The Utilization of Plastic Wrappers in The Production of Non Load Bearing Hollow Blocks

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Background of the Study

One of the main environmental problems today is the disposal of waste plastics.

The use of plastics in various places as packaging materials and products such as bottles,

polythene sheets, containers, packaging strips, etc. are increasing day by day (Tablang,

2016). This may result in the production of plastic waste from all sorts of livings from

industrial manufacturers to domestic users.

Humans have always produced trash and disposed of it in some way so solid

waste management is not a new issue. In response to Jassim, (2016), there are some

methods of disposing solid waste with the help of human values and perceptions of what

should be done with it. However, plastic waste and their composites are still growing

rapidly due to their low cost and ease of manufacture. Despite the suitability of plastic,

the organizations are faced with a growing problem of finding alternative methods for

deposing of a large volume of waste packaging

Accordingly, when most of the available plastic today is made from non-

biodegradable sources, land-filling by using plastic would mean burying the harmful

materials for over the period until it naturally degrades. In their original condition, any

plastic materials would increase the waste volume during landfilling. Besides the plastic

waste must hinder the ground water movement. (Kamaruddin, Abdullah, Zawawi, &

Zainol, 2017)

In the year 2000, a solution was presented in the form of the Republic Act. 9003,

also known as the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000, but Local

Governments in the Philippines have struggled to implement its directives (Vila, 2018).

Regardless of that, the study of Chow, So, Cheung, and Yeung, (2017) states that in order

to reduce plastic waste, the popularity of plastic waste management among the public has

to be enhanced by changing people’s knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors toward plastic

waste management, which are the 4r’s- reduce, reuse, recycle, and regeneration, and the

knowledge of the life cycle of plastics.

In terms of Civil Engineering application, recycling of plastic waste as

cementitious based materials, such as cement mixtures or concrete mixture appear is a

better option for alternative plastic waste disposal. This is due to its economic and

ecological advantages which can substitute or replace a certain portion of aggregate in a

concrete mix. Besides, some alternation method of plastic could be an ideal candidate as

the lightweight concrete pavement with low strength application as there are already a lot

of published reports that have been studied concerning the ability of plastic waste mixed

with cementitious based mixtures. (Kamaruddin et al, 2017)

The use of recycled plastic aggregates in civil engineering applications, such as

pavement and infrastructure, can be an alternative to disposing of them in landfill sites.

Recycled plastic aggregates can also be used for producing concrete bricks (for general

applications), blocks (for river bank protection), façade elements, non-structural concrete

panels, and temporary shelters. For structural concrete applications, structures with lower

imposed loads and where the durability is less important, a certain amount of plastic

aggregates may be used in concrete. Plastic fibers can be used in concrete to control

cracks, shrinkage, and creep rather than using expensive synthetic or steel fibers. This

will reduce not only the dependence on the natural aggregates, but possibly also the cost

of concrete. (Babafemi, 2018)

This research aim to study the possibility of using recycled plastic wrappers with

in the local hollow blocks for the purpose of building construction. The hollow blocks

may provide an advantages of uniform quality as well as providing strong foundation in

construction, faster speed of construction, large durability, and lower labor requirements.

On one hand economically, there are less expensive and consume less aggregate. In

addition it can be used in different places such as interior walls, columns, the compound

walls, and fences.

Beyond that, this research is facing challenges with regards to solid waste

management and recycling. Since humans tend to consume plastic on public places and

therefore, plastic wrapper management is a major challenge. Moreover, using plastic

wrappers inside the hollow blocks may be a solution to some of the stated challenges.

This study attempts to verify this method within the local Hollow blocks products with

the focus of testing the compressive strength, water absorption and moisture content,

hardness, size; shape, and color, compaction factor, and fire resistance for the purpose of

initial validation of this method.


Statement of the Problem

This study generally aimed to assess the utilization of plastic wrappers in the

production of hollow blocks.

Specifically, this aimed to answer the following questions:

1. What are the physical properties of the plastic wrapper Hollow Blocks when

cured within 8 to 18 days in terms of:

a) Compressive strength

b) Water absorption and moisture content

c) Hardness

d) Size, Shape, and Color (General Appearance)

e) Compaction Factor

f) Fire resistance

2. Is there a significant difference between the plastic wrapper Hollow Blocks and

commercial Hollow Blocks when both cured at 8 and 18 days in terms of:

a) Compressive strength

b) Water absorption and moisture content

c) Hardness

d) Size, Shape, and Color (General Appearance)

e) Compaction Factor

f) Fire resistance

Objectives of the Study

The study generally aimed to utilize plastic wrappers in the production of hollow

blocks sample.

1. Specifically, identify the physical properties of plastic wrappers hollow blocks

in terms of:

a) Compressive strength

b) Water absorption and Moisture content

c) Hardness

d) Size, Shape, and Color (General Appearance)

e) Compaction Factor

f) Fire resistance

2. ascertain if there are significant Difference between plastic wrapper hollow

blocks and commercial hollow blocks in terms of:

a) Compressive strength

b) Water absorption and Moisture content

c) Hardness

d) Size, Shape, and Color (General Appearance)

e) Compaction Factor

f) Fire resistance

Significance of the Study

The study shall provide valuable information and knowledge on the feasibility, of

using plastic wrappers for:

Community. The study shall be a supply of knowledge for environmentalists and

anxious voters alike, and shall function a guide for future comes, with similar objectives.

Engineers. The result given can give extra information to construction,

merchandise store owner concerning the use of plastic wrappers materials as hollow

blocks as a replacement of eco-hollow blocks.

Education. This study shall offer further data concerning the utilization of plastic

materials into objects of a lot of relative use.

Researchers. This may be used as a suggestion just in case their analysis is

analogous to the current study, and that they have a supply of relevant literature and

connected information.

Students. The results can offer students with some ideas and information on the

way to utilize the growing rate of plastic wrappers in their campuses or their households.

Hypothesis of the Study

H 0 : There is no significant difference between commercial hollow blocks and hollow

blocks produced by plastic wrappers.


Scope and Limitations

The collected plastic wrappers consist of mostly single-use plastic objects such as

food wrappers and pieces of cellophane which was found around the dumpsite of Can-

ayan, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon. Thus, were then be made into shredded plastic and

were accommodate in approximately 20 kilos that may also located at Can-ayan,

Malaybalay City. The tests used were compressive strength test, water absorption test,

moisture content, hardness test, size, shape and color test, compaction factor test, and

fire-resistant test. These tests were conducted at Department of Public Works and

Highways (DPWH), and Mamawag Construction Compound.

The basis of ratio of the concrete hollow blocks are 1:10:4, were the Portland

cement is 10%, river sand is 70%, shredded plastic is 15%, the remaining 5% is the

porosity, and this ratio could provide in approximately 56 concrete hollow blocks. Thus,

were then be using a non-load bearing concrete and was based on the standard of

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) that is recommended by DPWH.

The plastic wrapper hollow blocks and the commercial hollow blocks was cured on

different conditions at 8 days and 18 days and as well as the testing was depending on the

days cured. The study was significant to 8 days and 18 days due to the moisture content

test that the machine called laboratory electric oven needs only the duration time of 8

hours per day which were calculated after 3 days to complete the 24 hour drying process.

The quality of the hollow blocks were assessed based on the given parameters, namely,

compressive, water absorption, compaction factor, moisture content as well as size, color,

and shape. Furthermore, the study was also compare the produced hollow blocks and the

commercial hollow blocks based on the given parameters and determine the significant

difference between the two.

Definition of Terms

In order to have an easy and better understanding for readers, the following

terminologies according to how it is used in this research.

4r’s- reduce, reuse, recycle, and regeneration. It is hierarchy, arranged in

ascending order of the adverse impacts to the Environment from low to high reduction

and is considered as the most effective and efficient method for managing waste. It can

not only minimize the generation of waste but also reduce the cost of waste

transportation, disposal, and recycling.

Aggregates refers to a material or structure formed from loosely compacted mass

of fragments or particles.

Cellophane refers to a thin transparent wrapping material made from viscose. It is

also a brand name for a thin, quite stuff, transparent material used for covering goods.

Commercial is innovative building products that are used as substitutes for

building construction.

Compaction Factor refers to the ratio of weights of partially compacted to fully

compacted concrete.

Compressive strength refers to the resistance of a material to breaking under


Fire resistance is a degree of resistance of material to fire often measured in terms

of time of withstanding a standard test fire.

Hardness is to determine a material’s strength by measuring its resistance to


Hollow Blocks is a concrete masonry unit is a standard size rectangular block

used in building construction.

Low-density Polyethylene refers to plastic tends to be both durable and flexible. It

also does not release harmful chemicals into objects, making it a safe choice for food


Moisture content is the ratio of the mass of water in a sample to the mass of solids

in the sample, expressed as a percentage.

Non-load bearing refers to carry only their own weight and may be any one of the

types discussed under load-bearing walls. This type of wall is used to close in a steel or

concrete frame building.

Plastic Wrappers is a thin, transparent plastic film that adheres to surfaces and to

itself, used chiefly as a wrapping or covering food.

Polyethylene is a semi-crystalline material with excellent chemical resistance,

good corrosion resistance, and good fatigue and wear resistance.


Size, shape and color is the assessment tests by researcher on their ability to

determine how objects are sorted.

Water absorption refers to determine the moisture content of soil as a percentage

of its dry weight.



The following review of literature is a description of researches that are related to

hollow blocks made up of plastic wrappers that inspired and guided this study. Included

are the findings of related studies that investigated the different uses and production of

hollow blocks made up of plastic wrappers.

Classification, Characterization, and Chemical Properties of Plastics

There is the main classification of plastics according to the study that was

conducted by Eyerer (2010). Plastic classified as thermoplastics were categorized in

physical terms (according to structure), elastomers in chemicals terms (double bond), and

duroplastics, according to process pressure.

Correspondingly by Gawande (2012), Plastics have been classified in many ways,

but most commonly based their studies of plastics on physical properties and the same

time their chemical sources. The twenty or more known basic types fall into four general

groups: Cellulose Plastics, Synthetic Resin Plastics, Protein Plastics, Natural Resins,

Elastomers and Fibers. But there are two categories that are classified depending on their

physical properties: thermoplastic and thermosetting materials. Thermoplastic materials

can be formed into desired shapes under heat and pressure and become solids on cooling.

If they are subjected to the same conditions of heat and pressure, they can be remolded.

Thermosetting materials which once shaped cannot be softened or remolded by the

application of heat.

Plastics as polymers mixtures are composed of two or more polymers with

homogeneous or heterogeneous structure. Homogeneous structures are, for example


copolymers or thermoplastic elastomers, built by chemical composition of two or more

different monomer units in macromolecules. When using thermoplastic monomers such

plastic material it can be melted by thermal processes. Heterogeneous structures are for

example polymer blends or thermoplastic elastomers, built by physical composition of

separate phases from different polymers. Polymer blends with thermoplastic components

also can be melted by thermal processes. (Klein, 2011)

Beyond that, through the study of Gregore (2017), it was indicated that there four

mechanisms of plastic that can be degraded in the environment: photodegradation,

thermo-oxidative degradation, hydrolytic degradation, and biodegradation by

microorganisms. He further investigated the national degradation of plastic that begins

with photodegradation in an experiment, used the ultraviolet rays (UV) light from the sun

which provides activation energy required to initiate the incorporation of oxygen into the

polymers, leading to thermos-oxidative degradation. In this step, the plastic become

brittle and its fracturing into smaller pieces until the polymer change reach sufficiently

low molecular weight to be metabolize by microorganisms. The microorganism converts

the carbon of the polymer chains to carbon dioxide or incorporate it into biomolecules,

but this process will take at least 50 years. Therefore, this problem will be the recycling

because most commodity of plastics are relatively stable, making monomer recovery


Utilization of Waste/ Recycled Plastics

The study of Kolisetty and Chore (2013) on the Utilization of Waste Materials in

Construction revealed that recycled aggregates are the aggregates obtained from

construction and demolition waste from residential commercial industrial structures or


from pavements. These aggregates can be re-used in all construction activities with some

percentage of volume of construction, in order to have same mechanical properties of

hardened concrete, without disposing these waste materials into the environment. The

recycling will be the most promising waste management process for the disposal of

materials. This will also help in less dependence of aggregates required in making rigid

or flexible pavements over a long period. Due to issues related to sustainability and

limited natural resources, it is clear that the use of recycled, like crashed concrete, and

asphalt will be very useful in cost of saving also.

According to the study of Hopewell (2009) which entitled Plastic Recycling:

Challenges and Opportunities, plastic waste generation is growing at approximately 3%

per annum, roughly in line with long-term economic growth, whereas the amount of

mechanical recycling increased strongly at a rate of approximately 7% per annum.

However, this still amounted to only 14.8% of the waste plastic generated (from all

sources). Together with feedstock recycling 1.7% and energy recovery 22.5%, this

amounted to a total recovery rate of approximately 39 percent from the 21.1 million tons

of plastic waste generated This trend for both rates of mechanical recycling and energy

recovery to increase is continuing, although so is the trend for increasing waste


Some quick plastic recycling facts on the study of Leblanc (2019), is that

approximately 2.5 million plastic bottles are produced and most of each are thrown away.

About 9.1% of plastic production was recycled during 2015, varying by product category.

Plastic packaging was recycled at 14.6%, plastic durable goods at 6.6%, and other non-

durable goods at 2.2%. Currently, it takes 3.14 million the recycled plastics in 2015,

down from 3.17 million in 2014. Recycling plastic takes 88% less energy than producing

plastics from new raw materials.

Furthermore, the study of Malagavelli and Paturu (2011) carried out an

experimental investigation on the performance of the concrete using solid waste fibers

and found that the increase in the load carrying capacity of concrete. It was further

reported that the maximum 2% of fibers could be used for strength purpose and that up to

6%, for disposal purpose. They have observed the improvement in the properties of

aggregates with the utilization of waste plastic as a coating over the aggregates and

further, reported the optimum percentage of plastic to be 6-8 percent based in the stability


Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE) and Polypropylene (PP)

There are six common types of plastics. Following are some typical products that

will find for each of plastic: PS (Polystyrene), examples here are foam hot drink cups,

plastic cutlery, containers, and yoghurt; PP (Polypropylene), like lunch boxes, take-out

food containers, ice cream containers; LDPE (Low-density Polyethylene), such as

garbage bins and bags; PVC (Plasticized Polyvinyl Chloride or Polyvinyl Chloride),

examples here are cordial, juice or squeeze bottles; HDPE (High-density polyethylene),

which are shampoo containers or milk bottles; and, PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate),

like fruit juice and soft drink bottles (Leblanc, 2019).

LDPE is primarily used in film applications because it is tough, flexible and

relatively transparent. LDPE is also used to produce some flexible lids and bottles as well

as in wire and cable applications. It has an excellent resistance to acid and vegetable oils.

Its toughness, flexibility and relative transparency make it good for packaging

applications requiring heat-sealing. LDPE is used to make many thin, flexible products

like plastic bags for dry-cleaning, newspapers, bread, frozen foods, fresh produce and

garbage. Most shrink-wrap and stretch film is also made out of LDPE, manufactures also

use LDPE to create thin container lids, squeezable bottles and some tags. (Hermes, 2017)

In terms of chemical properties of LDPE, were it made of branched polymer,

whose processing and end-use properties are mainly determined by the molecular weight

distribution (MWD), the long chain branching distribution (LCBD) and short chain

branching distribution (SCBD) (Sastri¸ 2014). Furthermore, the LDPE has high clarity, is

chemically inert, made has good impact strength and excellent tear and stress crack


In the article of Johnson (2019), Polypropylene is a type of thermoplastic polymer

risen. It is a part of both the average household and is in commercial and industrial

applications. The chemical designation isC 3 H 6 , one of the benefits of using this type of

plastic is that it can be useful in numerous application including as a structural plastic or

as a fiber-type plastic.

According to some feedback reports about Polypropylene that current global

demand for the material generates an annual market of about 45 million metric tons and it

is estimated that the demand will rise to approximately 62 million metric tons by 2020.

The major in users of polypropylene are the packaging industry, which consumes about

30% of the total, followed by the electrical and equipment manufacturing, which use

about 13% each. Household appliances and automotive industries both consume 10%

each and construction materials follows with 5% of the market. Other applications

together make up the rest of the global polypropylene consumption. (Creative Mechanism

Staff, 2016)

In the article of Paunonen (2013). She manufactured the process of cellophane, in

which the cellulose is the first derivatized with carbon disulfide and sodium hydroxide to

an alkali-soluble sodium cellulose xanthate, commonly known as viscose, which is

further dissolved in dilute sodium hydroxide and dissolving pulps are often used as a raw

material. The viscose liquid is extruded into a bath sulphuric acid and sodium sulphate to

reconvert it to solid cellulose. After completing the viscose process, cellulose is termed

“regenerated cellulose”. In film form regenerated cellulose is called cellophane.

Plastic Shredding Process

Production of plastics has increased globally, as it surfaces across almost all

aspect of the economy. The use of plastics has more benefits for the society according to

Okiy (2018). Its benefits include making packaged food lasts longer, reducing wastage,

the use of plastic in pipes promotes clean drinking supplies, while plastics enable life

medical devices such as surgical equipment, drips, and blister packs for pills.

Plastics are durable, lightweight and inexpensive materials. They can readily be

molded into various products which find uses in a plethora of applications. Every year,

more than 100 million tons of plastics are manufactured across the globe. Around 200

billion pounds of new plastic material is thermoformed, foamed, laminated and extruded

into millions of packages and products. Consequently, the reuse, recovery and the

recycling of plastics are extremely important. (Leblanc, 2019)


In the article of Atadious and Joel (2018) which entitled Design and Construction

of a Plastic Shredder Machine for Recycling and Management of Plastic Waste, elucidate

that the shredding machine is designed to reduce large solid material objects into smaller

volume, or smaller pieces. Shredding machines are usually used to reduce the size and

shape of materials so they can be efficiently used for purpose intended to. Shredding just

like crushing can be defined as the process of transferring a force amplified by

mechanical advantage through a material made of molecules that bond together more

strongly, and resist deformation more, than those in the material being crushed do. The

shredding materials must possess a better strength and toughness than the plastic

materials. The plastic shredding machine is made up of several parts which are: hopper,

shredding chamber, mesh, gusset channel, main frame, fly wheel, cover plate,

In response through the study of Ayo et al., (2017) states that the plastic recycling

or reprocessing is usually referred to as the process by which plastic waste material that

would otherwise become solid the shaft are cutters made of 12mm mild steel having nine

serrated teeth welded 2 mm apart. The cylinder equally has same cutters with sharp edges

to shred the waste plastic. Underneath the shredding unit is the outlet made of 16-gauge

galvanized mild steel of 43 mm x 27 mm dimension. The shredded plastic discharge

freely from the shredding unit through the outlet. The machine is powered by 10 Hp

electric motor with aid of belt and pulley arrangement which has 110 mm diameter driven

pulley and 60 mm driver pulley.

Classification, Characterization of Hollow Blocks

Sangathan and Nehru (2011) in Concrete Masonry Units, Specification, classified

the hollow blocks to the constituent raw material such as cement, fly ash, water, and river

sand. Additionally, he mentioned that the additives or admixtures that shall be shown by

test or experience, are not detrimental to the durability of the concrete. However, the

hollow blocks went through process of manufacturing into concrete hollow blocks

through mixing, placing and compaction, curing, and drying. The result might be based

on block density, compressive strength, water absorption, dimensions, and drying

shrinkage. The hollow (open and closed cavity) and solid concrete masonry units covered

by this standard are made with normal weight aggregates and are known as normal

weight units.

The hollow block has a standard size of 390 x 190x 190 mm, 25% to 50% of this

size is voids. In the manufacturing process, each typical hollow block is estimated to

consume 2.0 kg of cement, 9.0 kg of sand, 11.0 kg of aggregate, and 0.80 kg of water.

Thus the manufacturing industry of concrete hollow blocks was found, annually, to

consume millions of metric tons of aggregate and fresh water around the world. Recycled

materials (aggregate/water) have been anticipated to provide a good alternative to the

huge amount of these fresh materials. (Elgaali and Elchalakani, n.d.)

Beyond that, in the study of Ucol-Ganiron (2012), the researcher used the

recycled window glass for the production of non-load bearing concrete walls. Wherein he

recognizes the potential of recycled glass specifically as a fine aggregate, in combination

with sand, in the utilization of hollow non-bearing concrete masonry unit as internal wall

partitions. Among all concrete block units, the hollow block is classified as load bearing

and non-load bearing blocks. Load bearing blocks are those whose thickness ranges from

15 to 20 centimeters and are used to carry a load. Aside from its own weight, non-load

bearing blocks on the other hand, blocks are intended for walls, partitions, fences,

dividers and the like carrying its own weight whose thickness ranges from 7 to 10

centimeters. Though, the standard hollow blocks has three voids cells and the half cells at

both ends having a total of four. These hollow cells vary in sizes as there are different

manufacturers using different types of mold.

Non-load Bearing Concrete Hollow Blocks

According to the study of Humanitarian Shelter Working Group, (2014) as non-

load bearing infill between reinforced concrete columns and beams. Often in

humanitarian projects in the Philippines, Concrete Hollow Blocks (CHB) are installed

between reinforced concrete columns up to the window sill level, then lightweight

walling materials such as timber framing cladded with amakan, plywood or bamboo are

installed above.

In addition, Concrete Masonry Units also known as CMU are blocks used in the

construction industry to form a concrete block structure like a wall or a fence. These are

generally made up of concrete and aggregates of certain design mixtures depending on

strength required but systems used as masonry units are non-load bearing in nature or do

not and should not be allowed to carry any vertical loads at all. (Noel, 2018)

Physical and Chemical Properties of Cement and Concrete

Department of Civil Engineering (2019), Cement is a popular binding material,

and is a very important in civil engineering material. The cement is basically in

construction are characterized by their physical properties such as fineness of cement,

soundness, consistency, strength, setting time, heat of hydration, loss of ignition, bulk

density, and specific gravity (relative density). The raw materials for cement production

are limestone (Calcium), sand or clay (Silicon), bauxite (Aluminum) and iron ore, and

may include shells, chalk, marl, shale, shale, clay, blast, furnace, slag, and slate.

Chemical analysis of cement raw materials provides insight in to the chemical properties

of cement. Another study by Kourd and Hammad (2010) elucidates the concrete that was

contained the mixture of cement of 11%, fine aggregates is 26%, coarse aggregates is

41% water is 16% and air is 6%. Portland cement, water, sand and coarse aggregates are

proportioned and mixed to produce concrete.

However, in the study of Li, et al. (2014), they uses molasses as a grinding aid

and a water-reducing and retarding add mixture in cement and concrete. In China, the

majority of cement plants use a grinding aid to increase production to improve the early

strength of cement consequently, the adaptability of cement to superplasticizer has

deteriorated. The use of grinding aid causes an increase in fine particles, which

accelerates the hydration of cement. A specific amount of superplasticizer is absorbed on

the hydrated products to reduce its action.

According to the study of kuccha, et al. (2015) that specified the pure water which

decomposes the set cement compounds, by dissolving the lime and alumina from cement.

This action of leaching is continues and then after slows down till the water is able to

pass continuously through the mass of concrete. Water which are acidic owing to the

presences of uncombined carbon dioxide, of organic or inorganic acids, are more

aggressive in their action, the degree and rate of attack increases as the acidity increases.

In general, acid solutions which attack cement concrete by dissolving part of the cement

do not cause any expansion, but progressively weaken the material by removal of

constituents forming soft and mushy mass.


Another related study that also specify that, any water with pH value less than

12.5 may be aggressive in there action because of a reduction of the alkalinity of the pore

fluid would eventually lead to removal of the cementitious material. However, the rate of

chemical attack will be function of the pH of the aggressive fluid and the permeability of

concrete. When the permeability of concrete is less and the pH of the fluid is above 6, the

rate of chemical attack is too slow. Again, the chemical attack on concrete results into

detrimental physical effects, such as porosity, decrease in strength, cracking and breaking

into pieces. (Kuccha, et al., 2015)

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)

Reliable data are required for understanding and controlling the atmospheric

environment. According to the study of Ashley, (2010), the need for sound methodology

for sampling and analyzing the atmosphere was recognized over 50 years ago and

resulted in the establishment of ASTM Committee D22 to provide standard methods and

practices for purpose.

In addition, the ASTM International is a nonprofit organization that provides a

global forum for the development and publication of voluntary consensus standard for

materials, products, systems, and services. ASTM standards are accepted and used in

research and development, product testing, quality system, and commercial transactions

around the world. (Ashley, 2010)

Through the Section 10.8 of the Regulation Governing ASTM Technical

Committees requires that the current edition of this manual be followed in the writing of

standards. An ASTM is a test method as defined or typically includes a concise


description of an orderly procedure for determining a property or constituents of a

material, an assembly of materials, or a product. The directions for performing the test

should include all the essential details as to apparatus, test specimen, procedure, and

calculations needed to achieve satisfactory precision and bias. (ASTM International,


Furthermore, statements addressing precision and bias are required in ASTM test

methods. This gives the user of the test method an idea of the nature of the sample to be

prepared and analyzed and information regarding the nature of the data obtained by using

the method. The requirement of precision and bias statements does not mean that

numerical statements are required. It means that the spread of resulting data and its

relationship to an accepted reference material or source (if available) shall be addressed.

(ASTM International, 2015)

Along with the development of consensus based standards, ASTM International

offers technical training programs for both industry and government. It also does

proficiency testing and inter-laboratory crosscheck programs. Their Proficiency Testing

Programs are statistical quality assurance programs. Laboratories can assess their

performance by comparing their data to other laboratories who participate in the same

worldwide program. Proficiency testing Programs include plastics and metals testing as

well as aromatic hydrocarbons, petroleum products, engine coolant, octane, and textile

testing, to name a few. (Craftech Industries Inc., 2020)

Compressive Strength

On the study of Hamid (2019) showed the two Fine aggregates which is sand and

quarry dust. Fine aggregate that used are passing the sieve analysis test at size 2.36mm.

For coarse aggregate, control paving blocks used coarse gravel while Eco-Friendly

Paving Block use 60% of gravel stone and 40% of waste material (tin and plastic) and the

coarse gravel used are passing 20mm in size of sieve analysis. Overall, to work on paving

block the ratio of materials used for cement: sand: coarse gravel is 1:2:4 and for Eco-

Friendly Paving Block other ratio used that is 1:2:2.4:1.6 which it represents (cement:

dust quarry: coarse gravel: tin and plastic. The compressive strength result on day seven

(7) for Eco-Friendly Paving Block reached higher value compared to Control Paving

Block. Furthermore, from the curing process Eco-friendly Paving Block will diffuse more

water with the increases of days.

Furthermore, 100% of quarry dust was used for Eco-Friendly Paving Block which

will lower the compressive strength. Therefore, it can be analyzed that tins used in this

mixture are less scratching and not bond well with cement and cause a lot of voids. From

the result of compressive strength of Eco-Friendly Paving Block can be used in areas

where there are less traffic flow such as garden, playground and walkway. (Hamid, 2019)

In response through the study of Barbosa and Hanai (2009), the result of their

study obtained compressive strength values in concrete sample tests about 24% higher

than in block tests. The values of concrete strength varied from 60% to 95% of block

strength, depending on the type of block.

There are some factor affecting concrete’s compressive strength including

component’s material and properties, occupancy, outside effect, cure, and experimental

conditions. High dosage of cement can increase its strength up to a point, although what

ultimately determines the resistance is not purely dosage but also occupancy. In good

concrete, occupancy has to be larger than 0.80. Concrete with high occupancy is expected

to have high compressive strength. In the process of hardening, the effect of humidity and

temperature on the development of the concrete’s compression strength are very

significant. Concrete is used in structure that are exposed to high compression stress.

There are also types of structures where the concrete is under the effects of stresses

besides compression, such as hauling, bending, collision, and erosion. (Ekinci and

Kelesoglu, 2014)

In the study of Tomas and Ganiron (2013) wherein the researchers uses

agricultural waste as well develop an alternative construction material. They using

coconut shells and fiber as substitute for aggregates in developing concrete hollow

blocks. The workability and compressive strength test were conducted in the accordance

to ASTM C136 and ASTM C137 respectively. As a result, the replacement of appropriate

coconut shell content able to produce workable concrete with satisfactory strength.

Integration of coconut shell enhanced the strength of concrete making it to be highest as

compared to conventional concrete mixture.

Tensile Strength

The further study of Babafemi (2018) revealed the majority of studies report a

gradual decrease of flexural/splitting tensile strength with increasing percentages of waste

plastic aggregates.

Other studies also reported a drop in flexural/bending strength. The ultimate

splitting and flexural strength of concrete gradually decreased as the replacement level of

the PVC powder increased in concrete. This was mostly attributed to the same factors

causing a decrease in compressive strength with waste aggregate plastic addition, mainly

the weak bond between the aggregates and the cement matrix. After reaching the ultimate

strength, most plastic particles in the concrete matrix do not fail but are deboned from the

cement paste, which is additional evidence of the poor bond. Babafemi (2018)

Another study from Barbosa and Hanai (2009) which entitled the Strength and

deformability of hollow concrete blocks. The study showed as how the results found

using the two parameters of compressive and tensile strength of the hollow block. It can

be seen that the tensile strength is about 10% of the compressive strength. These test were

carried out to evaluate the compressive and tensile strength of blocks and samples. The

elements were be tested without monitoring the displacements, and correlations between

the mechanical properties of the blocks and samples have been established.

Some related studies stated by Cabahug, et al. (2016), reported that there is

approximately 85% reduction of compressive strength and 54% reduction in splitting

tensile strength when coarse aggregate is fully replaced by course crumb rubber chips.

However, a reduction about 65% in compressive strength and up to 50% in splitting

tensile is observed when fine aggregate is fully replaced by fine crumb rubber. Both of

these mixture demonstrated a ductile failure and have the ability to absorb a large amount

of energy under compressive and tensile loads.

Water Absorption

The study that written by the group researchers of Kankam (2018) entitled the

recycled polyethylene plastic waste as binder in building block for greener construction

wherein the water absorption of calcium silicate brick varies between 6 and 16 percent by

weight. The increasing volume of sand in the blocks reduces the effect of the plastic as a

binder and increases the pores in the specimen. Therefore, non-uniform contraction

results in increased shrinkage of specimen which would likely lead to micro-cracking of

specimen and hence result in increased water absorption. The sandplast blocks prepared

from the different mix proportions of 1:1, 1:2, and 1:3 did not show any signs of

disintegration of the constituents due to the fact that the constituent materials are

insoluble and inert either chemically or physically in water.

Correspondingly through the study of Zhang and Zong (2014) which entitled the

Evaluation of Relationship between water Absorption and Durability of Concrete

Materials. The researchers presents an experimental study of the influence of water

absorption on the durability of concrete materials. Concrete specimens of different water

absorption were prepared through different curing conditions, and results indicated that

curing condition can significantly affect the surface water absorption. After 28-days

curing, compressive strength, permeability, sulfate attack, and chloride ion diffusion of

concrete samples were investigated. As a result, both of surface sorptivity and internal

sorptivity have no clear relationship with compressive strength. Results obtained also

showed that only surface water absorption related to the performance of concrete

including permeability, sulfate attack, and chloride ion diffusion.

Another study from Okafor and Egbe (2017) wherein the researchers presents a

mathematical model for predicting the compressive strength and water absorption of

laterite-quarry dust cement block using augmented Scheffe’s simplex lattice design. The

use of these models will greatly help Nigerian Industrial Standard, recommended values

for compressive strength and water absorption. As a result, the models can be used to

predict the compressive strength of blocks ranging from 1.81 to 2.56N/mm2. The models

also help in reducing the time and energy usually wasted in trial mix.

Moisture Content

The further study of Araujo, et al, (2017) that a wet material as in its composition

free water, which consists of the free water molecules present in the intergranular spaces

and between the pores of the material, which can be removed, and bound water, that

which cannot be removed from the material under given internal and external conditions.

The moisture content of hollow non-load bearing concrete masonry units

containing recycled clear flat glass as fine aggregate. Cement-recycled and glass-sand

ratios on a 1:6 cement fine aggregate ratio of concrete mix, complied with the ASTM

standard criteria moisture content. Hence, all of the mixture proportions are said to be

permissible for moisture content. In terms of moisture content, as a whole, the test results

demonstrate a decreasing rate as the quantity of recycled glass is increased. It was

showed that the percentage of moisture content of the ratios 1:0:6 have a minimal

discrepancy while the ratios 1:2:4 showed a consistent decrease in percentage.

Remarkably, the mixture with 1:2:4 has the least moisture content found among the

hollow blocks containing recycled clear flat glass. (Ucol-Ganiron, 2012).

During the phase of investigation through the study of Chen, et al. (2012), the

distribution and concentration of moisture in concrete specimens were manipulated by


exposing the specimens to drying and wetting environments for various periods of time.

The data collected during this moisture-conditioning period formed and empirical basis

for predicting the time required to cause given moisture change under various conditions.

As a result of this work, the moisture transport through concrete is more complex than

many other porous media because of the wide range of pore sizes present in the material

and the strong interaction between water, water vapor, and the pore system, as well as

changes occurring in the pore structure with maturity.

Fire Resistant

According to the study of Kankam (2018), the researcher uses the sandplast block

as their specimen and applied the two test: the tensile and compressive strength

characteristics at two different temperatures. The strengths of the sandblast specimens at

room temperature approximately 26 degrees Celsius are presented in the tables for

comparison. In order to assess the influence of heat on the durability or resistance to

physical decomposition of the sandblast blocks, the average percentage reduction in

strength is calculated for both tensile strength and the compressive strength at 80 degrees

Celsius. The tensile strength is found to decrease more than the compressive strength

with increasing temperature. This sudden change in the strength characteristics of this

component can be attributed to the effect on heat on polyethylene plastics.

Fire resistance is a design parameter that is specific to building elements and

assemblies such as columns, beams, walls, composite floors and ceilings. Masonry walls

are non-combustible, not subject to flame spread, and do not provide smoke or toxic

gases in the presence of fire. The main fire resistance aspects of the design of non-load

bearing masonry walls is its ability to maintain sufficient strength to avoid collapse

during and after specified durations of fire. The wall needs to stay in place so as not

develop cracks, fissures to further cause smoke and flame spread during the duration of

the anticipated fire. Simply, the wall must possess thermal characteristics that prevent

temperature rise that could possibly cause new ignitions (Keelson, 2018).

Correspondingly, in the study conducted by Correia (2014) uses concrete hollow

block made with selected plastic waste aggregates. Specimens underwent visual

examination and were compared with unheated specimens. In general, all specimens

exhibited cracks on their surface following thermal exposure, as predicted, the length and

width of cracks increased with the temperature of exposure. As both specimen were

subjected to both T600 and T800 thermal exposures exhibited signs of spalling, most

often localized at the corners of those test specimens. The surface color of the two

specimens also underwent considerable changes. While Concrete Plastic Waste

Aaggregate (CPWA) generally presented brown/black stains, especially for the T600

exposure, owing to the incomplete combustion of some plastic waste particles (for T800

exposure, such decomposition was much more complete). The surface of the CPWA

specimens also presented extensive voids, corresponding to the decomposed plastic waste

particles. For similar compositions, the number of voids was higher for T800 exposure,

compared to T600 exposure, because the fraction of particles that underwent complete

decomposition was higher for the former thermal exposure.


During the compaction test of block, according to the study of Barbosa and Hanai

(2009), cracks appeared at a load level about 80% of the ultimate load, in a diagonal

directional along the larger face of the blocks. These cracks showed to be of crashing

type and were succeed by progressive spilling. Internally to the block, critical cracks

proceeded along inclined plane. The failure mode of the blocks can be characterized as

combined compression-shear failure. This failure occurred due to the low height-to-width

ratio of the block that result in a significant confinement effect derived from the machine

platen restraint.

In the article of Subramani (2017) elucidates the hardness of the minerals that

makes up the aggregate particles and the firmness with which the individual grains are

cemented or interlocked control the abrasion and degradation resistance of the aggregate.

Weak aggregates particles are made up of minerals that are poor in hardness. Weak

particle have poor cementation. Neither type is acceptable. The Moh’s Scale Hardness is

frequently used for determination of mineral hardness.

Compaction Factor

Compaction factor apparatus consists of trowels, hard scoop (15.2 cm long), a rod

of steel or other suitable material (1.6 cm diameter, 61 cm long rounded at one end) and a


In addition, the test is sufficiently sensitive to enable difference in workability

arising from the initial process in the hydration of cement to be measured. Therefore,

each test should be carried out at a constant time interval after the mixing is completed, if

strictly comparable time interval after the mixing is completed, if strictly comparable

results are to be obtained. Convenient time for releasing the concrete from the upper

hopper has been found to be two minutes after the completion of mixing. The compaction

factor values ranger from 0.7 to 0.95. (Mishra, 2009)


Further study from Krishna (2017) entitled Compaction Factor Test of Concrete,

uses concrete as tested using the compaction factor test. The researcher stated that the

weight of fully compacted can also be calculated by knowing the proportion of materials

and specific gravities of materials and the volume of the cylinder through the flow of

observation, it makes very little difference in compaction factor value, whether the

weight of fully compacted concrete is calculated theoretically or fund out actually after

100% compaction. It can be realized that the compaction factor test measures the inherent

characteristics of the concrete which relates very close to the workability requirements of

concrete and as such it is one of the good tests to depict the workability of concrete.

Size, Shape, and Color

In the Article of How Concrete Bock is made (2020) wherein the typical concrete

block weights 38-43 lb (17.2-19.5 kg). In general, the concrete mixture used for blocks

has a higher percentage of sand and a lower percentage of gravel and water than the

concrete mixtures used for general construction purposes. This produces a very dry, stiff

mixture that holds its shape when it is removed from the block mold.

In addition to the basic components, the concrete mixture used to make blocks

may also contain various chemicals, called admixtures, to alter curing time, increase

compressive strength, or workability. The mixture may have pigments added to give the

blocks a uniform color throughout, or the surface of the blocks may be coated with a

baked-on glaze to give a decorative effect or to provide protection against chemical

attack. The glazes are usually made with a thermosetting resinous binder, silica sand, and

color pigments. (How Concrete Block is Made, 2020)


Through the study of Rahman (2013) established a two sizes of concrete made of

filtered plastic flakes. The results showed that the replacement of 3% would drastically

reduce the compressive strength of the block from 19.5 MPa to 8 MPa when compared to

the commercial concrete. However, replacement levels did not widely vary, extending

between 6 – 8 MPa in the range of 20 and 30% replacement, and could bear a

compressive strength of approximately 6 MPa. This indicated that the shape and size of

the plastic flakes, that do not exceed a standard size (3 mm), might affect the blocks


The shape and texture of aggregates influence the mechanical properties of

concrete thus they should be considered in the petro-graphical determination of concrete.

The use of smooth particles of round shape is the best achieving high workability of

concrete since they require minimum lubrication that is provided by the cement paste.

However, the interfacial bond between aggregates and paste is reduced and in turn the

concrete strength is also reduced. (Dweik, et al., 2008)

In addition, Angular particles have higher surface area to volume ratio thus with

rough surface texture result in greater inter-particle interactions during mixing and

handling. Such particles may also result in large internal stress concentrations that may

lead to bond failures. (Dweik, et al., 2008)



This chapter plays an important role in implementing this research study

accordingly. It describes and presents the research design, entry protocol, locale of the

study, preparation of materials and apparatus, plastic shredding process, control mix

design, plastic hollow block procedure, test analysis, data gathering, statistical treatment,

analysis and interpretation, and photo documentation.

Research Design

This study is a descriptive and experimental research which investigate the

potential use of the utilization of plastic wrappers in the production of Hollow Blocks.

Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH)’s laboratory was used for

testing of the product. The study was designed to conduct experimental approaches. The

product was investigated with its properties- a) compressive strength, b) water absorption

and moisture content, c) hardness, d) size, shape and color, e) compaction factor, and f)

fire resistance for a realistic result of the conduction. There will be also a comparison

between the specimen and the commercial hollow blocks between the mentioned


Entry Protocol

The letter was noted by the Integrated Basic Education Principal, Mrs. Prima A.

Panchacala, MA., Senior High School Vice Principal, Mrs. Dorothy L. Portal, MAT., for

the CAPSTONE and Inquiries Immersion and Investigation (III) Teacher, Ms. Roseve E.

Miras, MA., and Ms. Mary Jade D. Peñafiel, MS, as General Chemistry teacher. The

letter was given to the parents of the researchers for the permission for conducting the

research. Furthermore, the researchers asked permission from the head of the dumpsite at

Purok 1, Can-ayan, Mr. Al Y. Estrada for the collecting of plastic wrappers and for

shredding plastics with the use of their shredding machine. Also, the researcher asked

permission from the Administrative Officer V Engr. Adelina V. Litanon of Department of

Public Works and Highways (DPWH), used their compression machine and Laboratory

Electric Oven in conducting the research study entitled “The Utilization of Plastic

Wrappers in the Production of Non-load Bearing Hollow Blocks” for the test analysis.

The researchers observed research ethics in every way possible and in every part of the

entire coverage of the study.

Locale of the Study

The study was conducted at Mamawag Construction Motor Poll located at

Barangay Ki-Ocab, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon, for hollow blocks preparation and

molding during the period of January 2020 – March 2020. In addition, the shredding

process was conducted at the dumpsite located at Can-ayan, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon.

Afterwards, the samples were tested at DPWH, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon for the

compressive strength test, water absorption and moisture content test. While the fire-

resistant test were tested at Mamawag Construction Motor Poll. In terms for the

remaining tests such as: hardness test, size, shape and color test, and compaction factor

test were conducted by the researchers manually and were based on American Society for

Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard in DPWH.

Preparation of Materials and Apparatus

The plastic wrappers was collected around the dumpsite of Can-ayan, Malaybalay

City. Then, the plastic wrappers was procured to the same location, Can-ayan,

Malaybalay City for plastic shredding. Afterwards, the materials were found in the

Mamawag Construction Motor Poll in Ki-Ocab, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon. The

materials were used in producing of hollow blocks are shredded plastic wrappers, shovel,

Portland cement, river sand, hollow block maker, sack, weighing scale, wooden rod,

trowel, kerosene, drill, wooden sticks, and ponke. The apparatus that was used in testing

the quality of hollow blocks were be distilled water, compression press, laboratory

electric oven and double beam balance.

Plastic Shredding Process

A. Sorting

After collection, plastic wrappers were sorted according to different types,

observing the resin identification code, shape, color or both. Although most types

of plastic can be recycled today, plastics include Polypropylene (PP) used to make

food packaging. Meanwhile, the garbage bags are low-density polyethylene

(LDPE-2), (Wahab, 2006)


B. Pre-treatment

Once the sorting has been done, the plastic wrappers need to be washed

properly to remove impurities such as labels and adhesives. This enhances the

quality of the finished product. (Lunghi, 2019).

C. Extrusion and Pelleting

a. Shredding

After washing, the plastic wrapper is loaded into different conveyer belts

that run the waste through the different shredders. These shredders tear up the

plastic into small pellets, preparing them for recycling into other products.

(Lunghi, 2019).

Control Mix Design

In order to ensure that the plastic concrete hollow blocks possess high

compressive strength, the pioneered various mix proportions to produce the hollow

blocks, after which, said hollow blocks were tested using varying methods and

apparatuses. The mix proportion are in the ratio of 1:10:4. These are the ratio which

represent the Portland cement, aggregates, and shredded plastic wrappers.

Plastic Wrapper Hollow Block Procedure

The plastic wrapper hollow blocks preparation were done at Mamawag

Construction Motor Poll at Barangay Ki-Ocab, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon. After the

plastic wrappers were shredded at Can-ayan, Malaybalay City, the researchers aimed to

collect approximately a total of 10 kilograms of shredded plastics. The portland cement,


shredded plastics and river sand were first weighed using a weighing scale according to

the control mix design. After incorporating water into the mixture, the researchers

proceeded to manually mix the raw materials together.

Test Analysis

There were six (6) types of testing that was conducted in this research work,

which were the compressive strength test, water absorption and moisture content test,

hardness test, size, shape and color test, compaction factor test, and fire resistance test.

Henceforth, the hollow blocks was sent to Department of Public Works and Highways

(DPWH) for the compressive strength test, water absorption and moisture content test.

While the hardness, compaction factor test, fire resistance test and size, shape, and color

was conducted by the researchers manually at Mamawag Construction Motor Poll and

based on American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) Standard in DPWH.

A. Compressive Strength Test

The stress developed when an external force tends to press or shorten a

body. This test is to determine its strength properties, the test is important for the

evaluation of compressive strength as a basis of acceptance. There were 12

specimens of hollow blocks that will be taken to a laboratory of (DPWH) and

were tested one by one. A hollow block specimen was put on the compression

machine and was subjected to pressure until it broke. The applied pressure at

which the hollow block is crushed is taken into account. The average result was

taken as hollow block’s compressive/crushing strength (Awiten, et al., 2019). The


standard test that was used for the method for compressive strength of concrete is

ASTM C 129.

Table 1. ASTM C 129 Non-load Bearing Concrete Hollow Blocks (CHB)

Compressive Strength (average net area) min. MPa

Individual unit 2.06 MPa (300 psi) Minimum
Average of 6 units 2. 41 MPa (350 psi) Minimum
Ref. Department of Public Works and Highways. (Miscellaneous Construction Materials)
Page No. 82

The calculation will be done using Equation 1.

Maximum Load( N )
Compressive Strength = ; MPa
Gross Cross−Sectional Area


Gross Cross – Sectional Area = Length x Width

= millimeter square

B. Water Absorption and Moisture Content Test

In this test, there are 6 hollow blocks were ventilated to the oven with a

temperature of 100° ∁ to 115° ∁ for not less than 24 hours to a constant weight and

obtain the dry weight. Immerse completely the test specimen in a container with

water at room temperature of 15.6° ∁ to 26.7° ∁ for 24 hours. Weigh the

specimens while suspended by a metal to completely submerge in water. Remove


from the water and allow to drain for one (1) minute by placing them on a 9.5mm

or coarser wire mesh. Wipe visible surface water with damp cloth and

immediately weigh. The percentage of water absorption is then calculated. The

standard test method that was used is ASTM C-143 were the standard percentage

of water absorption is 20% below, and the standard percentage of moisture does

not exceeds 75% or above. The calculation was done using Equation 2, Equation

3, and Equation 4.

Equation 2. Percent Water Absorption ¿ x 100

Equation 3. Absorption, kg/m3 = x 1000

Equation 4. Percentage of Moisture Content = x 100


A = Mass of sample, grams

B = Oven dry mass of sample, grams

C = Wet mass of sample, grams

D = Immersed mass of sample, grams

C. Hardness Test

In this test, the hardness of the hollow blocks was identified in the form of

Moh’s Scale, involving the scratching the surface of the hollow blocks. Wherein

the Moh’s hardness scale is frequently used for determination of mineral


hardness. The absence of an impression from the object used to scratch the hollow

blocks indicates a good quality of hollow blocks. Thus, this test helps to evaluate

a material’s properties, such as strength, ductility and wear resistance, and so

helps to determine whether a material or material treatment is suitable for the

purpose it require. The researchers was adopting the hardness test and the Moh’s

Scale with the modification from Awiten, et al., (2019), research study of

Utilization of Plastic Waste in the Production of Face Bricks.

D. Size, Shape and Color Test

Pre-cast hollow blocks with cells made from Portland cement, water, and

mineral aggregates with or without the inclusion of other materials. Surface of a

hollow block exposed on either side of the wall, shall be flat and rectangular

opposite faces shall be parallel and all adjacent sides shall be perpendicular. A

part of hollow blocks which connects the two faces. In this test, there are the

given of 6 commercial hollow blocks and 6 plastic hollow blocks were stack

lengthwise over 40cm, height over 20cm, depth over 10cm (4”). Then

questionnaires were given to the ten (10) people who have been in the business of

making hollow blocks for the evaluation purposes. After gathering all the data

from 10 respondents, the researchers were determining the mean and standard

deviation using the Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test of the Minitab 17 program. The

researchers was adopting sensory evaluation questionnaire with the modification

from Casimero, et al., (2019), research study of Utilization of Plastic Waste in the

Production of Face Bricks.


E. Compaction Factor Test

This test consist of breaking the specimen and investigating the external

structure for determining the resulting compaction. It is based on the definition,

workability is that property of concrete, which determines the amount of work

required to produce fill compaction. The specimens were tested depending on the

days cured and underwent to drop test through the method of manually dropping

it from 1 meter high to the ground surface. The breakage was then examined and

observed and determined the physical description of specimen after the attempt of


F. Fire Resistance Test

In this test focuses on qualifying of non-load bearing commercial hollow

block and plastic wrapper hollow block that subjected to elevated temperatures.

The test was applied the method of ASTM E 119 as the basis of American

Standard of fire exposure. Each commercial and plastic wrapper hollow block has

6 specimens, and was tested depending on the days cured. The assembly was

evaluated for its ability to contain the fire by limiting flame spread and heating of

the unexposed surface while maintaining the given time of applied fire exposure.

Then, the researchers were provide a rating and descriptions, based on these

conditions of acceptance.

Data Gathering

Data analysis is considered to be important step and the heart of the research in

research work. After collection of data with the help of relevant tools and techniques, the

next logical step, is to analyze and interpret the data in a scientific perspective to arrive at

an empirical solution to the problem. Thus, to obtain usable information.

Statistical Treatment

One-Way Wilcoxon test was utilized through Minitab 19 application in order to

determine if there is a significant difference on the means or not. In an addition, the p-

value was compared to the standardized value which is equivalent to 0.05 level of

significance to determine if the result will reject the null hypothesis or not.

Analysis and Interpretation

The collected data study were presented, analyzed, described, and interpreted in a

systematic manner as the next step of the research process. The documentation and

analysis process aimed to present data in an intelligible and interpretable form in order to

identify trends and relations in accordance with the research aims.

Photo Documentation

The specimen were taken pictures in the study area including the process and

procedures of each specimen.



This chapter presents the interpretation of results and findings given by the data

gathered from the tests obtained from the Utilization of Plastic Wrappers in the

Production of Non-Load Bearing Hollow Blocks. This study intends to determine its

properties, effects, and significant differences between the commercial hollow blocks and

Plastic hollow blocks depending on each curing days and will be investigated in terms of

different tests provided. This study will also intend to assist environmental problems as it

provides valuable information regarding the potential use of plastic wrappers in making

hollow blocks that serve as the potential alternative to people who are involved in the

building industry.

(a) Compressive Strength

Table 2. Raw data calculated of Plastic Wrapper Hollow Blocks and Commercial Hollow
Blocks within 8 days of curing.

CHB Length Width (Pounds per Square
Specimens (mm) (mm) Inch)
(N/mm2 )
PW – A 406.4 101.4 0.8993 130
PW – B 406.4 101.4 0.8993 130
PW – C 406.4 101.4 0.8249 119
PW – D 406.4 101.4 0.7286 105
PW – E 406.4 101.4 0.4994 72
PW – F 406.4 101.4 0.8003 116
COM – A 406.4 101.4 0.6270 91
COM – B 406.4 101.4 0.4755 69
COM – C 406.4 101.4 0.6279 91
COM – D 406.4 101.4 0.5671 82
COM – E 406.4 101.4 0.4683 68
COM – F 406.4 101.4 0.4246 61
Average 0.7753 112
Average 0.5817 77
Legend: (PW) – Plastic Wrapper; (COM) – Commercial; (CHB) – Commercial Hollow
Block; (PSI) – Pounds per Square Inch; (≤350 PSI) – Average of 6 units; (mm) –
Millimeter; (N/mm2 ) – Newton per Millimeter Squared

Table 2 showed the calculated data on 8 days of curing of the specimen between

commercial and plastic wrapper hollow block. As a result, plastic wrapper hollow block

has an average of 112 PSI which is greater compressive strength compared the

commercial hollow block which only obtained 77 PSI.

Table 3. Raw data calculated of Plastic Wrapper Hollow Blocks and Commercial Hollow
Blocks within 18 days of curing.

Compressive (Pound per

CHB Length Width
Strength Square
Specimens (mm) (mm)
(N/mm2 ) Inch)
PW – A 406.4 101.4 0.9291 135
PW – B 406.4 101.4 1.0451 152
PW – C 406.4 101.4 1.3131 190
PW – D 406.4 101.4 1.1754 170
PW – E 406.4 101.4 1.0631 154
PW – F 406.4 101.4 1.2272 178
COM – A 406.4 101.4 1.1701 170
COM – B 406.4 101.4 0.7689 112
COM – C 406.4 101.4 0.6765 98
COM – D 406.4 101.4 0.9193 133
COM – E 406.4 101.4 0.6439 93
COM – F 406.4 101.4 0.6357 92
Average (PW) 1.1255 163
Average (COM) 0.8024 116
Legend: (PW) – Plastic Wrapper; (COM) – Commercial; (CHB) – Commercial Hollow
Block; (PSI) – Pounds per Square Inch; (≤350 PSI) – Average of 6 units; (mm) –
Millimeter; (N/mm2 ) – Newton per Millimeter Squared

Table 3 showed the calculated data on 18 days cured of the specimen between

commercial and plastic wrapper hollow block. As a result, plastic wrapper hollow block

has an average of 163 PSI which is greater compressive strength compared the

commercial hollow block which only obtained 116 PSI.

Throughout the results given by compressive strength test. The strength of plastic

wrapper hollow block did not reached the standard of compressive strength on hollow

block in which the given standard of average is 350 PSI, however, the plastic wrapper

hollow block only contains of 112 PSI in 8 days and 163 PSI in 18 days. This might be

implied that the expected average of produced hollow block did not passed on this

standard average. Moreover, in terms of comparison between the plastic and commercial

hollow block with the basis of given results, the plastic wrapper hollow block was

stronger than the commercial as the measurement of compressive strength dependent on

the type of hollow blocks produced. The decrease of compressive strength varies

according to the type of plastic, and also given to the influence of the curing conditions it

was expected that the higher results would correspond to the curing regime that provides

more water for cement hydration process.

Comparable from the study of Casimero, et al., (2019), wherein the raw data

observed on compressive strength test, the average density a unit weight are directly

proportional. As they stated, the specimen with the least value of compressive strength

also has the least value of unit weight. Also, they elucidate the values of compressive

strength was dependent on what type of concrete cylinder was made.

Correspondingly from the study that was conducted from Dweik, et al., (2008)

entitled The Enhancing Concrete Strength and Thermal Insulation Using Thermoset

Plastic Waste. The result showed that thermoset plastic waste concrete has a more

pronounced influence on concrete strengths with low ratios than the said commercial that

is easier to obtained high strength, thus the enhancement in aggregate characteristics by

the use of thermoset plastic waste would significantly increase the strength.

Opposed to the study conducted by Ferreira, et al., (2012) subjected the 7, 28 and

56 days cured specimens with mixture of plastic waste to the compressive strength. The

result reveals that compressive strength of Concrete decreases once plastic waste

aggregates are applied. It defined that since plastic wrapper aggregates are rough and

have little affinity with water they repel it, thus cement hydration in the plastic waste

aggregates/ cementitious interface is limited.

(b) Water Absorption and Moisture Content

Table 4. Water Absorption and Moisture Content test of Plastic Wrapper Hollow Block
Commercial Hollow Block within 8 days of curing.

Mass as Dry Wet Immerse

Water Moisture Water
Sample sampled Mass Mass d Mass
Absorptio Content, Absorption,
I.D (A), (B), (C), (D),
n, (%) (%) kg /m3
g g g g
PW-A 10,506 9,888 10,836 5,830 9.59% 65.19% 189.37
PW-B 10,444 9,848 10,773 5,800 9.39% 64.43% 186.00
PW-C 10,236 9,626 10,590 5,592 10.00% 63.28% 192.88
COM-A 11,429 10,927 11,782 6,721 7.82% 58.71% 168.94
COM-B 11,410 10,932 11,798 6,725 8% 55% 171
COM-C 11,741 11,167 12,072 6,892 8.10% 63.42% 174.71
Average 10,395 9,787 10,733 5,740 9.66% 64.29% 189.42
Average 11,526 11,008 11,884 6,779 7.95% 59.18% 171.48
Legend: (PW) – Plastic Wrapper; (COM) – Commercial; (CHB) – Commercial Hollow
Block; (>20%) – Water Absorption Standard Percentage; (>75%) – Moisture

Table 4 revealed the raw data between water absorption and moisture content

within the 8 days of curing. In comparison between the two specimens, the commercial

hollow block had an average percentage of 7.95% of water absorption (%), 59.18% of

moisture content, and 171.48 kg /m3 of water absorption. On the other hand, it has an

average percentage of 9.66% of water absorption (%), 64.29% of moisture content, and

189.42kg /m3 of water absorption in plastic wrapper hollow block.

Table 5. Water Absorption and Moisture Content test of Plastic Wrapper Hollow Blocks
and Commercial Hollow Blocks within 18 days of curing.

Sample Mass as Dry Wet Immersed Water Moisture Water

I.D sampled Mass Mass Mass Absorption Content, Absorp
(A), (B), (C), (D), (%) (%) tion,
g g g g kg /m3
PW-A 9,907 9,318 10,169 5,476 9.13% 69.21% 181.33
PW-B 10,571 9,907 10,863 5,826 9.65% 69.46% 189.80
PW-C 9,836 9,298 10,250 5,447 10.24% 56.51% 198.21
COM-A 11,497 10,80 11,765 6,744 8.93% 72.20% 192.00
COM-B 11,592 10,88 11,803 6,785 8.41% 76.97% 182.54
COM-C 11,368 10,75 11,640 6,696 8.27% 69.40% 179.81
Averag 10,104.67 9,507 10,427 5,583 9.67% 64.91% 189.84
e (PW)
Averag 11,485.67 10,81 11,736 6,741.67 8.53% 72.88% 184.81
e 3
Legend: (PW) – Plastic Wrapper; (COM) – Commercial; (CHB) – Commercial Hollow
Block; (>20%) – Water Absorption Standard Percentage; (>75) – Moisture

Table 5 revealed the raw data between water absorption and moisture content

within the 18 days of curing. In comparison between the two specimens, the commercial

hollo block had an average percentage of 8.53% of water absorption (%), 72.88% of

moisture content, and 184.81 kg /m3 of water absorption. On the other hand, it has an

average percentage of 9.67% of water absorption (%), 64.91% of moisture content, and

189.84 kg /m3 of water absorption in plastic wrapper hollow block.

As the results given by water absorption and moisture content test based on each

curing days. The standard percent average on both parameters in which the 20% standard

is for water absorption and 75% standard is for moisture content, if the result did

surpassed the given percentage, it must be suggest that the specimen was failed.

However, in the results of plastic hollow block wherein the 8 days testing obtained the

absorption of 9.66% and moisture of 64.29%, the 18 days obtained of 9.67% in

absorption and 64.91% of moisture. Therefore, both specimens indicated as preferable

since both did not absorb more than 20% and 75% of its humidity. It proves that in 8 and

18 days cured of testing, the plastic wrapper hollow blocks and commercial hollow

blocks in terms of the given standard were passed.

In a related study in terms of water absorption conducted by Casimero, et al.,

(2019) wherein the average percentage of water absorption test for the produced cylinder

concrete has an almost equal on the average of commercial. Both cylinder indicate the

good quality of a specimen since both did not absorbed more than 20% in its weight.

In addition, another similar study conducted by Ganiron (2012) entitled Recycled

Window Glass for Non-load Bearing Walls. It was found that the average moisture

content of commercial concrete are higher than ASTM maximum standard, it also shows

the minimal differences in absorption properties in the given three specimens. In terms of

moisture content, the test result demonstrate a decreasing rate as the quantity of recycled

glass is increased. It was showed that the percentage of moisture content is minimal

discrepancy and consistent decrease in percentage. Therefore, the capability of finely

crashed glass manifest its effects and its low moisture content and characteristics.

Opposing through the study conducted from Rodrigues, et al., (2013) which entitled

A New Method to Determine the Density and Water Absorption of Fine Recycled

Aggregates. The results revealed that the water absorption of concrete made of Fine

Recycled Aggregates (FRA) is significantly higher than their normal concrete. In

addition, the study indicates that the FRA tend to present a cohesiveness or binding

properties, which make standard test procedures difficult to implement. Therefore, the

concrete made of FRA did not passed the given standard of concrete humidity.

(c) Hardness

Table 6. Assessed hardness level adopted from the Moh’s Hardness Scale between
Commercial Hollow Blocks and Plastic Wrapper Hollow Blocks within 8 days of

Moh’s Materials Sample A. Sample B. (Plastic

Hardness Used (Commercial Hollow Wrapper Hollow Block)
Scale Block)
2.5 Fingernail Without Impression Without Impression
3.5 Copper penny Impression Impression
4.5 Iron Nail Impression Impression
6.5 Platinum Fork Impression Impression
7.5 Feldspar River Impression Impression
Pebble Rock

As shown on table 6, the 8 days cured specimens were underwent through

hardness test adopted from the Moh’s hardness Scale. Based on the raw data observed,

the hardness of both specimens has the hardest level of 2.5 in which represents the

material use of fingernail. It can be express that both commercial and plastic wrapper

hollow block has the same level of hardness in which both share the same properties as

explained by Casimero (2019).

Table 7. Assessed hardness level adopted from the Moh’s Hardness Scale between
Commercial Hollow Blocks and Plastic Wrapper Hollow Blocks within 18 days
of curing.

Moh’s Materials Sample A. Sample B. (Plastic

Hardness Used (Commercial Hollow Wrapper Hollow Block)
Scale Block)
2.5 Fingernail Without Impression Without Impression
3.5 Copper penny Impression Without Impression
4.5 Iron Nail Impression Impression
6.5 Platinum Fork Impression Impression
7.5 Feldspar River Impression Impression
Pebble Rock

As shown on table 7, the 18 days cured specimens were underwent through

hardness test adopted from the Moh’s hardness Scale. Based on the raw data observed,

the hardness of specimen A has the hardness of 2.5 the same result as the last test, while

the specimen B increased the hardness of 3.5, in which represents the material use of

copper penny.

Throughout the results based on test of each curing days, both 8 days cured

specimen has the same hardness of 2.5, due to short duration of curing, weak particles

could form poor cementations that may easily scratch and disintegration. Furthermore,

the result as showed on table 9, both 18 days cured specimen revealed the differences

wherein, the sample A remain its hardness of 2.5, while the specimen B shift to 3.5

hardness level in which the material used is copper penny. It is due to long days of

curing, there is a replacement process of chemical properties that attained improvement

of scratch and wear resistance in the hollow block as explained by Brostow (2017).

In the similar study conducted by Awiten (2019) as they uses the usual test of

Moh’s hardness scale to determine a good quality of brick. Based on the given result, the

produced brick sample 1 has a hardness level of 4.5 while the commercial brick sample 2

has a hardness of only 2.5. This must be implied that the plastic waste bricks have a

higher hardness level than the commercial bricks, thus having higher wear resistance and

ductility as explained by some related study has an essential property of bricks as it

entails ductility and wear resistance.

(d) Size, Shape, and Color

Table 8. Overall Mean and Standard Deviation of the Results of the Acceptability Test
through Size, Shape, and Color of the Plastic Wrapper Hollow Block and
Commercial Hollow Block in 8 days of curing.

Commercial (Sample A) Plastic Wrapper (Sample B)

Survey Overall Standard Overall Standard
Question Mean Deviation Mean Deviation
Q1 3.000 0.000 2.900 0.316
Q2 2.100 0.316 2.400 0.516
Q3 3.000 0.000 3.000 0.000

Q4 2.900 0.316 2.700 0.483

Q5 2.900 0.316 2.900 0.316
Q6 2.300 0.675 2.400 0.516
Q7 2.800 0.422 2.600 0.699
Q8 2.700 0.675 2.500 0.850
Q9 2.800 0.422 2.900 0.316
Q10 3.000 0.000 3.000 0.000

Table 8 showed the overall mean and standard deviation of the results of the

acceptability test of the hollow blocks made with plastic wrappers and hollow blocks

without additives.

Table 9. Overall Mean and Standard Deviation of the Results of the Acceptability Test
through Size, Shape, and Color of the Plastic Wrapper Hollow Block and
Commercial Hollow Block in 18 days of curing.

Commercial (Sample A) Plastic Wrapper (Sample B)

Survey Overall Standard Overall Standard
Question Mean Deviation Mean Deviation
Q1 3.000 0.000 2.900 0.316
Q2 2.600 0.516 2.800 0.422
Q3 2.800 0.422 2.600 0.516
Q4 2.900 0.316 3.000 0.000
Q5 2.900 0.316 2.900 0.316
Q6 2.600 0.516 2.600 0.516
Q7 2.700 0.483 2.800 0.422
Q8 2.400 0.699 2.400 0.843
Q9 2.600 0.699 2.500 0.707
Q10 2.900 0.316 2.900 0.316

Table 9 showed the overall mean and standard deviation of the results of the

acceptability test of the hollow blocks made with plastic wrappers and hollow blocks

without additives.

Table 10. One-Sample Wilcoxon of Plastic Wrapper Hollow Blocks and Commercial
Hollow Blocks of Size, Shape, and Color in 8 days of curing and 18 days of
curing (Minitab 19 Program)

Variable N x p – value
PW – Hollow 10 2.70 55 0.006*
Block (8 days)
COM – Hollow 10 2.85 55 0.006*
Block (8 days)
PW – Hollow 10 2.75 55 0.006*
Block (18 days)
COM – Hollow 10 2.75 55 0.006*
Block (18 days)
Legend: (PW) – Plastic Wrapper; (COM) – Commercial; ( x ) – median; (*) – Significant

As shown on table 10, the plastic wrapper hollow blocks has 2.70 median for 8

days of curing and 2.75 median for 18 days of curing. On the other hand, the commercial

hollow block has 2.85 median for 8 days of curing and 2.75 median for 18 days of curing.

Based from the finding, the p – value is 0.006 lesser than the alpha at 0.05 level of

significance, as a result the null hypothesis is rejected. In addition, there is a significant

difference on the plastic wrapper hollow blocks and commercial hollow blocks.

Generally, the plastic wrapper hollow blocks and commercial hollow blocks were

mostly the same and it is qualified for the standard of non-load bearing hollow blocks.

(e) Compaction Factor

Table 11. The Compaction Result between Commercial Hollow Block and Plastic
Wrapper Hollow Block within 8 days of curing.

Number of
Attempts on Physical Description Physical Description
Breaking (Standing in Vertical (Lying in Horizontal
(Approximately Position Drop Test) Position Drop Test)
1 meter)
Commercial 2 - The cell at the - Whole appearance
Hollow right side of of hollow block
Block (A) hollow block has was broke down
been crushed into pieces
- The two - Mostly contained
remaining cells small particles of
were contained broken concrete
uneven surface slags after the
and evidently breakage

Plastic 2 - There was no - The shredded

Wrapper dismantling plastic became
Hollow occurred more visible

Block (B) - Two cells within

- Whole
the sides of hollow
appearance of
block were
hollow block was
still intact
- Plastic wrapper
- The lower part of
made the
hollow block was
dismantled parts
evidently crushed
still intact, and
were not scattered

As table 11 shows the result of compaction test on 8 days of curing between

commercial and plastic wrapper hollow block that involves of 2 attempts of breaking by

dropping each specimen with different position. Based on the result and observation

through the naked eye of the researchers. It was seen that the physical appearance of

plastic wrapper hollow block has mostly still intact, low of dismantling parts, parts were

not scattered, crushed slightly, and material such as shredded plastic was quite visible.

Compared the result of commercial hollow block, it was seen that mostly contained of

dismantling parts, uneven surface, much of fractures and crushed parts.

Table 12. The Compaction Result between Commercial Hollow Block and Plastic
Wrapper Hollow Block within 18 days of curing.

Number of
Attempts on Physical Description Physical Description
Breaking (Standing in Vertical (Lying in Horizontal
(Approximately Position Drop Test) Position Drop Test)
1 meter)

Commercial 2 - One of the cell - The whole features

Hollow was dismantled of hollow block
Block (A) into large pieces was broke down
- The fracture into pieces
between the two - It contain large
remaining cells broken concrete
were very slags after the
visible. breakage.

Plastic 2 - Some particles in - Due to long days

Wrapper a lower part of of curing, the
Hollow hollow blocks hollow block was
Block (B) was removed more compact and
- Overall, there is firm.
no any fractures - During the attempt,
or dismantling the hollow block
was occurred. was only bounced
back due to hard
- Some particles in
an upper part of
hollow block was

As table 12 shows the result of compaction test on 18 days of curing between

commercial and plastic wrapper hollow block that involves of 2 attempts of breaking by

dropping each specimen with different position. Based on the result and observation

through the naked eye of the researchers. It was seen that the plastic wrapper hollow

block has no any fractures and dismantling occurred, Compared the result of commercial

hollow block, there were still the much of fractures and every parts are evidently crushed


Based on each test results between the 8 and 18 days cured of specimens, it was

observed that the specimen B has greater attempts than specimen A. This might be

implied that the specimen B whereas the plastic wrapper hollow block is much stronger

foundation compared the specimen A due to compaction of shredded plastic that chained

within the hollow block. Moreover, the null hypothesis which stated that there is no

significant difference between commercial hollow blocks and hollow blocks produced by

plastic wrappers, when it terms of external/physical properties is accepted.

In a similar study conducted by Casimero (2019) they used the usual test to

facilitate its internal and external structure workability. Through the results from number

of attempts in breaking, microscopic description, and physical description. It has seen

that both specimens have no significant differences in terms of the physical properties

since they showed the structure of concrete cylinders, in which the level of porosity can

be minimal in the microscopic view compared to its physical appearance after breakage.

Moreover, the test also showed that there are small differences between specimen A and

the specimen B in terms of their internal structure, having displaying similar features.

Correspondingly through the study of Prahallada (2013) uses the method of

impact strength tests. A mild steel ball weighing 1.216 kg was dropped from a height of

one meter on the impact specimen, which was kept on the floor. The care was taken to

see that the ball was dropped at the center point of specimen every time. The number of

blows caused first crack and final failure. As a result, the plastic fiber reinforced concrete

shows an increasing trend in the workability due to the waste fibers that can obstruct the

flow with inconvenience of interlocking with aggregates.

The study was opposing from Subramani (2017) where fiber plastic are used in

making cylinder concrete. As a result, the behavior of cylinder concrete under the

compaction factor test shows that workability is reduced in plastic fiber of reinforced

cement. It was due to resistance offered by the fibers to the movement of aggregates.

Therefore, the produced cylinder concrete result was not acceptable in regards of

compaction test.

(f) Fire Resistance

Table 13. Raw data observations from fire resistance test between Commercial and
Plastic Wrapper hollow block within 8 days of curing.

Specimens Time of thermal Physical Description

Sample A. (6 Commercial 15 minutes Before:
Hollow Blocks) - Rectangular in shape
- Grey in color
- Contained of Rough
- Slow penetration of
- The color on top and
bottom portions is
slowly changing
- The color on top and
bottom portions of
the specimen has
turned dark shade
- It cooled down more
quickly, as seen by
- There were no
changes in the
texture and the entire
features of the

Sample B. (6 Plastic 15 minutes Before:

Wrapper Hollow Blocks) - The shredded
plastics were very
- Rectangular in shape
- Dark grey in color

- Contained of Rough
- Faster penetration of
fire due to shredded
plastics visible in
- Color is slowly
- Shredded plastics
were apparently
melted but did not
catch fire
- The shredded
plastics were
evidently melted
- Due to the
disintegration of
plastics, the
specimen seemingly
- There was no
happened in terms of
its features and
texture of specimen
- The color in Some
parts of specimen
turned smoke grey
- Based by touch, it
slowly cooled down.

As shown on table 13, raw data observed from fire resistant test of 8 days cured

Sample A and B with the given 15 minutes time of thermal exposure. After the exerted

time of thermal exposure, Sample A was only change its color, which turned dark shade

on top and bottom portions, the heat within has quickly cooled down and the rest remain

stable. Although Sample B has the same result as Sample A, the only variations were the

heat slowly cooled down and texture in which the visible shredded plastic on the surface

was melted, indicating how evidently became rigid the created hollow block was.

Table 14. Raw data observations from fire resistance test between Commercial and
Plastic Wrapper hollow block within 18 days of curing.

Specimens Time of thermal Physical Description

Sample A. (6 Commercial 15 minutes Before:
Hollow Blocks) - Rectangular in shape
- Has the light grey in
- It contain of dry
- Slow penetration of
- The color in upper
and lower part is
slowly changing
(same as 8 days
cured result)
- The upper and lower
parts of the specimen
were became black
- It cooled down faster
as observed by
touching (same as 8
days cured result)
- There is no changes
happen in terms of
texture and the
whole features of
specimen (same as 8
days cured result)
- Faster cooled down,
observed by touched.
(Same result as 8

Sample B. (6 Plastic 15 minutes Before:

Wrapper Hollow Blocks) - Color of dimmed
- Rectangular in shape
- It contain of dry

- The shredded
plastics were not
quite visible
- It contain of dry
- Slow penetration of
- Shredded plastics
were apparently
melted but did not
catch fire (same as 8
days cured result)
- Color is slowly
changing. (Same
result as 8 days)
- Fewer shredded
plastics were
apparently melted.
- Due to the
disintegration of
plastics, the
specimen seemingly
rigid (same as 8 days
cured result)
- There was no
happened in terms of
its features and
texture of specimen
- The color in Some
parts of specimen
has turned dark
- Based by touch, it
slowly cooled down.
(Same result as 8

As shown on table 14, raw data observed from fire resistant test of 18 days cured

Sample A and B with the given 15 minutes time of thermal exposure. After subjected to

the same conditions, Sample A has the same result as the 8 days cured. As for Sample B,

less shredded plastic was visible and apparently melted.

The results showed that before the testing was carried out, both 8 days cured

specimen suppress a light/dark gray color and each one had constant size, shape and

texture. During the test, there was slow penetration of fire due to cementation properties

in terms of sample A (Commercial HB) thus, the color on top and bottom portions is

slowly changing. As for sample B (Plastic Wrapper HB), its color was also changing, but

the fire penetration was high due to exposed shredded plastics on surface made to easily

ingest by heat. The test result on 18 days cured in other hand, both specimen has the same

expression of color, shape and texture before subjected to test. Sample A and B have the

same reaction in terms of changing color and non-destruction of structures during the test,

but in Sample B there was only less shredded plastic that surfaced due to long days of

curing, small cement particles that gradually covered the entire structure of hollow block

which caused a slow fire penetration. After the entire testing process on both curing days,

Sample A cooled down faster than Sample B. Overall, it must be implied that Sample A

and B shared the same fire resistant attributes, capable of withstanding a period of direct

heat exposure. Therefore, both specimens have a substantial color change as well as the

underlying structure has not changed. This must be inferred that the two specimens do

not differ significantly.

Another similar study conducted by Awiten (2019) wherein their Sample Brick 1

(Plastic Waste Brick), obtained a temperature of 42℃ and has maintained its appearance

in terms of color, shape, and texture, except for melting of exposed pellets, after being

exposed to direct heat for an hour. Sample Brick 2 (Commercial Brick) obtained a

temperature of 40℃ and has maintained its appearance in color, shape and texture after

being subjected to the same conditions. These result imply that both the plastic waste

bricks and commercial bricks have fire resistant qualities, able to withstand an hour of

direct exposure to extreme heat, with little to no deformities, which is essential for all


Correspondingly from the study conducted by Correia (2014) uses concrete

hollow block made with selected plastic waste aggregates. Specimens underwent visual

examination and were compared with unheated specimens. In general, all specimens

exhibited cracks on their surface following thermal exposure, as predicted, the length and

width of cracks increased with the temperature of exposure. The surface color of the two

specimens also underwent considerable changes. It shows that there is no differences in

terms of color and with impression of its structures.

In the study conducted by Dweik, et al., (2008) entitled Enhancing Concrete

Strength and Thermal Insulation Using Thermoset Plastic Waste. The usual test used

different method to facilitate its fire resistance. Based on the given result, the plastic

waste concrete has increased its thermal insulation properties from the rising level of 0%

to 60%, wherein the other specimen obtain only 30%. This means that improvements in

the thermal insulation properties of specimens with greater percentage may be considered

to lower thermal conductivity compared to those of other specimen.



This portion presents the result and discussion of the data obtained from the

researcher’s test and from the surveys carried out. The results are organized according to

the order of the specific problems listed in chapter (1). What are the physical properties

of the plastic wrapper Hollow Blocks when cured within 8 to 18 days in terms of the

given parameters? (2) Is there a significant difference between the plastic wrapper

Hollow Blocks and commercial Hollow Blocks when both cured at 8 and 18 days in

terms of the given parameters?

Properties of the Plastic Wrapper Hollow Block in (8 days of curing and 18 days of


Since physical observations cannot differentiate between the two samples. There

was basis of parameters in order to determine its mechanical/physical properties, whereas

the (a) compressive strength, (b) water absorption and moisture content, (c) hardness, (d)

size, shape, and color, (e) compaction factor, and (f) fire resistance, depending on each

curing days. In overall results, the physical property of table 2 and 3 wherein the Plastic

Wrapper Hollow Block (PWHB) exhibits stronger compression strength compared to

Commercial Hollow Blocks (CHB), but both specimen did not passed its ASTM standard

of hollow block. In terms of water absorption and moisture content results on table 4 and

5, both specimens passed the ASTM standard which calls for a maximum of only 20% of

absorption and 75% moisture of the specimens’ weight. As for the hardness results

presented on table 6 and 7, both Sample A (CHB) and specimen B (PWHB) exhibit the

same impression from scratching in 8 days cured testing result, but in 18 days cured

result, Sample A remain its hardness of 2.5, while the specimen B shift to 3.5 hardness

level in which the material used is copper penny, it can be implied through expression of

long days of curing that made a long replacement process of chemical properties that may

highly attained improvement of scratch and wear resistance. In terms of size shape and

color test results in table 8 and 9, both specimens were mostly the same appearance and it

is qualified for the standard of non-load bearing hollow blocks. For the results of

compaction factor showed on table 11 and 12, the PWHB specimen has a stronger

foundation compared to CHB specimen, it was due to compaction of shredded plastics

that chained within the hollow block. Moreover, the result on fire-resistance on table 13

and 14 revealed that each specimen has the same impression in terms of its color, non-

disturbed, and only differences were the CHB cooled down faster than PWHB, but in

throughout results, both shared the same fire attributes, capable of withstanding a period

of direct heat exposure.

Acceptability of the Plastic Wrapper Hollow Block (8 to 18 days of curing)

Throughout the given results presented on each table, the Plastic Wrapper Hollow

Block exhibit a maximum significant difference from the Commercial Hollow Blocks in

terms of compaction factor, water absorption and moisture content, compaction factor

test, and hardness. As what the results indicates that PWHB consist of strong mechanical

value which it could be a potential alternative for concrete mixture that can be used only

on walls and 3.2-meter clearance building (one-storey building). Thus, the produced

hollow block consists of recycled materials that making it more desirable for use.


The table 10 shows the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test for size, shape, and color

assessment between plastic wrapper hollow blocks and commercial hollow blocks.

Through the calculation of the Wilcoxon Signed Rank test, the p – value of hollow blocks

were determined the test yields the p – value of 0.006 as it is greater than.

Overall, the finding of the study showed that the null hypothesis which

stated that there is no significant differences between plastic wrapper hollow blocks and

commercial hollow blocks in general is rejected.



This chapter represents as the summary of the findings, conclusions and

recommendations based on the raw data analyzed in the previous chapter. Some

limitations have been identified.

Plastic wrapper recycling as valued added product such as concrete tends to be

one of the promising option for sustainable use. Long wait for plastic wrappers to perish

may soon become irrelevant with the recent initiatives that provides a solution. (Tablang,

2016) The use of plastics can be utilized as the production of all sorts of living from

industrial manufactures to domestic users such as the plastic aggregates serve as a partial

replacement for coarse aggregates in concrete can provide a suitable solution for the

disposal of plastic wrappers.

Furthermore, there are few experiments were carried out to classify the properties

and obtain a particular test result to address the study’s problem. As a result in the

condition on its physical properties, the plastic wrapper hollow blocks has a better result

in compressive strength, its structures and as well as its resistance. This can be advised

that the produced specimen is effective additives for a stronger hollow blocks.

Using the different test for the physical properties of both specimens, the overall

results showed that the fire resistance and size, shape, and color has no significant

difference. While the compressive strength, water absorption, hardness, and compaction

factor have a significant difference. Furthermore, the compressive strength value of

Sample A (PWHB) did not passed the standard of hollow block but it is way more

stronger than Sample B (CHB). The water absorption and moisture content of both

specimens were passed the standard percentages in which indicates the good quality of

hollow block. Also, there are different level of Moh’s Hardness scale on both specimens

in terms of curing days, both specimen shared the same impression until on 18 days of

curing, PWHB increased the hardness level in which it highly attained the improvement

of scratch and wear resistance due to a long days of curing. The size, shape, color on both

Sample A and B showed no difference as having a P value of 0.006*, it indicates that

both are the same sizes of 406.4mm x 101.4mm x 201mm, same shape and same colored

of grey. There are small differences between the two specimens in terms of their

structures in which both are subjected of 4 attempts of breaking, as a result the Sample B

(PWHB) much stronger foundation compared the specimen A. As for the fire resistance,

both specimens were subjected on fire exposure with the duration time of 15 minutes. As

a result, both are the same fire-resistance attributes, but the only differences is that the

Specimen A (CHB) cooled down faster than the Specimen B (PWHB).

The research examined the possible use of plastic wrappers than can be applied as

an aggregates to make a stronger hollow block using the various tests to find a new

alternative aggregates for cement mixture. The results of the study showed that the

produced hollow blocks are essential as an aggregate for cement mixture that is

compatible for walls and one storey building. Moreover, the shredded plastics contribute

a stable and firmness of the concrete which is applicable for masonry works.

Therefore, throughout the results showed that the plastic wrappers can be utilized

in the production of hollow blocks. The null hypothesis which states that there is no

significant difference between plastic wrapper hollow blocks and commercial hollow

blocks is rejected.

Based on the findings and conclusion in throughout analysis, the

recommendations are hereby presented: 1) extend the curing days of the hollow block in

order to compact the structure of the material and become more stable. 2) Hydrate the

hollow block with water which should be perform at morning and before sunset to

maintain its desired temperature, because hydrating the hollow block under these

condition repairs the interstitials of the material which causes brittleness. 3) The desired

hollow blocks in which under this study is only applicable to fences and walls of one-

storey building. 4) The hollow block after hydration should maintain its drying

temperature to avoid abrupt change of moisture content which one of the causes of

cracking. 5) According to DPWH, the plastics will be sturdier if it is pelletized. 6) For the

future studies, the researcher should venture into the beyond application of the hollow

bock based on the limitation of the study. Also, the researcher should improve its stability

and availability to various application.



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DPWH, Barangay 9

Dumpsite, Can-ayan

Barangay Ki-Ocab

Figure 1. Locations for the produced hollow blocks, produced plastics, and testing area of
the specimens

Figure 2. Machine used for shredding the Figure 3. Collection of plastic wrappers
plastic wrappers

Figure 4. The collected plastics at Figure 5. The collected shredded plastic

approximately 10 kilograms wrappers

Figure 6. Measuring the aggregates Figure 7. Mixing the river sand and
using ponke cement

Figure 8. Mixing the shredded plastic Figure 9. Mixing the aggregates

wrappers to the aggregate and

Figure 10. Adding water to the Figure 11. Preparation of Hollow Block
aggregates Maker

Figure 12. Putting the aggregates into Figure 13. The first set of our product
the hollow block maker

Figure 14. Transferring the produced Figure 15. Arranging the product to the
hollow block into the curing curing area

Figure 16. Hydration process of hollow Figure 17. The appearance of plastic
blocks hollow blocks in 8 days of
Figure 20. Compression Press Machine Figure 21. First compressive strength
test for commercial hollow
block (8 days of curing)

Figure 18. Preparation of commercial Figure 19. Preparation of plastic

hollow blocks for compressive wrapper hollow blocks for
Figure 22. First compressive strength Figure compressive
23. Commercial Hollowtest
strength test (8 days of curing) strength (8
test for plastic wrapper hollow during
days ofcompressive
curing) strength test
blocks (8 days of curing) (8 days of curing)

Figure 24. Plastic Wrapper Hollow Figure 25. Preparation for the fire
Block during compressive resistance test of commercial
strength test (8 days of curing) hollow blocks (8 days of curing)

Figure 26. Preparation for the fire Figure 27. Kerosene and Denatured
resistance test of plastic wrapper Alcohol
hollow blocks (8 days of curing)

Figure 28. Before flaming the Figure 29. The ignition stage of fire
specimens (8days of curing) resistance test (8 days of curing)

Figure 30. During fire resistance test of Figure 31. The decay stage of
the specimens within 15 minutes commercial hollow blocks (8
(8 days of curing) days of curing)

Figure 32. The decay stage of plastic Figure 33. Using a finger nail for the
wrapper hollow blocks (8 days hardness test (8 days of curing)
of curing)

Figure 34. Using a coin for the hardness Figure 35. Using an iron nail for the
test (8 days of curing) hardness test (8 days of curing)

Figure 36. Using a rock for the hardness Figure 37. Lying in Horizontal Position
test (8 days of curing) Drop Test – Plastic Wrapper
Hollow Block (day 8)

Figure 38. Lying in Horizontal Position Figure 39. Standing in Vertical Position
Drop Test – Commercial Drop Test – Plastic Wrapper
Hollow Block (8 days) Hollow Blocks (8 days)

Figure 40. Standing in Vertical Position Figure 41. Preparation for the
Drop Test – Commercial compressive strength test of
Hollow Blocks (8 days) plastic wrapper hollow blocks
and commercial hollow blocks
(18 days)

Figure 42. During compressive strength Figure 43. During compressive strength
of plastic wrapper hollow blocks of commercial hollow blocks
(18 days) (18 days)

Figure 44. PWHB being weigh Figure 45. CHB being weigh

Figure 46. Fire resistance test of both Figure 47. Hardness test using iron nail
specimen (18 days of curing) on CHB (18 days of curing)

Figure 48. Hardness using platinum Figure 49. Standard Specification

fork on CHB (18 days of curing) booklet from DPWH

Figure 50. ASTM Booklet from Figure 51. Water absorption kilogram
DPWH per cubic meter solving in

Figure 52. Water absorption percentage Figure 53. Water absorption percentage
formula in individual on both formula in individual on both
specimen (8 days of curing) specimen (18 days of curing)

Figure 54. Moisture Content percentage Figure 55. Moisture Content percentage
in individual on both specimen in individual on both specimen
(8 days of curing) (18 days of curing)


Table 1. ASTM C 129 Non-load Bearing Concrete Hollow Blocks (CHB)

Compressive Strength (average net area) min. MPa

Individual unit 2.06 MPa (300 psi) Minimum
Average of 6 units 2. 41 MPa (350 psi) Minimum
Ref. Department of Public Works and Highways. (Miscellaneous Construction Materials)
Page No. 82

Table 2. Raw data calculated of Plastic Wrapper Hollow Blocks and Commercial Hollow
Blocks within 8 days of curing.

CHB Length Width (Pounds per Square
Specimens (mm) (mm) Inch)
(N/mm2 )
PW – A 406.4 101.4 0.8993 130
PW – B 406.4 101.4 0.8993 130
PW – C 406.4 101.4 0.8249 119
PW – D 406.4 101.4 0.7286 105
PW – E 406.4 101.4 0.4994 72
PW – F 406.4 101.4 0.8003 116
COM – A 406.4 101.4 0.6270 91
COM – B 406.4 101.4 0.4755 69
COM – C 406.4 101.4 0.6279 91
COM – D 406.4 101.4 0.5671 82
COM – E 406.4 101.4 0.4683 68
COM – F 406.4 101.4 0.4246 61
Average 0.7753 112
Average 0.5817 77
Legend: (PW) – Plastic Wrapper; (COM) – Commercial; (CHB) – Commercial Hollow
Block; (PSI) – Pounds per Square Inch; (≤350 PSI) – Average of 6 units; (mm) –
Millimeter; (N/mm2 ) – Newton per Millimeter Squared

Table 3. Raw data calculated of Plastic Wrapper Hollow Blocks and Commercial Hollow
Blocks within 18 days of curing.

Compressive (Pound per

CHB Length Width
Strength Square
Specimens (mm) (mm)
(N/mm2 ) Inch)
PW – A 406.4 101.4 0.9291 135
PW – B 406.4 101.4 1.0451 152
PW – C 406.4 101.4 1.3131 190
PW – D 406.4 101.4 1.1754 170
PW – E 406.4 101.4 1.0631 154
PW – F 406.4 101.4 1.2272 178
COM – A 406.4 101.4 1.1701 170
COM – B 406.4 101.4 0.7689 112
COM – C 406.4 101.4 0.6765 98
COM – D 406.4 101.4 0.9193 133
COM – E 406.4 101.4 0.6439 93
COM – F 406.4 101.4 0.6357 92
Average (PW) 1.1255 163
Average (COM) 0.8024 116

Table 4. Water Absorption and Moisture Content test of Plastic Wrapper Hollow Block
Commercial Hollow Block within 8 days of curing.

Compressive (Pound per

CHB Length Width
Strength Square
Specimens (mm) (mm)
(N/mm2 ) Inch)
PW – A 406.4 101.4 0.9291 135
PW – B 406.4 101.4 1.0451 152
PW – C 406.4 101.4 1.3131 190
PW – D 406.4 101.4 1.1754 170
PW – E 406.4 101.4 1.0631 154
PW – F 406.4 101.4 1.2272 178
COM – A 406.4 101.4 1.1701 170
COM – B 406.4 101.4 0.7689 112
COM – C 406.4 101.4 0.6765 98
COM – D 406.4 101.4 0.9193 133
COM – E 406.4 101.4 0.6439 93
COM – F 406.4 101.4 0.6357 92
Average (PW) 1.1255 163
Average (COM) 0.8024 116

Table 5. Water Absorption and Moisture Content test of Plastic Wrapper Hollow Blocks
and Commercial Hollow Blocks within 18 days of curing.

Sample Mass as Dry Wet Immersed Water Moisture Water

I.D sampled Mass Mass Mass Absorption Content, Absorp
(A), (B), (C), (D), (%) (%) tion,
g g g g kg /m

PW-A 9,907 9,318 10,169 5,476 9.13% 69.21% 181.33

PW-B 10,571 9,907 10,863 5,826 9.65% 69.46% 189.80
PW-C 9,836 9,298 10,250 5,447 10.24% 56.51% 198.21
COM-A 11,497 10,80 11,765 6,744 8.93% 72.20% 192.00
COM-B 11,592 10,88 11,803 6,785 8.41% 76.97% 182.54
COM-C 11,368 10,75 11,640 6,696 8.27% 69.40% 179.81
Averag 10,104.67 9,507 10,427 5,583 9.67% 64.91% 189.84
e (PW)
Averag 11,485.67 10,81 11,736 6,741.67 8.53% 72.88% 184.81
e 3
Legend: (PW) – Plastic Wrapper; (COM) – Commercial; (CHB) – Commercial Hollow
Block; (>20%) – Water Absorption Standard Percentage; (>75) – Moisture

Table 6. Assessed hardness level adopted from the Moh’s Hardness Scale between
Commercial Hollow Blocks and Plastic Wrapper Hollow Blocks within 8 days of

Moh’s Materials Sample A. Sample B. (Plastic

Hardness Used (Commercial Hollow Wrapper Hollow Block)
Scale Block)
2.5 Fingernail Without Impression Without Impression
3.5 Copper penny Impression Impression
4.5 Iron Nail Impression Impression
6.5 Platinum Fork Impression Impression
7.5 Feldspar River Impression Impression
Pebble Rock

Table 7. Assessed hardness level adopted from the Moh’s Hardness Scale between
Commercial Hollow Blocks and Plastic Wrapper Hollow Blocks within 18 days
of curing.

Moh’s Materials Sample A. Sample B. (Plastic

Hardness Used (Commercial Hollow Wrapper Hollow Block)
Scale Block)
2.5 Fingernail Without Impression Without Impression
3.5 Copper penny Impression Without Impression
4.5 Iron Nail Impression Impression
6.5 Platinum Fork Impression Impression
7.5 Feldspar River Impression Impression
Pebble Rock

Table 8. Overall Mean and Standard Deviation of the Results of the Acceptability Test
through Size, Shape, and Color of the Plastic Wrapper Hollow Block and
Commercial Hollow Block in 8 days of curing.

Commercial (Sample A) Plastic Wrapper (Sample B)

Survey Overall Standard Overall Standard
Question Mean Deviation Mean Deviation
Q1 3.000 0.000 2.900 0.316
Q2 2.100 0.316 2.400 0.516
Q3 3.000 0.000 3.000 0.000
Q4 2.900 0.316 2.700 0.483
Q5 2.900 0.316 2.900 0.316
Q6 2.300 0.675 2.400 0.516
Q7 2.800 0.422 2.600 0.699
Q8 2.700 0.675 2.500 0.850
Q9 2.800 0.422 2.900 0.316
Q10 3.000 0.000 3.000 0.000

Table 9. Overall Mean and Standard Deviation of the Results of the Acceptability Test
through Size, Shape, and Color of the Plastic Wrapper Hollow Block and
Commercial Hollow Block in 18 days of curing.

Commercial (Sample A) Plastic Wrapper (Sample B)

Survey Overall Standard Overall Standard
Question Mean Deviation Mean Deviation
Q1 3.000 0.000 2.900 0.316
Q2 2.600 0.516 2.800 0.422
Q3 2.800 0.422 2.600 0.516
Q4 2.900 0.316 3.000 0.000
Q5 2.900 0.316 2.900 0.316
Q6 2.600 0.516 2.600 0.516
Q7 2.700 0.483 2.800 0.422
Q8 2.400 0.699 2.400 0.843
Q9 2.600 0.699 2.500 0.707
Q10 2.900 0.316 2.900 0.316

Table 10. One-Sample Wilcoxon of Plastic Wrapper Hollow Blocks and Commercial
Hollow Blocks of Size, Shape, and Color in 8 days of curing and 18 days of
curing (Minitab 19 Program)

Variable N x p – value
PW – Hollow 10 2.70 55 0.006*
Block (8 days)
COM – Hollow 10 2.85 55 0.006*
Block (8 days)
PW – Hollow 10 2.75 55 0.006*
Block (18 days)
COM – Hollow 10 2.75 55 0.006*
Block (18 days)
Legend: (PW) – Plastic Wrapper; (COM) – Commercial; ( x ) – median; (*) – Significant

Table 11. The Compaction Result between Commercial Hollow Block and Plastic
Wrapper Hollow Block within 8 days of curing.

Number of
Attempts on Physical Description Physical Description
Breaking (Standing in Vertical (Lying in Horizontal
(Approximately Position Drop Test) Position Drop Test)
1 meter)
Commercial 2 - The cell at the - Whole appearance
Hollow right side of of hollow block
Block (A) hollow block has was broke down
been crushed into pieces
- The two - Mostly contained
remaining cells small particles of
were contained broken concrete
uneven surface slags after the
and evidently breakage

Plastic 2 - The shredded

- There was no
Wrapper plastic became
Hollow more visible
Block (B) - Two cells within
- Whole
the sides of hollow
appearance of
block were
hollow block was
still intact
- Plastic wrapper
- The lower part of
made the
hollow block was
dismantled parts
evidently crushed
still intact, and
were not scattered

Table 12. The Compaction Result between Commercial Hollow Block and Plastic
Wrapper Hollow Block within 18 days of curing.

Number of
Attempts on Physical Description Physical Description
Breaking (Standing in Vertical (Lying in Horizontal
(Approximately Position Drop Test) Position Drop Test)
1 meter)
Commercial 2 - One of the cell - The whole features
Hollow was dismantled of hollow block
Block (A) into large pieces was broke down
- The fracture into pieces
between the two - It contain large
remaining cells broken concrete
were very slags after the
visible. breakage.

Plastic 2 - Some particles in - Due to long days

Wrapper a lower part of of curing, the
Hollow hollow blocks hollow block was
Block (B) was removed more compact and
- Overall, there is firm.
no any fractures - During the attempt,
or dismantling the hollow block
was occurred. was only bounced
back due to hard
- Some particles in
an upper part of
hollow block was

Table 13. Raw data observations from fire resistance test between Commercial and
Plastic Wrapper hollow block within 8 days of curing.

Specimens Time of thermal Physical Description

Sample A. (6 Commercial 15 minutes Before:
Hollow Blocks) - Rectangular in shape
- Grey in color
- Contained of Rough
- Slow penetration of
- The color on top and
bottom portions is
slowly changing
- The color on top and
bottom portions of
the specimen has
turned dark shade
- It cooled down more
quickly, as seen by
- There were no
changes in the
texture and the entire
features of the

Sample B. (6 Plastic 15 minutes Before:

Wrapper Hollow Blocks) - The shredded
plastics were very
- Rectangular in shape
- Dark grey in color
- Contained of Rough
- Faster penetration of
fire due to shredded
plastics visible in
- Color is slowly
- Shredded plastics

were apparently
melted but did not
catch fire
- The shredded
plastics were
evidently melted
- Due to the
disintegration of
plastics, the
specimen seemingly
- There was no
happened in terms of
its features and
texture of specimen
- The color in Some
parts of specimen
turned smoke grey
- Based by touch, it
slowly cooled down.

Table 14. Raw data observations from fire resistance test between Commercial and
Plastic Wrapper hollow block within 18 days of curing.

Specimens Time of thermal Physical Description

Sample A. (6 Commercial 15 minutes Before:
Hollow Blocks) - Rectangular in shape
- Has the light grey in
- It contain of dry
- Slow penetration of
- The color in upper
and lower part is
slowly changing
(same as 8 days
cured result)

- The upper and lower
parts of the specimen
were became black
- It cooled down faster
as observed by
touching (same as 8
days cured result)
- There is no changes
happen in terms of
texture and the
whole features of
specimen (same as 8
days cured result)
- Faster cooled down,
observed by touched.
(Same result as 8

Sample B. (6 Plastic 15 minutes Before:

Wrapper Hollow Blocks) - Color of dimmed
- Rectangular in shape
- It contain of dry
- The shredded
plastics were not
quite visible
- It contain of dry
- Slow penetration of
- Shredded plastics
were apparently
melted but did not
catch fire (same as 8
days cured result)
- Color is slowly
changing. (Same
result as 8 days)
- Fewer shredded
plastics were
apparently melted.
- Due to the

disintegration of
plastics, the
specimen seemingly
rigid (same as 8 days
cured result)
- There was no
happened in terms of
its features and
texture of specimen
- The color in Some
parts of specimen
has turned dark
- Based by touch, it
slowly cooled down.
(Same result as 8



Personal Information

Name : Phoebe Cates Zacarias Bumanglag

Home Address : Purok 3, Linabo

Malaybalay City

Email Address :

Date of Birth : April 27, 2002

Place of Birth : Malaybalay City, Bukidnon

Civil Status : Single

Nationality : Filipino

Religion : Baptist

Parent’s Name : Mr. & Mrs. Roy Roel C. Bumanglag

Educational Attainment

Senior High School : San Isidro College

Impalambong, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon

March 2020

Secondary : St. Michael High School of Linabo

Linabo, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon

Elementary : Linabo Central Elementary School

Linabo, Malaybalay City

Honor received : Journalist of the Year

With honors


Personal Information

Name : Ryan Philippe Tulang Mamawag

Home Address : 0353, Corner Abello Street,

Barangay 6, Malaybalay City

Email Address :

Date of Birth : September 12, 2001

Place of Birth : Malaybalay City, Bukidnon

Civil Status : Single

Nationality : Filipino

Religion : Roman Catholic

Parent’s Name : Mr. & Mrs. Raul T.N. Mamawag

Educational Attainment

Senior High School : San Isidro College

Impalambong, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon

March 2020

Secondary : San Isidro College

Impalambong, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon

Elementary : Little Child Learning Center

Bonifacio Street, Valencia City, Bukidnon


Honor received : Outstanding Servers of the Altar

CAT Award

Deportment Award

With Honors

Best in Christian Living

Best in Mathematics

Band of the Year

Drum and Lyre Cops.


Personal Information

Name : Jinx John Lloyd Sia

Home Address : BCT, Impalambong,

Malaybalay City

Email Address :

Date of Birth : May 18, 2001

Place of Birth : Malaybalay City, Bukidnon

Civil Status : Single

Nationality : Filipino

Religion : Roman Catholic

Parent’s Name : Ms. Dianita C. Sia

Educational Attainment

Senior High School : San Isidro College

Impalambong, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon

March 2020

Secondary : San Isidro College

Impalambong, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon

Elementary : San Isidro College

Impalambong, Malaybalay City, Bukidnon

Honor received : Loyalty Award

CAT Award


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