Concepts Related To Conservation

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Concepts related to Conservation of Environment

Solid waste Management

Planned process of collection, storage, transportation, processing of disposable of solid
wastes in safe and economic manner.
Steps in Solid Waste Management
1. Reduce
2. Reuse
3. Recycle
4. Recover
5. Disposal
a. Landfill
b. Incineration (Burning)
c. Composting (Wormi Compost)
Water Conservation
Preservation of water for future need is called as water conservation. It has become a prime
environmental concern
Need for water conservation
- Consumption of water is more than availability
- Over exploitation of ground water
- Population growth
- Deforestation leads to less rainfall
- Environmentl pollution makes water impure
Strategies of water conservation
- Reduce loss due to evaporation of water
- Reduce loss due to leakage
- Recycle and reuse of water
- Avoid wastage if water
- Reduce run-off losses
- Rain water harvesting
Rain water harvesting
Rain water harvesting is a methodology of tapping the rain water as a source of fresh
water in an effective and innovative way. This can be implemented at various scales.
Objectives of Rain water Harvesting
To meet increasing demand of water
To reduce loss due to surface run-off
To improve water table of ground water
To increase forestation and vegetation
To stop soil erosion
To maintain climate condition and warming
To reduce urban flooding
Benefits of rain water harvesting
Increases ground water table making pumping easier
Recharging of ground water table improves water quality
Increases water availability
Minimize local flooding and droughts
Helps eliminating desertification
Controls soil erosion
Increases economic value of the country
Environment becomes green due to increases water table making air pollution free
Watershed management
The management of runoff water by collection, conservation, regeneration and proper
use of water.
Water shed landscapes may be
- Mountain upland area
- Plain area
- Coastal area
- Lowland area
Various techniques of water shed management involves
- Trenches
- Earthern dam
- Farm ponds
- Underground barriers
a) Easy availability of water to the society
b) Availability of water for irrigation/cultivation
c) Restores ecological balance
d) Control of soil erosion
e) Generates load employment by cultivation and horticultural activities
f) Avoid migration of people as local employment is available
Resettlement and Rehabilitation of People
Resettlement and rehabilitation is an integral part of developmental activities. Required
when there is any natural or manmade disaster
Issues of resettlement
 A proper resettlement programme must be defined
 Orientation of people
 Essential and important element must be identified
 Framing suitable policy
 Implementation and adherence to policy its consequences.

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