, a minimum of 25% of total requirement in
Taxation should be in Income Tax as indicated under 3.1 & 3.2 categories (The 3.2 category should be at least
2.5 days per year).

iii. In the absence of an Internal Audit Division or when there is no rotation to the Internal Audit Division, the
experience in the Financial Management category (indicate under 4.6 to 4.10) should be increased to 40 days
per year. (Applicable for Non-Public Practice sector only).

iv. The professional experience requirement for Certificate to Practice eligibility is specified under the practical
training area of the CA Sri Lanka website.
158 Curriculum 2020 | Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

A. Financial Accounting : Public Practice 23%, Non-Public Practice 45%

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes
1. Financial 1.1 Apply knowledge of accounting, accounting process and systems in carrying out
Accounting professional duties.
1.2 Apply relevant Sri Lanka Accounting Standards, provisions of the Companies Act
and any other applicable rules and regulations.
1.3 Analyzing and interpreting financial information for decision making.
1.4 Apply basic ethical principles in carrying out professional duties.
1.5 Relate accounting works to other business functions and activities.
1.6 Improve the knowledge and understanding of organization, how business works
and professional work relationships.
B. Audit & Assurance : Public Practice 45%, Non-Public Practice 23%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes
2. Audit & 2.1 Evaluate the client’s business and Identify risks involved in the business
Assurance processes.
2.2 Apply appropriate techniques of gathering audit evidence and Perform test of
controls and substantive Procedures.
2.3 Evaluate compliance with the Companies Act and other regulatory requirement.
2.4 Design/evaluate internal controls of the business.
2.5 Communicate with relevant parties and draft the audit and related reports.
2.6 Apply relevant Auditing Standards and related standards in performing the
professional duties.
2.7 Apply ethical principles governing audit of financial statements.
2.8 Provide advice on special investigations and audits.
C. Taxation : Public Practice 7%, Non-Public Practice 7%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes
3. Taxation 3.1 Analyze income, expenditure and other relevant information for the computation of
Income Tax and other indirect tax liabilities.
3.2 Computation of personal, partnership and corporate tax liabilities.
3.3 Compile submissions for consideration in the taxation dispute process.
D. Management Accounting & Financial Management : Public Practice 7%, Non-Public Practice 11%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes
4.Management 4.1 Apply knowledge of management accounting and practices, business process
Accounting and systems in carrying out professional duties.
4.2 Compute the cost of a product or service and prepare relevant reports.
4..3 Identify direct costs and allocate costs among products, divisions and Strategic
Business Units.
4.4 Design budgets and plans, allocate resources and identify variances to measure
4.5 Improve the knowledge and understanding of organization, how business works
and professional work relationships.

Detailed Curriculum
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Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes

Financial 4.6 Evaluate funds requirements & different sources of funds available for an
Management organization / business unit.
4.7 Prepares or evaluates the cash flow (actual) for ecast for an entity/business unit.

4.8 Analyze and evaluate the organization’s investment policy and investment
4.9 Compute and analyze organization’s/business unit’s current working capital
4.10 Compute and analyze the dividend policy of the organization /business units.
E. Information Technology : Public Practice 9%, Non-Public Practice 9%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes
5.Information 5.1 Apply customized or standards accounting packages/ERP/ presentation
Technology software etc.
5.2 Develop and maintain data bases/ spread sheets/ word processing systems.
5.3 Identify information security systems.
5.4 Apply the internet effectively as a source of relevant and reliable information.
5.5 Apply emerging technologies in industry.
F. General Management and Secretarial Practice : Public Practice 9%, Non-Public Practice 5%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes
6.General 6.1 Identify and analyze HR Management Practices.
Management 6.2 Analyze Marketing strategies/functions of the business.
6.3 Analyze and evaluate the business strategy.
6.4 Improve the knowledge and understanding of organization, how business works
and professional work relationships.
Secretarial 6.5 Identify required or frequently used relevant forms for the client/company and
Practices familiar with the contents and due dates for submission.
6.6 Identify the Companies Act requirements relating to forms to be submitted to
Registrar of Companies.
160| Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future


Strategic Level

Corporate Level

Business Level II

Business Level I

Detailed Curriculum
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka 161 |

Pillar : Financial Accounting & Reporting

Course Unit : Advanced Business Reporting
Main Curriculum Areas Weightage Notional hours

A Inter retation and a ication of sri anka accountin

standards S L S L AS I IC SIC and recent 35% 122
de e o ents in nancia re ortin
re aration and resentation of Conso idated
inancia State ents
C a uatin risk of ateria isstate ents in inancia
25% 87
State ents
Cor orate o ernance and non nancia re ortin 5%
thica issues in nancia re ortin and the re u ator
5% 18
fra e ork
Total 100% 350
162| Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

A. Interpretation and Application of Sri Lanka Accounting Standards (S LFRS/LKAS/IFRIC/ SIC) and Recent
Developments in Financial Reporting : 35%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
1.1 Level A Ad ise on the a ication of Sri Anne ure
Thorou h kno ed e and Lanka Accountin Standards in Accountin Standards
co rehension of the standard so in co icated a ers Le e s
to identif si ni cant co icated eco end the a ro riate
issues and an otentia i ications accountin treat ent to e used
to the nancia state ents and to in co icated circu stances
e ercise rofessiona ud ent in in accordance ith Sri Lanka
the e a uation and a ication of Accountin Standards
standards in reso in a co icated a uate outco es of the
a er re ated to nancia re ortin a in di erent accountin
treat ents
A co icated a er inc udes
ro ose a ro riate accountin
transactions and or e ents hich
o icies to e se ected in
re uire thorou h ana sis of the
di erent circu stances
a er and e a uation of standards
a uate the i act of the use
of di erent e ert in uts to
It a re uire the ana sis a ication
nancia re ortin
and e a uation of re e ant standard s
Ad ise a ro riate a ication
and se ection of accountin
re ortin o tions i en under
esi n the a ro riate
disc osures to e ade in the
nancia state ents
1.2 Level B A Sri Lanka Accountin Anne ure
ood kno ed e and co rehension Standards in so in oderate Accountin Standards
of the standard to identif co icated a ers Le e s
oderate co icated issues and eco end the a ro riate
an otentia i ications to the accountin treat ent to e used
nancia state ents and to e ercise in co icated circu stances
rofessiona ud ent in the ana sis in accordance ith Sri Lanka
and a ication of standards in Accountin Standards
reso in a oderate co icated e onstrate a thorou h
a er re ated to nancia re ortin kno ed e of Sri Lanka
here A oderate co icated Accountin standards in the
a er inc udes transactions and or se ection and a ication of
e ents hich re uire an ana sis of a accountin o icies
a er and e a uation of such a er
ith the re ated standard s

Detailed Curriculum
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka 163 |

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

e onstrate the a ro riate Anne ure
a ication and se ection of Accountin Standards
accountin re ortin o tions Le e s
i en under standards
ut ine the disc osures to e
ade in the nancia state ents
1.3 Level C
ain the conce ts rinci a s Anne ure
Conce tua kno ed e and
of Sri Lanka Accountin Accountin Standards
understandin of the standard to
Standards Le e s
identif si e issues to e ercise
reasona e rofessiona ud ent A the conce ts rinci a s
in the a ication of standards in of the standards to reso e a
reso in a si e strai h or ard si e strai ht for ard a er
a er re ated to nancia re ortin List the disc osures to e ade
A si e transaction or e ent in the nancia state ents
inc udes transactions or e ents
hich re uire direct and conce tua
a ication of standards efer
Appendix 3)
1.4 New exposure drafts and implications a uate the ossi e i act of ossi e i act
of the adoption to the existing ne e osure dra s on nancia on re aration of
presentation/disclosures state ents nancia state ents
and s ecia disc osure
re uire ents
B. Preparation and Presentation of consolidated Financial Statements : 20 %
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
2.1 Separate & Consolidated Financial Co i e conso idated nancia Conso idated
Statements which includes: state ents for a rou ith inancia State ents
• in est ents in Su sidiar ore than t o su sidiaries in co e rou
Su sidiaries Su su sidiaries su su sidiaries or forei n structures
inc udin forei n o erations su sidiaries
• in est ent in oint arran e ents eco i e a conso idated I ications to
Associates set of nancia state ents nancia state ents
ost ac uisition er er or under di erent
di est ent e e s of in est ent
contro in uence
A ication of
a uate the infor ation Circu stances to
ro ided and identif the hich SL S is
e istence of oint entures a ica e
Co i e nancia state ents for Accountin for
oint entures in est ents in oint
arran e ents
164 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

B. Preparation and Presentation of consolidated Financial Statements : 20 %

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
Ad ice a ro riate accountin Circu stances to
treat ent to e used hen there is hich L AS is
an in est ent in an associate a ica e

Co i e nancia state ents Accountin for

hen there is an in est ent in an in est ents in
associates associates
C. Evaluating Risk of Material Misstatements in Financial Statements : 25%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

3.1 Risk of Material Misstatements 3.1.1 Demonstrate the meaning and • Inherent risk and
components of risk of material control risk
misstatement in the context of • SLAuS 200
financial reporting framework.

3.1.2. Assess risk of material

misstatements during the audit
using risk assessment procedures.

3.2.1 Demonstrate the use of financial

3.2 Financial Statement Assertions statements assertions by management
in preparing financial statement and the
application of assertions in identifying
potential misstatements in financial SLAuS
3.2.2. Assess risk of material
misstatements, whether due to
fraud or error, at the financial
statements and assertion levels
through understanding the entity
and its environment, including the
entity’s internal control.
3.3 Business risks and risk of material a uate for a s eci ed scenario • SLAuS
misstatements including risk of frauds ho si ni cant usiness risk resu ts in • SLAuS T es
risk of ateria isstate ent in of rauds
nancia state ents inc udin the • raud isk
resence of fraud risk factors Indicators

3.4 Going Concern a uate e ents and conditions A ication of L AS

a ectin the a idit of oin concern and SLAuS to
assu tion used in re arin nancia deter ine the
state ents in deter inin the a idit of oin
disc osures re uired on ateria concern asis and
uncertaint i ication of a
ateria uncertaint
on auditors o inion
3.4.2. Determine the validity of
• SLAuS 570
going concern basis and
implication of a material
uncertainty on auditors’ opinion.

Detailed Curriculum
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C. Evaluating Risk of Material Misstatements in Financial Statements : 25%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
3.5 Materiality A the conce t of ateria it SLAuS
in e a uatin isstate ents in ateria it ractice
nancia state ents state ent
3.6 Data Analytics for users of financial Inter ret nancia and non atio ana sis trend
statements nancia infor ation usin data ana tics re ression
ana tics to dra conc usions usefu corre ation and other
for econo ic decision akin of usefu techni ues
users of nancia state ents

3.7 Data Analytics in risk assessment and A ication of data ana tics • ata ana tics
in discovering material misstatements and statistica techni ues techni ues
due to errors of frauds in erfor in ana tica inc udin redicti e
rocedures to e a uate otentia ana tics and
isstate ents in nancia state ents other statistica
techni ues that
cou d e used in
ana sin nancia
state ents
• ourna entr
ana sis
de nition
of ana tica
rocedures and its
a ication in audits
3.8 Internal Control Framework e onstrate co onents of SLAuS
an inte rated interna contro
fra e ork and its i ortance in
Inte rated Interna
ensurin the re ia i it of nancia
Contro ra e ork
state ents

3.8.2. Analyse design, • SLAuS 315.

implementation and operating • COSO 2013 –
effectiveness of identified controls. Integrated Internal
Control Framework.

3.9 Internal Controls over Financial a uate in a s eci ed scenario e interna nancia
Reporting co onent of interna contro s contro inc udin IT
re atin to nancia re ortin to a ication contro s
identif interna contro de ciencies and contro s o er
ourna entries

3.10 Internal controls relevant in preparing Ad ice rou ana e ent • SLAuS
group financial statements on interna contro s inc udin rou ide contro s
rou ide contro s a ica e in • rou instruction
re arin conso idated nancia to co onents
state ents inc udin re ated • Contro s o er
art transactions identi cation
e i ination of
re ated art
transactions and
other conso idated
ad ust ents
166 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

D. Corporate Governance and Non-Financial Reporting : 15 %

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
4.1 Corporate governance and Criticise an annua re ort of a Cor orate
sustainability reports including co an in a i en scenario o ernance
integrated reporting on the asis of ade uac disc osures
of cor orate o ernance
disc osures
Inte rated re ort a on
Co i e an inte rated re ort
ith a sustaina i it re orts
a on ith a sustaina i it re ort
no ed e inc udin
for a i en entit usiness en iron ent in
hich the entit o erates

a uate inte rated Inte rated

sustaina i it re orts in sustaina i it re orts in
accordance ith the tri e accordance ith the tri e
o o ine rinci e and I o o ine rinci e and
and II C uide ines I and II C uide ines
Operational, relationship,
4.2 Corporate governance theory 4.2.1 Discuss the stakeholder,financial
and practices concept of
economics, societal
governance perspectives of corporate
from different governance
perspectives The difference between
governance and management

4.2.2 Evaluate the Case study discussion on

role and governance failures including
limitations of thosecaused by global
corporate economic crisis, unethical
governance in behavior and examination of
preventing role and limitation of corporate
corporate governance in preventing such

4.2.3 Demonstrate the This should cover both local and

regulatory international regulations
pertaining to the

4.2.4 Demonstrate Including key trends around the

world US, EU, India, Japan and
issues and
trends on UK

4.2.5 Discuss different American rules-based model

Models of UK/Commonwealth principles-
Corporate based model; Continental
European two-tier model
Corporate Governance
convergence or differentiation
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

4.3 Board of Directors 4.3.1 Evaluate the Characteristics of an effective board, role of
executive and non-executive directors, role
effectiveness of
of Chairman, SID, Board composition,
a board, in the
diversity, performance appraisal and
perspective of
decision (FRC), Board information,
agenda etc. The six Cs of effective
board behavior (Commitment, Character,
Collaboration, Competence, Creativity,
4.3.2 Discuss Strategy formulation; policy making;
Functions of the supervision of executive management;
board including and accountability to shareholders and
performance others.

4.3.3 Evaluate functions True and Fair view, internal controls over
of Board/Board financial reporting, integrated reporting,
Committee in going concern, related party transactions,
ensuring integrity of ESG reporting
financial and
business reporting

4.4 Audit Committee 4.4.1 Evaluate the Best practices drawn from different
Effectiveness of audit codes/reports/ international guidance
committee based on
corporate governance
best practices

4.4.2 Evaluate the role of Ability to relate and evaluate functions of

audit Committee in audit committee to elements of control
strengthening control environment

4.4.3 Advice interaction SLAuS 260, 265, discussing reporting

between external auditor issues at early stage (Proposed
and audit committee in modifications, Key audit matters,
ensuring the Emphasis of matters/other matters/
effectiveness of an Going concerns issues)
independence of audit
168| Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

E. Ethical Issues in Financial Reporting and the Regulatory Framework : 5%

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
5.1 Recent ethical issues Ad ise on accurate resentation resentation of
of nancia state ents for a nancia state ents
i en set of circu stances ith for a i en set of
reference to o a e a es circu stances ith
reference to o a
e a es thica
issues in nancia
re ortin and the
re u ator fra e ork

Annexure 01
Sri Lanka Accounting Standards

No. Name Level

SLFRS 1 First-time adoption of Sri Lanka Accounting standards -
SLFRS 4 Insurance Contracts -
SLFRS 6 Exploration for and evaluation of Mineral Resources -
LKAS 26 Accounting and Reporting by Retirement Benefit Plans -
LKAS 29 Financial Reporting in Hyperinflationary Economies -
LKAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements A
LKAS 2 Inventories A
LKAS 7 Statement of Cash Flows A
LKAS 8 Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors A
LKAS 10 Events after the reporting Period A
LKAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment A
LKAS 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets A
SLFRS for Smaller Entities Sri Lanka Accounting Standard for Smaller Entities A

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No. Name Level

SLFRS 3 Business Combinations A
SLFRS 5 Non-Current assets held for sale and discontinued operations B
SLFRS 9 Financial Instruments A
SLFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements A
SLFRS 11 Joint Arrangements B
SLFRS 12 Disclosure of Interests in other entities B
SLFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement A
SLFRS 15 Revenue from Contracts with Customers A
LKAS 12 Income Taxes B
LKAS 19 Employee Benefits B
LKAS 20 Accounting for Government Grants and Disclosure of Government B
LKAS 21 The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates A
LKAS 23 Borrowing Costs A
LKAS 24 Related Party Disclosures A
LKAS 27 Separate Financial Statements B
LKAS 28 Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures B
LKAS 32 Financial Instruments: Presentation A
LKAS 33 Earnings per Share B
LKAS 36 Impairment of Assets A
LKAS 38 Intangible Assets B
LKAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement A
LKAS 40 Investment Property A
LKAS 41 Agriculture B
SLFRS for SMEs Sri Lanka Accounting Standard for Small and Medium sized Entities B
SLFRS 2 Share-based Payment B
SLFRS 7 Financial Instruments: disclosures A
SLFRS 8 Operating Segments B
SLFRS 16 Leases A
LKAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting B
SLFRS 14 Regulatory Deferral Accounts N/A
170 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

Pillar : Performance Measurement and Risk

Course Unit : Corporate Finance and Risk Management
Main Curriculum Areas Weightage Notional hours

A.. Firm and overview of corporate finance 15% 53

B.. Valuation of financial assets 30% 105
C.. Ivestment appraisal 15% 52

D. Capital structure and financing 25% 87

E. Risk management and uncertainty 15% 53
Total 100% 350

Detailed Curriculum
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171 |

A. Firm and Overview of Corporate Finance : 15%

Knowledge Component Learning Outcome Specific Knowledge
1.1 Nature of Firm 1.1.1 Discuss the significance of finance to Structure of a firm and
and Significance of a firm in carrying out its operations to importance of finance.
Finance achieve corporate objectives.
1.1.2 Discuss the relevance of Agency Theory Agency relationships, Agency
and practical problems arising from conflict, agency cost, practical
agency conflicts and agency costs. issues and solutions.
1.1.3 Discuss objectives of a firm and practical Objectives of a firm.
problems of achieving them based on
the debate of wealth maximisation
against profit maximisation.
1.2 Relevance of 1.2.1 Discuss economic significance of The relation between capital
Corporate Finance corporate finance from capital formation formation and economic
and economic growth perspectives of a growth through corporation.
1.2.2 Discuss the nature and structure of Merits and demerits of
different types of debt financing and different sources of financing.
equity financing available to a firm and
merits and demerits of each type.
1.2.3 Distinguish the roles of a treasurer from a Responsibilities of Financial
financial controller as finance managers. Decision making.
1.3 Assessing 1.3. 1 Assess financial performance and Assessing performance
Performance of financial position of a firm through through financial statements.
Finance financial statement analysis (Profitability,
Efficiency, Solvency, Liquidity).
1.3.2 Recommend ways of improving financial Recommendation to improve
performance and stability based on the performance and financial
results of financial statement analysis to stability.
achieve corporate objectives.
B. Valuation of Financial Assets : 30%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcome Specific Knowledge
2.1 Cash Flows and 2.1.1 Discuss the importance of different types Relevance of cash flows and
Time Value of of cash flows and earnings to a firm. Earnings.
Money 2.1.2 Discuss the nature of cash inflows and Identification of cash flows
outflows arising from equity financing from equity financing and debt
and debt financing. financing.
2.1.3 Discuss how the time value of money Relations between PV and
varies over time and the need for FVs of cash flows through
compensating the time value. compounding and discounting.
172 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

Knowledge Component Learning Outcome Specific Knowledge

2.1.4 Analyse the impact of each determinant Impact of determinants of time
of time value of money on PV and FV. value on PV and FV
(Perform calculations of PV and FV, Use of MS Excel computer
Annuity Payment, time period and applications or financial
Required rate of return in relation to calculator to solve problems.
cash flows by using Microsoft Excel
formulas or a financial calculator).
2.2 Valuation of Shares 2.2.1 Compare Intrinsic value of a share with Difference between valuation
its market price. and price.
2.2.2 Discuss Share Valuation Rules. Decision Rules.
2.2.3 Discuss Cash flows associated with a Identification of cash flows
share (Investment, dividends and sales related to investments in
proceeds). shares.
2.2.4 Discuss the relevance of valuing shares Share valuation based on
based on Free Cash Flows. FCFs.
2.2.5 Discuss the relevance of Assets-based Meaning and relevance of
share Valuation Model. asset based share valuation
2.2.6 Determine the value of a share based on Determination of value based
given scenarios. on assets.
2.2.7 Discuss practical issues of using asset Issues on asset based
based valuation from financial decision valuations.
making perspective.
2.2.8 Explain Dividend Discount Valuation Relevance and limitation of
model (DDM). DDM in valuation of shares.
2.2.9 Discuss different patterns of Dividends
Types of dividend patterns.
paid by firms by giving practical
2.2.10Estimate the value of a share based on Computation of share value
DDM with no dividend growth, constant based on dividends.
dividend growth and two stage of
dividend growth.
2.2.11Recommend investment decisions by Decision making based on
comparing valuation obtained from practical situation.
DDM with the market price and other
2.2.12Discuss the importance of relative Relevance of PE P/BV and DY
valuation techniques such as Price for valuation.
Earning (PE)Ratio, Price to book value
(P/BV and Dividend yield (DY).
2.2.13Calculate Justified PE ratio and discuss Impact of growth on share
the impact of growth on PE and valuation by using PE ratio.

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Knowledge Component Learning Outcome Specific Knowledge

2.2.14Recommend investment decisions based Investment Decisions with
on PE/P/BV and DY by referring to regard to PE,P/BV and DY.
practical examples.
Use of Ms Excel computer
(Perform all calculations by using applications to solve problems.
Microsoft Excel formulas or financial
calculator when possible).
2.2.15Evaluate the impact of qualitative factors Impact of qualitative factors on
before taking the final investment Investment decisions.
2.3 Valuation of Bonds 2.3.1 Discuss the impact of each determinant Determinants of the value of
of value of a Bond. a Bond.
2.3.2 Distinguish characteristics of Coupon Characteristics of bonds with
bonds from Zero coupon bonds. coupons and without coupons.
2.3.3 Define Yield to Maturity (YTM). Meaning of YTM.
2.3.4 Calculate YTM. Calculation of YTM.
2.3.5 Compare YTM with coupon rate of Relation between YTM and
a bond to decide whether the bond Coupon Rate on the value.
is traded at par, at a premium or at a
2.3.6 Estimate the value of a Zero coupon Valuation of a bond.
bond and a coupon bond.
2.3.7 Recommend investment decisions based Investment decisions.
on overpriced and underpriced bonds by
comparing values with market prices.
2.3.8 Analyse the impact of interest rate Impact of interest rate and its
change on the value of a bond. sensitivity on bond value.
2.3.9 Compare how the value of a bond Variation of value of a bond
changes over time when it approaches over time.
maturity (estimate the value at different
time intervals for this purpose and show
them graphically with a view to enhance
the understanding).
2.3.10Explain " Duration of a Bond". Knowing the concept of bond
duration and its relevance for
decision making.
2.3.11Calculate the duration of a bond and Computation of bond duration.
interpret it.
2.3.12 Discuss the importance of Credit Rating Credit Rating and Bond
on bond valuation and YTM. Valuation.
(Perform calculations by using Microsoft Use of MS Excel computer
Excel formulas and financial calculator applications to solve problems.
when possible).
174 Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

C. Investment Appraisal : 15%

Knowledge Component Learning Outcome Specific Knowledge
3.1 Projects appraisal 3.1.1 Analyse the capital budgeting process Capital budgeting process,
(including searching for investments, strategic prioritisation,
strategic prioritisation, identifying identifying investment,
investment, investment appraisal, investment appraisal,
authorisation, capital budget, monitoring authorisation, capital budget,
and review). monitoring and review.
3.1.2 Evaluate investment projects using Discounting factor/non-
discounting factor/non-discounting discounting factor techniques
factor techniques with: with:
• Tax • Tax
• Inflation (monetary and real method) • Inflation (monetary and real
• Unequal life projects (annual method)
equivalent method only) • Unequal life projects (annual
• Asset replacement equivalent method only)
• Capital rationing (including multi • Asset replacement
period capital rationing) • Capital rationing (including
• Under uncertainty (certainty multi period capital rationing)
equivalent, adjusting discounting • Under uncertainty (certainty
factors/payback, using probability and equivalent, adjusting
sensitivity analysis) discounting factors/payback,
• Foreign investments (using forward using probability and
exchange rates or country-specific sensitivity analysis)
discounting factors). • Foreign investments (using
forward exchange rates or
country-specific discounting
3.1.3 Criticise IRR on the basis of its IRR on the basis of its
reinvestment assumption, leading to reinvestment assumption,
modified IRR (calculations are expected). leading to modified IRR.
3.1.4 Evaluate the impact on project appraisal Impact on project appraisal
from side effects of financing, using the from side effects of financing,
Adjusted Present Value (APV). using the Adjusted Present
Value (APV).
3.1.5 Analyse the importance of post Importance of post completion
completion audit and real options in audit and real options in
capital budgeting. capital budgeting.
3.2 Capital Budgeting 3.2.1 Discuss different stages of capital Stages of capital budgeting
Techniques budgeting process (searching for process
investment opportunities, matching • searching for investment
with strategic priorities, identifying opportunities
investment, investment appraisal, • matching with strategic
authorisation, capital budget, monitoring, priorities
and review. • identifying investment
• investment appraisal
• authorisation
• capital budget monitoring,
and review

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Knowledge Component Learning Outcome Specific Knowledge

3.2.2 Analyse the impact of sensitivities of Impact of sensitivities of
each determinant and a given scenario each determinant and a given
on capital budgeting decisions. scenario on capital budgeting
3.2.3 Discuss the impact of qualitative factors Impact of qualitative factors
on final capital budgeting decision. on final capital budgeting
3.2.4 Analyse the importance of post Post completion audit and real
completion audit and real options in options in capital budgeting.
capital budgeting.
3.2.5 Discuss practical issues relating to IRR Practical issues relating to IRR
and recommend remedies available. and remedies.
D. Capital Structure and Financing : 25%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcome Specific Knowledge
4.1 Capital Structure 4.1.1 Explain how the Capital of a firm Elements of Capital and its
and Theories constructs. structure.
4.1.2 Explain determinants of cost of debt and Determinants of cost of
cost of equity. capital.
4.1.3 Estimate cost of debt incorporating the Cost of debt and impact of tax
impact of taxation. on cost of debit.
4.1.4 Discuss the relevance of Capital Asset CAPM and determinants of
Pricing Model (CAPM) to determine cost cost of Equity.
of equity.
4.1.5 Discuss the assumptions made in CAPM Relevance of assumption of
and their relevance in practical situations. CAPM.
4.1.6 Estimate cost of Equity by using CAPM. Cost of equity and its
determinants through CAPM.
4.1.7 Estimate WACC under different debt WACC and its relevance to
equity structure scenarios given. capital structure.
4.1.8 Analyse the impact of WACC on value of Relation between WACC and
firm under different debt equity structures. firm value.
4.1.9 Discuss the impact of debt financing on Impact of Financial leverage.
financial performance.
4.1.10Discuss the relevance of Millar and MM Theory.
Modigliani (MM) Theory on Capital
4.1.11Discuss assumptions made in MM Assumptions of MM theory.
4.1.12Discuss Trade off Theory of Leverage Trade off theory and its impact
and how it affects to the firm value and to firm.
4.1.13Discuss Pecking Order Theory and its Pecking Order Theory.
significance on firm performance.
4.1.14Analyse the ways in which an optimum Optimum Capital Structure.
capital structure is maintained.
176 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

Knowledge Component Learning Outcome Specific Knowledge

4.2 Long-term Financing 4.2.1 Discuss about different types of long- Financing options available.
term financing of a firm.
4.2.2 Analyse the impact of different Debt Bank Borrowings, issuance of
financing alternatives (Loans, Bonds/ corporate bonds and financing
Debentures, Leasing) on financial through leasing.
performance and risk.
4.2.3 Analyse the impact of IPOs, Private Types of equity financing and
Placements, Right Issues, Share the impact of each source.
Repurchase, Employee Share Ownership
Schemes on financial performance and
value of shares / firm.
Analyse the impact of costs of issuance Costs of Issuance of equity
of equity financing and debt financing. and debt.
4.2.4 Recommend appropriate financing Gearing of firm.
options for a firm based on given
4.2.5 Analyse the impact of conversion Conversion of debt into equity.
of debt into Equity on financial
performance and firm value.
4.2.6 Analyse the impact of Share Swap Share SWAP and firm value.
Arrangements between companies on
financial performance and firm value.
4.2.7 Assess both positive and negative MBO, MBI, MBOIN.
consequences of Management Buyouts
4.2.8 Assess the impact of leverage Buyouts LBO and its consequences.
(LBO) and their consequences.
4.2.9. Discuss the impact of mergers and Mergers and Acquisitions.
acquisitions on firm value.
4.2.10. Discuss the relevance of technical Technical analysis and
analysis and fundamental analysis with fundamental analysis.
regard to capital markets.
4.2.11 Evaluate financing methods (including Cash offer, share exchange
cash offer, share exchange and and use of debt financing
use of debt financing and earn-out and earn-out arrangements,
arrangements, merger, acquisition or acquisition, divestment
4.2.12 Evaluate post-merger valuation and Market values, net asset
implications (market values, net asset values, ePs, P/e ratio before
values, ePs, P/e ratio before and after and after acquisition or merger,
acquisition or merger), including post- post-acquisition integration,
acquisition integration, integration integration problems which
problems which cause merger/ cause merger/acquisition
acquisition failure. failure

Detailed Curriculum
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Knowledge Component Learning Outcome Specific Knowledge

4.2.13. Discuss the importance of Efficient Efficient market hypothesis.
market hypothesis in relation to capital
markets and investment decisions.
4.3 Short-term 4.3.1 Discuss the importance of short-term Short-term financing methods.
Financing financing to a firm.
4.3.2 Analyse the impact of Working Capital Elements of Working Capital.
elements on financial performance.
4.3.3 Compare and discuss traditional views Views on Working Capital
and modern views of Working Capital management.
4.3.4 Discuss the significance of managing Concepts of cash cycle and
the Cash Cycle and the Operating Cycle operating cycle.
from Working Capital perspective.
4.3.5 Estimate the cash cycle and the operating Computation of cash cycle and
cycle based on given scenarios. operating cycle.
4.3.6 Estimate working capital requirement Estimation of Working Capital
needed based on a given scenario. requirement.
4.3.7 Analyse and recommend the ways in Improving the efficiency
which the cash cycle and the operating of operations and cash
cycle can be improved. management.
4.3.8 Analyse the impact of debt defeasance. Strategy of debt defeasance
including factoring.
E. Risk Management and Uncertainty : 15%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcome Specific Knowledge
5.1 Corporate risk 5.1.1 Discuss various types of risks such as • Credit risk,
identification credit risk, interest rate risk, liquidity • Interest rate risk,
risk, foreign exchange risk, price risk, • Liquidity risk,
operational risk and reputational risk. • Foreign exchange risk,
• Price risk,
• Operational risk
• Reputational risk
5.1.2 Discuss the nature of different types of Nature of different types of
risks and analyse their risks. risks.
5.1.3 Discuss the ways in which risks can Ways in which risks can be
be mitigated through appropriate mitigated through appropriate
investment portfolios. investment portfolios.
5.1.4 Discuss how risk is identified and Identifying and measuring
measured with reference to total risk, risks with reference to total
systematic risk (Market risk, Non- risk, systematic risk (Market
diversifiable risk) and unsystematic risk, Non-diversifiable risk) and
Risk (Unique risk, asset specific risk, unsystematic risk (Unique risk,
diversifiable risk) of investment. asset specific risk, diversifiable
risk) of investment.
178 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

Knowledge Component Learning Outcome Specific Knowledge

5.1.5 Discuss how total risk can be minimised Minimising total risk through
through investment portfolios. investment portfolios.
5.1.6 Analyse and compare the individual Individual asset based risks
asset based risks and portfolio risks and portfolio risks through
through appropriate risk measures appropriate risk measures
(Variance, Standard Deviation, Beta, (Variance, Standard Deviation,
covariance). Beta, covariance).
5.2 Corporate risk 5.2.1 Discuss and calculate portfolio standard Portfolio standard deviation
measurement deviation and its application. and its application.
5.2.2 Discuss the concept of liquidity Concept of liquidity mismatch
mismatch and interest rate sensitivity and interest rate sensitivity
gaps. gaps.
5.3 Corporate risk 5.3.1 Discuss credit rating and measurement Credit rating and measurement
management of credit risk (probability of default, loss of credit risk (probability of
given default, exposure at default). default, loss given default,
exposure at default).
5.3.2 Discuss the importance of different Importance of different
corporate Governance structures for risk corporate Governance
management. structures for risk management.
5.3.3 Analyse the impact of risks arising from Impact of risks arising from
financial derivatives such as options, financial derivatives such as
futures, Swaps and forward contracts. options, futures, Swaps and
forward contracts.
5.3.4 Evaluate payoff of a derivative at Payoff of a derivative at maturity
maturity and during the life time. and during the life time.
5.3.5 Discuss the significance of duration Significance of duration of a
of a bond and its relevance to risk bond and its relevance to risk
management. management.
5.3.6 Recommend appropriate strategies Strategies to hedge financial
to hedge financial risks arising from risks arising from practical
practical business scenarios (Hedging business scenarios (Hedging
Interest rate risk, foreign currency risk Interest rate risk, foreign
and credit risks). currency risk and credit risks).

Detailed Curriculum
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Pillar : Taxation and Law

Course Unit : Corporate Taxation
Main Curriculum Areas Weightage Notional hours

A Inco e ta ia i it of a resident co an 30% 105

Ta ation and usiness decision akin 10% 35
C Ta ation of non residents and internationa ta ation 15% 53
Statutor ro isions and case a 10% 35
ana e ent of a ue Added Ta AT 15% 52
Ta annin and ad isin 10% 35
Conte orar issues in ta ation 10% 35
Total 100 350
180 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

A. Income Tax Liability of a Resident Company : 30%

Knowledge Component Learning Outcome Specific knowledge
1.1 Types of iscuss arious t es of co anies arious t es of co anies and the
companies and the asis of ta ia i it asis of ta ia i it inc udin rates of
inc udin rates of inco e ta inco e ta
1.2 Taxable income Assess the Assessa e inco e Assessa e inco e fro usiness and
of a company fro usiness and in est ent in est ent carried out a resident
carried out a resident co an co an
Assess ta a e inco e a er Ta a e inco e a er deductin the
deductin the ua if in a ents ua if in a ents
Ana se usiness acti ities in i erent usiness acti ities a ro riate
order to a a ro riate ta ta ho ida s and other ta incenti es
ho ida s and other ta incenti es a ica e to resident co anies
a ica e to resident co anies
1.3 Gross income tax Assess inco e ta ia i it Inco e ta ia i it a ro riate rates of
and balance tax a in a ro riate rates of inco e ta ased on the cate or of the
payable inco e ta ased on the cate or co an and the nature of usiness
of the co an and the nature of
Assess the a ance ta a a e a ance ta a a e a er a in se f
a er a in se f assess ent assess ent a ents and ta credits
a ents and ta credits a ica e to co anies inc udin
a ica e to co anies inc udin econo ic ser ice char e
econo ic ser ice char e
1.4 Specialised Assess the inco e ta ia i it Inco e ta ia i it of s ecia ised
business of s ecia ised usiness usiness undertakin s and transactions
undertakings undertakin s and transactions inc udin etro eu o erations nancia
inc udin etro eu o erations institutions insurance
nancia institutions insurance
B. Taxation and Business Decision Making : 10%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcome Specific knowledge
2.1 Impact of a uate e ecti eness of ecti eness of ta strate ies ro osed
Taxation on ta strate ies ro osed or or i e ented in usiness undertakin s
business and i e ented in usiness and nancia state ents and other
undertakin s ana sin re e ant infor ation
finance decisions
nancia state ents and other
re e ant infor ation
a uate otentia risks in ter s otentia risks in ter s of direct and
of direct and indirect ta es and indirect ta es and a ers hich
a ers hich re uire correcti e re uire correcti e actions for statutor
actions for statutor co iance co iance
Co i e re orts ith a ternati e A ternati e courses of action a ai a e
courses of action a ai a e for for e istin ta issues su orted
e istin ta issues su orted necessar co utations
necessar co utations

Detailed Curriculum
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka

Knowledge Component Learning Outcome Specific knowledge

2.2 Personal taxation Ana se nancia a airs of inancia a airs of indi idua s ith a
indi idua s ith a hi her hi her e osure to inco e ta and
e osure to inco e ta and other other interacti e ta es AT T sector
interacti e ta es AT T sector s eci ed ta es and ta issues
s eci ed ta es in order to address
current ta issues
eco end a ternati e courses A ternati e courses of action to iti ate
of action to iti ate otentia otentia risks and ini ise ta e ense
risks and ini ise ta e ense
re are su e entar Su e entar state ents and
state ents and a ternati e a ternati e co utations inc udin
co utations inc udin co utation of inco e usin net ea th
co utation of inco e usin net ethod and recei ts and a ents
ea th ethod and recei ts and ethod to su stantiate the ta ia i it
a ents ethod to su stantiate of a erson
the ta ia i it of a erson
C. Taxation of Non-residents and International Taxation : 15%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcome Specific knowledge
3.1 Assessing income Inter ret the eanin of resident eanin of resident status of an
tax liability of status of an indi idua or co an indi idua or co an for ta ur oses
a non-resident for ta ur oses
person ain statutor ro isions ith Statutor ro isions ith re ard to
re ard to esta ish ent to the esta ish ent to the e tent that the
e tent that the inco e arises in or is inco e arises in or is deri ed fro a
deri ed fro a source in Sri Lanka source in Sri Lanka
Assess the inco e fro the Inco e fro the e o ent usiness
e o ent usiness and in est ent for a non resident
in est ent for a non resident
Assess the ta a e inco e and Ta a e inco e and the ta a a e
the ta a a e thereon a non thereon a non resident erson
resident erson
ain the ia i it of an a ent of Lia i it of an a ent of a non resident
a non resident erson erson
3.2 Remittance tax ain the ia i it of a non resident Lia i it of a non resident co an for
co an for ta on re i ances ta on re i ances
Co ute re i ance ta a a e e i ance ta a a e a non
a non resident co an resident co an
3.3 Double tax ain the issue of o er a in Issue of o er a in ta urisdictions and
treaties ta urisdictions and ethods of ethods of a oidin dou e ta ation
a oidin dou e ta ation
ain the ain di erences i erences et een the C ode
et een the C ode and and ode of ta treaties
ode of ta treaties
182 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

Knowledge Component Learning Outcome Specific knowledge

ut ine the rinci a as ects of the rinci a as ects of the o eration of a
o eration of a dou e ta a ree ent dou e ta a ree ent kno ed e of
kno ed e of s eci c dou e ta s eci c dou e ta a ree ents is not
a ree ents is not re uired re uired
D. Statutory Provisions and Case Law : 10%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcome Specific knowledge
4.1 Statutory ut ine the ro isions of the ro isions of the In and e enue
provisions In and e enue Act ith re ard Act ith re ard to ta a e sources
to ta a e sources returns returns assess ents ti e ar na it
assess ents ti e ar na it ad inistrati e re ie a ea s and ena
ad inistrati e re ie a ea s and ro isions
ena ro isions
ut ine the rocedure in akin a rocedure in akin a a id re uest
a id re uest for an Ad inistrati e for an Ad inistrati e e ie and the
e ie and the se e ent se e ent rocedure inc udin a ea s
rocedure inc udin a ea s to to the Ta A ea s Co ission
the Ta A ea s Co ission
ut ine the rocedures of rocedures of a ent of ta under se f
a ent of ta under se f assess ent sche e re a ent of ta
assess ent sche e re a ent of reco er of ta in defau t and ena ties
ta reco er of ta in defau t and for non co iance
ena ties for non co iance
ut ine the statutor ro isions Statutor ro isions a ica e to
a ica e to reco er of inco e ta reco er of inco e ta
4.2 Case law State the facts and rinci es of The facts and rinci es of decided ta
decided ta cases A endi cases A endi
4.3 Application e onstrate kno ed e and no ed e and a ication of statutor
of statutory a ication of statutor ro isions ro isions and case a in the fo o in
provisions and and case a in the fo o in • ractica ta issues inc udin
case law • ractica ta issues inc udin c ari cation of ta a i it of arious
c ari cation of ta a i it of inco e
arious inco e
• educti i it of e enses • educti i it of e enses e enses
e enses to the e tent the are to the e tent the are incurred durin
incurred durin the ear the the ear the erson and in the
erson and in the roduction roduction of inco e fro usiness or
of inco e fro usiness or in est ent
in est ent
• i hts and o i ations of ta • i hts and o i ations of ta a ers
a ers
Co i e re orts and other ri en e orts and other ri en
co unications inc udin ta co unications inc udin ta a ea s on
a ea s on ractica issues ractica issues

Detailed Curriculum
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E. Management of Value-Added Tax (VAT) : 15%

Knowledge Component Learning Outcome Specific knowledge
5.1 Obligations of a Assess the out ut ta in ut ta and ut ut ta in ut ta and a ance
VAT-registered a ance ta a a e a re istered ta a a e a re istered erson in
person erson in usiness hich carries usiness hich carries out u ti e
out u ti e acti ities acti ities
Ad ise the statutor o i ations Statutor o i ations ith re ard to
ith re ard to furnishin furnishin returns a ent of ta and
returns a ent of ta and docu entation
docu entation
5.2 VAT on Financial ain the eanin of nancia eanin of nancia ser ices and
Services ser ices and co utation of a ue co utation of a ue addition
Assess AT a a e a erson AT a a e a erson carr in on a
carr in on a usiness of nancia usiness of nancia ser ices
ser ices
5.3 Simplified VAT Assess the AT ia i it of a AT ia i it of a re istered identi ed
Scheme re istered identi ed urchaser urchaser and re istered identi ed
and re istered identi ed su ier su ier
ut ine the si ni cant features of Si ni cant features of the Si i ed AT
the Si i ed AT Sche e Sche e
5.4 Managing VAT in ain statutor ro isions Statutor ro isions of the AT Act
a business of the AT Act ith re ard ith re ard to assess ents ti e ar
to assess ents ti e ar for for assess ents a ea s and a ea
assess ents a ea s and a ea se e ent rocedure
se e ent rocedure
Ana se AT issues in a co e AT issues in a co e usiness
usiness en iron ent and ro ide en iron ent and ro ide a ro riate
a ro riate actions to iti ate actions to iti ate such situations
such situations
Ad ise on a ue of su ies ith a ue of su ies ith re ard to di erent
re ard to di erent acti ities acti ities
F. Tax Planning And Advising : 10%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcome Specific knowledge
6.1 Fiscal incentives ut ine a or ta ho ida s a or ta ho ida s e e tions and
and limitation e e tions and other incenti es other incenti es ranted under the
ranted under the In and e enue In and e enue Act and oard of
Act and oard of In est ent La In est ent La
ro ose a ternati e ta incenti es A ternati e ta incenti es for a i en
for a i en situation and their situation and their i itations
i itations
6.2 Transfer pricing ain statutor ro isions re e ant Statutor ro isions re e ant to transfer
to transfer ricin inc udin the ricin inc udin the conce t of ar s
conce t of ar s en th rice and en th rice and rescri ed a e ed
rescri ed a e ed ethods of ethods of transfer ricin
transfer ricin
184| Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

Knowledge Component Learning Outcome Specific knowledge

Critica ana se ricin o icies ricin o icies a ied usinesses in
a ied usinesses in do estic do estic and internationa transactions
and internationa transactions ith e hasis on the a idit of such
ith e hasis on the a idit of o icies
such o icies
6.3 Tax planning Co i e e ecti e and ecti e and e iti ate ans and
e iti ate ans and easures easures for usiness in order to
for usinesses in order to ini ise ta e enditure under i en
ini ise ta e enditure under scenarios considerin o ortunistic
i en scenarios considerin statutor ro isions sca incenti es and
o ortunistic statutor ro isions i itations
sca incenti es and i itations
Critica ana se o icies o icies arran e ents and a ree ents
arran e ents and a ree ents of cor orate and indi idua ta a ers
of cor orate and indi idua ith their e osure to disre ard
ta a ers ith their e osure under the c ause arti cia or ctitious
to disre ard under the c ause transactions
arti cia or ctitious transactions
6.4 Providing tax Co i e so utions for issues So utions for issues raised ta
advise raised ta authorit ased on authorit ased on ta a er ri hts
ta a er ri hts esta ished under esta ished under statutes and re e ant
statutes and re e ant case a case a fro cases isted in A endi I
fro cases isted in A endi I
Ad ise for arious ractica ta arious ractica ta issues inc udin
issues inc udin assess ents assess ents inter retations reco er
inter retations reco er and and ena action and iti ation
ena action and iti ation
6.5 Communication Co i e re orts and other e orts and other for a interna and
for a interna and e terna e terna co unications ith re ard to
co unications ith re ard to ta ta annin easures and ad isin
annin easures and ad isin
G. Contemporary Issues In Taxation : 10%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcome Specific knowledge
7.1 New tax ain the si ni cant chan es to Si ni cant chan es to ta e is ation
legislations ta e is ation enacted not ater enacted not ater than the i ediate
than the i ediate si recedin si recedin onths and the i act on
onths and the i act on cor orate and indi idua ta ation
cor orate and indi idua ta ation
a uate the i act on chan es in I act on chan es in ta e is ations to
ta e is ations to arious usiness arious usiness acti ities
acti ities

Detailed Curriculum
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka

Knowledge Component Learning Outcome Specific knowledge

7.2 Financial a uate the i act of chan es I act of chan es in nancia re ortin
reporting and in nancia re ortin standards to standards to ta ation to ether ith
taxation ta ation to ether ith re e ant re e ant uide ines issued the ta
uide ines issued the ta authorit
7.3 Taxation and ut ine ro isions set out in the ro isions set out in the Code of
ethics Code of rofessiona conduct and rofessiona conduct and thics ith
thics ith re ard to disc osure re ard to disc osure of infor ation
of infor ation con ict of interest con ict of interest con dentia it and
con dentia it and i ications for i ications for a ta ractice
a ta ractice
7.4 Professional risk ut ine the ena ro isions ena ro isions a ica e to
a ica e to accountants accountants auditors and ta
auditors and ta ractitioners in ractitioners in res ect of frauds and
res ect of frauds and incorrect incorrect returns

Appendix l

Subject Matter Name of the Case Reference

ro t fro • Cri Co issioner of Inco e Ta • CTC ou e
o ent • Suther and Co issioner of Inco e Ta • CTC ou eI
• ana asa a ath Co issioner enera of In and • SLTC ou eI
e enue
ro ts and inco e • An o ersian i Co Ltd Co issioner of Inco e Ta • CTC ou e
arisin in or deri ed • Chi ers Sons Ltd Co issioner of Inco e Ta • CTC ou e
fro Sri Lanka
Inco e fro an • ickra asin he Co issioner of Inco e Ta • CTC ou e
other source
Ad enture or concern • S aha itharana CI • CTC o u e III
in the nature of trade • a Is era CI • CTC o u e III
• Co issioner of Inco e Ta C S e o sa • CTC ou eI
• ut ed e CI • TC
• CI Li in stone and thers • TC
•I C raser • TC
• CI einho d • TC
• artin La r • TC
Annuit • The Co issioner of In and e enue a arathna • CTC o u e III
artnershi s • A A a ood ho Co issioner enera of In and • SLTC ou eI
e enue
186 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

Subject Matter Name of the Case Reference

Ca ita and re enue • a a rosa u er Co Ltd ar er • TC
e enditure • ancock enera e ersionar In est ent Co Ltd • TC
• Artherton ritish Insu ated e s Ca es Ltd • TC
• Theo a d Co issioner of Inco e Ta • TC ou eI
• Associated ort and Ce ent anufacturin Co err • TC
• itche o e • TC
• au hton Tea Co an Li ited Co issioner of Inco e • CTC ou eI
• La Shi in Co Ltd CI • TC
• deon Associated Theatres Ltd ones • TC
• The ationa utua Life Association of Austra ia Ltd • CTC ou eI
Co issioner of Inco e Ta
enses incurred in • e e and Co Ltd The Co issioner of In and e enue • CTC o u e III
roduction of ro ts • Co issioner of In and e enue A a ith A uha • CTC o u e III
inco e • Stron oodi e d • TC
• a a akse Co issioner of Inco e Ta • CTC ou eI
easons for re ection • S ernando and Another ohideen Is ai • CTC
of the returns • e ort an Ltd a e ardene and thers • SL o of
eanin of ant • Thornhi Co issioner of Inco e Ta • CTC ou eI
• Che ana aka Co issioner of Inco e Ta • SC Int

Detailed Curriculum
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187 |

Pillar : Business Management & Strategy

Course Unit : Strategic Management and Leadership
Main Curriculum Areas Weightage Notional hours

A Strate and co etiti e ad anta es 10% 35

n iron ent ana sis and strate ic osition 10% 35
C Strate for u ation 40% 140
Strate i e entation and contro 20% 70
Techno o and data ana tics in strate ic ana e ent 10% 35
Strate ies for internationa isation 10% 35
Total 100% 350
188 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

A. Strategy and Competitive advantages : 10%

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
1.1 Basic concepts a ine asic conce ts of e nitions of strate and
of Strategic strate ic ana e ent co etiti e ad anta e
Management Ins ect the characteristics of Characteristics of strate ic decisions
strate ic decisions and e e of and e e of strate ies
strate ies
eco nise the strate ic ana e ent Strate ic ana e ent rocess ased
rocess for an usiness entit in on di erent ode s ationa
di erent ers ecti es ode
iscuss the nature and o ecti es a ue creation and stakeho der
of the stakeho ders inc udin ana e ent
ana sis of stakeho ders usin
ende o atri and strate ies
to ana e stakeho ders
1.2 Challenges In esti ate the cha en es of Cha en es of Strate ic ana e ent
of Strategic Strate ic ana e ent in d na ic in na ic n iron ent
Management usiness n iron ent o a isation Techno o
de e o ent and en iron ent
Sustaina i it etc
Ana se the a ication of Tri e Tri e ode
ode for the strate ic
ana e ent rocess
1.3 Organisational a ine the theories of Theories of or anisationa ada tation
Adaptation or anisationa ada tation
and Learning In esti ate the a ication no ed e ana e ent
Organisation no ed e ana e ent in
Strate ic ana e ent rocess
Ins ect the a ication of Learnin Learnin r anisation
r anisation in Strate ic ecision
iscuss the tri erin e ents Tri erin e ents for Initiation of
for Initiation of Strate ies in Strate ies
or anisations
B. Environment Analysis and Strategic Position : 10%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
2.1 Environment e ne the or anisationa The or anisationa en iron ent and
Scanning and en iron ent and identif the ain e e ents of or anisationa
Industry Analysis ain e e ents of or anisationa en iron ent
en iron ent
Ana se the icro en iron ent Ana sis of icro en iron ent ain
and discuss ho ne trends co onents and ne trends
a ectin to the usiness
or anisation

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Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

Ana se the acro en iron ent Ana sis of acro en iron ent
and discuss ho ne trends ST L ain co onents and
a ectin to the usiness ne trends
or anisation
Ana se the industries in di erent Industr Ana sis The na ics of
ers ecti es ado tin arious Industr structure Strate ic rou s
industr ana sis conce ts i e orces ode etc
ode s
In esti ate the strate ic Industr ife c c e
i ications in the each sta e of
industr ife c c e
2.2 Organisation and a ine the co etiti e The resource ased ie
Capability Analysis ad anta e of an or anisation
ased on the resource ased ie

Assess the strate ic ca a i ities I fra e ork

of an or anisation ased on
I a ua e are Ini ita e
r anised fra e ork
In esti ate stren ths and unctiona resources and a ue chain
eaknesses of an or anisation ana sis
ased on a ai a i it of functiona
resources and a ue chain ana sis
Ins ect ste s of the resource esource Audit
audit for understandin
stren ths and eaknesses of an
or anisation
Ana se usiness ode s ado ted Ana sis of usiness ode s
the or anisations in di erent
ers ecti es
In esti ate the a ica i it ench arkin of strate ic ca a i ities
of ench arkin of strate ic
ca a i ities for usiness a ue
2.3 Strategic Factors iscuss strate ic ode s for rioritisin and S nthesis of strate ic
rioritisin and s nthesis of factors
strate ic factors
A S T ana sis for strate ic S T ana sis and action riorities
decisions of an or anisation
A T S atri for strate ic T S atri
decisions of an or anisation
190| Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

2.4 CSR and Ethics iscuss the i ortance of ature and sco e of CS
coo erate socia res onsi i it
CS for usiness or anisation
In esti ate t es of socia T es of socia res onsi i it
res onsi i it in di erent e caro ra id
ers ecti es
a ine the ethics in usiness thics in usiness and reasons for
and reasons for unethica eha ior unethica eha ior
of e o ees ana ers
eco end uide ines for ethica uide ines for ethica eha ior
eha ior of e o ees ana ers
C. Strategy Formulation : 40%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
3.1 Strategic Directions esi n strate ic ision ission Strate ic ision ission and a ues
and Type of and a ues of the or anisations
Strategies esi n strate ic oa s o ecti es Strate ic oa s o ecti es and tar ets
and tar ets of the or anisations
Assess ain strate ic e e s Strate ic e e s and t es of strate
and t es of strate ies of the
or anisation
To ana se di erent ers ecti es Strate ic Lenses
of ana ers re ardin
de e o ent and i e entation
of strate ies
3.2 Role of Corporate e ne or anisationa cu ture and r anisationa cu ture and ain
Culture in Strategy discuss the ain e e ents of e e ents of or anisationa cu ture
Development or anisationa cu ture
Ana se tendencies for strate ic Strate ic dri and ana in strate ic
dri and reco end the actions dri
to a oid the strate ic dri of the
or anisations
a ine di erent a ers of La ers of or anisationa cu ture and
or anisationa cu ture and cu tura fra es of reference
in esti ate cu tura in uences
e ist at each e e
Ana se or anisationa cu ture in ode s for cu tura ana sis Char s
di erent ers ecti es and Cu tura e d ar Schein
Cu tura ode etc
a ine the ro e of or anisationa Cu ture s in uence on strate
cu ture in de e o in and
i e entation of strate ies

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Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

3.3 Business Strategy a ine the criterion to e Strate ic usiness nit S and
used in identif in S s and co etiti e strate ies
discuss the nature of co etiti e
strate ies a ied in se arate
S s
Assess the orter s eneric orter s eneric co etiti e
co etiti e strate ies for strate ies
de e o in co etiti e
ad anta es of usinesses
Assess the strate c ock for Co etiti e strate ies ased on the
de e o in co etiti e strate ies strate c ock
of usinesses
Assess i itar ana o ies for ensi e s defensi e strate ies
de e o in o ensi e and
defensi e strate ies to arket
eader cha en er and fo o ers
Assess the ue ocean s red ue ocean s red ocean strate ies
ocean strate ies for de e o in
co etiti e ad anta e to the
Assess the roduct arket roduct arket e ansion rid Anso
e ansion rid Anso atri for atri
de e o in ro th strate ies for
the usinesses
eco end ost a ro riate a e theor
co etiti e strate ies for
usinesses ased on a e theor

3.4 Functional Assess ost a ro riate arketin strate ies ST arketin

Strategies and arketin strate ies for i strate ies arketin strate ies
Strategic Choice i e entin usiness strate ies etc
in the o erationa e e of the
or anisation
Assess the ost a ro riate erations ana e ent strate ies
o eration ana e ent strate ies odern o eration ana e ent
for i e entin usiness techni ues ua it ana e ent
strate ies in the o erationa e e techni ues ro ect ana e ent
of the or anisation techni ues arehousin In entor
ana e ent and Su chain
ana e ent techni ues etc ith
ne techno o a ication
192 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

Assess the ost a ro riate esearch and e e o ent strate ies
esearch and e e o ent e e roduct desi nin and
strate ies for i e entin inno ations Ac uisition of techno o
usiness strate ies in the etc
o erationa e e of the
or anisation
Assess the ost a ro riate urchasin strate ies utsourcin
urchasin strate ies for and e rocure ents ack ard
i e entin usiness strate ies inte ration etc
in the o erationa e e of the
or anisation
Assess the ost a ro riate strate ies e Tactics and
strate ies for i e entin rocesses of ta ent ana e ent
usiness strate ies in the
o erationa e e of the
or anisation
D. Strategy Implementation and Control : 20%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
4.1 Strategic Evaluation Ana se the Suita i it easi i it Suita i it easi i it Acce ta i it
Acce ta i it S A of usiness S A ana sis
strate ies for de e o in
co etiti e ad anta e
iscuss the a ication of c inse s S ode
c inse s S ode for
e a uatin and i e entation of
co etiti e strate ies
Assess the nancia and non inancia and non nancia criteria for
nancia criteria for e a uatin e a uatin strate ies
strate ies in usinesses
4.2 Organisational In esti ate the inte ration Strate and structure
Design et een usiness strate and
or anisationa structure

Ana se the t es of r anisationa ife c c e and

or anisationa structures ased structures
on the di erent sta es of
or anisationa ife c c e
a ine the nature of r anisationa structures in tur u ent
or anisationa structures re uired en iron ent
in tur u ent en iron ent
iscuss the a ication of usiness rocess reen ineerin
usiness rocess re en ineerin
for re structurin rocess of the
or anisations

Detailed Curriculum
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

4.3 Managing Change Ana se the ro e of chan e a ent o e of chan e a ent and chan e
in di erent chan e tri ers tri ers
Ins ect the resistance to chan e esistance to chan e and st es of
and reco end the st es of ana in chan e
ana in chan e to o erco e
those resistance
A ode s of chan e ode s for ana in chan e e
ana e ent for annin and urt Le in s ode ohn o er s
i e entin chan e rocess of ode
an or anisation
4.4 Monitoring and or u ate an action an for re arin an action an
Implementation i ro in the e ecti eness for
Process strate i e entation
Ana se the a ica i it of ana e ent o ecti es
ana e ent o ecti es
for strate i e entation
A raise critica success factors CS s and Is
CS s and reco end the
a ro riate ke erfor ance
indicators Is for easurin the
erfor ances
4.5 Strategic Control e e o a ro riate contro Strate ic contro in rocess
s ste s to su ort strate ic
ana e ent rocess
a ine the t es and too s of T es and too s of strate ic contro
strate ic contro a ied in the Inc udin a anced Scorecard
d na ic usiness en iron ent A roach
a ine ro e s in easurin easurin erfor ances ro e s
erfor ance ith the ur ose of and so utions
reco endin the so utions
a ine the a ications of Strate ic Incenti e ana e ent
strate ic incenti e ana e ent in
strate ic contro
E. Technology and Data Analytics in Strategic Management : 10%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
5.1 Cloud and Mobile iscuss the a ication of o e of techno o in strate ic
Technology ne techno o for i ro in ana e ent
in Strategic roducti it of the or anisations
a ine the ro e of c oud An o er ie of c oud and o i e
co utin and o i e techno o techno o so are so utions
in strate ic ana e ent rocess
194 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

Ana se ene ts and risks of usin ene ts and risks of c oud and o ie
c oud and o i e techno o for techno o
the or anisations
Ins ect the a ication of nter rise resource annin
enter rise resource annin
to enhance the roducti it of the
or anisations
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
5.2 Big data and iscuss the eanin nature and An o er ie of i data
Data Analytics i ortance of i data for the
for Strategic or anisations
Management a uate the a ication of i A ication of i data for strate ic
data for strate ic ana e ent ana e ent rocess
In esti ate the o ortunities ortunities and threats of i data
and threats of usin i data for
ana in or anisations
F. Strategies for Internationalisation : 10%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
6.1 Need for iscuss the oti es for oti es for Internationa isation
Internationalisation Internationa isation of the
a ine the cha en es of Cha en es of internationa arkets
internationa arkets
Ana se the ke dri ers for ri ers of internationa isation
internationa isation of usinesses
6.2 Evaluation of A the ofstede s ra e ork ofstede s ra e ork on Cu ture
International on cu ture for understandin cross
Markets cu tura en iron ent
A di erent ode s for ode s for e a uatin internationa
e a uatin and se ection of arkets e The CA fra e ork
internationa arkets C A orter s ia ond
6.3 Selection of Ana se di erent ode s for ode s for se ectin internationa
International se ectin internationa arkets arket e arre and iefer ode
Markets and and strate ies
Strategies Ana se the concentration s Sho er a roach s aterfa
di ersi cation in o a arkets a roach
eco end ost a ro riate arket entr strate ies
entr odes for di erent arkets

Detailed Curriculum
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka 195

Pillar : Business Management & Strategy

Course Unit : Integrated Case Study
Main Curriculum Areas Weightage Notional hours

A Cor orate nance and risk ana e ent 20% 120

Ta and re u ator en iron ent 10% 60
C Cor orate o ernance ethics and contro en iron ent 5% 30
usiness and functiona strate 20% 120
Cor orate strate 25% 150
Conte orar issues in accountin nance and
20% 120
ana e ent
Total 100% 600
196 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

A. Corporate Finance and Risk Management : 20%

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
1.1 Financial 1.1.1 Propose Strategic decisions for Financial feasibility using alternative
Feasibility and selecting projects with considering valuation methods.
Funding its financialfeasibility. Scenario analysis (stress test the
assumptions used and conduct a scenario
analysis (separately/Asawhole).
The gap between ROIC and cost of
funds (compare ROIC of the project with
the cost of funds to determine whether
returns expected are in line with the risk
1.1.2 Propose the best possible funding The current capital market conditions for
strategy for investments and an equity issue.
expansions. The impact of diluted control and
additional cost of compliance resulting
from public offer.
Credit market conditions (to determine
the optimal timing and nature including
listed bonds and bank loans of
borrowings to be sourced).
1.1.3 Advise on a risk management Exchange risk and country risk, in case of
policy for the company. cross-border filings.
(Including the use of structuredproducts,
derivatives, legal procedures including
disclaimers, copyrightandpatents
and operational mechanisms including
supplier and customer diversification).
The policy should also cover: Exchange
risk, Credit risk, Interest rate risk,
Operational risk, Legal risk, Physical risk,
Legal risk and Reputation risk.
1.2 Enterprise risk 1.2.1 Demonstrates key concepts Risk, risk appetite, risk universe, risk
management relating to Enterprise risk management principles and process
management using ISO 31000 and COSO (2017)

Ability to explain steps in

1.3 Risk Management 1.3.1 Design a suitable risk
System management system for an
enterprise using recognized risk an effective ERM program and
management frameworks embedding it within the overall
governance framework

Detailed Curriculum
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka 197|

1.4 Risk Assessment 1.4.1 Undertake a risk assessment

and mitigation by analyzing financial and non-
financial information relating to
internal and external business Applying risk management tools such
environment of an entity as brainstorming, SWOT, PESTEL, Five
Forces, etc. to identify and risk in
terms of underlying causes (root
cause) and assessing the impact and
1.4.2 Recommend risk mitigation
likelihood of risk
strategies for identified risk
198 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

B. Tax and Regulatory Environment : 10%

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
2.1 Corporate Tax 2.1.1 Compile information on tax Structuring the project to maximise tax
Planning implications applicable to a benefits (period and the reduction in
business decisions. rate)
2.1.2 Advise a company to select The value of tax benefits (PV of tax
appropriate tax concessions savings), if any concessions are
applicable to the business. available.
2.1.3 Design a strategy on corporate Structuring the operations to optimise
tax planning and compliances. the tax liability within the conditions that
need to be complied with, in order to
obtain tax benefits and additional costs
of compliance.
2.2 Regulatory 2.2.1 Compile information on the Check list for regulatory requirements.
Environment applicable regulatory
environment, ensuring that the
company operations are in
compliance with such
2.2.2 Design a system to comply Compliance officers & internal processes.
with the regulatory
framework for the business.
C. Corporate Governance, Ethics and Control Environment : 5%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
3.1 Corporate 3.1.1 Criticise the practice of Controversial human right records.
Governance and investing in countries, Child labour practices.
Ethics industries and companies Fraud and corruption.
that are subject to
Non-compliance with accepted
controversial governance
governance and ethical practices as set
and ethical practices.
out by professional bodies.
3.2 Control 3.2.1 Advise on control
Fraud Risk Assessments, Fraud Risk
Environment environment and control Management.
procedures required to
minimise the risk of fraud
3.3 Financial 3.3.1 Advise on the reasonableness
Analytical review procedures and other
Projections of financial projections related
commonly accepted analytical tools.
to strategic decisions.
3.4 Risk 3.4.1 Outline the importance of risk Risk Governance requirements of
Governance. governance in preventing Board based on corporate governance
corporate failures best practices such as FRC Guidance
on Risk Management, Internal Control
and Related Financial and Business
Reporting 2014, Report of the NACD
Blue Ribbon commission on Risk
Governance, King iv)
Analysis of recent corporate failures
(local and international) in terms of
Board risk oversight role
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka 199 |

D. Business and Functional Strategy : 20%

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
4.1 Business 4.1.1 Apply business strategies Porters Generic Strategies, Strategic
Strategies and based on an appropriate strategic Clock, Game Theory, Blue Ocean vs. Red
Competitive model to enhance competitive Ocean, etc.
Advantages advantage of a Strategy

4.2 Functional 4.2.1 Propose appropriate strategic Strategies for Marketing Management
Strategies alternatives in business (STP and marketing mix).
functions with the purpose of
implementing the corporate
and business strategies.

4.2.2 Propose an action Strategies for Managing Human Capital

plan to implement and Emotional Intelligence.
the functional Strategies for Information Management.
strategies in dynamic Strategies for Technology and
environment. Innovation Management (Research and
development strategies).
4.3 Technology in 4.3.1 Design Strategic business models Applications of Big data & Data
Business based on the technological Analytics.
innovations in dynamic Machine Learning & Artificial
environment. Intelligence.
Applications of Social Media and online
Applications of Fin Tech.
4.4 Strategy and Risk 4.4.1 Evaluate the critical link between Assessing the appropriateness of
strategy and risk strategy in terms of risk inherent in
Aligning risk with strategy and
4.5 Risk Analytics 4.5.1 Demonstrate the importance Understanding the importance KRIs
and Big data of Key Risk Indicators (KRIs) beyond historic KPIs and ability to
for risk identification and propose KRIs for a given business
monitoring scenario
4.5.2 Advice on the usage of Big Understanding the importance big
data and analytics in data (structured and unstructured)
providing risk insights to and business intelligence software
Board with predictive capabilities
200 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

E. Corporate Strategy : 25%

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
5.1 Environment 5.1.1 Analyse the micro and macro Internal Capability Analysis.
Analysis environment for identifying
strategic factors with the purpose
of developing corporate strategies Analysis of Task Environment.
for businesses.
5.1.2 Compile the results of Analysis of General environment
environmental analysis, to decide (PESTEL, International).
the strategic directions for Industry Analysis.
organisations. SWOT analysis and action priorities
through TOWS matrix.
5.1.3 Compile necessary information Gap Analysis.
for understanding the strategic
planning gap of the corporation.
5.2 Strategy 5.2.1 Propose appropriate directional Growth Strategies (Concentration and
Formulation strategies adopted by diversification), Stability Strategies,
organisations to fulfill strategic Retrenchment Strategies.
planning gap.
5.2.2 Evaluate a business portfolio BCG matrix, GE matrix, Shell Directional
and propose strategies based Matrix, ADL matrix,etc.
on strategic position of different
SBUs in organisation.
5.2.3 Recommend appropriate Value-added and value-destroying
parenting strategies for activities of corporate parents, strategic
subsidiaries and associate alternatives based on parenting fit
companies under the parent matrix.
5.2.4 Recommend appropriate Mergers Merger & Acquisitions and its
& Acquisitions in order to enhance importance.
corporate value of core business. Integration and Conglomeration.
The Merger & Acquisitions life cycle.
Measuring the success of Merger &

Detailed Curriculum
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka 201

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

5.2.5 Recommend appropriate Strategic Alliances, Joint Ventures,
strategies to expand the business Franchising.
based on alternative integrated New Investments (Ex: Brown field/Green
business strategies. field),

5.3 Strategy 5.3.1 Design criteria for evaluating Strategic evaluation.

Implementation strategic options available to an
and Controlling organisation.
(including Johnson and Scholes’
SAF Criteria) and propose
effective communication formats
for reporting recommendations.)
5.3.2 Design appropriate systems for Strategy in action [Re-structuring and
strategy implementation. Business Processes Re-engineering
(BPR), etc.]
5.3.3 Design appropriate systems for Strategic Control.
strategic control.
F. Contemporary Issues in accounting, finance and management: 20%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
6.1.1 Evaluate Contemporary issues/ • Current Issues & developments in,
Developments in Accounting Environmental Accounting
& Finance and Recommend • Sustainable Reporting
appropriate strategies for • Corporate Governance
managing those issues to enhance • Financial Statements Frauds &
sustainable business growth. Earnings Management
• Forensic Accounting
• Behavioral Accounting & Finance
• Capital Market Developments
• Financial Technology
• Digitalised Accounting
• Human Resource Accounting
• Financial Modelling
202 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

Pillar : Professional Skills
Course Unit : Strategic Business Communication
Knowledge Component Weightage Notional hours

A u ic s eakin ski s s eechcra 40% 100

e otiation con ict reso ution ski s 20% 50
C ersona randin usiness eti ue e 20% 50
Ad anced usiness e ort ritin Ski s 20% 50
Total 100% 250

Detailed Curriculum
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka 203

A. Public Speaking Skills : 40%

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
1.1 Understanding istin uish the ke e e ents e ents of the co unication
Communication of the co unication rocess rocess
Processes & Sender ecei er essa e and
Different Purposes es onse
1.2 Public Speaking Identif the ur ose of a i erent t es of s eeches to suit the
i en s eech ar u entati e occasion
ersuasi e to oti ate
assess the needs and riorities
of a otentia audience to
de e o a s eech
Co ose s ecia occasion
s eeches
Structure a s eech to achie e a
o ica o
e onstrate an e e ator itch
1.3 Techniques Identif di erent ethods of Co onents as ects of resentations
for Effective o erco in arriers that hinder i erent ethods of o erco in
Presentations e ecti e s eakin Contro in arriers that hinder e ecti e s eakin
erfor ance an iet Contro in erfor ance an iet
roduce a racti e e ecti e and er a and non er a co unication
a ro riate o er oint s ides odu atin oca tone od an ua e
ith the ri ht a ount of detai facia e ression and ti in use of
isua s
1.4 Delivery of Speeches Co ose and de i er i ro tu e i er of i ro tu re ared
s eeches ins s eeches
Co ose and de i er re ared
short s eeches
1.5 Assessing Speeches a uate other s eakers usin i erent e e ents of a s eech
di erent e e ents of s eech
accordin to the criteria i en
eco nise od an ua e
e ecti e and to understand
the i icit eanin s con e ed
s eakers accurate
B. Negotiation & Conflict Resolution Skills : 20%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
2.1 Nature of Conflict & i erentiate et een t es of T es of con icts
Types of Conflict con icts
2.2 Stages of Conflict Identif the sta es of con ict in Sta es of con icts
o erco in the e ecti e
204 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

2.3 Conflict Resolution Inte rate di erent con ict i erent con ict reso ution ski s
Skills reso ution ski s in reso in
ossi e con ict situations at
di erent sta es
Identif non er a
co unication inc udin tona
ariations and od an ua e in
e ecti e ne otiations
2.4 Personal and Social Identif ho ersona and socia ersona and socia st es in con ict
Styles in st es a ect con ict reso ution reso ution
Conflict Resolution istin uish di erent ersona it
t es their i act on
ne otiation
2.5 Language of ractice the use of a ro riate e otiation ski s
Negotiation hrases o iteness arkers
e ecti e in ne otiation use
a ro riate od an ua e
ractice the a ro riate
intonation stress a erns
2.6 Negotiation A and ractice di erent i erent ne otiation strate ies
Strategies ne otiation strate ies hi e
reco nisin their ossi e
ra i cations
2.7 Power in Negotiation eco nise the ro e a ed i erent strate ies to ne otiate o er
o er d na ics in ne otiation d na ics
A di erent strate ies to
ne otiate o er d na ics
C. Personal Branding & Business Etiquette : 20%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
3.1 Branding eco nise randin and its ersona randin
critica ro e in arketin onese f
e e o e ecti e
co unication ski s to enhance
one s rand a ue
3.2 Elements of Personal eco nise the e e ents of e ents of ersona randin
Branding ersona randin i erence et een i a e and
istin uish the di erence identit
et een i a e and identit
e e o the a i it to cra
one s i a e usin the a o e
outco es

Detailed Curriculum
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka 205|

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge

3.3 Business Etiquette ractice the rinci es of rinci es of usiness eti ue e ru es
usiness eti ue e of ersona conduct
Identif the ru es of ersona
conduct inc udin uide ines
on ho to re ent se ua
harass ent
3.4 Attire, Grooming and e onstrate the ado tion of I ortance of a re roo in and
Body Language a ro riate a re roo in od an ua e
and od an ua e in creatin a
ositi e ersona i a e
3.5 Dinning Etiquette ractice the acce ta e anner ro er a s to consu e food and
to consu e food and e era es e era es in a socia se n
in a socia se n
D. Advanced Business Report Writing Skills : 20%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
4.1 Writing an Academic e eo rite an e tended i erent t es of essa s inc udin
Text essa o o Inte rated Case ar u entati e cause and e ect
Stud uide ines ro e so ution for acade ic
ur oses
4.2 Developing an Co rehend ke co onents Characteristics of an acade ic re ort
Academic Report of an acade ic research artic e
e e o an out ine that r anisation of the re ort
arran es ain ideas in su ort
of the ur ose and ain
essa e
Co ose s eci c t e of re ort or a sche a re ardin an acade ic
coherent cohesi e in ine re ort
ith Inte rated Case Stud
re uire ents
e e o s eci c t es of or a sche a re ardin usiness
re orts coherent cohesi e te ts
A referencin techni ues in Techni ues of referencin
re ort
206 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

Pillar : IT Training pillar

Course Unit : Information Technology & Data Analytics
Main Curriculum Areas Weightage Notional hours

A IT and Strate 20% 50

Conte orar to ics in IT 25% 62
C usiness infor ation s ste s nter rise esource annin 20% 50
usiness ana tics 15% 38
Audit a ications 20% 50
Total 100% 250

Detailed Curriculum
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka 207

A. IT and Strategy : 20%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
1.1 IT and Strategy Asses the ro e of nance in inte ratin Identif usiness dri ers Create IT
the IT strate ith a usiness ision Ad ust IT Strate IT ased
re uire ent too s a ai a e in assistin strate ic
e onstratin the rocess of re arin annin and ana e ent
an IT ud et rocess Infor ation Techno o in
a uatin the feasi i it of IT re ated kno ed e ana e ent
in est ent critica ana sin
the cost sa in s and e cienc
i ro e ents
B. Contemporary topics in IT : 25%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
2.1. Contemporary IT A ication of Arti cia Inte i ence in A ai a e AI a ications in
Applications in usiness inance usiness inance asics of
the business ockchain and aintenance of shared ockchains shared ed ers and
ed ers Tri e ntr accountin
se of cr to currenc inc udin itcoin
and co iance
C. Business Information Systems/Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) : 20%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
3.1 ERP usage e onstrate the kno ed e in roduct and endor se ection
roduct and endor se ection i e entation ifec c e asic
ain the inte ration of ith rinci es in the access contro
third art s ste s such as a ent asic rinci es of audit ith in an
ate a s Internet ankin
e onstrate kno ed e of the asic
rinci es in the access contro atri
and ist the arious e e s a ai a e in
the s ste
e onstrate ho to erfor data
inte rit inter entions co erin
nancia tasks such as re o enin a
c ose eriod o erridin transactions
e onstrate kno ed e of the asic
rinci es of audit ith in an
Inc udin audit o s rocess contro s
se re ation of duties
208 | Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

D. Business Analytics : 15%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
4.1 Use of Data Identif a or trends in redicti e i ata and Ana tics i ata
Analytics for ana tics ti isation corre ation of istor i ata Sources and
Business etrics and i data Characteristics Trends in i ata
Inter ret and ana e ne trends in Strate and usiness A ications
ana tics techni ues a ectin our of data ana tics i ata
or anisation a or s and eratin Too s
Asses too s for data ana tics
Critica inter ret ana tics re orts and
ad ise decision akers
E. Audit Applications : 20%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes Specific Knowledge
5.1 Using Audit Assess the ene ts of audit ana tica
Analytic Software so are asic e e ents of data ana sis
e onstrate kno ed e of asic audit asic rinci es of audit
rinci es in an audit ana tica ana sis so are ene ts of audit
so are ana sis so are
ractice asic e e ents of data ana sis
and audit

Detailed Curriculum
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka 209|

Pillar : Professional Experience

Course Unit : Professional Experience III
Main Curriculum Areas Public Practice Non-Public Practice
Weightage Expected Days / Weightag e Expected Days /
Min.Req. Days Min.Req. Days

A. Financial Accounting 23% 50 40 45% 100 85

B. Audit & Assurance 45% 100 75 23% 50 20

(Note iv) (Note iii)

C. Taxation 7% 15 15 7% 15 15
(Note ii) (Note ii)
D. Management Accounting &
9% 15 10 11% 25 20
Financial Management
E. Information Technology 9% 20 20 9% 20 20
F. General Management and
7% 20 10 5% 10 10
Secretarial Practice
Total 100% 220 170 100% 220 170

(Further information relating to coverage of minimum professional experience requirements are given in the FAQ document
available on the CA Sri Lanka website)


i. The days on which relevant training programmes or any workshops conducted by the CA Sri Lanka or any
other recognized training organization are attended with the approval of the Approved Training
Organization will be considered as working days.

ii. At the Corporate & Strategic level professional experience, a minimum of 25% of total requirement in
Taxation should be in Income Tax as indicated under 3.1 & 3.2 categories (The 3.2 category should be at least
2.5 days per year).

iii. In the absence of an Internal Audit Division or when there is no rotation to the Internal Audit Division, the
experience in the Financial Management category (indicate under 4.6 to 4.10) should be increased to 40
days per year. (Applicable for Non-Public Practice sector only).

iv. The professional experience requirement for Certificate to Practice eligibility is specified under the practical
training area of the CA Sri Lanka website.
210| Curriculum 2020 | Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

A. Financial Accounting : Public Practice 23%, Non-Public Practice 45 %

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes

1.Financial Accounting 1.1 Apply knowledge of accounting, accounting process and systems in
carrying out professional duties.
1.2 Apply relevant Sri Lanka Accounting Standards, provisions of the Companies Act and
any other applicable rules and regulations.
1.3 Analyzing and interpreting financial information for decision making.
1.4 Apply ethical principles in carrying out professional duties.
1.5 Relate accounting works to other business functions and activities.
1.6 Improve the knowledge and understanding of organization, how business
works and professional work relationships.
1.7 Evaluate integrated and sustainability reports of business entities for
decision making.
1.8 Design and implement new accounting systems and procedures.

B. Audit & Assurance : Public Practice 45%, Non-Public Practice 23%

Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes
2.1 Evaluate the client’s business and identify risks involved in the business
2. Audit & Assurance
2.2 Apply appropriate techniques of gathering audit evidence and perform
test of controls and substantive procedures.
2.3 Evaluate compliance with the Companies Act and other regulatory
2.4 Design/evaluate internal controls of the business.
2.5 Communicate with relevant parties and draft the audit and related reports.
2.6 Apply relevant Auditing Standards and related standards in performing the
professional duties.
2.7 Apply ethical principles governing audit of financial statements.
2.8 Provide advice on special investigations and audits.
2.9 Analyze governance and management structures of entities.
2.10Evaluate implications of changes in governance interms of assurance,risk
and reporting.
C. Taxation : Public Practice 7%, Non-Public Practice 7%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes

3.Taxation 3.1 Analyze income, expenditure and other relevant information fo r the computation of
Income Tax and other indirect tax liabilities.
3.2 Computation of personal, partnership and corporate tax liabilities.
3.3 Compile submissions for consideration in the taxation dispute process.
3.4 Advice on practical and relevant tax planning and administration.
3.5 Evaluate the tax implications on investment decisions.
3.6 Evaluate and resolve ethical and professional issues in under taking tax

Detailed Curriculum
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka 211

D. Management Accounting & Financial Management : Public Practice 9%, Non-Public Practice 11%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes
4.Management 4.1 Apply knowledge of management accounting and practices, business
Accounting process and systems in carrying out professional duties.
4.2 Compute the cost of a product or service and prepare relevant reports.
4.3 Identify direct costs and allocate costs among products, divisions and
Strategic Business Units.
4.4 Design budgets and plans, allocate resources and identify variances to
measure performance.
4.5 Improve the knowledge and understanding of organization, how business
works and professional work relationships.
4.Financial Management 4.6 Evaluate funds requirements & different sources of funds available for an
organization/ business unit.
4.7 Prepares orevaluates the cash flow(actual) forecast for an entity/business
4.8 Analyze and evaluate the organization’s investment policy and investment
4.9 Compute and analyze organization’s/business unit’s current working capital
4.10 Compute and analyze the dividend policy of the organization /business
E. Information Technology : Public Practice 9%, Non-Public Practice 9%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes
5.Information Technology 5.1 Apply customized or standards accounting packages/ERP/ presentation
software etc.
5.2 Develop and maintain data bases/ spread sheets/ word processing
5.3 Identify information security systems.
5.4 Apply the internet effectively as a source of relevant and reliable
5.5 Apply emerging technologies in industry.
5.6 Compile & analyze big data and cloud computing in the organization.
5.7 Apply data analytics techniques, block chain developments, Computer
Aided Audit Techniques.
5.8 Review disaster recovery planning and information security system of the
F. General Management and Secretarial Practice : Public Practice 7%, Non-Public Practice 5%
Knowledge Component Learning Outcomes
6.General Management 6.1 Identify and analyze HR Management Practices.
Practice 6.2 Analyze marketing strategies/ functions of the business.
6.3 Improve the knowledge and understanding of organization, how business
works and professional work relationships.
6.4 Analyze and evaluate the business strategy.
Secretarial Practices 6.5 Identify required or frequently used relevant forms for the client/company
and familiar with the contents and due dates for submission.
6.6 Identify the Companies Act requirements relating to forms to be
submitted to Registrar of Companies.
212 Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

Transitional Arrangement

Course unit-based transitional arrangements for 2015 Curriculum

The ta e e o sho s the re ationshi et een the course units of curricu u and their corres ondin
course units of the curricu u The er anent credits o tained for an course units under the re
curricu u s are a o ed to e carried for ard for the corres ondin su ects in the curricu u

Curriculum 2015 Curriculum 2020

Corporate Level Strategic Level

KC1 Cor orate inancia e ortin Ad anced usiness e ortin
KC2 Cor orate inancia and isk ana e ent Cor orate inance isk ana e ent
KC3 Cor orate Ta ation Cor orate Ta ation
KC4 Cor orate o ernance Assurance thics
Strate ic ana e ent and Leadershi
KC5 Cor orate Strate Conte orar Issues Inte rated Case Stud

Business Level Corporate Level

KB1 usiness inancia e ortin CL2 inancia e ortin o ernance
KB2 usiness ana e ent Accountin CL3 Ad anced ana e ent Accountin
KB3 usiness Ta ation La CL4 Cor orate La
KB4 usiness Assurance thics Audit CL1 Ad anced Audit and Assurance
KB5 usiness a ue Creation

Executive Level Business Level

KE1 inancia Accountin e ortin unda enta s BL1 inancia Accountin
BL2 usiness athe atics and Statistics
KE2 ana e ent Accountin Infor ation
BL6 ana e ent Accountin
KE3 unda enta s of La BL3 usiness La
KE3 unda enta s of Ta ation BL7 usiness Ta ation
KE4 rocesses Assurance thics BL5 Audit usiness rocesses i ita isation
KE5 Co ercia Insi ht for ana e ent BL4 usiness n iron ent and cono ics
BL8 i ita usiness Strate

Transitiona arran e ent for the re curricu u i e decided ased on the transitiona arran e ents for
curricu u

* Candidates ho ha e successfu co eted C Cor orate o ernance Assurance thics odu e in

curricu u i e e e ted fro the rofessiona ractice ana e ent co onent of na i a
under curricu u

Detailed Curriculum
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka | 213

** Candidates ho ha e successfu co eted usiness a ue Creation odu e in curricu u

i ee e ted fro Strate ic ana e ent and Leadershi odu e in curricu u

*** Candidates ho ha e successfu co eted ana e ent Accountin Infor ation odu e
in curricu u i e e e ted fro usiness athe atics and Statistics and ana e ent
Accountin odu e in curricu u

*** Candidates ho ha e a e ted and ere not successfu ana e ent Accountin Infor ation
odu e in curricu u shou d co ete ana e ent Accountin odu e in curricu u

**** Candidates ho ha e successfu co eted ecuti e Le e kno ed e odu es and S ecuti e

Infor ation Techno o S ste s of Curricu u i e e e ted fro i ita usiness Strate
odu e in curricu u

“Professional Practice Management (PPM)” module in curriculum 2020

• In order to e e i i e for the Certi cate to ractice Candidates shou d co ete
- T o ears rofessiona e erience in a u ic ractice or anisation a er ein e i i e for the
Certi ed Cor orate Accountant CCA ua i cation and
- rofessiona ractice ana e ent odu e
The rofessiona ractice ana e ent odu e shou d e co eted rior to the i a oce
inter ie
• Candidates ho ha e successfu co eted the C Cor orate o ernance Assurance thics
odu e in curricu u i e e e ted fro the rofessiona ractice ana e ent odu e in
curricu u

Note : Students are advised to refer the “Professional Experience Guide” for more information.

Level-Based Transitional Arrangements for 2015 Curriculum

Level Exempt from Subjects to complete

(Curriculum 2015) (Curriculum 2020) (Curriculum 2020)

Students who completed - Business Level I & II - All course units Corporate Level : A course units
Executive Level Strategic Level : A course units
Integrated Case Study
Students who completed - Business Level I - All course units Strategic Level :
Business Level Business Level II - All course units • Ad anced usiness e ortin
Corporate Level - All course units • Cor orate inance isk
ana e ent
Strategic Level : • Cor orate Ta ation
Strategic Management and Leadership • Inte rated Case Stud
Students who completed Business Level I - All course units Strategic Level :
-Corporate level (KC 1 – KC 4) Business Level II - All course units Inte rated Case Stud
Corporate Level - All course units
Strategic Level - All course units
214 Curriculum 2020   Empowering Finance Professionals of The Future

Communication Skills

Curriculum 2015 Curriculum 2020

SC I Corporate Communication & People Skills C Strategic Communication

SB I Business Communication & People Skills C Corporate Communication

C Business Communication II
SE I Executive Communication & People Skills
C Business Communication I

Information Technology

Curriculum 2015 Curriculum 2020

SC 2 Corporate IT & Systems IT3 Information Technology & Data Analytics

SB 2 Business IT & Systems IT2 Corporate Information Technology

SE 2 Executive IT & Systems IT1 Business Information Technology

Professional Experience

Curriculum 2015 Curriculum 2020

PC 1 Corporate Practical Training & Development PE3 Professional Experience III

PB 1 Business Practical Training & Development PE2 Professional Experience II

PE 1 Executive Practical Training & Development PE1 Professional Experience I

Detailed Curriculum
Curriculum 2020

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka

A a a asekera a atha
Co o o Sri Lanka
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ai education casri anka co
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*PUSY3163* PUSY3163

Detailed Curriculum

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