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COMPOUND ANGLE FORMULAS FOR COSINE AND SINE ; COSINE OF THE DIFFERENCE AND SUM OF THE 08 ¢0sB + sind sinB~ ‘084 cosB~sind sinB ~ 1. Let X’OX and YOY’ be the coordinate axes. Consider a unit circle with O as the center (Figures (a) and (b)). Let P,, P;, and P; be the three points on the circle such that ZXOP, = A, ZXOP, = B, 5 ‘As we know that the terminal side of any angle intersects the circle with center at O and unit radius at # point whose coordinates are the cosine and sine of the angle. Therefore, coordinates of Py, P;, and P, are (cosa, sind), (6058, sing), and (cos(A ~ B), sin(4 —B)), respectively. Y pi(eae A. sind) Psloos (A~6), sin (AB) INS 7 Vernon Le | Pot.0) Trigonometric Ratios and Transformation Formulas ‘We know that equal chords ofa circle make equal angles at its center, so chords PP; and P,P, subtend equal angles at O. Therefore, Chord PyP; = Chord P,P, = Yfeos(A—B)—1}? + fsin(4—-B)-0}" = V(cos B—cos A)? +(sin B-sin A)” or — feos(4—B)—1}* + sin*(A~B) =(cosB- cos)? + (sinB~ sind)” or cos"(4 ~B)—2 cos(d ~ B)+1+sin"(4—B) =cos'B + cos" ~2 cos cosB + sin’B + sin? -2 sind sinB or 2-2cos(4-B) =2~2cosd cosB-2 sind sinB or cos(4 ~ B)=cosd cosB + sind sinB @ 2. cos(d + B) = cos(~ (-B)) = cos cos(-B) + sind sin(-B) =cosd cos B sind sinB cos(—B) = cosB, sin(—B) = -sinB] Hence, cos(4 + B) = cos cosB sin sinB (Using ()] Note: ‘This method of proof of the above formula is true for all values of angles A and B whether the value is positive, zero, or negative. SINE OF THE DIFFERENCE AND SUM OF THE ANGLES 1. sin(4—B)= sin cosB — cos. sinB 2. sin(A +B)= sind cosB+ cos sinB Proof. 1. sin(d — B) = €0s(90° —(4 = B)) [+7 cos(90° - 8) = cos((90* — 4) +B) = c0s(90° - 4) cos B— sin(90° - 4) sinB = sin A cosB-cosd sinB a 2, sin(a + B)= sin(d ~(-B)) . sin. eos(-B) ~ cost sin(-B) = sind e088 + eos sinB [+> sint-B) = -sin 8} (Using (i)] Some More RESULTS c0s'B cos" sin? Wagons gnainetiy NICE BY OY si eos COSC t God sind eee? sin Esme sin wos Hsin stn ©0808 8 sin fost BEC)» cusd cast cost SNL COST SIME = SiN AL sin CONE wot: Ye sinus By sin ay (Sint CONF COKE SMA (Sint COSTE sin’ Leo cos. sin) cost sin SEE sin) 1 sity sin’ SO sisi sin 4 sin? sin sin’ = sin (Le cosy Yeast BY sind sin) (cos cos B + sinal sin) wt sin’ a cos)» cost cos" 2 cos (eos cos 8 vost cos wos (Ls (= sin’ sin(B-C) sin(A-B) Ba) pan(ASEY Proverhat SSB cose 60 eos A cos B PSAP The first term of the LAH. sin(B-C) BcosC — cos B sinC cos cos 03 BeosC _ sinB cosC _cosB sinC cosBeosC cos BcosC Similarly, the second term of the L.H.S. is (tan C ~ tan A) and the third term of the L.HLS. is (tan 4 — tan B) Now [.H.S.=(tanB—tanC) + (tan C= tan) } + (tan ~ tan B) = 0. = tan B= tan ina +x) = 2b and sin(a—x) = 2c. [SAID On adding we get, sinfa + x) * sin(a~ x)= 2(b +c), sina cosx = b+) or cose 0) On subtracting, we get sina + x) sina ~x) = 2(h~e) or Deosa sine 20h) or sings coe ei Squaring and adding Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get WreP the? el sity costa (UGBrRATION 3.3 Lett B,C be the three angles sueh that AHF Cm ay cos AcosB 2, then find the value of . tant tani -1Ssin cos B+cos asin BS 1 = 15-05 +eos asin BS 1 => 05 S cos asin Bs 0.5 psy cost + costar @)—2 cos acos Acos(ar+ A) = cos 8+ cos(a+ B)[cus(a + @) ~ 2 cosa cos 6] = c0s*8 + cos(ar + 0) z ‘Tegonometic Ratios and Transformation Formulas 3.3 Let a, Band 7 satisfy 0 < a< B< y<2z. Ifeos (x + a) + cos (x +f) +005 (x+ 7) =0 forall x € R, then find the possible values of (Y— 09. RAGSTRATIONS then prove that 2 cos(8+ 9) = cos(0— 9). SAD Given, 3 enPtang= 1 orcot@corg=3 sosB oso 3 sin@ sing T Given, cos (x+ a) +608 (x+ B)+ 005 (x + = OW rE R 08 x(¢08 a+ c0s B+ cos 7)~ sin x (sin a+ sin B+ sin 7) =0VreR 4 c0ser+ cos B+ c0s 7= cosar+ cos 7=~ cos B = sin oct sin B+ sin 2) By componendo and dividendo, we get eee Tae 2) cos@ cos 9+ sinO sing 341 ‘Squaring Eqs. (1) and (2) and then adding then, we get “Ges6 cos@-sinOsing ~ 3-1 242 c0s(a- y= os = cos(y- a) or 2 c0s(8= 9) =c0s(8- 9) > re ot EERE) In ABC. if cot A + cotB + cotC = 0 then find the value of RosA os ee 7 fin triangle ABC, ZC = 45° then find the range ofthe values of sin’ + sin? B. SOL} cot A+cotB+corC=0 E=sin’A+ sin’ B > cot B+ cot C=-cotd = sin’ + sin®(135° ~ A) Sin BeosCsinCeosd _ - cos 4 = sink + cost(45°— A) eS pws = 1+ sin? ~ sin®(45° — 4) sin (B+ ©) _—cos A = 1+ sin 2d — 45°) sin 45° sinBsinC sind ploy si oe SA 2-005 A Sin Bsin Now 0<4< 135° in? 0<24<270° 2 sin? B ‘Similarly Gaasne —cos B —45°< 24 —45°< 225° | jy > tan Ay tan Ay + Spo tan a, tam fy tan Ay Fan Sum of the product of tam fime, and so on taken three at I tan@ a ana ml value of (+ ). We have 1 a mel One 2m? +2m+1 2m? +2m+1 L If sin(a = 8) = 5 «find the value tan2d where A and B lie between 0 and 7/4 tan2d = tan[(4 +B) + (4 - BY] tan(A+2) +tan(4-B) = tan(4+8) tan(d -B) Given that, 0<4 < m/4 and 0 < B < m4. Therefore, 0< A+B<% 2 Now, sin(4~B)= Jia 1 = (A-By=t tanta ~ B)= 5 (A+ B)= contd + BS = ante ay 5 iii From Eas. (i). Gi). and Gi), we get Prove that (1 + tan 1°V(1 + tan 2°)... (1 + tan 45°) = 29, (1+ tan °)(1+ tan (45° =) + tan 2°\(1 = tan 43°) (1+ tan 3°\1 +n 7) Prove that ost0°tsin10° I Fi 7 Me os10°—sintoe a8 = (1 +tan 22° = sosl0°+sin10° _ 1+ tanl0° cos 10° tanio> = tan 45° tan 10° ‘T= 1an45* tan nO ira~= value of mie ‘A= —, then find the value: Liane tan((r+1)4). = tan(45? + 10°) = tan(r+1)-4— tantra) tan (r+ 1)A (ra) = Ttan(r= 1a tantre) s = S= Yitan(ra)-tan(r +A A [SAUD tan70°= tan(s0° + 20°) : . A « tan 50° + tan 20° - rom Scan (r+t-tanir) T= tan 50° tan 20° o mi tnd Fy : 1 or —_tan 70° (1 — tan 50° tan 20°) = tan 50° + tan 20° =78+ SF (tan 94 — tan A) tan 70° — tan 50° tan 20° tan 70° = tan 50° + tan 20° tan70° = tan 70° tan 50° tan20°+ tan 50° + tan 20° = tan(90° - 20°) tan 50° tan20° + tan 50° + tan20° = cot20° tan 50° tan20° + tan 50® + tan20° n50° + tan S0° + tan 20° tan 50° + tan20° cot 55°+cot 100 , cot l00°+c0t25° 15° tan 100° * jani00%+ tan25° tan 5! Lettan tan C= ee tee eso cos2S* ene, coSs-cllOO” , cotlOOrso.25° z seer anss? * tan5Sr#nl00% » tan TO0" #10025 . ; , ; ‘ oor 38° I feeds Saas? * Tan SSeiani00" tan i00"tn eda tan 252-4 tan58¢+ tn 100" van 29 tan 5s" tan 100" cima a ce 25° + §5°-+ 100" = 180" ee + HMO a = tan 28° tan $5° ta 10 BAB (jay aoa eeo an Sine eo Now, tan is ea tan 25° + tan 55° Discriminant of by ye 0 ay 4eed Coot ded bo Daye Geren ne (m3 WDB 6 DID, oy Fran tan! + tan 3 tan A tan tan C, then prove hat triangle AMC is an equilateral tviangle, OUD van’ A tan tant Van A tan Ae tan Man A ta IE tan ©) (tans A tan fy? * (tan tan CY 6 (han tan AY = MBC tan AS tan 24 tan C= tan A fan 1 tan © fan d+ tan A tan C40 tan A= tan = tan 1 An BACH oy taal deals ete Oe 1 WA +8225" then find te valueot 2A, cot Veo“ Trent CotA » y, then find the 2. If tand ~ tant = x and cots value of con(4 ~ By). 2 tan 3, Prove thar SO 20 tan 0 tan? 20 tan? g 4 WAt Be 45%, show that 5. Wand = 1/2, tan G WP + On %, then find the value of (15 + tan Py 703 + tan Q), 2 © tan 30 tan 0, (I+ tan A) (1 + tan By = 2, 173, then prove that cos24 in2B, om Ian ee rove hat tan(er~ fh)» ( -n) ‘ytang, §~ nsin? e ANSWERS ~ ag = i M2 rR, ION FORMULA ORMULA TO TRANSFORM THE PRODUCT INTO. UM OR DIFFERENCE We know that sind con-+ eos sin = sind + By sin con ~ cosA sin = sin(A — By (i) Gi) COVA CON — Sin sin = contd 4 yy CONA COSIEF sin A sin It» (AB) (iv) Aiding Liqs. (i) and (ii), we obtaj ZAIN cont = sind + y+ vinta — By Ww ‘ubtracting Le. (ii) from (i), we yet 2eOVA sin = si(A + 1) sinc — 9) wi Aching, Vey City and ta, are yet 2URA BK Hrd ’ fy UA fy Subtraction, Vag. City Seon t07), 0 un 2sin A sit Aburve four Sots ‘and cosines inte Hy WAN MY rth Ky 6 nel ta eravveH pretuesof 1, | tn Ailes 08 tH sna FORMULAS TO Trans SFORIA THE Sura on DIFFERENCE INTO PRonuct NAA Sh Cand A~ = D,Ahen, A ~ ae and fo Oo Sutin the ales oF 4,1, 3 dD in by, (bin, anid (ili), we get " ae inf CAP), (C-v) sin sin ain 5 nf = j asin C 3 ool. cy | t, fi sin = sind & CoH + con ‘ could ~ coaC'» or cos’ cog DP tsi or cos cos 2 in( C42). , 2sin| <= )s sin( * } ‘These four formulas are used to convert the sum or difference! (wo sines or two cosines into the product of sines and covins Mfsind ~sin B andeos A=cos 8, then prove thatsin 42 =0 FSO We have Sind = sin B and cos A = cos. sind ~ sin B = 0 and cos ~ cos 8 =0 in( 2728 A+B ee or in( 42 8),, (A+B and ~2sin| 2-3 —l|= ani sn 5 si a ] 0 A-b or sin = 0, which is common for both the equaioe _____Trigonometrc Ratios and Transformation Formulas 3.0 sind? Beye ae cue en? Sg PTY cep Tene =4 cos 228 = cos 72° FSBID LS. = cosar+ cosp+ cosy coders B+) = (cose + cos) + [cos 7+ cos(ar+ B+ y)] soo S2ALET oof eB er) S 2 S err - 2eo{ 22 Jon $32) Serre Tt | mdtont oo sren( 222 Jeo 24222) os wehs2n)} anf af 2 SMDACOA sin Asin 24+ sind + sins eos dv cos 24+ cos dA+ O55: (sinS.4+ sin a) +(sin¢4+sin24) © [eos > cos d) + (coda eos?) sind cos24 + 2sin3.teos A Toon} feos 2A Deus S408 4 s 34(cos2.4 + cos 4) si ae = Temes Se oe: ‘ Feweldfan Arco) ea 5 = sintoo( 3-4) x = sind Land oo(0-2)=1 are acute angles such that or+ = 2 ,where Ais, If ocand B fd the maximum possible value of the expression constant, fi sin ar+ sin B+ cos + cos B. sin a+ sin f+ cos a+ cos B - ssn( £22 222 ene SE) SE =D in sox] <2fsin2 » roo &E) inert] soon } - Nisn( 444) ‘This is the maximum value of expression. & Prove that Tn quadrilateral ABCD, if a 1 * sinn® Soak 2sinO-cosOcos (n-+1)0” oles (on) BS then find the value of sin sin® sin € sin 2 Deg: 2 ( 1 ) 2 ($7) ( : or Pisin + sinB + sinc sind] =2 ‘cos0-+cos(2r+1)6 in@ cos ; or — sind +sinB+sinC+sinD=4 Prove that AABC is right-angl ED sin C+ cos C+ Sin(2B + C)—cos(2B + C)= 212 = sin C+ sin(2B + C)+c0s C-cos(2B + C)= 23 = sin (B+ C)cos B +2 sin(B + C) sin B= 2N2 > 2sinA(cosB+sinB)=22 [+ sin (B+ C)= sind] Plein ree erin eee 1. (a) Prove that sin 65° + cos65° = V2 cos.20°, (0) Prove that sin 7? +08 77° = cos 17°, 2, Prove that cos 80° + cos40° — cos 20° 3. Prove that sin 10° + sin20° + sin40° + sin 50° = sin 70° + sin80°, ad I pe 2t, On 4, Prove that cos~ + cos + cos % 4 052% 5 F 6085 +008 E+ cos 5. Ifsinar— sin B= 1/3 and cos B - cos a= 1/2, show that a+B a ees 6. Ifeosecd + secA = cosec B + seeB, prove that tand tan B, ASB cot = cot 7. Prove that sin25° cos 115° = (1/2) (sin40° — 1), 8. Ifxcos8=y cos (0-2) aytys+2r=0. if 9. Ify sing= x sin0-+ 9), show that (c+y) cot(0+ ) —x) coté. 10. Heosta + B) sin(C + D) = cos(4 ~ B) sin(C —D), prove that cot A cotB cotC = cot D. 11. Iftan(4 +B) =3 tan, prove that (a) sin(24 + B)=2sinB () sin2(4 + B) + sin24 =4 sinB cosB cos 4 cos (042), rove that 12. 1f~ y cosB xtan A+ y tan B xty 13, 1¢ S086E+6e084x-+15C052x+10 _ | then find the cosSx+5cos3x+10c0sx smallest positive value of x. , then prove that “ANsWweRs 13. x= 60° RIGONOMETRIC RATIOS OF AULTIPLE ANGLES DRMULAS FOR SINE AND COSINE OF MULTIPLE NGLES 1. cos 2A = cos? - sin’ Proof: We know that cos (A +B) = cos A cos B sin A sin B. Putting B= A, we get cos 24 = cos?A ~ sin’A =2e0s'A-I =1-2sin'A Also, sin? A = (100824), aides aay cos? A= Hil+eos2) Similan, cos A= 2008? 4-1, co ~2sin? 4 ote Se 2, sin24=2 sin 4 cos A Proof: We know that sin (A+ B)= sin A cos B + sin Bcos A Putting B=, we get sin 24 = sin A cos 4 + sin A cos A Similarly, sin A cos A 4 sein A coc <= 2sin“cosS ot Foosg ete 2 sin = 2sin4cos4, 2°83 = €03 24 cos A ~ sin 2A sind (2cos*A~ 1) cos A ~2 sin A cos A sin A 2 cos? A cos A ~2 eos A (1 —cos? A) =2 cos’ A-cos A~2cos +2 cos! A 2 = 400s! 4- Aa3.00s4 4i| sin 34 = 3sin A asin’ } J “Proof: ia sin 34 =sin (24 +A) in 24 cos A + cos 24 sin A 2 sin A cos A cos. A + (1-2 sin? A) sin A sin A cos? A + sin A—2 sin? 4 sin A (1 ~sin® A) + sin d~2 sin? A sin A—2 sin’ 4+ sin A~2 sin? A sin 4 sin) 2 cos? A+sin? A AcosA __2tand T+tan? A [Dividing numerator and denominator by sin 24 =2 sin d cos A Aetan? 4 cos? Atsin? A T+tan? A (Dividing numerator and denominator by cos” ] cos? A~sin? A cos 24 = cos? A —sin® A Als 6. (i) cos nA ="Cy cos" A ~"C,c0s"~74 sin? A + "Cy cos" * 4 sin’ A — 1 cos"~! A sind —"C, cos"? A sin’ + "Cscos" "5A sin’ A ~.. sin na Proof: For complex number == cos A + sin A, we have cos nd + i sin nd = (cos A + isin A)" Now, expanding R.H.S. and comparing real and parts of both sides, we get the above results. aginary 33¢_ngonmens _ judustRATioN 3:42 Prove that . _sin2@ 5) S028 a cot o ae? eee eo 15in20+ 00529 _ ogeg ci) 1+ sin2@—cos20 uy PESO a eS no w ese tan (/4—8) oo a0 a3 @ LHS.- ie" Bande =tan@=RHS. Gy Lats.= S28 = Bande cate = RUS. iy Lags.— Lesn2etees® T+sin20—cos 20 (cos 26)+sin 20 - 2cos? 8+2sinOcos@ Qsin? 0+ 2sin@cosO 2cos6(c0s0+8in8) _ £080 - og = RLS sa * Qsin@(cosO+sin8) sin® L+sin@cos@ _ (1-cos6)+sin8 (iv) LHS.= Tin arcosd (Ireos6)+sind- cos? —2sin@ cos sin@—cosO =(5¢) TaN S144) Ifa+ B= 90", find the maximum value of sin «sin. Let yesinasinB = sin sin(90° — a) = sin @.cos or= (1/2) sin2ar which has the maximum value 1/2 when sine (Dividing numeratoraa! denominator by cos8) + \24 J2¥2c0880 =2cos 0,0<0 cos 27 __c0s81° cos sin Trigonometre Ratios and Tansformation Formulas 3.15 iGetRaTiGN|S/57) Prove that 4c0s=.cos. 7 7; LHS.=4 cos cos sin cos. ox) naman ean = sin 7 2 1 4a 7 = 7 int "7 sin 7 et 3nd asin’ & sin 7 = 3-4sin? 7 ai—2sin? = wfi-rse4] = 200s =RHS 7 Evaluate cosa cos2a cos3a 2059992, where cosa cos2a cos3a ~- c0s999a; ina sin2a sin3a --- sin999a. ‘Then 2” PQ=(2 sina cosa)(2 sin2a cos2a) --- (2 sin999a.c0s999a) sin 19982 = (sin2a sinda -~- sin998a) [-sin(27 - 10002) = [-sin(2x— 1002a)] -~- [-sia(2- 19982)] (ce 2 19994) = sin2a sinda -~ sin998a sin999a sin 9974 ve sing =O. 1 tis easy to see that 020. Hence, the desired product is P= es bo : een Prove that sin @. sec 30+ sin 30. see 37+ sin 3°0. sec 3 e {tan 30 tan 0) upto m terms = see 50+ IBBID sin @ sce 10+ sn 38. sce 0° sin upto n terms nx! Osco O 0.cos 3° 0 sin 2.37! “cos 3°" 8. cos 3” @ sin 3°0-3""8) 2 Fjcos 31 0. cos 7 6 &, sin 3” @ .cos 377! @- cos 3” 8. sin 3"! cos3' @.cos 3” @ 2 = 5 ens o- tan 7-0) : {tan 3" 6 tan 6] Let fix) = 2 cosec 2x + see.x + cosec x. Then find the minimum, value of fx) forx€ (0. 3) S(x) = 2 cosec 2x + sec x + cosec.x 7 22 =2 cosec 2x+ (Sex -VJeosecx ) + ( ) 2cosx-sinx z= eosec2x+( Scex—Veoses)* +22 Jeoseedx Clearly, minimum value occurs for vseex ~Veosee x = 0 and cosee 2x = So, Si (-=4) =2(v2 +1) 7 +88 for this value of x, the maximum and minimum values of cos?@~ 6 sing cos +3 sin’0+2. [SOLD cos’O- 6 sin O cos O+3 sin?0+2 = 10820 5 sin2943 480820) 5 2 = 4-cos 20-3sin 20 ~ cos 20~ 3sin 20€ [- V0, VIO} Now, 4—cos 20-3sin 20 [4~ V10,4+ Vi0) > FORMULAS FOR TANGENT AND COTANGENT OF Mut TIPLe ANGLES tan d+tand _ tana T=tand tana |-tan? 4 = Antan® A 2, tang = Senso ten 4 1-3tan? A Proof: ode Aya ln2attand tan 34 = tant Sara aiaeel tan A Tota 4 _ 3tand-tan? A 210A gy gt Btn A I-tan? A Similarly, we can prove that ves cot 34 = £00 A=3e0t A 3cot” A=1 3. tan nd = "Cy, tan. A — "Cy tan? A+" Cy tan’ A—"C; tan? A+ 1="Cy tan? A+ "C, tan? A "Cy tan® A+. Proof: tanna = Sinn cosnd ("C, cos"™! Asin A~ "C; cos" Asin? A+ = "Cse0s""$ Asin’ A ~"C; cos""7 Asin’ A+ ("Cy cos" A= "C cos"? Asin® A+ "C,cos"* Asin A~"C,cos"”6 Asin’ A+- (UG tana ~ "Cy tan? A+" Cy tan’ : ="C, tan’ A+...) =" tan? A+ "C, tan* A = "Cy tan® A+...) mt [Dividing Nr. and De. by cof ae 1 i Wana 2, sin = Fe hocintat2 + where O as 0< B< 22] (i). we get Prove that | + cot@ < cot 2 for0<@ ind 8 wh Now. O 0<2<% Hence, 0< 0 Inthe interval (0, 2). tan @ takes value | at 2/4 only. Therefore, a or 1+ e0t scot 2 cot cot $ Equality holds when cot 2 =1=00r6= = tan $0=00 , , 50 te? 04°C: ta? 1. Prove that 1#8824= 60824 _ toy 4 Stan~8C, tan? 9+5C, tan O_ T+sin2dvoos2d 1~5C, tan? 0+5C, tan’ 6 - 2. Prove that 1+Sin24 Sx*- 102 +1=0, where x= Cy cos 2A 3. Prove that cot @- tan 4, Prove that £82898 = 50-29 tan 28. cos +sin@ 5. Prove that ton(%--0) tn 6. Prove that cosecd ~2 cot24 cos = 7. Prove that cos*@ sin30 + sin*@ vos 30 = B | 8. Prove that S834 _ ij sin? cos? tons tan 4+ tan B+ tan C= tan 4 tanB tan 9. Prove that (1 + sec26\(1 + sec4@y{I + sec80)= 4+ B+C=nn 24 + 2B + 2C=2ne (an24 + tan2B + tan2C=tan2A tan2 B tan2C |. + Intviangle 4BC.a=3 p., angle ABC,a=3, p= | | of sina singg ge a and c= 5. Then find the value je = 2 Feos.4= 3/4, then find the vatue 0f 32, so( 4) n(&4) | . > ; 13. Find the value of (4 cos? 9° (eos? 81°— 14 cog 14. If 6 is an terms of x, = 14 cos? 27° 1) 243°— 1), acute angle and sin find tan@ in 2 | Ina triangle ABC, ifsin A si | » ifsin A sin (B—C)= sin Csin (4B), {hen prove that cos 24, os 28 and cos 2C aren AP. 15, 16. Leta= = then 7 (2) show that sin?3a ~ sin? a = sin 2a sin3a. (b) show that cosee a = cosee 2a + cosee 4a (©) prove that cos ais a root ofthe equation 8x? + 4y?— 4x | +1=0, 17. Show that —!___V3. sinl0° cosi0° 18. Prove that cos 20r= 2 sin’B + 4 cos(o-+ B) sin a siti B | + cos 2(a+ ). 19. Iftanx= © and tan 2x = —— then find the smallest b arb positive value of x. | 20. Prove that tan 0+ tan(60° + 6) + tan(120° 1+ fit tan? tan 24 22, If and Bare the two different roots of equation a cos O +b sin@=c, prove that 2p 20d @yeos(a y= S = = 3 tan36, 21, If A= 110%, then prove that tan. (@) tan(ar+ B)= > eae a 23. If tan Bf = cos @ tan a then prove that tan? > = sin(@—B) sin(a+ B) 24, Ife0s O= 5551008 $= 6, we (0.7) anda, b, care sides oftriangle ABC then find 9 + tan? ¥ 2 Pot? %. the value of tan? 5+ tan’ > 2 ‘one of the values of Ee ES OF TRIGONOMETRIC VALUES OF TYPICALANGLES ~ WATIOS OF TYPICAL ANGLES 5, °, sin 75 75°, tan 13° 5 in 15°, cos 15°, sin 75°, cos t 1 Vala of se 30°) = sindS-c0530" sin c Also, sin 15° = cos 75 : Yet : 22 sin 75° = sin 105°. tan 60°—tan 45° 1 tan 60° tana Similarly, we can prove that cos 15° =. ‘Also, cos 15° Now, tan 15° = tan(60° - 45°) = and tan 75° = tan(30° + 45°) 2. Value of sin 18°: Let @= 18°, then 58= 90° or 20+30=90° or 20=90°-30 or — sin26=sin(90°- 36) or sin2@~cos36 or 2 sin @cos @= 4 cos*@~3 cos or 2sin=4 cos*e—3 [Dividing by or 2sin6=4 (1~sin’@)-3 =1-4 sin’ or 4sin’@+2sing—1=0 or sing= —2#V4+16 Eee 24205 8 6=18° sin 9= sin 18° > 0, sinO= sinige= ‘Value of cos 18°; c0s"182 2 ome Lora 3. Value of cos36°; : = conse = 2sin?1g° = 12 Value of sin 36°; sin?36° = 8205 _ 166-25 16 16 on sin36°= NN ho-2V5 Note: _ «sin 54? = sin(90° — 36°) = cos36° - » cos54° = cos(90° — 36°) = sin36° = <6 ho-2V5) 4, Value of tan 1 Let 0= 78 then 26 15° 100820 oe 2sin?@and sin cos 6) sin20 = (8-19) 02-0 Value of cot ats 5 cot 82 $ = cot (o0-75) mean 7 = 05-9) 08-D a Value of cot 7- Let then 20= 15° Il above values are tabulated as follows: TWigonometic Ratios and Transformation Formulas 3.19 100820 _ 1+c0s15° Now, cot@= —* pce sin20 sinIS? we 222341 B-1 = (3412) (2 +1) e ‘Value of tan 8; 2 tang2 = tan(20r-75) 2 2 = cot 7 =(8 +12) 02+) 5. Value of trigonometric functions for 0= 22.5°: ‘We know that cos 2@= 2cos*@— 1 for = 22.5°, we have cos 45° = 2cos?22.5°— 1 1 = fie cosa. 5r= ites 2 a a v5-1 5 af 2 ae © | iernlee Gai fs Ba 22 Ee jen) 8 -CR- 2-8 foot | (5 + 2) 2 + 1) 2+ 3:20 _Tigonometry Find the a ae angle 8 whose cosine is equal to its tangent. Prove that tone la 22-2 +0) 11.28° in? sin 1=0 ax Bag We know that tan 22.5° = ¥2~ | 2x = 2sin 18 | age 2188 EEE > tan 20° tan? 0 i Put O=115° Find the value of cos 12° + cos84° + cos 156° + cos 132°. tan 22.5° 2tan 11.25° tan 228° aS £08 12° + c0s84° + c08 156° +008 132° rea = (cos 12° + cos 132°) + (cos84° + 0s 156°) (dns +2x- (2-1) = 0, where x= tan 112s: 2+ [442-0 202-1) = deo¢{ 1132") ggg 132" =12" 2 2 «ref 2282) 4 seat Vi-1 2-1 = 2c0s72° cos60° + 2cos 120° cos36° = 2sin 18° cos60° + 2c0s 120° cos36” =~(2++ 4-202 2+ = (Apo es) --1 2-244 f4—2W2y2 +0? (V2 +1) + f(4-2V2)3+2V2) 1205 108° cos 144° = 1/16, =-(v2 ++ 4422 JS@BD 0836" cos 72° cos 108° cos 144° = cos36° sin 18° (~ sin 18°) (- 60836") = cos?36° sin"18° acted a eieldcla dl edi chch teed sin®6?) (cos?4h> — sin®12*). 3+ 15. sin2S* = cos7” 1. Find the value of (c0s"66" 2, Prove that 4 (sin28” * cos6) sin 61” sin 11 3. Prove that sin47° 4. Find the values of the following: L+tan? 7) tan? x2} (a) pe ty) —2— tan 5 tanto) tan? 37 1°41 | © tr tan?37 } me 2 Find the value of cot (ut) + tan 112 en (1122) -on( 6. Find the value of 02 “£01 tan 27+ cord ANSWERS: L— 4, (ay 216+ N2) (hy 22 +83) 16, (e) -06 +52) @) ~ 2+93) no 3+y5 a fincas Sass SOME IMPORTANT RESULTS AND. THEIR APPLI esl! 1.cosd cos(0®~ A) cox60" * A) = 4 cOn3A iohave LHS, = cos cos(60° — 4) c0s(60° * 4) = cosa (cos"60° ~ sin?A) . ~ sin’ B) [2s c0s(d + B) cost ~ B= cos" ) ~cona{ 4 -(t-soed)} «cw e{-Laes) 3 1 = con lee cosa( tos Legs a{-3+40084) = 1 c9s34=RHS- a tesult 2. sin A sin(60° — A) sin(60° *4)= + sin34 roof: ie have LIS. = sind sin(60° - 4) sin(60° ~ 4) = sind (sin"60° - sin*A) [ sintd = B) sin ~ BY = si Result 3. tand tant" ~ A) tan( 60" ~ A) =tan34 Using the above two results, we can prove this re [eGustRaTioN 3.72) Prove that cos20° cos 40° cos 64" cos 16, FSA cos20° cos$0” cos 80" cos6 = c0s20° cos6lr ~ 20°) cout ~ 27) cos 1 . = dcos13 207) cos 6” a dos? 60" 3 ain ale Prove that sin 10° sin 30” sin $0” sin 70° = 1/16. [SBE sin 10° sin30° sin $0" sin 70 = sin 10° sit 0” 10°) sin(66F = 10°) sin 110° 3 Prove that tan 20° tan 40° tan 80° = tan 60°. {§5aNH tan 20° tan-40° tan80" = an 20° tan(60"~ 207) aml" = Fy = tan" = tan(3 x ‘cos cos2A cos: {sina 00s} cos2A cos?" cos2?4 e052") sind Tana Won? cos 24 cos224 cos2°4 cos‘) [02 sin2.A cos2.4) cos24 008274 “e082” A] © F sind Tey rg 38 = <1 [sin2 (24), cos 24 e0s2'4 sind cos? A] “4 cos2A)cos2'4~-c0s2" A) [2 sin [sint2x 224) e082". 2 sina S.cé _ngonometty sin2*A inlA “| 2% sind} 2 sina sin(5 A+ A) _ —sin(z+ Ay 16 sin A Tosina '* 184 - Jind 1 opus. josinA 16 ina [2 sin2"-" 4 cos2"™! A] 1 awa nee" Vay Prove that sin6° sin42° sin 66° sin 78° = 1/16. 2" sin sin6? sin 42° sin66° sin 78° * = sin 6° cos 48° cos 24° cos 12° sin2" A= RLS. 2} sin12°cos12°cos 24° cos 48” 2 sin 12° in 6° : sin96° " 3 Pl S _ 2sin6°cos6? 24 sin12° x Let 2 =9 HSOMD Let 5 Now 2 c0s*6—cos?@—cos 0s 6[2 cos*@— 1] — cos? 0s cos 26—cos*@ = C08 O[c0s 26— cos 6] 22000:sin 2 sin 8 =2c0s cos 2% 20s cos cos 4n 4sinx/7 = Snes!) 4sin(/7) istic 5 - ‘Wigonometsie Rat PMC-I et atti tated or asinfcex in hint 22 1. Prove that sin20° sind0® sin 60° sin 0° = intB 6 sin 8 > se Fsinfarnv 8] sin 7 3, Prove that eas 10° ¢98:30° cos 50° cos 70° = 6 In the above result, replacing orby 7/2 + c, we get Tosa cos(a+ B) + cos(a+ 2B) +--+ cosa+ n—1B) cofesr-vf] 3. Prove that sin 12° sin" sind2® sin 48° sin 72° sin78” cos 8" 1B sin” on. ie |. Find the value of sin ©, sin sin PE 4. Find the waesin sy sin se §. Find the value of sin sin © sin sin 2 sin 2% sin sin 3 aa oT i 6 SUM OF COSINES AND SINES WHEN SOD s= 205 00s +008 SE ANGLES AREIN AP. == sina sin(@> By + sin(a@ 2p) + +--+ sin (+718) c+ sin(cr+ B) + sin(ce+ 2B) ++ + sin (or+ 7-18) Here angles are in A.P. and common difference of angles is B. Multiplying both sides by 2 sit a we get 25 sin sinasin 2 +2sifa-r sing . a ) _ ESOUD sin 9+ sin3 0+ sinsa+ + sinQn—1) 6 + 2sin(ar+n=iB)sin @ B ‘ow, 2sinasin — 2 (22-2) sin? n8 oe-B oe) . le san ex prin bnens(ao8)-co( wr 22) cos 2sin(er += prsin . cos[ecrcen-9 4] onli +Qu=1) Adding, we get a A 7 NY" Snzesinds * sindesinGx ” sin6v 2sind s=cos{a- )-en[aean-n§] cos9 4 az z + Fawr siniOe 3.24 Trigonometry __ Multiply and divide by (2 sin) in whole expression to, gel sindy sin 2 sin 6x sind in.x sin 2y sin nx, _ sin 1x—sin&x 2sin.x sin Bx sin 10 + nx sin dy sin 6x sins) in x sin 6xs 2) coseex [cose 2x ~ cosee 10] usr Prove that 2 sin 2° +4 si = 90 cot 10°, 4° +6 sin 6° + ... + 180 sin 180° n2°+4 sind? + 6 sin 6° +. +178 sin 178° + 180 sin 180° = (2 sin 2° + 178 sin 178°) + (4 sin 4° + 176 sin 176°) + 6 sin 6° + 174 sin 174°) + (88 sin 88° + 72 sin 72°) = (2 sin 2° + 178 sin 2°) + (4 sin 4° + 176 sin 4°) + (6 sin 6° + 174 sin 6°) + (88 sin 88° + 72 sin 88°) + 90 sin 90° = 180(sin 2° + sin 4° + sin 6° +... + sin 88°) +90 =oo{2inteinast +) Se ea sini? sini? {ri Dosa ie esaheeaeanieoal ss ceeeieltnie 1. Findthe vali of 3a Sx in on cos % e082 4con % +087 sean feast nn an 2. Find the average value of sin2°, sin4®, sin6,.., sin 180°, 1 5, Find the value of sin? 2 4. Sum the series: VIF cos G+ VIF cos 20+ VIF cos 3a +... ton terms, where 0 < or< 55, Find the value of (cos"1® + cos'2° + cos'3° +... 4 cost 79°) ~(sin* 1° + sin'2° + sin'3° + + sin'179%), ONDITIONAL IDENTITIES ard IDENTITIES IN TRIANGLE C= 4 sind sinB sinC co some STAND) | sin2d + sin2B + sin2 Proof: {sin24 + sin2B) + sin2C : 2 sin(A ~ B) cos(d ~ B) + sin2C sin(t—C) cos(A ~ B) + sin2C sinC cos(A ~B) +2 sinC cosC sinC [eos(d - 8) + cosC] sinC [oos(d - B) + cos {7-4 +B)}} sinC [cos(d - B) ~ cost + B)] sinC x2 sind sinB sin A sinB sin C 4.cos A cos B cosC 2. cos2A + cos2B + cos2C= Proof: (cos2.4 + cos2B) + cos2C cos(d + B) cos(d — B) + 2cos°C-1 cos(— C) cos(d ~ B) + 2c0s*C -1 2 cosC cos(4 — B) + 2cos*C-1 : =~2 cosC [cos(4 — B) - cosC]-1 —2cos C [cos(4 —B)—cos {#-(A + B)}]4 ~2cosC [cos(4 ~ B) + cos(d + B)] -1 -1 ==1-4 0084 cosB cosC 3. cosA +cosB + cosC=1+4 sin A sine sin Proof: 2 2 (cos + cosB) + cosC—1 = 2c0s 472 ogg A= B cos = 2e0s( 2 — £) 9, A=B G 2 ap e = 2sin < 5 605 gc = 2sin€ [cos 4-8 m5 [sot 2 eo Ae] BC Bein (2sin fn 8) 2 (2sin 5 sin > ae, sn 4 ina’ 23 Bo cos = cos — 4. sind + sinB + sinC= 4 cos Proof: (sina + sinB) + sin € 44k 2 sin — cos +sinC + sinc deol ene AZ PNGanG 2eosS cos +2sin cos 2 2 2 2 2eos £| =2e0s £| cos ATF 4. sin S “tl 2 2 Peni i vin , | 3 nite 3 1 if A + B+ C= 180°, prove that cos*A + cos*B + cos*C 1 ~2cos cosB cosC. cos'd + cos"B + cos*C L+cos24 140528. 1+c082C = Hegee, bregs2d , Leese + (cos2.4+c08 2B +c0s2C) + 3 ~eos Aeos Beos0)+3 cos cosB cosC that in triangle ABC, 057A + cos'B—cos'C= 1-2sind Bosc, : eo + cos’ ~ cos*C = costA + sin'C~ sin’B = cos + sin(C + B)sin(C - B) = 1 ~sin?d + sindsin(C - B) © 1 -sinAfsin( + C)—sin(C- 8) = 1 = 2sind sin ft cosC nae ABC ove that sin( + C= =A) + mcrA-D)e itd #8-C) = ind snd sinc, i : mf Bint + CA) + sin 4 A= My + sin(d HCY = sin(ar~ 24) 4 sin( 211) + sini = 20) in2A + win2H + sin2C° Asin sind sin€ IfA B+ C> x. prove that ce ma mavovormation Formulas 3.25 Boose A = asin? & = 1-208 4 coe sink 5 sin? 3 tin Intriangle ABC, prove that sin’ cos(B—C)+sin’B cos(C—A) + sin’C cos(d ~ B) = 3 sind sin B sinC LHS = sin? sin(B + C) cos(B - C)+ si inf + A) c0s(C- A) + sin?C sin( + B) cos ~ 8) sin sind +sin20)+ sink (sin2C + sin2d) + + sin? (sin24 + sin2B) in“ (sin B cos B + sinC cosC) (sin C cos € + sint cos) (sind cos + sinB cos8) = sina sinB (sina cosB + cosa sinB) + sinB sin (sinB cosC + cosB sin) +sinC sin (sint cosC + cosa sin) = sind sinB sin(a + B)+ sin sin sin( +O) +sinC sind sind +O = 3sind sinB sinC = RUS. IfA+B+ C= x, prove that cot d + cot B + got C= csee A. cosee B cose C= cot cot B cot C: AL + cat B+ cot C ~ caser _, casee H. gosee C SA, COMM | gon C t sind” sin B sin @ sin tain B sin © (cos A win B sin C+ cos B sin C sin A + cos C sin A sin & = 1) ‘sin Asin B sin © ‘igononety {sinC(cos 4 sin B + cos B sin A) __teos Csin Asin B=1} sin A sin B sinC _ sinCsin( 4+ B) + c0s C sit Asin B sin Asin B sinC sin? C+ 08 € sin Asin B-1 sin A sin B sin C sin(4 +B) =sin (-C)=sin Ch _ o08 C sind sin B - cos" C sind sinB sin _ c0sC {sind sin = ost = (A+ By) ~ sin A sin B sinC _ cos. {sin 4 sin B+ cod +B)} sin Asin B sinC £08. cos C088 sin AsinB sin =cotA cot B. cotC ie ‘tan AtanB = 200tA = 2e0t B= 2e0tC y ep 4s tn, _tanC Gabi” wan AtenC tan Aten B __ tant 4+ tan? B+tan” C tan AtanB.tanC (an A+ tan B+ tan CY —2(4 4 tan B+tan BtanC __ HanCatan A) ‘an A.tan B.tanC 2(tan A.tan B+ tan Btan C . (anA+tanB+tanCy _ +tanC.tan 4) tan Atan B+ tan tan A.tan B.tanC (tan A+ tan B+ tan C= tan A tan B tan C) tan A+ tan B+ tan C-200t A ~2.cot 8-2 cot C = 18 so wade 2 andton = A+ tan B+ tan C= tan A tan B tan C 218, 2 Wise sy xs +80 fans} ‘pos C, then find the vag B+ C)= 608 A 008 ico A+B OO in A+B) in 2B sin 2c sin 2A sil [SEED We have to prove that cos A cos (B+ 0)~sin A sin(B+C) = a ewsiB #0) os Beas C= Asn +0) cos Asin B sin C sin A :08 A cos B ons = sin@+O Similarly sin(C+4) a} = cos C sin Asin B sin C sin(4 + B)sin(B + Qsin (C+ A) Bein C cos B sin C si and sin(4 +8) ere sin A sin B 505 C sin ASE sin C sin 24 sin 2B sin 2C_ Sin (B.+.C) sin (C + d) in (A+B) sin 2A sin 2B sin 2C sinx siny — sinz D=|cosx cosy : cosz eos? cos y cos? yo along Rywegst D= Ecos xsin(y—2) no tyteee 2 Oak i sng) sin? (+2) sin (2) si “ZU singin ee -0 : “The product of the sines of the angles of a triangle is p and ‘the product of their cosines is q. Show that the tangents of the angles are the roots ofthe equation gx? — px? + (1 +q)x-p FSU) From the question, sind sinB sinC =p and cos cosB cosC= q tan tanB tanC= pig @ also, tand + tanB + tanC=tand tan B tanC = pig (i) Now, tand tanB + tanB tanC+ tan C tan __ sin Asin B cosC + sin B sinC cos A+ sinC sin A cosB ~ cos Acos BeosC 1 ro or, [(sin’A + sin?B'— sin*C) + (sin?B + sin°C — sin?) + (sin°C + sin?4 — sinB)) [v A+B + C= mand 2 sind sinB cosC =sin“A + sin?B-sin*C] = z [sin?d + sin?B + sin?C] zb — (cos 2A + cos 2B + cos2C)] ig [L+ cos cos cos l= 7 a+q) q ‘The equation whose roots are tan 4, tan B and tan C will be given by x —(tand+tan B+ tan C)x* + (tan tan B+ tan B tan C+tanC tan A)r - tan tanB tanC=0 or p- Pty 144, Pao q ene ge pe + (Lt gxe—p=0 g (efet ett enee cielo 7a iy Meas celle “1, In triangle ABC, prove that 24 4922. cos? S = 20084 cos sin ) cos? + e035 ; 5 cos sin 7: c B Cs Aunt ie (0) cot A+ cost cas? S =24+28in5 53 sig 2. IfA+ B+ C= m2, show that (a) sin? + sin?B + sin?C = 1-2 sind sinB sin€ ©) costa + cos?B + c0s?C = 2-+2 sind sin sin 3. (a) [fA +B =C, prove that cos" + cos'B + cos c =1+2cosd cosB cosC: (b) Ifa-+ B= 60°, prove that cos" a+ co = 3/4, . 4. Prove that cos%(B- 1) + e0s*(7- @) + c0s"(ar~ B) = 1+ 2cos(B- a) cos(y- 0) cos(— )- 8. IfA+ B+ C= m2, show that (a) cotd + cotB + cotC = cot corB cot (©) tand tanB + tanB tanC + tanC tana = 1 2B cos acos B 6. IfA+B+C= nr, prove that (@) tan3d + tan3B + tan3C= tan3d tan38 tan3C ©) cb reor$ teor€ mat teorBoorS 7. IfA+B+C=n, prove that cosA , cos B cosC sinBsinC sinCsinA sin AsinB 8 Ina triangle ABC, cos 34 + cos 3B + cos 3C 2A+ ZB< ZC, then find possible measure of ZC. 9, In AABC if2 sin°C=2 + cos 2A + cos 2B, then prove that triangle is right angled. 1 and ANSWERS 8. 120° FINDING RANGE OF EXPRESSION USING TRIGONOMETRIC SUBSTITUTION Range of different trigonometric functions helps us to use these functions as substitutions in many algebraic expressions. ‘This simplifies the given expression to another expression, the range of which can be easily determined. + Py xy 1cos*9-+ 4sin?@— (2sin 6)(2c0s 8) —2sin2@ Put x= 2cos @ and y= 2x-+y= 4eos 0+ 3sin 6 4¢03 0+ 3sin 06 [-V +3", LaF] 5.5) 2 wtye £5,5) TA) & Feral. F¢-R. Gnd thernge of (Sa Lex=enay=un8 (anc-+tm BXi— tena tan) see ase B =sin(a=B ) 00s (a+ B) =1sin@a+2B) & Ths eid ranges | Ifx,ye Rand. of ytt 4+)? +2 1, then find the minimum value ty x=roos O.y=rsin 8 2 Peos?0 Psin’8+r(cos sn O)=1 P sin @cos @= 1-7 2 Fe sin26 -1ssin20s1 2 182+sin2053 get * 38 Frsin26 es + 5S 2ysin20 a 3sPs2 Exvyty+4 enietyyt4 a = Pain 8 cos 07 cos@ + sin?) +4 st $2 Geren nie) 1. Letere R then find the maximum and minimum vals, ofexpression <> wed: ‘Then show (ayia) =U-@)( | then find the maximum value ¢ | 144 1 then find the range of — = 6x41 0. then find the range of 2r=p. ANSWERS: : Min, value 10 +10 INEQUALITIES IN TRIANGLE ‘SOME STANDARD INEQUALITIES IN TRIANGLE 1, In acute angled triangle ABC, tan A + tan B + tan C23 Proof: ‘Method I: Using A.M. > G.M. Weknow thai a tiangle tan 4 + tan B+ tan C= tan 4 tan B tan C Since triangle is acute angled, tan A, tan B and tan C2 positive. So, using A.M. > G.M., we get 4 SAMBO 5 vex Tam aC ‘an tan B tan C2 3 Yan dtan Bian 3 fan’ tan? B tan? C227 tan A tan B tan C tan? 4 tan? B tan? C327 tan 4 tan B tan C> 3y3, tan + tan B+ tan C235 Method Th: Since triangle ABC So, consider the ‘The graph of fi figure is acute angled, 0< 4, B, C< #2 Braph of function y= tan for.r€ (0. ction is concave upward as shown in ™ Now, consider thrée points on the graph P(4, tan A), Q(B, tan B) and R(C, tan C), Join these points to get triangle POR. Centroid of the triangle POR is Gg At B#e adi beime) 3 3 Through point G, draw a line parallel to y-axis meeting graph at point D and x-axis at point E. Ae B+C The abscissa of point Fis 7 2* So, coordinates of point D are AtBHC A+s+e) a 3 Clearly, GE DE tn dtan B10 » go ( 425% 3 tan AttanB+tanC 5 14% 3 3 = tanAttan B+ tan C233 In AABC, cos A+ cos B+ cos CS 3/2 Proof: 08.4 + cos B + cos C BY). (A-8)41—-2sin?£ eos 252) e1-2am nk B),1~2sin?& = nin aos 458 1-2 (-ew4s#) - eos 4 ” c ml 2sin +1-2sin? 5 22 in € 1a? £-ne8) ‘Trigonometric Ratios and Transformation Formulas 3.29 2 3 Ee ) 2 3. InAABC,sin A tsin B sins Proof: a In triangle ABC, 0 GE 3 sind+ stn Bein 3 w3 = sindtsinB+sincs > = 1 -(cos*4 - sin®B) + sin°C ; = 1 =cos(d ~ B) costd+B) +1 —c0s°C =2 + 0s (4 -B) eos C—c08°C $2+¢08 C-cos*C [As cos (4-8) $1) 3.30_THigonometry = ((c0s C= 1/2) 1/4) = 9/4 ~ (cos C- 1/2) $ 91/4 Prove that in AABC, c0s cos B cos C 2. ESRD 2 cos A cos B cos C = [cos (A +B) + cos (A ~ B)) cos C = [cos C+ cos (4 ~ B)] cos C = cos(d ~ B)cos C—cos*C Scos C—cos'C = 1/4-(cos C= 1/2) s 1/4 So, cos A cos B cos C< 1/8 [As cos (4-8) $ 1] Ble “In ABC, prove that cos + cos"B + cos” C= TSBID 0324 + 00528 + cos? =1-sin"d + cos*B + cos’C + cos(d—B) cos (A + B) + 008°C = 1 —cos(A — B)cos C+ cos*C 21—cos C+ cos°C = (cos C- 127 +3/423/4 TAs cos (4-B) <1] Method I: In acute angled triangle, sec 4, sec B and sec C are positive, > 1M. Now, A.M / paseo Bese y ° a cos A-Feon iB Fc0s But in AABC, . ‘cos A+ cos B+ C08 CS 3/2 5c AFSC - > secdtseeBtsee C26 Method IH: Triangle ABC is acute angled. 0 =f = sin (B=) «sin (BE = 2 = cos B— cos. A= cos C—cos B Hence, cos 4, cos B, cos Care in A.P. T¢4BCis a triangle and tan >, tan 2 2B Clg i 3/ (0) Prove tat cos? Atcos? F-reos! 55 find the minimum value of ot B/2. find the maximum value of y. Let a, B, 7> 0. and a+B+y=— - Then prove ‘that ian crtan B + Jian Btany + Jian tany V3. 3. In acute angled ae prove that tan? A + tan? B+ tan? C 3v3 (@) sin sin B sin CS 6 But tans eS are in HP. (b) sin24 + sin2B + sin2c< A cm ke o) P Bae ‘ in Asin2sine st cot, cot =, cot = P, In triangle ABC, prove that sinJsin5sin5 Sy and cot 5, cot > arein AP. so, cot ++eor © =2c01% 2h A B Cu hence, prove that cosee 4-+cosee 7 +eosee> 2 6. Hence, Eq, (i) becomes 4B eC B cot cot ZeotE =30r% Acar ZearS = cot Ac cotAcor& = a aa? 3:32 _Tigonometry Thus, G.M.of cot and cot is A Cc cor tearS = 5 and A.M. of cot 4 cot +eot But AM. Sa Thus, cot 225 Therefore the minimum value ofcotB/2is V3. ‘In AABC, if sin*@= sin(4 — 8) sin(B — 6) sin(C— 8), then prove that cot@= cot + cotB + cot C. [Sai Let cot @=cotd + cotB + cot or —_ cot@—cotd = cotB + cotC sin(A—@) _ sin(B+O) sin Asin@~ sin BsinC jin” Asin or —sin(A-0)= sin BsinC Similarly, an sin?Bsin® in(B - 0) = sin(B ~~ nAsinC sin Csin@ and sinlC- “Sin Asi By multiplying corresponding sides of Eqs. (i), (ii), and (iii), we hhave sin(A — 6) sin(B ~ 6) sin(C— 8) 1 sino/2 Tie [BBD cose = 5 sn(o-$) sindeos cos sing sin osin($) 8 = cot 2 -cot® sec O= cot sin® sin0/2 ate, ©. Osin= sindsin> = cot @- cot20 Similarly, cosee20 = 608 Poanerposec 40= cot 20 cot40 cot2"-2 @-cot2"! 8 28 cosee2t"! = sum = cot = ~ 60! if ea = — 2. then show th anova) 1an(O+B) tan +7) yet sin'a- B= ney jere tan(O+@) x _ tan(+@) y tan(+B) By componendo and dividendo, we Be! way _ tan(o+a)+tan(O+ B) xty _ an(O+a)+ EN y ” tan(O+a)-tan(6+B) _ sin(20-+0- 5) sin(@—B) E+Y gin? (eB) =sin(20 + 0+ B) sine B) xy = + fcos2(0 + B)—c0s2(6+ 09] 2 Similarly, FA? Sint (B— = qle0s200+7)- cos 2(8 + B)] yee zee sin?(y-! a= Hfo082(0+0)- cos2(0+7)) and zx ‘Adding Eqs. (i), (ii), and (ii), we get LHS. = 0. pe If tan60~ plg, find the value of Flpeasec20- qsec! i ofpandq. © [SGD Here, we have tan60=plq oe $n60 _ p ©0860 q or eee at a TAO Gas Aerag? ake Now ye $v cosee 26-4 sec26) + pg 2\sin26~ cos26 = j[ eetocasinze 2L sin2@cos26 sa [2isndten20-atenscosin 4sin 26 cos 20 ini60=20) sin4@ F0< a< 22 and sina+cos a+ tanar+ coter+ sec a+ coseca 7, then prove that sin2ct is a root of the equation x? — 44x + 0. Sin = cosa (lan @+ cot a) + (see a + cosec a) = 7 L sinate (sin cosa) + +, at coser Sines sinacosa . 1 (sina+cos@)| 1+— sinaeos@ 1 singeosa 1g both sides, we get esinzen(te +t ) sin2a "sin? or $3) (0 + 4x44) = 49x? — 2844 Hx +36r=0 —Hr+36=0 Hy Me sinBsinC _ p cosBeosC 1 08B cosC —sin BsinC - cosB cosC +sinBsinC 1+p e0s(B+C)_1-p 0s (B-C) I+p l+p° B(p=1)~ nce B or C can vary from 0 to 37/4, we get (8c) tion (i) will now lead to- = v2 O14 24h Tsgonomtic Ratio and Tansomaton Formulas 2p or 7 >0 (p-1) “ psOorp>t Also p+1-V2 (p-1)- 2 (p=1) (> - (V2 +) (p-1) “= pslorp2(2+1P Combining Eqs. (i) and (ii), we get p <0 orp > (W241), Show that S% 4 sin3x | cos9x cos3x cos9x | cos27x or 20 $[tm27e— tanx [tan27x ~tan x] [(tan27x —tands) + (ondr— tani) + (and — tan = Alfsina7x _ sindx 2|\cos27x cos9x, ¢{ sin9x _ sin3x) (sin3x _ sinx cos9x cos3x) (cos3x cosx, — 1 sin(27x-9x) | sin(9x-3x) 4 8i0Gx=x) + 2| cos27xcos 9x" cos9xcos3x ” cos3xcosx = Af __sintx. sings, sin2x 2 cos27xcos9x ” cos9xcos3x — cos3x cosx = 1[2sin9xcos9x , 2sin3x cos3x , 2sinxcosx 2|cos27xc0s9x cos9xcos3x cos3xcosx sindx | sin3x _ sinx cos27x ' cos9x ” cos3x sinx | sin3x 7 + cos3x " cos9x ‘We have to prove that 2c052" +1 - 1 26-1)(2¢08276- 1) Zeosder ~ 20088 Cees (2.cos2"~! I) 334 or Now Ingonametry [(2 cos 0+ 1) (2 cos 0~ 1)] (2.c0820- 1) TEXAMPLE 3-120 SRR ns Se [2 cosd+1) 2 aa - ir(1 sin 9 (1 Foot | then ind the value oF £08 = 1)} (2.c0820- (2.c0s2? 6-1) ++ (2.c082"~! 6-1) (1 =sin 9 (10s 9) 2c0s2" 0+ = (4 cos?@— 1) (2. cos26~ 1) (2 cos 8-1) . a5 (2cos2"-! @= 1) : If(1 +sing (1+ cot = = (2 cos26+ 1) (2 cos20- 1) (2 cos2” @- 1) . = (2cos2"-! 6-1) {using cos20= 2 cos*0~ 1] = L#sin feos ¢+ (sin t+ 608 = 5/4 = (4.c0s?20— 1) (2.c0s2 = 1) ++ (2.c082"! @- 1) 7 _1-2sin2t = 2.cos2? 6+ 1) (2 cos? 8-1) + (2c082""' 0-1) ss Sint+008t =] yo e082" 8-1) soaring both sides, we get Lasin? 21 Asin 2 = (4 cos? 2? @~1) (2.0082 8-1) 1+sin2¢= G . aoe = (2 c0s2"~! + 1) 20082"! 0-1) 2 16+ 16 sin 2¢= 144 sin’ 2¢ 4 sin 2 coz"! 9-1 2. 4sin?2t—20sin 2-15 =0 cos2" 0+ 1 20% 1640 se sin2t= EE r 5-2vi0 ( S+2Vi0 x siny _ 3+sin?x singe 52210 > prove that —* =. 7 2 pj Proveme sinx | 1+3sin?x - Now, £=(1~sin (1-cos )) 2 (int + 008 + S82 2 £43) (1-2sin2¢) | sin2e 42 ara 2 5 ni4+tan y/2_[ tan/4+tanxi2 344sin2¢ tan/4tan y/2[1—tanz/4tan x2 4 342(5-2v10 L+tan y/2 (222) 3426-2010) = 4 Big Bio ay ses y/Asin 2 _| cosx2+sin 2) 4 See a [recs eu s (cxxasansa} [exeey For all in (0, /2] show that cos(sin 8) > sin(cos 6). cos y/2—sin 2) ~ || cosa/2—sin x2 [SBD Wehave, 142sin yi200sy/2._(142sin.x’2cosxi2) 1 &, , W2simyResy? || 1 2gax2eosz2: cos 0+ sind= V2| 1=2sin ydeos 2 | 1=2sin x?2eos.x2 Eee opel he Lesion (Les) 2 sin (10/4 + 8) I-siny \i-sinx, cos @+sinO< 12 < n/2 ‘Applying componendo and dividendo 0s 8+ sind sin(cos 6) 2siny x+2sin? x 2 2+6sin? x siny _ 3+sin?x sing 1+3sin?x yw that the value of 1 ween ~ and 3. ween = a BD Let tan tan 3x m the sign scheme y $ 3 ory>3 is, ynever lies between 1/3 and 3. ____Trigonometric Ratios and Transformation Formulas 3.35 Prove that 5: (n=k)cos = 7 a s where 2:3 is an integer. = (n= 1) cos 2% + (n= 2) 082% + 7 7 an + Lcos(n— 1) = n We know that cos @ 2n- 8 in Eq, (i), we get -08(27 — 8). Replacing each angle @ by S=(n=1) cos(n- 12% +(n-2)e09(n-2)% ” +1cos 2% fusing Eq. ()) 7 ‘Adding terms having the same angle and taking n common, W have [ 2m AF ogg OF n| cos +-c0s == +c0s = nn a 28 23 ete] 7 sin(n = xn ™ = n| ——4 cos ——* i Ringle Correct Answer Type lil As Weos(e ~ B) = 3/5 and tana tanB = 2, then (V) cost cosB U5 (Q) sind sinB =-2/5 Q) cos cosB=—-U/5) (A) sind sinB=-1/5 Late AS® + cos and B = sind? + cos 4°, then Wade @) 4 @)2 (4) none of these 17, Ify = (1 + tan) (1 ~ tan), where A B (y+ Dts equal to a9 @4 @) 27 @) 8 sinx gosx 3 = 18. If — i Send aap ge MONYE (0 2) nt value of tan(x +) is equal to | OB Of Of @ V5 19, Ifcot’x=cot(x—)cot(—z), then cot 2x is equal to (we? xed rd) 1 () Flamystene)——@) Heaty teat 1 @) F(iny+sinz) (4) none of these 20, Ina ABC, iftan A: tan B:tanC=3: 4: 5, then the es sin B sin Cis equal to »y 2 WS wo * 1 OF 7 2 o> a OR ‘f Which of the following is not the value of —€0827°7 Q) - (4) none of these 12. If cos @, = 2 cos @,, then tan tan equal to 1 1 Wz Q-3 GB) 1 @-1 23. Let wand, § be such that 7< @—B<3z. Ifsina+sinB 2 then the value of 6 w-g 24. Ifa 2 then the value of (tan artan 2@+ tan 2artan dar +tan 4artan a) is M1 @2 @2 (13 gg, $030 +sin50+sin70+5in9 5. gusto £0530 + c0350+ cos T0+c0s90 (1) tan3 “@) cot3@ (3) tanGB_— (A) cot69 26. Itsy, are in AP, then S#E—SBE js equal to ° cos z— cos () tany 2) cory) siny ——(B) cosy a7, 1p 25% _ COCx+O) _cOsLx+20) _ COs +39) hog a . e bad Seema to a b a yy = 3) = oS mf @e ws A 28. Ifcosa+ cos B= 0 = sin a+ sin, then cos2a+ 0528 is equal to () 2 sinter By @) 2 sinters B) 3+c0t80° cot20° cor80" +e0t 20" (1) co120° (2) tan 50” G) corsor (4) cot Y20" 30. tf anaes 1 integral solution of the inequality Sen fgg 150 and coup is equ 10 the slope ofthe bisector of the first quadrant, then sin(«x + i) sin(a is equal to 2) 2 costa B) (4) 2 cos(ar+ B) 29. Value of is equal 10 3 3 4 m2 2) 3) Oy 3 @2 OF 3 i Patios and Tras BL. Let f(n) =2 cose '¥ ne na 337 vs then f(1) fin = 1)—finyis equal to (1) fin=3) 2) fin=2 G) fins) fQ) (4) fin=2)f2) 32. If sin, ~ sin 6, = a and cos 6, ~ cos 6: = b, then () +24 Q) er s4 4) P= 52 =sina-cose . 33, “REO is equal to sina— cosa wales © m($-2) 28 34. Ifx, and x, are two distinct roots of the equation acosx+b sinx=c, then tan “1=*2 js equal to of @% ew 4 = 2 a a c 35. If sin(y x), sin(s + x—y), sine +y—=) are in AP., ‘then tanx, tany, tanz are in () AP, @) GP G) HP. (4) none of these tan(@+B-y)_ tany 7 36, 1 SAME FEA) _ EY (2 4 then sin 20~ sin2B wn (a= B27) wp’? + sindy= Mo @i @)2 12 37. If sin, sin@, — cos 8, cos, ~ 1 = 0, then the value of tan(6,/2)cot(@,/2) is equal to M-1 @1 @2 @ -2 38. The value of expression sini? +-sin2” + sin3°+——-+sin89") oo, 2(c0s1°+c082°+--+ 60544") +1 M8 OW IR ao 39. If 4, B, C are the angles of a triangle such that tan $ ; then sin 4, sin B, sin Care in () ap. @ GR @) HR (4) none of these 40. 1f2 sec26=tang+ cot, then one of the values of B+ Oi W 22 @ a4 (G) xB (4) none of these 41. The roots of the equation 4x7 - 2 VS.x+ 1 = Oare (1) sin36*, sints* 2) sin 8°, 60836" (3) sin36°, cos 18° (4) cas 18°, 0836" 42. If and Bare a itive angles satisfying the equations Dina +2 sincB Vand 3 ina.t = 2 sin2@ = 0 ten A+ 2B is equal to x Or ef oF Os 3.38 Trigonometry 43. Ieos25° + sin25° = p, then cos 0” is a=? @ ~ ar @ pap Oar 44, The value of cot u +20 2% 4 cot 15 ig 8 16 aa Q) 2 @) 2 45. If a, B, % 8 are the smallest positi order of magnitude which have thei @) -4 in ascending equal to the Positive quantity &, then the value of sin © +3sin 84 int tsin® i 2sint + sin& is equal to in sin is equal (I) WI-k Jk Fi (4) none of these 2) 2k @) 46. sin?A~sin?B "sin Acos A=sin Beos B (2) tan(4 - 8) @) cot(d —B) is equal to 2) tan(4 +B) (4) cot(4 +B) 1 1 en 1=3sin2a” 1-3sin26 47. Ifeos(a-B)=3sin(a+B),then 1 1 OF @>5 Og oF 48. The value of cos?10° ~ cos 10° cos50° + cos*50° is equal to 4 L 3 yi @t @) 3 4) 3 @ 3 Qs OFZ a 49. Iftan?@=2 tan*¢+ 1, then cos20+ sin’ equals qd) = (2) 0 @)1 ~ @) none of these 50. Iftan 4 «tan then (5—3 cos 24) (5 —3 cos 28) = a2 Qs @) 12 @ 16 51. Ifsinx+cosecx-+tany-+coty=4 wherexandy € [o 4], then tan 2 is oot ofthe equation (1) @+2a+1=0 (3) 20? -2a-1=0 Q) @+20- @ @-a-1=0 0 52, If2Jsin 2a{=|tan B+ cot Bl, a, Be (E+) tonite vate of a+ Bis 3x an Se oe 3) 3 i o 2 we oF 2 53. The value of sin? 10° + sin? $0° ~ sin? 70° is equal to 3 2 a O-= @F o 3 M-3 1cos2 54. Let Po) tants Lcotw teat?) then the minimum value of P(x) equals Ml @2 a4 6 1 3+ tan? 55, If L =k cos © then the value of kis lou E 7 7 M1 @2 @)3 a4 60° 540° 56, cosee2 4 casee 4 = 7 7 (9 cosy ance 2 180° 90° 4) see @) see () seo 57. If 8, and @ are two values lying in (0, 27] for whi 9 equal to tan6= 2 then ton 2 tan - (0 @-1 G3) 2 @1 58. IftanO= vn, where ne N, 22, then sec20 is always (1) rational number (2) an irrational number @) apositive integer (4) a negative integer 59, Ifsin20= cos30 and is an acute angle, then sin 6 equ Gn G-1 oO @ (2) Ht ~5-1 oF o> 60. Ifcosx=tany, cosy=tanz, cosz = tanx, then the valued sinzis (1) 2.c0s18° (2) cos 18° 3) sin 18° (4) 2sin 18° 61. The value of cot70° + 4 cos 70° is 1 a FZ O8 Om wi x 62. ttsinz + coe = “2, where x4 (0 2), then tan & equal to 2 . seat Vi-2 : Q) a a o <8 (8) none ofthese ole sma =k(k#1) then which of the following is true? cos _ ol sin3d_ 2k , ot ) oad @ Set. BE cotdd_ 1 Oak (4) none of these h 30 z 64, Ifxe (= 3) enscor(2-) + Jasin’xtsin? 2x is always equal to ai Q)2 @) -2 (A) none of these — » where x,y € (0, 7), then tan~ cot 2 2 Qs 1 a @ B 66. cot 16° cot 44° + cot 44° cot 76° — cot 76° cot 16°= : ai Q)2 GB) 3 @4 67. [ftanx = bla, then J(a+b)/ (a—b) + /(@—B)/ (a+b) is equtto wher xe(0,2),a>0>0) (1) 2sinx Sin Ze Q) 2c05x/ e052 (8) 2eosx Asin Ze @) 2sinx Neos 2 68. Given that (1 + Vx) tan y = ‘equal to +I =x. Then sin4y is () & Q) 2 @)x (4) none of these @. oso 2 =f) then tan A, tanB, tan C are in () ar @ Gr. G) HE. (4) none of these 70. 1¢ LEXY), £05 #9 _ 9, then the value of expression cos(x+y) cos(z—1) tanxtany tanz tant is equal 10 Or +1 @2 @2 71. Kftanf=2 sina sin 7cosee(t+ 7, then cot , cotB, coty arein (AP 2) GE @) HP. (4) none of these 72. The value of tan — tan27°— tan 63° +tan81° is a2 @3 a4 (4) none of these a () n=5,4,=12 B) n=5,a,= 18 (2) n=5,0,= 14 @) n=5,a,= 14 1A. tan? ™ 43 4an¢ 7 297 an? = is equal to 5 s3tan* S427 tan? Fis equal Qo Ds @) 3 @ 9 78. Given that a, b, care the sides of a AABC which is right alc, tben the minimum vate of ($+ £) is Mo as @6 ws TWigonometric Ratios and Transformation Formulas 3.39 76. 1f@=3crand sin@=——* = the value of the expression ar ae acoseea~b secais, ® Ee @ aaah Q) a+b (A) none of these ‘77. The value of tan6° tan 42° tan 66° tan 78? is qi QQ @) 14 ( Ws 78, In triangle ABC, if angle C is 90° and the area of triangle is 30 sq. units, then the minimum possible value of the hypotenuse c is equal to () 3002 @) 6023) 1202S) 2030 79. If NZ cos = cosB + cos® B, and \2 sin A = sin B~sin® B then sin (4—B)= () +1 a 1 1 Ql Bes 4) eo Oe @+5 M47 80. Ina right angled triangle the hypotenuse is 2V2 times the perpendicular drawn from the opposite vertex. Then the other acute angles of the triangle are = mat ® ng 3 = and = 2) = and = @ Fads @Fms Bok. ang 3% Eiang E 4) % ang 3% Ooms O35 10 81. A circular ring of radius 3 om hangs horizontally from a point 4 cm vertically above the centre by 4 strings attached atequal intervals to its circumference. Ifthe angle between ‘wo consecutive strings be @, then cos @is equal to 4 4 Os @ a5 of 82, The distance between the two parallel lines is 1 unit. A point ‘4” is chosen to lie between the lines ata distance “d” from one of them. Triangle ABC is equilateral with B on one line and C on the other parallel line. The length of the side of the equilateral triangle is @ RP eaet @ 2 @) 2d? -d+1 4) fa? -a+1 83. If sina + sin-'b + sine = x, then avi-a? +bv1-8* +eVi-c? is equal to (4) none of these a-ae1 () atbte @) abe? @) 2abe (8) 4abe |. IFA+ B+ C= 3nf2, then cos24 + 00828 + c0s2Cis equal to (1) 1-4 c0s4 cosB cosC (2) 4sind sinB sinC (3) 1+2cosd cosB cosC (4) 1-4 sind sind sinc yer get Ec oA gn 3.40_Tigonametry 85, 10 tana) = np dima (4) 3 tan a= 2100 f 86. In any triangle AC, sind ~ sin? + sin?C is always equ to (1) 2sind sinB eosC (2) 2sind eos. sin @) 16050 eos (8) 2sindsintsinc #7. Te valucar Seo isequ (V4) 8 ay 1g (4) 1/8 88. Intriangle anc, SDAtsn HSIN 5 ry sin A¥sin B=sinC ALB Ane (tan Sear ©) constant 48 Ay 8 8) eorteort @) tan Stan in2A+sin2B-+sin2C 89, is equal to sind+sinB+sinc * in Asin Bein & A voc Boo € () SsinSsin sin Beos Sos 5 eosS An Bai C. ABC @) Stan Stan Fin) Beet Soot Fear S 90. Ifeos"4 + c0s*B + cos*C= I, then A ABC is (1) equilateral (2) isosceles (3) right angled (4) none of these 91. Intriangle ABC, fan4+tanB+ tan C=6 and tan tan B =2, then the values of tan, tan, tanC are, respectively 142.3 @) 3,283,723 @) 412,32 (4) none ofthese 9% Weose+ cosy costes) = 3, thn () rty=0 @) x=2y () x=y (@) ay 98. Masinx + bcostx+ 0)+6 cos(x—@)=d, then the minimum value of cos 6 is equal to a 2) Tae 1 2 O aa -4 (4) none of these 94 Mum Ja? cos?O +6 sin? 4. \eF sin? 0+ F cas? e then the difference between the maximum values of? is given by and minimum, af +P , (2) de ay mae 67) (3) (as by (Ay (a by vee emarinumn valucosvec'y, | any ne Mt then thera , 95, Manian yo is equal to 1) oat Q) Gn | gy tbe “ a 96, WOsess is w( 0 (of. ) [oe 97. The maximum value of cos. 3+ B OF MF @ °8. Ifa, B, yare acute angles and cos 6 = sin Pisin a, cos 9= sin yisin and eos (8 @) = sin sin x then the value of tan? tan? tan? yis equal to O-1 ao GB) 1 (4) 2 100, Wa sin a+ ysin2a+2in 3g 2 +8in b+ ysin 25 42 xsine+y sin 2042 sin {hen the roots oF the egy tation (3-43) 2 4st 4,b,0% um, are () sina, sind, sine 2) 08 0,605 6, cos ¢ 3) sin2a, sin 20, sin 2¢ (8) 08 24, £0826 cos 2¢ | | 1. If cosp is the geometric where 0< a BS a 1) -2sin'(2- a o fi between sin and eos then cos2fis equal 40 2 -2em'(E +a) 2, Which of the following statements a (gwhere Q denotes the set of rationals)? (1) cos20e Qand sin20e = tanDe Q (if defined) (2) tanBe Q = sin20, cos20 and tan20¢ 0 (if defined) G) ifsinde Qand cosOe = tan30e Q(ifdefined) ©) if'sind e Q = c0s30e O 3, Which of the following quantities are rational? . (iin). (Sa a sn( 2) sin (=) oy e( oe“) (Z [2 oy at(£) (3) t (t+eu 28) (te (cn) 4, In which of the following sets the inequality sin‘s + cos" > 5/8 holds good? () m8, 218) 2) ni8, Sa/8) @) (wi4, 30/4) (4) (7218, 92/8) 5. Let fa) = Lai) = 2-2 fins} (oon -er) (1) f(@)is positive VW xe R 2) £(@) assumes both positive and negative values (3) (x) =. has no real roots (4) y=(2) touches the line y= 0. 6, For «= m7 which of the following hold(s) good? (1) tancrtan2artan 3a tan3oc~ tan2a— tan 2) cosec.or= cosec2a+ coseesar 3) cosa. cos2a+ cos3 (4) 8 cosarcos2o:cos4ar always correct 1s, wherever defined, (1) cote tance= 2 eot2a 2) tan(4se + c —tan(45° ~ @) = 2 cosee 2a (3) tan(45° + ap + tan(45? - a) = 2 see2a (4) taner+ cota=2 tan20 8. The expression (tan'x +2 tan?x + 1) cos?x, when x= 1/12, cen be equal to () 42-8) (2) 46241) 3) 16 cos? wiz (4) 16 sin?w/12 Wigarametic Patinn ard Te formation Form 9. Let @ fi, and 7 be some angles in the first quadrant satisfying tan(cz + fl) ~ 151% and cosec7 = 17/8, then which of the following hold(s) good? () at ptyam (2) cotecot pi cot7= cov cot + cory (3) tance tan f+ tan = tan cctan tan (4) tan cetan B + tan B tan 7+ tan / tan cos 9400820 +e0s 8 sin’ +sin204sin 2 8 153-2, 05132) 10, Let f(0) = ut sin(3n=2) > +.t8in(3n~2)5 then w5(2)-8-1 a 4(Z)-4-1 Oh (2) = (248) (4) none ofthese 11. If sin(x + 202) = 2 sinx cos40”, where x €(0, 702), then which of the following hold(s) good? (1) cos2x= 1/2 (2) cosec4x =2 @) seo =%-2 (4) tan = (2-13) @) tans =¢ v3) 12, The expression cos"(cr+ B)+cos*(c— B)—cos 2c cos 2B, (1) independent of (2) independent of B (3) independent of cand (4) dependent on ccand B. 13. Ifcotta+ cota+ cot a= 1 then (1) cos 2a: tana=-1 (2) cos 2a tan (4) cos 2cr— tan 20=—1 r= sin (C—A) sin (BD) then () pta- @) p+q+r=0 @) p-ger @) peg +r =3per 15. If cos x — sin @ cot f sin x = cos a, then the value of tan (x/2) is (1) tan (0/2) cot (B'2) (3) —cot (a2) tan (B/2) (2) tan (a2) tan (B2) (A) cot (a2) cot (B2) 16. Let f (x) = ab sin x + bVi-a? cosx+c, where |al <1, b> O then (1) maximum value of fx) is b ife= 0 (2) difference of maximum and minimum values of fx)is 2b 3) fle)=cifx=-costa (4) flx)=cifx= cosa 17. Let P(k) = (sco [tes aK e (hse (en GE) give) vy 2 _Trigononetiy ich oft oi = 282, sinh @ PO" ¥ @ Pa =z ) ep-4 3-5 ooo sin a.cos@ (3) PG) 32 @) PO= TG QB) Freos B+ sin’ & (8. 13 sin B= sin (20+ ), then tan (or+) ~ 2 tan ois (1) independent of a (2) independent of B (3) dependent of both aand 6 (4) independent of both ocand B 19. x= Jab cost a sin? + oa? sin? c+ 0? cos? then x? = a2+B?+2 fp (a? +8") —p? , where pis equal to () @ costa+ B sin? Q) @sinta+ B cos? @ i [2 + P+ @—B) cos 2a] @ : [a2 + (PB) cos 20} 20. If —a) cos OF y si x — a) cos + y sin 6= a and ‘tan (6/ 2) — tan (9/2) = 2b, then (Q) #=2ar-G-8)7 @) tan @) y2=2bx-G-a)% 4) tan 5 one) 21. If cos(x —y), cos x and cos(x + y) are in H.P,, then, cos se) O-8 @-2 OF @B ‘22. Difference between maximum and minimum values of (60 sin a+ p cos a) is 122 then p can be @ 4 Qu @) 61 (4-1 Pecos ud lll For Problems 1-3 Ifsinae= A sin(a+ B), A #0, then 1. The value of tan ais Asin B Asin B ) (eee ©) TacosB Acos fi Asin B © asind © Facosp 2. The value of tan Bis 2m@UtAcosp) — Snall= cos) ‘Acos.accos ‘Acosazcos B a) sata Asin) (4) 0800+ Asing) ‘Acosacos 8 ‘Acosdicos B For Problems 4-6 If or, B, x darethes no two of which have 4, The value of tancr+ tan + fan an @ @ following is not OFZ cos B. the value of tan(ar+ py sin & cOsar (4) none of these olutionsof the equation e equal tangents. y + tandis @) -88 5, The value of tan tan tan y tan dis (2) -2 (4) none of these () -18 @o 1 6. The value of —— °° tana ay-8 =@8 For Problems 7-9 of these (4) none of these sina-+ sin B= + and os a+ cos B= 3 7. The value of sin(or+ B) is 24 13 1 24 13 OF ) 35 2 of (4) none 8. The value of cos(ar+ f) is 2 1» 2 1 ® 3 @ x 12 a) 2 @) B 9. The value of tan(ee+ B) is 2s w 3 2s 7 @MF @ 2 For Problems 10-12 To find the sum sin? 2% sum sin? 2% 4 5jn2 4 sin? gin following method, Put 7 0=2nz, where n is any inte, en, is any integer. Th sin 40 = sin This means that si From Eq. (i), we now get Sinan 36)=- sin39, and + sin(@/7), 8 the values 0, & sin(27/7), + sin(4™ = 4sin? ie in 8 08 (1 ~ 2 sin?@) = si electing the value sin @ =o, on 7 cag ee sin*@— 3) 16 (1 ~sint?@) (1g = 16 sinto— 2. 70+ 4 sintey 4 sinto4 9 280 4) > we follow co 9-3) o+= 4) @o 24 Stang or 64 sin°@- 112 sin'@- 56 sin?'@—7=0 This is cubic in sin*@ with the roots sin?(2z /7), sin*(4n/7), and sin’(877). ‘The sum of these roots is, sin? 2 4 sin? SE 5 gin? 8 = U2 7 7 7 64 ‘Now answer the following questions: 10, The value of, (is Be tan? 2E su? 38) x cot? = + cot? 2% 4. cot? 3) is 7 7 (a) 105 @) 35 (@) 210 a none of these tan? + tan? a 7 stan? % | M. The value of is cot? 4. cot? 2 4. cot? 3 ; 7 i a7 2) 353 (3) 2/5 (4) none of these 12, The value of tan? = tan? 2 tan? 3 is, 77 7 () -3 Q)7 @) 5 (4) none of these For Problems 13-15, Ina AABC,ifeos 4 oot Beos C= B=! and sin A sin B sin C 13. The value of tan 4 + tan B+ tan Cis : 343 4 VB+4 3 BB of © FOR OF ® 14, The Value of tan 4 tan B + tan B tan C+ tan C tan A is () 5-43, @ 5+43 © @ 64 @) 6-38 15. The respective values of tan 4, tan B and tan C are i ) 1,98, 2 @ 1,532 @) 128 4) 1,538,245 For Problems 16 and 17 : “If the angles a, f, 7 of a triangle satisfy the relation, ft pal ee | 16. The measure of the smallest angle ofthe triangle is (1) 30° (2) 40° 3) 45° (4) 50° +17. Triangle is (D acute angled (2) right angled but not isosceles ©) isosceles (4) isosceles right angled TWigonometrc Ratios and Transformation Formulas 3.43, For Problems 18-20 Aine O4 of length r starts from its initial position OX and traces an angle AOB = cx in the anticlockwise direetion. It then trac- es back in the clockwise direction an angle BOC = 36 (where > 30). Lis the foot ofthe perpendicular form C on OA. Also, sin’ a is equal to sin a (1) tan26 (2) cot29 2r sina 19, ———_. to 1+ 2r cosa ‘sequal t () taste 2 @) sin2@ (4) cos 20 Q cot?@ (3) cot20 (4) tan 20 20. is equal to (Q) sina () sind 4) cos (eae 1 x |. Ifcos8—sind = =, where 0< 6< =, then 1, Ifeos@—sind = =, wher A 2 cosa wientrinoz |p t ; 7 ee) pte . 10 2 ©. 60526 3 7 a. cos sz 2. Ifcos a+ cos B= 1/2 and sina+ sinB= 1/3, then [aan ET a(t) [oo 3. ‘The maximum value of 2sin(d +B) {c0s(2a + 6) + cos(2B + 6), where A,B we constants, ». The maximum value of q 2sectA +B) {6052.4 + cos2 B), where (A +) is Constant and 4, B € (0, 7/2) is cost +B) ssin4o®-sin $0°-tan0° ssin go? sins is = | Theminimom sls of ® {sce 24+ sec 2B}, where (4+ Byis | c. The value of mos 80° constant and A. Be (0. 7'4).is, | 7 1¢ minimum Va Tea he a, The value of Is. Deos(d - BY sinSA - 4+ bcos 44. then fan cord Seon 3( YS | A, Bare constants and 0 (0,22).is | “| 4 4 8. anne List Lai] a c0s20° + cos0? — V3 cos50” eye tan37 | (1+ tan8?(1+1an37)_ 5, t a. The value of 715 jan22°\I+ tan 23°) jp 5 | sco ® + cpe 2% | |b, cos0? + c0s% + cos + cos + [tbe 1 | a 7 cotd + cotB | Se, OF St +e0s5F + cos a triangle ABC, 2 equals | cok sen kE vest maven ate 2D (Seam) Ma e cos20" + c0sd0® + €0860° — 4 €0510° c0s20" |r. 1 & = The minimum value of cos (cos 3x +3 cos.x)lis |r. 0 ‘os 20° €05 100° + e0s 100° cos 140° | ss 0 ar £08 140° ¢0s200" a. Thevalueof 16sin © sin sin Te 3 st sin is 3 ee eS _- = Codes a. fy +y?= Land P= Gx—40)+ mary onal Gy— 493 then P is equal to Orarp D. Ifa b=3~cosdO and a—b=4 sin26,| a. 4 @ ts ap then the maximum value of ab @prsa 7 Mars p |The least positive integral value of x for] 5 which 3 cos @= x°~ 8x + 19 holds good is Hy ; 28 Siena aE a itx= 44 and y= 2=2A where A ja. In AABC, if cos 24 + cos 28 +|p. Equilatcral Te a cos 26 then we ean conelude hat|" tans is areal x such that x*—3y +)? triangle is areas between (a, B] then (a+ B)is i lies {2,5} then (a+b) In AABCif an A> 0, tan B> Oand tan A tan B< I, then tiangle is + 4-sinB = {,then ZC can be ‘a. Intriangle ABC, 3 sind + 4cosB = Gand 3 c0sd fn any triangle, if A+ sinB + sinC) (sind + sin ~ sinC)~ 3 sind sind, then the angle ZC q. 30" 7s the center of the inscribed circle in a ZCOD 6 0" -99" tslangle ABC with right angled ot CM the circle is tangent to AB at D, then the 1 a. The value of Le gumdeo Main! 1b. The minimum value of SS 16 (0, 92),16 In BABC if cos + eos'B + con =] Acute ana | £05.40 B cos Cthen triangle is triangle Tn AaB cot B< 1, then triangle is, ot A> 0, cot B> Oand cota Obrase ang | triangle Codes w @) @) @) 1. aryay= 128in20 + 608.20 is 2 IO) *@ R.then maximum value of f(x) is Deos 29 «then value of (11°) JE = 7 cose e (7 cose 24 sin\7 sinx — 24 cosa). (FO, are the roots of the equation ax* + by + 6 = 0 (a #0), ath then the value of ¢ opposite to angles A, B, C, respectively) is 4. Ifx,y € R satisfies (x + 5)? + Qv~ 12)? = (14), then the minimum value of x7 +y? is 5 5, Suppose x and y are real numbers such that tanx + tany = 42 and cotx + coty = 49. Then the value of tan(x + y) is (where, a, b, ¢ are sides of A 6. Let0 + tan tan 5+ tans tans is equal to, : 33. Thevatucat[(sin)(4-s04)] s__ 133°. cos 33° 1 ; x (Sapte) ® ‘sin 49° sin 71° ‘cos! I®cos49°cos 71°, equal to, . 3.46 Trigonometry 38. 10) = Hue mS in vane ()es( 28) 36. The value of o+ =) then the 3 — Es cos" 22° 4 cos? 33°+ cos? 35° a fie JEE ADVANCED Single Correct Answer Type Archives q 47, ha >0,B> 0, A+ B= a3, and maxim Fr eae inp io M then the value of Mis , sno ___ eo 38. 2040) cos(20+0) then the value of 2 is and tan 2 2 tan 363, Matrix Match Type 1. Match List I with List Il and select the correct answeru, the codes given below the lists : . Leia ‘List| 1. The vale of )' is f ot f ; aN equal to ‘cot (sin y) + tam (sit Q) 3-3 2) 26-8) takes value @) 208-1) (4) 20+%3) (@Q Ifeosx+ cosy+cosz=0=sinx+siny+sinz| (I) GEE Advanced 2016) then possible value 6f eos 72" jg - 2 Multiple Correct Answers Type z lam a eee (8) thes (£— 5) 082+ sin xsin2rseox A. Let f: (1, 1) > R be sucl T= for 8€ ( 2) ju (§. 5), Then the value(s) of f (3) is (are) : 5 mie & @ 1+ £ a @ 1- £ @ 1+ £ (UTSEE 2012) 2. Let and Be non-zero real numbers such that ‘2{c0s cos a) + cos c-eos B= 1, Then which of the following is/are true? ~ @y m{t}ostin(2)=0 (EE Advanced 2017) = 08x sin 2x see x+.008 (+s) cos 2 then possible value of see xis (6 Wen (sn I=) = sin ean op, 2 #0. Denposible vale oii Codes: ©) @ ® © own? | QOwimn 7 Omwv ny Omnvy y arrsee"} Numerical Value Type 1 The maximum value ofthe expression 1 i ; in 0+3sin@ cos6Scos3@ © ——— os arrJee? . The positive ‘integer value. Of n > 3 satisfying the ¢ sn(*) (2) a) ia 7 " cursce" —— iigonometd Answers Key Linked Comprehension Type 10) 2% @ 30) 44) 50) * 62) 70) & 2) 9) 10.0) Oe 8a) 1) 1.3) 12.2) 13.) 14. (2) HS, (4) Le md 4G) 18) 16. (2) 17.) 38. (J) 19 (4) 20.2). 17.3) 18, (4) 19. (2) 20. (2) Matrix Match Type 2d 34) 4 4) 5 2) 2.2) 23. (1) 24. (1) 25. 3) 1. avqb—ares5id—p 27. 3) 28. (2) 29. (2) 30. (4) 2 arb pic gd—as 32.) 33. @) 34. (2) 35 I) 3, ars;b—onc—gid—P 37. (1) 38. (1) 39% (1) 40.) 4, a s;boncpd74 42,2) 43.3) 44. (4) 45. 2) 5. aspibope gids 47. 4) 48.3) 49. 2) 50. (4) 6. ag bopessdor 52. (3) 53. (4) 54 (2) 55. (4) 7. asnbagersdoP 57. Q) 58 (1) 59%. (1) 60. 8. (1) 62.2) 63. (4) 64, (2) 65. (2) 9. 3) 60) 7 81G) O18) = TG) Numerical Value Type 2.G) 73.) 4G) 75 @ 1.05) 2 (625) 30) 4) 5. (294) 77.0) 78 4) 79 3) 80. @) 6. (7) 7. (8) 8. (4) 9, (4) 10. (2) 2. @) 3G) HA HO 1) 12.G) 13.614) HS (12) 87.4) 88 G) 8) 9 164) 17. )-38.G) 19. 05) 20.) 92.3) 93 (1) 94 (4). 95 A) 2 (t) 22 @)— 23. 1) )—- 5) ; 97.) 98) 99 D400) 26.3) 27. (6) 81) 29-1) 30. ‘Multiple Correct Answers Type 31.0) 32 3) 33.) 34 G2) 35. ©) 5 1. ),2) 2. (1),2),G) 36. (05) 37. G) 38. 2) 3. (1),2)4) 4. (1),2),9) ARCHIVES © 5. (1),G) 6. (1), 2).@) arene) 1. (1),3) 8, (1), (4) AEE ADNAMCED. . (2), (4) 10. (),2),3) Single Correct Answer Type |. (1), 3), (4) 12, (1),2),) 1. @) . (1), 8) 44, (2),(4) Multiple Correct Answers Type 3. (1), (2) 16. (1), 2),) 1. (1), (2) 2. 0,0) (1), 2), 8). 4) 18. (1),2)(4) Matrix Match Type (1), (2.3). (4) 20. (1),(2),(4) 1 @) pu) G) ee ‘Numerical Value Type 1.@Q, 2%

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